National Jubilee Year • Time to "Think Canada" How Do You Breathe? Canadians Should Appreciate Present and Potential Ad- |- vantages of Their Country. •NOW IS CANADA'S OP- PORTUNITY. Over 1900 ftrganlred radio broad- OMU tlirougbKUt tlic country wore ar- ninged to hear Premier King siM>ak in Toronto recently. Asrldo from all political aspects of tho case It is im- po8tJb!« to estlmat* tho great oduca- tlonal valuo suck an adaptation o( Radio broadceinlng la to the people of «ir country. Canada's Opportunity. In the present and near future lies Canada's great opportunity. We. as Oanadians, do not fully appreciate what an extraordinary country we hare. We have been used to hearing polltlciU spellbinders tell us what a wonderful country Canada is that we are perhaps apt to mentally uuderoa- tlmute our good fortune and our op- r.ortuntllc.'i. We hear go much about the succfMJ-s and wealth of the country to the soutli of tis that son>© of lis are apt to be envious and to think that tbe United Stales Is more fortunate than Canada. Our Greatest Asiet. The i>e(ip!o make any country and we In Canada are thrice blc^t In hav- ing a pre<Ioniluatlng Anglo-Saxon na- tion. Wo liavo yet no great polyglot populution to create racial difflculties and this Is perhaps Canada's greatest ass«t. The United Stales has about 10 million necroes and 80 million foreign or other than Anglo-Saxon In- babltanls. Canada has no Negro prob- lem and a very small percentage of Eopopeans. The United States has about 82% trouble making alien peo- 'At^-T'is Oust /«^n !2)<.CU3S FOR fi\ LOT OF rOOUSH HABITS SON\E T»ME^ I Married a Wife. 1 married a wife. It was no more trouble Than hitching our old gray team up double, Hut which would pull and which would balk You'll never learn from my crazy talk. I married a wife. 'Twas a fortunate thing Por one or the otber at our wedding, But which wa.s lucky you'll never guess For my Ups are locked la sileutneai. I majTled a wife, a merry jade. Cool and clever and unafraid. With a careful eye and a nimble tongue â€" One or the other of us got stung. A Reasonable Faith. Ilac«iit MUdlea In psychology are (li^llluaioning to thc«o who euppoao that all their act* are reasotiable. ^^___^________^_^____^^____ Humanity Uvea more In tlie r'.v.lm of i r, ,-,• • j. j r „-* Its emotion, than en tho high ,>lu>.e of . E^fthui^ IS one of the most reason. Wo often act on the impulfo ' "npi>r.arjt functions of the body, of emotion, and employ rea.wu as ac- yet there is one muscle, very seir cessory after the fact to JustUy our dom UE<3d, that will (lo all our more or lesa unreasonable' con luct, bl'€iath'mg for US. And religion has much New Trans-Ontario Road To Open Sbanic Paradise Who Wrote It? emotion â- Yet conspicuous in religions Is that appeal in the Bible to the rational na- ture of men. "Conae, lot us reason to- Rctlii-r," saltli the Lord. It Is a re- rmu'kable Invitation, but the more It Is thought upon the loss strange It seems. Cod, the author of reason in nrtii)^ind. There are teci of thous«inda of „ This is the poems the authorship of which no one to do with'diaphragrm muacle.e the second j *'*"'*». "id poEeibly never will know. ^ mc4t important in the body. l'^^^ fofiowing le one of them: An exampb of th« usefulness ; of this muscle is to be found in i fc'ur-fcoted aniinals, all of which are said to breathe with the diaphragm. A simple test to tell how you i Ontario's Mid Hinterland Can ; be Made Available to Motor Tourists by Moderate Road Ejcpenditure. appeaUi to reason in his approach to fire braathing^ is to place one "'«''• . I hand over tba upper chest and This can never mean that tho mys- the other over the diaphragm â€" terie» of life are easily to be mea- the flat muscle that divides the "w!