wsmsmmmm^^m^W^'^^^- ^" fmm mmmm ;5MILE5 ji Uncleâ€" "You •baali work And emn â- toDer." Boy_"Bat wlMit do I want -wUh Uncl« â€" "Why. aa.T* and be fnd^pend- tut, *nd th«n you won't hare to work!" Boyâ€" "But I don't hare to w<»k »ow." FELT VERY WEAK Svnames and IlicirOnpi KEELER. fUetat Originâ€" Englich. 8«ure« â€" An eceupatton. t-eaky. Had No Ambitioii aad Had to Rest Freqoeatly. Mr*. -Win. J. Grlffln, Tehknnnnah, Manitotiilii Island. Ont.. U om c( t]k» many tliiou»and» of womea who waa „.^_4„.,, w^.._ .w^ ., v„. run-down and bloodlew. and »»» ^ff .„„..,^ â€" „, * ^JZ. _i.k .k- found D»w h«ahh tliK>a«li Dr. WU- Mams' Pink PIMa. She saya: â€" 'For a number of ye*n I feH Tary weak and had no ambttion. I foand U Tery dlf- aspUinlnc the «zlstenc« ot Um name ia the malorttr of caaca. A llttl« boy had hie flrst dip In the ^.^oR ^ do my hoaaework and had to hat came oat qukddy looklne In dlsnant. "I'm not goiix in there," be aaid (o his motb«r; "tlila bathine iJresa let* water In." JMkâ€" ''May I ctU yoo TleT^ngeT ••Why?" "Becaoae rereege ia awieeC" "Garfalnly, K you will let me eall yon •Ven«eance". " "And why •Vengeanrce'r "Becaoee 'reoeeaiioe' la mlna" The worid la fUH of nwlaancea and the wt>rR of tbeis ia worry. Many people naiss the trainâ€" of kind- ly thought. [ THURSTON. Thia family nasoe ia one of the elaaa Racial Origin â€" Engliah. ^ which originated in the occupations Source â€" A locality. The family name of Thorston ia one apparently, no oonoeetioo with the which traoea b««k to Tery ancient aomewbat similar name of Keller. timee aad conatitutee one of thoee re- Bnt what was the oocnpatloa of \teg of !>acan Englaod which the rash 'keeler" in medieTal Fngfard ? It waa cf oor modem clTQ-satSoa has not tac- either one of two cali^ngs, and ther» ceeded in oblitaratlng. is nothing mndt ia the way of direct The antlqcty of the name, howerer. eTid«Dce to settle the queecioa of which. In more !Eod«m tliaes a certain type of burdec-beajing T«aseA hae narlgated the Rlrer Tyne, known as a "Keel." It is a low, flat reesel, Tirtnally of barge construction, and th^e ta ^â„¢,^ JLJ?^ t""!^^;;^ *il^ •«= ^o »>*^^ that St was used on the of a puce, tnraed to waiter. J cootlnaed taUns t>„^ .. . ^^^^ ,. ., tt..^ .« .. ,_ *1 . „ is aa a place name rather than a famllT name. It waa tsmed to the latter asace ^>oat the same period when the balk ot family names came Inui betns in Ensland. namely, be-tween the twelfth and fifteenth oectunea. Be- fore that It existed only as the name A man we beexd of is worth $10,000. That la the sise of the reward the eheiill has offered for him. dead or siiTe. rest freqoenUy. As time psaeed my condition grerw decidedly worse, and nay teat and legs were badly swoileo. My boeband told the doctor ot my condition, and he care me medicine. Then my baby came aad the doctor atteDd«d me. He said I bad seaorely my to his medidna for a time, but did not feri tlzmt it was doing me any good. Then I started to take Dr. WUUama' Pink X^ais. In a abort whOe I feit iMtter. and after taklne the a eoopile of naonths I felt like • uc_ , _. _ .. , ., ,. . , , . „ „ pe«oa- Where mr work naed to be ' ^^"'^ t^^^"" '^ ."If °^ : '«''^- J**^^^' J°"f ^T a d«« upon my trength I enjoy do- f J^ ,t. ,^, J^^ «;ti. j «wl all the northern branches of the ^^ ^ ^^ 5^ Ing it now and I wUl Always woom- ' aacient ahlpyanSa who Teotonic race. mend I>r. waOams' Pink Pllla to weak ^ ''>!??