Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Apr 1927, p. 7

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TONE UP THE BIjOOD AND NERVES NOW €'5MILESJ Surnames acd Ibeir Ungin Dr. Williams' Pink PUls Have No '^^ ^^'^ ^er mother call for Uer to Equal for This Purpose. j '"••The'^' now : •• gh* exoiaim«d : "yru Anaemia, or lack of good blood, <»1I«<1 me lu«t aa my feet were getting ousea not only pale faces and white liappy." Upe; it i« the root of many pains and I miseries. It is the cauae of shattered Think What Adam Escaped, nerves, headaches and backaches, and "1 wl»h 1 had lived three hundred the always tired feeling from which years ago." â- o many women and girls suffer. To "Why?" regain new health and strength the Happy Feet. i O'ROURKE A Mttle girl who w.s wr.rmlng her ^•J'*'''"*-°J ""'â- '"• °'''"*"' '"""â- ''•' " Rooke, Rerke. O'BEiRNC Variations â€" Belrne, Belmes, Barn, Barnes, Barewall, Barnewell, Bonn!- well. Racial Origin â€" Irish. Source â€" A given n^me. This Irish family name is not thf blood should be enriched through the tory to leatn.' tonic treatment with Dr. Williams' j . Pink Pills. This medicine has brought Nothing on Aunty. new health and stren^h to thousands | Uncle Markâ€" "You young lads of to- of weak, despondent people. jay want too much. Do you know Among those wlio have found new what I was getting when I married health through the use of this medi- your aunt?" cine is Mrs. Gregory J. Murphy, East Maurice (hla nephew) Ship Harbor, N.S., who says:â€" "I bet she didn't, either." bless the day I heard of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Before I began their use Two-foot Shirt. I was in a run-down and very weak ok a _j . . ..,.t, . . w, » condition. The lea.^t exertion would J^H.'^ Ass1stant-"\\-hat 1« shkt, leave me breathless and tired out. ^. . . v ..^ , ..^^ Housework was a trial, and at tln,e. ^JS'oTZJL^ ^"^ ' ' ' I felt very despondent. A friend .d- , '"^'^'°°' frontage, vised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I get six boxes. I had not | been taking the pills very long until Racial Origin â€" Irish. Source â€" A given name. Th«' Clan O'Rourke, from which the 'â- "i:in O'Reilly took its oritrin. and which in it.- turn was an offshoot of name as Bymea and Burns, thougl the C'wn O'Connor, is listed anion:? there are many ins'ances in which it the f)!d(st of clan organizations am- Iv s been confused wth them through ong th<' Irish. lat'on Into the Ensilah language. As a clan name, which virtua'lv But it coniee from an entirely dlf- I sJiouldn't have had so much his- "^s ^^'' ^^"ir th'n? as a fami'y name, ferent source. The Gaelic spelling of In c lean, b right Aluminum REDRose [is good f^ this surname probably antciat^s any- th'? clan name from which it has been thing in the way of an Enplish fam- developed is "O'Beirin," which in turn ily name by some three to four cen- was derived from the given name of turies. "Peirin." Th** m"aning of this name The founder of the O'Rourke clan w^as "fit to carry." was a chie'tain named Roarc OTon- This was. of course, the given name nor, the youngest of the twelve sons of the chieftain who foundeo the clan 'No- and ru °' ^'^* famous Tiernan O'Connor. The about the e'eventh or twelfth century. * date was some time prior to 893 A.D. Records of the exact date do not seem When you serve RED ROSE ORANGK PEKOE to your family you are giving them the best tea you pan buy. A grandson ot Roarc, Feargal to be available. O'Rourke, was the thirty-ninth Chris- The clan had its origin as a breach tian king of Connaught. This mon- or division of the O'Connors of Con- arch died In 954, and for a period of naught. several centuries afterward tills olan Neither must this family name be contributed many