Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Jan 1926, p. 7

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THE DUTY OF A WOIAI b to Ten Her AUIiw Stoten How New Health Can be Obtained. •'The di*ty o* one womaa to another ia to tell her. But the wrong advice i« wonw than no adrlce at all." 'That," Bays Mm. Florence Glebe. 811 Roy^ Ap««-, MerMclc Street. Ham- IHoo, Ont. ia why I feel it my d«ty to Kiy« womeo a UttJe tnformaUon con- oemln* Dr. WllWajna* Plnli P"!* '«' Pale People. In the first place I may aay that I am a graduate nurse of one of our Hamilton schools of nureee, haTlnc had a number of years' ex- perie«ice In nun)in« nervoua and other cases of women. "I may state that tor the last three yeaxa I haTe not been feeling aa I ehould. I have been uikder the care of our pfayMclan. He informed me that I wowUl not improve unitil I took a chance of oUmate. My symptoma were that I waa tired out e<u»Uy. palHd, short of breath. On going upstairs I bad a rajdd heart action and a weak feeling. If I entered a warm room I became hot and clammy. Black spots would floeit before my eyee, and I had Bilarp paina in nny head. I did not Bleep well at night and would toee around in bed. My appetHe was fickle and poor. I tried a number of medi- cines that were advertised, with no good resuitts. I began 'o feel despond- en^ as when I met frlenda t^ey would â- Â«y, 'My, you look terrible.' I lost In weight and in epirits. My husband came home one evening aa>king, as he usually did, how I was feeling, and at my answer said, 'Well, try these," and he handed me a box of Dr. Witliams' pink PlUfl. He said, 'try them any- bow. They may help you.' I did try them and they surely gave me quick results. By the time I had taken four boxes I can honestly say I felt tike a different person. I could hardly realr Ize It myself. People I met would say, 'Why, you look eiHendid. What have you been taking?' My reply would be that I had been taking Or. WiUiams' Pink Pills, and their answer usually was, 'Well, they certainly have heli)ed you.' I now sleep well and eat well. The terrible sharp pain has left my head. I do my work and feel toned up. My color has re>turned, and the pills have given me new vitality. I am deeply thankful that my husband brought me the flret box of Dr. Williams' Fink Pili^R. I will gladly tell anyone what these pills did for me, and you have full perm>li56h>n to publish this state- ment in the hope that my experience ta&y help someone else." -If you will send your name and ad- dress to The I>r. Williams' Medicine Ck)., BrockvUle, Ont, a little book. "Building Up the Blood," will be mail- ed you postpaid. This little book con- tain's many useful health hints. "You can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. O Drank Her Husband's Bones. The word mausoleum had a peculiar origin. In the year 353 B. C. King Mausoleus was the ruler of Carta. Hia wife was not only very beautihi'. but she was devoted to her husban.l and when he died her grief was so great that after his body had been burnt; J to ashes she collected the aehes. mixed them with wine and drank the whole thing. She then erected such a won- derful monument to his memory that It became the seventh wonder of the world and, on account of the name, be- came known as the Mausoleum. HOU)IN G DEATH AT BAY Modem Methods of Saving Life. Beautiful Fez. Carcasses of mutton to the number of 3,500,000 can be stored in I^ondon nowadays. Forty years ago there was accommodation for only about 500. Towards the end of the l«s.t century a Japanese and a German diemiflt nia^e manJiInd their debtors by prov- ing that If poteoDc of dii)htber1a were injected Uito rabbits in mnaU quaati- tlee, the rabbits wotild become tan- muue from the dl««aBe. { A year kuer a sclen'tl&t named Beh- rlng went a step farther and tree'ted a man with the blood of a sheep which had been made immune. LMer Dr. Roui used tte blood of homes in tlie eaiua way, David Masters ; telto us in "Tlie Ccnquosrt. of Disease." At a Paxis hospital Dr. Rous inject- ed the Imuiune bloo-J or "serum" into the llttel patients sufTering from dipb- 1 tberla. When be visited the hoepttal on the following day tlie patients were beitter. Purther injectione were given, j and in two day& they were cured. | In this hospital one sulferer out of two bad iNraviously died from dlph-| th«rla. Lees then foar months after Dr. Roux Introduced bis system only one case in