Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Feb 1927, p. 7

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-mt' (AIR WIIFER IVEitHEa A Tryag Time f«r Peopk With Weak Watery Blood. 5MILE5„^ Relieved. MIetress â€" "Oh, Mary! Tea'te broken the bine rase. \VTiy. It *" Cajwdlan winter weather te a trying m^^^ ^^^g^ ^ hundred yeere oW." time for debllkated. run-down people. , Maryâ€" •Oh, maain. I'm to fladl I The close air ot shat-up houses, lack thcaght It might be a new one." of oat-of-door exercise, the restricted ; diet p( 'Jie season, all hare their ef- : That'* All. feet lA weakened systems. There is •Iwayt in such cases .the danger of i^BB Life iunaal Staleffleatl [ I I An Outstasdiiig Report j Flowers Grow WeU in the Northern Latitudes. Bdnwc'oc.Vita.â€" Tt* r€pr<rr of ihe DosinioD GoTaromest Exper.Biectsl SusJc-n an Fort Resohiticn. connTeet '.errjtori**. for tki 7«st tear. sbo« s a »i<}e racye of Tejetatia sxl Cower* szcr-e'Si'.'o.V.y frown in fils cor.hera The Sun Life .\«s;»r2nce Company of Canada cootinaes to ec}:p«* its cirn irasi.c«Dd«nt records. At the acsual meeting for 1>I7 «1iSch has iast bc^a heM. Freeident T. B. Macaalay was Jaarj^deapproxiasatt'j-lvC-J allies north ^M f«/,t^r«'*"iJ'"' 'f."i^'^ '"» EdmoetOD. At this ««Oon. by pzia JOT in 192* asoounted lo iTM&JSti.- .._ .»,. . t - . â-  .. Hi doable '.hat of mtâ€" only two "* ^^""^ *^?** "» ^^^- 'i**** «** « "Why. what in the world happened years ago. The as-scrances in force aboadaace tsl iioom ia :t* fk>wer car- lo the eega Junior*" "^^ escced one and a qaaner'kiiUoaa <i*a- seyere coWs. attacks of infiBenza, or. ..^ j dropped them Mother but,* "^ <'*''»•'» ! AKSOBg the Tar:««!e« grown were the Win more dreaded pneumcnU. ' «,l.<nneH ho->efuHr '1 on'y drop- J^^ "^" ^"- ^^' be«ons* »«<* asore SaTataria. stccJcs. aaters. eudUiai^ There is no other time of year, when ^Xm once " ' i *,^ °""" VttL^ T^f »" company, forge. b^boIs. popfries. petnte*. eren- m boumifnl supply of rich, red blood i. ^^ '^"^ '*""• \ «mw^^ of^he^JSI i« S^"^^ **«*«• e^eriM«^I-«««. fa3*ie. the blood rich and pore and'thua avoid soivw tne "»«>'«"" > ^jj^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^j^^ ,5^^ ^^ m te bioom aboot Jase W. In ISMw winter trouble is through the use of! "Don't you find it diScalt to Keep a j., lasaj-n^ ^^ ,^jg continent. TTie for tke first time^ tolMtoes and qksib- Dr. WflUams' Pink Pills. If, tinfor- \good maidr" ttmatety, yon have fallen a TicUm to i "No. indeed N ow packe d in A lundnum. "is good teif iDcrease of :ts busisess at risk is lS2fi hen wkicia hare never beCon b*en We have had the same is gr>eater than the entire bosiaess ear- known to Baatore in tbat lesioa wert. Your grocer knows when you order BED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE you are a judge of fine tea. rled by the Sun Life at the outbreak " o? the war. It has now more- business ,_„„ .k.-j w ..