r ipp^^wi ^-*-"*jp^<" "*ONADV> \SMlLESiii "Wb«t wouderhil tales of truo lovo Bm barptt u( the old poeta tokl. " •*0t, I don't knowâ€" tho«o harps .wtn-c lyre*." When Noah »aiU-«l llic oc«an Muo H« had his trouble earn*" ae you. Vtn days ami daya lie ilrove the Ark Before he found a pluce to park. "Has the company you work for any reaenre fund«7" "Well, OUT money Is rather shy. If tluit'8 what you mean?" Alf (a» Pussyfoot lecturer departs): "'E'b queen- card I3IU! Do you think he's all there?" BtH: "Well If what's not there \m Uke what is there it's ]uat a» well '0*6. Bot all tlicro!" Ole: "Tinie, vUl you marry me?" . Time: "Yaae. Ole." A long, deadening silence falls. TKHe: "Vy don't you say sonvetbing, Ole?" Ole: "Veil. 01 toink Oi ny too nuch already." "nie cMstemionger emlled happily at Uto thought that hia donkey was «n- Joylng a free feed. "You're a ^ood Httte irlrl to l>e so kind to a dumb frtend," he said. "But who gave yxju tiioce carrots?" The little girl also smUed happUy. T took them from tl.e back of your Harrow," she satJ. A countryman was sowing seeds. A â- ovart fellow riding that way, caUod mM, with an Insolent air: "Well, hon- est fellow, 'Us your bustnese to sow, kut we reap the fruits of your labors." "Mayhap and you may," said the «ountr}niaD, turning round and look- ing full at faiw, "for 1 hi) sowing â-ºâ™¦â€¢rrip." llemember," said the modem 1 uioniiis, giving counsel to hie son, "If you take half a crown from a men's pocket, it is stealing, and that's a ir;R;e. If you win a half-crown bet, thai is gambling, and a folly. But if you have suinetbing worth lioJt a crown am) sell it for five sbUlings, that is busiuesK, simply business^and meet commendable." WEAK, LISTLESS GIRLS Need Such a Tonic as Dr. Wil- liams* IMnk PillH to Itostorc Health. When a girl In her teen becomes pale and sjiUow, e«i)«cialiy if at the some time Hhe mIiowh IncHnatlon to tiro easily, a lit<te:i«nMs uud Inattention t,o her work or sturtlcw, she ne«d<< Dr. Willluiiis' rink I'ills a ttmlc which di- rectly anil Rrp«('itlc:illy corrects the condition from which H4ie Is siifferlnK- A chemical analysis of the blood of Mich a girl would shoji^^ It to be de- ficient In Ju8< the elements Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Wlls can supply. But an analysis of the hlood Is not neededâ€" the physloil signs are plain. Among these signs are a pallor of the cheeks and lips, dark circles under the eyes, easily Ured and breathlees after slight eierlloo. Poor appetite, headaches, and sometimes fainting spells follow; often the patient^ Is nervous and ia startled at the least noi»e. In all run- down conditions there is no other tonic will build you up so quickly and so surely as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The sUtement of Miss Dorothy Lumblln, Bush Island, N.8., will bring hope to other weak girls. She aays:â€" "1 wish from my hoart I could persuade every person wrho Is In a run-down condition to give Dr. Williams' Pink PllJs a trial. About a year ago I was a weak girl suffering from impoverished blood and a run-down system, with many of the attendant symptoms. I had often read of Dr. Williams' Ptak Pills and decided to take them, and after u«lng six boxes I feel as well and strong as ever. Dr. I Williams' Pink Pills will be my stan'd- I by In the future If ever my blood needa building up again, and I shall alway* And pleasure In recommending them to others." You can get these pills from your druggi&t, or by mall at CO cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. A st'hoolgirl 'va.s required to writs an esfiay of two liiiudred and twenty words about a niolcr car. 91io submit- ted tho following: ".My iMic-Ie Ix.iight a motor car. He was riding In the coitntry when it Irroko down going uphiJl. I think this Is about twoiily words. The other two hundred are what my uncle saiil when be was walking back to town, but I don't remember what they were." MARCONI TO GIVE HIS BRIDE FORTUNE Chest of Jewels Will Be One of Inventor's Gifts. Home