monarchs to the confused with the English family royal list of this kingdom. name of Barnes, though it sometimes Like most of the Irish names, this takes the same spelling. The latter one has suffered rather drastic is either of Norman origin or of local must be a mistake somewhere. But the great American poet, who died in 1882, was tall enough to make the name of Longfellow a very appro- priate one. Perhaps some boy who reads this paper may become a famous man, and be called everywhere by a nickname which he hasn't yet received. ^1 Classified AdvenisemenU^ PkSXAMD 1*I|«UM Ui.NVHi .i4Aui^ uiuj A nam ; St wtiU t-}uiMlrr« Witttuuc rvfriddJ rftnl inmem BtM Coapaar u :»« fraat dUMC W«A Taruota. Fl iGil 'JUiOiK I 111. K». IX- A «0 Cn >.1truUr. wmiM 1'lru.lL HirulMd »9. Ot, A Problem. "Above all," said the mistress to the changes in spelling through its trans- English origin, according to the indi I began to improve in health, and °*'^ BiAlii, "I went obedience and truth- lation into the nEglish language, continuing their use they restored m9 fulness." jjjg given name of "Roarc" is, to my former good health. I also' "Yes, modem." replied the girl, "and rived from ancient Gaelic gave the pills to my daughter, who " anybody calls when you are In and meaning "very swift." was anaemic and run-down, with the ^°^ '^^ ^o" *^e out. which ehall come •ame good results. Now I always ^''*^' °''«'''^°<^® or truthfulness?" have the pills in the house, and would vldual case, coming either from the â€", de- locality of Berners or Bemlers in words Normandy, or from the place of the same name in Surrey. not like to be without them. Get a box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills from your druggist to-day, or •end 60 cents to The Dr. WUUama' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., and a box will be sent you post paid. A little book, "Building Up the Blood," which explains the treatment, will b« â- ent free en request. 9 . The Mennonlte Farmer. While a party of gueets were stop- ping at an Inn they were Interested In listening In on the transactions be- tween a Mennonlte farmer and the management. The farmer had come to »elil vegetablee, and some eapeclally fine potatoes were dteplayed. "Sixty cents a bushel for them •aid His Good Deed. Johnny was unufiiually gleeful over breakfast. ' "I've dene my good turn tor to-day," I he aald. I "W^hat! Already r' Inquired his father. "Yes. I wae at the gate and heard MOTHERS PRAISE I BABY'S OWN TABLETS Mrs. L. M. Brown, Walton, N.S., says: â€" "1 cannot recommend Baby's Own Tablets too highly. I have found '• ,,,,,„ ; them Invaluable for the ailments of ^^\M, t ?""â„¢v "^^ ^^ ^^« little ones." Mrs. Brown's testimony doubtful whether they .would catch is the same aa that of thousands of other mothers who have used the Tab- lets. To use them once is a aure iruar antee that they will always be kept in the home as long as there are babies or young children to be cared for. The Tablets are a laxative â€" mild bat the 8.15, so I set flie bull(/og aft«r them and they arrived Just in time." « Just a Good Turn. The Association of the Boy Scouts of America have presented to the ., . , », . , , - „ Boy Scouts of Britain a bronze statue *'°'^«\'\"'="7-'''j'=^ T^^ 'f" to reflate the stomach and bowels; relieve constipation and indigestion ; break up colds and simple fevers and make the dreaded teething period easy. In fact you banish all the minor ills from which little ones suf- jie I of an American bison, dedicated to i the "Unknown Scout," that is, the The price In the market was only \ ^y Scout who did a service for an 80 cente, but it was finally agreed that | American tourist in London which loasmuch as he had gone to the trouble nioved that gentleman to iilquire