Football at Fevorsliani, Angast 27tli, at 6 p.iii. Feversham vs Swinton Park, W.F.A. Team Ihje fksi^txion %hwmct. Vol47No. 13 Flesherton, Ontario August 24, 1927 W. H. Thurston & Son, PropridoBB p o R T L A w Mrs. Goldring of Philadelphia spent last week visiting °with her niece, Mrs. J. A. Thompson. ' Bom â€" On Thursday, the 18th inst. to Mr. and Mrs. Roy White, a son. Congratulations . Uiss Marguerite Fisher is visit- ing with realatives in Toronto. Sorry to hear that the little dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Murrin Croft is very ill at present. Considerable fail wheat threshing has been done of late, and the grain is said to have turned out well. GOOD SILVERWARE 15 NOT A LUXURY /N THESE DAYS a taUei vice of good silverware is bj- DO means an eztravagaace. Ratber it is a meeeoMty, vi^iich mot^ena standards of living and good housekeeping demand'^-and comparativeljr inexpensive. To fully appreciate tins you Iiave but to come and see otir complete displays of world-famoua COMMUNITY PLATE Tbe TabUvMin oflkf&udoit Four beantikl drsigns fiem which to cbooaeâ€" die //amptoi Csori^ Gtm* *€iwr. BirdtfPunJim and Adam. Tea Spoons are ^4w25 the set; o^er charming pieces £nni$i up. Come in and see themâ€" if on]y toadmix« and compara* W. A ARMSTRONG & SON JEWELLERS •ytt>tt»t* » ttftt»tt M **t*tttt*f M»Mm t* H tt » * H *ttt'? » *tt? H »?» MH» *t » *»»^ Tv^inc i Rope International and Brantford Bindertwine IN 600 & 650 FT. BALLS ON HAND Sling and Trip Rope Of Pure Manilla Only A. E. HAW, Ceylon \\. S ' Stocks & McLean DUNDALK ARE OFFICIAL AGENTS FOR McCormack-Deering Implements Repairs A GOOD STOCK OF REPAIRS KEPT ON HAND AT ALL TIMES TELEPHONE CALLS WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION ORDERS MAY BE LEFT WITH R DOWN A SONS, FLESHERTON CARLOAD JUST ARRIVED Parties wishing to secure fertilizer for fall wheat. TELEPHONE OR WRITE STOCKS & McLEAN DUNDALK. ONT. CEYLON Miss Catharine Muir in company with oth^r friends visited with rela- tiveb at Collingwood the past week. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cook and son Clifford of Ebrodale visited at R. Cook's on Friday. Constable R. Cook took a prisoner to Owen Sound on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. L. Gorrey and son Jack of Lauriston visited Thursday at Mr. H. Pii>er's. Mr. and Mrs. Pip- er accompanied them to Owen Sound. Miss Elsie Cook of Ferguson is spending a few holidays with Misses Maud and Reta Hemphill. Mr. and Mrs. Neil McKinnon, Mr. and Mrs. John McKinnon and Mrs. Akitt of Brampton spent the week end at the home of VLi. George Arrow- smith's and Ms. A. McMuIlen's. Miss Florence Hunt of Toronto is visiting at Mr. Georfe Arrpwsmith's. Mrs. Hyslop of Eugenia is visiting with her sister, Miss Jessie McEen- zie. Mrs. Raney and babe of Wiarton spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. McPhail. Mrs. J. L. McMullen, accompanied Mrs. Alfred Harrison and son Jas. to Wasaga Beach and CoUingwood the first of the week. Mr. Arfhur Whittaker of Toronto spent the week end with his brother here. Mrs. Herbie Fisher and two children dren, who have been visiting hp<* moth- er, Mrs. Mary McLeod, and - r rel- atives left Tuesday for her home in Toronto. Master Sherman Piper acc- ompanied his aunt home for a few hol- idays. Dr. Laird, Dr. Mahoney of Guelph, Mr. ar.d Mrs. Alex. Stewart and dau- ghters, Ella, Olga and Emma and Miss Ruby Kirkwood of Owen Sound and Mr. William Hales of Proton were the guests over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Sinclair and family. Mr. S. Hemphill and Misses Maud 9mJ Reta and Mr. Percy motored to Fergus the first of the week. Miss El- sie Cook who has been visiting at the home of Mr. Hemphill returned with them to her home. Mrs. Marshall and daughter, Stella are visiting friends at Bolton and Bala Master Leverne and Wilfred Piper sRent the past wieek with their cousin, ilaoter Jack Torrey at Lauriston. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Gilchrist spent the first of the week with friends out of town. Mr. John McWilliams and" Mr;' Chesr- ney, who ai-e employed near Shelburne spent the week end at their home here. Mrs. Cecil Archibald of Proton spent the. week end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred €hislett and son Jack who have been visiting here re- turned on Monday to their home at Listowel. Mrs, Chislett favored the morning service here with two well rendered solos which were enjoyed by the congregation. Mr. and Mrs. Thos., Genoe and family visited the first of the week with friends at Eugenia. We are pleased to report Mr. Thos. Hazzard, son of Mr. Albert Hazz- ard improving after an operation for appendicitis in Durham hospital. Rev. Mr. M. Saunders, pastor of the Baptist church, Flesherton held service in the Orange Hall on Sabb- ath eveaning aat 7.30 to a good crowd the service was much enjoyed by all present. Mrs. L. Pedlar favored the congregation with a much enjoyed solo. Mr. R. Cook and Miss Millie vis- ited friends at Elrodale the first of the week. Miss Jones of Toronto was the guest of Miss Irene Stuart over the week et)d. Mr. Herb Haw of Swinton Park visited at A, E. Haw's over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gibson and dau- ghter, Helen and girl friend of Tor- onto spent the week end with Mr. J. Gibson's. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Gilchrist, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Patterson spent the first of the week in CoUingwood. Mr.and Mrs. Thos. Genoe and fam- ily visited the first part of the week with friends at Eugenia, and was accompanied home by Mrs. Crew of Toronto for a few holidays. Mrs. Donald McLeod left on Sun- day to visit with her daughter, Mrs. Dr. Beatty at Dundas. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jackson and babe apent the week eMd with friends at Brantford. i PRICEVILLE Berry picking is the order of the] day around here. Some have started ' harvesting. ' Miss Christena Legged of Buffalo : , is visiting at Mr. Thos. Nichol's. j Miss Jean McLean and Mr. Murray : MacMillan visited on Sunday at Mr. John Scott's, North Egremont. I Mr. and Mrs. Jos. McKee of Mark- 1 dale visited on Sunday at Mr. Wm. | Aldcorn's. i Miss Rebecca and Donalda Nichol; Sundayed at Mr. Dan L. McArthur's. ' Mr. David Hincks and family were | Sunday visitors at Mr. Howard Mc- ' Lean's, near Hopeville. j Mr. and Mrs. Patterson and family of near Durham were visitors at Mr. Angnis Hooper's and attended church service in the hall. On Monday, the 22nd. the late Mrs. Archie Ferguson on the 19th con.Pro- ton was buried in the McNeil Gem- i etery, Priceville. Deepest sympathy ; is extended to the sorrowing friends ' in their sad berevement. Dr. Martin and daughter Grace of | Toronto were visitors at Mrs. K. Mc-| Arthurs recently. I Mr. and Mrs. Pearson and family of Toronto spent the week end at Mr. Archie MacCuaig's. The MacCuaig family and Mac- Leods' and Hincks' enjoyed a Jay at I Wasaga Beach the first of the wnek. | A number from here attended the i L. 0. L. picnic at Swinton Park on i Wednesday last and all report a good time. Mrs. MacLaughlan and daughter Jean visited recently at Mr. Hector MacLean's. Miss Mary Carson spent a few d.-.ys with her friend. Miss Olive McMeekin. Congratulations to all those succ- essful in passing their exams. Miss Florence Carson has accept- ed a position in Flesherton. Mr. Alex. MacLean arrived home from Kingston, after spending a month at the Sumer School. EXTRA SPECIALS 2 tins of Campbell's tomato soup for 25c. Fresh Fancy Biscuits, regular 30c.. Special 25c. Regular 35c. Special ; 30c. Clark's Soup, 3 tins for aSc. Clark's Catsup Special „.....