Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Feb 1926, p. 7

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t KEmNG HEALTHY 1 DURING WINTER I HOW WAS THE EARTH BORN? Up to eomtkBTAtivelf recent times it Everyone knows how I waif believed thai this solid globe of raises ttdea In our oceans. the noon Well, thta Home LighU. LlghM that ehiuo when the nicht Is clear,* ; LJghts on « Tl«ta of street, TwlnkllDg and btlnklng far aiui near, lours eame from an enormoue mass ot.peitsing sun raided tid«« cm the sur- : Lights that are bright or discree' r>Qi*a Infliwnza and LIk* TrOU- ea» whloh spun around so rapidly that ! face of our s-un. That effect was only bles Can be Avoided. : it flung off rings, which ia turn gave birth not only to our earth, but to all ^ 1. • ^^.^ nj>nni« fi* other planets as well. The centre Have you »<>' 'f*.^^' •^'°" "^^ »f thU great volume of ga*. it was sup- enjoy good ,''*^»"i,,f»'':°^«^.'^* "^b posed, eventually became the sun. trying weather, while others succuniB , to colds or inttuenza at every touch; But this idea of the earths origin of wlatry conditions, or are attacked has now been very largely discarded by rheumatism or sciatica? The rea- by scientists, and tlie latest theory Is •on is to be found to the condition of , a alnghlarly attrac-tive cue. the blood. If It la rich and pure the , According to it, we must first Imag- »y»tem is able to re«t»t disease. Bat jne a va«t volume of gaa in space, spin- â- , let the blood become Impoverished I nlng round and producing arms or I "^^'"* and the way Is made clear tor disease | wtoorlo with the rapidity of its motion, | to enter the system. ] juet as a rapidly splunln* Catherine-: ... .v „. , .»,„ „,,„^,^ The common sense way to avoid wheel produces arms or wborto of **"' '« l^â„¢ '•>* 5?" '^ th* planets coId« and influenza is to keep a plen- eparks. j «"=" «« Mercury. Venus, Jupiter and tiful supply of rich, red blood. in jour ^ _^^ ^^^,^^ ^^^^ ^, ^^^ ^^ we\rL would seem to have been the must Imagine there are patches much | ^nly occasion on wUlch our sun was heavier and brighter than the rest of , »eriou«lv affected by another sun com- the gas In the arm, and that at very I ,ug close to It. Such ooca»lona must long Intervals of timeâ€" mlMlons of | be very rare, because If they were fre- years, perhaps â€" these bright patches ! natural because our sun In those days wa» compoiud If Very much lighter gafv>s than it is now. These sun-tidee were by no means on 60 tiny a scale as the moon-tides on the earth; they were tides which drew out from our suu'a surface an enormoue jet of gas, li'k'C a huge arm promising frcm the sun. On this jet, millions of mUts long, there were portloos which become than the remainder and which eventually broke away. One of thfse wa.v the earth. Other portions L/lgfats that glow In the gliMen'.ng rain I Sheen on the city's street: Lights that jewel a wlnduw-pauo In raln-d'roi.3 bnauiy fleet. Lights more glorlcus than all the rest, Home lights shining for me, i Love light In eyes that I love befit â€" ' Light of eternity. | â€" George Ellistoa. "is good tea* TEA „ ^pcdMf£tymlX^it4fUi€uM? veins. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ^ave achieved world-wide fame for their remarkable blood-enrlchlng powers. The new Wood which comes from the use of Dr. Williams' Pink PlUa tones up the whole system and so helps the body to resist winter Ills. If the system has already been weakened by coUa. influenza or other winter ailments, then Dr. Williams' Pink Plllo are the safest medicine for rebuilding the blood and strengthening the body. An examoile of the value of these pills is given by Mrs. R. O. Stromberg, Cobalt, Ont, who says: â€" "I had a very severe attack of grippe, or influenza, which confined me to my bed for a week. On getting up again I did not recover my usual strength. I was very weak, had a severe pain In my head, and a constant backache. I had to get ,a woman to do my