®[)je /toljttt^tt airtwmc^* Vol 45 No.29 Flesherton. Ontario December 30 1925 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors EUGENIA ^^ We were quite pleased with the novel dress of the Christmas number of the Advance. It was quite attrac- tive indeed. Much credit is due Ye Editor and staff for this -'get up," Nvhich we should put by as a treasr ure. Miss A. C. McQueen is spending her vacation at her home in Owen "Sound. Mr. Chas. Park of Detroit spent Christmas at home here, returning to his duties again Sati\\-day. Mr. and Mrs. C. Graham, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Magee, spent the ,25th with Mr. and Mrs. John Camp- 'bell. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin, and thildren, spent Christmas with Mr. 'and Mrs. T. Lever, Flesherton. ' Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Pedlar, spent •the week end with friemls in Meaford. , Miss Laura Fawcett has returned Jiome after spending some time with Airs. O. Irwin Kimberley. Miss Mary McKee of Toronto, is 1^ ^spending the holidays with her par- . L»-^uts and sister here. / Miss Millie McMullen, teacher at i )ronto, is holidaying with her moth- e. here. Mr. John BullLvan is recovering gveatly. He is now able to be around ' down as usual again. ^' 'Ir. Russell McMullen, spent Christ f'Qfts- in Owen Sound, with friends \there. -. We are srory to report that Mrs. ' f ark is not recovering very fast fr»m I er illness. She at times feels quite : well, and then suddenly takes worse ^again. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Campbell and qliildren, accompanied by Mi". Cal- vin fioyce and family spent Christ- ir.as.with relatives on the 4tth line. Mr. Will Saigein of Collingwood is on an extended visit with friends rare. Mrs. -Rebecca Purdy and son Rus- .-^el of Stone's Line, spent the holi- 'â- Jay with Mr. A. F. Pedlar, and fam- Mr. and Mrs"" Luther Duckett and children of Ceylon, visited relatives t°re on Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Falconer and bi'ie, and Mrs. Falconer's sister, Mrs. Groenway, spent the holiday with Mi'. Will Magee and family, 8th Lire. â- « • School meeting this Wednesday. ,'Mr. Jake Sloan is spending the h« Hdays with his parents here. Mr. Will Cooey of Toronto, is v'siting relatives here . Ciristmas. They were certainly Yo Editor and son for their gener- oui! ti'eat of Maraschino Cherries for >Vour correspondent heartily thanks delicious. ' Ml". Jacob Williams is spending the holiday with his family in Toron- to. The Old Year's almost gone, ' The glad New ear is Near. So here's to wish you through it â€" Prosperous days and all) good cheer-' Jliss Viola Williams and brother i'vnie of Toronto, are ' holidaying vCith their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Villiams. ' Mr. Gerald Large, and brother F^ed, of Niagara Falls are visitors wiih their grandparents at the Eugen ia. House. ^ LADY BANK A happy New Year to all. We have had some real zero weath- er lately. A most enjoyable evening was had at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tyler, on Monday night last, when a large number of friends and neigh- bors gathered at the home of Mr. and M/s. Torrence Williams, nee Florence Tyler. The young couple received many usefuf and dainty gifts, accompanied by the good wishes of all for a long journey and a happy one, through life. Miss Adell Roberts spent the Xmas holiday at her parental home here, returning to West Toronto, jlonday. Mr. and Mrs. John Ottewell spent the Christmas holiday with Mr. and Mi"s. Philip Ottewell eighth line, Os- prey. Mr. Leslie McMullen of East Mt. visited his parental home here on Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Sutton spent the holiday with the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Semple and fam- ily. Mr. Alex. Max^vell and family spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Harbottle, Lady Bank. ' Mr. W. A. Armstrong has moved ciis camp, and camping from Mr|. Jno. Ottewell's swamp, 'to the beauti- ful pines, owned by Mr. Wm. Hendry of Osprey tp. Some mover is Mr. Armstrong; the early bird catches the worm. The Young People's Union of Pro- \idence church, are holding a social evening on New Year's night in the form of a box social. A pro- gAmnie is