four proved fatal. • • •â-  » Then a German siclentiBt named Schick invented a teet by which it was ' possible to tell whether a child was sueceptible to diphtheria, or not. Bebring determioed to make those w:ho were naturally suaceptible to the disease. Immune. He mixed a little of the poison with a UtUe of the int mune blood and inocularted 10,000 children with it. Twelve weeks after- wards, Schick's test stowed that 8,000 of these children had become Immune. In a year another thousand had be- come immune, and after further injec- tions the others followed suit. There w^ere absolutely no 111 effects from the Injections. In America the oamipalgn has been purvued wl^h vigor. In New York half a millioit cblMreu have been tested Xhcee who were euBceptlble to the dis- ease have hee«i amA« immune. In the ta»t five years alone the death rate from dlpti:heiria ha* been faadved. In England the death nM« from diph- theria Is stil very higli, but the cfalld> ren of I-Iolbom. Brlj^Uon and' Birming- luun can be tewted free of charge. Other places will no doubt shortly fol- low BQit. • • • • M tdie beginning of 1926 there took place one of the most thrlUlnc races agailn-st ever known. From the wireless of Nome, a town in the wild« of North Amerloe, there flislied a terrible message. "Hie town wag stricken with d^therla. The nurses had sucoumbed. "Send us anti- toxin!" came the cry. But the anUtoxinâ€" Chat U, the fluid which Is Injected â€" was 600 miles away, and tlie oouiitry was in the grtiB of winter. A dog-team took the precious fluid to the first stage, where lit was hoped an aeroplane would be waiting. But an eighty-mile-an-hour Iklizzard was blowing, and flying was lmpae>' sible. Although there were 92 degrees of froet, a relief team of does' set out. The driver missed the teson that i-hould have reiUeved him and he brave- ly decided to go on alione. In the bllz- xard he became aJmosit blind. But the dogs pulled him to Nome, and the town vae saved. The ordinary time taken in good weather for the Journey is nine days. In the howling storm the man and his dogB covered the ddaitonce in five! â€" T.S.D. Fas, the anda&t city of the la one of the most beaittlfal cMlaa <tf Morocco and at all North AfMoa. There Is a great deal of wealth 1a Fes, aad j the palaces of viatera^ the mosques and I public buUdlngs with (Iveir laoeiike ; carving sod ouJored dies sfiarkle with the brilliancy of preclotis gems. Ths nHtrket-pla<%8 in the centre of the dty are wtvere silss (uid rugs aad jewels are bought and soid^ and the streets are narrow and crowded, the honees high on each side, making a tunnel of cool shadows. Away from the busier quarters the roads are wider and are ohaded with tretiiies bare in winter but covered in the Bum- mer and fall by the fruit aad toliaga of grape vines. m Does the Working Man Ontario Suffer Greatly from Sickness? If you ever thluk about the workinc man and the time be is away from his job what do you iinagine is the chief cause? Accidents? Well, accidents do occur, but in Ontario, they cause only slightly more than one day's ab- sence for each working man each year. Sickness? Yes, slcknese causes more absence â€" six times more â€" than aochlent» among the workers of On- tario. Six days per man per year Is the toll which sickness takes fi-om the industrial population of this Province, the money cost of which is paid out of the worker's family pocket book. Actual experience has sbown that one- half of Ontario's Ices under this head- ing is needless and absolutely pre- ventable. The factory and the home can share in the work of reducing this sickness bill. "Common colds" and "indiges- tion" are responsible for much of this absence from duty and consequent loss of pay. Certain iriauts in the Pro- vince have cut lost time due to sick- ness by one-halt through healtli super- vision. The wife can hold up her end of the good work by providing iu the home raealfi a diet that will give plenty of nourls'hment and be proof again£t indigestion. For the meals, which must be taken at the p-int, she may use a lunch box aud thermos bottle to advantage in sending appetizing, healthful food, Including one hot dish: soup, stew, creamed vegetable, cocoa, etc. The worker is his own best helper in protecting hiimself against colds â€" not a difficult matter if he (1) Keeps iu good health. (2) Eats "wisely but not too well" and avoide constipation. (3) Keepe away from people who have colds. (4) Gets suflioient i-est and takes daily exercise outdoors. LOR I DA At this tin« of the year w* Mn ••- tur* you of a wendorful tutlni on our Spoolol Club Rate round trl« tan-day tour, which laawet Toronto Union Station tho llrtt Monday In each month uo until ' May. Each tour la ooraonally conduototf j ky our Mr. Moottomery throuah tho | Mitot diatrlcti of tho itato centtrlnt on | CltruMnt. "Th< 8«ai of the Hllli." tho i Hunteinan'i and Flahornan'i Paradla-, : Our iJxth tour loavei Toronto Union Sti. ; lion Monday. 