i^t ttf^^J -' â- â- â- ^â- A rt- •.-<» «f â- • â- -:* *s. Wiit /ksl)M0tt %Hmct. Vol 46 No. 50 Flesberton; Ontario, April 27, 1927 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors KIMBERLEY PRICEVILLE Held Over From Last Week. Held Over From Last Week. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Bishop of Tor- r . » n_ i._ • onto and Miis Elvia Bishop of George-- „?1?'^ . ^^r^^u ** ^^.''^'^h'* town were Easter visitors iwth Mr. ^S*^u^"u'^^** Churches were well at^nd- and Mrs. W. S. Bishop, ^^ ^^^ mormng and evemni? and we CEYLON EUGENIA PROTON STATION Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stuart and the must say Easter bonnets and frocks Misses Nathalie and Shirley of" Mea- ^^^. °" display this lovely Easter ford also Mr. and Mrs. Stuart of ^o%5.''^^^^^f\.„„ . R„if,=* t«.i,„^ ^„„ eau spent the week end with Mrs.' Rev. W ray of Belf^t Ireland, enp- W T EUi- •; plied at McKinnon Hall on Sunday. Miss MiM Fawcett of Markdale ^ ^ ^I'^tS^""^ v' ^il'^ILJ^- !%• T"^ and Miss Marion Fawcett of Toronto ^,^"'« .-^^Lean, May McDermid, Ester are spending a few davs with their **''^?"'^' f.^^^f McKinnon. Margaret parents Mr. and Mrs. John L. Fawcett. ^â„¢*"'t *" ,<?^ Toronto were guests The Misses Hazel and Blanche S^'^*" ^l^ holiday at their respective Hammond of Toronto spent a few ''°U}*^ 'l?^,- <,. ^ . _ , days with Miis Justina Ellis and other ^'â- - ^'^'l fr°^^ j^"*^^ "â- friend* ^ branch of the Standard Bank near Miss' Leona Weber of Toronto is^*""'f/ '?V5''^ '^^'^ °^ ^'^ V^r^nU spending a week or two with her par- "^".the hohday. ents Mr. and Mrs. F. Weber. ' -^^'^^^ *^^**'' Mr Carl Carruthers of Toronto Nor- mal School is visiting his mother. Misses Almeda Weber and Rhoda Soul of Meaford H. S. are spending the week at their parental homes. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Graham and family and Mrs. Plewis spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Frank Davis of Vandeleur. Mr. John Magee of Eugenia was a caller in town on Easter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thompson _, ^ â€"^ _^.,.-o spent Easter with Mrs. Thompson of I°';2"*° .^'^'^ ^^^t^"" "^^^ *' ^- ^ Flesherton iMcDermids. Messrs Harold Thompson. Norman: ^^^^ *? report Mrs. Mc\'icar is im- Burrit, Laurie LawTence and Stuart Pro^ng in the Durham Hospital and Ellis were in Eugejiia on Sunday to 'â- '^ hope to see her with us again, see Mr. Mervyn Hammond. ^^^- ^^V McLean made a business Miss Kathleen Hutchinson is spend- tnP ^^ 'Detroit 'ast week and brought ing a few days with friends in To- hack with him a new Essex coach. _Qjjj Miss Janett McDonald of Ottawa r>' /-iT^i. o 1 ^15 visiting with friends and relatives ^ r^?^ ^l^^% ^"'^^^* '" around town. Mr. and Mrs. John Haj-nes. a son jir. John L. McDonald of Ottawa John, Junior . . .Jarrived the end of the week to soend A congregational meeting was held ^ few davs with relatives and old in the church on Tuesday night. After friends also. the business was completed a social Please don't forget the concert of evening was held. ipri. night of this wpek in McKinnon Mrs. George Proctor spent Saturday Hall being nut on bv Prof. Kvle. It McL«an, Donelda Nichol, .