Championship Baseball Dundalk vs. Flesherton Sept. 2 at 3.30 sharp Admission 35 and 25 cents Vol 46 No. 1 2 Flesherton. Ontario September I, 1926 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors KIMBERLEY Mrs. Fergujon has returned after spendinK a couple of weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Mansel Cook, Walters Fall?. Mr. and Mrs. E. Proctor and child- ren and Mr. and Mrs. Em Morgan olf Eugenia spent Sunday wtih Mr. and Mrs. Gr F*roctor. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Bishop, To- ronto, are visitinK with Mr. ani Mrs. W. S. Bishop. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hammond and children of Toronto are spending the ren;ainder of ihe holidays here. Mrs. R. E. Hammond has gone to Orillia to Slay with her daughter, Mrs. Hutch- inson, Mr. Frank Hutchinjon havitiu underRone a successful operation for appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Henson and son, Bob, of Barrie, also Mr. H. Ferrier, spent a few days with Mrs. Thos. Abercronibip. The teachers have all returned to their schools. Miss Dell Abcrcrom- bie, Allandale; Miss Bessie Stafford to .Huntjville; Miss Lillian Abercrom- bie to Tobermory; Mis.s N'ulllie Buit- itt to Kaewatin and Miss Elvie Bishop to Gcorj^etown. •;. Mr. D. L. Weber and galtg have gone to Bolton to construct a numbei* of con:'i.'tr: bridores. IvnB.s Vv'ilrta Weber had the Fiesher- on Bell Telephone installed Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Chaj. Graham and family of Thornhill are visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Plewes. Mr. and Mrs. Rob Chard and child- ren of Flesherton spent Sunday with Mrs. Ellis. Mrs. Irwin returned home vvfith them for a couple of weeks. Mcrvyn and Rujsel Hammond and Miss E:-telIe have reiumed to their home in Toronto after spending their holidays with friends here. Miss Fern Stuart accompanied them to at- tend the exhibition. The Mijse? Myrtle Camack, Myrtle Fawcett and Tena Hutchinson havt' arrived home after spending the sum- mer at "Fern Cottage." Miss Florence Patterson of Mea- ford is visiting her friend. Miss Den- elda Sluai-t. Mrs. J. A. Stuart and Mrs. Car- ruthers spent a day with Meaford friends. Rev. Mr. Stotesbury made his pas- toral lalls in the village last wee-.;. Chursh service was held last Sunday morning. Next Sunday service will re at 7.30. EUGENIA FEVERSHAM Intended For Last Week. Mr. John Mathews and sister. Miss L. Mathews, of Stayner, and Mr. and Mrs. Whitelaw and three children, of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Colquette j>n Thursday last. Miss Myrtle Hay and Miss Arnold of Toronto, are holidaying at Mr. J. •A. Kernahan's. Mrs. J. Henderson and daughter, Algivia, Mrs. Henderson's mother, Mrs. Lang, and Mrs. Geo. Pallister, left for a visit to the West on Fri- day. Mrs. Henderson is going to North Battleford, Sask., and Mrs. PaJ- lister to visit her sons and daughter near Ogema, Sask. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. May. and little daughter, Joan, Mr. and Mrs. Will Colquett« and children, Allan and Betty, of Owen Sound, and Mr. anu Mrs. Robt. Colquette, motored to To- ronto and visited with friends over the week end. Mrs. Robt. Colquette remained for a longer visit with her daughter and sister there. Mrs. W. G. Dand of Long Branch is visiting at her parental home here. Wo are glad to report that Mr. Jo- siah Crawford, who has been very ill for some time, is improving slowly. Miss Moffat, R. N.. is still attend- ing Mr. Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Perigo and daughter, Betty, of Detroit, visited with" the former's sister, Mrs. H. Alex- ander, last week. Mrs. Blasted of Preston visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mof- fat, recently. Mr. Hu'^h Davidson of Detroit is holidaying with his brothers, Thomas and William, and other friends in this locality. Born â€" To Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, a daughter. The Feversham and Twelfth Line girls "layed a game of soft ball here on Saturday evening, the Feversham girls winning by one run. Hall Crowded Tuesday Miss Agnes Macphail held her cam- paign meeting in Flesherton on Tues- day evening when the high school aud- itorium was filled with an enthusiastic crowd. F. R. Oliver, the Provincial House nominee of the U.F.O. support- ed Miss Macphail, along with Miss Myrtle McKessoek of Massie, who was the winner of the oratorical contest carried on by the