Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 2 Jun 1926, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2nd 1926. THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE GROWING LESS i'OIJTE line, and the men folk 'feel under no obliiration to be particularly polite to them. That ia not as it should b«. W. E. Turney President of CGI. for This Year A SLIGHT MISTAKE There was a very impolite man in a store herv the first of the waek. He crowded ahead of women and children. He "sassed" a woman who stepped on his toe. Canadian men in the' same 'iiime"I^n'e'''aireditw7th^ '"'^'"\ °" Thursday night Ust. it was I At an executive meeting of the It happened that two men bearing ^^""•V^L?.._^*»"*;_l!!'l.? :!'"!': Kcneral are le<.« polite than they were ^^^^^ ^ j^^^.^^^ ^^ u few years ago. Perhaps it is be- cause women have been screaming so much {for equality with men that men are beginning to treat them sa eijuals. "»"""':" It is noticeable that no longer do lived on the i">*"'"'o"s'y decided to reorganize same street in a certain city. The »»f«*° l»>'» <="'"'"« "«*«'>"• ^r. W editor died, and about the same tLe ^^ turney erf Flesherton was elected his neighbor went to southern ^li- P'e'*id«nt. ^^.le h.s runner up Dr When he arrived there, he Marshall, of Dundalk wa* elected sent his wiCe a telegram informing 1" V.ce-Pres.dent and Russell EUu. of Kimberley the 2nd Vice. Mr. Howard Graham of Vandeleur v/aa young men tip their hts to young ^^^ ^^ j,.^ ^^^ ^^^j^-,,^ ^^^^ unfortun l«die«. And when a young man calls ^^^,y j^ ^^^ delivered to the wife of ,.. ^ ^ at a young Udy's home nowadays to ^^e late editor. What was the sur- re-elected Sec.-Treas., while C. K. take her for a ride in his car he either ^^.^^ ^f ^^^ ^^^^ „.^^,„^„ ^^ ^^^^. Armstrong of Dundalk, the retiring whistled for her or honks the horn, ..^rrived safely. Heat terrific!" President, was elected Hon. Pres- and remains in his seat. He does not, ' ident for the coming term. A good get out and assist the (tirl to get* '"* „ , o it a j £ season is looked forward to, with to the car. The fact i« that girls j Read OUr bmall Ads. for Diindalk, Kimberley, Vandeleur and and women are becoming too niascu- real honest bargains PORTLAW I BIG FfcLD DAY JUNE lOth | NOTICE Mr. Robert Osborne was suddenly , A big field day is being Iteld on ; The annual meeting of the South attacked with appendicitis and remov . Thursday, June 10th, by the Agricul- 'Grey Lib.-Assoc. will be held in the ed to CoUingwood hospitii! wh«-.'e ho tural Society, when baseball and Town Hall, Durham on Wednesday was operated upon ovei a week a- softball games will be played, along ^ afternoon, June 2nd, at 2 o'clock, go. * His ife as don last Saturijay to ^^^ a horseshoe pitching contest. 'Mr. W. E. Sinclair, leader at the op- see him, and although not making: as The softball tournament will consist position, and Hon. Nelson Parliament, fast progress as hoped f >r, it is ox- o' girls' teams from Markdale, Kim- 1 ex-speaker, will be present to address pected that he will be aliie to come berley, Dundalk and Flesherton, and, the meeting. Ladies especially in- home in about two weeks Nei^h- a baseball game will be played be- bors are helpng as beet they canl**een Kimberley apd Flesherton Cen- with his seeding. '>re Grey League teama. Mr. Dinsmore Watson be<n " â-  SOFTBALL Tournament FLESHERTON Thur., June 10 BASEBALL Kimberley vs Flesherton • SOFTBALL THREE GAMES