3.2« Feb. lit. The total eoit. Inelttdlni overythlnq for tho ; round tri*. Ii |I3«.(0. TIcketi nod to return on any date uo to and tneludlni iuaa llth neol. Soeclal PuHman rooorv> od for doctoro and their wivet. For further Intornation ohane or mire at our oxixnie. or oall pertonally at Montgomery & Co. 41A King St. E. ToiH)nto Swiss Colonization in Canada. The Swiss Settlement Society, which was formed tor tl^e purpose of estab- ItshLug Swiss immigrant farm help in Canada as settlers) on their own ac- count in settlements congenial to them, is sending out at present an in- teresting pamphlet and questionnaire to the Swiss working on the land. Tbe questions asked aim convpre- bensively at those points of the prob- lem which interest the prospective set- tler most and which will enable the Sodety to give him iuteUigent assist- ance in his quest. Pamphlet and Questionnaire can be obtained from Friti Beck, Secretary of the Society, U Bishop St., MontreaL Phone Adelaide 7MI. Cvonlaoa. Mr. Balee. Junction 45MM. TAYLOR- 'FORBES Quaint Calendars. TeMing the seasons in the ojden days was not Buch an unromantlc pro- cedure as it is to-day. We tick off the days and months with a blue pencil, but the ancients used to calculate by the moon. it ie said that Noah used the early Egyptian calendar of a- flve-month year, thirty days to the month, and each month three weeks of ten daya. Sticks, tied In bundles, was the tn- variable way of telling the day and season with the grea/ter part of the ancient world, and ev«i to-day come American Indians keep five bunldes of thirty sticks, pulling out one stick for each day. The last bundle Is repeated in each half year to level things up, and the middle bundle is split in two to Judge the approach of mid-summer or mid>-winter, as the case may be. In the South Sea Islands the "moon stick" is used to determine the sea- sons. A notch Is cut in the stick after each passing moon. Far-off Borneo usee a picturesque calendar consisting of various lengths of tattooed poles. The Dyaks have a custom whereby they tell the seaflon by the length of the sun's shadow. Calendar makers tour the country in the season of sowing and plant these colored poles on the various farmfi. By u system of queer calculation they ad- just these poles to a certain length shadow, and tell the native farmer that he has to cut his crop when the shadow reaches anotber length, mark- ed on the ground. Invariably this shadow marking proves remarkably accurate and succet~sful, and at the due time the calendar maker makes another tour of the farms to receive his payment of pert of the crop. Some Egyptologists ckiini that the famous Sphinx Is nothing more than an as^trouomical device for telling the seasons. The shadows cast by sun- rise and sunset were taken as the de- termining factor iu telling the three seasons of spring, summer an.i win- ter Jeweb. The silvery dewdrops that iu autumn light- I'r.on the moors, must -surel.v jewels be: I'\)r there they haug aid over hill and lea Strung on the threads the spiders weave so tight. â€" Translated from the Japiinese of .\sayaiu b.v Ba»il Hall Chamberlain. WMUMTfEl Tree Pruners For erery purpose In the orchard, cutting Umba up (o li Inchca Handles â€" 4t<>S,iasndMfsat OwdwctMHeilraalw MBl TAYLOR-FORBES COMTAMY. UMITBD OUELPH. ONT. Three Nibbles. When turned heavenward my feet Will long for earthly walks, for sweet i Are pinee and stones and suielie of ! root*! I And rotting sttuuips and oitrling shoots. ' Heavenwards 1 hope there'll be TlieRe three thin js to comfort me : i Wiuterberry leaves to nibble. ; Puckered eorre! and pine n«e<IIe | Tastfeg of the sea. ! â€" Dorothy Aldls. : Four Ytara' Start. Widltam has a brother- .'our y«ar« older than hlnmflf. One night hia mothet aald: "WilMam Dearre. you must go to bed now." He »akl, "Mother, I dont want to go to bed yet." Mother said, "Come now right away, you