Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Feb 1927, p. 4

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'"^â- â- ''«!i»'' «Bi*^.=«,;;», FEDMESDAY, rEBRUARY 23. 1927 THE FLBSHBRTON ADVANGB THE nEMERnM ADViMCE , PobUshwl on CoUiii«wood ttrMt, ' FlMiktrton, WcdiMMUy of Mch ' «mIl Circulation over 1100, Met in Canadft, |2.00 per year, when pmiA in advance |1.60. In U.8.A. 92.60 per year, when paid in aihmnee $2.00. V. H. THURSTON, . Editor TAXES REDUCED AND PUBLIC DEBT PAID OFF Every Canadian must be heartened by the statements made by the Fin- ance Minister in his annual budgret •peech in Parliament last week. The income tax has been reduced 10 per cent; the sales tax rates 20 per cent; the tax on matches 25 per cent cut; the stamp tax on cheques, notes, etc., cot off up to $10; over that amount the stamp required will be 2 cents, the graduated jcale being abolished. The sVtmp tax on overdrafts and advances is abolished. Income tax and sales tax reduction i.s now in effect; the •tamp and match tax changes will be in force on and after July. Thus the country is gradually gett- ing rid of what has justly been de- scribed as "nuisance taxes." They were put on in the effort to meet the enormous amounts expended by Can- ada in the prosecution of the war. Few people, when grumbling about national tpxi-j, stop to reflect on how Much of the revenue of the country is frequired to moot their war charges, &o part of which were met while the War was in progress, though not a few men were made wealthy by the profita lucruing to them in providing supplies. The expenditure of the country at- tributable to the war is, for the cur- tent year, found to be over 45 per tent or nearly one-half of the total taxes collected, being made up aa fol- lows: Interest on war debt $116,607,000 War pensions 36,650,000 Soldiers' civil re-estab- lishments 7,200,000 " Land settlement 1,300,000 Imperial War Graven and Commission 810,000 Battlefields' memorials .... 200,000 ^ar claims adjustments.... 165,000 are '<wary" of a temperament luch as hers. It will soon be imnoisible to secure swimmers for competitioni for the paltry sum of |2S,0O0. The Rood ones will be demandinR twice that amount. Wm. Wrigley Jr. challenged for a L Mt to Cliitiwirtli 4-3 The Chatiworth hockey team came down «n Friday evening last and went back home again on the niffht train with the long end of a 4 to 3 score, in one of the best and most interesting hockey games played here thid yeail Both teams travelled at full speed all throuKh the game and everybody . . - ,cn AAA * u- 1. L worked hard for a win. John Nuhn bet of $50,000 for a race m which he pj.y^d a great game for the locals would Jteke George Young against and scored two of the three goals, aspirants from the whole world for a McMeekin securing the other one on race, $26,000 to be posted bv each. » ?*«» from Robinson. Flesherton I? I T.i...o»» ^/ n»t.„5» * h*" •"o^t °' the P'»y throughout the F J. -Talmage of Detroit, owner of ^^me and only for the sensational Hay Island in the Georjcian Bay. 22 goal tending of Sinclair in the Chats- miles from Owen Sound accented the worth nets the score would ha\De been challenge, but it is not known whether I '" Flesherton's favor. McDonald it will take nlftPi. nr not I P'«yed " Ro"^ """'e in goal and stop- It will take place or not. I p^^, ^^^y ^^j ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ jj^^ â-  • • I goals, but allowed two easy ones to George Young was given a great ' «?«».»« ^^^ *5*^i* ^^^- ?*'^'* '"?, *?'^' „,,_.„, . , . . , , Tavish on defence worked well to- welcome in Toronto on his arrival" et^er and Armstrong made things home from California on Saturday. | go when he was used as a sub. The Bands olayed, a parade was formed first period ended two. all and in and cheers rent the air wh-i he stepp-l*''* s^,""*/' Flesherton scored another , , X. 1 . I.. • 1 A 1 one, Chatsworth c*ning back in the ed from the tram on his arrival. A third with two counters to win the fund is being taken in the banks for ' game. a donation to Young, but we notice' The lineup of players follows: that there isn't a stampede ^o donate. , Chatsworth â€" Goal. Sinclair; De- The average man has troubles enough J,«"<*' h Sinclair and C. Dudgeon; .