Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Sep 1927, p. 1

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* * « « * < < « Don't Forget - •<'- Ffi^ertoD Fall Fair ^ - • This Week^^ •'• September 22 and 23 Vol 47 No. 1 7 Flesherton. Ontano September 21, 1%7 W, H. Tliurslon & Son, Propri^ow ROCK MILLS PROTON STATION CEYLON EUGENIA lUMBERLEY We congratulate oar teacher, M».' A namber of former Proton Stat- F. Seeley, and pupils in carrying off , ion residents, who now reside in Tor- the first prize at the school fair, held, onto pnid this village a flying visit in Flesherton Thursday of last week. ' on Sanday' afternoon and were •orel- Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fisher, acconsp- come callers on some of their eld j anied by Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown of friends. They were Mr. Sandy Mc- j Toronto, motored to New Liskeard . Lean, Mr. Donald )fcLeas, who was j last week and visited the latter's section foreman here for a number j brother there. <5-* year^, his son and daaghter, Mr. ; Mr. Levi Betts and two sons. Cecil, and Kenneth, attended the Meaford fair last week. Services wil! con-.i<ience a^ain nest Sunday, September 25th, in Salen; church at 7.30 pjn. Master Bobbie Clark spent a few days with relatives in Toronto and also attended the Exhibition. Miss Ettie Radley spent a few days . at the home of her sister. Mrs. Ed. Fisher. Xeil and Miss Bemice McLean and \ their friend Mr. Garnet Forbes, also | Mr. and Mrs. Becker and j Mr. ard Mrs. .-V. R. Cade, who rem- ! ained tmtil after church then motored back to Toronto. Their friends at Pro- ton hope they may come mgrnin. Miss Ercily .\cheson is home for a few days before returning: to Toronto \ L'niversity. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Batche'.or were: Mrs. W. J. Mc- Lean of Philadelphia. Mrs. Frank Hill Mr. Ed. Croft made a business trip ^^ g^j.^ HiU and Mrs. Batchelof, to Mount Forest one day last week. ,-3^^^, jj, CarapbeU of Owen Sound. Miss Edna Partridge of Eugenia: j^ mediciae companv is entertain- visited with her grandmother. Mrs. jng oj^ ^.^sOl^ y^ese eveninjrs and A. Partridge, here. ; .^^^ ^^ attract good siied audiences. Mrs. Fred Field of Toronto is visit-' K contest for the most popular youn^ ing with relatives here. j lady is being carried on, the winner Our sincere sympathy b extended t>f which receives a gold wrist- watch. to Mrs. White and family in their* .\ new concrete bridge is being hour of bereavement by the death of built on the town line close to the their husband and father. Mr. David village. Mr. Hugh Watt of Paisley White, who passed away Thursday is the contractor, night, September loth. Interment â-  took place to Flesherton cemetery on EAST MOUNTAIN Saturday, September ITth. Mr. T. Monaghan visited over the : Messrs. Leslie and Gordon McMull- week end with his son here. Mr. CecQ en spent a few days at the exhibition Monaghan, wife and family. in Toronto last week. Considerable gravelling has been Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fawvott ..f E,^ done on the county road here lately, ping and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Fawcett of Duncan spent ^'^lnd^ly with Mrs. T. Fawectt. Mrs. S. Snsart has returr.e-i home after a two weeks visit with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Chas» McCullough â- ~~ and babe, spent a few dars with the less dress friends in Toronto. Mr. John Orr of Orangeville is vis- ~"~~"^~~~~ it ing his ancle. Mr. Carl Humber«tone. Dieting is so popular that s«>res of Misses Mabel Thompson and Ret.