Young Farmers' Clubs of Grey County. Miss Macphail produced telegrams from the Minister of Finance showing that she had re- turned part of her indemnity as she had promised. MARRIED Wright â€" Dudgeon â€" At the Port Credit United Church, on Saturday, August 28, Elmer Wright to Lillian Dudgeon, the ceremony being perfor- med by her father, the Rev. Jameo Dudgeon, assisted bv the bride's uncle Rev. Joseph Dudgeon. DIED , Harvesting is the order of the day. Mrs. Jos. Williams has removed her household effects to Toronto and will reside there for the winter. Mrs. Jerry Thompson, son and Miss Hazel McKee of Collingwood spent a few days last week with the former's niece, Mrs. A. Carruthers. Mr. and Mrs. Grigsby and children of Toronto visited relativ.;s here over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Donaldson have re- turned to Tiironto after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Williams and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Genoe. Mrs. Ward of Windsor visited the week with friends in Eugenia. While here jhe was the guest of Mrs. Chas. Martin. Miss Martha- Fenwick of Owen Sound, accompanied by her friend. Miss Isabello Giggar, are spending a fortnight at the former's pai'ental home, 8th line. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Tweedle and son of Sault Ste. Marie spent a couple of days last week with their friend, Basil Carruthers, while on a motor iri]! through these parts. Miss Dell Wilson returned to Kee- watin to resume her position as tea- cher there. She was accompanied I y her niot'ner as far as Toronto. Mrs. Roy McMillan of Marktiale and her winsome little daughter," Marg- aret, are spending a few days in the village. Mrs. T. Lever and daughtti , Miss Gertrude, of Flesherton, jlij.-; iiarire Lever of Toi-onto and Mr. and Mrs. .S. Croft and sons were recent visitors at Mr. C. Martin's. Mr. Cecil Walton, Sault Ste. Marie. returned home Tuesday after spend- msr two weeks with hi.: cousin, Basil Carruthers, and other relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Teeter and son of Vandeleur visited with Mr. and Mrs. Francis Genoe Sunday. Mr. Harold Lever and sisters and Mr. Will Brigartor of New York visit- ed in the village o" Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Purvis of To- ronto visited over the week end at the former's parental home here, and Mrs. Purvis remains for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Elhvood Purvis and daughters, Ella and Jean, and girl .-"riend. Miss Forder, have returned to Parry Sound, after a fortni°:h<:'s visit at the former's parental home here. Miss Dorothy Jamieson, 8th line, spent a few days with her cousin. Miss Dorothy Genoe. Mr. and Mrs. George Carruthers and little son and Miss Irene Long- stone, motored from Toronto last Friday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. .\lex. Carruthers and family. Miss Dorothy and Master George re- turned with them- after a fortnight's visit here. ROCK MILLS VICTORIA CORNERS Master .Mervyn Best spent a week of holidays with relatives in Owen Sound. Mr. John Robertson underwent an operation in the Collingwood hospital last week. We sincerely hope that he may soon be restored to his usual health again. Miss Bertha Shortf preached at Salem church Sunday evening, and delivered her message in a '^'ery con- vincing manner. Miss May Cornfield also assisted with the service. Mr. N'ornian Britton, Toronto, was a visitor recently with Mr. John Por- teous and family. Pastor Preston will conduct prayer meeting this Thursday night at the home of Mr. Walter .Vkitt. A number from around here attend- ed the shower for Mr. and Mrs. Earl Croft, 4th line, on Friday night of last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Newell and Miss Mabel Betts visited recently with the latter's brother, Mr. Herb Betts and family, 4th line. ^he Ladies' .Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. Alex. English, on Wed- nesday, Sept. 1st. Mr. Ned Croft commenced thresh- ing 1-ist week in this vicini*â€" and if the weather keep;* dry some of the farmers intend stook threshing thi;; week. Messrs. Will and Keith Robertson and Ruby, and Mrs. .Alex, ^torrison, motored to Collingwood Saturday to see their father, who is still in the hospital there. 3Ir. and Mrs. Tho3. Betts and son. Frank, spent an evening last week with Mr. and Mrs. Sam McMullen and family. The L.O.L. 244 picnic held at Mr. Albert Stinson'.