t t TORONTO OWL.LAFFS O. W. L. THE BEST MEDiaNE FOR FLOWER LOVERS SHE EVER USED' Dr. WiUiama' Pink Pills Highly Praised by a Quebec Lady. i Mrs. David Logan, Thetford Mines West, Quo., gives unstinted praise to ' Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for the good they have done In her family. Mrs. | Logan says: â€" "I have been a user of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for many j years, as occasion required, and have always found them a most reliable What promises to bo Oie biggest flowor show ever held In Canada is to ^e h«ld In th'S M«morlal School Auditorium, Hamilton, Ont., on Aug. ' 24th end 26th. Being' the combined , cxhlbltion«-of the Canadian GUdin'.u.i Society and Uio Hamilton Horticul- tural Society, It win tax the school to Ita capacity. The Secretary, Mrs. Schumacher, 112 Victoria At«. N., Hanulton, is liuny Kcuulng out the i)r1ze li.sld and she roports keen Intercut in ail the classes wh'ph Include thj 'jpen, amateur and medicine. My husband, who was ro- ncvice. covering from an atUck of typhoid jhe outstanding features of the fever, and was in a very weak condi- j ^^^ ^m be the competition for the tlon, took the pills, and through them Spectator Cup In the open claaa, the >Fnon* th« new features of the 1927 Ouiadtan National Elxhlbltlon will ba Toe new Live Stock Pavilion â€" an I- acre extension to the C. N. B. Collaeum. Canadians will point with particular pride to this mammoth new structure. ilâ€" â€" II â- â- "Om, two; one two; higher, faster, higher." Oh, why did I eat that pteT These ezerclses tire.* "Bend to left, bend to right. Forward, backward; atop." A pound a day must melt away. I'm meltlnr drop by drop. No rest. No peace. No beauty nap. Haven't had a decent meal; But no one gives a rap. "One, two; one, two" â€" I'm sick and tired ol that I want to eat. I want to sleep. All right, then. I'll be fatl 49lh Ytar aN.B. CeUbrattnt Canada'! tOth Btrlhdat t fjohn J. Dixon ; Turtle, 10,000,000 Years Old, Found • Dug Up in North Dakota With • Floating Rocks and Other Prehistoric Relics "la your husband a good provider, Mandy?" "Shuh Is a provldah, notiln' but. He's going to buy furniture provldln' he glU the money; he's goin' to git the money provldln' be goes to work; he goes to work provldln' there's noth- in' else to be did, provldln' the Job suits him. He suttlnly la a provldah." gained health and strength. My daughter was in a Eua-dbwn condition, and was forced to discontinue work. Again Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were resorted to and she was soon restored to excellent health. Then my eldest boy had an operation performed for adenoids, which left him In a weak- ened condition. Once more Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills were tried, and he was soon In excellent health. So I can truly say thai more than satis- faction has been obtained by the use of this medicine. The pills have done more good In my home than hundreds of dolara worth of more expensive medicines." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills assist di- gestion, correct the lassitude, the pal- pitation of the heart, shaky nerves and the pallor of the face and lips that are the result of thin, impure blood. You can get these Pills from any medicine dealer, or by mail at &0 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., BrockviUe, Ont. GARY'S HAND WAVES STEEL MILLS START You can buy a dog with money, but It takes love to put a wag In Its talL Eaton Trophy in the amateur clasn and the Kiwanls Cup in the seedling daes. Two years ago the Hamilton KIwanta Club offered to the Canadian Gladiolus Society a cup to be award- ed to the beet seedling gladlolua of outetanding merit This meant that the winn«r muat be a better flower than any on the market at the preeemt time. This atlired up a great deal of in- terest and the rivalry was very keen. Among those entered was one from far oft New Zealand. In eplte of the high caliber of th« enteriee, the Judges would not make an award. The aame thing happened at Peterliorough last year and adthough there was keen disappotntmient among the exhibtors, it stirred up their blood with the result that this year is going to see the greatest atruggle for thla coveted prlae. Beeld«s the 225 claasee for gladiolus, there are numerous sections tor asters, dahlias and dozens of other fall bloom- ing annual» and per^aniaJs. For Toar Fall Wheat â€"Use NATIONAL FERTILIZERS As a good farmer you know that good fertilizer is