never have got as much sleep as your brother." William Dearre â€" "Of courae iK>t. mother, he waa bom four years before me." Mlnartfs Liniment for rrest-hltaa. Colds Are Not Necessary Evils Observance of One Funda- mental Rule of Health Pro- tects Against Them | Whether one catches cold' easily is largely a question of physical condi- tion. H the general viulity is low, resistance to disease is weak and at such a time a cold is easy to contract and difficult to check. Constipation is frequently the cause of such a state of h*'alth, with its atten- dant listlessness, biliousness, headaches and a general lack of vit.ility. Poisons from the waste matter that remains behind after improper, irregular bowel elimination are picked up by the bUwd and carried to every part of the body. They weaken your resistance to disease. 'Thousands of people who ha\-e suf- fered from self-poisoning in this way have found that NuM. the internal lubricant makes bowel elimination sure and easy. Nujol softens the waste matter and pprmits thorough and regular elimina- tion without overtaxing the intestinal muscles. NujtA can be taken for any length of time with no ill effects. It you Uke cold easily, ask >-our drumist for Nujol to-dajâ€" and remem- ber, took for the name "Nujol" in red on both bottle aad package. TU01IS.4KDS OF mum m i\o OTHER mmmi Baby's Own Tableta Are the Ideal Remedy for Babies and Young Children. Canadian mothers are noted for the care they give their UtUe onesâ€" the health of the baby Is moat jealously guarded and the mother la always on the lookout tor a remedy which la ef- flclent and at the same time absolutely safe. Tliousands of mothers have fouaid such a remedy in Baby's Own Tablets and many of them use notihinc else for the ajlanents of their little ones. Among them is Mra. Howard King of Truro, N.S., who aayg:â€" "I can strongly reconunend Baby's Own Tablets to mothers of young children as I know of nothing to equal tham for little ones." Baby's Own Tablets are soUd by UMdlcine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. WUMama' Medicine Co., BrockvUle, Ont. "is ^ood tea* TEa Qnd haxuuc uoU like joocd Power From Mountain Lake. A huge artlflclal lake la to be formed in the Ozark mountains to generate power for Kansas City. -^ « 15 to 30 drops of Seisel'a Syrup rsUevea all Iwma of indisestion and dyspcpaia. You'll iwav by it once you have tried it. Any dftia atora. Moderate Breeze. When tlie singing started, eyes Opened to slipping skies. Fierce down crooked air Flashed the lean Wind, bare Wet flanks gUtterlng; Plunged through a paper ring. Lank white-collared clown. Clapped on a paper crown. Orinned and began to sing. Sea-creatures fathoms down Groping, meandering. Heard not a thing. 0»-the seas rough shagreen Scrawled letters shine and eay This is the Wind's day! Whatever that may mean. Waves climb their own backs. Waves eat their o«ti wortls. Ships are playthings Wobbling like birds. The Wind run;? twenty miles. Turns in bis tracks. Smiles as a clown smiles. Strikes an attitude, singr â€" Sings ti!l all cracks! â€"Grace Hazard Conkling. in Ship's i..og and Oiher Poems." Puzzles for the Party. Q. â€" What hi»lorical character made beef-tea In large quantities? A.â€" Henry VIII., when- he dlasojved the Pops'B BulL Q. â€" What is' the difference between a oat and a comma? A.^ â€" A cat has Its claws at the end ot iba paw», a comma its pauses at the end of lt» clause. Q.â€" What made the oaktree limit? A.â€" A com. Q. â€" When can you comectly call a maa wooden ? A.â€" When be I V a great deal bored. Q. â€" Why is a nervouS' woman like a policeman 7 A.â€" Because her mini Is tilled with apprehensions. Q.â€" W'hBt lady la .-'.ways playing | tricks? I A.â€" Mischief. \ Q.â€" When have we all four hands? ' A.â€" When we double our flats. Q. â€" Why are horses unnecessary in the laleot Wight? I A.â€" Because the visitors prefer j Cowes to Ryde. j Q.â€" What is the difference between ; a hungry man and a glutton ? A.â€" One longs to eat. and the other eat» too long. Q.â€" When Is a lawyer like a boree? ' A. â€" When he draws a conveyance. I Q.â€" Which are the two hottest let- ! tera In the alphabet? Auâ€" K N. j Q. â€" When is one man two men? | A.â€" When he is a man beside him- self. Q.â€" What English river rune be- tween two seas? A.â€" The Thames, between Chelsea amd Battersea. Qâ€" When is a bill like a rifle? A.