into ot dellyerlng them he might ae weM ^« Boy Scout movement and its Ideas f^^ The Tablets are sold by medi leave five bushels. ""rhl a ^ '^"^ 'V!f, ^IT'T"- ., ' <=''^<^ 'le'^l*" O"" by mail at 25 cents a A week later the farmer returned The American asked the boy his box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine with another load of vegetables, but ^'^y '" » busy street and was at once q^ Brockville Ont. hla first move was quietly to unload a conducted to his destination. When i bushel ot potatoes. "Just to square b* offered the boy a tip, he received | accounts. he said very sdmply. Nicknames. Things taste so good we can't hcJp eating too much, now and then. Don't suffer for it. Ti,ko Seigel's Syrup. Any drugstore. » Poker Parties. "Do you attend poker parties?" "Yes â€" sitting In with the furnace, you know." * the reply, "No, sir. I am a Scout." From the little good turn done by I "Little-Boots," or "Bootsy," is a that boy in London the movement ; comical name for a great emperor, has grown until it numbers 750,000 but that Is the meaning of Caligula, in the United States and will prob- and Caligula was the ruler of the ably number a million before long. whole civilized world. The nickname was given to him Sea. Careless forever, beautiful proud sea. when he was a little boy. by the sol- diers of hia father's army, as soon as . they raw him ?ome into camp wearing lou laugh in happy thunder all a pair of military boots made to suit alone, ^j, (Jlminutive size. Tt stuck tj him, Yoa fold upon yourself, you dance and took the place of his real name, your dance [ gjnj he is known by it now^. after more Impartially on drift-wood, sand or ; than eighteen hundred years have stone. â€" Sara Teasdale, in London Mercury. Cod liver oil is going out of fash- ion, save in the case of rickety chil- dren, as doctors are now finding that was Scipio Nasica, betters are delivered to^some Islands ' a properly balanced diet is just as e£-i "Scipio Longnose." passed away. But his nickname was not quite as ridiculous as that of another famous man of ancient Rome, who also had to adopt it as his regular title. This whoch means, 1 nthe Pacific by means of a rockfet ap- fective. and the cod liver oil is apt paratus operated from passing boats. to upset delicate digestions. It depends largely on the flour you use. We believe you'll welcome this suggestion â€" try Purity, the rich, vigorous Flour â€" made from the finest Western wheat. Thousands of cooks say Purity Flour is best for cakes, pies, buns and bread. PURITyPIIOUR Sen J 30c in sUmps for our 700-rtcipe Purity Flour Cook Booh. 2U Western Cauda Flour Mills Co. LioUtsd. Toronto. Moolrsol, Ottawa, Salar lohn. Well-Known Home Builder Quickly Restored to Health Victim of Nervous Indigestion, Loss of Sleep and Intolerable Pain, Father of 8 Children Finds Long- Sought Relief. Strength Restored, Praises Tanloc Jo£,eph A. Brunet. a well-known Montreal building coniractor, 7053 Boyer Street, says: "The brawn, mus- tle and splentUd health of the strong- •it man will break undtr the strain of modern living. "I was suffering untold agonies when I began taking Tanlac. My •trength had vanished. I couldn't work •fflclently, I couldn't enjoy life aa •ther men did. I had lost weight and Vas wracked by knlfe-llke pains. "I was completely discouraged when Tanlao was recommended to me and I took It. I recommend It to anyono |«ho Is ailing. "This tonlo worked wonders with Be. Qwlckly my old strength return- ad. I began to have a great appetite and ate everything without a sign of [and sluggish liver. It Is naturo's own pain. Once more I knew what It waa | reacedy made from roots, barka and to bare a good night's sleep. Tanlac , horbs h ordJng to the famoua Tan. '.poking