\nna McLean. Lousia Wat- son. Alex McLean, teachers, are spending the holiday week at their homes here. Mr. Peter Johnston teacher here has gone to his home near St. Thom- as for the holiday week. The Willing Workers bazaar held on Saturday in McF-Ton Hal! was a decided success. Proceeds amounted to over $2-5. Mr. an Mrs. Clarke and family of Ernie Proctor of is a farewell fo- Mr. Sutherland and VANDELEUR with Mr. and Mrs Eugenia. -family. Congratulations were extended to I Mr. Griffin of Caledon, who married; on Monday the ISth Miss Lillian Arm- 1 strong, daughter of Mr. James Arra-j strong of the valley road north. I Mr. Edgar McConnel of Markdale Held Over From Last Week. High School and Mr. Harold Thomp-, jjr. Elmer Warling has purchased son of Flesherton H. S. are spending j, j,g^y sedan the school holidays at their respective Mr. H. Freeman and family fcf homes. â- Flesherton spent a day with Mr. and Mtss Myrtle Stafford spent a few Mrs. Thos. Freeman and family, days in Barrie, returning on Satur- Miss Helen Oke of Toronto is a day with Miss Bessie Stafford of visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Huntsville who is holidaying at her Lundv Johnston. Held Over From Last Week. Dr. J. F. Grant and family of Dur- ! \ ham. Dr. C. L. Grant and family of | Walkerton, Mrs. B. Grant of Oshawa, i Mrs. Dr. Hayes of Mississippi U.S.A. 1 \ and Misses \. and K. Grant, Toronto, i spent Easter with their sister. Mrs. 'â- AUie Muir at the Six Comers. Mrs. T. Brady of Toronto visited \ with her sister Mrs. Jas. McMollen. | ; Mr. J. Huston of Ripley, student ' I of Bellville College had charge of the j \ sevices here Suniiay morning and ! j will also take charge of the service , j next sabbath. Miss Tambly of Dxar- j ' ham accompanied him over. j j 'Mrs. George Banks and children I spent Easier with Durham friends. I Mr. J. C. McLaughlin, Toronto, and ! Eldon of Tottenham spent the week j end with their father. ! Mr. .A.. Sincliar and son Jimmie spent the first of week with friends in Owen Sound. Mr. Clarence Marshall of Tottenham spent the week at his home here. Mrs. Marj- Ru'.ledge left Friday to spend Easter week with her son rt Bala. Miss Janet McLeod was an Easter visitor with Toronto relatives. Mr. Bert Kerr and Mr. Joe Snell left for Toronto the past week. Mrs. -Archie Sincliar and daughter Margaret spent Easter with friends at Tillsonburg. Mr. Ross McMullen of Toronto and J. C. MoMuUen of Tottenham spent the week end with their parents here. Mr. and Mrs. L. Torrey and son Jack, of Lauriston. spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. H. Piper. Mrs. F. J. CoUinson and family spent Faster with friends in Owen So'i"^. Mr. Earl White spent a few days with friends in Toronto. Messrs John and .Arthur Whittaker 01 Toronto spent the week end with their brother .Angus here. Mrs. Marshall. ba>^" and daughter Stella spent Easter with friends at Bolton. Mr. Duncan McMillan teacher at Toronto spent Easter at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cushnie. of Tor- onto spent Easter at R. Cook's. Miss Nellie Spencer of Feversh.im spent FTidav with Friday with Mrs. Jas. McMullen. Miss Mary Stewart teacher, spent the Easter holidavs at her home in Clinton. \ Mr. and Mrs Harvey Griffon. Mr home here. SCHOOL REPORTS S. S. No. 6. Artemesia. Sr. 4 â€" Isaac Snell 65. Marie Snell 58. Neilbert McKenzie 49. Jr. 4 â€" Jeanette MacLeod. Dorothy Snell. Bessie Cairns. Jr. 2â€" Billy Cairns 65. Sr. 1 â€" Billie Wright 77. Irene Fis- her 56. Elsie Fisher 53. â€"A. S. Hincks. Teacher. I Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stewart of : Flesherton visited with their daughter I Mrs. Elmer Warling for a few days. Miss Lillian Buchanan of Toronto ; is spending the Easter holidays with her parents. Miss Jean Wright of Toronto is spending the Easter holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wright. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Graham and family. Miss -Ada Blair and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Burnett of Markdale also Mr. and Mrs. Russel Graham and babe of Rocklyn were visitors with Mr. and ; Mrs. J. I. Graham and family one day recently. Widow and Widowers* Special .