work for me as I had neither the strength nor the energy to do anything. At this stage, remembering the great teneflt I had through Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in girlhood, I began taking ^ this medicine, and soon my' strength began to return. I am now able to do ' all my own work again, and take care of my baby boy. I am very grateful for what the pills have done for me, and hope my experience will be of benefit to some other sufferer." If you need a blood-butldlng tonic begin taklDs-EW. Williams' Pink PlUa . tc-ilay. Sold by all medicine dealers or sent by mall at SO cents a box by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., BrockvlUe, Ont. "DIAMOND DYES" COLOR THINGS NEW JuBt Dip to Tint or Boil to Dye Wonders of Water Power. Pew people have any Idea of tlie tre- mendous power of waves. When big waves hurl themselves against ob- ttaclcs tJiey exert eenormous pre>s«ure. Builders of llghtliousi?s, for Instance, y^^ mufit take this into account. At the siouiiemt the preaeure . been esti- 1^ Qasaified A<ivertiseinents. BAKEUS' OVKNB. aad lUi or umS ottoft lur >n k:u Wm. Tonatai u-Bini Foa c'Ariix>ai.s Eddystone lighthouse, during heavy storms has I quent there would be an end to the were thrown oft the whirling arm and j atablllty of the universe. As a fact, there Is no ewn nearer to ours at ppe.=ent than one called Proxi- ma Centanrl, whi<di is twenty-four mil- lion million miles away (that Is, ! twenty-four billion miles). At such a; great distance Ita influence upon our launched Into space e» stars. Kach of these stars would become a sun. Our Bun wa» among them. It was, of course, without planets at that time. But It had lots of company In the form of other suns or stars which were stm In the neighborhood, although i suu, which is still gaseous. If cf no ac- they had been born so long before. It j count. In other words, its tidal effects I was. In fact. In quite a crush of suns, on our sun are Inelgnllicant. I each of which had a certain influence ' There are, however, suns still being ; on the others^ That, to begin with, ! born and still being subjected to the was how the latest theory accounts j crowding which our sun experienced for the existence of the .sun. j in Its infancy. And we can still Imag- Por ages our sun was not serlou&ly i Ine some of theiso suns- occasionally affected by the presence of so many j passing close to each other and tides others, but a time came when one of ; being raised not only on one but on these others approached quite close ! each of the two passing 64in8, and to It, and then the trouMe began. { planets- being bom to them. Each 16-cent pack- ago contains direc- tions so simple any woman can tint soft, delicate shades or dye rich, permanent colors in lingerie, silks, ribbons, skirts, waists, dresses, coats, stockings, sweaters, draperies, coverings, hangings â€" everything! Buy Diamond Dyesâ€" no other kindâ€" and tell your druggist whether the material you wish to color is wool or silk, or whether it is linen, cotton or mixed goods. â- ^ IIAIIS (UTTIj: rUIEKDl TO h'lTUtH SEX| \jr niaUv4 In pl»to voreiupe. I'arU Si'-Jslly Co., â- â-  !i ADli^S WANTKDâ€" TO DO PlJllN ASO LIGHT wwlnf At bomr: whole or sp»r» Uiae; «o(«J l*/. mated at nearly 1V4 tons a square ,„ ^„icuiza. N.ti.,nai MMufi.tur-.n, .o.. uomrvu. foot! _ I • Pressures even greater than this : have been measured. Perhaps the ' highest Is that recorded at Dunbar a ' WANTEDâ€" One reliable man in every few years ago. It was 3% tons a t(,^n_ merchant preferred, to take square foot. At the Bell Rock and : orders for best Custom-Mada Clothes Skerryvore lighthouses wave-pres- ' In Canada. Highest coramisslona. sures of 3 tons a square toot have been i REX TAILORING CO., Ltd. AGENTS WANTED Low Lake Levds Cause Huge Losses. Disastrous effects on lake commeirce ot low lake levels and heavy losses im- posed on lake shipping interests from this condition are emphasized In the annual report of the Lake Carriers'' j Aseodation just issued. "The season of 1925 goes into Lake 1 history v.