Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Nov 1926, p. 7

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WHGUVS sdll quenches thirst, cools the parched throat and by its de> iightful flavor and refreshment restores the joy of life. case After Every Meal Nervous Children. Tli«re are aom« children, otherwise In apparent good liealth, -who suffer from an over-eicltable weakness of the nervous system that manifests it- self in spasms ct various muscl-es or In general convu'sionB'. The larynx is very apt to be the seat of this trou- ble, which shows Itself ia attacks ot spasmodic crop; again, sometimee as- sociated with croup, sometimes occur- Ing Independently, there are cramp- like spasms cf the hands and feet. Ia general all the muscles -eact instantly and irtrongly to any stimulus, such as a shajp tap with the finger. This muscular Irritability has been found to be due to a fault of nutrition, namely an inability to absorb or as- similate lime, and the mecHcal prob- lem is to overcome this defect, and, bring about a normal Ilrae digestion. An ample supply of lime-cotttainlng food must be given and If there are other forms ot digestive trouble they must be treated. It is well to start the trsatmBnt with a dose of castor oil, to ensure the ri-moval of any tox- ins or iroisonous material from the di- gtstive tract. The dies should consist largely of milk, to which lime water uiay be add- ed, and aUo of such foods as are rich f^^r'.ii.' ToiKWTO HAIRDRE5SING ACADEMY 9M0W* VOU HOW in Hme: cabhage, tnnrts*, o«t«ae«i,! aiid yt«etabk» antt frultH in general. 1 Eirgs contain a fair per-jenfage of Hiue. aiMi BO do mofit uuta, but b«f and otiiep meitts have very litt!*;. Nut* should bt> rr'^md •"'l njadw Into a [.iiree, and, even ««. BbouUl be f uteii sparingly, for they contain much fat â-  aD«J are not always readily digested, j ('oflliver oil aids in the asalmilatlon of lime, so also do extracts cf certain glands; bat here we are tacrouchlng on tho province of !Jie medical attend- an>t, who should of courso be consulted not only about the dnig treatment, but ii\ea about tho diet. The attack itself may he treated «fnd wimeilmes arreste-.l tjefoiie the doctor (Mim*.'!, by imtting the child i.u a hot bath and applying cold compresses to the bead. 'Hie severity of the croup attacks may often l>e reduced by ap- plying heat to the larynx by means of a sponge or soft cloth w;ang out of hot water. If it can be ylvea without disturbing the child too much, an cneni;!. is sometimes of service. MOTHERS^PRAISE BABY'S OWN TABLETS Mrs. U M. Urown, Walton, N.S., says: â€" "I cannot recommend Baby's Own Tablets too highly. I have found Uiem invaiuable for the ailments of little ones." Mrs. Brown's testimony is the same as that of tliousanda of other mothers who have used the Tab- lets. To use them once is a sure guar- antee that they will always be kept in the home as long as there are babies or young cbHdren to be cared for. The Tablets are a laxative â€" mild but thorough in actionâ€" which never fail to regulate the stomach and bowels; relieve coastipation and Indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers and make the dreaxled teething period easy. In fact ycu banish all the minor ills from which little ones suffer. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockvillo, Ont. NURSES The TcroRto Ho»«ltal for I iicurmWu. I* amiillon wllh Bttlevv* and Atlkd Hos»lt:>li. HvM Y«rk CUy. offers 3 ttirw f in' CaiirM of Tralnini tg louno wom^n. bavin« tha rc^ujreil *Jueatu>n, inil deilraui o( iKceirtnf r<ur«it. Thia Hoanltoi has atf»pt d 1b« ate^t. hour iyst*m. Ttij ouplli recrlva iinltoms of Iht SchoAl. a laantMy atlawanct and travrtin* *xpentM to 71:4 from N<'-v Yort. For furthar liifwrta^tion writs the Sudcrlot^ndeirt. rt=9 Cktud Architecture. &rf*"^ The Cunard Anchor-Donald- son ocean highway will be the home trail for many- Canadian citizens intent on spending Christmas with the home folks in the British Isles this Christmas. Leaving Halifax December' 12th and 13th respectively the two Christmas ships "Letitia" and "Antonia" are scheduled to arrive at the home ports three or four days before Christmas, the "Letitia" at Belfast, Liver- pool and Glasgow, and the •' Antonia " at Plymouth, Cherbourg and London. A»k your Steamship Agonifor information, or write â€" The Robert Reford Co., Limited Montreal. Toronto, Quebec, St. John, N.B., Halifax CUNARD ANCROR-DONAIDSWi CANADIAN SERVICE ,„ Prayers for Oysters. .â- \n unusual celebration is to be held shortly by a Japane-se firm of artificial pearl dealers. They are to erect a monument in memory of oysters whose lives have been sacrificed tor the sake of the pearls that have enabled the iirni to become so prosperous. Pearls that even the leading experts are un- able to distinguish from the natural product are manufactured by this firm. The monument is being laid out in front of the Imperial Shrine at Ise, and will take the form of a tower con- taining 10,000 pearls. A religious, mass is to be said at tho unveiling for the repcs^? of the souls of the oysters. Most visitors to Japan have remark- ed with delight on the wonderfully carved ivory statuettes that are offer- ed for Eule. A "few months ago the leading Japanese ivca-y workers held j a religious cerenj^ny in memory of the I thousands of elephacts that had been ; killed to make these statuettes. 1 Somewhat similar was the ceremony I held by geisha for the souls of cats ; slain tn provide the necessary material for the Japanese musical instrument, thf samisec, played by the singing gills. November Cornfield. The Icn*, ra.sping whuqx-r (Jf scattered coriK'taiks in .N'ovemlxT wind is Mke the hard brecuhiog of oji sol- 1 di<-ri) Iletrr«ting through a strange country The wind harr.'-a them, And th«-y strain forward. Tuggins at lianl. gnaj-led routs, Swinging tattered leave* Lik.? rusU'd gword:'. Heating weakly, vainly. At a qu^ick jush of sleet; You may take any tlugle fragment Bending, struggling on, ot any ctoud In the sky, and you will With their shifting, tottering b.''.rin<><-s fln-J It put together as If there had Of d«sty yeilow and torn gray. bet^n a year's thought over the plan j â€" Arthur Saie. of it, arranged with the nvost sttidied , •â-  Iue<iual>ity â€" with the moet delicate symmetry â€" with the most elaborate contrast, a picture tn itself. You may try ©very other piece of cloud in the heaven, and you will flnd them every one as perfect, and yet not one in the least like another. Stand, upon the peak of some iso- 1-ated mountain at daybreak, when the â-  night-niiiHs first rise from off the! plains, and watch their white and lake- j like fields as th^^y flout in level bays ' and winding gulphs about the islanded summits of the lower hiUs, untouched yet by moro than dawn, colder and more quiet than a windless sea under tho moon cf niidnight. Watch when the first, ijunbeam Is sent upon the sil- ver channels, how the foam of their undulating surface parts and pajjses , away; and down under their depths ' ^^^^'^ "*'*"• Testimonials la the news- j the guttering city and green pasture ' P=^P«" persuaded me to try Dr. Wil- . . n._i. r,,.,. jjjj^ jjjg result haa "is iiaod tea" TEA. REGAINED HEALTH IS NOW HAPPY !The Experience of a Quebec Woman With Dr. WUliama' j Pink Piils. I Mrs. L. D. Demler, 89 D'.