Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 2 Feb 1927, p. 4

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IMMNIaii â- *iMi WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 192C THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ''.. '<*, THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on Goliintrwood street, Fleshcrton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1100, Psice in Canada, (2.00 per year, when paid in advarc-e $1.50. In U.S.A. $2.50 per year, when paid in advance f2.00. •jr. H. THURSTON, - Editor L'UiTORIAL NOTES Dealer.' roport that the price of Canudian potatoes is being kept down by a lack of demand from outside countries. • • *' Ontario fruits are said not to have sustained damaj,o by the late cold spell. Pt neh jrriiwer.} jfoir the worst scare, but are sa'd to be now happy. • • • The Canadian hen is not scared by recent c-jld snap.'i. Sh* hns been laying iiallo freely in rec^^it wee5:s, but i:i inclined to give rather light weight. • • * The Ciiiaiio nuinicipaliti;'.; are finding out that the propcjod partial remission lu the local inconio tax will result in their havina: to make up the taxes reniittod from the pockets of the taxpayers. •'Robbing Peter to pay Paul," as the old sayinsr has it. • » • Kitchener having raised the fee for a ci;c_us from $1.')0 to $300 per day, see how quickly Waterloo, next door neighbor, will bid for the visi- tors. There is no great profit in a circus visit, however, so far as the municipality i.s affected. The circus takes far more money out of a town than it spends. • • « That is good news that comes from the chief medical officer of Toronto, who asserts that death by diphtheria will be a thing of the past so soon as the use of toxoid, which it is claim- ed is really nature's own remedy, be- comes general. It must, however, be given early and in substantial dos- «s to secure the best results. No sore throats should be neglected. • • • Man..- congratulations are being ex- tended to Miss Dorothy Helen Wright dauphter of the late W. J. Wright, principal of St. Mary's Collegiate In- stitute. Miss Wright has won the Ontario Overseas Scholarship for 1927, the gift of the Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire. The 1922 bursary for four years was also won by this talented young lady. • • • Hon. George Pf Oraham, having been called to the Senate, his place will be taken as Chairman of the Tar- iff Board by Mr. W. H. Moore, who bailed of election in Ontario County at the la?t election. Who says it is always a losing game to be rejected by the electorate? Mayhap a de- feated one may bob up as the "strong man" to run the liquor business in Ontario. tJrcy County lead.i all Ontario counties 'in co-operative wool market- ing. This fine old county increased its shipment.'! from approximately 46,000 pounds in 1!)2.5 to 40,500 in 1926. This i.s nil very well as to wool, but some of us in these parts would like to xcc a more ample and steady consumption of lamb for dom- estic consumption. There would sur- ely be money in it for the producer and much satisfaction for the con- sumer. • • • Lady Byng. vife of our cx-C,overn- «r-General, was so enchanted with the music of the swamp tree frog that she has arranged to have n collection of these amphibiam choristers sent to lier in Englnnd. They will begin their concerts this spring, unless they lose their voice in crossing the Atlantic. It is not generally known that we have 72 different amphil)ians in Canada and 24 different varieties of snakPB. Only four varieties of these emit poison