V I !> â- i i' WEAK AND nervous! OCEAN AND MOUNTAIN BARRIERS A Condition Due to Watery Blood Scientuts Think They Caused Division of Men Into Racea. â€" EasUy Corrected Througli tiie Uae of Dr. Williams' Pink \ Pills. I Thin, pal* girig lack the pow^r of r*- â- IsUuce to diiiease chat rich, r*d blood Kive*. Nervous breakdown U the re- sult of thin blood. Bo U indlseation, hatulaebee, backaches and many other troubles. Oirls sufferlns from thin, Impure blood need just the help Dr. WlUlama' Pink PUls can give. For many years Dr. Williams' P'. k PlUs have been a world-famous blood-buUd- er and nerv«> restorer. They actually make new, rich, red blood which Im- part* new vigor and llfo to all the or- «ans of the body. Their first effect Is usually shown by an Improved appe- tite; then the spirits revive and re-t- lessness at night gives way to health restoring sleep. For sufferers from anaemia, nervousness, general we.ik- ness or physical exhaustion Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills are a restorative of the utmost value. This is proved by the experience of Mis* Sarah A. Mo- Bachern, R.R. 3, Brule, N.S., who says: â€" "About three years ago I became very weak and nervous. I had pains in my side and back. I also had fre- quent pains In the back of my head and neck. I was very pale and very weak. I had attacks of nervous ir- ritability, and at tlmee I was so ner- vous that life seemed hardly wor?Ji liv- ing. While in this condition a friend .strongly advised me to take Dr Wil- liams' Pink Pills. I began taking these pills and used them for about two months with the result that there was such an Improvement in my condition Don't Stir Muddy Water. [ Sununertime and the Baby. | Clnaaified Advefti»cm«nta. Some i>eoi>iu have the kuack of In- lu wry hot utalhor the baby needs terferlng with things. Their delight less food, but more cool boiled water seems to be u> raise the du»t, disturb to drink. ;.:$ TocK aANCJL Vcnita. B.C. OSA.'<AGA.V the mud, arouse sleeping dogs. If they havt> a grievance they lake u supreme delisht in nurturing it. They chew their rfiv.a and always seem to have a nasty tusle in their mouth. Bab.v's clotUcfi sliuu'.d be loose and llKlit. Protect the heud i.2J eyes from Btroug liunliglit. Much of his comfort dej-eniie on the condition of lits tkin, and uottiiiix The sketch shows the Nordic and Mediterranean types. These are divi- sions of the Caucasian race. The sketch also shows types of two other races â€" the American Indian, native of the North Ameriiian continent, and the Aus- traloid, a primitive race found in Au&tralla and New Guinea. Secrets of Science. By David Dietz. One of the outstanding facts about man to-day is that he is divided up la- that friends would ask me what 1 was to races, each posaessic.; dlstinguisli- aking, and I was only too glad to tell ing characteristics hem it was Dr. Williams' Pink PUU. as we have seen! even several typea am now enjoying good health and of tru« men existed in the Old Btone m glad to give this statement for the < Age. benefit it may be to some other suf- j Two great opposing forces have been ferer.' Wliat earthly 8ood can it do to make makes for b-by'» happiness in the fum- an unyieafanl iiuise. wlien by silence mer as liiucli m a warm bath morning peace- w<iu:<l reigu supreme? Nothing and •evenintr, anJ on very hot days, ! is more annoying than to be conii)elled sponging before the aflcrnoun sleep i to live with people wlio take an later- ulsc. Keep the skin clean, dry and est In Blrokaig one the wrong way and powdered and baby will be less rest- probinK :.t a sore place, if tliey know less. of a Weakness of ours, tuch people are ' Haby needs fresh air quite as much continually exivoslnB It or reminding as fresh food. Keep him out of doors i]H uf it. > as much as poBslble, but avoid the sun A lot of otherwise harmless things' In the mldd:p of the day. In very hot win, ( tampered with, give pain. If weather take hira out early hi the you know that nettles sting, why morning and in the later afternoon, touch them? !u a small boat we re- Take the baby to the beach and the main ."till because there is danger In country whenever you can. The change our movement. Then why irritate and will be good for him, provided you create temper by lingering upon ihosf watch his food and don't tire him too places of life which we know are sad- , much. deuing and give rise to bad feeling? I Breast milk Is the best for the sum- It Is far better to smooth down the ' mer. Give cool boiled