^ ji_ In force than the total life assarance '*^ '**^- '»«««^ »»*«*• S«««lp^ Influensa, or other winter troubles, this . maid for twenty years.' seme medicine will restore yoor beakh < "Fancy: How do you do It?" and strength. Among those who have | "My husband married her." proved the value of Dr. Williams' Pink j Pilla Is Miss Margaret Pearson. R.B, j Turned It Over â-  war was deciared. Latest reports In No. 3, Chatham. Miss Pearson hadj "Thought yon said you liad ploughed dicate that the general increase -n iife decided succeae. wbBe CABUtower. > Shop Windowr. Qasstfied Ai In force in aU Canada, with all com- i «^**T^' lettace. radiahca and potatoes paales. Canadian aad foreign, when grew- wea and oaatKred. passed through a severe attack ot In; that ten-acre field f' said the first «?5;?r»nce secured daring 1S!5 in the flnenza and says: "It left me so weak '_ farmer. •nd mn-down, that I coaW scarcely j "Xo, I cnJy said I was thinking about walk. Anaemia set In and it almost I jt." answered the second farmer, seemed as M I wouM not p«ffl through j »^j,^ j ^^. y<,uve merely turned it the winter, as I grew so weak that the ; ^^^^ -^ y^^^ mind." least exertion would bring on fainting ; spelle. I was under medical treat-' vouna Business Man. ment, but it did not help me. Then! _, _ . , .... one day In our local pa,L I r^ *^\ ^^^^ ^T^^""^^ 'J >!^ advertisement o» Dr. WilUams' Pink dUmer, and when the dessert w-a^ be- Pills. and decided to try them. By the '^ f«*°- *'*''? •'**^*' ^^â- ^'^^^ tune I had used three boxes I feK! f°« ^*!?,'jr''^ P**^ *^ ^^'^ ""• much better, and continuing the use : ^^ "**,.• ^ ^ ^ of the pUhi it was not Ions before li ^be visitor laughed HOW TO RELIEVE CHILDREN'S COLDS nie," he said. TVeli, Joha- eiace you're so polite. United States and Canada is six per cent, in excess of 1&25. The Son Life's increase for the year is Zt^t per cent. PiilSy keeping step with this grea: access of business, the a&sefs of the Company have iscreaaed daring the past twelve months by $42,195,000. Avoid Serious Results bv Using swetling the total tc J343..251.0<X? The Rahv*< Awn TahW»t« Compan.r-j assets have icuUipiJed Sve "* - * "^° laDieiS. ~'^^r]^i.l*J-'''"*"!lI!?T- . . â- WT*« * chM show, the fir« .ytrr- *be Company 3 successfal Invest- , ,,- ,. - , men; poiicv is refl^-tei ::: an asalvstE '°"^ <"• * •^'^. "««*» »* "«*i=?. re^- of its securities. Govemmec: va/is- "^^^^ <"â-  ''^« *-'^«'- clossed or niBE-ng tors appraise a further increase in the lioee. iirotriji.: meeraree for r«iiet naay excess value of the Company's securt- avert serioas rs6:iii». 3ioUi«i8 abMild ; I believe I will have some more." ttAt better than I had been before the Influenza attacked me. My rapid re- ... ,. ,. ^ ccvery surprised my friends, and when! "^^'^- ^^ Joi^na'*- '^o"^- Moth- asked -What did you dor 1 would i®'- "â„¢e'"''«'" ^o"" l*°'"=«^- ^<^ enA proudly say. -Not my doing, but Dr." «' '•a* necessary to cut into the wniiams' Pink PilH.' To me, at least, " second tart I could have another ^ the pUla have been worth their weight , P'sc*- . In goW." "~~~~ j As a precaution against winter Ulaj Jilted. • take Dr. Williams' Pink Pnis now. ' "Weil, Eben. how are you getting on Sold by all medicioe dealers, or sent ; with the widow Gre«n7" asked the by mail at 50c a box by The Dr. Wil- neighbor. ties over cost, of neariy JT.OOO.OOC'. .