'Eljje /Ufili^djOfn %ifmnu. Vol 46 No. 50 Flesberton. Ontario May 16. 1927 W. H. Thurfllon & Son, Propridton PRarON STATION The f ooend of the Jate Mrs. John Roome whose death was reported last week was largely attended. Many of her old neighbors from. Wardiam were present to pay their last trib- ute of ret^eet. An impressive ser- vice was held in the chnreh, con- ducted by Bev. Harrower of Fleah- erton, a form«r pastor. The floral tributes were beaotifnl and inehided: wreath from husband and daughters, offering from Mr. and Mrs. A. Coot- ie, the Guest family and the McArtb- ur family of Toronto, one from sever- al nieces and nephews, large wreaths from the heads of the T. Eaton Co. and from the parcel post shipping de- partment of the T. Eeaton Co., Monc- ton, N. B., sprays from the Proton United Church Choir and from the W. M. S. Mrs. Irish of Wareham and Mrs. Edwards of Segina are sis- ters of the deceased and Fred Roome of Theybume is a brother. The pall bearers were Messers H. Amott and J. Menzies of Wareham and Messrs Shearson, Rutherford, McCannel, and Acheson of Proton. The Proton Station school now boasts an overflowing well. The Board employed Mr. W. T. Rutledge of Shelbume to do the work. He drilled 127 ft., the result being a eon- tinoal stream coming from a pipe a- boot three feet above the ground. Mr. and Mrs. Ande and babe who were holidaying at Mr. Hugh Hodg- ins returned to Toronto Tuesday. Miss Martin of Toronto formorly of Swinton Park was a gaest ,of Mrs. McNalty's recently. Mrs. Telford and two little children Betty and Florence have retunied to their home at Moncton N. B. Mrs. Elmo Stevens and little daughter Marjorie visited the week end at the home of R. G. Acheson. VICTORIA CORNERS We extend our sympathy to Mrs. Wm. Lodlow who received word last Monday of the death of her mother Mrs. Thos. Ludlow in the west. Mrs. Ludlow will be remembered by the J returned home. The many friends of 1?**^^ »«o- He leaves besides his son older settlers as a kind and greneron^ Rev. and Mrs. Veales were pleased to neighbor. It is now some thirty years since they moved west. Mrs. Ludlow, thou^ failing in health, had been op and around till a few days of her death which was quite sudden. Mrs. Wm. Ludlow spent a few days at Ltstowell visiting her mother's only brother. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gallagher and children of Toronto visited at Mir. Wilfred GaUagher's. Mr. and Mrs. Me3ville Hawes of Bright visited with the later's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Stinson. Mrs. Stinson returned to Bright with her. Mr. and Mrs. Richardson and Miss Richardson of Laurel visited their daughter, Mrs. Ernie Stinson. Bill and Ken Hyland of Flesherton visited their cousin Jim Bannon over the week end. Miss Sherwood taught on Satur- day and intend taking the 23rd of May also. ROCKMHiLS EAST MOUNTAIN Mr. Harry Thompson and sons attended the funeral of the former's fattier at Erin on Friday last week. Misses Ema and Alice Rawlings of Duncan visited recently with Mr. H. Thompson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fawcett and children of Epping spent Sunday with Mrs. E. Fawcett. On Thurs. May 12 there passed a- way at her hoiQe^ok highly respected citizen in the person of Mrs. Thomp- son Allen. Mrs. Allen had been in poor health for several years but her death was rather sudden and a shock to her many friends and neighbors. Bfrs. Allen' was of a kindly nature which won for her love and respect from all who knew her kind deeds and words shall not soon be forgotten. The funeral service was held at her home on Saturday, 10 a. m. and took place in OrangeviUe cemetery. Much sympathy is extended to the sorrowing husband and daughters in their sad bereavement. Mrs. Cameron of Toronto is spend- ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Mc Cullough. Miss Muriel Carruthers of Mcteer is visiting at her parental home here. Read The Advance adrertisenents. Mr. and Mrs. B. Field visited re- cently with relatives at Grand Valley. Mr. J. Wilkinson of Duncan spent a few days at the home of his sister here> Mrs. E. RusselL Mrs. Ned Croft has been confined to her bed the past week, but we are very pleased to know that she is im- proving. Miss Reta Monaghan is with Mrs. Ned Croft, assisting in household duties. Mrs. Radley spent a few days last week with her daughter. Miss Ettie Radley, at the home of Levi Betts. Ita Pedlar has been laid up for sev- eral days with a sore throat, but we are glad to know she is improving nicely. Rev. A. J. Preston preached a very impressive sermon last Sabbath in the Baptist church here. It was his last service here as pastor of this field. Quite a number from this vicinity attended the presentation for Rev. and Mrs. Preston at the Baptist par- sonage, Flesheron, on Monday even- ing, when a very happy time was spent togeth^. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gamey and dau- ghter of Toronto visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs Dick Clarke. HOLDFAST U. F. W. O. The May meeting of the Holdfast U. F. W. O. club was iuHd at the home of Mrs. Edgar PattersoiL Roll >:all was answered by "A Tested Re- cipe". An invitation from the Osprey Club to visit them for their June meeting was read and accepted. A "Question" Drawsr instead of the usual topic made the meeting inter- esting and there was splendid dis- cussions. Hurvetons readings were given by Mrs. R. Whittaker and Mrs. J. K. McLeod. A large order of gar- den seeds and bulbs were distributed. After refreshments the meeting closed by singing God save the King. Jk.a^p Famous Period Creations in COMMUNITY PLATE If you with to MMteti oherware duit Urftr becooiet dd-fuhioned â€" that will be uw«yi admired and treuured throufli-' oat a liMtiine oi service â€" then you ihtmld dKwaa one of dieeeezottisiie Pmod DtiigM in COMMUNITY PLATE. ^^ W. A ARMSTRONG *^N .. JEWELLERS Fkal wrt o n , KIMBERLEY after a few days illness pased away. It is 31 years since Mr. Rumsey and his respected family moved from this village. His many friends here Rev. and Mrs. J. S. Veals. BIr. and Mrs. J. Stuart and Dr. Hflliar of Burks Falls, who hte past week have ; *^ '**â„¢ ^^ regret of his passing, been vigitng friends in this part,f*^- Rumsey predeceased him a few see them again. Miss Fern Stuart of Meaford vis- ited in Kimberiey over the week endt While working in the swamp alon|t the river Mr. Frank Weber was sui^ prised to find a dead deer. It is sup» posed that it is one of the four often aeen along there and while drinking or crossing the river in some way got I under the ice and was drowned. Mr. S. S. Burritt and Nontuui are working in Eugenia, shingling the houses of Mr. Latimer and Mr. J. Sherwood. Mess Villa McCallum is the guest of her cousin. Miss Fawcett. Miss Viola Fawcett, a nurse in training of the Collingwood G. and M. Hospital is spending her three weeks holidays at her home here. Mr. Ezra Fawcett has gone to Owen Sound to work. Miss M. Pedlar of Eugenia is at present with Mrs. G. Proctor, who has been ilL We are pleased to see her able to be out again. The town fathers are busy having a new cement foot bridge over the null stream and will add greatly to the safety of all persons going on the sidewalk. Rev. S. Stotesbury is this week att- ending conference in Toronto. We are sorry to report Mrs. Rev. Stotesbury ill and at present under and two daughters one sister, Mrs. Day, to mourn his loss for whom much sympathy is expressed. "ONWARir NEWS THE LATE WM. WILUAMSOS We undersUnd that Mr. Robt. Dingwall of the South Line has re- ceived the Cedarville charge vacated by Mr. Robt. Paton of Flesherton. We wish him much success. Miss Florence McCannel of Shel- bume visited last Sunday with Miss Flora McDougall. Seeding is rather backward owing to damp weather. Quite a number have not yet commenced to sow. The Onward softball team is scheduled to meet thw Dromore up- starts in a practice game on Friday evening on the tatter's grounds. Mr Arnold McKay leaves tliis week for Toronto where he will continue his business studies. The annual Farm Youth Rally falls again this year on July Sth, to be held in Flesherton. The young people, and those who stay young, hope for the usual fine weather. Prof. Kyle of Mount Forest is con- templating holding a music class on the South Line in the near future. Bir. F. R. Oliver, MJ.P., was out the doctor's care in Meaford. The by Eugenia last week on a business boys are being cared for by Miss trip. Justina ElUis. { A meeting of the executive and Mr. D. L. Weber is busy bringing 1 those interested in the welfare and brick from Owen Sound for Mr. G Cornfield's new kitchen and house. Dave can make two trips a day with his truck; no need of a railroadâ€" on- ly to supply rural wants. A number of persons also the choir went to Epping for the reopening cf the church. It was also Mother's Day and the music and service were bean- [ Mr. and Mrs. .