water frequent- rough places. Never argue with a ly between nursings in the summer, man about his faults. He knows them It, is safer to post.ioue weaning until much better than ycu do. Tell him, In , atter the hot weather, kindness, about them, but be careful! Summer diarrhoea is easier to pre- not to tres«pa8S upon his own pre- j â- '«nt than to cure, and it can usually BorvcB. Men do not require us to in- ] be prevented by: (1) Boillug all milk form tliem of LlU'ir unhappy memories. ' in summer; (2) Care in preparing But they do need someone who will i baby's food, and diluting it during point them to a loftier ideal. To the very hot spells; (3) Stopping all food mis-akes of another it is kind to b* ' " a<^"'« diarrhoea begins. If the blind and to lock for the virtues. 1 bowel movements are very frequent Never he a party to the digging up ! and the baby has vomiting and fever, of old oCfenoea. It is cowardly and un-ja'oP «" ^°"^' ^^^'^ ""'>' boiled water kind. If a man has paid the price tor and call the doctor at once, his offence it la not our job to remind | The summer is the most wonderful him of that which la no longer a debt. ' '•1â„¢*' °' '^^ ^^^^ '°^ ^^^ ^aby and he Thos« who do most in life to help ' «^''' ""^ap great benefit from his outings others along are the ones who can i '^ ^"â- ^^'^ '^ '*''^" '° regard to his care, Eternal Vigilance Sub Offlcer-'Here we aj-e, drBgg*4 four hundreil miles across the counti^ to raid a gin house and aU there Is la it is a cotton gin." His Chiefâ€" "Let's close it, anyway. These symhetic product* are wors« tlion the real thing." Invention of Treadmill. " The treadmill is said to be the In. vention of the Chinese and used first tor the puriiose of carrj-lng water. .} Mirrors and picture glasses should be cleaned with a pad of tissue paper sprinkled wiih methylated spirit. bones. Most of tJle natives of southern Af- rica have black skins, flat noses, and thick lips. The scientist who studies race*, the ethnologist, divides mankind up Into ' gjve a cure for a wound; who will heal ' particularly his food, races which he has assigned name*. | g^re places and show h'ig-heartednesa Thus the race which spread over | vVo are all too fond of recalling Europe, the Mediterranean area, and , the past. We find a spice in remem- westem Asia, is known as Caucasian, bering the faults of others It is divided into three main groups. | Keep Uie mud at the hotiora of the yi 31^ Plan Book Handtomely Illustrated with plana of I maderaie priced hon»i by Canadian Ar- chitecta. MacLean Builders* Guide will help you to decide on the type o/home, exterior finiah, materials, interior ar- rangement aod decoration. Send 25c for a copy. MucLean BulIdere'CnlHe M4 Adelaide dt. Wml XoroQto. unt. :«^ The Jovial Frederick. PILES During the Crusades of the tfair- ; at work throughout the story of man- „/'' '.T """"T '"'"/"'""' â- "â- ""«'""»"• 1 Keep Uie mud at the hotiora of the teonth century, when all Europe had; You can get these pills from any ' kind. One has been the tendency to- ^""^ n'"" Include the northern h.onds pond. Plenty without your aid will do »"« Wea in view, that of taking Jerusa- medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents ' ^ard differentiation ^ Nordic*. The Scandinavians, Scots the miserable work of stirring it up ^ lem from the heathen Turks, Emperor a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Th.- other has been assimi'atlon the r"'' """'^^"^ ^"^"*''"'^° ^""^ ^''"''***^''' ""'' discoloring the purities of life i Frederick of Germany was what would i Out. intermingling of different tvpes tend- ,.J''^?';°"** '!!''Tf .'-^ ""* '^'*'°^' i ^^'^- ^'^ '•«^"'^'-' 'o do our best to keep ; to-<i«y be called a good fellow, and a i ^ • Mn„ ,., ^,.i„„ „.,„„. ,,„ii„_:... The third Is the Mediterranean or , hem separate. | jolly one at that. | Ibtr'aii. I ,., j Frederick's religious views, however. In eastern Asia there is a .wcond ! »t/\ Mana^wx^sTiTn > «7m ! were not suited to the spirit of the Co., Brockville, When Engine Squeaks; Beware. If the engine of the new car stiddeu- ly starts a squeaking noise that grows louder and h)uder tintil It shows signs of developing into a genuine screech, by all means stop. Do not force the engine along in the belief that the noise wjJl "wear away." Stop, let the engine cool, put two quarts of oil in the gas tank and proceed _ slowly. Chances are that a tight piston Is start- ing to score Its cylinder. The other h.as intermingling of different types 'ing to bring