^fn1 ? . ^^ A """" T trunk into upper-and lower s«c. Wd know Ib part, »nd we prophesy .. t-» ^.i. u _x r i In part." But th^ knowledge we havo <'l?il«',Press the chest firmly and tho faith in which we prophesy , With the hand placed there, re- are both born of reason. The Bible si.'iting the action of the chest as Let me to-day do something that shaR take A little sadness from the world's vast store, And may I be ao favored as to make Of Joy's too scanty sum a little more. A NEEDED HIGHWAY DEr VELOPMENT, L»6t me not hurt by any seMsh deed. With Spring and the open roadn drawing clcE«r day by day It is an op- portune time to take s-tock from the Or thonghUess word, the heart of foe stand-point of what advances we are or friend. iXor would I pa«3, unseeing, worthy I need. Or sin by silence where I should de- fend. making to attract Motor Tourists to Ontario. We mu»t either go ahead or backwards, we can't stand still. Last year over a million and a half Ameri- can motor tourists visited Ontario, leaving seme thirty million dollars be- tralBc can be looked upon as an la- and to my dustry end should bo treated as such, and the year 1927 may well be expect- ed to surpass all former records as to risking motorists entertained. reveals- to us a reasonable (iod. We much aS possible, and then Watch 1 Let me to-ulght look back across the h'.nd them In this province. Tourist live in a reasonable universe, free the other hand. This will g^ive from caprice and the whim of fate, you a good idea of the action of Cause and effect proclaim an ordered tJje diaphragm system, and faith discerns benevolent ^he ability t^ breathe with the "we" have a reasonable revelation, ' ^W?^ ^ believed to explain dealing not with triviaJlUes and incon- )J^^**^ f K"'»^7^ ^ athletes as sequentlaHtiea but with the deep and i second Wind, permanent needn of human life. i ^^ *!7 We have a reasonable morality,' Stability. based on reciprocal rights and duties i Thore is a story which is useful for among men and high reverence for the a man in public life. It runs : that in spiritual quality in human life which olden times an oriental sultan ordere-J makes It akin to God. Th°re can never span Twlxt dawn and dark, conscience say: Because of some gcod act to beast or man. The v.orld is better that I lived to- day. «_- Professional "Best Man" I married a wife according to law, The best housekeeper you ever saw, pie. Willie we have over S0% of pure j A'«'')'a at work from nioniing till Anfflo-Suxon and old French-Canadian I night â€" Inhabitants, Duo to this, probably, more than anything else, is our groat strength and national vitality. Our future dep<!ndi» on our maintaining this ! â- "larrlLMl but one and that was. p-lenty L>ear God. 'twas a depressing sight! I marrl(»'I ;. wife when I wa.s twenty, preponJeranco of Anglo-Ha.xon Pfwnch Canadian blood. A Nation Now. Heluriiing to tlie broadcast of the Premier'** speech, we can be proud, as Cana>lian», to learn that Canada Is ac- oepted as the elder son of Rng^nd's greet family of Dominions. Wo may well be proud that our Political Status within llie Kmplre la one of equality with tho mother laud. That Tliat If any change is to be made In and I " ' married again may the devil take Officiates at Reception London. â€" The first professional "best man" has appeared in Ehigland. "My ,. .!â- â- ,... J I friend wlio was to be my best man has h.s gi-and v-izier to get onffraved on | taken iil. Can you holp me with a tlons between ,„an and man than that e"ca:r^ry:!n\S:ir> and'k^p';^^' '"'V' '" "*' "^"'°^ °^^' "'"'• Which derlv.. human nature from the h^n od^t rprosperTtj U had n"^ f â- ;°' "^'^^^ ^'^^IZ '"T" c'"''' very being of Ciod. j ess-^^ly to l>e « sk>rt sentence and 'L^J-LZl ^J r7 n ^^'^^l'^'^,^'" ' . .. -^ . .L- J ui requests made recently to a big Lon- yet It must serve this double purpose. ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ caterers. The grand viner was equal to the HS advised tho sultan to be a llrmer basis for ethical rela- hia favorite ring a motto which would We have u icasonablp redemption. The world c-un iiovor ablitPi-ate the In- fluence of Jesus of Nazareth from the occasion, record of Its progress, nor spare Him from the definition of its ideal. We have a lea.sonablo ground for love of all that is good, and for human- kind- as the worthy objo<:t of benevo- lent motive nnd action. That reason halls where faith be- , J .,.1. â- .1- * 11 ^^â- *'" spoken member of the outdoor have engraved on the ring the follow- catering staff, who, in addition to his ing sentence. And this also shall pass jutios at the church, acted as master .iway. Thva does not moan that our The Unusual Attractive. If we can supply the unusual, the ont of the ordinar)- and the altogether dif- ferent we will appeal to even a greater mimb^a* cf tourists than we cauld ex- pect to attract with the commonplace. It Is with the idea of suggesting an en- tirely new country to our American guests and with the view of opening up a secton of Ontario to our own motorists that this article is written. New scenes, new by-palhs, new waters, little frequented hamlets are located . , , along the route we are about to dls- A best man was found, well dressed, icnbe, the whole abounding with all the ittitude is to bo one of waiting to sec it pass away: but it means that, being sure of our motives . . . we should hold them fast in success, and should of ceremonies at tlve following recep- tion, arranging the speeches, all tor an inclusive fee of 3 guineas. mo. For thore'i never a can make me. ♦- woman on earth -Warren Qilbert. our couBtltutlofi wo In (Jnnada will i make It and that wo liavo arrived at j fall nationhood wllliln oiir.i-rives. Such inforniation c.unnot but help to make us Individually and nationally hold our, heads higher and moot the futiiro with (reau^r conlldence and optlniisiii. "Live" Canada, lu this our anniversary year we ows It to our <'(>uiitry and to oiirwolves to read more, think more and talk more about Canada and .so bocoino bollor in- formed and more intelllKiMit Cana- dians. As the year advances and our national birthday approaches, wo should be mentally e<iulpped lo take full cognizancn of that birthday and at that tluKM to fully appr.-olato what Canadian citlz<>nflhip moaii.<«. It Is tlio Intention of this papor to print from timii to time a Rorios of articles that will be lUumlnatlnK and Instructive to its rbaders a« Canadians. Light. Milton's address to Light, from the prelude to the third book of "Paradise Ijust," Is one of tho Krt>at(>s.t as well us one of thn most pathotic paaeages of pure po^ry In our literature, for the pool was blind. Hut thou neYlHltosi not these eyes, that roll in vaHn To And thy piercing ray, and And no dawn; Bo thick a dtx)p een>no hath quenched thuir orbs, Or dim Kutfii.ilon vollod. Yet not the more Coaan I to waudxr where the muaos haunt Clear sprluK. or shady grovo, or sunny hill, Smlt with tho love of nacred song. . . Thus with tho year Seosotm rottirn; but not (o mn returns I>ay, or tho RWeol upproiurh of ovon or morn, Or slRht of vernal bloom, or siimninr'n ro»«, Or (looks, f<T hords, or human fiioo divine; j But cloud InniiMol, and uverdtirlug i dark I Burruunds inc. frcim iho i^hnorful ways of men Cut off, and for Iho book of knowhHlga fair. PrMontnd with • univorsal blank.. . . A Trinidad Garden Beautiful. Lot me share It with you. A soft bri-eze Is wafting exqtil.sltB perfume from the fraiigipani and the liiiio tri^s, so that tho eye shall not feast uloni*. And what a feast! A luscious riot of vivid <'olorin'gs. Tlie pDlnsct- tiiisar{» Just oni- blazoof scarlet, hiird- ly a Krecu leaf to bo seen, liiit the tall iiibiscus hedge that giviM w privacy providi"** the dark gn^en of sliiuliig loaviw UH a background for its t>vn\ brlg'ht red, pink and orange li!:)s. in;..;. At tills vory liiimnilng birds of lrldefl<>eiit phiinnKi' Kol'li'n Krt>en and blue - nro lioveriiiK <iver these flowf'rs, pausiliig on beat Ins wings for a fow Hi'coud.s only, to sip hunt-y and Inserts; llioii darliiiKoff to siiiiiple the clUHlcra of orajit,'!