and but two of them arc found in this Province, on Pelee Island and (Jeorgirii Bay district. • • • • An agitation is on foot to abolish the open dit<h nlongBido the high- ways replacing it, where need be, with a drain. This change woidd certainly help to reduce the great crop of auto caiualtlen. While the road monagers arc about it they should do something for the fool pnsstMiger, who, on much trovelled roads, has frequently to ri-tk his life dodging cars. It is a disgrace to be KO negligent of the foot way- farer. On some crowded highways, we frequently noe <»cho<d children belnir compelled to tnUo adjoining rail tracks, in order to save their little lives from menaro by the swift ve- hicles that possess the highway, "coming and going." • • • It is hiffhly probable that the Dur- hsm IMunicipiil Council will vote it- oclf remuneration at Its Fobruary meeting. The question was discussed at the recent meetinir of the Council Wld the conceniua of opinion was that each Ehou'ld be paid an allowance of $25, annual, the Mayor's honoriuni to bi! a little larger. The Review, in iliscU'-ising the matter, expresses the belief that better civic government could be secured if the Courvcil mem- bership wore reduced from eight to four, with a rcnsonublc recompense. The offering of even a small salary, c:ur contemporary argues, should i/rinsr out a larger field of good can- didates and do away with bogpring rateimyers to occupy a seat at the board, as has sometimes been the case in past .vcars. We take liyive to doubt if such would be the outcome of jinid councillorships. The likeli- hood, however, is that once a paid council, always a paid council, Advertise m The Advance THK LATE MRS, E. J. GRIER A corrc'S.nondent in Rcgina, Sask., has sent intelligence of the death of Mrs. E. J. Grier, well known to many in this locality, she having been for years a resident, first of Priceville and afterwards of Dundalk. Mr*. Giier went to Saskatchewan about 20 years ago and subsequently took up residence in Regina, where she died after several months' illness, in the General Hospital. She iz survived by one dar2:hter, Mrs. W. J. Boyd, Re- gina, and two sons, Dr. L. Grier, Unity, and Dr. R. Grier, Weyburn. One brother, J. D. Brown, Point au Baril, Muskoka, also survives. Mrs. Grier was predeceased by her husband, Nathaniel Grier, who lost his life by drowning in the lake, south of Ceylon, over 30 years ago. " j SHOUEK FOR YCUNG COITLE I Last Wednesday evening about : fifty neighbors an'l friends of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thiljiuleau (nee Edna I Fevr;^) recent bride and groom, met ut their home and presented them I with a shower of b autiful and use- fid articles^, amon;; them being la lovely mantel clock : .'.d several pieces of e:;quisite cut gla- :. Th« evening was joent in music r id dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Thibauder i have got com- fortaby settled on f'.eir farm on the west back line, aboi : two miles from Markdale. PKOTON AGRICULTURAL SOC. R. S. Porteor parts as a Kit( died suddenly i . nesday last. , well-known in these •ner timber traveller, Owen^ound on Wed- Thc annual meeting of the Proton -Agricultural Society, held last week. I was presided over by Mr. Lewia. 