MARKDALE MASSEY KIMBERLEY FLESHERTON Horseshoe Pitching Contest OPEN TO ALL. Admission: 25 and 15 cents I Flesherton, having entered teams â-  An invitation was extended to the Markdale club to enter a team, and i this will be dealt with at a meeting to be held in Flesherton this Wed- nesday evening. The schedule will also be drawn up and the player's lists passed. I The league is in a sound condition financially, and a record sport season is locked forward to, with baseball fans seeing a real struggle for the Centre Grey League Cup. Come to the big field Flesherton on June 10th. Receive Ordination At the first ordination service of the Toronto Conference of the Un- ited church, the names of two youne men apepar, who have the interest of many Flesherton people, namely Mr. Charlej Clare Oke, son of Rev. J. H. Oke, who ministered to the people of the Methodist church, and Har- old Everett Wright, son of the late Everett Wright, who was organist in the Methodist church, and who al- so gave vocal and piano lessons a few years ago. â€" very seriously ill with a compUcation | Kimberley play of ailments. We are pleased to re- . June 10th. port that he is somewhat better and al Ihope for his early recovery. Mr. and Mrs. ecil Meldrum's young est little boy had a very wt'ere at- tack of penmuonia, but >s iigain on way to good health. Mrs. J. W. Lyons has recurneJ to her home, after spendi-i;- a few week3 with her daughter in Toron- to. Mr. White and daughter of Tor- onto visited over the week end with the former's sister, Mrs. Thomas Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Middleton and dau- ghter, also Mr. J)avid Blakey of Tor- onto, visited recently with Mr. an^ Mrs. Francis Shiers. Mr. and Mrs. James McLennan of Toronto were visitors with relativeii here recently. Mr. Walter Scott of Albirta visit- ed with friends here last v.cek wliile his wife visited with rcLiiive-i on Stones' Line. Mount Zion people were p!ei:scd to have their pastor with them and able to conduct service after h'"s '-.e-ioi.s illness. His sermon on Sunday was much enjoyed. His t'i"me 1-e- ing ''The righteous shnll flourish like the palm tree. ,vited. The executive will meet at one o'clock. â€" S. B. Clarke, Sec'y. CHURCH PROPERTY FOR SALE in Flesherton on day FOR SALE â€" One '/4 acre lot and one three acre lot. The purchaser at! can secure deed. For particulars apply to Mr. L. Latimer, Eugenia. Small Advertisements ""lost or strayed" FOUNDâ€" In Down's garage, on or about May 15tK, a man's cloth cap. Owner may have same by applying at this ctffice. BOAR FOR SERVICE LOST â€" Four head of yearling cattle with white faces, and one pure black. Anyone knowing the where- Tamworth boar fqr service. No, 2-16,816, on Lot 146â€"147, 3rd range â€" L. MEGGOTT, Apr. 27. Flesherton BOAR FOR SERVICE abouts of these cattle pleasa. notify I .?°' ^}-''l^^\ Also a young Yoifc. o u:_j,„ t,„*„_ <j*„*u^ f< - , [Oiae mg, both bacon type for serrief C. Hindle, Proton Station. /^, / !on lot 176, N.W. T. & SJL, LOST â€" Between Flesherton and Terms â€" 11.00. .Maxwell, Eugenia by 8th line, or Eu- 1 __T. J. STINSON. genia Fewer House. Vandeleur n"'^ | Flesherton, a piece of steel off bottom of radiator of Studebaker car. Finder will please leave with Barney Welton, and receive reward of ?1.00 BOAR FOR SERVICE MISS McPHAIL TO OLD DUBLIN FOR SALE- FOR SALE â€" Nine little pigs for sale â€" John Wickens, Kimberley. 