^ anil red Ihirbndo.s pride, Tho walk to the lawn Is bordo-reii by gay yellow, roddisli brown and Rroon- l«'ave<l crolons, and wo onlor tlirougli a pcTgola of rcsl ami purple boiigain- vliliii. OppOHllo to us rise Ihe Knioe- fill .\roca iiiiliiis clii.sterod with Kreen und lanfierliK* nuts, and liearluic on fh«lr .straight hIkiiih cliiiiipK of orchidfl, shining In their white purity In inod- <4rtt contrast to llm vivid colorliu!H of Iho surrounding flowers u nil sh nibs. At one side of tho lawn iho purple and yoUow liloonm of tho Aluiiinndor are Intortwlnoil with Iho Ivory, gi>b- Irttwhaijod lUiwers of Iho Chalico vine. Kwns In ondltiss variety and l>eaiily are softly bunked around Rlunt iiuild- on-lialr and pots of Iho fascliialliig gold und sllvwrbaoki'il varlilliw, which present a i>lalu gii'M\ front, modestly concoiillng llioir more doileat** henu- tlos. 'Phnt lilgh stand In llio <'iirii(>r Is for "fig*" biiniiitas for tho liliils. Hiich sweet, Hwetst sliigrrs and (linrniInK to behold, llliio and yellow Femps iuhI wrons carol llieir Krallmde. I .'Dl.^enii blou nnd Ciinlliial proclaim ihoni- Helv.'i, and thai big brown iiiul yellow lM>uiity fclio iviMiis his name Iroiii IiIh I Imxv.Hunl qiioiy, "guiwl ciMiiril-dll'y' j 'row.»rliig over overythhiK IIu'Ih on I tho i+ky lino aro fi;iir I'lilnilslo.^, with , tniiiks lllio iiiarblo colnnins, sur- ' mount. vl liy giecu Imlen, and graceful I waving HifTs of leaveM. 'riumn urn hwaMy known :i.s "rabliiiKo palnirt," und often lluwe lii»uiillrH urn .s:icrlllr»»d . for tho deliraln Hiiliiil or "(••ibbage" I whl<:h Iho gieen liolos roiilnlii. I That niodtHt 111 I lit plot ihal yoii see I ovi)r tliero wliii llio palo lilim forRet- j me not bordiT and Iho mllmr Htrag- I gllng rose IiiihIiih and sweet vlok-tn, In JiutI u llltlo riMulnder of ili<« linme- land. gins has often been alUrmed, but never ^ot be UTiduly depressed when we find proved. Kalth soars above reason as thinKs arc not goinR n.s wo wished.! tho melody rises above the keynote This latter aspect of tho motU. is spe- ; and basic harmony; hut the Hihle does ,.ia!ly to be commended in tl»c present not urge an irrational faith. ^ime, when thinps avo certainly n;.t' There Is reafuuable hope of a bolter ,,.£,,;„,, ,,3 ,ve It should encour-; race. â- Ihere are many voices which ..p^ ;„ to persist and to hold on to tho' affirm that the noon of the human race ,„,^y,^ ,vhieh we think right 1 IS already past; but th^ HIble exhorts 1 ^^ n,«st ^^^pie it is essential tluit^ luen to believe in the Iniprovabllity of niaiikliid. "Ye therefore shall be per- fect, even Jis your Kallier in heaven Is |H>rfect." W(» ar<! far from the reali- zation of any siii-h hope, but our rea- son f<.>rblds lis lo ucci'-pt anything less. There Is reasonable faith In lifo ovcrlaHting. That faith. If It has any ri«)t at all. must Im pl-ante:l deep in coiidt; : nro ill a rlslilcous and mighty (I'od, who is abU- lo elevate human character to liUcni's.s with his own. No other iuimortalily would be worth having lliun ihat which Is l)a.sed on tiod's own righli'ijnsnos, rellected and incaniule In hiiinun life. This is l!(> fiiltli which the Hilile gives to us, a faith at once anlmuting and reason- alile. they .should continually examine tho ' motives from which they act. There , are a few exceptions, men -so happily ! j con.stitutod that they have little or ! no need of this. Unconsciously, and i I without effort on their part, their mo- itivei? remain unselfish, sincere and jpurc. I know of no better instance. of that purity and uiisollishness of! j motive in a public capacity than the I fourth Karl CIrcy . . He . . . never lacked interest in public affairs: he W"a.