\. Parker of Toronto .£^..1 ] : 1 * :..i. Li^ * ( ;_:.. ] 1 . 1- 'fc^ C..*W T !.... tiful and in keeping with the day. The Mother's Day service in the church was very fittingly observed. The music and sermon, also the flowers loaned by some of the moth- ers were fine. The regular meeting of Vt. M. S. was held in the church on Wednesday. The devotional and business part over a splendid papec on Japan was given by Mrs. F. Weber, the followed a helpful discussion. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Ellis and Miss Winnona of Collingwood visited with Mrs. W. T. Ellis this week end. We wish to congratulate Mr. Carl Carruthers being chosen validic- torian in Toronto Normal. â€" Another step for a Kimberiey boy. extension of Evergreen Cemetery was held at the home of W. R. Mea(b last Saturday evening. The work of rejuvinating will be commenced as soon as possible. Mrs. Chas. Gilbert of Geneaee. N. Y., is visiting with her brother, Mr. Geo. Williamson, OJ)JL CEYLON Mrs McBumie and little son of Niagara Falls are visitors at Mr. J. MeWhinney's. Miss Kate McMillan, teacher at Corbetton, spent the week end at her home here. Mrs. F. Marshall, babe and daught- er Stella spent the week end with their daughter at Bala. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pollock, Mr. and Mrs. Graham and son of Pine River, near Kincardine visited the first of the ^-eek with Mr. James L. McMuUen's. Mr. Clarenre Marshall of Holland Centre spent the week end at his I Da- e Tavlor home here. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Duckett and family visited his brother near Eu- genia the first of the week. Mr. Wm. White Sr. of Dundalk visited the past week with Mrs. White and family. visited last week with South Line friends. The Onward baseball nine are -vorking hard to obtain honors in the U J.YP.O. serite to be held this sum- mer. Practice will be held in Currie's field every Thiirsday even- ing. Everyone who can throw a ball is invited to turn out. The Softball team, being a mixed affair, is a different matter, as was indicat- ed last year. However with plenty of practice and support we may make orr opponents step to a different tune this year. .After an extended illness Mr. Wm. Williamson passed away at his home on the South Line on Thursday, May Sth. The deceased had been in fail- ing: health since an attack of flu in the epidemic of 1918. He was in his 57th year, having spent the earlier part of his life as a miner in the Canadian West, western States. a!?o Northern Ontario. Fourteen yc;>rs ago he settled on his farm here where he has since resided. He leaves to mourn his loss a sorrowing widow and two sons, Biatthias, aged 12, and Joseph, agred 10. "Two brot;'?rs, John and George, reside on the O.DJI. .A. sister. Mrs. Mary Gil- bert lives at Lundia, N.Y. The fun- eral ^vas largely attended and was hell to Evergreen Cemetery, South Lin*^. Those who attended the fun- eral from a distance were: Mr. Ralph Wi".iamson of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. and family and Mrs. Jc'.n Bresnahan, all of Hybla, Ont. BARX STRUCK AND BURNT The large bam \)f Mr. William Lowe on the 7th Line South, St. Vin- ^ ci-nt, was struck by lightning and We are pleased to report Master burned to the ground during a severe Harold Tracey who has been very ; elo'trical storm which broke over the ill in the hospital in Durham much c:: trict about 9 o'clock last night. improved. Jj-. Lowe had barely time to get his Mrs. Ulrich visited with friends h^^rses out of the bam before it was at Priceville last week. o-Tipletely enveloped in flames. The Mr. S. Hempill, Mr. Percy Hem- , contents included a binder, cutter, pill, Mr. Robt Cook and Misa Millie! two sets of single harness, one set of Cook Rwtored to Meafoed on Sun day and attended the funeral of the late Mr. Waaley Rumsey. "which took place at three p. m. to Lakeview eem double harness. 