^. ., i- J ^ Centre, Scott; wings, McFarland and with the money question and George jie^j,^. gy^.. Dudgeon. is falling heir to thousands at present] Flesherton â€" > Goal, McDonald; De- by movie contracts that makes us fence, McTavish and Boyd; Centre, turn green with envy. His victory Robinson; Wings, Nnhn and McMeekin , , . ... s /> / s""*" Armstrong, has been a great thing for Canada : and we wish him success in hia quest! for riches. ! BORN A UNIQUE EXPERIENCE CLIPPERTON At the Private Total $162,922,000 With an expenditure of this vast j amount necessitated yearly, the outcry for the entire removal of war taxes is aliown to be utterly without warrant! It is re-assuring to learn, however, that by careful husbanding of the . coontry's revenues, accruing from the revival of trade and prosperity, the Finance Minister i.< able to show that the 'special war taxes apropriated this year will be $9,000,000 less than the sum above set forth. At the same time the taxpayers wil rejoice to learn that the national debt, cut down over $27,000,000 in the fiscal year, is cur- tailed this year by $31,000,000. It Is Indeed welcome news, coupled a.i it is with the declaration in the last four years the net debt of the Dominion has been reduced to the extent of $95,- 000,000. We arc on the road to emancipation from the huge war debt, but have still B long way to go before we reach normal peace conditions, seeing our total indebtedness is considerably over two billion dollnr<<. Mr. Charle.i Hefferman. who now ! Patients' Pavilion, General Hospital • 1 . T^ i. -i • J i 'Toronto, on Tuesday, February 15th, resides in Detroit, was surprised to ,927, to Mr. and Mrs. 0. CIi>perton read in one of the Detroit papers the (nee Lulu Mitchell) the gift of a other day. that he was reported dead daughter, Mary Mitchell, by the Detroit police. The mistake NIXON â€" At Amulet, Sosk., on on the part of the custodians of the Monday, February 14th, 1927. to Mr. .,„«„„ i„ *u„ â„¢-«„t „„t«~,..i,ii- «„„f,= aâ„¢ M's. Wm. Nixon (nee Gertie peace in the great automobile centre ^p„„,) ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^ daughter. was a quite natural one. A few days I • previous, Mr. Hefferman had been ac- ROBT. PURVIS ELECTED TO costed by a man on the street who 1927 ARTEMESIA COUNCIL told a hard luck story and asked for â-  . little financial assistance, promising!. Non»nation8 were held on Saturday , .^, - ,, ^ • , ,, I'n the town hall for the purpose of faithfully to repay a small loan. Mr. 1 nominating a councillor to take the Hefferman, in the generosity so char- place of Mr. T. L. Mercer, who had acteristic of the people of Arthur and resigned. Mr. Robert Purvfg of vicinity, gave the required financial Eugenia was the onlv nominee, being .^_. -.i^iu J proposed by Mr. M,. Wilson an-' sec- assistance. The recipient of the need- ^^g^j by jfr. H. C. LeGard. ed cash asked Mr. Hefferman for his name and address which he wrote! FLESHERTON down carefully and placed in his pock- ' _^ ^ _^ n V^ n O W /V V^ et. A day or so after it seems he sue- KAIvBrR SHlfr cumbed suddenly and the only mark j â- ^ *****' *^ ** i/ 1 * VT « of identification that the police could | First GaSS Barberta|^ find was Mr. Hefferman's name and! address which they concluded was the , VISIT THIS BARBER SHOP AND cognomen and place of residence of the RECEIVE A FIRST CLASS HAIR deceased and reported accordingly to; one of the city newspapers. As Mr. { Hefferman had also taken the name and address of his chance acnuaint- ance the matter '-as later rightly ad- justed. â€" Arthur Enterprise. CUT OR SHAVE. QUICK SERVICE WITH ENTIRE SATISFACTION. G. H. WRIGHT, Prop. DISHONESTY IS REWARDED We were amazed the other day