â€" When It is presented and dds- harged. Gaasifi«d Advertlsemenls BiKOUf OVXKa WBITS FOB CATIkl/Oaca •xt llj> gl SHd «nu Httttafd Orw Caa« .>u rn UUig WmL Tnrgaia WAISTED CIGAR STORE INDIAN Formerly used in front of Tobaeeonlal Store. Muat be In good condition. State price and where can be seen. H. WATKINS 73 W. Adelaide St. Toronto Queer Snake-Bite Cure. Fine dual found at tJie bottom at ants' nests and taken intemally was a popular cure for snake bite among the early Americaji Indians. Quari-e'.s would not last Ion? if thi wronc; were only on one side. WRll^ alw NIGHT 6- #' MORNING KEEP YOUH EYES CLBAN CLEAR AND HEALTH? taaBM».mu nm mm >ooK'Ms*uitca.ciiwMWBM FROST BITES Prevent complications by rubbing the affected parts with MInard's It draws out inflammation, soothes and heals. IF COUGHS AKD COLDS INTERFERE WITH BUSINESS ftop (Am wiih GR^YS SYRUP RED SPRUCE GUM Ii4 Vegctafrjf Prtparmtion tkatl \givit ^miek nmlta withoatl drngging the iyattm D WATSON ;â-  Blind cx-§o:d:ers who have been through St. Dunstan's are now work- ing as sales manager, corcespondence manager, chartered accountant, coal merchant, barrister, and hotel pro- prietor. MInard's Liniment for Grippe. BEFORE BUILDING The .MacL«an Builders' Guide contains 52 pages brimful of tielp- ful information on plajHiing. build- ing, financing, decorating, garden- ing and tumi-shing. Hundreds of Vital questions answered. Pro- fusely illue'trated. Send 20c tor a copy or $1.00 for two ye-ars' sub- Bcrlplion (8 i.-jsues). Questions answered. MacLean Building Re- ports. Ltd.. .â- i44 .\delaide St. West, Toronto. FOR GIRLS WHO WORK Lydia L Pinkbam's Vegetable Compoimd Is a Great Friend â€" It Stops Paia and Restores Health Toronto, Ontario. â€" "I work in a factory and I would have to get away from my work every time I was sick. The drag^ng-down pains and cramps were very bad, but my back was terrible. It hurt st) that I couldn't lie down with it. I heard some of the girls talking about Lydia E. PJnk- ham's Vegetable Compound, and they told me to try it. I have taken about a dozen bottles of it and it has done me a lot of good. I never have any gains or sore back now, and have not een off from work a day since I have taken it. I recommend the Vegeta- ble Compound when I have the op- portunity. "â€"Miss RoLix), 21 Howie Avenue. Toronto, Ontario. "The Advice of a Friend" Hanover, Ontario. â€" "I was terribly Fained and a few odd times I almost ainted. I used to do housework un- j til a few months ago and sometimes I had to leave my work and go to bed. I am now a mender in the Knitting- mill. I suffered five or six years from painful periods before I took Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound by the advice of a friend. I got re- lief almost immediately, and I tel) my friends what a good medicine it is. You may use this testimonial if vou like, if it will help others."â€" Miss J. Pearson, Victoria Street, Hanover, Ontario. c Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Headache Colds Neuralgia Lumbago Pain Toothache Neuritis Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART S^ "Bayer" package which contains proven directions. Handy "Bayer" boze* of 12 t«hl«>ts Alio bottles of 24 and 100 â€" Pruggists. AiplrfT I'- tt>« lr>* i«»rt ( rutKt^reJ la On>«d«) of B«7*r Mannftctsrv of Moixnifctlc- â- cMMtcr of Ssllc'Uculd (Acetyl Salicylic Add, "1. g. A."). WtllF It Is mil known tkat Aiplrln mfos Ba.Trr B«na(*ctnt«. to astdct tk» mMIe acaimt ImltatloiM. tb* Ttbleta 9t Bvcr Ctas^nj wUI ka >t>a>|Kd wltk tbeJr fnwnl trade aaark, tiN "Bajct Oiak" ALL OVER FACE Also on Shoulders. Lost a Lot of Sleep . Cuticura Healed. " Pimplee started breaking out all over my face and shoulders. They were hard and red and I lost • lot cf sleep OR account of the ir- ritation. The pimples on ir.y face •caled over *nd rr.y face was all diaRgured. " I used a let of different rem- ediee without success. I began using Cuticurm Soap and Ointment and tbey alTorded relief in about one month. I continued the trcM- ment and in alxjut three month* I was completely healed." t Signed) Mils Marie Rose Peters. Box 32, Tourville. L' Islet Co., Que. Keep your skin clear md your pores active by daily use of Cuti- cura Soap. Heal irritations and rashea with Cuticura Ointment. Ui>*l« tth Frm kr KjOL ^.iâ- lr..^ CanKltaB r^lHM â- ^tmhimm. t.M. Mrabral." Prin, Itaa* â- V CatKmra 5lMi>iBC Stick ZSc ISSL'E No. 4â€" "^

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