about similarity. I Different varieties of men migrating about the world and intermingling with the types they met have tended to make for assimilation. | Bur certain great barriers, such as ! oceans and high mountain ranges, have tended to preserve differentiations in certain great cases. These differentiations are thought I'onquereu by PILE- FIX treatment. The world's greatest rem- edy. Gives instant relief. Why suffer, send to-day for 5-day FIIEE treatment. THE PILE-nX COMPANY 97 Dundas St. El. Toronto, Ont In Africa we find the Negro race, j and In Australia and New Guinea, a I 1 black primitive race named the Aus- 1 traloids. But we must remember that there ' are many groups of peoples which do . , ., ,. . . ,1 . not seem to fit well into anv one of to be the results of varying climates, i .^ ... , , : , , ;. . ,,,. J .» ,., I those groups and others which are un- A Puzzle. "Daddy, is a man allowed to have only one wife?" "That's all, my boy" "Then why does It say In the Prayer Book that he must take four better or tour worse?" Ed^9- Holding Saws Fast East^-Cutfing SAWS Guaranteed because made from our own ateel SIMONOS CANADA SAW CO. UTO. MOt'lTRCAl- VANCOUVER. ST. JOHN.N.a.* TORONTO 1.^ Limtini fiu foods, living conditions and the like. Therefore we lind certain character- istics prevailing throughout great areas. Thus ill the north and western Eur- ope great numbers of peoples are characterized by while skins, fair hair and blue eyes. About tlie Mediterranean we find people with white skins but dark hair and black eyes. In eastern .-Vsia great numbers of people have yellowish skins, straight black hair and more or less high cheek doubtfldly the results of mixtures. Three chousand years ago. a.s al- ready pointed out. man learned to make implements of iron. From that point on, wo must leave the story of man to the historian. We started otit with a general sur- vey of the universe. Then we narrow- ed our survey to the earth upon which â- we live. Let us now narrow oiir field to the specific phenomena of life. Next article- -What Is Life? mmml Garden Tragedy. | One of the best schoolboy howlers tliut we ever heaixl Is the definition of rhubarb as "a kind of celery gone bicodshot." NO MEDICINE LIKE ! BABY'S OWN TABLETS^ For Either the Newborn Babe or the Growing Child. There is no other medicine to equal Baby's Own Tablets for little onesâ€" whether it be for tlie newborn babe or â- surrender to me the city of .I-^rusaleui the growing child the Tablets always | "s it is that I may be able to lift my do good. They are abLiolutely free M^'^'"* among the kings of Christen- from opiates or other harmful drugs <5"m. ' and the mother can always feel sate In I ''"'''" Turks were using them. Concerning the Tablets. Mrs. John Armour. R.R. 1, South Monaghan. Ont., says: â€" "We have three line. iio,;lihy i ^''"'^ 'i^^ine!! absolutely safe, only Tiiade children, to whom, when a medicine is 1 1'>«" request funnier. i needed, we have given only Baby's I Accordingly the Sultan net t^nly j Own Tablets. The Tablets are the j '^"â- "'i'"' '''^ '''*-^' o^ Jerus.ikm over to | best medicine you cau keep in any ' Frederick, but sent him elephants and home where there are young children."! 'â- ''"1*^''* ^^ ' f"<^-f =8 well as a yreat Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but • *" ^â- â- •' "' dancing women, thorough la.xative whlcii regulate the I Frmiorick cr;>wiied himself king, St't stomach and boweis; banish constipa- : "'^"'•it l" ''^vo a gtuil liiMi- ;ini after day and finally ended in his being ex- communicated from the church. Nevertheless. Frederick gathered about him a few soldiers and started on a private Crusade to take .lerusa- lem from the Arabs. Arriving near the historical city, Frederick sent a cmirier to the Sultan with a message which said: "Out of the goodness of your heart ever and always seeking wit and humor and this re- quest Btiuck tlio Sultan as being very. very humorous. The fact that the citv Bee Stings Mlnard's eases the pain and re- duces the swelling caused by stings and insect bites. Keep tt handy. DOCTOR ADVISED OPERATION FO! Jecdous of His Work. Many wiv^s are Jea-lou.s of their hus- band's work and regard his Job as a , , . . necessarv evil -iuaiead of aa the goose j """ «"'! imilgestiou; break up colds mer""-'' '^''"*''" Pe"°na!ly thanked the that lays the golden eggs of fool and''""' simple fever and make teething MRS. FEN^ An Iron That Wiggles. An electric iron specially shaped to wiggle its way Into the corners