Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Jan 1926, p. 10

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I Wednesday, January 6, 1926 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE > "For Economical Transportation" New Lower Prices 1 Tht 5^CHEVR0LETi Pâ€" ] Effective Immediately following new lower prices will force on Chevrolet models )e m ^ • Amount of Reduction (Retail)' Touring $695 $4 1 .96 Roadster - $695 $41.96 Coupe $895 $53.50 Coach $895 $80.35 Sedan $985 $117.94 The Late Daviii Bristow Another pioneer of the west passed away on the evening of December 23 in the person of David Bristow, smed 6(1 yearx, on his farm at FVok Lulte, Aita. The late Mr. Bristow was born at Rob Koy in the County of Grey on .September 12, 1866. There he lived until the year I'JOO, when he moved with his family to u farm near Okofoks, Alta., where he farmed foi ten years. He then was in the posi' tion where he secured more lan<l in order to settle his family near him. He was one of the first to take land in the Frog Lake district, where he lived continuously until death came. He was a hard working man and en- countered the hardships usually met with in pioneering irt a new country. He had been very successful and had built up a beautiful home and home surroundings, of which he was always fond. His sons and daugh- ters, who are married, ar^ settled on farms of their own quite near the parental home. This was his ambi- I tion and just at the time when he j could take life easier apd enjoy the ' fruit of his labors, the dread disease of cancer of the liver set in. He was a faithful friend and neighbor and his death will be deeply mourned by all who knew him. ',1 Landau - $10.45 All Price* F.O.B. Oshawa. Taxes iind Freight Extra D. McTAVISH & SON FLESHERTON I I Injured at Sawing Bee Mrs. Blakely Suffered a Stroke at Toronto An accident occurrad Tuesday r.t the sawing bee at A. Muir's, Six Corners, that might have resulted more ser- iously for Mr. Jas. McMullen, son of Mr. and Mts. Wilson McMullen of « i .. u j j i,„.. in I has been confined to bed and her ill- Ceylon. In some way a stick, which | ^^^^ j^ ^^ ^^ regretted. Her many was being sawn, flew up and struck friends in Flosherton wish for In 1886 he was married to Annie ! Zeggil, who, with four sons and four daughters, survive to mourn the loss of a devoted husband and a loving father. The fons are David and Fred living on the hoinestcads close i by, Franks and James at home. The i daughters are Mrs. F. Bowtell, Mrs." 1 Wm. Jamieson, Mrs. A. E. Peterson I and Miss Nellie at home. One son, ' Dalton, was killed in action on Aug- I ust 9, 19lX in the world war. All j the family now living were able to be ; with the father almost constantly ' during the last weeks of his illness, I also a nephew, David T. Brown, of Rcgina, Sask., and Mr. and Mr;;. Geo. Bristow, of Strongfield, Sask., and a nephew, Jack Bristow, of Islay, Alta. Rev. W. Smith of Onion Lake, Sask. officiatsd at the burial and took for Baptist Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the Flesb- erton "Baptist church wag held on Thursday of last week when the gath- ering was a very representative one. Reports were received from the Church, Sunday school and Ladies Mission Circle. As the reports show the past year has been one of pro- gress all along the line. The ^otal receijjts fi'om all sources for the 12 months amounted to over $615.00 Every department showed a consider- able increase over the preceding year. This is maple evidence of the spirit of devotion and self-saerilice, which has been manifest in the majority of thj members. The church begins )lhe new year free from debt r.nd with a nice balani-e on hand. This speaks well for the future work of (he Baptists in Flesherton. During the afternoon hearty votes of thanks were passed to Mrs. D. Williams as the organist of the church, and to Mr. Gordon Warling, who has served very eflficiently as the church treasurer during the past year. Pastor A. J. Preston spoke of the good 'work done by the church clerk, Mr. W. Beaton.