- marking a year ot large ! tonnage movements, but with a reve- 1 nue not commensurate with costs of 1 operation," says the report in part, i "As In other linee, a period ot active i buslnesis Is depended on to recoup the '. losos of the dull periods. No great comfort in this respect is to be glean- ; ed. however, from a retrospective re- 1 that a critical situation of momentous significance with regard to the future has arisen. The aspect Is not at all chemical. The sand beaches now plainly visible at various points on all Great Lakes, and the appearance ot shoals where once there were navig- able depths of water, do not more graphically reveal the economic loss than has been sustained by lake com- merce than does record of 1925 aver- age iron ore cargo." KEEP LnTLE ONES WELL IN WINTER By Regulating the Stomach and Bowels With Baby's Own Tablets. When you get that tired. lay-me-down-and-dle s 15 â€" • - - . feeling take 15 to 30 drops of Seigel's Syrup 'n a glasaof water. " .- . : . . .. feel like new. glasa of water. Does the trick and safely. You'll fer" '-' Who's Who in Musical History. - Haydnâ€" 1732-1809. Haydn was a homely child. Fond of fun, but kind and mild; One ot a numerous family. All as poor asi poor could be. Yet loving music, every one. And eo, each day at set of sun. Around their father's harp they came To pasa the time with song and game. Joseph full of childish tricks. Played a. fiddle of wooden sticks. Keeping time, 'till his father said: "Children, 'tis the hour for bed." This little boy was sent away To Hamburg school by a friend one day, .A.nd there he was taught by note to sing. Winter is a dangerous eeasou for And learned a little of everything, the little ones. The days are change- 1 Later, forced to ea-n hta bread, able one bright, the next cold and j Ijving alone in the town, ill-fed, stormy, that the mother la afraid to Oft he had nothing to eat all day. take the children out for the fresh 1 Yet s'tlU at his music he worked away, air and exercise they need so much. : Though suffering thus, he ne'er lost In consequence they are often cooped heart, up In overheated, badly ventilated His faith in God, his love for Art. roouifi and are soon seized with colds jAad thus by patienr. toil, and slow, or grippe. WM Too Green to Burn. "Did the boss flre that green hand?" "I hardly think so. 1 heard, him say he was too green to burn." Minard's Liniment for Grippe. « â€" Big as An Hotel. The poyal palace at Prague has 711 apartments. recorded. No wonder the form of the coast-line Is continually altering when It is sub- jected to such buffeting. We can now understand the difficulties engineers have to face in building sea-walls and breakwaters. Huge boulders anj blocks of stone are thrown about like shuttlecocks by the waves. In the island ot Reunion an imn>'>use mass of rock over 500 cub'.. •• .ds In volume is to be seen far ;>'.,jd. It Is really a huge boulder that i.ue wave* rolled there during a storm. In the Bay of Blcicay on one acca- sion a block of stone weighing 36 tons was lifted by the waves and thrown right over a breakwater. At Wick Bay it was found impossible to build a breakwater. A block of concrete weighing 1,000 tons was laid down and secured witli bars ot Iron Sin. wide and 31n. thick. But the waves man- aged to dislodge it. snapping the iron bars like threads. «. â€" Norfo'-k has more churches in pro- portion to its population than any other Eifgrlish county. TORONTO 2 WANTED CIGAR STORE INDIAN Formerly used in front of Tobaoconlst Store. IVIust be in good condition. State price and v»hero can be seen. H. WATKINS 73 W. Adelaide St Toronto A good memory is essential to suc- ces.s. It enables; a man to remember what to forget. A CCIDENTS will happen. Be prepared for every hurt. Keep a bottle of Minard's handy. On a Japanese IMountaln. A cable railway is to be built up Mt Fuji, In Japan. a Don't use up all your energy in get- ting new customers. Save some of it for holding the customers you have. What is needed to keep He made the world his genius know. view of the active freight movement , -^^-ji^Ye ones well Is Baby's Own Tab- \ Haydn wrote the great "Creation," of the seassu. | ^ ^,.