„.. 20c. Brooms, Regular 65c. for ., 45c. Regular 85c. Special 69c. Boy's Fleece lined Undearwear, per garment 40c. 32 inch Ginghams, per yd 25c. Men's Fine Shirts ..". 98c. Heavy Overalls, per garment „ $1.65 A. WATSON PHONE 60 AT YOUR SERVICE, FEVERSHAM Mrs. John Smalley and children of CoUingwood are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Barber. Mrs. Everett Wiley, Nottawa, spent ln-t week, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wiley. - Mr. John Speers made a business trip to Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs.,Eby and babe visited \z.zt week with friends in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Will Colquette and ch'Mren, and Mr. Ivan Alexander of 0- 2n Sound spent the week end with tlie â- parents here. Rii'-~3 JoUey of Owen Sound visited ove the week end with Mr. and Mrs R. . Colquette. y â- . and Mrs. Jim Davidson and dau liter. Mrs. Whiteoak and Miss Mp . Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Whiteoak aii.i babe, Miss Dorothy and Annie Rob'nson, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Os- bc" le and son and Mr. Walter Kerton sp.nt Sunday at the Beach. â- Ir. and Mrs. Clivo Morris are visit- i; r Mrs. Henderson and family. Mrs. W. Davidson is with Mrs. Joe I anktree on the 4th line, who, we are . orry to report is on the sick list. Mr. Jim Whiteoak, Mrs. Little of Cuffalo and Mr. Barnes of Toronto v" sited with and Mrs. G. Whiteoak 'â- 3t week. The Maple Valley, Singhampton ;d Feversham Presbyterian churches ook a picnic to the Beach last Tues- day, a good number from each church attending. Mrs. Henderson intends holding an auction sale on Saturday next. See bills for particulars. KENNEDY'S GROCERY GROCERY SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK 3 pks. Corn Starch 29c. 3 Boxes Corn Flakes 29c. 3 lbs pure Lard 59^. Surv-Us Baking Powder ^ 29c. Fly Tox (bottle 50c. and sprayer SOc.) all for...... 79c- MEN'S WEAR Special in Men's Ready-to-wear Sj Clearing at almost Half Price Come in and get suited. W. G. KENNEDY Phone 37 I BATES BURIAL CO. FUNERAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNER-U PARLORS 122-124 Avenue Road, TORONTO Telephone: Klngsdale 4344 J. W. Bates. R. Maddocks, VICTORIA CORNERS Marguerite Stinson and Margaret Moore are spending a month at Elgin louse, Muskoka. The members of Inistioge church id Sunday school held a picnic on -.e grounds next the church on Fri- day and reported a good time. The i.iarried men beat the single men at bnseball. The races, in 'Which old and young joine^; were especially enjoyed. Miss Georgina Stevens of Fergus is \ isiting her cousin.Roszella Stevens. I Ir. and Mrs. Chas. Moore, Helen and Ted are visiting in Smithville. Shingle Spe€:a Lumber, Shingles and Lath No. 1â€" $5.50 per M. cash off car. No. 2â€" $4.50 per M. cash off car fiESifiiOH m\m mils H. A- McAULEY, Prop. BOOSTERS WANTED The special priies for Flesherton Pall Fair are the best in the history of the society. Inquire for a list On^ Thousand Boosters for our Pall Fair, Sept. 22-28. Which are you a boot tar or a knocker? The Right Time For new shippers to start is rig-ht now in the spring "" season. You will find it profitable if vou brine your CREAM TO US. ' ^ ' : There is a big difference in grading cream, which affects the price you get. By selling year cream to us you will be assured the very best grading, because you can deliver the cream more promptly, or we will call for it promptly and have it graded in the shortest time possible, thereby assuring you of Special No. 1 grading. We are proving this to our present pat- rons. Highest market prices and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Honest Markdale Creamery HmmI "" and Produce Co. W«|M MARKDALE. ONTARIO. PHONE 66