^ Mr. George Bcecroft was elected htmorary deacon. Mr. Levi Betts was elected, along with Mr. G. Warling and Mr. W. Bea- ton, to the Deacons' Board. Re- freshments were served by the ladies at the close of the business meeting. FREE , FREE Anyone wishing a genuine leather heedle-case containing 146 Gold headed English needles FREE Call At C. N. Richardson's DRUG STORE This offer is good only until January 28th id! Word was received here this week his text, 1st Corinthians: 15th chap, that Mrs. Thos. Blakely of Toronto He spoke in glowing terms of the had suffered a stroke recently. For work and character of the late Mr. the past seven weeks Mrs. BlaK^ily i Bristow and of the sure and comfort- ing hope of meeting again. People came from far and near to pay their in Flosherton Jimmie on the face with considerable j speedy recovery. force making a gash above his nose ; • which required two stitches tu close. ![(j||]t|g|-|gy Poultry SHOW Besides being of a painful nature j - it will lay the victim off work for a few days. \ First Hockey Game The first hockey game of the seas- on was played in the Flesherton rink on Wednesday evenig of last week with Markdale and Flesherton lost with the small score of 4-3. The game was not very fast after the first period when the boys tired easily through lack of practice, but never- theless some good hockey was given, i Akins in goal for Flesherton was a tower of strength and by his good work in goal kept the score down when the Markdale forwards had passed the defence. McTavish, R. Boyd and Watson scored the goals for Flesherton. The following is the line-up for Flesherton: Goal, Akins; Defence, H. Betts and K. Boyd; Centre, C. McTavish â-  R.W., R. Boyd; L.W., M. Watson; spare, G. A. McTavi.-h. Special Prices In Foot Wear for January LADIES' OXFORDS AND STRAPS, latest styles $3.25 LADIES' HIGH SHOES $2.49 CHILDREN'S SHOES. 5 to 7'/i $1J5' ODD LINES CHILDREN'S SHOES $1.40 CLEARING LADIES' HIGH SHOES, 2'/2, 3, 4 and iVi at 99c. A. E. HAW •GENERAL MERCHANT - CASH CREAM STATION Store closes every night except Wed. and Sat. during Jan. and Febu Small Advertisement: LOST OR STRAYED â-  LOST â€" Five dollars on Saturday j night in Flesherton. Finder please leave at this office. i GRAIN WANTED Being Held This Week Auction Sale OF VALUABLE FARM PROPER- TY IN THE TOWNSHIP OF OS- FREY IN THE COUNTY OF GREY. Officers LO.L. 244 There will be offered for sale by Public Auction on Saturday January U, 1926 atkhe hour of 3 o'clock in the afternoon at the Temperance House in the villi^ge of Feversham the fol- lowing property: . , „ The West Half of Lot. No. 15 in | di-esses so quietly." the Twelfth Concession of the Town- i »4rg. Next-door: "Oh, does he! ship of Oaprey in the County of Grey, containing by measurements fifty acres Ije the same more or less. There are Kpod farm buildings, and good water (in this property. Terms. lO'J of the purchase price to be paid down at the time of sale, for balance terms will be made known at time of sale. This property will be sold, subject to a reserved bid. For further par- ticulars apply to Malcolm McLean of the town of Collingwood in last respects to one they loved in life and honored in death, as a fellow worker in all good causes for the betterment of humanity. Far beyond the world of sorrow Fr.r beyond t'r.o world of caro, ! We shall meet our darling I The Kimberley poulti-y show is. In oui' Father's mansion fair; {being held on Wednesday and Thurs- 1 ^o ""t ask us if we miss him, !(!:iy of thi.i week with the amount of j Oh! There';-, such a vacant chair. I birds being shown about the same as 1 I last year. Messrs. S. E. DeCudmore 'tHos. W. Findlny and F. J. Thurston | ' of town are showing their birds and ' carried off their allotment of prizes. â€" - ^ 1 he annual election of ofricers of L. Mrs. Milson of Chatsworth is visit- j O.L. 214, Proton Station, was held on ing her brother, T. W. Findlay, and Tuesday evening, -necember 2!)th. ^yjfp j Past Master Sam Sherson was the in- . ] stalling oflFicer. The following oflfi- Mrs. Suburb: "Your husband always | cers were installed: ! P.M.â€" Wm. Nixon. » , You W.M.â€" Robt. Vause. n.M.â€" Geo. Ludlow. Chaplain â€" Percy While. Rec. Sec. â€" Ren Acheson. Fin. Sec. â€" Ernest Acheson. I Treas. â€" Sam Sherson. I D. of C. â€" Ernie Lyons. i 1st Lect. â€" Clarence Meddaugh. I 2nd Lect.â€" Harvey White. 1st Com. â€" Jas. Lockhart. I Com.