an invest- ment, not an expense. National Fertilizers are good fertilizers. Tbey an a, properly-balanced food for the soil, "Made in Cnada" from formula: it has taken years to perfect. Every bag is uniformly mixed with guaranteed analysis attached to each bag. As a rule properly fertilized wheat matures from a week to ten days earlier than unfertilized wheat. Get the advantage of an earlier and better-quality crap this season. Order your jertilizes now. We ship anywhere in the Province. NATIONAL FERTILIZERS, LTD. West Toronto 9 v^ ^jJyjr T&s. Ontario Ask about National Stock Foods â€" they get results 1 AGENTS WANTED! in districts where we are not represented. , ON EXHIBIT IN ST. PAUL St. Paulâ€" Floating rocks and a petri- fied turtle are included in the collec- tion of prehistoric relics which have . been found in the Bad Laniis of North Dakota and placed on exhibition at St. ' Paul. Minn. The turtle and other articles were picked up in th-e proposed Roosevelt Park region near Medora, and were described recently by C. R. Stauffer, professor of geology at the University of Minnesota. "The turtle probably was buried ten mllillon yeers ago by hot asbee car- ried by the wind from the erupting Rocky Mountains," esplaln'ed Prof. Stauffer. "The fact that the shell Is intact. Indicates that the turtle did Bot die a natural death." H« said the floating rocks were melted by the Intense heat of burning 'coal mines. Tbe moltco rock was full of gaseous bubbles which remain- ed aa the mass solidified, thus making the rocks buoyant. Other articles in the exhibit Includes a petrified piece of redwood, the point of a prehistoric mammal and bones of other animals, buried cemturlea ago. " Some men greed. respect no creed but "Guess I'll go on a bender," said the fly starting around the pretzel. An absent-minded young physician, courting a girl, charged her two dol- lars a visit. Wax dummies in the store windows aro dumb; but there are dummer wo- men than wax dummies who can talk blue streaks. And of that there's no doubt. Someone says kissing Is a relic of tho dark ages. Also dark nights. Mae^â€" "Let's match for the eats! Sue â€" "Where shall we lunch?" Mae â€" "Let's match first." "Well, well, old fellow, you look half dead. Why don't you take a va- cation, or have you?" According to the public's idea there are two kinds of chorus girls and the other kind aren't working. Tho complete skeptic Is the man who Is as skeptical of reason as of everj'thing else. â€" G. K. Chesterton. Even when a woman's husband is the light of her life, he may go out once in a while. "Modesty 'is a disease," states a doctor. Some of our novelists and playwrights have a decidedly healthy outlook at that rale. Patient â€" "Doctor, how are my chances?" Doctor â€" "Oh, pretty good, but I wouldn't start reading any continued stories." The^tory that fishing-worms can sing probably originated from some fisherman who heard a mosquito while he was putting on the bait Silence does not always mean con- tempt. Sometimes it means ignor- ance. Things could be worse. Suppose flies barked like dogs or had bells around their necks like cows. "Madge is sore* on Jack. She calls him a dumb-bell." "Because she couldn't get a ring out of him, I suppose." - "IIow about some brains, Mrs. Casey?" "Oi'U take a couple of pounds. Mr. Casey ain't had any fer a long time." Some men put pleasure; the wi?e iu business. business before ;nes put pleaburc "He's a successful farmer " "Yes, he's sold his farm to a golf club." To m^ke a person want a thing tor- bid it. ^joOicOad-Jani ^feutaida piUowfuL *?«l^. Pa Buzz fails to make ahomer' FIT spny clean your home of flies and mos- ouitoes. It alsokills bed bugs, toacfaes, ants, and Uicjr tggj. Fatal tp insects but harmless to mtukkind. Will not stain. GM Flit today. Mtritaltrf M Caitadm ky TndJ. WhUlam »Co., Limittd, Tom«M Elbert H. Oary, chairman of the United States Steel Corporation pass- ed his hand several times over a glass sphere on his desk at*Tl Broadway, New York, on June 16 last and a minute quantity of electricity thus released, amplified and transmitted to Pittsburgh, set in motion a 700-vol* motor-generator uaed to furnish pow- er for the rolling machinery of the Homestead Works of the Carnegie Steel Company. Says "The Iron Trade Review" (Cleveland): "The demonstration waa arranged by the corporation and the Westlng- hovse Electric Company as a feature b"f the convention of the iron and steel electrical engineers at Pittsburgh. The delegates