^rgulUon { ' Stre?t. tjuebec, is one of the thousand* ; of women who. when she found her; ' he.ilth failing, rescrted at once to Dr. j Williams' Fluk Pills, and now finds | heri'e]f in iwrfect htoith. .Mrs. Ber-, I nier says: â€" "I was very weak, £Ub- : I ject to headaches and was unable to lie like Atlantis, between the white Hams' Pink PUls, been I strongly recom- WUliams' Pink Pilla to all Try Dr. Williams" Pink Pills for paths of winding rivei"s; the flakes of '^''^ '^''^^ satisfactory. I have re- light falling every moment faster and ' ^^'^^^ "^^ ^*'^^^^- '*'«• l^^adaches have broader among the starry si>ires as ' ^^'"^ '"^" ' ^'^''^ ^^'^ '^^ °^^^'' ^""'^ ' the wreathed surges break and vanish j '''^''® ^'''''f'l '"_ *'*'f'"^"_ -^'^turallyj| above them, and the confused crests ' '^'^ feeJiii and ridges of the dark hlils shorten â„¢'^°*^ ^'' their gray shadows upon the plains, i ^'^'^ people." Walt a little longer and vou shall see those scattered mists raUying in i anaemia, rheumatism, neuralgia, ner- the ravines and floating vaUeys, till , ^'^usness. Take them as a tonic if you they couch in quiet masses, iridescent i ^^ """^ '"^ '"''* ''"' physical condlUon with the morning Ugh t, upon the broad 1 ^'^'"^ cultivate a resistance that wllli breasts of the higher hills, whose 'â-  ^*«P y"" ^'^^' '^"^ »trong. If you will leagues f>f massy undulation wiU meJt i ^*''^'-^ ^^ ^""=" "*""* ""^ address a litUa [ back and I)ack into that robe of ma-l^'^^'^' "i^uilding Up the Blood." wiU terial light, until they fade awav. lost â-  "«" â„¢ailed you prepaid. This little In its lustre, to appear again above, ^ ''^'^ contains many useful health , ,in the serene heaven, like a wild, â-  ^'"^i^- bright, impossible di^am. foundation- 1 "^'''" ^^" S^' ^^^^^ P'^'-s through any, less and in.-iccessible, their verv bases ! <lealer or by mail at 50 cents a "oox ; vanishing in the unsubstantial audi*'"'*â„¢ ^^° °^- Wimams" .Mediciue Co., mocking blue of the deep lake below.- John Ruskln. Brockville, Ont. C3 you get a seasation ot prewurc on t.he heart? Don't be irightened it's not heart troubleâ€" if » indigestion. Seigel's Syrup will fe it. Anv drug store. Sonnet. The Way Out. Tho new" bride was in tears on the evening of her first supper for friends. "My cottage pudding wouldn't rise," she sobbed. "Thai's all right, dear," replied the husband. ';we"ll just tell them it's a Now It Can Be Told. "Oh. Daddy," said the young lady, "Jlrs. Jones said you â- were the hand- somest man on our ..treet." • What's that?" asked the father. "There was a brief silence, then the daughter shook her head and .said. "Weil, I guess it's true, all right." "Vv'hat's true"." asked the father. '"That every time you compliment a man he makes you repeat it." It iii conmion kno'«-Iedge to .A.rctic and .\ntarctic explorers that sea-ice more than a year old is entirely free from sa'.t, a. though new ice contains th? same amount of salt as sea water. When It Is done, that last long voyage, g^t pudding aad we ! Have come to where they tell us there. "We derive greater benefit from the ; ^ ''^*'' 1 criticism of our enemies than from the i \VTien it is done, that last long voyage, flattery of our friends.â€" J. B. i and we I __^^^________________^______ ! Whatever name you will, so let it be i ' ' Shall we remember all the £riea<is we met Upon ihiK dear old Earth, the haunt- j ing days ] Of springtime's coming; all the i browns and grays i Of English autumns? Or ghall we for- 1 get I Will there be sunsets in the Westiyn ' skies, .A.nd great big silent seas for us to sail j Beneath a a-escent moon, all silver- ' pale? 1 Will she be there with laughter in her eyes? I And .shaJa we smell the heather wet! with rain, ' Or see the yellow daffodils again? â€" A.R.U. Rolling Stones. It is wiise, it is well That stonts should roil .N'or smother In bracken and moes. Does a stone grow mci'e whole Being striped across With partuiito lichen? But It enters experience .