OWL-LAFFS OO O. W. L fOa With HIE ONLY MEDKM ! BABY HAS HAD Springtime. Emfure and Live. Uattbow Arnold «a» th« ten of O** gtr Dunun Grey, LX^D^ In Oi* Lou- {amou* Ttomos Arnoki, tii'O H«ftd Mjm- don N&doati Review: A Yorkshire Use of Ragby School so datiy d«ptcMd provert which mJcht weil be wrttt«n In 'Too Brown's Schooldayi." H* on Um liatal of •tmt door in Ui« land UmMit waa for mtny y«»r» a »cho«l aAy»: "Tbank God tor yoor vUfflcaitiM, moM, a fraat En«ll«>i p6«t. Tb« tol- ; lowing la from "laeult's Tale": â€" They came to wb«r« ceac«4, and day P««rcd 'twixt the atems; ground broke away, QiAt atreoglh i that courage cctoe*. tlte Kingdom of Joy i tbe brushwood !» not a remedy: it Is What ThooBands of Mothers iMpMtor, but be waa. Cnt and for»- (iaa4 m«a tuve j Say of Baby's Own Tablets. I Once a modier baa saw! Baby'i Own ; Tablets for ber little oq«9 ihe will im« nothing «'!â- «. Exp^rle-nce teacheB her that tbey are wlUiowt an equal for r*- « ll«vlng b*by of any of the maay mLncr »ilmenL8 which affllet him at one tlm* or anofhw. Th« Tablet* oerer faQ to . ^ . ,^ ba Of benefit-<bey cannot poelV^ * ^^ "^ "« '^ " "''«• ^^ •»«'•' '" r^"'''. none. " It U by eninr- I bom, by battle by patience (b«t I won. SodaUam « a diaease â€" and REDRpSE a mortal diae raec . k It no; a c.ii>e: ;t and the !t a. c«aker and a curse. U la not a medioLne^ but a polsoa that paraiyxea "is good teeT Look Ob th* brooks farther ilte waa cl««x, but then The underwood and treee began again. 'nila open glen waa suidded thick with fS'J*.l^' °'? ?^^ I *^^* «!:*" Th«x w'ST^Kh biceaom; a«l you «w harm la they are guaranteed to be free from all lojorlooe drug*. ConoesTilnt Babr's Own Tablets Un. ' Ruasett HU:, Norwood. Oat., aeyt:â€" "I â- haB always hAre a eood word to say IB a iloped award, down to a brawling and benumbs InitlatiTe and roba a mas brook; of aU that giYce se>H and motire to Socialism !a not a preae r lp. don; It la a deaxti-warrant, and It deals o«t no heaiiog and no happtoess, bat misery and d«cay. * Stranger (at gate)â€" "la your mother 'at hamef , Tountstarâ€" "Sayl Do you mtpposa Tm mowing this yard bscaua* th* pounds. «rasB le loegT' Natleat (nerroTiety)â€" ^Aa4 will tiM «P«T»tlon be danKerwjs, doctorr Doc.â€" "Nonsense! Ton couldn't koT '^ ^^.'^^'^'^ operatloB lor totty 4o(- Advertleln* wxirks ths way gru* I»rowsâ€" the beUer your pubadty tsr- tUizer the less you need Ue awak* laiglits to worry about ths croe>. them to our baby gIrL In fact they are the only msdlclDe ehe has erer had aod I am proud to say that ahe took sseo n d prUe at ovr baby show. She la «l«Ten mootha old azkd weighs U Ko moQier whose child la I pearlaii or allteg will make a miscaks ! In fflTloc Babr'a Own Tablets." ! Baby's Own Tablets are scld by ' m«dlclne dealers or dhrect by mall si IS oeou a box fi>om Th» Dr. WUUamaT . Medicine Co., BrockriUe, Ont. « The Lord Chanceflor's Seat. the horD% Through last year's tern, of the ihr; {allow dieer I Who oom« at noon down to the water tksae. Tott saw the brlght-eiyed squirrels dart along Under the thorns on tbs greensward: sad strong The bJ&ckblrd whistled trota the I dlngiiee near, And the weird chipping of the wood- pecker Rang lonesomely aiui sharp; the sky In ths Itteroi sense there Is no "bar" | wa^ fair. In the House of Commons ; It is but a ' Aod a fresh breath of sprisg stirred brass rod let In the floor. Yet moat! everywhere, people Imagine It as a eort of waist-! Upon the brow-top grew a thorn, and You might tell her age and Uve, bat ^^ barrier. , here SPRING ffllPURrriES DUE TO POOR BLOOD RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE b the **bcst tea yoa can buy**â€" picked when only three da3^ old â€" juicy, flavor-filled leaves. Now packed in Aluminam. sa Mental Health. Ifeotal heaith means more than be- ing free Crom miental dl3«e«a SV*»- (lorn from iataaitij aicne does; not im- iPlr that a peracc's m^etal heaict is ' perfect. The serein of Hfe as to are A Tonic Medicine a Necessity at tt today brings a good de«i of w««j This Season i "^^ '^^^ ^ °''^ mental e<j\i:pmect, and lit behooree us to preeerre the heaith Dr. Willismsr' Pink PiUa are aa *!