visited the Homestead works to witness the spectacular start. "The sphere on Judge* Gary's desk was lined with silver and served as one plate of a condenser. Judge Gary's hand served a® the other plate. A grid-glow relay, a recent Westing- house development ,connected by telegraph line to the Westlnghouae works at Newark, Interrupted the continuous 42.95 meter wave of the station there. The wave thus inter- rupted traveled by air to Pittsburgh, where it was picked up in the Westing- house works at Homewood, amplified', and transmitted by wire to the Home- stead mill. Acting thnoush sensitive relays, the wave then set the gener- ator in motion. "It was said the grld-^low tube em- ployed In the demonstration was prob- ably the meet senaitlve device of its kind perfected for practical use. The tube is a relay operated by a small current and controlling a current of much greater ampUtudo. The ordt nary relays used In electrical engl- -neering have an amplifying power of about 10,0<)0, but the tube will amplify 100,000,000 times. It requires about one-billionth of a watt for operation, or about one-fortieth the energy ex- pended by a fly In crawling upward one Inch In one second. "The Home»tead mill is one of the largest steel works operated by elec- tricity. No lees than ten thousand carloads of materiul were required to electrify It, Including 336 motors of more than 100,000 horse-power, 61 cranes of from 6 to 275 tons lilting capacity, 80 miles of conduit for elec- tric wiring and 30,000 tons of struct- tural steel." <i_ _ Here and There NO MEDHM LIKE BABY'S OWN TABLETS Jor Either the Newborn Babe or the Growing Child. There la no other medicine to equal Baby's Own Tablets for little ones â€" whether It be for the newborn babe or the growing child the Tablets al- ways do good. They are absolntely free from opiates or other harmful drugs and the mother can always feel safe In using them. Concerning the Tablets, Mrs. John Armour, R.R. 1. South Monaghan, Ont., says: â€" "We have three fine, healthy children, to whom, when a medicine Is needed, we have given only Baby's Own Tablets. The Tab- lets are the best medicine you can keep in any home where there are young children." Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the stomach and bowels; banish constipa- tion and Indigestion; break up colds and simple fever and make teething easy. They are sold by medicine dealers or direct by mall at 26 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' . Medi cine Co., BrockvUle, Ont. Peace and Parity London Observer (Ind.): At Wash- ington it rested with the United States to lay down the standard for capital ships. At Geneva it rests with Britain to lay down the standard for light cruisers. This follows both from Britain's own dependence on im- ported food and from tho world-wide extent of her Empire. Cruisers are j the guaantees of communiciUlons and | supplies alike, and Britain's needs de- termine her requirements. What- ever they may be, there can be no dis- pute as to Ui right of the United States to build up to the same level. How far she may care to exercise that rigbt is, of course, a matter for her own people to decide. « Dear at Any Price. Bill to Make Boobs Cheaper in Ten- nessee. â€" Ashville (N. C.) paper. Classified Advertisements AGENTS, I'.ITMKU SKX â€" JTF.OO WISJSKI.Y K.^.SY selling PALCO CLEA.NER.S. (.•Ipiiiis cvfrytlilnB Ilk* Magli:. Rf-move.s llfjAD T.\R wltliout Injury t<> I'ainL .SpDs c,\\ (tenion-stra- tlon. Krpe .samples. 7'. A. l-KFEUVRH & CO., Alexanitila, Out. GANGER' Bossâ€" "What! Back to work â- • soon?" Billâ€" "Yes, sir, I gotta rest up from uy vacation!" « Minard's Liniment relieves Backache. DSSTROYS FUm Mosqnitoea Motha Ants Bed Bags Roaches uriA Um iUtJt baaJ Customer â€" "Have you any whis- ky?" Drug Clerk â€" "No, but we have something just as bad." "Will you promise to marry me?" "No, but Id like to have an option on you till the end of the season!" San Iftancisco Chronicle: Politics maJce strange bedfellows, but the/ soon get accustomed to the sam* bunk. There is some similarity between an aviator and a politician. When their gas gives out they both meet with disaster. â€" Theodore Roosevelt. No man is too big to refuse the sup- port of any State as a candidate foi* the Republican nomination for Presi- dent. â€" {"rank C. Lowden. I have invested a tow dollars in a chewing gum industry In Canada, and who knows what will happen?