-? bush was a great success. The speeches of Miss .A. C. â- McPhail and Mr. Edwards were very interesting and instructive and a fine .sample of what they could do wneh asked "not to talk shop." The play given by our young people was also well rendered and enjoyable. Fine music vvas rendered by the Haw Bros' orchestra. ' Mr. Harold Stevens and friend of when asked "not to talk shop." The the former's uncle, Mr. Albert Stev- , (.ns. Mri. Woodlan of Smithville visited her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Moore. The wedding bells are jingling so loudly that it is almost impossible to hear any new.s, as they are ring- ing on both sides of the road at the .-:ame time. Mr. and Mrs. George Ludlow and Robert motored to Palmerston re:- ently. Margaret Moore has gone to Wes- ton for the fall. Practice is still going on for the young folks, who rre giving their play here three times more. LADY BANK The Ladies' Aid of Providence will hold their September meeting at th»* home of Mrs. David Roberts on Wed- nesday, the 8th. The willing helpers who left this part for the wild ( '! ) and woolly West are: Herb McMulJen, Wm. Taylor, Emanuel Dobson and Eldie Benson. Success to the boys. Miss Dorothy Ottewell returned to her home here after spending two weeks holidaying with friends In To- ronto. BORN' â€" On Sunday, August 1st to Mr. anil Mrs. -Alex Maywell. a dar.,4hter. Miss .Adelle Roberts returned this Wednesday to her position in the city, after spenc'ing the past two months at her parental home here. Mr. Percy .Semple and sister, Mrs. S. Sutton, of Flesherton, motored to Toronto on Friday of last week, re- turning on Tuesday. i .Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Moore of ; Springhill visited on Sunday last with I Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Semple. POSITIONS GUARANTEED Fur the past twenty-five years the Orangeville Business College has been training and placing in excellent positions thousands of ambitious young people. A position is abso- lutely guariinteed every graduate. Write us and we will send you the names and addresses of our graduates from your locality, then you can wTite t!;?ni and ask for their opinions. We are prepared to stand upon the testi- mony of our'graduutes. Home study courses. (, EiWtr any time. Individ- ual ii,.;tructioii. Fall term opens Sep- tember 7th. Write to-day for parti- culars to Orangeville Business College Orangeville.' Ont. • X^ferfedim TORONTO LINE. NORTH Mr. Cecil Brown of Toronto visited with his 'gousin, Fred Brown, a day last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Perigo and daugh- ter, Betty, of Detroit motorea over and visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Stewart. Miss I. Lever and friend of Toronto motored up and spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Lever. Mrs. .Armstrong of Toronto was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brown the past week. Miss Olive Wilson of Barrhead vis- ited at the home of R. Richardson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Perigo and daughter, Mrs. I. Perigo and Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Stewart spent the week end at Coll- ingwood and Wasaga. PRICEVlLLE (Intended for last week) Showers are "uite ruinous of late and have delayed the hay-makers. The crops are about ready for reap- ping too, but the rust is going to be a drawback in this locality. Last week end Messrs. Tem, Dave and John Nicholl Sr., Mrs. Dave Nichcll and Messrs. John and Mur- ray Nicholl Jr., Misses Edna. Donelda and Jessie Nicholl, attended the fun- eral of their niece, ' Miss Eianore Leggett of Buffalo, who died sudden- ly from heart failure at the early age of 19 .vears. The community extend deepest sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Leggett and Miss Christers. Miss Ethel Watson spent the weei end with her folks here. Miss Violet Watson returned Friday after a five weeks' vacation at Port Perry and Toronto. Miss Jemima Stothart is holidaying at the Stothart home on the grave! road. Miss Mary McKinnon returned to the city lajt week after an extended holiday at her home here. FORMER KIMBERLEY BOYS Mr. Herbert Hurd of .Arlington,, Mr. Edwin Hiird of Toronto and Mr. and Mi 3. J. Hope of Brook- lyn, N.Y., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Crossley for a couple of days this week. The Hufd boys are sons of the late Stephen Hurd, who lived at Kimberley over fifty years ago. afterwards at