\nd sees a new work! If it roijâ€" if it rollsâ€" .iVfter petard, or tcse. Let it rollâ€" Roll when it's scuffed out soondly From c!uttered-iip rut, or hole. Let It adventure Beyond the straight fence. Even let it go Like a meteor, hurled â€" Even land In another world I Mesa is a parasite. A parasite, rust Let a stone roll off its rough; Let it chip. Let it wear off old. crust. E\ea a rare thiag might spring fit)m its heart If its stxictures were broken wholly apaj't. â€" Martha Webster Merriehew. Long-Service Eyries. Golden eagles are si ill to be found In tho western and central Scottish Hifehlands, where the same nes'us, or eyries, have been used regularly for half a ceutury. Explained. "Isn't that a new piece?" "Oh. no! Tho piano has just been tunad." BILIOUSNESS Dr. FrankKn's DIGESTIN | Strengthens the Stomach, reJieves and ' prevents Dyspepsia, ladiigCJiIon. Heart- burn. So\ir Stomach. Nausea, Flatu- lencd. Headache, and all other troubles caused by disordered Stomach and : Bowels. Buy at your drug store or . mail fifty cents to our address. ! Dr. Franklin Laboratories Toronto Classified Advertisements. KEMNANTS. O LBS., »2. LBS. PATCHES, " 51.60. A. McCreery, Chatham, Ontario. SALESMEN •W« offer iteady employment and pay weekly to sell our complete and exclusive linea of guaranteed quality, whole root, fresh dug-to-order tre«« •nd planta. Attractive illuctrated samples and full co-operation, a money-making opportunity. Luke Brothers Nurseries. Montreal LIttIa Things. Leet an.vcne think that cJi« liuis things don't count, nafurallsts esti- mate that Inoecto comprise four-afth* of the animal kingdom. c> Physicians Use Mlnard's Liniment. Queen Mary was the first English ruler to date her coins, end Edward the Sixth first used a value mark when he put Roman numerals on the twelve- pence piece. Oliver Cromwell i.s ac- credited '.vith introducing inscripliona on the edges of coins to praver.t chip- ping oflf the silver pieces of his day. 'P tans Tor Tiomej^ Lsst word in builden' aid. Prai.'tjtal. up-to-date sajjifcstionj on planninj;, building. fiuniiJiing, ;iec<)r.-tt;nw and gardening. Profusely illustrated, and s^-ofcj of »«.-tu«ldoilarrsa\-irg 5ug grstions. Send i5 cents for iOirrent issue. MacLcas BuUdera.' Gi>id« jfc. =»•' *<)6l»tclr SI. W.. PW^ Torontt". Ont. I ^^^^ â- â- â- â-  'l Chapped Hands. Mlnard's heals rough and chapped slrin on face or liand-s. Mix it with swest oil an.J apply often. I BABY'S OWN SOAP>' IP ^ Ik' Every "^^fcinan Deserves One _„ ^ The SMP Roastsr is a fine time saver. Vou put â- ^/ the roast or fowl in the oveo. The roasttr does the rest, bastes, roasts to perfection. It ronsts vith very little shrinkage, thus saving dollars every yes."-. None of the tasty meat juice* are lost ; all the rich flavcr is rctaiiiid. Besides you can buy cheaper cuts, ijr it makes cheap cuts taste like choice ones. The c!o«e ftttin* cover lc«e"» all the cookina otlora antl the gre.-.^e liMid* tKa ro««l«r- the •mell of i.ooki-i» doMn't ft!l tho liuuic, aod the oven l» kcpl sweet ,^ and ctean. Best of atl. it cle«ni out in l^jJM s jlBy «f'er the ramtiaa. Th«« an tpkndld veswii. Price 85e. to $1.50 accordine to «ue and Oniah. Sold ia all hardH-afV atoret. Snameted ROASTSR The Heritage. James Uusseul Lowell wrote much serlou's verse, but his "Blglow Papers." written tUiring the American Civil Wax. are vverhaps his distinctive â- work. [ O, rich man's son.' there is a toll That with all others level stands; Large charity doth never soil. But only whitens soft white hands. This is the best crop from thy lands; .