35 bushels of fall wheat, from two to three tons of mix- <*d feed, seven tons of hay and straw. from 75 to 80 hens and a number of EUGENIA roRorrro une, north •tery from the residence of his only • tools. The bam had a steel roof and "â- I'Vad. Mr. Runaaey had about 4 j four Ughtning rods on it. There was weeks ago gone to Toronto t* disit an insurance of $4,000 on the bam his two daughter* who live th«n> ' and 92.000 on the contents.â€" Mt. For- ks eoBtiacted pncaaonia and est Confederate. Auction Sale 2f purebred scotch shorthorns !• FEMALES â€" 1* MALSS WILL BE HELD AT MARDALE, ONT. THURSDAY, MAY 2« »t 1 pwm. UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE GREY COUNTY SHORTHORN BREEDERS' ASSOCIATION Repr«»eat«tiv«9 of th« following faahioaably bred families will be oa aale: Clarets, Fteras, AaiaraKths, Bvtterflya. EHiaa, Rawaurys. Naaparieb. Charmfatg G««a aad Staaf^rds. Catalogues on reiimat. So much wet weather during the ! Mrs. Chas. Stewart returned home past week or so hindered the farm- ' Sunday after spending the past week ers with their seeding. - iwiih Owen Sound friends. Piper of Toronto sister, Mrs. Pete Mr. and Mrs. F. visited the latter's Mumihaw. Mr. Walker Sloan of Key Harbour spent a few days at his home here. Mrs. Douglass of Feversham is waiting on Mrs. Mnnshaw. We hope Sunday at Cherry Grove Mrs. Munshaw will be able to enjoy good health again. _ \r«, A If n II *_- »r , J , Kead The Advance "Small Advts." Mrs. Aif Hill from near 31arkdale visited her aunt, Mrs. Walker Sloan DAY OLD recently. Mr. Fred Graham and family of Walkerton visited the Graham, Camp- bell and Boyce families here. Miss .Annie McQueen (a former Prices teacher here) now of Tara caHed oni S. C. White Leghorns Miss Marjorie Park recently. 05 % 4.00 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Proctor spent' SO $ 7.25 a day in Collingwood last week. ) Master Argyle Martin visited over Mrs. Delbert Alcox and daughter, Velma, are visitng with relatives is Quebec. Mr. John Wright of Toronto is spending a while with R. Swanton. Mr. Wellie .Alcox was a visitor on BABY CHICKS Now booking orders for June hatches. 100 $14.00 Barred Rocks the week end with his prandparents, prom Special Pen of high producing Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lever, Flesherton.: females mated to select cockerel. Councillor Robt. Purvis has install- i cd an up-to-date concrete sheep-dipp-i ing tank at the end of his driving* she.d Mr. W. E. Morgan is busily engag- ed cobble-stoning his residence, which win be an additional improvement in our vHlage. Mr. R. J. Woods of Corbetton preached in our church here Sunday. FLOWERS .AND PL.ANTS 25 $5.00 SO 9OJM HATCHING EGGS S. G.W. Leghorns 25 $2.00 50 $3.50 Barred Rocks _ 25 $2.50 50 $4.00 For all kinds of Flowers and Plants. Dahlias and Gladioli bulbs, atJ W. A. Hawken's Store, Flesherton. TERMS:â€" lO-^c with order, balance on delivery. May hatches all taken. "• PHONE 54. Sylvester deCodmore FLESHERTON. W. J. Bawes. Mark4ato. Praa. J. Aahrey Foater, Markdak, Sec. BATES BURIAL CO. FUNERAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNERAL PARLORS 122-124 Avenue Road, TORONTO Tdcphoae: Uacadala 4344 J. W. Bates. R. Maddock*. The Right Time For new shippers to start is right now in the sprinsr season. You will find it profitable if vou bring vou-- CREAM TO US. ' There is a big difference in grading cream, which affects the price you get. By selling your cream to us you will be assured the ver\- best grading, because you can deliver the cream more promptly, or we wi!! call for it promptly and have it graded in the shortest time possible, thereby assuring you of Special Nj. 1 grading. We are proving this to our present pat- rons. Highest market prices and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Honest Markdale Creamery Honest T«* and Produce[Co. Weiiht .MARKDALE, OXTARIO. PHONE 66 s MOUSE OF QUALITY TART YOUR CHICKENS RIGHT. g WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THE BEST BABY CHICK FEED. GROWING MASH. BABY SCRATCH FEED. CHICK GRIT BONE MEAL. ^^ W. J. STEWART SI SONS n*ur. Fâ€"4, Stad^ C»iewlta aa Fleshertoa