in reading over the estimates brought down by the Dominion Government to see the following parncraph: "Under the headin" of pensions, a vote of $9,31!i is ankod for U. R. Far- row, former DoDuty Minister of Cus- toms, dischnrgecl following disclosures before the Custom;! committee investi- gating scandalH in the department. It is proposed to pay Mr. Farrow an annuity at the rate of $5,640.40. to commence from Aug. 7, 1926, and to continue thereafter at the above rate during his lifetime." Why it is possible for any person who has been convicted of wrong- doing and discharged from his posi- tion, to receive -• bribe of that amount per year for life in order to have him resign from his po.tition, is beyond us. If a man does wrong in a trusted position he hns no right to receive pay from any employer, and wouldn't cither, but it seems a government is difcfrent to 11 private corporation. The odor from the disclosu •,•« of the smuggling scandnl which was brought to light last summer has not all clear- ed away as yet and it ncema to us that any government that rcward.i corrupt practices by u pension o' so large amount to an official char^ced with breaking ciistoniH rvgulntlons, is rewarding that per.ton for the crime committed. The avi'rnge tax payer does not wish to .tee his money go for such a purpose. BDtTOHIAI. MOTES During a cold spell recently a lady in Flesherton had her knees frost bitten. Fancy it occurring ton yjarj •«o. . . . Suzanne licngolen. famous tennis itar, says that she did not receive one propcial while in Amerif on her re- cent tour. No doubt the bachelors February Bargains ON BED OUTFITS The above i.s a cct of a Siminon.s Red Outfit wc arc specializing for the balance of Feb- ruary at the price of twenty dolhir.s for Complete Outfit, .steel bed, walnut finish in cither 4 ft. or 4 ft 6 in. size, with Cable Fab- ric Spring and l^'clt Mattress in good attrac- tive ticking. We venture to .say that this is the first time you have ever seen a bed outfit of this m.ike and finish offered at anything like this price. Wc are also offering a = Free â€" Slip Cover With Every Marshall Mattress during the balncc of February COVI\R IS VAIAIED AT $3.50. THIS IS A REAL liUY AND ONLY GOOD TO FEB. 28. THOS. W. FINDLAY Furniture Dealer and Funeral Director FLESHERTON The Great Lakes EleT*t4>r Co. at Owen Sound liave plara to ertet an- other addition to their devator this summer to double the present capa- city, which would be 2,300,000 bushels. The elevator luks be: 1 a Kreat thing for Owen Sound, as ia shown by the number of boats wintering there. A girl at Davenport, Iowa, jumped in front of a train and was instantly killed. She had been reprimanded by one of the teachers. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given that all persons haying clsln.i against the es- tate of Alex. Ferg(>.:on, late of the Township of Osprey in the County of Grey, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 22nd day of March, 1926, are required to forward their claims duly prov n to the undersisrned on or before th: 10th day of March, 1927. And notice is 'urther ^ven that after the said d.tte the executors will proceed to distribute the estate, hav- ing regard on°y to such claims as they will then have liad notice of. Dated at Collingwood this 3rd day of February, A.D. 1926. â€"MALCOLM McLean, Solicitor fo.* the Executors, Wm. Wells Ferguson and Daisy Isabelle Blaek. FRESH GROCERIES like these J^^jJ Specials Quaker Corn Flake 3 for Choice Pink Salmon â€" large Macaroni 2 pks. for Good Black Tea per. lb. 3 Boxes Matches for 25 ctt. 23 cts. 25ct8. 53 eta. 25 eta. Cream Shipping Station Store closed every eve. but Wed. & Sat. A. E. HAW, Ceylon Duncan's Hardware MITTS & GLOVES Corona and Taco Ranges Empire Quebec Cooks & Heaters stove Pipes, Elbows Etc Crosscut Saws, Axes, Handles, Wedges, Etc. ENAMEL & tinware: FRANK W.DUNCAN GENERAL HARDWAR.E Phone*: 54W and 54 j THE Standard Bank • OF CANADA FIFTY-SECONQ ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31st JANUARY. 