â€" Ed. Brooks, F. Meddaugh, E. Hazard, C. Wyville. ought to hoar him when he loses his collar button!" FARM FOR SALE DIED GALLOWAYâ€" On Monday, Janu- ary 1, 102(5, at her late vosidenco, ir>7 Hazehvood Ave., Toronto, Mary Fran- 003 (Minnie LeGard) dearly beloved wife of Johii James Gallcway. Tlic funeral took place from the above address on Wednesday, Janu- ary Oth, at 2 p.m.. interment taking place at St. John's Cemetery, Norway. LOSTâ€" Horse blanket between H. Patton's, /ourth|line, and Ceylon on Wednesday, December Oth. Finder please leave at The Advance office. We are now in the market for hIV kinds of grain. Highest market prices paid. Phone 2 r 31. I â€"A. C. Muir, Ceylon. BOAR FOR SERVICE FARMS FOR SALE On the Toronto line, Provincial highway, one farm of 100 acres 2Vi acres of hardwood bush. Good buildings, watei- in barn and house. One and a half miles from Flesher- ton. near to sehool. Lots 106 â€" 164. separately if required. _. „ ^ the, Will be sold County of Simcoe, Solicitor for the Must be sold, an I am giving up farm Vendor. ing. â€" Robt. Best, Proton, P. O Findlay s Commnnity Talk We wish at this time to express our appreciation of the confidence you have placed in us by the business you left with us during the last year, and more espec- ially during the last six months, Business being away above our expectations, and we would like to say that we are glad to live and do business in Fleslierton. It is where you and 1 have our homes. Hence yok and we are interested in Flesherton. We are interested in its growth and prosperity. You and we share it's ups and downs. All of you have made it what it is, and we ajl hope to make it better and better as time goes on. The best towh is the town that has the best people. Let us do our best to be the best and make Flesherton the best. We can honestly assure you our main effort and ideal of business is to give you the best •ervicc with best goods at best prices possible. Our motto at all times is SERVICE. THOS W. FINDLAY Phone 34 r 3. Furniture and Funeral Director. FLESHERTON THE OFFICE DOG The shades of night were falling fast. When for a kiss we asked her, ! She must have answered 'y^s' because j The shades came down still faster. The weaker sex is that portion of the human race which goes down town in zero weather in a half-nnasted lace waist and pumps to buy a muffler and woollen socks for her huaband so he can go to work. There are some folks in this world who do not read the Bible because they did not write it. It's just mighty hard to tell, asserts a Flesherton man which upsets a town quicker, a good looking woman or a homely rich old batchelor. A jazz band, declares a Flesherton musician is a group of people paid to play static. A little boy of town Vras on his [little knees in his little nigfct-dress i saying his little prayers and his little ' sister could not resist the little temp- , Ution to tickle the little soles of his little feet. He stood it as long as ,he could and then said: "Pleaae, God, , excuse me while I knock tl» stuflTing . out of Nellie." I good as new. â€" S. Semple, Flosherton. Imy FOR SALE â€" Bpzz Saw and belt for sale, 36 inch saw and a new frame. â€" Ed. Best, Flesherton. What Dalr}Tiicn Are Looking For. Dairy farmers producing milk for i'^^'s dog will be gratefully received. ^o city trade depend largely on tUe Usaac Smith, Rock Mills, half and half type of farmer-breeder i for their supply of cows. These spe- 1 â€" = clallsts In milk production are the wideawake business type of uieo. They know feeds, cows and markets. When they go out to buy more cows up and down the country side roads, tbls Is what tliey look for: â€" Cows with dairy temperament, feed capac- ity, well developed milk organs, con- stitution, vigor, freedom from tuUer- ctUosls, mastitis and abortion. Dairy temperament is Indicated by a wedge-shaped conformation, free- dom from marked coarseness, alert- I neas, activity and bright eye. Feed capacity is indicated by a long deep roomy middle, broad muzsle, strong Jaw, and well-developed sali- vary glands. Well-developed milk organs are indicated by an udder of good slse and quality, well attached forward and high up between the thighs, large well-placed teats, and large veins running forward on the abdomen. Conitltutloa and vigor are Indicat- ed by a good heart girth and a good width through the region of the heart, a healthy coodlUon of the skin and hair. Freedom from disease is best in- dicated by the application of the tuberculin teat and also the contag- ious abortion agglutination test. â€" Is. Stevenson, Dept. of Extension, O. A. College. FOR SALEâ€" Second hand steel | No. 92-77530. Also a young York. range with warming closet and reser- shire pig, both bacon type for service voir. One heating stove almost new. on lot 176, N.W. T. & S.R., Two snaps, Apply_ Mrs. Vandusen. ! Terms |1.00. 