„ ,.gguiate the stomach Sung and loved by many a nation. "With no diminution in operating | ^^^ ^^^^.^.^ ^^ ^^i^e out colds, and And he Is also known to be on m car.ito : ^^ ^ j^elr use the baby will be able chaffes, but u reduction capacity, without increase in freit'i'l .« «t over the winter season in per- rates, gratifying results could not '''•'" i . f » »v tain. The oflkial returns show that, *i„*^a^ng Baby's Own Tablets the vessels averaged 419 less tons of iron ^^^j^^^. ^^ ^ absolute guarantee that ore and 342 less tons ot coal for car- \ ^^^ ^^ glvlng^her precious little one* go than In 1924, and sustaine<l a loss â-  g,o,nething that Is absolutely sate and correspondingly large In cargoes of ; ^^jj^^^jj^jj^ jjjat cannot possibly do grain. xFurther contributory to vessel , ^^^^^ ^^ g^^^ ^^^ newborn babe, «s the expense were widespread delays due to shallow water at controlling points. as a direct result of low water levels^ "As there has been a consisteint re- cession iu recommended loading draughts year after year, the economic loss to vessel owners by reason of de- cKnation fnHu the 21 feet of five years ego to present draught ot IS feet 6 Inches Is fo enormous that cost amounts to millions of tons of freight In a single ,<e«soa. The careful ob- server of this unremimtting downward trend in water levels, with conswjuent reduction in ves3fl ospacity. realizes "The Father ot the Symphony." His life he ftHed with kindly deeds. Forgot his own In others' Uieeds, And died revered by every friend, Loved and admired to the end. Clears ttieThroat, Relieves Hoarseness, Coughs 6Colds|~ PkibBc _ ^>ffalMrs and Singers not you? Coughing There is nothing so bad for a cough as coughing. There is nothing so good for a cough as ••Buckley's". Buckley's Mixture used by hundreds of thous- ands of people through- out Canada is now pro- curable in two forms, "Strong" or "Modified". Bither kind acts like a flash on Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, and all affec- tions of throat, chest and lungs. Positive and instant relief. One dose stops CQUghing. Every druggist sells Buckley's on a money refunded guarantee. 40 doses for 75c. BUSiKLEYj^ W. K. Bocklv. Limitad i«2 Mutual St., Toraito i Tablets contain not one particle of o: ' res or other dangerous drug. They aj. sold by medicine dealers or at I 25 cents a box. by mail, fiom The Dr. 'â-  WlUiams' Medicine Co.. BrockvlUe, l'^^- - . Immortal Animals. The chalk formers, the Globlgerlne, : are among the ino.'tt abundant protozoa In the sea. Nearly all surround them- ' selves with a ahell of soft calcium car- bonate (Chalk). ,\ pint of ocean water In the warmer • .liniei may contain millions ot them. •ihe shells of the dead drovplng to tbe 1 ottom of the ocean have formed a I hick layer ot ooze over murfi of the -ocean bed. The great olialk olHfn In England, and the chalk beds In Ire- land, Denmark, Central Kurope, North .Africa, Syria. Central Asia, Texas, : Kansas, and South Dakota are com- i pcsed almost entirely of the shells of I Globlgerlne that lived ten mlUlons of I ' years ago or more. j The small piece of clialk u»ed by the | carpenter Is made of mllltons ot the : skeletons ot these tiny protoioaas. ] i The proloaoa were no doubt the first I animdla on earth, and ln«*much aa two I new animate are formed by the halv- I ing of the parent the Uny creature* may never die ot old a«», but so long as food and environment are favorable ; live millions ot yeti*. ' They are therefore ioinetimea ! spoken ot as the ImmorUl animate. i Tlie prrttozcn are moBt mimeroa* In etagnant water where a« many as ten i thousand can be