>' ' of «>«â- mind as weU a* the health of Qasaified AdrertisemeBta, T tatmu^wt Fsaacu asL^.TtufiHT. lii MOST Bicnj rrrriii iVKa osv U« clMk •«_ Me. thw^jrd MSB tt.. !Sl !M:i. W IS "! tlltKM«Cl<a A4HKT B*4tf.. T 0. I-.U. DmwL r. MacOMl. !> It. XTA2* PUTTOX B^xa K^XX aiSt CASa Tear^oand tonic tor the blood and nerves. Biit they are eepeciaUy ralu- able in the Spring when the trstem ts loaded wKh lmpuriti«e as a reaolt of the indoor life of the winter months. oar body. A mentarl Irra&kxiown is someth.'sg Booe of us want, ai:d the hnpsf^ thing 1* that we caa preywit it. Gecrg* K. Pratt claiDB that If peo^ wrr^i ic u i>1) TJS. ifuTl aik Obi. There is no other eeasc n when ths ttie sessihie thine, mental stroas wooji jrou Ud better not teil how much sbe ^^^ *^* "woolsack" in the House of ir«lcha. i Lords â€" moet people would declare U . I to be but a figure of speech, and ihers The main objection to war Is that It ^** "^^ ^'^^^ thing." Yet there Is. It â- alddm kill* off the right people^ A certain woman vo know can make la fine prayer, biK j-ou ought to hear her abuse the hired girl. Dorothyâ€" "But, sorsly, yxju didn't ^eU him straight out that you loved JUmT" Xan* â€" "Goodnees, no! He simply had to aquaeee It out of me." The grass was dry and nioaeed, acd >cu si-.v clear Across the hollow; white anemones 8tarT*si the cool turf, and chimps of Is a square sack flUed with pure wool, ^ prlmroeea and on it the Lord Chanoeilor, as ; Ran out from the dark underwood be- "Speaker" of the Upper House, sits! hdnd â€" Quite comfortably. j No ftilre.r resting-place a man could A Poem. It'* great to be alive and be â-² part of e^ that's gotog on; To Uve and work and feel and see Xilfs llred each daj tixxn early daws; To rise and with the morning light Oo forth until the hours are late, ,.Th«i Joyously return at nlgbt, iAJxi reet from honest toU â€" It's gresL InsuT-anoe Agent â€" '♦oaid yxw like to read something with a rlsq'ie atmos- phere T" Friendâ€" "Sure.- Insurance Agsjit â€" "Here's an aod. Itfsat policy." It was first plvicsd in position in the ; reign of Edward III. In h'js reign the â- great national industries were the â- weaving ct woollens and the export cf . yarn. Thus, as a symbol of what wool ; meant to Britain a sack of wool was ' placed In the House of Lords as a seat for the mo«t Important officer cf die State. The custom has been m&ln- flnd. Garnets in Canada. The garnet !d usually looked upon as a precious stone hu: the quantity used as g«n;s is very sjnall with that used for abrasive purpcees acoording to the Department of Mines blood is 6o much In need of partfying and enriching and every ;ic9e of these pllia h4*lp« to ettri.'h the blood. In the STTlag one !(?e".s weak and tired â€" Dr. Wiiliajas' Pink FUis give strength. In the sprinf? th^ apipetlt.? !s cften poor â€" Dr. WiiiajiLs' Pick Piils 'i-:rc}o^ the appetlt*. tone the etoiEa-ch and aid weak dlgi?6tion. It is in the spring that poisons in the bhrod find an cut- let la distigurlng pict;4>L*'S. eruptions and boils â€" Dr. \Vill:<ims' Pink PUle clear the skin because Ui«y go to the root of the trouble Infjie blood. In ths be greeciT lesseoed. Slen sj.l women can do nmcfc to protect their meetal heaith. even thocgh tt le true that the Aoundatioca '.or "a sound mind iTi a sound body" are b«»t laid dtrrlng chad- hood. His (!Ugg«fct;ons are the e'.mikleet and sajieet ^se have seen fcr a ion* time: Fao* nuality squarely; and out your diUicKitits acd