2 A SLIGHT SURPLUS A sad looking woman of mature years appeared in the street pushing a baby carriage in which a fine, heal- thy looking infant was howling lust ily. A friend approached, "Why, .Mrs. Larkins!" she ejaculated, •'V/hat a darling baby! But you have no children. Whose is it?" "You're WTong, my dear," replied the sad fared one, "This is my hus- band; lie went too far with the gland cure." â€" The Medico. ^ E-'aa'asisiajaiasjaeisiaaeiHaisiaiaEiarsiaiaisiaisMsia'^^ SIX HILL STORES We buy together in order thai our cuittonieri in the six com- munities may materially ben- efit individually. F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE I A Store everyone instinct-^ ivcly associates with highS quality merchandise at the[£ faireit poiiible prices. 1 Honors are coming to Miss Mc- Phail a-plenty She is to attend as a delegate, the Women's Internation- al Peace Conference which meets this year in Dublin, Ireland, early in July. She is on the program to represent Canada and we have no doubt will do it worthily. Of course â- she will visit England and Scotland,a- mong them her father's birthplace in -Argyleshire, before she returns, and will probably meet Lady Astor and the Duchess of Atholl, the latter a recent visitor to Canada and who assiured Miss MacPhail that any- thing she could do to make her trip more pleasant would bo done. In several ways ^iss MacPhail will be able to dii^fusc a little Canadian at- mosphere in the old land. She sails about June 15th. Registered Yorkshire goar ^or ser- viceâ€" Edgely Bright Vim, No. 99,996 â€" Property of Saugeen Bacon Hog Club. Terras fl.OO. â€" C. HINDLE. Proton Station. Lots 168-9, 3rd W.T.S.R., Artemesia. GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LrCEN&pD AUCTIONEER For the county of Grey. Reason- lable terms. Satisfaction guaran- teed. Dates made at this office. PASSED EXAMS % a We Have Added Many New Lines of Summer Merchandise TO OUR ALREADY LARGE STOCK If you are looking for Real Value and the place where a dollar will go the farthest visit our store to do your purchasing. We are offering many lines at attractive prices. . Special Value in Cotton Hosiery Broadcloths for Summer Dresses Miss Margaret Runstadler re ceived word ye.sterday of hor succces in fourth year medicine. This you' FOR SALE â€" The new Rye Buck- wheat for seed. â€" Kendal R. W. Hawkins, Eugenia. FOR SALE â€" Purebred Shorthorn bull, yearling, eligible for registra- tion. â€" Jas. Hill, Markdale (Orange Valley.) ; FOR SALE â€" Purebred Buff Leg- ! . ^ ^ ^ '' „ ^ horn rooster for .sale. - Jas. Stew- 1 .^^^'^^f '•^'^ -•^^'-sey bull for service. I Sire: Brampton Jersey Conscript; (Dam: Brampto'iT Petune's Lady. I Fee: $5.00 at time of service. â€" H. RADLEY, JERSEY BULL FOR SERVIC!3 art, Flesherton. FOR .SALE â€" 5 cows for sale, two freshened, three due shortly. â€" Wal- ter Akitt, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" \thite sewing mach- ine, in Eood condition. Phone 21 r 21, Flesherton. . FOR SALE â€" Good Ford car for sale, 1918 touring, cheap for cash or exchange for rubber tired buggy. â€" Albert Wilkinson, Rock Mills. 2w. Flesherton. Ont. S. E. DeCUMORE PHONE 53, FLESHERTON G^eral Insurance Specialist Real Estat.? and Investments â€" Inquiries Solicited FARMS FOR SALE Clover honey, bee , Ou the Toronto Li^e ProvindaJ Highway. Three farms, two of IN ncres and one of 50 seres all cleared , , , , , , . , 'Graham, lafiy hap been very successful ur' hor i studies, and is to bo eongra'tilatcd S FOR SALE frames, and comb foundation, also ; p.