^ always enthusiastic and unselfish, ' and his int?n Pt was ardent, ."incere and ,'^nerous. One who knew him well said of him â€" and it was true â€" "He lit many fires in cold rooms." That is one hiph type of spirit which we need in our public men.- -Viscount (Irey. in "Kallmlon Papers." ' Big Airliner to Link Egypt and Central Africa. A big now triple screw air liner to use on a 1,200-mlle jungle airway from Khartoum Ihroiigh Central .\frica to Ktsinayu In Iho Kenya colony Is being deslgniHl in Lovda. This nt'w empire airliner \,ill be based on tho success- ful Ulackburn Kolls Hoyce flying boat built for the air ministry which proved to bo tho fastest In exlatence. Owing to the presence of rivers, hikes and swamps along the route, It Her Attractive Figure. "You think he married her because of her attractive figure?" â- â- Yes â€" it was a halt million." O Prince Henry is Skilled Rider. I'rince Henry, the twenty-six year- old sou of the King, is less discussed in Iho public prints than his three brothers. He tion and take ously. Only recently he was promoted to a captaincy in the Tenth Hussars. â- Prince Henry Is a keen horseman und a much more skillful rider In tho hunting field than any of his three brothers. The future status of the ' young Prince Is not discussed much in the Hrltlsh press, but it Is behoved he will eventually be made Duke of Ktlinburgh. There has been no Duke of Edinburgh since the death of the father of Ijueen .Marie of Rumania, who was Queen Victoria's son. Ho left no son. Farthest North People. ! The world's most northern inhabit- ants nro tho polar Eskimo hi north- elements usually associated with an unexplored country. New Trans-Ontario Rosd. We in Ontario have only one ef^tab- lished trans-Ontario Road, Rente Xo. 2 from Montreal to Windsor. Should not this great Province have an alter- native way to get from East to West? In the earl.v days Ger.era! Monck es- tablished an altornativo wcy by which he could be assureJ cf tran*;X>rtln3 troops in case the southern trafEc way was in the hands of the eaemy. In these pipltig times of P'-^ace we are In danger of (and we weicocioi an inva- sion of an entirely diCferent kind which also suggests an alternative cf travel. Surely to !it>k up present exist- ing roads, improve tl;?m to carry sum- mer traffic would pay for the invest- ment. Folloxwing Old Precedent. General llonck has been mentioned and we can well "follow the broad line of his alternative to the lake front highway. From HaHburton to Baa- croft ami beyond lies a veritable fish- erman's paradise, but at the present this whole distrl;:t is practically inac- In the Boudoir. Wine-"Are you Roiiig to we;ir your will bo possible by u.sing seaplanes to . western Crcenlaud. overslwvps (Mil lo-day. dear?" alight at almost any point. Passengers' -'â- Ilubby "I lliluk not, love; I'm not may ho picked up and set down at any RaiiiK to do luiK-h walking." "safe" spot along the line. It won't be lonjr nowâ€" -the seed catalojiuos arc out a! read v. ♦ â€" - Pays £5000 to iniure Hk MeiJs for Life lyondon. A Ix>ndon roslaurant hat oontraciod with a forty -rear-old man to supply him with two meals » day Cor the riMt of hia life, for COOO poumki. Tbs tAl>lo« of mortoMir show that hti eipaoUtiun of lift at (iwt mf l» twsnty-aeTeci yoara, wliloh wmild rnaks bto food ooet about 18S poanda » yaar, «r about 11.76 a ntML ^ iMiJik rallH and brluRs ilio (laali of flrnllles and Om chirp and hum of lu- siicls. Ilav<» you been abh< to vlsimllr.a the garditn iHiiiutlful? 