*^ ^ '**«'^ "** *^^ <>' ^i ^ «'«'^- ^ ''•' ^'^ "^ " <**«^- n^cjA^- I medieTal erart. j nace the indlTidcai, the name waa used If ran wm send 7«ar name and ad- Grown in the best gardens In the Orient Blended by nnen trained in die worid's greatest tea m arket JODBOSE "is ^Qod tea* Tyne at a Tery early date. The skipper ; in the speech of the ancient psgan { of Boeh a cxaft, or its hands, were Saxon inhabitants 'of Bngland, Thore-; known se "keeters.' "Hke qoestlon Hes , ton meant "Thor'a town" or ''Ttor's Packed in the best packet found for tea â€" Aluminum. - ' â€" ^^^J?* "^^**v ^Tf' ='*'~^ ' Ttor waa that eod of might ^„^^ r«n«nber that yoor pQis for ' "^^*' '^l^ so ftir as the period In â- whose name mns throng Ae sagas «^p^^ ^ enerreticaiir at work, e a new 1 ^^ ^^ 'f^, *«* *ff *^- ^ ^* ''"â- '^^^' ^' ^ ^wede^ Nor- ! we hear a «ood d«*i of the Lei*«re Gaaaified Advertisemer. Cass. Those In ihe leiacre cja«s I dress to The Dr. WBUama' Medicine Co., they wlU mail yoa a little book called "Bafldlng Vp the Blood," which , contains many health hints. Ton can Cet the p(Qs through any medicine: dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box I from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co- ' BrockviHe, Ont. medleral craft ! The chancee are that thla family • to indicate the place from wlsich the name is derired from neither one nvr i bearer had come and wa3 prefixni. the other ot theee aoarces excteslT^, I either In the Xormaji or Saxon toagne, but &<om both; with the latter coarse ' by Ch« wtjid "of." Heart Disease in Chikfren. Disturbances of the heart in child- ren, aatomatically divide themsetree into two groups, those which were pre- j The World's ~ Best Farmer. | ^&t "â- t the time of birth, and are due | A T<> Alberta ecpineer who, with '« .<J*f««a ta deTelopment. and those ; no capita!, tnmed to th^ land ten years "'"''' "^ acquired after birth. | ago when dissatisfied with his profes- MOTHERS PRAISE BABY'S OWN TABLETS The Two Sides. Wlfieâ€" "There are two sides to every Qoeatioo, you know." Hubby (sadly)â€" "Yes. I knowâ€" your side and the wrong sid«." Mr?. L. M. Brcwu. Walion, N.3.. Congenital heart conditions, or those ; ^rs : â€""1 cannot rwommenl Baby's . ' iliem Inraiuable for the sSon is today the most famous farmer Pâ„¢^* *' ''''^- »™ °^^ uncommon, i Own Tablets too highlv. I have i^^ in North imerioa i ^*^ *^' •* * r^*" ««*i^ recosnii HT^thTfl^ „,« ir h.,.n^ ,«'»»'^ '^'1 'Me they vary materially ; "t^le 0=^- Mrs. Brown's test:xouy ^T iL ^?m: ^JnZZ ^>t= «tent. the majoritv of them term-i'' th^ same as that of thousands of win the -worlds championship In ^Tr â- -^.„ _^-. of l«iier mothers who hare used the Tab- both wheat and oats for the same '^^ '"^'^ *-^'^ * «*^*'' ^^ *^' ie,_,. jo use them once is a r^re gua.- farmer-a fe«t he ««omptlshed with : ^;^^,^^ ^^^ ^.^^^ ,, ^^,^ ^^ ! ^.^e that they wlH always be kept in sent before the second or third year I ^^ i"'^* « â- '^'^ as the.