people, and their descendants A great many celebrated men are known in history by their nicknames, but most of these nicknames were given to them when they â- were older j than little Caligula. I The Emperor of Germany who is called Barbarossa, or "Red-beard," ' have been first called so when he was j old enough to employ a barber, though I it Is not likely that he ever did give one of them a job, unless he let them cut his hair, or bleed him. for the old- fashioned German barbers did a great deal of bleeding, cupping and leech- ing. 1 King Edward I. of England, prob-! ably received his nickname of "Long-! shanks" after he had gotten his full ! growth: and Ed'^und Ironside."!.! Ethelred the Unready. Richard Lion- 1 'I'^art. .John I ack'.-'nd ard Kd-ivar:i t^e Blnck Prin'e all gained theirs after thev ha<l bocome men. But HaroM Barefoot may ha' e e;irrp<l that title by beating his play-' mates in fonf-''aces. and Henry Beau- clerc certainly won hi'< honorable nickname by actually learning to write his own name, whioh was con-, sidered a very wonderful thing to do in his time. As so many of the French kiners were named Louis, it is very conven- ient to have nickname.H to remember them by. and It is a great deal easier to tell Ix>uis the Fat from Louis the Bald or louis the Saint than to keep the run of their numbers. Many of our own surnames must have been given to our ancestors just as boys nickname each other at school. Little and Long. Short and Tall. Black, White, Green, Brown, and a lozen other colors, all began as nicknames, and a great many of us are now called by the names of ani- mals or birds because some of our Woman Diplomat's Novel. Madame .^le.xandra KoUontay. Soviet envoy to Mexico, the world's only wo- man ambassador, has wTltten a novel calJed "Red Love." Just published, which Is described ae an authentic re- presentation of love In present-day Soviet Russia. iMme. Kollonta.y. who Is e noted writer on problems con- trontlng modern women, has included In her novel a background of free mar- riage, free divorce, motherhood, stand- SiTidB of morals, and the problem of oajreer vs. love. .> Nothmg Was Ever Lost â€" â€" By sa-riticing our business for the «ike of our children. â€" By being loyal to ojr conscience. â€" By understanding our case whe i wo are selling gooas. â€" By delivering a bttter quality of goods than we agreed to. â€" By taking the side on which there was no doubt. - By keeping your mouth shut when you were angrry. â€" By doing your work the best of which you were capable. » Beware of the Man â€" â€" Who speaks 111 of his mother. â€" Who says all men are liars. He is confessing. â€" Who laugh.s at things sacred to other men. â€" Who grows too confidential on first acquaintance. â€" Who always complains that the boss has it in for him. â€" Who lays all the blame on the other party. â€" Who cannot laiicrh when the joke Is oti him. <â-º Queen Mary Brings Lorgnette Popularity. Qu«en .Mary has popularized the lorgnette this ytsir by carrying a hand- Sonne one of the Lxjuls XV. type, which she uses freely M tbe thmitre. The lorgnette Is atuMy mit of bar mony with sxtretuel'V m<>iteru gowns. but the Qmjeii Is so consM'vailve in lier dress that the lorgnettB of a perioJ when tralne anid powdered wigs were In style I9 not Inharmonious with hsr stately toileltesi. •> Animal War Dead Honored. To the animal war d-e*J, a ui<;>nioriHl, the first of Its kind. Is being esaab- Uahed at Wanotea-d. Kngland. It wljl be in the form of a large san-a>toHuni for the treatment of horsee. miulesi dogs, monkeys^ goats, plgeo^nti and cana.rlt>». reppw«?tttlng the prlU'cl'pal animal and bird life which met death In eej-vice. No domestic au'ima.1 or forefather's were'^hTught^tTlo^k nk,>'^2^J, however, will be