4^ , Many French Qtrli Ara Fsnoari. KoncUif Is tndtilgind In by maar young women In l<*rnii«v» im nn aid to lioivlth and srno«, ♦ It la not what he hiia, not oven what ha 4orm, which directly fxremiaa the worth of • ma^ but what ha la. â€" ArrlaL 9 is of a retiring disposi- 1 ^^/^V •""' u''""*' "''^"^ *" ^'' s his militarv duties seri- f^^^' .^"""^ "*** Tf ''""""" '' '"*â- " the good fortune of tho writer to tour this country back and forth. The re- sult of these trips was to Impress the possibilities of this mlj-hinteriand of Ontario. A new Trans-Ontario High- way is possible in this district and can offer attractions to nwJce it worthy of the early and serious consideration of tho Provincial Highway department. The Route. In approaching the coE.-ide-ration of such « new hl.ghway venture wouW it not bo wise to swing far north and af- ford the motorist «n opportunity of becoming acquainted with accessible Ontario wilds? This would certainly be an attractive change from travel. ling the present old highly organised section of Ontario by way of Route numb«r two. Our suggestien would ba to link up with the sivcatled Blue Wafer Highway at Orillld, thence east- wly by Udney and the old Monck Ri>ad to Coboconk, Mind^n, either via Oootl- erham or Hnliburton. Cheddar to Ban- croft. From this town, whore, by the way. there Is a splendid Inn, the sug- gestion wotrld be to turn northwai-d via Combernie>re to the Ueufrew Read and so Into Ottawa. A New Sports Paradise. Such a ri>ad wxutkl open up a new motorists' i>aradl»e, Oshlng in season not to be equalled any placse. Part- ridge and deer in season, water fowl by countless thousands In their time of flight, ycenically tho conntry de- lles description. The beauties of I.;«ka KUIarney. Ijikc Louise, and the Kng- lisrh Iwike r<>gion nil combined give but a faint Ide.-x of this wwijerftil country, A rugged grandeur of towering rocky hlUs, well wihhUhI in p.vrt. combina with water vistas tv kt>ep the tr.'sveller constantly on the 'quj vivo," whlla thrUl follows thrill. Of Economic Value. The economic \-Hh.-> of such a pr» Ject can bo defended b\ showing Ui.<tt the opening of sucJi a motor highway would open up mining and other indus- tries at pres-.»nt In « condition of Inertia duo to lack of siUisfaotory tn;nsporfntlon. Wo will deal wish this at n later data. • MAP 8HOWINQ THE FLOW OF GRAIN TO SEADOARD BEFORE COMPLETION OF ST. LAWRENCE ROUTE That the di-e-pcnlng of the St. li«w- ronc4» wiktorway will react to iho dolrl- mont of Montronl as olnlmiyl by Pre- mier Taso-lieriHiu of Qiieboc, l.i diAptlt- «l by niiiny authorltl«i«i on c<»nimorcn iiivd trantvportat Ion. Alfred KUIor, In a recent reiiort lo the SI. I^wron(H» llotnmlMlon of tho Ifnltcd Slates, pro- santa ttie map rxpriNluood above aa aliowlnc tlna yroaout flow of (rain to (;(\tboni>l and its lraiiK.p«>rtation lo divs- tliuitlons for domostk'. eonxunivllon. Tho llgures ropi>e!»ont nilllloni< of busliolw nnd nro averngoa for the three >->«ir» lS»at. 1922 and 1928. FIsti:<«w In cirolea repreaoiit r«>eolj>ts ai North Allaiitio iwrts, inchiding grain for domesllo conn 11 mpt ion. At OuXt and Paclflc porln I hay nro r«H'«Mp|g for ex- port only. Uunnitiloa shnwo inortnc from vttrioiia *uu«« and provlncM, -♦ have iHvon compute^l from data avail- able from 1921 and 1925. Total re- ceipts shown at the renbi^jwil nro 641,- (V>0,000 biiahela. It Is btvtteved that tho coiistnirtlon of the St. I<:)wrenc« would, for on© thing, divert nwch of] the l9S,O(H),0i>0 bushels fihown «» m>Ing overland by mil from Buffaki to New! York, sending It down the Wellund canal to Lake Ontario and down to U>» ' St. Lawronce tA MontrttaL j The Poor Are Rich â€" -â€"If they haw the spirit of I'oncent nient. -If they haw cKv«cd their hrarta <M tho spirit of envy. â€" If they have saved their !>olf-mpecl â€" If th«»y eat their br»«ad in th«nle- fulnesA â€" If they li\ii in a home fumishtd with kindn«««. â€" If they wok nt a tnak th»y Ioy». â€" If they hold hatred for no on* li thoir boart. r V4