-K short time ai;o I protni.-;od to put on a special tor the people of Flesherton alone, and upon griving- it considerable thoui^ht happened to think of a verse in the Good Book which says that it is not ^ood tor man to live alone, and I thought if it was not jrood for man why it would also apply to the ladies, so I am g'oing" to otYer a little encouragement to these two classes of l>eople in our village in the matri"\iny line by offering- free to the first widow or widower resifiing in Flesher- ton getting married before Aug. 1, 1927, a fine Leather Rocker. This offer is only gfood until Aug"- 1st. which T think will be plenty of time for experieticed hands to put a deal of this kind through, and should both parties reside in Flesherton, I will donate one chair to each party. Fertab Pills for flowers, to promote bloom. 2Sc pkg-. Fertilixer in 1-lb pkg., used by the Dale Estate to rush flowers and garden plants along:: gives excel- lent results, 25c pkgf. Furniture Polish, at this season of the year, is needed to bng-hten up odd scratched furniture: per bottle. 25c THOS. W. FINDLAY FURNITURE DEALER FUNERAL DIRECTOR FLESHERTON. ONT. Phone in house and shop. 34 r 3 and 34 r 11 and Mrs. Stanley White and babe. Miss .\nna White and Mr. R. Brown all of Toronto and Mr. Jack Wh:- ' ' iche' at McWilliams. Ont. we- â- Easter visitors with Mrs. Wni. Whit«; and family. Mr. Robt. Cook has purchased a new Ford Sedan the past week. This Week's Items. Miss Jean Holmes of Owen Sound spent a couple of days the rast week with her aunt. Mrs. .A.nna McMillan. Mrs. Cecil .\rchibald of Proton spent the week end with her narents. Mr. Robert Cook. Miss Millv Cook and Mr. Percv Hemphill motored to Hanover and Walkerton the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Thoâ€"is Gilchrist and Mr. and Mrs. Edsrar Patterson visited with frieni^s ;it Hanover la?t week. Mr. J. J. Patterson has purchasinl a r.nv car for his ple.isure. Mi?^,- M. Stewart, who spent Faster at her home at Clinton, returned and op»".ed school on Mondav. Mrs. Albert McWhinnev and little i.^n. of Windsor, .ire visiting with her t.ithor. Mr. A. Haiard. Mr. P. .\. Fersnison of Caledon vis- •%'.' the past w»fk with Mr. and Mrs. Robert C» Ml. Mr. R. Campbell has bought the house now occupies! by Mr. Chesney from Mr. Sandy MoFadden. and will move in this fall. Or. West and Mrs. West and babe, of .-Xngus, visited Mrs. West's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Whittaker. Mrs. Cooper h^s moved into the av^rtments lately occupied by Mr. J Hales. We extend a welcome to Mr«. Cooper. >lr. Frank Stewart of Toronto spent Eajter week with his parents. Miss Kate .McMillan left Monday for her school at C'->rbetton. Miss .\gnes MacPhail spent th;; v<»ek end at her home here. FEVERSHAM When I hear the robins calling, Wlien I see the tulips nod. When I hear the children's laughter I've a consciousness of God. When the winter's snows are fading And the son glows warm and brigL*, It seems a sort of token Of another kindly light. Maple syrup making is ov«r for an- other year. This has been one of the best seasons for a number of years. Seeding operations are in fall swing. Mr. k. F. Pedlar and Mr. Wm. Gordon are attending the O.E.A. in Toronto this week. The Falconer family of Durham visited on Satarday with Mr. and Mrs. Harc^d Falconer here. Miss Josephine remained for a week's vis- it. Miss Mildred Johnston, teacher here, is spending the holidays with her parents at Kemble. Miss Marie Christie. Sth line teach- er, is holidaying at her home in Ow- en Sound. Mrs. McWatters has returned to her home near Srayner after spending the winter with her sisters, Mr^. Wilson and Mr:-. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. .A.lired Genoe and Ih- ] tie son, Sammie. have moved to Ow- ' en Sound, where Mr. Genoe has tak- en a position. We wis'n them suc- cess in their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Plann and children attended the Griiiin-.Vrm- ;trone wedding in Kimber'.ey o-. ''Ton- day of this week. The bride is a sis- ter of Mrs. Plantt. We wi«*- the young couple a happy and prosper- ous journey through life. Mr. Bates Fawc-^tt is assisting Mr. .\. F. Pedlar with his soring work Mr. R. McMaster and son. Wil- fred, of Flesherton. have finished drilling a well for M^. Chas. Turner. Mr. J. .\. Sloan is on the sick list at present. We hope for his speedy re- covery. •' 4^M Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graham and daughters of Walkerton visited rel- atives in this village over the week- end. Mr. and Mrs- Geo. Gorley and dau- ghter. Miss Viola, of Markdale. mo- tored i" their new Che\-rolet sedan to Eugenia, and ^isited Mrs. S. W". Sloan. The Large family of Niagara Falls visited over Easter Sunday at the Eugenia House with Mrs. Large 's par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Munshaw. Mrs. W. E. Morgan and daughter. Miss Patricia, are spending Easter vacation with friends in Toronto. Mrs. .\!ex Hoy is visiting t-'-nds in Paislev. Mr. and Mrs. W. .\. Hawken of Flesherton visited Postmaster Park and family. Miss Donelda Sloan had the misfor- tune of again spraining her ankle on Friday of last â€" eek. which has con- fined her to her bed. .\t time of writin.g. we are pleased to state, she is improving nicely. Mrs. J. Williams of Toronto, ac- companied by the Henderson family, visited over the we^k-end with her hi: -band here. Mr. Robert Laughlin, wVo has beer on the sick list the past week, is still il! at time of writing. We hone he rrav soon be able to resume his du- t' ^ at Rock Mills. â- ^Ir. and >rrs. Roy MacMil'in and ^•I'ne. of Markdale. visited with Mrs. V^'iison on Sundav. This Week*; Items. WiHlding bells! Wevidir- belts' Mr. a!;d Mrs. Frank Cairns of Cev- -.. accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. â- 'ox MclVnald and daughter, of Mac- Tet>r. visiteil on Sunday with their â- .-H-le. Mr. Henrv Cairns. Mr. Wesley Cooev of Toronto vis- 'uvl over the week end at the Eu- genia House. Miss Josephine Falconer returned home to Durham after spending her Faster vacation with her brother and !;is wife here. Mr. Robert Ptirvis went to Toronto -n Mondav to attend the funeral of hi* sister-in-law;. Mr*. W. Pur\-is. which took place there on Tuesday. We extend our s>-mpathy to Mr. Pur- vis and other relatives in their sad bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. Harrv F>H-ster spent Easter at the former's parental home in Kitchener. We are sorry to r*"virt Mr. Robt. l.auehlin «till on the sick H't. Wo all hope his health will soon improve. Bom â€" On .A.pril 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Lome .\tkir.-3on, a son. The box social held under the aus- pices of L.O.L. 244 last Friday night ieem.ed to be enjoyed by all present. A play entitled Lighthouse Nan, was presented in good style by the young people of Riverview. Fine talent was displayed by the actors and actresses. They teld the interest and close at- tecrtioii of the audience from 'oegin- ning to end. The boxes were sold by .A.actioneer George Duncan, after which dancing was indulged in by those who cared to stay. The Har- mony King Orchestra of Ehmdalk pro- '.