refusal tneot 'siich^.rreatureB. .Such names as "Barebones," must lave been applied to rather strange- Spring Opening. j Usually the song of the robin an- nounces the beginning of Spring, but this year an entirely different tune heralds the passing of Old Man Win- ter. - The hum of the motorcycle on the open road ia a sure sign that Summer In all Its glory la Just around the corner. When the dyed-in-the- wool devotee of the motorcycle bestirs himself and hits for the open road, it U an assured fact that Ifa safe to follow him. This year, more than ever, the motorcycle will be seen in ever increasing numbers on the high- ways and byways. The recent Intro- duction of the Single Cylinder model has sold the motorcycle to thousands who heretofore were content to leave that pleasureable form of touring to the younger generation. Because of the ease with which the Single in handled the older element have taken : to the two-wheeler and now it is a \ common sight to see father and son, â-  and yes, mother too, enjoying an out- ing via motorcycle. Because of the j joy which Spring brings to all, and particularly the motorcyclist, all Harley-Davidson dealers have organ- ized a "Spring Opening Week" which [ is designed to celebrate the beginning : of the riding and touring season. ' Walter .Andrews, Toronto Harley Davidson Dealer, has arranged quite an elaborate program for "Spring ^ Opening Week." May 2nd to 7th. Open house will be the order both day and evening for the entire per- iod. Brand new 1927 modele will be on display at the store and the pu' - lie are invited to inspect the raachin"-) and if desired to ride them. AiihATlt M£N A.SO WUUEN 8tl.I. WiLjIUO tad FiLU'O 'l^ASERS. L'-rr baauk w.i. . . nf â€" ft'.iaijt rour proipar:!. <*.vd o*^ BlMloll. ExrlUlrtT* •nntwr. H A. 1.4I40VM tt Com't^AOj. DflXiL <'. .i.,.iwiH. Ont. IEO lTi:n rtKMEDT. OWU IPll-H 4TIOM ^ wUl itop Ik-hliu. ftamoliif %C'I 31UI14. IS-'Yit UU Umv« BMoadr for bmfcan-wlnai-d borM*. 13 ML U.;0*llV Uadk-jiU (o. KABDOrUla. OnL L 4ra -inM, iOo4 iDlES WA.NTKD TO I>0 VlJilS MWtns ftt honui. «hol* ur ^f^ra pay: wnrk mnt any dlsiAikic: -narart paid. 9tsid ft»T<w fiir ijartit^ulara. Natlon&l Mannfactorlns C(h» MuQtreaL G IIATIS LITTLK FHIENO" TO KiTKSlI M^ ; !navl<><l in pUjl ,-nr«lop«. Hftrlj SsO* Co.. Uuntraal. Salt Beds of Ontario. The salt beds of Weatem Ontiarlo cover an area of some 3,000 square miles. According to the Natural Eo- sources Intelligence Service theTO Is sufficient supply in thia one district to last the world at its present rate of consumption for approximately 90 thousand years. The beds lie at h«*j tween 1,000 and 4,000 feet below ths surface. Y-O-LA ia unexcelled for Dyelni^ and Tinting. Profassioaal Dyers use the Same Kind of I DYES Spring Time is CELERY KING Time Brew a cup of ibis fine old vegetable tonic It i] ill the spring medicme you need. It drives out winter's poisons. Improves the appetite and makes vou feel better right away. CELERY KING is good for the whole &mily. At druggists, 30c & 60c. Button 10 Miles Away Guards Bank of Elngland 1 Not content with the u.-^ual pre- cautions against burglars, the Bank j of England is making provision even for emergencies when, for some rea- ' son or other, the bank's staff might be unable to lock the underground treasure vaults. In the rebuilt "Old Lady of Threadneedle Street" the ; vaults 'will be so constructed that I they can be flooded by the pressure of a button at any one of three differ- i ent points â€" one within the bank, one I elsewhere in London and one in the country ten miles outside London. • For distemper -Mlnard'a Liniment. â€" Women In the Wilds. Women are now taJilng up British Government poeits In the Straits Set- tlements, Nigeria, the Gold Coasit, and rarlous