-e are babies i of Ufe and when found In extremely ' «>" J*'^^ chiidren to be cared for. The ; young children, is almost always due : Tabletj are a '.aiativeâ€" miLd bnt his exhibits at the International hay ' and grain show at CSiIcago. The new grain king^ name Is Her- man Trelle, and his fbrm is at Wemb- ley, in the far-northern Peace Hirer country In Aiberta, to a rheumatic Infection. Careful examination ot school age -Ten'ye^â€"aioTe did not know the ^^'"1° ^^T! •'^' «'\' P*"-^"-^'- » - 'be suffering from some dlstarbanoe of ! thorough In action â€" which nerer fafl â- the heart. In many instances the pre- sence of this disease was unknown to ' the parents or chUd affected. Rheu- fmatism in some of its forms, St.. Vitus' ; Date*. Diphtheria or some other !n- ; fecticn was usually found to be thjt causet. I Many of tV exleting cases of hear*. : disease cou^d baTe been arolded If ade- Old Cheese. Dinei^â€" "Waiter, there's a gray hair 'CO this cheese." Walter â€" "Well. sir. didn't you ask ft>r old English the««ser' « Newspaper-Boy Knight. Sir Perclval Bower, the ex-Lord Mayer of Birmingham. who was kntgbted in the Ne«w Year Honors, fibced the world, an orphan, at the age of rieven. wheu he sold newsp&pers In the «j?eets of H.vthe, Keot, â- ••here he was born ot" Yorkshire parents. He afterwards worked on a farm, which he left to become apprenticed to an engineer and blacksmith. He be- dlfference between wheat and oats; now he is adjudged to hare produced better wheat and be<ter oats than any one else In Lh© world. The homestead ot ISO acres which he first took up â- was extended to 4S0 scree while he de- veloped his woada" grains. Mr. Trello, who is only thirty<»ne years oM. has attained success by using sat arailsWe GoTernment bcile- v j v ,. . v .. ♦«T.. ^..Ax^r,^ ^.^ -^ , . ^^^ ! quate care had been taken at the time tins. atuAyuLg reports of experimental - .^ . . .>. •. -,t.^ ftornt. M„A ,^,^r„\>^ K,ii^ , of the onset of the dise<»ee reavonslble. rarms. anu cstrefuliy following Instnic- ,^. . ^ _,, .. jj^Pj ^ -D^j-. . Rji^uniat:sm does not necessarily have u," _i«h,_, „.„. .w . ,- J . to be present In thii» form of acute rheu- ms Ticoory means that Canada is ., ^ , , . j_ ... «n>w^/4^«^.,.«^ »v„ -j-w. . ,. , -*•""•' niatlc feTedn order to damage the ; preoocnmant by right of title in the .. _. o ,.,... <•â€" iT . tw.^ r.'k.^t -h,,,^..!. r , . . heart. Such slight manifeetatlcas of two most important grains tor another ,. « . , - j-g^ "^ »ii"m«« jj^ presence as "growing paiae are . 1 sufficfent warrant for careftil snper- ! vision ot the chiW'e actintles. Slight , t pain or swelling In the Join!?, of ai i transient character, shouid be taken * I rery seriousiy by the parents and Nursed the Prince of Wales. : physicUc. Mnie. Blanche Marchetsi. the great ' '^^'^ early recognition ot such dts- [ prima donna, who recently emerged «*ses as dljAtheria and scarlet ferer. â- from lier ret dement to give a recital *^ '^* Pt'ompt action of adeq-oiite to regnlate the stomach and boweils: relieve constipation and indigestion; break up ccl<5a and simple fevers ind make the dreaded teething period easy. In fact you banish all the minor ills from which Ikcle ones siiffer. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers FSa SAIX. -WT-icTwit* axTLX. rcix Ok-sixsr. •Mn fv Mats jM-wMi TTtMk a San: tut. UoBmi. 3 M^ jwlu.. <Mlwi. Vsai. art*. a^-^^SB-- t=..<n Ai-BS. filial' 1 tilt rmtSj. WaSH v >c â- â- ram. OXIS ts.5N »ic. x wok i~ Wis* itx. 3<uUa amtiMm. K.T. -m. rcriis •jrA.vnr. scac*!. Qtr IKS SO gWSBXO K.M ak'S. -T r.O. >uw OrJsr .