'FOR^SALE-Hayl^sale at the' _ ~'^' '' ^"^^^ON. barn on my farm, also oats at the, warehouse in Flesherton. â€" F. G; ; Karstedt, Flesherton. I T â-  , On the Toronto Line Promneial LOST â€" Black and tan hound lost i highway. Three farms, two of 100 north west of Eugenia <m Thursday, ' acres and one of 60 acres all cleared. December 17th, blind in one eye. Any First class btnldings. up to date ir particulars as to the whereabouts of every particular. Wii; sell an.v cna ; cf these. Good brick house on on > v. ithe farms. The stabling for ann;- {"'als is perfect. One f-urir has tea 1 acres hardwood bush and anotltw F O R S A L E : nundred has three acres of acres of timbw FOR sale:â€" 3 grade cows, fresh.l""*^ ^*' buildinngs for everythin« â€"Edgar Linton, Eugenia. Phone. ; "f«<J«l- iaeluding poultry house antf _ 1 pig pens. Mo broken land and elj?- FOR SALEâ€" Fur coat, Buffalo robe,) <** weeds. Any person interetaad set light sleighs, all practically as â- '"'"'d investigate. -t. J. STINSON. Proton Statioa P.a BUSINESS CARDS FOR SALEâ€" J'air of ladies' skat- ing boots and skates, size 6%. â€" Mrs. D.- Williams, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Bell organ in first class condition; price reasonable. â€" T. J. Stinson, Proton Station P.O. Dr. E. C. Murray. L.D.S., dental surgeon, honor graduate of T4»ont* and Royal College of Dental Sarcaona of OnUrio. Gas administered fov teeth extraction. Office at resideuea Toronto Stret, Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" Hand or power cutt-l ^'- â- *- TBmbnll, BJL, MA, gtu§. ing box for sale, also a quantity of,'**** from the Faculty of „,^ good seed oats.â€" Walter Akitt, Rock WilTW«hy of Toronto, "fflri Ihfc Mills. niam Block. Flesherton. PIwkm U. Dairy Notes. Raw milk as delivered to dairies ia not likely to remain sweet longer than II to 24 hours, whereas when pasteurised and cooled It will be good and sweet for two or three days. This is a decided advantage for the milk •A dealer and .also for the housewife. who Is frequently troubled with sour milk when the prcduee la handled in • mw oonditlon. â- oneaty Paya. TiM DUA who aspires to the accom- Pllaharat of things worth while in the remn of pedigreed lire stock, must raulM that his Integrity as a breeder wtll be one of his greatest aaaete, and he must guard It. as he would Ma atocks, from foul admix- tures. Am his herds and ttocks in- crease and his business expands, bo muat make certain that, at the same time, there crows up a reputation lur absolute honesty and fair deaimg. Only by the help of iheae essenua.n can he expect his business to tndure and yield to hint satisfaci'.i lUiu profits. ilJi.. â- Â»Â«iri» FOR SALE â€" Electric washinc machine "Time Saver". Beatty Bros., cheap, used 6 months; re,ason for sell- ing it is too small for hoteL â€" G. B. Welton, Flesherton. M 1 8 C E L L ANBO U S NOTICE â€" Chopping done Tuesday. Tliursday and Saturday.- â€" Graham Bros., Eugenia. Wnee Arthur Lodfc. SSS. A.F. * A.M., meeU in the Masonic hali Am> strong Block. Flesherton. every FH- day on or before the full moon. T.W. â-  Phillips. W.M; P. J. Thurston, Sec C. C. Middlebro. Barrister solkdtorr etc. of Durham. Will be in Flesheiw ton every Friday from 4.80 p... t» 8.45 p.m. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS FOR SALE Can be seen at the Sinclair resid- ence. Key and particulars from â€" â€" S. E. DeCUDMORE. Flesherton FARM FOR SALE Lneaa A Henry, Barristei*. SeltaK. m. etc._L R Lucas. K.C. ; W. Qt Henry. B.A. Offices, Markdale Block. Phone 2. Branch Dundalk and Durham. •t Telford A Bimie. Barristen. «•«. citors, etc, Oflkesâ€" Orey and Bk>ck, Owen Sound; SUndaH Block, Flesherton. (Saturday*). P. Telford Jr, J. F. P. Bimie. On Provincial Highway, between Dundalk and Flesherton, lots IflO, 181 and 182, Ist Con. W.T. A S.R., 150 Wm. Kaitting, Licensed acres; cleared and well fenced; solid for the counties of Grey and brick house 2 fine bams, excellent Farm and stock sales a water supply at house and bam.' Terms moderate., satisfaction Can be purchased at a fair price, j anteed. Arrangements te small cash payment with very low may be made at the Advance interest for balance. Call or see Central telephone oOee, S. E. deCurmore, phone S4 â€" 4 vt hf iililrnslin ow nt itetM 'ms*»

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