THE FLESHERTON /iDVANCB WEDKESDAT, FEBBUABT 2, 1928 i^ The Business of Agriculture FARMING is more than an oocn- pation; it is a highly commercial- ized business which requires careful planning; anil thoughtful exocution. Bountiful production is necessary, but much effort is wasted unless the business of disposing of the year's output is properly managed. In con- ducrting the business of the farm the Standai J Bank can play a prominent and useful part. Con3ult the mana- ger and learn how true co-operatic between banking and agricultu builds a more prosperots coMmuni', . THE STANDARD BANK OF CXAM^VDA. FLESHERTON BRANCHâ€" C. T. Batty, ilanager CJ».R. TIME TABLE Mrs. 0. Irwin Dies Mrs. Oliver Irwin of Kimberley pas3«d away in the Toronto General Hospital on Saturday last at the age of 75 years, from blixid poiscningr. contracted a few days jywioudly. Mrs. Irwin vas a native of this town- ship an.d married the late Oliver Irwin, wio predeceased her nine .r.onchs agi: She leaves one son, Robert Irwin, of Toronto, who at- tvT.dcd th; fjneral, which was held en the arrival of the r.ooc train on Montiav, interment taking place in Flesherion cemetery. Some years ago ilr. and Mrs. Irwin managed the Park Hotal in F.esherton. bat of late years they resided at Kimberley, v.iiere they catered to the travelling public. ilrs. Irwin wis an idea! hostess and a woman who was highly respected socially. The frn-iral on Monday was largely attended by old friends from both Kimberley and Fle-3herton. The deceased had been on a visit to Toronto at the time of being taken ill and her demise was a creat shock to her many friends. Presentei Jas. Ferris Witii FoHitaiR Peo Trains leave Flesherton Station as follows: Going South Going Xorth 8.00 a.m. 11.52 a.a. 4.10 p.m. 9.08 p.m. 8.41 p.m. 4.33 David Dow Passed Away Suddenly MoRday Night w. I. 2Sth Anniversary ilv. Da^d Dow of town, who hasi been ill for some tim. with what Eh-. A meeting' of Ceylon Farmers' Club Xo. 403 was held in Clayton's hsU on Tuesday evening of last w«tek, when the most important item of business was a presentation to ifr. James Ferris, who was the Pres- ident of the Clab, who resigned on his removal to Toronto. On behalf of the members of the Club Mr. W. i X. Beatou read a short address to ifr. Ferris and Mr. E. Wickens pre- sented him with a Waterman's foun- tain pen and pencil in cast. The, Clirb regrets Ic-sins,' Mr. Ferris, as he , was always a willing helper in tfaei interests of the organization and wish him and his family health and pros-; perity in the new home. llr. G. Campbell and W. A. Beaton gave a' report of the convention which was held in Toronto. On accotmt of the V vacntioti c: the President's chair Mr. fi Geo. Campbell was appointed to fill that ofTice and Mr. Chas. Stewart was appointed as representative en the Shippine .Association. i If you want to get well booted or rubbered CALL AT TFiOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON The Fleselirton branch cf the Women's Institute celebrated their Bibby diagnoses as si iping sickness.' o.sth anniversary in Chalmers Charch ; P-â„¢- p-issed away on Mor 'ay evening at ' on Friday evening of last week, Jan- | The mails close at Flesherton as '^« "»^ ?f ^^ ^^^" ^^- ^^'^' ^^ uary SSth. Mrs. 0. W. PhOlips. the i follows: For the north at 11.00 ^'**" ^' ^'""^^ ^^^^ Oc.ober. The fun- pj^^ept President, occupied the chair' •oath at 3.30 For morning train ^'^^^ ^^^^ P'*"* ^^ Tlesherton ceme- ^nd a short program was given, con- •outh mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the '^^'^' Thursday of thi week. Service sUting of soles by Mr. Hardwick and at the house at 2 p. m. A more ex- jijgg MitcheU. reading by Mrs. H. tended notice will appear next week, n^wn and community singing. Mrs. { Robt. Best, the first President of the ADDITIONAL LOCALS i Institute, read a paper which she had given at the first organization There is an ex.'iting seniiabte for the postmastership of Walkertoc. previous evening. Local and Personal The business ox Ritchie Bros., gen- eral merchants of Dundalk is cow about wound up. .Armstrong Bros, have leased the store from M. W. Ridley, present owner, and will move in. Buy in Flesherton. ; Many residents of i.i^ neighborhood^ ^^ ^, ^j^^ ^- ^ ,j^ ^ g^^^, „ .