\ heritage, it seems to me. \\'i}rth being rich to hold in fee. O. i.v<x>r man's son! scorn not thy Stat?; is worse weariness than thine i;i merely being rich and great; Toll only give* the eoul to shine, .Vnd makes rest fragrant and be- E^sn; A heritage, it seems to me. Worth t'Oing pcor to hold in fee. Both, heirs to &f>Tsxt six feel of sod. .Are etiuaJ In the earth at last; t'oth. children of the sa:ue dear God. Prove title to your heirship vast . By record of a weK-fille<l past; .•V heritage. It s?em» to me. Wf II worth a life to hoW in fee. I The Best Re'ward â€" - Kor goovi work Is the ccnscious- iirss that we have dotie if. - Our children i-sn give \\% Is to merit cur SAcriftcei. --Is not the bonus, but the aprecla- tion the bonus implies. â€" For a good sermon Is in the im- proved living of the hearers. - Of thrift is the mastery w^^ estab- l:.»h over impetuous desires. â-  Of hospitality l.t in witn5.~.s:ng the r!e:i8ure ot our gues'ts. Of in;lustr>" !-'< thi' ^:^:;?< > I â- 'j-'f- ! respect that fol'r^s. j DOCTOR ADVISED OPERftllON MRS. PENH She Escaped it by Tr.";ing Lydia E, Pinkham's Vege- table Compound Windsor. Ont. - "After the birth of my tirst baby I was very much run- down in health and the 3oct»r said I must have an operation as I was suffering frjm a displacement. A friend wanted iT>e to try yoiir medi- cineâ€" Lydia E. Pinkham's Vefcetable Compoundâ€" and I took it steadily for a year. During this time I was carry- ing mv second baby and 1 felt real well all the time and did not have a hard confinement. I feel sure 'he V^'gctable Compound did me a lot of good, and a!i my people do, too. One sister in Lcaraington, Ontario, takes it, and both sisters praise it as a good medicine. I am more than pleased with the result." - Mrs. W. Pen.v, Win'isor, Ontario. Mrs. Corbia Rerieved from Pain Sttmacke. N. S. â€" "I had pains across ray back and in my side for two vears after my first bsW was born. \ly mother had taken L.- ia E. Pink- ham's Vegetab'e Compound and 1 read about it in the papers, so I tried it and the pains all left me. I have a family of three children now. and the medicine helped me during the months before they were bom. I rec- ommend it to my friends. '"--.Mrs. Caky W. Corbin. Main Street Stew- tackc. Nova Scotia. C Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Neuritis Pain Toothache Headache Lumbago Neuralgia Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART Aftar Shaving â€" Minard'a LinimanU \ WARNING! Beware of Cooaterfcits There is cniv one genuine ".ASPIRIN" tablet. If a '.ib- \ let is ofiered as ".A.'^PIKIN' 1 and is not ^tar.-.ped with the \ "Psver t'n;>;«"-re{i;se it with j contcmr<-iti!iiot".\SP!KIN" \ at a!! ! Don't lake chances! .Accept only " Bayer' ' p.ickagf^ 'vvliich v-onlair.s proven directio.-.;. Handy "Payer" b<?y.m of 12 tabVi* Also "bottles' of 2t and liXI -pruggtsU. A^piHn in Ibft tri»r1« marl? .' r^fta'prM In r«a.-«!:il of Bayrr M4niifjiciar« of Sr^nojh-^l*-?. •rlllnlor nt Sallf.»l:-*'lil ' Ai'MJI Smlicy!." Arid, "",. S ,\ > WhiV i' K "?(â- ,â-  t!i,:TT , thitAapl.-lnmMiRa B»)r»r iniinnfiMitra.ln »a«(»? the puMir iir* nM !;;,-tMloM.tb!> "'"»Mm« ol Bare: Coippai,jr wtll b« ata-np^d with tticir r^neral trailft oiwk. Ui* "B^^ t-'ro««.' Ceticiira Shaying Stkk A LiKory for Tccder Faces This freely lathering Shaving Slick contmin* the emollient and medicinal properties of Cuticura. enabiing tender-factd men to shave without the â- lightest irritatior.. h leaves the skiu softtj»d and re- freshed and free from d/ ter.jw, dr>- feeling. •!â- Â»!• EHk rVf kr Mail t.lonna CaMrfiaii " inrro^t^t jt wi *0c. T»ifun Sic ^^ ":<n.c<ir« Slw^rt Sbck Mc. •SSUE No. 4fiâ€" -a*.

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