-ided the moaic. " (- Mr. Roben McLean of Detroit vas the guest of MLss Ruth Stewart. Miis Mary Frarjcis of Rivcrvievr visited her friend, Mks Maud Aefc:- son. Mr. Charley Davey, Mr. Bo&sel L- win and Mr. N'eLl McCannel are Hcz owners of new ears this spriwr. It's hard to get down to work. As soon as a man starts spading nti gar- den he's sore to dig up some worms and worms just natcrally suggest a sp^ of fishing. Fine weather but cold and frosty nights keeps the grv>wth back. Mr. Gonlon Henderson is spending a few days with his mother here. Mr. Thomas Park of Regina. Sask.. visited his uncle. Wni. Heitman. last week. Mr. Wm. Wagg and bride of Ux- bridge visited with the former's aunt, Mrs. R. S. McGirr, last week. Miss E>i-« Spencer of Toronto spent the holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Spencer. Mr. Thomas Conron and son. Bur- ton, are visiting a» Port Colbome. We welcome Mr. »nd Mrs. Wm. Smith, who have become residents of our village. We are sorry to report th«t Mr. J. J. Kaitting b very ill at present with nneumonia. We hope for a speedi- recovery. Mis* Brown. R. N., is in attendance. We are glad to report that Mr. Will Conn's little daughter, Doris, is im- proving after a severe attack of pneu- monia. * ^^â- it Mrs. McDuffy and children, of Sas- katchewan, are visiting with the for- mer'.? uncle. Mr. Chris. Thompson, and other friends here. EAST MOUNTAIN Mr. Hugh Smith was able to be taken home from CoUingwo^vl hos- pital on Satuniay cvf last week, and is much improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. J. Rawlings and chil- I'ren of Duncan spent a da>- recently with Mr. Harry Rawlings of this vi- cinity. We are sorry to report Mr. S. Smart under the doctor's care. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs. Best, who has been visiting j with Mrs. Harry Thompson for a month, is visiting friends at Bethel. I Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Thompson and Miss Ursula Thompson spent Tuesday ' with friends at Biethel. [ Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Chard of Rock Mills were Easter visitors with Mr. ' and Mrs. Robert McMullen. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harbottle and children of Union spent Sunday with the former'-"* i^arents. Mr. and Mrs. George Harbottle. Mr. Lome Hutchinson of Clarks- burg spent a few days at Mr. Thos. Hall's recently. BATES BURIAL CO. FUNERAL SERVICE -\'E\V MODERN FUXER-\L PARLORS 122-124 Avenue Road. TORONTO Telephone: KlngsdaU 4344 J. W. Bates. R. Maddocks. The Right Time For new shippers to start is rig:ht now in the spring' season. You will find it profitable if vou bring voi"- CREAM TO US. There is a big difference in grading: cream. Bv which affects the price you get. By selling' your cream to •-IS you will be assured the ver}- best grading, because ;.ou can deliver the cream more promptly, or we will call for it promptly and have it graded in the shortest time possible, thereby assuring you of Special Xo. 1 grading. We are proving- this to our present pat- rons. Highest market prices and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Honest Markdale Creamery Honest Test and Produce Co. Weight MARKDALE. OXT.ARIO. PHOXE ^ Hurrah! Hurrah! 7 10 inch Records for $1.00 WHILE THEY L/tSti ''^ Only a limited number left W. A. Armstrong & Son FLESHERTON, ONT. MOUSE OF dUALlTY TART YOUR CHICKENS RIGHT. WE CAN SUPPLY- ^OU WITH THE BEST BABY CHICK FEED. GROWING MASH, BABY SCRATCH FEED. CHICK GRIT BONE MEAL. s m^ W. J. STEWART & SONS FI Tâ€"i. % »ds. Gr«c«riM and Cen««cti«n«ry FleshertoA