\ profit of $1,700,000 has been realiie<! bams' Medicine Co., BrockvllJe, Ont. « TwilighL Twilight it a grey bird. Tired of wandexing. Twilight Is a grey bird. With a soft breast. Slowly she' floats dowsward. Weary of wing. Slowly she drifts downward. Seeking her nest ; Folds her purple shadow-phimes Ob the silver crest '" Of the mountain that she lores. And sinks to re«t. â€"Jamie Sexton Holme, In Gatherer.'' When yea art that tired. !».doiro.asd-die tMima take 15 to 30 drops ot Scitel's Syrup in a . Does the tnck «nd safelr. Tfou'll -Star "Huh:" said Eben scornfully, "I've dropped her for good an' all an* I told her so! " "What's the idea? She e got money and ousht to be a good catch." "WeU, some other man kin catch her. I offered to marry her, last nigh;, an' what did she do but throw a pan o' dishwater on n:e and chase me out o' the house an' yard with a broom an' then sick her dog on me an' call me a lot ot names. Ycu reckon I'd tie up w:h her after that? Not much: I. Jilted her then an' there, that's what 1 done:" j alirays hare oa hand some sunvie. safe and effcctire rentedy few Imaae- .diaie use. Baby's Own Tablets act qnieUy, c««- tala nc {^iates or narcotics, are ts'sce- . less and harmless. Mrs. Joseph Ca- dienx. Holjroke. Mass., says: â€" -I have ; uied Baby's 0» n Tablets for nay d^^- ' ren ajid find ;hem a very sat^actory i Liedicine. When my little boy had i :Cold I gave- him the Tab'e's a! nsg'a: and he was weii next day. I ^ive ibei to ibe children for coastipatlon aa«! , they a'.KiTs do good- 1 think Baby's Own Tabie:s are mucb easier te ^.re a cfci'ji thac liq-jid medJcin?. I reccm- meni the TsbJets to ^'.i lothers wi-c have sxall caiJorea scd beC'er* tier shoaH alway; be iept en tand." Biiy's 0»r. Ta'^;fâ- ;s are soid by sll â€"e-i .- ;-^.-.:cri <T wi;; Ne sen: ty nia:^ _: .; rii:* a bcx f:\;ni The Dr. W-.: ..^.s rifivjw COk. BrwkriUe. Ont- ! « ! ! A whtte screes was i>eiz« ic-v^ti ir tk» street, sotftly, beautSalty, while iaacps rail e d j t HUiuao gtobes at «very epTser to psctata o«t a 'way fhroagh the wut^er 4«riL Biae stedows had aiiroBenl thwiMrirea- and telioa cor- taia-Uke before the row«C ahopa. «ras- :::g their Banes and a^ns, sad nwihfng a McraC of wteu Oer beidL It was aC very «aM aad deserted â€" a w^ke- cii.-va.jed ev^Biiig with aristy lai=!pE &si ioc-: -prints that were slowly beliig obtiterated. S'^dieciy a car. fipoai rewad the co;^ z:-?T. atn^e tc a halt. aaS Hi hshts, szs^-.zx :t:tiaer& the rasaiBg strantie of eaow. caogati a window «â-  the other sMe «( the screeL Tlie Meea il were valcUy cat apart hy a akaf; of gijld. and their secret wa$ to 'ic-tsser a \'' ?;Taot-* rrr_a.*"i- Vaita4 f^lMBB. 1*1 acToas three paieia aJcDgsiie ot a laaadafin cic«: g3cri<:'i5i:y ecariec and tia: jitCe '-iA^ ::i â- â€¢: -il iini ;il'» aad Iiveed*r were ::e?t:i.'.-:::g daiJba'.eiy b» aide ciizarcre •t.