and gathers of garments Das been invent- ed. •warmth. Thefte wives are Jealous of the time he spends at the ofllco or shop, resent- ful of his enthusiasm for his Job, Jeal- ous, above all, of the women he en- counters In his work â€" the typists at eaHV. They are sold by nieiiiclne deal Sultan for his goodness ,Ui.i won. lo Italy, gathered a great hody o? tro;i;)s ers or direct by mail at 25 C'.;nts a box i and for thirty years fought Rome, driv- from The Dr. Williams' Brockville, Ont. 4 -Medicine Co., Sardines Build Cities. ^ fly- riit- flop! FLIES breed in filth, feed on filth and bring filth into your home. Flit spray clears your home in a few minutes of disease-bearing flies and mosquitoes. It is clean, Baf e and easy to use. Kills All Household Insects Flit spray also destroys b«d bugs, roaches and ants. It searches out the cracka and crevieea where tbay hide and breed, and destroys insects and their eggs. Spray Flit on your garments. Flit kills moths and their larva* which eat holes. Extensive tests showed that Flit spray did not stain the most delicate fabrics. Flit is the result of exhaustive research by expert entomol- ogiata and chemists. It is harmless to mankind. Flit has re- placed the old methods beoaose it kills aXl the insects â€" and does it quickly. Get a Flit can and sprayer today. STANDARD OIL Ca (NEW JERSEY) Distributed in Canada by Fred J. Whitlow k Co., ToroDto. F DBSmOTS FBi-9 MoeqahoM Motka Aats Bed Bags Reacbee I the office, the girl a.sfil8tants behind yvcr in Italy, very close to the won- ' the counter. | derful city of Trieste, are a dozen All this is very foolish and unjus't. 1 gonm^yhat small cities which are still A wife who shares In her husband's , owing their existence to the fact that , success U not playing the game If she all around Trieste the .\driatic Sea is falls to take an Intsrest in the means : nued with small .sardines. . by which he has attained it. | F>om Trieste one laa take a little I She may feel rather at sea when he steamer in almost any direction; such .'waxes eloquent over carburetters and gieamers sail every few minutes from ' sparking piug;s. but the l«*aBt she ran , the gigantic wharves of Trieste, and in {do Is to take an Intelligent interest In '. an hour land at a city built up for cen ; the things that mean bread and butter turles on the sardine Industry. t and the very roof over her head. i Ono of the quaintest cities in -North- "George is a perfect splavo to the ern Italy is the city of Pirano, a mat- workshop," complains Hilda fretfully j tor of about llfteen cent.<i steamer fare j to a neighbor. "He doesn't get home : from Trieste. It Is built at the foot of until after six, tnd then spends most ' a small hut steep mouniain. with old I of the evenings poring ovw books on and strange buildings reaching to its engineering, or making experiments very top. Its streets are tiny thorough- t fn the »hed he has lifted up at the furog running In any direction except , beck." In straight lines, and many of the It is iwrhaps natural that Hilda houses extend over the streets. It Is I should feel hurt rikI lonely, but she ' well worth seeing, as are the other i must remember that Bh« will beneflt cities all around, for all of them live I as much as George will wBon the bet- on sardinee. ter post for which he Is qualifying i However, sardines are served there oomes a!on(. ; in every form, as they are In Trieste. If George we-re always at Hilda's dls- ' and it Is certainly strange for a Cana- I posal in tke evenings, ami took no In- ^dlnn to got for his meal a plate of fresh j terest In his work once the factory i sandlnes fried Jusi like any other fish. I Cates wera stout, he would never rise | Thus If Is learned that «nr!ines do I out of the nit. ing Pope Innocent into France. Ill tlie end Frederick died with mis- fortunes crowding about him. Definition. "What do they mean hy raining cats and dogs'.'" "That's what you call heastiy weath- er." not always live in cans. The flesh lasted very good. pq:ti»+-tM the average tlsh (1«.«»h. hut what sur- prlsog the Canadian i« to fln.I no flavor ven of ninstanl. I Th.y might Ji-g along liappily at : first, but as expenses Increuf^') without • a corresponding Increase In wages. : Hilda, as th« housewife, would be of oil or of smoke, not faced with th^ thankless task of niak- Just plain Hardlne. ing a dollar do the duty of a dollar and The towns all along tht- coast are * half. • strewn with small mexlie'l nets, and i To fin. 1 fault with her husband be- ' everj-wliere one seas women cariylng â- cau8.