0. .Moore, President, and v/as well at- I tended. The President congratulat- ed the members on the success of the 'shew last fair and suggortid that the (jrouiids could be gr.atly improved by the planting of shade trees. He also referred feelingly to the los.t sus- tained by the death od the late Robt. KinnsH. The Secretary reported that there was a cash baance of $720 with no liabilitifrj. It was decided t;) have competitions in white oats and field turnips this year. The President and Secretary were ap- pointed delegates to the annual con- vention of the Ontario Fairs Assoc- iation in' Toronto in February. Thereafter the following were elected office-bearers for the year: Hon. Pres., L. O. Moore; Prea., Jas. A. Fraser; 1st Vice-Pres., J. F. Stewart; 2nd Vice-Pres., Geo. Porter; Directors â€" D. Shea, J. H. Connor, G. McAlister, J. J. Cronin, Glen Mont- gomery, Earl Robinson, T. D. Mc- Intyre, J. Fleming; Lady Directors â€" Mrs. T. D. Mclntyre, Mrs. R. A. Mc- Keehnie, Mrs. D. H. Palmer, Mrs. J, A. .Stocks, Mrs. Art Robinson, Mrs. R. J. Russell. Auditors, A. M. Car- thew and J. R. Mclntyre. Secretary, Dr. A. D. McAlister. Treasurer, F. Nixon. Guelph has a school for bakers. You require "dough" to attend it. FREE>"$7,000 III Cash Prizes--FREE The Mail and Empire's $7,090 Gold Mine Offers $3,OO0 For You ANSWER THIS PUZZLE -WIN A BIG CASH PRIZE THE MAIL AND EMPIRE OFFERS TfflS TREMENDOUS FORTUNE TO EyERY MAN, WOMAN AISD CmLD. Play the easiest game in the world qnd win a share in $7,000.00. The greatest game on earth arnves to>day. For every man and woman and child who b not a careless dreamer â€" who really wants to succeed and has the wiU to do itâ€" The Mail and Empire offers a chance to shar^ in 97*000.00. Here Is the g reatest gold mine of thc'm all, the greatest chance at riches that ever came, the finest offer ever made, FOR SIMPLY FINDING '^OWORDS** IN I^ SIMPLEST PUZZLE EVER MADE. How Many Objects Beginning With the Letter "C" Can You Find in This Picture? There Is no catch in it. There Is nothing hard to do. There Is nothing to risk. And there Is three thousand doIlarB to win. Turn to the picture below. Within Its borders are a number of objecfs and articles, the names of which begin with the letter "O". You will find all norts of things that begin with the letter "C" â€" there ia a "Cat", there la a "Cow", there is a "Cross", a "Calf" and a "Cigar", and "Cabbage", ato. None of them are hard to And. None of them are unusual words. EJasy words. 'Walt- ing right on this pagre with $7,000 burled in them ready for you. See how manjr you can find. We publish this picture to-day only to start you on your road to richer It is a large picture. All the objects starting with "C" are there and easy to flod. And that la the key to the SEVEN-THOU8AND-DOLLAR QOLP MIXE. Fifty cash prizes will be given for the SO beat lists of words submitted in answer to this pu^e. The answer having the largest and nearest correct list of visible objects and articles in the picture that start with the letter "C" will be awarded First Prias; second beat, SAoond Prise, ate. YOUR ANSWER TO THE 'XWORD'' PUZZLE MUST BE MAILED NOT UTER THAN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19TH Choose Your Own Prize from the $7,000 List To Be Given Away LAUGH. LEARN AND WIN A SHARE OF S7.d00 DURING YOUR SPARE TIME The greatest opportunity of your life Is what The Mall and Empire is ofTerlov y»a In th'.i Piotara Pxmla Qaase to "play and learn" while earning a big cash priie. Tou oan't halp enjoying the hunt for "0-Worda" in this Picture Puasle. AU you need is an observing eye. I>«t's all Join in and have a JoUy goi d tlms. Qiva Uuj a pencil, and Bobby a pencil, and the wife a pendl, and the oldest aon a panolL likaka it .