â- =':! Sex Iti*. at-EJT.vJJSS iJt- hUs f^kr^ StfCAl :aia How it Was. "B^eve as or Eoi. I wis wai-ing for a street car." "CJet OGi: Can tta: noise: " "Sure' A2ii then her husband hap- pened to see ns '. " No man ev«r lived a h^t life who had hajc beer, chastened bv wotnan's iow, rtr<?r.(fti:er«d fay "aer oourage and guided by her discretion. â€" Rusldii. o am yyETMATic lxd yrsiW You can rely on illLUIicomm Cioru.^as ana or by mail at !5 cents a box from The ! baitffed. while Dr. WUliams' Meiicine Cc . BrockviZe. Irijrht-'cariied. Ont. chimpasjees are left- • the orang-octac^ is j Are You Sick? •tXmm Vacations Can Be Overiione. |IM Ig « 5 " 5TJU art J Knaaton oi ptM»i;re on tie heart? Uon t be fngh'rnwi tt« net heart trtjcirieâ€" ifi :wli»f»tion. Sej^-j Svmp wU; fix (t \ay <irusttor<. In London, once nursed the Prince of Wales, then a litUe fellow of three, ; and warmed up Prlnoese Mary's feed- , Usg-boctle. The Duke ot York 'cooked j on from a high chair. *- wtu do much to limit the ot the ittfecrlon Involving ( treatment, possibility the heart. Tonsilitls and disease of the tonsils .\ry proper:.v-organ!zed businse^ I shotikl run effScientSy duriag-the tem- porary absence of its head. Bx;: :f it , could mn permsnent'.y wishou: him: as weL as w'.th hita. t'nen '.t would ! mean that he was utterly useless, a ' ' mere baruicle extracting lubstanc* [ from the organisation. ! The toJiowlcg senteccee are from an â- acaouncsment received fn>ii: a N<»w I York dentist: "I wish to antuunce that j I am again pmctislns at ay fortner . ;<.vatio!i its . 1 am planning tc I : attend personaJ'.y to my patients and | ' trot ecip-loT assistants as heretofore." | I TWs i!ei:tist prv>spej-ed. He bijgun j to take more tntervst In htintlng ani in open-door life in the West than in his businees. He employed dret one BUNiaNSi mt i»li â- !.â- »»««? «<«>«t»iij 11 III CAuroviia itutrrLnK. â- MtfrSjM- far Or«aU INmb ammtm mt<m ail wk«r rf â- *â- â- taiL M*a»» fc a rk ffs«r«at«e. Pardc«i^r» b«lk lUSMLI.XS CO.. 1*S« " Lm Ajat^^t, Calllaraia. â- ST I came the first Socialist Lord ; Mi„,^., Li„i„,„j ,^^ ^^^^^^,^^ >faTor of Birmingham In 1924. and .^ ,, . . and then another ssjistant. By and l!*!^^^ *".:^'"f',!l-?°i"^.""'!il!?5^'-|by he ceased show'.rg up at aU. Not oiK>e did his patients rec^aive unsatis- factory treatment wfcii* he was c>n the served wKfa such distinction during "w.iT *^ !?ir !''" 1^ '^"*^*' '^of"th^^;ffe^o;ir Ih* heart ^ her which he acceded, to continue a «*ond ; ^,, • ^ ^ j^ th«e b«- an*iti.>n rtriv^ y«r was supported hy even his 01. ^ ^^^ ^^j^. .^ .^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ] seeks for hidden treasure. She sends I forth her sympathBes or. ad\^er!ture ; she embarks her whole soul in the I'txaffic of affection; atvd. if aUpwreck- â- ed her- case is hopele&s â€" for it is a In the cause of heart disturbances In i (^Udren. not perhaps directly, but as possible lodging places tor organisms .\ wroroan'e whole life is a historv ''^''^'l' °*>" «™* *'*^ spread to the ponents. r Don't Neglect^ Bronchial Colds ^ PBraaarnia, "Fla" and otlter daBc«r> sua HM i l ad iw i dtrdop tram mwnii c«Mk 1^ pi«i*at tnotd* taka BaeUay'k Xixtare. It qoicUr rdirrw tk* OM«h •ad reswvm the caaBe. DiOertat hmaa •M-faaliiratd arrupak It'a a wttentMs comUaatioQ of proven virtuaa. £old by aS dnissisU and (uumatead. W. K. BatUv. UalM. 14a Ilataal Bu Taraal* 1 sat ^ Bus!i%m 4 bankruptcy of the heart.