% doctors have had to economise by Fawcett are attending the Flesher- putting last year's masrasines in their ton High School. '^*^'»« " ^'»^- I Mr. Chas. Fawcett left Wednesday ~~^~^~~~~~~~~ â-  to visit friends at Mooseiaw. Sask. The man who yearns to get back a number from here attended the to the old swimming hole for a school fair in Flesherton on Thurs- vacation is usu-'illy glad to return to day. a nice clean white enamelled bathtub Mr. Walter McKeown and Master and is now in much better condition for travelling over. Miss Leila Jackson of Proton visit- ed recently with Miss Mable Betts. Mr. Geo. Beecroft visited recently at the home of Mr. Levi Betts. Fashion paradox the best dressed. with plenty of hot and cold water. THE SALT.XTTOX .\RMT FEVERSH.\M hold meetings as follows : Stm. Morning â€" Sunday school 10.30. Sun. .\ftemoon â€" Public Meetinjr S.OO. Sun. Nightâ€" Salvation Meetinjr 8.00. Tues. Nightâ€" Public Meeting at 8.00. Bright Bre«sy Services. E\'EllYBODY WELCOME. t Vernon Stuart of DuiK'an day with Mr. S. Smart. spent .\ well-known woman violinist, of London, says that she suffers sever* toothache when she strikes certain high notes. Not to be compared, however, with the sufferings which some of the amateur vioninists in- flict. WE INVITE YOU TO COME AND MAKE OUR STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS WHILE AT THE FAIR Portable 'Gramaphones $8 Watches $1.50 up Clocks 7S c. up Diamond Rings $12 up Silverware Pipes Kodaks and Films Cut Glass Brass Ware Fair Day Specials 10 K, Rings We are offering for less than half price FOR ONE DAY ONLY Reg. :^ Now $1 WATCH OUR WINDOW FOR THE USFD WATCHES 7 J. 1 5 J. I7J. 2IJ. AT$5.00 BREAD TRAYS FOR $1.98 W. A. ARMSTRONG & SON Flesherton, Ontario Mr. acd Mrs. Tryons and son of' Ohio are visitors with the latter's < sister, Mrs. Richard Whittaker. I â-  Mr. and Mrs. Evans, and daughter; • Peggy, and Miss Lottie Muir, Torosio i visited with Mrs. .A.iiie Muir the past j week. Mrs. Wiifred Snyder, and babe, of ; Toronto ar? visiting with their fath- ' «r, Mr. D. D. McLaoehlao. | Mr. and Mrs. J. D. SfcLeod, andj daughter Jeianette. left on Satarviay ^ for a motor trip to Detroit and otber • pomts. i Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Cairns have re- tismed from a week's motoring trip to Hamiltaa and St. Catharines. Mrs. C«cil -Archibald of Proton spent the week with her parentis Mr. S. Heaphill. daughter Maud. Mr. Robt. Cook and Miss Millie mot- ored to Clartsbarg th« first of tfce week. Dr. Ray Fletcher of Twoato accom- panied by Mr. Munr© of Dcsdalk vis. ited with the former's aunt, Mrs. R. Wliittaker. and called on old Be%ii- bors on Stones' Line, who were de- lighted to see the doctor. Mr. 6. Whittaker aiid sister, Mrs. Xebear, who have been visiting tbeit parents left Monday for their heme at .\.knin. Ohio. Dr. ar.d Mrs. West and little dau- ghter of .\ngus sper.t the week end with the latter's parsEts. Mr. and Mrs. R. Whittaker. Mr. .Arthur Whittaker of Toronto spent the week end with his brother here. Dr. Mahoney. Dr. Ladrd of Ckielph. Mr. and Mrs. .\lex. Stewart and three dauirhters. Ella, Olca. Elma of Owen Sourd spent tho week end with Mr. and Mrs. .A.. Sir.cliar. On Tuesday eveniivc i>f last week the Ladies" .\id gave an ice cream social at the church, which was well patronized. Mr. Prosser occupied the chair in his -jsual happy manner, giv- ing the opening address and also lat- er in the program, a recitation. Miss Kate McMillan gave a lengthy and quite humorous reading which kept the andierjoe sn-.iHtig. Miss Je*nette MfLeod recited. Miss Stewart gave a ci^uple of solos, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo Cairns aiMi Mrs. .\. McIXinald gave a couple of trios, w+.ioh were enjk>y«d, Mr. .\lex. Knox gave a uke selection which had to be respoivded to with an encore. The program then being fin- ished the ladies served cake and ice cream. Mr. .