Thornbury. Mrs. Hope was Miss Bertie Hurd In her girlhood. FALL TER.M Toronto's Greatest School of Bus- iness is enrolling students dikily for the new term. This school is open the entire year and instruction is in- dividual. So you may enter any day. Graduates guaranteed positions.Leam GAMEYâ€" At his home 60 East- mount Ave., Toronto, on Tuesday, Aug. 31. Joseph W. Gamey, aged 65while vu earn by home study courses, years. The funeral Ukes pUc« onWrite now for catalogue to Canada Thursday, Sept. 2, to Mount PleasantBusiness College, College and Sap- cemetery, Toronto. dina, Toronto. PORTLAW The recent heavv rains and high winds have levelled the fields of grain and this, coupled with rust, with which it is affected, has brought disaster to the farm crops, and a ser- ious condition for all concerned. Mrs. (Rev.) Gaudin and son, of Tcronto, are visiting with the for- mer's brothers. Messrs. J. J. and W. H. Little. Mrs. Jeremiah Thompson of Coll- ingwood is visiting her daughter, Mrs. .Albert Blackburn, fourth line. Mr. Neil Mclntyre left on Monday to visit his sisters and brothers in Manitoba, Alberta, British Columbia and Oregon. Miss AUie Little of Toronto is holi- daying with her parents. Miss Lillian McKenzie visited last week with relatives near Orange Valley. Mr. George and Miss Lizzie Blakey motored to Collingwood and visited with friends. Miss Gee of Toronto visited with Mrs. Wm. McLennan. Mr. and Mrs. L. Sheardown and | daughter visited with friends at Whitechurch. 1 I BATES EUPJAL CO. FUNEkAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNERAL P.-VRLORS 122-12-1- .Avenue Road. TORONTO Teleiihone: Klr.jisd-.'.lc VU: J. W. Bates. R. Maddocks. ''!)hePer/kctratch' All parts of die Buren movement are completely standardized â€" so accurate as to be absohicdy intet- changeabie. The parts are accurate to the l/25,OOOth pan of an inch â€" the Buren complecely revolu- tionizes all conceptions ofwhat a popular priced watch can a£Fer in accutacy and durability. In cases of exquisite beauty. See the Buren and be satisfiedl V Laities Watches in Green, or Vbite GM Pilled in fashionabU shapes at tJJ.OO up. SCHOOL DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN We have SCHOOL BAGS SATCHELS and SCHOOL BOOTS FOR SALE. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON «.. HOUSE OF GLUALITY AT YODR JEWELLER'S If you have lost anything, look in our ''Small Advts."; if you have found anything advertise it. 81O W. A. Armstrong & Son FLESHERTON ONT. F Macphail Meetings September 2 â€" Dundalk Town HalL Sept. 3 â€" Women's meeting Hanover Town Hall, 2.30 September â€" 3 â€" No. 9, Normanby. September 4 â€" Dornoch. September 6 â€" Proton Station H?1L Sept. 7 â€" Nomination, Durham, 2 p.m. ; Eugenia Hall 8 September 8 â€" Drurie's School 8 p.m.; Holstein 8.30. Set>tember 9 â€" Walers Fails 8 p.m.; Massey 9. September 10 â€" Markdale. September 11 â€" Badjeros. Evening meetings to commence at 8 p-m. sharp GOD SAVE THE KING Homestead Fly Salt Everyone know.s that this is the season when flies are the worst. We have a salt that if fed to your cattle during this period, the flies will not bother them, and your cattle will rest contented. W. J. STEWART 81 SONS Flour, Feed. Seeds, Grocerie* and Confectionery Flesherton \' for Economical Transportation Rrst to ^ e i awaj/ Roadtter - Sport Roadtter Touring VOUXL find the smoodi Chcvro- -^ let always in the front u( the traffic line. At the sound cf the whisde or the sight of the word "Go", the smooth Chevrolet i.s first to get away. Chevrolet «-ilI nm tings around large, ctimbetsotne cars â€" weaxHtig in and out of traffic «-ith an ease that is almost uncanny. Chevrolet may be turned completely arou.-rd in the width ol an ordinary road. It can be parked with ease in a sur- pcningly snail apace. It will gather q>ccd oo hilts where bigger, cost- Imt cars rfow down. And always the Chevrolet driver knows that, pulsatins quietly beneath the hood, is abundant power that will not fail him in an emergency, while Chev- rolet, above any cars in its class, possesses the onoothness that makes driving â€" either fast or slow â€" a source of pleasure and satisfaction. The Smoothest Chevrolet in Chevrolet history is selling at the Lowest Price for which Chevrolet has ever been sold In Canada. Let your Chevrolet dealer arraaft a dentonstrabon and terms of pn^ chase under the GMAC Dcl«R«4 Payment Plan. D McTAVISH A SON Chevrolet Dealers Flesherton, Ont 4 CF-4t«