-ea:E». « Evtk; ii a rvbcer stsjzp dees =:ai* a food imieressKKi. tius far: sboc>l not serve as a£ iaostiTe for a persoa tc be o=e. There were beastlfol things la th:>: w-'r. â- :• .1. - hi- 2^ of color sad srace ar. i : ^ ; . ~ e oesiga. froai kalf a doc^-c :3.i:i>- A -c-''--. »â- 'â- - painted p<cact>"'?? bk-.-ir«i tir â- -" . :_-: y.Teiâ€" sw^epi:!^ i '.^t- -' '^i.^cr-eri: . .'-r-'- aad brtUiait: j.r- x?t :i - :^ ; v^- .. - ; â- :'. dali yeficws ir i .^.11 >,â- > 7^1..;. •? - â- â-  f^tratted :-..:-:. 2.:,-- ;rrrr j«:.^.. ot;.! an*- eo tbt.r Mti i^ to i f.i"'i»;.<: • .<y. A scariet zami^r-.n ivrs.; ;ri;!*-i orer a brocajt-ci «:;<:. 'C'^'< :c>? tr.eâ€" : ar.d 1 STOMACH MISERY, ' i I GAS, INDIGESTION l"Paptf's C Li peps:.-. â-  G:rract>| 1 Sour, Upset Stomachs | St Or.ce ea r:h-,= ' ^. t . -; . .â€" r . S'-i: .^.i? by tie ; e? . j; ap » :-:c tx-i cotcr r va - -^-i OJtd nee of w:r- a^ a Tcrv'j* f U» oj water. Ic«l J ike new. London Garden Yields Jewelry of 10,000 B.C T. B. Macaulcy Preeiden; Sun Life. Our Material Evolution. from lO.OW B.C. have been discovered in what is certainiy the only virgin soil in Loudon and beiieved to be the ' only virgin ground to be found in any In a thousand of years there has city in the woriJ. ThU small tract of been no advance in morals, religion or land. which has n^ver be<n bui't on. politics. There has been a posiUve jg right in the heart of she city behind decline In lltf-rature. music and art. j^ coun oif Fieet Street. Bnt the advance in busings has been! Disooverv of the unique archaeologi- the greatest mime!;? the worU has ' ^al valvie of t!ie vacant lot 'a?- nivie ever known, ir we compsre nu'slern j „hen Hugh S. Gordi-.u. who is a nun- transportation, nianiifacturing. asricui- 1 jng <.ngti>eer. rente.! !t ?rom the Gold- by jh^ redempticn or sale o'. raaniciji--i debectu-T'S and other ho'.dings wh.^'h Fifteen feet of solid histcry dating had risen so^high pr^a-tnms. The ra'o earned on the mean invested .•i.^e-.s for the year rose to the phenoz;«iii figure of S.6S per cent., th's b^ins iv.:- tributed to by dlvid^^r. i r. rrJjr- boause* and other priv-:^srj grati'.ei en the Company's holdings. ; From the total sur;-;us eirse^l dur-' injt the year. $2i.M5T.i.>77. the Company has n:ade large and pmdetrt apprv-pria- tions. .\fier inaklni; thest^ aiiooatioa?, which add subst-^n».i,'.:!y to the anas- s«i-.ab;e seourity e? the Compsmv. an addition of $,^.Tlj.5«4 has been added lo undivided profits. Uringiug the total! Net So Luen). "W"hy. my ot<a.r man. I'Tre isever had ture, with ancient ujethoJs. it is thojgnjuhs' and Silverstniths' Company as surplus over aU llabV.iH^ wntingen^r ''' 5«y a doctor'* hUi in my Hfe. past that must do the blushing. And; a vegetable ailotment to keep himself accounts and capital stock to $S4.01L- "W>!1, aomeihow or other they Since the artists and nni&icians flj. Kinds in the earth alreadv made have not adv.'»nced. why do they pre- ! date from the Paleolithic. Neoiithi*- eume to so severely critlolae business ' and Iron .JVges. continuously upward to men who Iwve advanced so wonder- . Saion tinu-s abiMit SOO -VD, Then ^'^- i there Is a gap until the thirteenth c#n- .