â€" Irvii»g. -Xeropltir.cs have bec.i used for sow- ' i'Ht rice owr suitable marshes i-i j Manit<.)ba. the object being to attract j more game by the e.xtt^ food supply. I The girl with dreamy eyes i« usual- ly wid^ awake. }ob; but after cue experience with aa assistant they went elsewhere. la tixe the dentist awoke to the fact that if he w,frd to coatinsie the business be would have to pack np his gun and get back on his Job. Vacations are useful. There taay be sound sense In tho reoetit deciarat!c>n of a. i>rvif*ssiona". authonty that busy U>ss ot weight or anaemia ma.v^be pre- ' ^^^.j ^.f ^^.^ (^ ,.jej^ riodem. high- brought p-,^s;-re da>s req;!:!-- d wtatsr as well heart Itself. The ustial symptoms associated with ear'iv heart disease in children are not as definite as one wotUd like. These chl'idren tire eastly. may have palpita- tion, pain over tht* region of the heart. v>r shortness ot breath on exertion. Seeing through an idea i* good- swinif ai» ide* through is better. ^5?^w^"â„¢5!f-;H **I want to help" says Allen Boudria Tells facts from own experience to help others. Almost tvild with pain, tvnilc and rundowttt he won netv health and strertgth through Tanlac Allen Bomlria. engineer, of 432 St. Patrick iSt., is one of l>ttawa's best known citiirns. "My purpose in tell- Ini the (acts of mv experienre." lie •ud, *'is to help ctiters who suffer as "FV>r (>\-e rears T was in mLtry . >ty wKole systrea seemed out of gear, l»ut aiy stomach troubled most. Erett a dnnk ot cold water would cause mj •tomacb to bloat and swell abno> mallf . Gas would prevent me from â- leefing at nisht so that I hsii to fet tip and walk the floor for hours. \ to- Itnt stomach pains nearly drovo ms wild. I've seen liiBes when I \.Tii doulJed over, unable to atraighten up. "Mv friend M. Laponte told ms Ikiw Tanlac had hripsd him out «( rin, >â- )«(]« this grrat chan(c. I'm fas nmilartn^ulde, so Tfot some and used 'lanlso." 9bottleeinaU. It Just mads me over. It ov-enrork or neglect hstve worn 1 fed 90 yrar? youoger than I aw, and you i.l<.>mi gvt TVtttbt-, t>.o weigh 3M ll>s. My appetite and sleep ural toiiio maile from roots.lterlis and •M..«th fine. I eat what I Kke and lorfea^ Your drtianat )ias it. Owe 9 |)K2> Jtk« a tvp. Taahtt aad uoUuai millioa ImIUm mm. sent- The disease is. se a rale • to light ou exjvrainatlon by the school physician, or when the condition has beconte exugge>rated by some intercur- rent Illness. The avoWacce of unn^-essary ex- posure, the w^e^uring of sufficient warm clothing In extreme weather, careful ; attention to defects of the throat, and sufltcieot r«<5t during convaiesence from infections dtseasee. with regular complete physi(."«l examination o' al". j chiWren. are measures which wi'.i Jo j much to lessen the anrount of heart dis««9e now existing azuoitg chiMrec. as a summer \acaiioa. But vacations can be overdone. A bustnee* can be negleoted overmuch. Play, taken in proper doses, fits a aau for more and better vro>rk. Bat too mtich play wiU play the det;c-<» nirh any eat<?--or;9e. Distemper Respcais to treataieat w.ti Menard's. Mil with uuiaases and pour over a bran mash. j PUT STOMACH IN | I i ORDER AT ONCE: t I "Pipe's Diapcpsia'* I Gas, ludig^stjoa or t So'iir Stcmich for \ las^Jtly" Stomach ocrrected' You I :ieT»r feel the siigtitegt distrees f:x>ni ; Ladlgeetioti or a sctir, acid, gassy stom- [ ach. after yv).; «t a tablet of ""Pape'* i rT'lapepel:," Tbe tno2ietiE it re*ch«» j tJbe (tonsach aL sourttese^ Catnleocet ; heartburn, gases. paipi»t:>oc and pala ; •* isappisar. Etugglasts guarantee each i pacl&age to cocreot digsst^ti a: oqcsl I Elrd your eComach tirable ftor ^^w \ oents. Blackbird He comes on chosen evenings, \ My blackbird bountiful, and aings ! Over the gardens of the town , J'.ist at the hour th« sun goes down. His flight across the ohlmneye thick, : By some divine arithmetic. ; Comes to hi!> cuBt<\nmry stack. I And eou\-hes there his t^umage blattk. ! AvtA there he lifts his yeUow bill. iKIndied ag«i:>»t the sutiset, ttH i These suburbs are ."Ike Dymock woods I Where musuc has her soiittides. I And while he luocks the winter's wivi^ ; Rapt on hie pinuarle of song, ; Figured above txir garden pkts Those are celestiai chtsutey-j^Hs "CASCAREiy FOR BOWELS STOMACH, HEADACHE COLDS dean your liver and constipated bowels to-ni^ht ud feel fine Polish new copper and brass with good fumiturs cream instead of metal polish, and the lac<;uer will not wear off. Get a 10-cent box now. .\re you keeping your Uver, stotuack I aad bows"* clean, piire an .1 fresh wltfc ' Cascarets- or merely tortlag a pass- ; age way every few days with salts.! cathartic ptola or cststor oJlf Th» is â- tnxportttnt. | ; Cascarets intnie^liaieOy cleanse the \ ' stotnatch. remove the siMir. und:geeted I .and ferqienting fo^ and fotil ^isos; ] i take the excess bile from the Mver and ' i carry out of the systeui the oonstl- -John Driakwater ' P*te«l waste tcatter and pv>'.8oa In ths bow«4s. No odds bow sk-k. headachy, btitotw and constipated .too feel, a Oasoaret to-niitht wiil sitaighten yoa out by nwratng. They work while tc>u steep. .4 lO-ceat bos from yxnir dniggiwt wUl PIRIN Proved s;ite bv millions and prescribed b> physicians for WARNING! Beware of Counterieits Colds Neuralgia Pain Neuritis Head-ache Lumbago Toothache Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART \ gerwratio,, ago there were a thott- < ^«»*P y<""^ '»«*^' <^*"^ stomach swe^ »and men to e^•ery opportunity, while' '^ ^^"'^ "^•": »°^ '^'"^ regu^foc to-day thei<e are a thousand oppor- tunities to e^fry n^n. â€" Henry ForcL Keep Mlnard'a LJni*"*"* !" ths stabls. months. Don't forgwt the chltdrea their little lostdes need a gsotl* cleansing, too. ISSUE No. »â€" tr. There is onlv one gtnain« ".\5FIRIN â- taMct It > tab- let is oa*rcd as ".ASPIRIN'* and is rot stantpevi with the "Bavtr Cross' -refuse it with cctitcmpt -itisnof.XSPIRIX" at all I Don't t>ike chances ! S^ Accept only "B.iyer" packagS which contains provin directions, of l\ taliM* 00 â€" ^fWngpata. Haadv "T<a»>-r" boies â-²]»> VottW ^'l t* and 100â€"' Atpir'.n 1» •.^• »r»d» tt«»rK T^-.ter^t to C»»i*l»> of P».»« Hwa^ctur* •» JJ^OJ^Jj â- ctdntw ot S«KT!»c«ci< i A<»lyl SjJkylM AcU. -A. ». a. '.-J!*?'-* " * T?i^JHSa ttM avtrta »!»»!» »»jr«riu!«nut»>-i-,r»,«o »s«»M iJi» puWu »flat* ItiUlHiss lat xas^ •t •agrw Oi>auMB7 win i« liamjtd wlih U»stt t»nerml l.-»»s «•!». *»» »•»« «*•."'