â€" A chest of Jowcis such as would have dazzled the eyes of an Oriental potentate or a king of ancient times will be one of the wedding gifts of Senator Marconi, Inventor of wlro- lees tfllegruphy, to his bride. Countess Marie Dezzl-Scall, et their civil wed- ding ceremony wlildi will be held June 12. The wedding of Senator Marconi, whose former marriage was annulled by the Holy Beta, will be pcrforriied tn Ilomii and the civil ceremony will hq r<;ad by Governor Potenzlanl. The Vuligious ceremony will take place Jnne 15 at the Church of St. Andrea iol lo Fralte, which is the bride's par- ish church, and probably wIM be sol- •ronlzod by a cardinal. In addition to the chest of Jewela Maxooni Is tinderHlood to have pur- chased an expensive Isoita liYasehlnl fcotorooblie as a wedding gift for his kride. The Way It Happened. Mother: "Well, this i.s a fine time lo come home daughter. See the time? After 1 o'clock!" DouglKer: "I couldn't h<lp i(, moth- erâ€"you Bce Jack's auto turaed turtle." Mother: "Well, did you ride homo •n tho back of a turtle?" It was a fashionable wedding. The trldegroom had no means of visible •npport save his father, who was rich. When he came tn the stage of the ser- tJco where he hud to repeat "With nil my worldly goods I thee endow," his tather said In a whisiwr that could be beard all over the church: "Heavens! There goe« his bicyclel" FACIST ENGINEERS ATTACK HERCULANEUM At the Instigation of Benito Mussolini Another is No'wr Being Made to Unearth the Known Hidden Works of Art. Naples, Italy.â€" Benito Mussolini, Ttalian Prime Minister, made a fur- ther bid for tho title of modem miracle man when work began under the direction of Fascist engineers on an arcKieclogical project heretofore considered impossible â€" diKPrin^ out the'aneient city of Herculaneum from under 100 feet of volcanic tufa and encrusted 'lava. Herculaneum was overwhelmed in 79 A.D. by the same burst of Vesuvian eruption which de- stroyed it.s sister city, Pompeii. King Victor Emmanuel inaugurat- ed the excavations which are uni- versally ad'judged by archaeolof^sts as one of the most ambitious under- taitings in history. Numerous efforts over a period of more than two centuries to probe deeply into the .secrets of the city, which tradition says was founded by the Greek hero after whom it was named, met with such scanty success that the project appeared hopeless until Fascism'.^ Duce began to study ways and means. Two Big Problems. Tho ta.sk presents two colossal problems. Unlike Pompeii, which was buried only under ashes, Herculan- eum wa^ inundated by lava and mud. During the Middle Ages additional coatings of ashes were deposited by subsequent eruptions of Vesuvius. This material coming into contact with subsoil water, rich in calcium, hardened into a rocky mass, forming an encrustation, varying in thickness from 50 to 160 feet. The second problem is caused by the foundation on top of the lava of the flourishing towns of Resina and Portici. Undaunted by these ob- stacles excavators have always been eager to probe tho old" city, which before its fall to the Roman power in 89 B.C., lived successfully under Oscan, Etruscan, Samnite and Greek dominion. Having been, under the Romans, n summer i-esort for the wealthy gentry, instead of a commercial to^vn like Pompeii, it has been believed to be far richer than its neighbor in artistic and intcllcctifal treasures, particular- ly of the Greek and pre-Roman per- iods, gathered in collection by the Roman Mjecenas. Left Alone for Sixteen Centuries. Virtually forgotten for 16 centur- SHARPENS RAZOR BLADES LIKE NEW rut »«.