> of an enihu-^iasm that will prob- ' huge baaskets on their heads, baskets ably save hsr from this unpieaeant fllled with sardinis Iv-ing hroughi from fat« is. of course, to act In a vwy the fishing boats to the tanning fac- '< shori-fiiihted manner.- -U. R. i torlee. Mlnard's Liniment for Burns. t ' Nose Painting for Sheep. I A Hhesp'H nose, like a man's ttaunb, seems to be its own particular pro- j perty. so the the Michigan State Col- , lege has adopted a nose prln-tlng sys- ; tem to Identify the fleecy animals Af- I ter three .vears of experimenting col- I lege Bi>«clBli8ts (!HV there Is yet to be I Ikxinit ino sheep with similar nose i lines. 1 Stupid Fellow. Aictlc Kxplorer '"V e«. right !ii front of that roaring hfove it w.is 4-t below lero! " Mamie "Well, .vou didn't have tn stay right by the stove, i\A you?" Passed the Century. Aged 102. Mr. .lohn Halsler ling dlel nl Salisbury, Knglaud. Mlnard's Liniment fo.* all pains. A Simple Beauty Secret That Every Woman Should Know- According to the old adage "beauty is only skin deep," but it v.ould be a transient thing indeed if it did not have behind it a strong, healthy body with all of the organs functioning properly. Just as wamitli is radi- ated by intense fire ?o is beauty of face and figure the expression of glowing health. Without Kood health there can be no lasting beauty. Every woman has an inherent beauty, but so muny unconsciously handicap iliemselvcs in the effort to look their best! Any physician will tell you that the basis of good health lies in keeping the system free from those poisons that accumulate so quickl.v if the body docs not function naturally every day. Unfortunately, six out of ten woiiien, it is estimated, are risking their kooiI health con- stantly becau.>:e of the fact that those toxic poisons do not naturally iiiovc out of tl;oir systems. Ami the result is that their health is inipaired, not to the CKiciil of pti; ling tlicin into a sick bed, but throiiEh littie head- aches, a constant feeling of fatigue, a licaxinrss th.it makes thcni dull and crt-atcs a spiritlc-s attitude to- ward life and ii3 duties. Their beauty is seiiof.sK- affected. 1'hc color of ihc skin liccoiiies sallow be- cause of these poisons, circles appear under the eyes, the comploxion yoes. To o\crcoiiie such a condiiion it is imperati\e to rid the body of this waste iiiaierial. Kor o\er twenty vears women have been aided by Sal l.ilhofos, a gentle cleanser and plea- sant lax.iti' f which has been tiitrhly reconimciidcd by leailian' plivsicians for thi' purvvosc. .\ spootifiil in a glass of water before meals is all that i» required. Krsnits are really riar\e1o»'«. tfealtli i<5 restored, »i<- peiite return?, tVat heavy feelin.i,- dlsaprears. the circles ituderthe eve-: vanish. coitii>!cxion becomes natural, and, full of vitality, mind alert, oiie":; bMutjr \t recaptiTred ar ! " !'r->:cdL She Escaped It by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound Wind-Hor. Ont, - ".A^fter the birth of my iirst baby 1 was very much run- down in health and the doctor said I must have an operation as I was siifFcrii!^ from a displacement. A friond wanted mc to try your medi- cineâ€" l.vdia E. I'inkham's Vegetable Compoundâ€" and 1 t<j<^k it steadily for a year. During thi.-* f ime I was carry- ing mv second baby and I felt real well ail the time arid did not have a hard o'lntinement. I feel sure th-a Vegetable Compound did me a lot of good, and a!! my people do. too. One sister in l.i-ainington, Ontario, !»!;«•?, it, and both sisters prai.-je it as a .i^ood medicine. I am more than pleased with the result." - Mrs. W. Penn, Windsor, Ontario. Mrs. Corbin Relieved from Pain Stewiacke. N. S. â€" "1 had pains across n;y back and in my side for two yoars after my first baby was born. Mv in;)t'tier had taken Lydia E. Pink- hams Vegetable Coniixiund anvi I read about it in the papers, so I tried it and the pains all lelt me. I have a family of three children now. and the medicine helped me during tlie months before they were born. I rec- ommend it to my friends. "- Mrs. Gary W. Corbin. Main Street Stew- iacke. Nova Scotis. C Why Suffer With Itching Rashes '.Vhen a warm bath witli Cuticura Soap and applica- tion of Cuticura Ointment will afford immediate relief and point to permanent skin health in most cases -.vhen al! else fails. '•,P"1: IM^Doia^ LM MMtraO.- tVK*. Sou, >^^;_orm4-it ;•? mA soe, r..t«jT,i 'Jr. a^e> Cuhtiir* 5h&rinc Stick 2V. . ^;. tt r*. l1