>. gama. See who s«n find the most "C- Words" in ten minutes. You'll flsd It's fun. It'a easy to do. It's adaeatloi^ itm ft1r ^'^f' ti. and it's WOHTH THRBE THOUBANt> DOLLARS. When you have made up your list of "C-Worda" send It In valong with, one or thres rsarlr sahaortiitlons to Ifco Mall and Kinpire at |6.0o per yaar each or M.OO If daltvsrod in Hamilton or L«ndoa, whloh will qualify your answer for the Big Cash Prises to be awarded prompUy after tha dose of tha Punl* Oamo, Maroh 1st. 50 CASH PRIZES-Z/ou; Prizes Will Be Awarded Tha "0-Word" Plotura Puaale (Hn* U * oaakM^ga to Inorasse the popularitr of Tka Mall aad Beapir*. n oosu nothing to take nart, and you dan't havs ts aand In a aubaorlDtlon to wta A p>^ U /our Uat pt "C-Words" Is awarded First Prtio \y tha Judges you will Win IIO.Mi we are malting tht tpUoifUtC Ipeolal offar wharebr you can win greater cash prusa w tending In OND or THRJSB yearly submrlpttotta te )%• Mall and Bmplrs. Here'sHowBigPrizesWillbeAwarded 04 AAA AA iMMaa ot tsaM wW b« awamtxl $l9UUUaUU ;s.^iur!!i1^j£CT^ to Tha MaU sad Bmiiirs at (B.M per fMW haa b«sn sent la. Sfoond Mas, |MO.00| T^fA Prtâ- ^ $SO«.00, etc. (See i tivres hi Mso list) tnstasd of IM.M iHU bs awarded to the answer wteataa^st prlae, pro- HAsd nnUOB Mariy Rub> MrtpUoM to n>a MaU and Empira (hy suOl at •>.M per year ea«ii, at M.M tiaoli II daMTseed te Bsatnton «g lionden) a>« scat in. Swjoad PHks •i,««m>.M| ndad Mm. |1.00«.oo, «<«. (Sm tplrd coliunn of fltnran la Pnw |iak) In quaUfytwi for Um> $M00 pHae at least ob« now sabaortptlon mnal te seat In. And that'a not all. We wtU jdvo extra prises In the same mannsr. If by TKRHB yaarly oubsorlptleas and you win fourth $7,000.00 CASH PRIZES Here you are â€" the big prlas awards. Wlaalag nnswen will receive cash prises aaoerding to ttie (able below. lUunamberâ€" a oaaUlled wlnaiafl nnnwor wins llic larger nmonnts. Aim far tha big $!l,000 award. I'rit* If Ne no liaANU SabMrlp. PIU/.KM Uona Are SMt RokMrty. I.*teil Are*Xat 1st l>rUe and Priso 8rd I'rlio 4lh Vrlu> 6lli Prlao etii l>rlzo 7U> ITIio 8tti Prt/o Bill PrIxo lOih I'rI/o lllhloBOlhl>rtcos liuiluNlve as.oo 20.00 10.00 10.00 a.oo •.00 s.oo •.00 •.00 a.oo |l,0»0.00 ftOO.OO aoo.oo 05.(16 ao.oo 80.00 ao.oo •0.00 ao.oo 0.00 i,'ooo.'oo too.oo aoo.oo 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 10.00 In « hv Kvont of a Tl* for say prise oflorcMl, the full amount of kuiIi priro will lie paid to each tied imi'Mclpnnt. RJwrfTTIMw iEnht-llHrr PMtPialBfii nnn mabx uruH tau. tnv wsat wobim to vnm and WBAT woam MO* vo iwa, 1. Any mea. womsa or <aU4 who llvae la Caa a4s. and la aet a n^wM o< Vwsate. sa« wfe Is aet U tha iiestsy •( Th* MaU aad Vmsire or 4 eieaksr of as •npleye's tamUy, aasww^ It easts aewtas te try. aaay asWnh an t, ^Ttse vtaiisn In Tor^wr 'Blataie saail* samea eoadiMttd by â- aiplr* wISBlar |te«.M or mora are not oUatWo to IS, ten. $3,000.00 HubMTiplion Rntrs â€" Payable in Advance T>u< Mull niul l<:ni|ilr<« aiiywhrn^ In (^niulu l>y mall, I5.00 i<-n y«>Br. l>«<llvort>«l by rarrtor-b<iy In ilanill- Ion ov I^iiulnn, 041.00 por year. No iMiynu-nt will lii< a<H<«>|iic4l (hat will advaiioo siib> Hir!;''l(in<t innn> flmn tlirw yen-.n from .Man-li nmt. amount.s on all your answer Is duaUfled . -I fourth prUe. you will reoelYO tlOO, and ao forth down the prlie list. Your own subaorlptlon will count, or subsorlpttons to start at aonie future date. ^«n write on th« order when you want the paper atartad and It will start promptly on that data. Tou ^111 And It easy to get subscriptions to Tlx* Mall and Rmplre to qualify your answer for the tS.OOO Priu, It la by far, tha best dally newspaper published In Ontario. Ihe Mall aaa partielpato la tha Msala â- k AH aaswefs ImmI k i. AU lists o( aatnoo