-.ft •«< I koughl tm ttiitn Saftty Ruor Blidti ind > "TTO" «ll«rpeil«r. an* I hxa thmtt â- fwlf mri day tinn, nihuptnini tha bltdti M<«rdlna ta tha ilmtla dlnatlani, •Iter having utH Htum • •«•"< ilmr. , Tkria tiadta ara alvlni ma |iiH M nloa and aaMlli a iha«a aa tlia UrM tl>a I naatf Hiam. taiid l>.7l for Ihli atarllnt (War la-day and ka eonvlnaad. Year n<int> will K trcnpllt raliindt* â- rM art oal aatladed altar • to* *>|rl' trial. HAI.KHMKN WANTKT). FRANK WOLFE, 70 HILTON AVE., TORONTO Ellis f2fesril^( ZOO MEDALLISTS The Bronze Medal of the Zoological Socl'ety has Just been awarded for the first time since 1872. Its proud recipient Is Keeper A. Bdwman, who has just been thus, rewarded for his succeee in rearing "Jimmy," the baby hippo. HIppo« are rather difficult to "bring up" succeeefally, and^it wa? also for rearing one of these delicate youngsters that the 1872 award was made. That baby wa« the famous Guy Fawkes. ies, Herculaneum has been attacked seven times by excavators since 1706, when the Frenchman, I*rince Elboeuf, began work. Although these efforts were soon baffled by unsurmountable difficulties, they brought to view some of the finest Greek and Roman works of art, notably bronzes, justifying the theory that Herculaneum was richer than Pompeii. Signer Mussolini's decision was not taken until his erclueological advisers confirmed bis belief by covering a zone about 200 by 300 yards between Resina and the GuM ef Nriritss, where it was not necessary to disturb the In- habitants of Resina. For the present the work will be confined to this re- grion, but later the underground pass- ages will be built under Resina and Portici, creating a subterranean city at an average depth of 100 feet. King Victor Enmianuel, who arriv- ed here in the morning, was acclaimed by cheering crowds of several hun- dred thousands. BABY'S OWN TABLETS HELP A PRIZE WINNER Baby's Own Tablets are without an equal for little ones. From the new- born babe to the growing child they are an absolute safeguard to health. Once a mother has used them she will use nothing else. Thousands of moth- ers always keep them on hand. Among the mothers who state that Baby's Own Tablets axe the best medi- cine for little ones that they know of Is Mrs. Russell Hill, of Norwood, Ont. Her experience with the Tablets S'hould be of great benefit to any mother who has not already given the Tablets a trial. Mrs. Hill says:â€" "I have five fine healthy oliildren, and from the youngest to the oldest they get no other medicine but Baby's Own Tab- lets. When our baby girl was eleven months old she won second prize at the Norwood F^Ir, and when she was a year older she won first prize In com- petition with twenty-eight other babies. It was the Tablets that gave her the health and development to carry oft these prizes. I always delight in telling other mothers what the Tab- lets have done for my children." Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers, or by mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr. WiUlama' Merlctne Co., Brockville. Ont. FRANCE AND ITALY. One Raifaroed ia Straight aa Ruler. straight as a ruler is no Inaccurate simile when applied to a certain rail- road In Russia, for It Is that and the stralghtest in the world. When engi- neers bad studied plans for 'the line from Leningrad (then St Petersburg) to Moscow, Biketches were laid before Emperor Nicholas 1 and he was asked to which towns he gave preference for the passage of the raUroad. For reply he 'dipped one of bis fingers into the inkstand and wltli a niler as a guide drew on a map of Russia an undevlat- Ing line between the terminal cities. Engineers' and ministers all exclaimed the ttilng was Imposnible. Nicholas smiled disdainfullyâ€" with him the pas- sion for governing had grown Into a disease. Tho line was built where he wanted It. Through forests, beneath hills and mountains, the ral>le were pushed under the impetus of bl» wil- ful monomania. And because Nicho' las reoogttlzed no surveyor's transit but his own way. Important cities like Twer and Novgorod were left far off the route and denie^ a modern trans- portation they could have had at far lese cost to Russia's treasury. Situation May be More Serious Than We Suppose. Mutual reeentmeDt and distrust be- tween France and Italy are said to be too deep-rooted to be removed by any superficial treatment. What is more, some pessimistic British observers think