^ I jjj^j.^ f^^J^^ which titne there has been a»3 Perhaps, however, the fe«turv« ot the rep»>rt of o«its;andiivg interest to the iHtblic are those reiatin? pi:rtiett- larly to benefits to ^â- ^•>licyho!der*, Dur- iu|t the year proilts aatoanting to tiJ.iSJ.s;* -were paid or alloted to An opportunist is a man who insets exhumed an extraordinary wealth of policyholders, this smcunt b«:n|t eight the wolf at the door ar.d turns up next historic relics. > times In excels of the amount paid out day wearing a fur coat. ;i>foi,iy. r.i :^-s :h»: i •tipple-- -ii: ^'.ijeo w C'-.irce i^t --i-.e fh^ Kiiacco. w:-_^ fr«a: i-.'^r iover tie gieamttg «ans i= i-cff azd . br>'::-r 4zi a wt::e sha.wi bio: •-$:?>; â- "i:; ..rL::JSK.'C r^'j--? ari >firts of ^s^a te^ve*. ;â- Â« a -;£ ire- ^: r.sre ortpfZf acr.-®s i oi^f i.s i t,:^ rfl.v.i.-e-r<>^- p«iri. AT,: i-.-. -.:t-i 'i-s ^'>.i. j^i e,ige-i, ^r^-::^ -.:;<: 'â€".c.'^ '..-.Zf -^ r.:. ..'.'..'K- .•-â- .i.r> rr'.-^i .; -^ â- ;.:. -â- 'â- â€¢" ^r^'-i^^ z'. r. it:.-c >::;'.i:..- ^- .-. ;. re 15:0? azi ;>(ii iv'^ .-.; '.-.--.U- Cr?r:;r:"f" tartier o" -•_. - A.-'fi vvr;.;'.:i> ir.i »'.;r-ei>' â€" â-  ;::-^ V. .:i ;-Tt»:y ccri^ s.-c ^li« ar. . .ivenot- "iTbe-i cif v-.\r ;as»«^ oc. = :-. i :ir- s;.!- â- . jc iigii:s strervei away ?â- -â- ,". : -,;â-  v. â- j..-;oTr ani tie tlf.zfs it ^.e.' T . <r.;v wig wtsv.LiT a ^i.te .screen, inc ... . .â- :..";? :':? -^ttiv -Jt* «^.ii- I owa were t -4 ~ : i r. . : -^t -.. ^ > i -i ; secretive. ! .-Va* a s;r..:.j:--^ . â- -• ..1: -.v thi" siri^et 'cr dew a th;? *. vfC '•'••.y;..i •_;'â-  a- '"are â- tnow^. wvc.ri cever i".i , ^-,. r. «rvi. tha; betitti a cer.ia^:'. *... . i.u_vT biue-gre**;^ were s:rj:: ci The Morning Game. As soon as I wake In the luorning-tlme, I oUmb into daddy's bed. He always thinks Im a fairy knight And pu^is the clothes over bis head. Because kes i w !clied oid <h«gon. you see, .\.i»d I wa$gic> ui> batiieaxe. .\nd grind aar te«»ch. aad rv.vl my eyes, -^nd fir*- hint s^^me terrible wha«ks. The gem of the treasures dus out to '^° ^^^ **'^' '''**^ *'^ ^^^^^ '•'â- Â»*' ^ date is an exquisite Cretan We' re- J-^*^*^* »« Pr^^'f !>> P<liy>h^>!'5«rs have „ . , ^ . .T^ T "^"^ been anno-anced. n 1- doub- .^gnire.1 as jart ot a i»l!ar brought by jjnj .,t ih^ profits swJe d-trin* that the Phoeuioians when they came to tVr the seventh successive, trade with the early Britons, The coin- time a fiinher increase is announced. ' piete excavation of the site is expect- ''f'^* great total of J3S.5T6.453 has heea ' ed to take three vears I P"''* *â- â- *"' during the year ia respect ot â€" L^ â€" i ^^^^^ ^-^ sStr^i ^ ^^^.^ ^^"^ «-*• •«« .^»d he Sets oot a hfrhbie rvar. enable* the Compear to distribute i"^* •fâ„¢''* '•'**'5* ^^s bi<c naLs:? o:.>.i>; when his wife is real^v at fauk. '*^*'**^ *" ** a-^«iBpt?o« of 5H pw •*^»'* '*®^e« Bhs. <wi<« to the f wneu UI5 wue is reaj.j at fault. , cent, per annura beins earned vm> the I ♦â€" ; Reserves, The saiue rare ot 'nt«r«et i Butter that has iK>t l«en clarified iL^^L'f "i^'^iT^ '"^ beneficartes oa .i..