present In a aincle drop. i Ordinary drlnktnc water, faowe-ver, ' seldom contain* more tlian a doten in j a quart, and good tprbi« water often i ha* none. All Aboard! The steamer wa* Just leaving the pier when a man rushed up and s-hout- ed, "Hold on a minute, captain ; there's a party of fifty coming aboard." The steamer backed in again, and the man walked on board and sat down. ' After five minutes the captain, went across to him and a^ked if the party would be much longer. "What party?" asked the man. "The party of fifty you spoke about." "Oh, I'm the party. I'm fifty to-day." jhereis^onfy one - THE. INTERNAL LUBRICAKT For Constipaiim ASK FOR IT BY NAME Sold onlif in bottles packed in sealed Cartons - - - - ^irfTfiSfTTI'^^ Georgetown Incubator ICmnmUmt Mad* Ut Ci IdlMi CVaate. Donbla i lODpixr Rot Water haatins fsr>t«ni. Baiaitiva Aatomatlo I ngttlator. Hatobaa •tniac, J haalthr ehteka. Write for niB Circular to:â€" J.aiM>«fcâ€" lt C «« «i «fwa.O»t â- ta aMda •>«â-  itevla idaaa kM hmiwhi iir'aaiij. aarTatMl Fiv iMrioa' baoMM lad lauiiiiTW TUakar' SHIPMAN a OO-Twa Old llauaau nm* aiotavaaaD mvrmitr Arrommmym. orrwaM. CAfk lo<liMo< Glycerin* wiH b* found excellent for ^cf^ening the water In which flannels are to b« washed. About two t*a- f.D0-.nful» to a quart of wat*r will b* sufficient Min*rd*« LInimant for froat-bK**. MINING With the extremaly activ* mar- ket now ia the time to keep In touch with Northam Ontario mining. W* buy and aoll fer you all mining atoeks. Reliable Information froo on any mining stock. 15 year*' experience. last banner y*ar for Northorn Ontario Mino*. A. W. RYDER A CO. Mining Broker* 7 McCaul Sl Toronto AdeL 1110 THIS MOTHER GLAD DAUGHTER ISWELL Mrs. Park$ Tells How Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable GHnpoond Restored Her Danghter't Health Toronto, Ontario. - "M;r daughter is 16 now and has be en an mralid ever TZ" â€" . . - • - n since ah« was six months old and has been' com- pelled to remain out of school the greaterjQ*rt ot the time. We have tried different kinds of medidna, but none helped her much. I had taken Lydla R Pinkham's Vege- '^r-i table Compound when I was run-down, and ft had helped mo so much that 1 thought it might help her at thi.s time. She has gained ever since she began taking It. She attends school every day now and goes skating, and does other out- of-door sports. I recommend this medicine to any one who is run-down and nervous and weak"- Mr9.pAIUts. 106 Bond Street, Toronto, Ontario. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is a dependable medicine for young women '.â- > troubles. For sale by druggists everywhere. C HEALS ACE Accept only " Bayer" package whico contains proven directions. HaadT nBartr" boxM ot 12 tabWU AIM bottle* of t4 and 100â€" DmggiaU. lagMual la Oaaala) at Barw Manntaettm of MoBMCcttr ' tt aaUolleatM (Aaatjrl SaUortta 4aM. "A. B. A ' n Rash. Spread to Scalp. Itched and Burned. Face Very Sore. " l£t2ema broke out in a rash on my face and Itter spread to my scalp. The rash scaled over and sore eruptions formed. It caused a great ietl of itching and burning and ray {ace waa very sore. The trouble lasted three cr four weeks " 1 was treated -wit^ )ut any ben- efit. I began uaing Cutiaita Soap and Ointment and could see a great change after the first night. I con tinued the treatment and in four week* I was completely healed." .Signed^ MisB Margaret Danyow, Ferri8bu:g. Vermont. Dally use of Cuticura Soap, with toaches of Cuticura Ointment now and then, keeps the akin fresh, nmootb and clear. Cutlcvira Tal- cum Is also ideal for the skin. AipIHa la tk* trate nark tkat AaolrtB â- iiai fever ussTaatara, to aaaM Ik* paMIe aaa: ot â- >!«* OM^aM wUl fea itaawad vtfli tkair iwiat tia& >. WbUa tt la oaU ksowii iaat taHattaaa, tb* TaMau â- ark, tfea "Hajat araaa." IVoti. -tMMMM, t«4.. MmbmL _Prw* Soap ' Caliciira Sbaviitt Stick 2S.:. ISSUE No. Sâ€" ^28.

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