possibly deveU>pment8 between the two countries are much more seri- ous than is generally supposed. .Thus in the London "Outlook" Ma). E. W. Poison Newman calls attention to the fact that althotigh the Foreign Office of France and the Foreign Office of Italy to all outward appearance make Uttle of such differenoee as exist, the truth of tlie matter Is that the bad feeling between the two Latin nations Is the resuU of natural racial de<velop- ment and o fa long series of historical events, which together have produced an Impasse calling for the closest at- tention of all who have at heart the future peace of Europe. Major New- man goes on to say: "If one could attribute the present delicate position to the action of either or both Governments, the matter would not be quite so serious, but In my opinion the grave aspect of It lies in the fact that its development is tak- ing place in sipite of governments and not because of them. There are few men In Europe to-day more tied to the interests of peace than Dr. Brland, add at the presieat stage of Italy's develop- ment It is clearly In the Interests of Mr. Mussolini to pursue a pacific policy. Yet the attitude of the two peoples Is very different from that protest by their respective Ministers of FV>relgn Affairs. '"Hie causes of friction may be class- ed under iwo headings: those which have a pre-war origin and those which are of more recent date. In a study of the present phase of the situation it is as well to cooceutrate on the fol- lowing considerations: "1. The unsettled status of Italian residents In Tunis. "2. Tho general feeling In Italy that France stands in the wray of Italian ex- pansion. "3. The growth of the French Navy. "4. The anti-B^wtcist activities on French soU, "5. The feeling In certain circles li) Rome that France in some fraiy stands behind JugoalATla in her antagonism to Italian expansion in the Adriatic, and also the feeling tn France that the Italo-Gennan rapprochement might be intended as a rejoinder." A superficial ftttitude of condl^tlon toward Italy combined with a marked feetlng of intolerance toward tJie Fascist regime are points of danger in France's officia) attitude, according to Major Newman, who ansnree u«, at the same time, that the French Foreign Office sincerely desires peace. Over 30 years the same ^ood tea Now packed in Alanunum. REDRPSE RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is wttragooj. Confidence Men Get Fanner's M<Niey for Sdzed Liquor â- store. New York â€" Eiren Bamom might have been surprised at the gaUUbillty of the New Jersey farmer who has pur- chased all liquor stores in the fcderail "«eixure room" for |1,900 cash. Major (tester MlUs smilingly tdla that a pair of "con" men had- spotted an agrarian when h« arrived in the cUy recently. After introducing them- selves aa federal men in need ot a HtUe cash, they took him to the •elsnre room and turned over a deed of ownership. The farmer has not re- covered the $1,»00. MInard's Liniment for Insect bites. « • British Foreign Policy. Wickham Steed in the London Re- view of Reviews: It Is of the utmost importance that British foreign poUcy should be so clear as to be above sus- picion. British influence in the world la moral rather than material, and those who seek to undermine It at- tempt persistently to cast doubt upon the purity of British motives. . . . Our foreign policy needs to be such that it can command, in any emergency, the instinctive and whole-hearted sup- port of the British nation and of all the peoples of the Empire. Only on this condition will Sir Austen Cham- berlain be able to pass ecathlesa through the lions that beset his path. Classified Advertisements G OOD niPBOTED rAIUI Bonn CHBA*. Terr bwt •oH rutt nfuadtd If man k- J. locUOi. Emo. B4IBT BlTcr Why. IW TOU XSWUBK EAXITABT RUBBEB OOOIMl «rltt far esUloru ud prlc* lUt >>f* tat ittUT BuMct W«ska. DvL W-U H-O BomI KiMt UoanwL WAXIXD REAB ntOU OWXEB OOOB Fiia for nl*. Cuk nloa rirUculan D, F. Boab. MtianttHi. MbuL Trachoma Germ Isolated by Jap. Washingtonâ€" Isolation of th«'|«rm which caused trachorma, the eye €ta- ease, has been announced to the Amerl- caa Medlcail Association convention by Dr. Hid eye Noguchi, Japanese member of the Rockefeller In<Etitue« tor Medl* cal Research. « "Prolonged' legal battte over Lelteir mllMona" And after costs have been paid the millions are likely to be Loiter stilt. BICYCLE BARGAINS AUTO PARTS Shaw's Auto Salvage carries larges't stock of slightly used parts for most makes of cars. Batteries, Carburetors, Colls, Springs. Wheels, Tires, at small portion of original cost. Your money back if wanted. 927 DUFFERIN ST. TORONTO N<w ud lllthUy â- •!«. lit •wirda. TruwartatlM •nwM. Writ* tar Prior UiL PEERLESS BICYCLE WORKS IS3 DuRdllSt. W. Teroirta bt IWI CANCER FREE BOOK SENTonREQUEST Tells cause of cancer and what to do for pain, bleeding, odor, etc. Write for it to-day, mentionir.t; this paper. Ad- dress Indianapolis Cancer Hospital Indianapolis, Ind. Tit Charm cl A Vtlxtt Skin â€" end the Pun Blood Under li FARMERS! MInard's la good for ooUc, strains and collar bolls. Keep a bottle handy. 4TrtteBlood% JbnicforEpenibody Age and youth â€" men, as well aa women, are benefitted by the wfe, proven Spring Blood Tonic and Puri- fier, TRU-BLOOD. It is remarkably effective for "that tired feeling" so prevalent dtiring Spring. While It b coiTKthi ill rheumatic conditions and blood disorders â€" ol which disfifuting rasher, eocnis and painful boUs are the outwaid evidences â€" TRU- BLOOD fives you a clear akin «l velvety toftnear. Sold by Druniits rvrnr> ' t. Pria«r0Oa botu*. Ethel: "But, papa, he says he can- not live •without me." Father: "Tell him to thhik up a new one; I Uxld that to your mother." A woman always does as she pleas- es â€" and it is up to the man to please her. Ladies Wanted To addrirr and aiall «<rdi •• heai>. lara arwarda if fl* m**\\i. Whrli rr irarr line. 8>iid tlaair lor rarllMlrri. Ladies' Agency Service TORONTO, 3 The little girl had had an unfriendly vIsK from a wasp. "Oh, mummy, he was so pretty and nice when ho walk- e<I about, but, oooh, when he sat down!" sihe walled. Make a blunder Is bod enough, b«t It really peeves us more when we dis- cover W9 aro eu unimportant that no one has taken tho trouble to notice It. Mlnard'a Liniment la rsllabi*. YOUNO WOMEN S UFFER M OST I These Two Found Relief by | L Taking Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Ayer's Cliff, Quebec. â€" "I have been teaching for three years, and at the end of the year I always feel tired and have no appetite. 1 n'aa awful sick each month, too, ha vine pains in my back until sometimes I was'oblged to stop working. A friend recommended Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetabla Compound to rae and 1 heard many women telling how good it was so 1 thought it would help me. And it did. Now I take six bottles every year and recommend it ; to others. ''^â€" Don ALDA Fanteotli I Ayer's Cliff, Quebec "Unable to Work" Canning, Nova Scotia.â€" "I had ip. I regular periods and great suffering ! at those times, the pains causing vomiting and fainting. 1 was teach* ing school and often for some hour^ , I would be unable to attend to my work. Through an advertisement ia the papers I knew of I.ydia E. Pink- ham s Vegetable Compound, and it has been of great benefit to me, tha troubles being completely relieved.'' ', â€"Laura J. Eaton, Canning, King'f [ CooDty, Nova Scotia. Use iMONDS SAWS BBCAUSR cuaranteed to cut 10% more timber In same time, with less labor than any other eaw. j • IMONOn CANAIIA BAW CO. LTO. T MJNTHCUL W VANOOin-En. CT. JOHM. N.S., TWIOHT0 F ISSUE No. 23â€" '27. Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians fot Colds Pain Headache Neuralj^a Neuritis fToothache Lumbago Rheumatism I DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART | VVh# ^!o.^^^^^^ £2lJ^ "Bayer" packaw lCt#W^^ vhich contains proven directions. . .^^ J of S4 aad 100â€" Dnigxfrta. Itat AaaMa MaM Burr -JAjjr^rBwSTtfcr wSi^Uifcat iS&mL!? !g?'Jg!