proceed to conquer â- -he-m. No gcod ever came fram deny, ing or tryiu^ to eecsyw unpleasact or reep-jcisbiiiiy. Learn to think with your iateSl- spring, aoaetuia, rheumatisaa. Indlgee- S^nce, cot with yxxir eoiotion*. talned ever since, with the slight varla- at Ottawa. Th^re are saveral depoelts tlon of making the 8«£k square and covering it with a red doth. of abrs^lve garnet In Canada. In On- tario, a good type of gam»t is being produced from a rich vein near Ban- Hon, neuralgia and many other trou- blea are most persiistent becatise of poor, w-e&k blood, and it '.s at this time when all nature takoB on new Life that in comparison the bltod mv»t eeriousiy needs atten- lloo. Some people dose theras^vea with purgHtlvas at this season. Irat thaae onij- ftirther w-eaken theai»elv«*. A purgative merely gailope through the system, emptying tie bow«',a, hot doea sot heJp the bleed. On the other Japanese Sea Quakes Drive Away Footl Fish. Continued earthquakes in Japan and ths seas surrounding the island empire have frightened away many of the flah depended upi->n by the Jap-iwide and traceable for a considerable aiKse for most of their food supply, iilstanc<>. At Chegoggin Pol-nt. ne*r declare exporters on Pacillo coasrt, | Yaraiouth. Nova Scotlu, a 35-fcot dike <vho have received cabK> orders to rush canned, smoked and pickled her- ring, salmon and even whale meat to and has been traced Inland for several cpoft, and a promising depoeit of lajeer hand. Dr. WUllajr.s' Ptni Piils «inr!ch the blood which roiU-hes <i-very nerve and every organ ^n the boiy. hringlns iiew gtrengih a:ii vigor t..* weak. e<is:ly tired men, womrMi and children. Try Dr. Williams' Pink P'.:is this springâ€" they will not disaprcint you. You can get th«je pitie through any m^icine dealtr or by n:ai; at 50 cents a bos from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Broekvtlle. Ont. extent but Iow-«r garnet content at Parry Sound has been w^ proopected and will probably be an economic pro ducer. Near Sudbury, there is another promising orpoeure about liity feet A married womeji etooid act give up aH outside ;n:ereeta whe« the flrs- baby eomep. They should k««p up th«^T mi:slc. or painting, or athletics. church f.xietlee ajid bridge clubs. The gtrl who drape her friends alter n:;a7 r-.ege will Ijii-e k> be sorry: keep ;te friends who live In town and. oorree- p<>nd reg^,ilariT If cot ofteo with ycur distant fr:en<^ Take an energetic att>*\tde about wcTr>-. Find out deanit.?!y what Is wor- rr>JS)S youâ€" then make an honee; ef- fort to reiaove the cause. Avoid excessive day-dreAniins Wish :ng never yet proved a gcod suhstitute fcT doing. .-^ busy life is the l^eet anti- dote far day-dreiiniag. [ c ' For distemper â€" Mrnard'i Liniment. A StitMig Tie Auckliujd 'Weekly News When w« speak tc-cay cf the Kind's reaim. the Kinr's writ, the King's highway, we met- 'XT conancn heritagt- cf p«.-wef and '-aw acd liberty. Kis Majesty Is one with hi£ people: they are one with each other as they irather about hiTu: and there 'j nothing :n the wi.ie wcrld that c»n withstaxc or shake an Kmpue so bound together with tree, glad jcyalty. ♦ â- 'Money in the bank is alway? ia style.'' states a savL-s^s 'oank a.Jvep- tistmer.t. True, and it is a style that continual'.v iruws :nl6re9t. 1* ' with a garnet content of apprcxluiately 40 per cent outcrops on the sea shore The national administration In power, which has little to do with It, is aJways praised or blamed for good or bad times. That's politics. Diner (to head wult«r> â€" "By the w*y, did that fellow who took my or- :dsr leave any family'.'" Cash Payments. â-²t this advice, do not frown. For It win stand the teet : A wise youug man will use cash down 'Whea feathering hU nest. ties of Japanese tishes. The longest lease in the City of