-â€" ^ Sir Ha.ry Lauder. Mistress- ")(^0 was the gentle- man who called Just now, Mary?" JH>ry â€" "That wasn't no gentleman, . mum, it was the master come back I for his coat." "You seem to have a good deal of ! faith in doctors." said Barratt to his \ invalid friend. "I have," was the re- ply. "A doctor would be foolish to let a pood customer like me dl»."â€" Tit- nits, I^dndon. I ^^ hiinard's Linimsnt for burnk Down the winding country lan« walked a strange trio â€" a pretty and perfectly composed girl and two man â€" on whose faces could ba perceived the Influence of the green-eyed mon- ster. Suddenly a ^severe thunder- storm came on. Lightning flashed vividly an dono of the men confessed that he was frightened. "What are you afraid of?" asked the other man coldly. *'I'm aa cool as can bo." "Of course you are," snapped the first speaker. "And It I were alone I should be tbe same; but I'm afraid for Miss Marples in this lightning. She's so attractive 1" "What la the new structure you have put up on the hill there?" asked a curious visitor of a farmer. "Well," replied the farmer, "it I find a tenant for it it's a bungalow; if I don't, it's a barn." FREE BOOK SENTonRI-UU£3T lell.-i cnusc of cancer ami what to da for pain, blt-edir.g, odor. elc. \V rue lot ;t to-day, mention-.r.;, this pnj-iT, dress Indianapolis Cancer Indianapolis, Ind. Ad. llos^jital OHeredFREE Gcwefliineut •TPHESE two pamphlets, pirpsrc*! â- ^ from actu:U eiperience oy tjm-- enment experts, contain infurmation of genuine value on any larm. "Pimn'Ing Frulti and V»tt- Wbln in tba Horn*" is a 46-page booldet particularly valuable at ibis time. It goes verj- thoroughly Into every department of canning â€" (niits, Ttyetablcs, jams, jellies, pickles, etc. It discusses the various methods and makes many recommendatiwui help- ful lovrarih bettor prescives and fewer cpoilaga. Contains 74 diRer- tot recpes. "HabWts" â€" gives tho Teal (acts â- bout Ibis profitalile farm tide-lioe, mentioning particulaiiy the pc^ular Chinchilla. Explains Uie diances of money-making in meat and pelts â€" detailing carefully the best. methods of housing, feeding, bieniihg. mar- keting, curing diseases and cBoosing brecdi. Over JOO other pamphlets on fanning subjects are available. Write lor tbe 1937 list. FUl in and mail tbl* ilip poM fn* to PUBLICATIONS BRANCH Department of Agriculture, OtUwa, Ontario. rieaae leiid m« tna pamphlets eni tafilber «iUli list of all free pamphlati: Jm>,, ,- Hikers. Take a bottle your kit bag. feet. of Minard's In Relieves sore CARRIED WIFETfl BED Suffered So She Could Not Walk. Restored to Healda by LydJa E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Minesicg, Ontario. â€" "I am a prac- tical nurse and 1 refortiTntnd Lydia E. l'ink!iam>V"egetableC'omjM)utid ta suffering women. Forlliree months I waa almost helpless !ni;i could not sit at the table long etiough to drink a cup of tea. Many a time my hus- band carried me to bed. 1 would be so wciik. Then he rnad i;i the paper of a woman suffering as I "did wl» eot better after talving the Vegetable Compound, so he v/entaml got it for me. When 1 had talicn tiireo bottles I was just like a new woman and have liad 8pl(?ndiU liealUi ever since. When I feel any bearinj^-down pains I always tako it; sonielimes a half bottle or whatever I need. It is my only medicine and I have told muiiy • one alx)ut it Any ono wiuiting to know more about I.ydia E. Piiikham'* Veg^etable Compound. I will gladly; write to her. I do all I can to reo- omniend it for I feci I owe my Ii£( and strength to it." â€" Mrs. NKAfl Bow.SER, R.R. 1, Minesinp, OntariOi Do you feel broken-down, nervotu^ and weak aometimes? Do you ha^s this horrid feeling of fear which soms>; times comea to women when thev bls% not well? Lydia E. I'inkham's Vej^ ; etable Compound is excellent to taui at such a time. It always helps, and if taken regularly anii peraiittentJlf, , will relieve this condition. O ^ Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians f<4 Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago ^ . Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism >; I DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART Sc^ Accept only " Bayer" pack«y which contains proven direction Haady "Bayer" bon» o( 13 tabkto iiM boUIca of 84 aad lOOâ€" DnCfMs. ISSUE No. 33â€" '27 Aq)lr1a It Oi« tra* aark (refiitefH ta «ui»la) of B«7« Maiiotjelwi •« __- â- cMp<leror 8all*»ne«eM (Acctjl ••'l«lU« AeM. "A. ••„*•>;,**"•."â- TS'JKTS •t Baru t>ifli|wD7 wm ta atuiwwl silk Ui«lr (cMcat icwM Buk, I** ♦Mj" v*"*