\rrowsmith. who had charge of the door announced the pro- ceeds being nearly 830. The ladies are very grateful to all who assisted to make the evening a sr.ivess. Sunday. September 25 being Rally Day, the Sunday school will join the sabbath school in the school exercises which will commence at 11 o'clock. Special music wil! b* given. It is hoped that all the parents and friends will attend. I a coapie at days bst week wjak Mr. fasd lbs. Sa«d Fxscett. Miss JvstiBA Blis catertaiaed the :^hoir OB Tneaiay evcanag at a 'whr- ' ar roast. i£r. and Mrs. Chas, Graha^-v i&-5. P!ewis, Mrs. John Taylor asd Mis^ Mirreida sptnt a day this weei with Mrs, Prank Davis of Vandeienr, >Ir. aad Mrs, W. L. Wet^r ar.i Miss Lois vjiited Sunday with Mr. ir-z Mrs. Swaster. of Mar'Edsli. Mr. J.-r.r. Weber retEm-ed home with thetr;. Miss Helen WeJton of Fksr.*.-t<: n spent Sanday with the ICssies B::rr- itt. Miss Ehrie Bxsbo]>, B. .A., of Ge^.r- g«tii»wi» CoOesiate speat ti* week f !^j with her parents. 3«r. and Mrs. W. S, Bishop. Mr. Car? Carrjihers cf T.-r. -:-: •â- -;<- his PRICEVILLE Thrjshing is the order of the day around here. .Uessrs. CKffond Hrndcs and Mnmy N'ichol leave b.vday for Toremto, when? they will attend Xomal. Miss Ha MacCannetl of ProU->n Sta- tion is visiting her sister. Mrs. .A. L. Hincks. .A number of oar yooth and beaaty attended the party at the home of Mr. John Xicol Sr. on Wednesday night, and all report a splendid time. The play gi\ien at Dromore on Fri- day night by the Priceville people was a success, the proceeds amount- ing to nearly $19.00. Miss .Alma Tooper was the guest of her friend. Miss Margaret Xichoi, tm Sunday. Miss Esther McLean of Melancthon ' spent the week end at her home. Miss .Ada MacLean of Toronto vis- ited recently at Mr. Dan Campbell's, Everybody around here ar* plann- ing to take in Fle.^^herton fair on Fri- daj-. We hope the Weather Man favors them with a good day. SEPTEMBER i Ht. and Mrs- Hsrl And o^ allots a roiden sptarfow.'"^ ^^" «* Coffiagwticd risited ^^ That hi^s «i giaries, we eamMt see; That tiiziDs tbt heart with a pmtL- ise tender. Of coming gladness in days tc i>e. The Ute W. J. Saigeoa Mr. William John Saigeoo, an old resident of CoUingwood and of the Feversham district passed away at the home of his duighter. Mrs. Mar- shal! McMaster ia Toronto, on Tses- day EBomiog, Septemba- Sth, 1^7. He had been ailing the past few years with seneoia, thea dro^y set in, which in the end proved fataL He was bom in King tawsship 77 years ago ard when esite a small lad he came with his parents and resided in Ospr«y township, near th» village of Maxrweil and Feversham, His wife (whose maiden aane wras Miss Rebecca fiawkens) is^deceased him four years ago. The reasaBis were it«d over Sacday with brooght to Collingwood «i the noon Mrs. B. .A. Carrathcrs. train, Thursday. Sept. Sth to "Rcott's Mr. Wt.. E'lis is h.-nie after sr-r.i- andertakiEg parlor, where the fun- ing the summer at Port Lorir.g. M*l took place to the Trinity United i£j.. ^j^j jij^j ^jjj M^ei^ were th* Church cemetery, ^ifhere the remains j-^sts ex. Ssasday of Mr. and Mr?. of his beioved wife Be, The funer- Loait of Clarksburg. a! ser.->ce was held in Toronto. .At We «* v«ri- sorrv to hear of ->. the grave the pa^or of the Trini^ death of Mr. Leslie McMuCen'* fa-v. United church. C<dlingwood. officiated ^- -.,.j ..r*--^ The pall bearers were Messrs. Sam _^^^^^^_ _ ' "'""' •' and Will Hawkins, Dwaid McDxmald, Fred Pedlar, 3iEr. Hiafie aad Mr. Wagnes. The flowers were many aad beautiful showing the respect of the deceased. Those left to mourn the loss of a loving father are: Eva (Mrs. McArth- ar. Ravenna. Ont,^ Jennie \Mrs. M. McMaster. Toronto, Ont., May (Mrs. -A. Faulkner, Toronto) and .Ar.n:? al- so of Toronto. One son, Robert, and cne son. adopted. Philip, of Toronto. We extend our sympathy to the rorrowii^ frieads and itebttives in •.heir sad bereavement. Messrs, Will and Jos, Hawkins, Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Sherwood. Mr. Jno. Magee. Mr. Donald McDotiald and Mr, Freri Pedlar of Eugenia. Mr, F. Pedlar, Sth line and Mrs. Sosaa Doupe aad s<m Charles and family of Sau- geea Joct attended the funeral. How slender is life's sibrer cord. How soon it is broken hoe. Each moment brii^rs a parting word -A-nd many a fallen tear. The teaai drawiag c-; proaiae of again beiag ^ F*w«tl aad «» «!