London, if not in the world, is that ladmtreany mauorwoman whoa«-!on which two buildings in Bury St.. aepts the Inerttable reepouslbiiltiss of gt. Mary Axe. haw just been soldâ€" the Orient. Catches of flsh by Jape.neae fleets hAve fallen eft this winter at an aJanv.ing rate, so much so as to muse the United States Goveninient to sue- [ pect that the herds of fur seals har- ; bored by Uncle Sam in the Bering mote from ti-anaportatlon faci Sea rcKjkeries had something to do with the scarcity. But si'ier.tists 'oe- 1 ^ lieve it is not lish-eating seals but \ Water loses \veight when tho moon great earthquake.^ that havt» fright- is overhead: the water direcUy under ened away or killed tho great varis- ' the moon rise.* higher ; hence the tide. Bettering Burbank. miles. AU the above deposits are near | rail or water transportation and should ' "How do you put the water in the beof commercial !mportan^>e. Severai watermelons?' asked the viiloge w1t I two hundred years ago, that~ he could Equally No'w! William B. .Munro in the L'ostcn At- Santic Monthly: Philip of Macedonia was in the habit of boasting. tweBty other deposits are known that aro both rich, and suitable for abrasive, purposes, but they are at pree.e«t re-i ties. I of the farnH>r "Oh. I phint tb«'seedi> in the spring .â- V maji. too, loses weight when the nwon is overhead: a 168-pound man weighs on«? thirty-two hundredths an ounco less at such times. An ickl »tt.Taich caused by indigesticn oftta creates rteun:jt;o symptcrcs. Set your 3tcsuv:i> risht with Seigei's Syrup. Any drug •tore. "Marriage with the righ wcma:i Is a harbor ir. the tempest. With the wrong one a tempest in the '"'' harbor," said Dr, Bernard Hollander; in a recent speech. capture auy city on earth by driving into tt an ass laden with gold. To-day there are men who con capture city lialls and state oapltcis with the same iaciaty and in the same way â€"except that it is a "bagu'.an " who now carric-s ! the coin. Th^ee t>agmeu have become man or | ^^ ess»ecUal part of our Invisible gov- CHICKS ThatPay All that the name implist. From healthy, frea „ . _ range parent flocks. Bred to lay. S. CW. Leghorns and Barred Plymouth Eocit:} from nationally known strains. Get more poultry pronts from these healthy, rlgorcQs, Sn:th Hatched Chicks. Write for cJmfar TREE ONTAKIO Ql'AUTT HATCHBIT ^4«« MrfiiHH.,l.aMjaa.OBtarta/ ^ Better Cliicks tfaac will p«y Tcu. Bred to la^. B«nwi Plymouth Rcdu, S. C W. Lcsfacna*. BaacQ ^ad >^' vcc 9 loU F?fTi* sonca. B«.ilCir» V> 'ana BEUL-CITT HATCHBRT «u Cal fce ra a St.. Bcaatfsrd. Oatarta life, and digs Iil for 10,000 of £200. years at a yearly rental Hustlers always seem to be working â€"^ tor some fat fellow who sits In a swivel i Some women couldn't te}l the truth «halr all d*y long, smoking clears. [ e^eu In a diary. Spring Time is CELERY KING Time Brevr » v.-jp ot t'nii ins oU v;:gcC3r!e cca-c It \a all the spnng meuione you need. It drives out w-lnt-r's poisons, improves the «poccitc i-nd irjiksrs vou tecl better n^hc iw«y CELERY WNC is sood tot the whole tamily. .\t drj^S'sts, ^Oc & oOc. KEEP YOUR SCALP Clean and H6,iithy WITH CUTiCURA nUMfUmia^ft*^ Made only from hard Western wheats. Purity Flour Is rich in ^lutcii â€" the energy giving and bodv building ftxxi. Purity Hour is best for all your baking and will supply extra nourishment to the children, in cake>;. pics, buns and bread. PURITV FliOUR StnJ 30c m skimps for our 700-ndpt Purify Flour Cook Bvoi. x» W^««* Caaada Flou Mills C*. Liailaa Torealo, Moatrtal. Otuna. Saiiii Juk*. ^^Should be in every home'' Says Mme^ Villemaire Three years of stomach and kidney disorders *neckctl her health. Noti' fxdly recovered and feeling splendid, she thanks TaiWac Mmc. EliaA Villemaire lives at 4J2 St. Patriik Street. Uttaw.i. She is ruddv and