>..M _x» i„ .._» t ^ â-  \. '"* proceeds of nvaturwi ecdowoieats should not Iw use.1 for Kreasms cak«- „j ^«i,t, olaims left with the Cw^ tins, as the salt it conUms is apt to paay. In this w;n ^s;,;;„. poIlfyboWera are panicir^'- â- â€¢ ' > great pros- perity of tb,- t .\»H the itM. in: portion ot the rejwrt is t^e Uiu'- showing of busi- ness written with-.u the Dominion. Here again a new recv^rd is estabJis'ted i Give tlie children SHILOHcomm j "Papes Piapepsii Is the q'iioieet. , sore*t re^i-rf for •i;i'..??s;io- gases.. £a: '..^-Otr r.r â- -'-". "rurr: *cir"ecss. ier- a:et:t^v.o- or *:oz:ao'i i^ -ess C3L'.:s«d by to::i::j A lew :j.r --.< al^ioet ti::z>r^ -i'.c *fo-rr3ao r. -.-.le' ^O'Trevt yoir 5 .-niioir i"- r^rj-x-.: - ^ for a few c*z'.s L'rj*g.s» *«ju si-^^^os* ot j*«:iagr*- r Don't Neslect^^ Bronchial Colds \ ciiii-fs<.:;>.-«i*c <TT::a<^ !:'• s â-  n r â-  *â-  US itwaai £«. Taraua t IM KEEP IMR AND BOWEI^ REGULAR WITH tASCARETS" No more HeadAcbe. Bad C<dda^ toiir stomach and constipation I Tact at its Height. jorsanix-ition to |2ST.$1«.1T4. The perfect husband is the one who ^*''' '*'*'* '^'® *»' *>»»««« eamedi knows how to apologise gracefully make the mixture stick to the tin. Health Brokenâ€" Lost 66 lbs. Now Well, Won Back 82 lbs. Ottawa merchant, formerly city officer^ rundoti*n by Jcjdney troiiWe. WmtcH from 201 to 135 lbs. Tanlac jcstored robust health; now tivighs 217 Ib$* and feels fine rhilia* Pffluin's arvv-cry at "^-v! .*'t. Patrick St., is well known in Ottawa. Mr. ^'co^lin \va.< formerly a ^K-iHi-o ©fficrr. *Vhei» ill-health seixe\l hira he k>8t wriglit r,'»pi<lly, "I had kidney trouble lor 6 years." he trik "anj was given up as a liojieloRS case. Many times. frvMu tUu-er weakness, I have fallen whrre I .st«HHl, and to be hel()ed lo my foet, ••l*ains taokcd my entire svstwu, CitnociaUy my Ixaok, which felt liks •pliitinjc! Neevil'ss to say, 1 could neither eat nor slwp normallv, VTeak spelb and ncrvousnets woiiUl leaN"* BM trenibhtij all over, I fsiifil away from'JlU to 13olbs ,8uiltri<deudl«a t««tniont» and remedies in those fl jtats, without result. "I had hcfuM to df«t>air. and wlien • frioiul aiiviseii Tanlac 1 was skep- tkal. But one mouth's rvgtilar use of this wonderful niedirino convinced â- w that 1 was on the road to baaltb. X kept on takii^( Tanlac and to uy ^Micht and aiirpnte it made me a new »M ia • surprkiBiijr ebort tius. a »-«)-S\riSH at his N> « I ''Tilth SI7 lbs., est anti rircp lik." a ; oalihy K\v, and feel like a «iiBtent inau'aUv>sx>ther.'" li nes'oot i^ o>"erwork are takinji toU i>f .>^>ar health, try Tanlac. It is nature's \<n n tonic, made fiow roots, harks and lierle. Your drunist h»» it. 0\'«r &j Builiou bvttks KiQU. for Canada in a'nKi$«:ve acgreicate of Jli^J.tmO.tHH* of paid assurances. The Sun l-ife i\Hi»pany is as cM as the IX^minton. But i; ha,- greater claims to Canadian jvide than that. It U to-day one of the toreaio»t of the sntaU grx^p of great Caaadiaa Gaaa- «lal {nstiluUoos which are makinc Canada famous. Babel Up-to^ate. In r«ie.