« ^•^ ^^ pwT"- -,Te» Advertise m The .\dvanor De Laval Cream Separator Wliy Bse an oU, warn aat Sep- arator. Give ywir cevs a ckaate ta earn aiote Mo a ey far yaa by getting a aev D« LaraL Come is and let aa devoestrate n to yoo. We have Sep- arator Oa aad Repairs. W. A. HAWKEN FLESHERTON. OXT. BATES BURIAL CO. FUNEIIAL SERVICE -\EW MODERN FUXER-\L P.\RLORS 122-124 Avenue Road, TORONTO Klngsdal« lXi4 J. W. Bate*. Telephone : R. Maddocks. IN MEMORIAM J.AMIESOX â€" In loving memory af my dear father, John Kemaghaa JamieisMi. wh* pa«s«d away. Sept- ember 19tK 19K. The month of September again is here For me, the saddest of all the rear: -A dav of reraembrance. so sad to rwall But tleen in our hearts he was K^ved by all. â€"Daughter. Eva. Any information regarding matters pertaining to Fall Fair wfll be cheer- fully itiven by Sec. T. W, Findlay. Phone in both honse aad shop. Mr. Loppard received the ' ;! new? c^n rh-jrsd.^y last that his -•.=:er, Mary iMrs. Hudson^ of Lind- sy, Or.t,, was ^^ery low with heart t-^ub!e. He since received m phone c- s&age that she had passed away. W- extend cur sympathy to the ber- e*;ver friends. The Rural School Fair, held at Fle^'-erton on Thursday last, was .^ •iec; ' -d success. Our school wv»n sec- ond n the parade and also captur- ed neral pries. Congratulations to Mis - Irene Martin of our school and Ms ;er Harvey Cn>ft of Flesherton sc>.^v>5. who were stsccessful in the spe.<iking contest, Nurse Minns of Toronto is attend- in- the bedside of Mrs. P. Munshaw, v"o is yet in a serious corditiv^n, Mr, and Mrs, Chas, Qnesnel and f;unily of Owen Sound spent Sunday a Mr. Jos. Sherwood's. Mrs. Sher-' wood and daughter. Miss Lucy Mc- Ponald returned home with them to spend a few days in the scenic city. Miss Mar\- Weber has tetumod heme from Grier*\-ille. Mr SlvTOod Purvis and familj- of jll'ngwvxsi and Mr. Edwin Pur>is, wife and daughter of Torv^r.t.^ spent •.Ne week end with their parents louncillor and Mrs. Purvis. Mr. Sam MclX^vald left on Monday to attend Norman School in Toronto, :=uccess Sam I Mr. Harold Lever of F'.esherton spent Sun»lay at Mr. C. Martin's. Mr. Will Magv« is not feeling very ^rell these liays. having r\vei\-ed a ick from a horso one day last week. \"e wish him a s'svedy recovery as ;".;* is a busy time of the yvar. Mr. Cecil Magiec has retumod after spending a pleasant week's vj$it â- w-th his aunt, Mrs, Gv^nion Kcilar. .in,i I *her friends in Toront*v Mr. :r.d Mrs. Herbert LeGarxl and t'sree children, and Mr, Harry LcGard sj-.^nt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert M; ,ree and family. V*e arc 5^^^r^• to report Mr. Bert Ma.-oe has been under the doctor's catv for the past few days. HOUSE OF QUALITV SPECIAL Wc have a number of Real Choice Cotton Bags 4 for 99 cents WHILE THEY LAST W. J. STEWART & SONS no*. F.«J, a,«k. Gaocri* ami Confacti-.^ Flesherton Th» school parade led by Swinton; Park : .^nd will leave Market comer as soon after I o'clock as posible Fair Day. ScTit S8. The Right Time For new shippers to start is rigrht now in the sprimr cTSm ^Vs!' ''"' '' '"''''"'' '' -'"" '""« ^^^^^ There is a big difference in grading cream, which atiects the price you get. By selling your cream to us you xxnll be assured the ver>- best grading, because >ou can dehver the cream more prompth-. or we wiU call tor It pn.->mptly and have it graded in the shortest tmie p.x<sible. thereby assuring you of Special No. I gradmg. \\ e are pro\-ing this to our present mat- rons. •^ Highest juarkct prices and Satisfaction Guaranteed "west Markdale Creamery NomI and Prodace Co. Wiiilt M.\RKD.\UE, ONT.\RIO. PHONE 66 i^airiBuulita J.-A \ s ^^

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