robust, showing no signs of the distressing orvlcalshe wen' through for three years. "No wvirIs can ex- press what 1 suffeix-il," she said re- cently. "At timee 1 thought my back must break, and I could uot ev«u Btoop over to Mt tho t.tble. "My sloiuach waa Jvist as bad, for food would lie there liko a lump at lead. I used to bloat terribly-, and at times rould hardly nttch nty bit>a^. Kerviiusaees kept mo awake halt tns iii(ht. I tried many ramedies and matments but though I spent a small foftune on them, nothing seemed to bslpiM. *'I only wish I had taken Tanlao I had my way I'd putTanhcin eN-erv iriMn my trouble fint atartcd for it homo m Canada. That's how much osrtaimy would ha'\'e saved me a lot of I think about it." aafFering. Tko way my troubles dis- IVa't neglect uatun^'s waruings. appeared after taking it was ahnoat At the first ngu of tiouble, t.ike Tan- BiagKal. It built me up and made me lac, u.Hture's own tonic, made from R new weman. Now my kidney's rootii. herbs aud t>arks. Your druf- nevsr Intthar aie, I am free fhwu all * gist ba.<> it: get a bottle todaj'. One pain and uiy digwtioals l^Isndid. U &I filhon bcttles fold. Ronald â€" otherwise "Konnle" â€" Matthews, blind from birth and poss«>«slng a natural talent for mu- sic which has been carefully nirr- tured. has become a welcome pv'i- fomier at special broadcast.-* owr I'NKV, the Viincouvor, Rt' . raiiiv> station of the Canadian Na'lonal Rsilwa.vs. "Konnle" chocie tho piano »â- â- his Instruiueut of expressiou and the foutui;\tion of histruction h.is been eo corefully prepared th:i! he hai" already eucce.««fuMy passed t'wo •xaniinatlonsi under the muspJc«« of ttie Ijondon -Xcadcmy of Music. Seeking for a medium to ixde- ijuately preseut the boy's talent to the world at large, Q. A. 'WrlKhJ. broadcii.stlns ra.'uiager. evolved a feature known a^ "the radio train," by wrhich an traairinary train ivju-es rNTlV aitd visits homes of kldvi:c< In British Columbia, the nelghNv,itix provinces, Yukon. .^Uiska and the Pticlfto States. Of this "train ' Mtt.<- tsr "Ronnie" Is "conductor-, acting as atir.ouncer and ocoajdoikally of- fering pianoforte sele«.-tU>n«. The featuro has pn^ :i so s»icc«wsful that It has Sct^ :a*de a permanent part ot the seas n'a programmes at CNRV. The photograpl. > show the "train" •rew ready for the broadcajt. Krom left to right: "Doug," the brakeman (Douglas Flowers, assistant radio Inspeiitori; •.MllUe." (Miss Millie t'uyarchok. of the rtatloa offloe staff), who is "payst>D*er" and also the dlrectms power lor the boll â€" a special feature of ail Canadian Na- tional Ritilways n\Jlo eaatious; "Ain;t JMr.n.-x." dtreotri>se of chil- dren',-* pro*rraicmes (M'ss MaK^l L. Tomert ; "fooductor." -Ronnie'' .Matthews; "0»p" Roy, (Roy U. Brown, broadcasting operator^, who for the rims ieiag Is the "whistle." and O. -\. Wright, manager and chlsf aaaounccr, "engineer" of the m.rthl- cal â- 'trsfn." the mechanism held la his hand being ths "IraJtx" operating nohjee. In the low^r photi>gTaph of "Ron- nie" himself he Is shown making aa announcement over tho microphone reading fi^m Brallls charactera. Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians foe Colds Headache Neuritis " Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism [ DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEAR'T] S'c/^ \ •,\ ISSL'E No. 16â€" t?. Accept onLv "Bayer" packagei which contains proven directions. Handv 'Baysr" boxes of » Ubiata AUo bottle* of £4 and 100â€" Dm^ista. AtrlTta to tka trad* mark iTci'trrxl Is Can«J>) •( Bajw llic^tx^tm* «< MooaseatM- aHdMtar •< SaUcTIWacU (*«i.»l s«Ucrlt« Add. "A. 9. A."l. wtala It la ««U â- tiiat Atptrta oMaaa S*m iiiiiiu(>r'.urr. tv> iwlst Uw puMIr Kthiat IK!taU«Bik tta ' at Vart.- Oiimyaa/ wlU Ix ataa^** «Uk ttelr (anacal U%at autk, (fta "Bar«