Isolated islands as medical officers, education officials, etc. Being well read, avoiding black looks, doing your work up brown, treating everTOne white, and never showing a yellow streak, or feeling blue, will help to keep one in the piiLk of condition. CHICKS ThatPay Ail that the name impliet. From healthy, fraa - , .. range parent flocks. Bred to lay, 8.H W.Leghoma and Barred Plymesth Rocks from nationally known strains. Get mora poultry profits from these healthy, vigorous, Smith Hatched Chicks. Wr<te tor cifcufcir Fft£B ONTAKIO QCAUTT HATODBIT \"« gtefcll>OMdat.,L>«lBB.OKtMi»/ TIRED FEET Mlnards soothes sore and rired feet. Bathe â€" then rub well with Mlnard's. Free Treatments For DEAFNESS Head Noises from Nasal Catarrh Hearing Restored I have an original home treatment f crdeaf ness and head noises from nasal ca- tarrh which 1 want every sufferer to try freeâ€" with- out obligation. For many years I suffered from ca- tarrhal deafness and head noises. I perfected a treat- ment which completely re- stored my hearing. I gave it to others and they were able to hear again. Since that time, hundreds have used it successfully. DMUt. certainly put me on my feet, made me , lao forniu'.a. itronger and gave me better health i Banl-;!! sickness from your life and than 1 have had In years." enjoy t^p benefits of golden health. Tanlac usually banl<hes pain. Con- Begin liik'-^ Tanlac. The first bottle ^uers ailments and builds up strengih usually t : i'lgs results that will sur- in famished bodies. It rellpvpg 'he >=vj prise vo'i Ask your druggist for Tan- lam of poison caused by constipation lac-- today 1 •vould be e:(cusable for having them â- hanged by act of legislature. When we see a very thin gentleman 'â-  lady named Stout, or a very short me named l^ong. It seems as if there ISSUE No. 17â€"27. Rosewood In Brazil. Rosewood Is not the wooti of snv kind of rose tree. It Is obtained chief- ly from certain kinds o>f BruzUlan tree*. The mime la due to a faliit smell of ro.'He when the wood Is fre»li- ly cut. Kill warts with MInard's Liniment. This Is FREE I feel so sure that this treatment will re- store hearing and end head noises from nasal catarrh that I want every sufferer to try It free. I want to prove at my expense that the resulis are quick and convincing. It is the best treat- ment that I have found in 42 years" practice as eye. ear, nose and throat specialist. FREE of other Inntancrt aim liar tuthfse have told m* of the trcH' tiif ni 's •ufcfj^s TRY IT FREE In mUditiun. I will send you aboulutelv free my new bouk on D-afneHa. Hoad N<>i(H^« and Catarrh. It difirui«fiCA f iili> the curable and in- curable kinds uf deai'ncM. Write today for thia free teat tifatment, Pf;uo it vnu a. » dpaf. have head numet or juit nai«l catarrh or h^-ad catarrh. Write or print your nam** plainJv. Do ni t delay. Thia sotic* may not apn. ttr atcn'M, For 30 day* I am to cive fi .-:iv -'â- .'K'O fre«trc»tmt'nti*. OR.W. O. COFFCE, Suit* 2111, St. Jam*s Katel S)dg., Davenport, la. Or. W. O. Coffra 25,000 Treatments To Be GIVEN AWAY This Month Thc«« treatments cost you nothing. Thfl rp- â- QltaKreQulrkandtmnvinoJnff.Yuii will fe*>l the difference the llrst dny. I have found that 90 per cent of the catra of deafneea end head Dclaea are caused primarily by na?«l catarrh. Iloften affect! t he atomach. oautei rhcumatiam •nd many other troublea. Usually ono ear in affected flrat. the deafneae irntwM wonte with •Teryaevere cold until theotherexr in alfiK-ted. My onainal home treatment will b;.>p all tlnn. I hare reitor«^l heanns in many entreme eatea; one woman had b«*n irmwing d<.af for 4S Teen: a man 88 yam old a ho lind S.en denf for many yeararan n.'n \\-,\r Bvnin. I!\p Jrt.;:^

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