„. , ., . â€"^ â€" ">-« Geo W.r'"* "*^^ biulamgs, up to date 1p .every particukr. Wil. sell picture framing done. Eugenia. for hs* attainments. I EgfTs for hatching â€" O. k. C. Bafr- ' rod Rock eggs for hatching, 50 cents THE ROAD WRECKERS 1 per setting. â€" Alex vjile, Ont. D. Irwin, Price- LOT \.~M dozen Ladies' Fine Black Cot- ton Hose in a good wearing quality. Special at UBcents per pair. Lot 2. â€" 25 dozen Ladies' Fine Lisle Hose in difercn shades to from. Valui- up to 75 cenLs. Special .3Hc. LOT .1.â€" 5(1 dozen Ladies' Silk Fibre Hose in many KhadcH. Cood wcarinp 'lualily. Special at 490. Ladies' Summer Vests We linvc a large assort niont in .Silk, Li.sle and otton to chose from. Wr arc showini; three very pj'.secail values in cotton and lis'e vesta at 2.'>r., 25r. and 65c. per garment. Children's Summer Dresses 25 only. Children's .Summer Dresses in Fine Quality Muslin. Regular values up to $2. 25. Very Special this week »Hr. Special Value in Curtain Scrim 250 yards oidy, Fine Curtain Scrim with border, suitable for bedrooms or kitchen. Regular values to 20c. Special this week, Kir. a yard. Ladies' Summer Dresses Just In 20 only, Ladies Summer Dresses in the new- est designs in Broadcloths and Rayon .Silks. Pop- ularly priced at$fi.95, $7.50 and $8.75. We are showing a very large range in this popular ninter>«il. Dozens of patterns to from at price.; that are right. Specials at 45c. to H(lc. per yard; also the belter grades at 95c to .$l..-)0. Men's Summer Underwear A full range of sizes in F'ine Balbriggan unilerwoar, real Egyptian yarns. A very service- able KHrment nt 7.)c. each. Grocery Department Specials 10 pounds (if Granulated Sugar for C5c. (iaioln Tins of Rlue Berries for 8!)c. Figs, 1 pounds for 25c. ('orn KlaktH, ,'i packages for 27c. Tapioca, :( pounds for 25c. Hardware Department We carry a full line in heavy and shelf hard ware, and are showing .^pecia^ values in Screen Doors and Window Screens for this week. Special Door Prices from $2."0 to -3.50. Seed Corn Procure your tupply at once. This article i.< gettinij scarce. We still have in stock Compton's Early, White Cap, mproved ll^eamin^ and Wiscon- sin No. 7. The pi|ic is right. I Suggestions have been made, says ( the Pctcrboro Examiner, that truck I licenses should not be issuetl until I May 1st, in order to keep the heavy I machines off the roads in the spring. ] In all parts of Ontario there are com- ! plaints of the roads being torn to I pieces by ponderous trucks and it i.s ' the opinion of all those responsible I for road construction and mainten- I ance that more drastic regulations alonR this line will have to be taken. .A few .stiff fines might help in doing ^ j what appeals to the cood sense of S I the offcntiing owners have failed to ^ I accomplish. Road maintenance is be- coming a heavy burden enough with- out permitting all roads pounded to pieces every spring just for the con- venience or profit of a i'"e\v individ- uals or firms. The conditions will grow, if some real effort is j not made to grapple with thi.