^ .. ^'"«r'"^'"^-ot"^";'u art gave an interesting synopsis of Read The Advance advertisements, of the late Rev. E. S, Rupert of that, ^j^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^ Women's Mr. Thos. Bentham is confined to "f"!' T!"'*.^/'*^ ago was Pa^tor^ j^j^ ^^j^j^ ^^^ ^^^^ j^^j^ .^ ^ his bed on account of Ulness. ''^ ^^ Methodist church here. Mrs. â- Armstrong's office. T> , .. Rupert has m recent years, since the, --.-, ..>..^<»..4 â€" .â„¢i,«_ «,-. ,v,.» Renew yoiar daily paner throueh j^^i. vi. , \. -j- â- ^^* chartered members were then Mr. Harmon RadleyTf Toronto was JX J^ I '"'ll'f^^TT' "^^ f^^ ^' in town for the past few days. , ~7 7. ,. o, , ^ â- 'Z ^^ "^ the Women's Institute. -,._,_., ^ i Miss Donelda Sloan of Eugenia, i The charter members are: Miss Evelyn Ferns of Orangeville ^,,^ j^ attending high school here. Pres.-Bfo. Bobt. Best, ^^a T^itor at her home here last ^^^ ^^^ misfortune to sprain her ankle! Vice-Pres.-Mrs. W. Stewart. ' on Monday evening. This is very. Sec.-Treas. â€" Mrs. .A. Stewart. Mr. Thos. Fawcett of Parry Sound unfortunate, as the injured member is! Mrs Price Teeter, deceased. Her attended the funeral of his sister, Mrs. extremely painful, and examinations^ bouquet was sent to Mr. Teeter, who Oliver Irwin. ^^j^ ^^ which give the pupils a stand-' is in Owen Sound hospital at present. Mr. Thos. Clayton took ill again ing in their classes. 'We hope the' .A. good time was then spent in on Sunday morning and is confined to young lady will not be handicapped by games and speech-making, after which his house at present. i being out of school for any great lunch was served. The National The account of the accident and length of time. | Anthem brought a very pleasant even- death of the late .Arthur Burnett I New England weather, as describ- »"-*•>* '^'°^*â€"<^*"°- will be found in the Priceville items. ^ ed by Mark Twain, has nothing on [ Mrs. (Rev.) Raymer of Burford is ' Ontario weather, to use a common' FLESHERTON PUBLIC SCHOOL visiting her parents. Rev. and Mrs. i expression. Wednesday of last week Lowndes, at the homo of Dr. and gave us 22 degrees below lero at 8 ^h Class â€" S. Preston. G. Stuart, Mrs. E. C. Murray. , a.m. From that it graded up until E. Fisher, H. Best. W. Colgan. F. Mr. Sam Semple and family moved ion Friday and Saturday .\pril Helton. G. .McMaster. to the residence east of town, owned ! ">»eather prevailed, with south winds! Sr. 3 â€" E. McKiUop, B. Patton, B. by Mr. J. O. Dargavel, formerly the and «>«• Saturday night it rained Sled. D. MacDonald, D. McFadden. J. residence of Jos. Field " j for hours, but Sunday found things Gibson. M. Stuart. E. Ferris, B. Mc- Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Clarke of Wes-i f««" «P ««*'» »"<J ^^"^'^ ^"PP*"^' i ^^""^J. "^^ ^''^J^'^'' i' 3*f ""«"' ton. who have been visiting Mr. and 'â- "^'^ '«•• , ^\^^»'^',^^.J*""'^V^-^^"^. u 13 Ti «T TT- ._,• . ,1 ^ .1 . , . ^ J 3 Jr. 3 â€" J. Gibson, C. Gibson and ^^'Jl H. W. HHTklmg and other I One of the most largely attended . j. p^^^^^ ^ McEaehnie. E. flesherton friends, arc leaving for sales for some time was held Monday __,, . -or t>__ * _ u »f«K-:ii»,> p I . I . , » .... , Talbot, W. rreston, ri. aicxi.iUop, t. home to-morrow. of the farm stock, implements, etc i w«_iin„ p Kerton -An aoetion sale of household f ur- • of Mr. James Ferris, who is moving g^ .^' '^ Boyd W Welton. H. niture, etc, will be held in Fever- 1 to Toronto. Prices realized '^^'^ 1 Ba»J« H. Cwft, W LiteleiohB. sham on Saturday, Feb. 5th at 2 p.m.,!«al good. Cows went around 180. f j^ % _ p q-^^^^^ g. BeUamy. .\ the property of Geo. G. Thompson. | * '^aâ„¢ »' horses at |130 and the im- See bills. W. Kaitting, auctioneer, i plements also went at a fair price Keep open the evening of Tuesday, | '^"•^* ^^ reached the high price of Febniary 8th, to attend the big cami- i ♦^O.SO and |21 per ton. while timothy val to be given in the Flesherton rink I »>w»«M »«"••? that price. Mr. Wm. hy the East Gm9 A«ri«iiteni. Sm- , K*ittii»«. «»* tha »actifl»«r. iety. Our rural readers will be specially interested in learning that Samuel L. Squire. Deputy Minister of High*-ays. The debate, which was to have been held in the United Church here on Friday evening of this week, between who some time since gave an admir- Markdale and Inistioge Y.P.S.. has able address in Flesherton on Statute been postponed to Wednesday, Feb- j Labor abolition and the extension of ruary 9 th. i government aid to keep up the Mr. Harry Do«-n is in Toronto ! ^'>''"'««"''^S' *»*» resigned and wiU this week attending the Fairs Asso- '*""'" ^" P""""*** business. .Mr. ciation meeting in place of Mr. Find-!