<itne the official I«ag-,;age$ »r\' Knglish. Arabic, and Hebrew ; but French. Greek. Spanish. German. Ko- manian and Italian are aieo me: with lo certain extents. _ -.> Norway's Sea Claim. Norway has refused to alter her claim to control the wsters within four miles of her shores for flsihStis par- pose». The limit cUtnied by other North Sea pt>wer» (s three ruiJes. « High Melting Point. Platinum does not ineit until It ie h««ted to SlSl tiegrew (F.*. Us cos; is prv^hibltlve in many llL-eei v>f work, .\ satisfactory alloy of luetals. however, has been found whk-h resists lenipera- tun'« as high as l'$j>t> degree*. -- . -- -<â-º MInard't Liniment fpr aslmal aiimenta But I dimb ia aicain with nay m««:^- sword. And I make head! And off h roils, with his blood p»sl»!a out. TiU Ihe wicked old draitvn IH« deed. Then 1 dust tns^elf down, an" 1 drink some w;i»e From a l»ea;tcifKl |K>hlen cup. Vatil m*ma:<i down !n the kltekea cries: Ten** on. yoa :wx>: Time l«> fet up!" â€" C. M C. LOGQER5 Get a I^-cent box now. No odds how bad yoor liver, stoaiack cr boweis; bow atKch yotir bead ackes. -OW miserable and nactMBfortabie ytju ere tt^ coBsUpatioc. ladisestiOB. Ml- iSoasseas aad siaKsi^ bowelsâ€" y«a al- ways r«« the desired resiiUs wiUi Cas- jiret.?. r,>2 : ':*< jvar stomach. Wver aad bovejs s:.^'£e yoa miserable. Ts'ice Caa- .:*.-*<» tv^r » - : 7 â-  '- aa ^id to the head- icite b:..o .--.>- dlnineea, nervoijs- "ess sirs s.-"-- p."»ssr stociao'i:. back- uoie ftr;i ili o<;:e" o;s:ress: c:>5iacse yvx'.r itj^'.cc'- .â- ":*.•.- .f a:, 'Z& bt*e, faso> .^-- â- - - â- â- â- â- â- '•' ^-.^^ is V'.'OO â- . . â-  c .1.;^ "-'. i-tr' .\ '. o : - -.^ - health, happt- •-â- .ej* â-  ', ' .' oo.r -i-i-i ::â- : ~x".".'.^S- No -â- .,;--.> o'.-> 0' t!\V'.--". .: f:"-f»s ' jc<i V- -.-s'io i • .>':vr\-: zc* acj Usee, \.. cr'.^i; .- < >r . Cj.sva.rets. IVn"l r-c-K ..â-  ..'Tiia â€" iteir lasidea . ;-i - i . ^ cieansin*. aic Doctors >euch fcr Minard's LlaimeRt ♦ - Grecian Besuty. The er.ow was b'ae a: twilinh;. .\nd scemevj a vioce of sk,v, Wheo perfectioR J^vns i>e.-fectlon .\ classK' r\>und; Thowsbt I. â€" Ida Crocher Pun can. . ..^ German Supc-p'ane. A dot!V,«»-iiecV.e<.i airp'.sne with a cabin »cc»»j«nHX$atiR|: ;;â-  l>»xis has been tested in Crerr.>ar.y, ProvcJ safe by r.iiilions anj prescribed by physicKms for Colds Headache Neuritis Lunihigo Piin Neuralgia Toothache Rhcvmi.itism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART Repairs for Fanning Mills MANSON CAMPBELL CHjitham Or: ^a/^ â- Accept only " Baygr" r-"-'|^-'J^? »h!C.h contains ptovtfn dirsctions. Haedv -Eaver" Kv»,» of 12 tahtata Also bottks'si X4 sad lOOâ€" ]>ru0»ta. ISSUE N(k»â€" 'S7. awit;s u tk* ti»j» >M;k ,.T«t»t»»M !â-  i>»»a»' •* *»-'«. >»"i'>f.^, i; 2;^ MMNSrr •» S»:<<J'itf«.-:-J iXcrtr\ Sa^K.'t'.o »r«'l IS-* ' W»l» «» ^i «aal aaetti;> mmu ta.<w •u.»»i<i-ir v» ti'^ •'* r**** "S*^*' ^ .JrtJ^ H Byar ftwe»i «Ut »• Maa«M *i*^ t»*l> tâ€"*^ »»*• â- â€¢(*« w* '

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