^ year ly situation. FOR SALE -^ Two Taniworth sows due to farr-v last week in August, bred to Taniworth hop:. â€" D. D. McLoughry, R. R. 4, Markd.".le. I'hone ;50 r 121. , ., â€" any cm cf these. Good brick liouse on on i w the fams. The stabling for annf- mals IS perfect. One f,nr has tea acres hardwood bush ^nd anota* nundred has tlu-ee acres of timW and has buildinng* for everything needed, including poultry house aai pig pens. Ko broken land and c'aB' of weeds. Any person interetsM sbould lavestigata. -r. J. STINSON. Proton Statioa P.a Imy FOR RENTâ€" Brick house ne^r the high school, large garden, nt .. ais- tcrn, electric lighted, possession at once. â€" .Alf. Thistlethwaite, 7 Baby Point Road, Toronto, Ont. BUSINESS CARDS Dr. E. C. Murfay. L.D.S., dental surgeon, honor graduate of Toronta and Royal College of Dental Surgeoaa FOR SALE - Chevrolet car for of OnUrio. Gas administered f« ;-,alo, cheap for cash, or would con- teeth extraction. Office at residenea sider a good horse and rubber tii»e Toronto Stret, Flesherton. buggy. â€" Joseph Oliver, R. R. 3, ' â€" I'ricevillc. Ont. M I S C E L L ANEO U 8 I Dr. A. TumbnII. RA. M.B.. gnA. uate from the Faculty of Mediclm •University of Toronto. Offlc»â€" RlX ^ardson Block, Flesherton. Pho^ U. NOTICEr-Chopping done Satur- days only. â€" Graham Bros., Eugen- in. rOIRT OF REVISION 192(5 F.T. HILL & Co., Limited, Markdale gic!iiiaiaB!Mi!!i!!!fe!iiJii!jiaBiag BSMgElgBgBiaSBB JfeMab !! * Notice is hereby given that the fir.'st sitting of the Cour\ of R^ivision of the A.-sessinent Roll of the Towni- ship of .\rtemesia, li>2fi, will be held nt the Town Hall,. Flesherton, on Sat- urdav, the .fifth day of June 1926*' at the hour of ten o'clock a.m. i .411 persona appealing are hereby requested to take notice and govern I them.^elves accordingly. Dated the 20th day of May 1026. â€" W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk. COl'RT OF REVISION 1926. FLESHERTON The first sitting of tlic Court of Revision of the iWiiessment Roll of 11>26 of the Village of Flesherton will be held in the Town Hall on Monday the 7th day of June 1926. at the hour of 7..10 o'clock, p.m. All par- ties interested are hereby required to take notice. Dated the 20th day of May 192«. â€" W. J. BELLAMY, Herk. Prince Arthur Lodge, 838. A.P. ft A.M.. meeU In the Masonic hill, Jb^ strong Block. Flesherton. every »«. KIDUSE FOR RENT â€" Opposite ^^ **" or before th^s fnll raoc. Jott Apply to Mrs. W. J. "'•»«• ". M., F. J. Thnraton, Sec high school. Caswell, Proton, R. R. 3. C. C. Middlelro, Barrister solicitor. POTATOES WANTED - Highest <''«• »' Durham. Will be in Flesher- market prices. Phone 2â€" r 3-1.â€" A.C. to" every Friday from 4.30 p.m. to Muir, Ceylon. 8.45 p.m. WANTED â€" Second hand shot- Lnc*» A Henry. Barristers, Soliel^ gun, single or double barrel. â€" Alex. Jw. etc., â€" I. B. Lucas. K.C. ; W. B. Cameron. Eugenia. WANTEDâ€" Any quantity of eggs, the highest cash price will be paid on delivery. â€" J.Runstadler, Fleshcr- Henry, B.A. Offices, Markdala Block, Phone 2. Branch oiBcea Dundalk and Durham. Telford A Binii*. BarrJstera. aaft. citors, etc., Officesâ€" Grey and Biwa NOTICE . B'ock, Owen Sound; Standard Baak Block, Flesherton. (Saturday*). W. Positively no trespassing or Tish- •*• Telford Jr., J. F. P. Bimitk ing will be allowed on Lots .15, 36 â-  and 37, Con. 8, Artemesia. â€" A. Wm. KaitUnc, Lieenacd Cameron, T. E. Fenwick. '«' »»>• counties of Grey and P«nn and stock a||ea a NOTICE Terms moderate, aatisfaetioa anteed. Arrantameiits for Hunting and trapping on lot 35, may be made at the AdvaM* Con. 4 will be strictly prohibited â€" Central telephone oflfei R. Cutlen, Flesherton. Jne 30. «r bf •ddreasiac ae at

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