1927 c». PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Balance brought forward. Feb lit, loae. Prottti for ttae'yoH.rended JanuvT iwlhiKj^tUrSidToieii^^ rebate for hi • erMt on unmatured bllU, Pi-uvlnclAl and MiinlaiBMl taaa I «io7.saa.os b&d and dou.itfuldsbts.. Dr. I aad milflac wnfi i i i liin tor Dlvldond No. U2 pkld, May Ut, 1036 UivldontNo. Hit imUU, AuKtut 1st. IttM.. DivldoQd No. U4 luUd, Novainbor l«t. 1094.. nd No. 14.'', p»y â-  â-  ~" War Tai on Nolo OlmilaUon. DlTtdund No. Ur, panble. February lat, 1087.. Rflaarve for Domt^on Income Tax.. Oontributed to ollcen' Peoilon Pond.. Balanca carried funrard $1.0».779.77 • 144.7Oa.0O I44.7O3.0O 144.708.00 144.703.00 48.3S4.00 80.000.00 ss.ooaoo ai7.7se.77 •I.0»,778,T7 GENERAL STATEMENT Sltt January. 1M7 LlABItlTIBB NotM of the Banlcln circulation a •.SSS.ISO.OO gepoaita bearlnK Intemt (Indudlim tnt««ai to dnt*) „.. • .. ..... epotlM not bearing lnt«rcit.. Depodta made by other Banks In Canada... alancn ' ..... . ,. ^ 7-i. BafancM duo to oUitir Bankn In Canada .,.,.. Balaurea due to Banka and llanklnK CVimapondenU alMWlMt* ttaii m ( I<«tten of Credit out«l«ncltn«. LlablUUea nottndudort In tlie foroKuIng DlrldendrNo. 14A. payable lit February, 1SS7.. Vnrmer iHTtdeodB unclaimed OaplUI Stock paid In.. ReaerveFund , Balance of Profit and Loaa Aocoont caiticd fwrwara.. Oarrent coin hold by the Bank A DonuDlon Motea held AMITS DepodUlnthe Central Odd HeMTVde .^ j,.-...,. Dapoalt with tho MlnUtor for the purpoae* of the OlrcvlkUea rara. Noui of other Banka - ynlted Statea and othir Forelitn Currendea. Oiiequai on o^horllanka Balaneea due !• •*••«•«»*••••* Dom, Canad ithor .._.„ ^. „,.. by Danki and Banklnit Oomiipondente e l a wb ert Ummi In Canada... [Union and Provincial Oovcrnnient HerarlUea, not esmedlna natkfl vahM aillan Municipal Hectiritlea and Britlih, Forctni and CXMoaSl F^blle I other than Canadian, not exrewllnii market vahie v»!«* -iiv- •«»J0«,4«e.46 Securltlw _ ^^ 9.MS.5SA.61 Rallwayand other Bonda', Debentiirea and HtarlM.notueiiedilii«iiniMMVadii^ a,a7ft,M«,I5 Call and Short (not exceedlnc thirty dan) I nana In Canada* Slooka or other aarurttlM of a auHrliir.t marketable 73.14S,5S&.ia 144,T 3.900.000.00 »17,7a£7T wo.4ao.o»7.M s SIMS*.! 8.n>.oi~ 800>4a.Q 47.4aM fi.T08.6iS| $i7,« ie.04s.ouji BebMtiaeaaad *»•"'»«â-  ».»»t.M«.ie S4S.Mw.iai.u toana to ClUea. Towiii, MunldpaUUee and School DlMrlete l'TlT*iM:i4 Other Cturent U>ana and diacounta In Canada (Itn rebate of towwat) after inakiM lato at o rtiti i ii ftlr •"••>''>^«< all bad and doubtful debia ,.., â„¢ „.,.„ „ Mtam imi a« Non-Ourrant Loaina, eatlmaled loea urovldeii tUt ,",..,....'. .7 â€" '"â-  SS'SftTa Non-Ourrent l/>ana, eatlmaled loea urovlded Mortnae* on Heal Bilate aold by the Bank ReM Raiate other than Bank PrmnlaeB Uablllilra of Cuetuinen under Letten of (Yadlt aa t>er ronlra.. Bank Premlaea, at not more thaii coat, I«H Other AaaeU not included in the nrefOUg t tha^Goat, 1«H amount* written oit.. A. F. WHITK. M.L.M< aea.8To.oe aiA.8AS.n 483.400.8 S.TI3.» l80.S8e.81 •M.4a».(ia7.8t cLBOD. â€" â€" AUDITORS* REPORT TO THE SHAREHOLDERS Vn have enunlnetl tho twoka and aocnunta of The Standard Bank of Canada at it< Read Olllee. f(vr the mar m«m January81at,l«a7.»nrthav«li«in nimUhed wlthcwUn«lr«tun«fnimihohranch«* We have obtained iSltlH>Mta«^ atlon ami oxplaiiatloni w* have required, and In our opinion all tranaarthina of the Bank which hare coma under m» notln<liitvp Kvii within theiNiwemof thoBank. - » «â- > -.. lunnr w Thn llai\i.>invi«tmentaand raahon hand at Ita chief olHre and certain of Ita laindpal braachaa. were vMtfled tv \V<; rprtlfy ih«i, In our oplivl..n. tho above KMwr^ atatement of IJablUUca and Aaeta at January Stat. l»»7. dto- a tho true comlllloii of the Bank, and la In aooordance with the booka of tho Bank. â-  or rtaat. Marwtek. Mitehan * do. rloaea Toronto, Febrtiary lOth. 1037 P

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