^^!""* "'" *'*^ succeeded, meantime. lay, the appointed delegate, who wasl^^J" ♦*>* C*»'*^ Engineer of the Depart- unablc to attend. Many rcadei's in this district will Lawrence, M. McFadden, A. Tumey, E. Burnett 1st â€" B. Murray, C. Talbot, G. Mc- Donald. E. Croft, D. Stuart, F. Law- rence. F. Patton absent. Sr. ft: â€" & Gibson. R. Seiaple. H. deCudmore,. Doris Kerton absent. Jr. Pr. â€" D. Whitehead. Mac Dun- can. M. Miller, L. Mellafont. R. Wat- son. .A. McKillop, Dorothy Kerton ab. .•v. â€" B. McDonald, I. McEachnie, C. McEachnie, Ted McTavish. ; ment, Mr. R. M. Smith. I Geo. Ilammill. B..-\., well known to readers be interested to know that after ... vestigation it has been found that "'«">' "^ •>"' '**''*''^ "* one-time apples grown in Grev Count v are bet-;^'""P«' ''^ Collingvvood Collegiate ter keepers than those produced in institute, died last week in Victoria. any other part of the Dominion. j ^•^- ^"«'^" *>* ^^•^^"' ^'«^*' ''^^ ''** '" , business in Cai^tairs, .-Vita., but went Hon. W. E. Raney, it is announced ' t^, the coast some years since. from Toronto, will receive the $1500! ^^^^^^^^^^,^^^^^^^^^^^^ sessional salary as leader of the Pro- j gressive group. .\ following of 10 \ members is sufficient to qualify him • and there are 13 Progressives. i Right Hon. Mackenzie King, the : Dominion Premier, and his Cabinet, are to be tendered a banquet in To-f ronto to-morrow night. -As accom- j modation coitW only be arranged fcr; a limitetl number of hearers, the speeches to be delivered will be j broadcast over the radio and will be â- heard here, ! i Joseph Henry Hulse, a well known. Orangeville business man, died on Sunday last, after a two weeks' illnr >s from influenza and pneumonia, aged S7 years. He was the father of Miss ', Clara Hulse. well and favorably I known in Fltshertcn, as a teacher in | the high school and a talented musi- ' cian, Mr. Hulse waj also a well known musician, having for many ' years been leader of the Orangeville orchestra. The funeral, which took ] place to Forest Lawn cemetery, was rtty litrf«Iy «tt«Dd«d. E. Brown, BORN CAMERON â€" In .Artemesia Monday January 31st. 1927, to Mr. and Mre. .Alex. Cameron, twin sons. One of the infants only lived a few hours. Mr DIED CAMERONâ€" In Artemesia. T\ies- ly. February 1st. the infant son of and Mrs. .Ale.x. Cameron, aged day. Ag'l. Society CARNIVAL FLESHERTON RINK Tues. J'eb. 8 See large posters for full list I of prizes and contests. o^ SALEevay "We are training cer- tain of our salesmen to travel by Long Dis- tance," said a well- » known Ontario mer- chant. "It increases saks, and at much less cost for selling." Use the Bell to SelL The keener competi- tion becomes, the more Long Distance will save you. » Without leaving your office you or your salesmen can call on customers anywhere in Canada or the United States. £Iai;>' subscribers who used to think they had to make Person-to- Pterson calls now find that they reach the person they want with Station- to-Station calls. They are quick- er and cheaper. UNHEARD OF PRICES Boy's Fleece-lined Underv^'ear 50c. a garment Boys' Shoesâ€" regular 54.00 for $2.00. Laides' Shoesâ€" reg. .?5.00 up to $7.50 for $1.49. Infants' Cashmere Stockings, 19c a pair. Childrra's Warm School Caps 25 cents. Serges â€" 75 cents per yard. Pork Sc Beans, 2 for 25c Fresh Pure Lard 22 cents per pound. Fancy Biscuits 18c per lb. Dates, Figs and Prunes 2 lbs. for 25c. New Cheese 28 cents a pound. We have a full supply of fresh Groceries at reasonable prices. A.. WATSON Wright's old stand, - Flesherton I IrOKjir Dista:He« Station. »i Groceries and Men's Cldthipg Grocery Specials for Tbis Week Sugar Crisp Corn Flakes 1 cts. 2 pks. Shredded Wheat 25 cts. 2 tins of Corn 28 cts. 2 tins Campbells Tomato Soup 25 cts. 2 tins New Tomatoes 28 cts. Thompson's No. I Seedless Raisins 2 Ibe. for 25 cts. FRESH COFFEE Ground While U Waite W. G. KENNEDY PKone 37 Special Clearing Prices on WINTER GOODS Our annual Inventory is taken at the end of this month and we are offering Special Clearing Prices b a number of lines of seasonable goods that we do not intend to carry on our stock sheets F. H. W. HICKLING Flesherton, Ont.