iheald be writtoa on one sldo e( tbo paper ooly, ^d wac4« nnmborod eonsoeuttroiy 1, I, t, etc Writa iroar tall aaai and addieaa on oaah peso la tho vaSor rtaht-baad eoraar. Ifyea Jsatre to wMt* aaytktat olao «ae a sliaralte shoot. I. Only word! that aro nouns commoaolat wltk tho lettor "C" as aro toand to Wokstor^ Now latomatlonal IMotlonary. ltS« odltlon, will b« oonntml. Tho noun* ptut bo tho namoo «t oUloeta •oon ill th«* picture. Do not ua« obooloto wordn Do not uno hyphonatod words. Do not uoo cotupound wordo or woraa formod hT tho oooibtaotlon ol two or mero comj>lolo Btnsltsh wordi^ oach 01 Whtoh in Itaolt la tta* namo et an objoot 1>> not uao words donotlof a ooniUttoD. abalract wordi^ ooUoquUl worda and wort.ts Aosarlkod no tortlsa. Tho worda rouot niuno conuroto sbjottti *o«o la (ho pJotur*. Wboro tho plural la uaod tho olnruUr cannot bo oonntod, ac4 vto* Toraa. 1. Worda of tho aoma apolllnc cooaot bo uaod moro than onoa, ovon thottf h usod to daalsnola dtttoront objoeta Tho aaano object can b* nam»i.l only oaea; tho objoct ao named, huwavrr. may contain as oao or mora of Its parts othar objacta which may alao bo namod. 1. Tho aaawar havlai tha larsoat Knd naikroat oorroct Itat et namaa ot rislbia cunarola objrcta ahuwn In tha picture that b«stn with tha letter "C." with tho looat or fewoat number ot error*, wtll bo awarded flrsl prlae Tho aecuml Urceat Uat ot correct words. TfUh th« loaat or fowaat number ot errors, will be awarded aeconU Ptlia, and so on thruuch tho Uat until all prisea have been awardotl. percentase baaia Mlo- otylo or haatl- Tat PtUoa will be docUled snJ awarded on a percent •^Ir^ yyrdi ym bo jt>vnj,od ap ♦rlofa Keatnoaa. Wrltlnt niv< no bOarliw up&o dooldln* tho winnera I. Asy niKnbor of people may â- 10, but only one prlia will be ai will co-operato la answorlat the pusalo, but only one prlia will be awarded to any one household, nor will prisoa be awarded to iiioro than one of any (roup where two or moro hare been worklot tocother. t. In case a tie results from two lists hairinc the same number o( oorroot worta Xht Hit »( thaoo two havlns tho tawoot words oKtrod. whoMitiX «r iSorV aUHMn A<|ta]a"\h> •atao'awabo? of correct worda sni) th* aarae nunioor ot wrens woida, th* twU amount of suoh prlae will bo paid (o eaeli tlod^artlolpant. . .i»-.8ub»crtvilona, both n*w and renewal, payable In adTaaee at 11.00 per year by mall, or l«.0* per year dollvored by carrier boy In Hamilton or lA>Bdun. will be accepted. However, In onallfy- Inr for tho 13.000 pri2L< nt le>::t ouv ttew eabaerlpUon must be sMi In. No subscrirtlon for dolWery In tho City of Toronto wllias aooepted to uunllfy answers. '^ U. AU new subscrlpilcna will bo carefully vsrifled by the Puiak Maaaser. t^andldatos marhlaa old sakacrlptloaa s* now SJ'^lJi* ""*" "" "**" " Mk«»rt>tlon «" alfifyi^ e Jt.^" "*".*'? *l" !?••'»• «•»• ••">• ooMideratloa reSardlesa of ^ttior or not a sbkioflptlon to The Mall iSdItaptie tsssnl la ..w".f«.- »7t, P'^jntj"" T^onto citlaena. hnv nan" eonwKttoa with The Mall and Empire, will Iw appointed to act as Ju,h|*, to «™. .„ •.oT..",",'? 5"'\ ,«>•"'»"*•«'• br •"ndln, in their an.wcra ^ ,.%.?!• â-  "" »*.•;''•<«•" »t the Judse* as Anal and Tvocluslve. " . The ludieo will moot on Maroh Ind. and aaBoun««n.„t «» the nrlae onJ correct list of words will bo pnbUated In Tho Mall and Kinplro as nulokly thorwaltor as poaelblo. Mall Yoar Pniale Anawen mi^ Qaaltfjliif SiiWeriptioiis to W. Jo LATIMER, PUZZLE MANAGER, THE MAIL AND EMPIRE, TORONTO, CANADA, ROOM 206 •• 4

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