being prepared by the Young People, consisting of songs dialogues'and recitations. A free will offering will be taken at the door. VICTORIA CORNERS We wish, the editor and staff, a bright and prosperous Now Year Mrs. Newt Bannon and children spent Christmas with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Geortrc Acheson of Bethel. Mr. Will Laidlaw, and Mr and Miss Lea Gracey of Shelburne, spent Christmas with M.r James Laidlaw. Miss Edith StinSbn of Woodstock, Mr. Mel Hawes of Ayr, and Mr Ernie Stinson ^of Pontine, spent Christmas at A. Stinson's. Earnie re- turned to Pcntiac on Saturday, Miss Edith accompanying him. Miss Rosella Stevens spent Christ- mas holidays under the parental roof. "ONWARD" NEWS EAST MOUNTAIN Every reader of the Advance, ap- preciated the issue sent out last week. Miss Press has returned to her .home in Meaford after two weeks Juration with Mrs. C. H. Fawcett. •,Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McMullen and fjmily spent Christmas with Mr. and jtfvs. Andrew Fawcett at Kimberley. Mrs. C. Thompson is attending the Licdside of her sister Pearle Allen, Ci Union, who is under the doctor's c« e at present, but we hope for a sy edy recovery. • Mr. and Mrs. J. Burrell and child- rei of Kimberley visited Wednesday ISet with Mr. and Aks. S. Smart. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harbottle and children of Duncan spent Christmas wch Mr. and Mrs. George Harbottle. •; Mrs. . Fawcett is Visi^ng this â- WCtvk with her son James of Egypt. CARD OF THANKS Make your New Year's Resolutions now, and hold to them for a least a month or two anyway. Mr. and Mrs. D. McKinnon, also Mrs. A .Currie spent Christmas with the latter's parents at Mount Forest. Mr. and Mrs. John Williamson, and family spent Christmas with Mi"S. J Hardy at Swinton Park i The O D. R. school concert was all that could be expected, and a little ' more. The lengthy but highly enter- taining programme was enjoyed and continuously applauded by the aud- ience. McMillan Bros, and A. Mc- Innis' orchestra were in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. J. Storey and family of Toronto, also other South Line friends, spent Christmas at Jas. Tur- ner's. Mr. Hugh Watters and family, spent Christmas at J. McKechnie's. Misses Emma Oliver and Mabelle Parslow, also Alfred Hincks of Tor- onto Normal, are spending the Yule- tide holidays at their parental domi- ciles. "Onwai-d" U. F Y. P. O went down to defeat recently in the first debate of the league series to the "Su!)erior" club of Bunessan. .Although the affirmative wa.s strongly upheld by the Onwards Miss Kate McMillan and Mr. Elfonl Watters. the judge deemed their defense a trifle weak for the opposing- '-Superiors"', giving them thp deci.-iionVy a slight margin. The s'ubject of the debate w^as. "Resolved that township school boards would be better than the present system of school trustees." Negative Debaters PRICEVILLE The Christmas holidays brought a large number of visitors to the diff- erent homes. When we 'think of the home councils of loved ones and tiie friends at this festive season we naturally think of the joy and hap- piness and this exists in most of the homes, but in some there is also much sickness and death. Just this morning we learn that Mrs. John Burnett of the South Line, Artemesia has passed away after a long suffei" ing from illness. The funeral will be on Thursday to McKechnie's ceme- tery. Next week we will extend our sympathy to the sorrowing husband and family. Mr. John McKinnon of Egremont son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Donald McKinnon, died on Thursday of last week after a few days nines'? with pneumonia at the age of twenty-seven years. He leaves to mourn his death a brother Donald, and a sister Mrs. Colin Kennedy of Durham. The fu neral took place on Saturday to the Piiceville cemetery. Rev. Mr. Suth- erland conducting the funeral service. Mr. D. G. McLean has been confined to his bed for the last week, suffer- ing from an attack of sciatica and a very severe cold. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Watson, and fam- ily of Durham, and nephew Mr. Petty of Sask. spent Christmas at the home of W. G. Watson. Mr. Blake and daughter of Hamil- ton were Christmas visitors with their son and brother, D. W. Blake. Mr. G. W. Tryon and daughter Margaret are spending the holidays in Detroit with other members of the family. Mr. Alex. McDonald and two child- ren of Sask., are visiting his broth- er Chas. at Sackett's Corner' and oth- er relations, and will remain east fop three months. It is fourteen years since Alex went west and while he has prospered in that country, he also has h'ad great misfortune in the loss of his wife a few years ago. Miss Emma McEachern of Sask., is visiting at the old home,"S3iith Line, Glenelg, after several years absence. The following were visitors at the respective home.-; from Toronto dur- ing the holiday and week end: Miss. Sadie and Mary McKinnon, Ethel Watson^ Olive McLean, Flo. McLean, Dorothy and Mary Carson, Katie .McTaggart, Phoebe Livingstone, D. McPhail, Esther Mclnis Mr. Alex McLean and Mr. Neil Shortreed. Teachers home for the holidays are Misses .\nna McLean, Denelda Nichol Willa, Islay, and Gertie McCuaig, Violet Watson, Louise Watson. Mr. Jas. McLeod of Tilbury, and sister. Miss Anna Bell McLeod, R.N., are visiting their father Mr. A. D. McLeod. Mr. Colin D. McMillan of Portage le-prarie, is visiting at his home on the South Line at Mr. D. N. Mc- Millan's. Mr. Arthur Burnett, Mr. and Mi"s. E. Lane (neo Mable Burnett) of Bas- ainio, .A.Ita, arrived home a few days ago, just in time to see their mother before she passed away. Mr. Bert Patton of Toronto, and Miss Marguerite Hutton of Toronto, spent Christmas at the Misses Wright. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bowes and family of Markdale, spent Christmas with the Misses James. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Williams and family of Dromore, were at Mr. W. W. Ramage's on Christmas. Mrs. Saulter of Shelburne is spend- ing a fe\^ days here. Rev. and Mrs. S. G. McCormick spent a few days at Mitchell. MV. and Mrs. F. G. Karstedt. and Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Karstedt spent Christmas in Flesherton. Mrs. McPhain, and son Charlie, of Hamilton are visiting the former's sister Mrs. J McMeekin. Ml'. H. B. McLean came nearly loosing a team of horses on Mon- day. In attempting to cross the Saugeen on his farm for a load of wood, the hotses broke through into five feet of water. They were in the water over half an hour before help jrot to the i>cenc and rescued them. KIMBERLEY VANDELEUR Mi"s. Ed. Be.«t wishes to publicly ^^\iend her thanks to the unknown / end who so generously left a i Uris^mas gift in th« Standard Bank j.ir her. nn Ti- n- • J â- %! T, -n 1'Neodclesa to say they were a mighty wei"e Miss. W . Bmn-e and Mr. P. Mc- , , , . ; -m. s. . Millan. We wish '"Surerior" and ako ! ^^'t'^^''^^' ""^ >t took som,^ strenuous Springhill, U. F. Y. P. O.'s a j)ros- '"^'""K *« ^'"P "'*^ shivering. U. F .perons year in 1926 1 .\dvertise in The .\dvance (Intended for last -vireck) " Miss Margaret Tryon teacher of If our neiglilwrs had as few f.i"jlts Toronto, is home for the holidays. a.« our.^ehes, what a pleasant world '^'"s. R. Mecchan and children of this would be to live 5n. this placc", sj>€nt a few days in Tor- Rev. Mr. Ellison, and Master Joe are spending the Christmas holidays in Toronto with friends. Mr. J. Taylor and Mr. Stan Law- rence of Mitchell are witth Mts. Law- rence for Christmas. Mrs. Geo. Hutchinson, and Miss Mary Stafford are visiting Mrs. Smith of Detroit, also other friends. Mr. Will Hammond and Master Paul of Toronto, visited a few days the guests of Mrs. R. E. Hammond. We are very sorry to report the loss of Mervyn and Russell Hammond they having gone to Toronto to join their mother and sisters there. The Christmas U"ee was a success. Santa and his helpers giving every child a present, as well as oranges and candies. Special mention should be made of the frog drill by the tots and scarf drill by the older girls. .. Those home for the holidays are: Mr. J. L. Hammond of Meaford, -'Miss Dell .â- \bercrombie, AUlendale; M'iss Lena Hutchinson, Miss Lilian Aber- crombie. Misses Denelda Stuart, Al- meda Weber, Roda Saul_ Meaford H. S. Mrs. Ernie Morwood, Aurora; and Miss Elvie Bishop. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis, Mr. and Mrs. D. Graham and children, and Miss Edna Burritt, spent Christmas with their parents here. Mrs. Geo. Proctor and Miss Marj- ory are in Toronto for a week or two. Mr. and Mrs. C. Risk and babe, are with Mr. and Mrs. H. Hutchinson. A sleigh load of nineteen young people were the guests to a sleiging and skating party to Flesherton of Mr. Burton Carruthers. All enjoy- ed the good time very much. Mrs. .McMullen and Miss Milly wcre the guests of Mrs. J. A. Stuart for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hutchinson spent Christmas v.ith Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McConnell. ^ Miss Pet#r;? has gone -to her home in Weston for the holidays. Mr: Ross Ellis and Ml". Weber have returned from the West. Ml". Ed. Ba .._â- visited Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Burritt. Wo are sorry to report Mrs. Fer- guson on the sick list. Her daughter Mrs. Otto Baker, spent a few days with her. Miss Viola Fawcett of Colling- wood G. and M. had two days holi- days at her home here recently. • Miss Leona Wjber, Owen Sound N.B.C. is home for a short holiday. Mr. Wm. Stafford is visiting \vith Mrs. Ed. Baker, also Mr. Plewis is home for a time. The W. I. meet? at the home of Mrs. S. S. Burritt cri Thursday. Pro- gramme, roll call, a New Y'ear's res- olution, a talk on young people's work by Mr. Victor Ellis and a report of the convention by ?l!ss Mary Haimes. Wishing all the .Advance Staff and readers a Happy New Yeaj". Nominations and elections of the villa.ge trustees in community hall resulted in Messrs. J. R. Fawcett. S. S. Burritt, and n. L. Weber being elected. onto last week. Mrs. H. R. McLean and Miss Mar- ie McLachlan visited with Mrs. Dr. Brown of Markdale for a few days. Mrs. A. B. McDonald spent a few- days with Owen Sound friends last week. Mr. Gordon McLean of Toronto is spending the h.olidays at his home here. Miss B. Jelly attended the funeral of her grandfather at Shelburne on Saturday. M^-s. W. McLean Returned home after spending a week at Victoria Harbor. Miss .A. D. McLeod, R. N., came home on Monday 1 1 spend the holi- days with her father Mr. .V. D. Mc- | Lcod. but was called to a case on ; Tuesday, and cons'dered duty before , pleasure i Mr J. McGiliiviay shl|»pcd ten i foxes to Wisconsin, and t ^vo to B. C. ! I last week. I Quite a number «fii M hero attended , the .school concert at the O. D. R. ' Monday night, while others w^cnt to ! Ceylon school concert. Both concerts i are reporteH to have b' in good and I had full houses and txcellei-t pro- [ gmmmes. We wi-;h the editor, s^aii and read- f.-s, a Jlerry Christmas a"id a happy ^ Year. Miss Doris Mc-Gee spent a few weeks with friends at Eugenia. Miss Florence Davis is home after spending some time with her si.stei" Mi-9. Cochrane of Colbourne. .Mi.s.s Jean Wright of Toronto is spending the holidays with the par- ents Mr. and Mrs. George Wright. Mr. t^'ill Hutchinson had a very successful .<ale on Thursday afternoon December 17th. Mr. Hutchinson is giving up farming and has left for Toronto He will be much missed here. .Mr T. S. Cooper of .Alarkdale, gave a splendid lot of moving pictures 3!^ the Young People's meeting on Fri- day evening. December 18th. Miss Martin of Kitchener, is visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Buchan- an and family. The teachers and pupils of the 'Vandeleur Public school, held a very successful Christmas tree entertain- ment in the school on Monday, even- ing December 21st. .A. good program! of recitations and choruses, ect, was' given by the children and. Santa! Claus unloaded the tree. The proceeds ; are in aid of the hot lunch fund.' Trustee Louis Teeter occsupied the chair. FEVERSHAM CONTIN. SCHOOL Results of Chri-tmas Test Examin- ations. Names ;.re in orer of merit... FORM 2 ^ NELLIE SHORTâ€" Zoology 70, Art 77, .-Arithmetic 70_ Latin 84, English '.'2. Per cent SO. RAY HENDERSONâ€" Zoology 84, Physiography 84, Art 72, .Arithmetic 78, Geometry, t)2, Latin 74, French 70^ English 78, per cent 70. CLARENCE FINDLAYâ€" Zoology 84, Physiography 80, .-Art 71, Arithme- tic 69, Gtiometery 77, Latin al' French t;2, English 80. Per cent 77. *Latin isj taken with Form 1. .MARGARET .^l.MPSONâ€" Zoology 67, Physiography 69, Art 61, Arith- metica 57, Geometrj- .">t>, Latin 69, French 77, English 85, per cent. 68. ANNIE THOMSONâ€" Zoology 73, Physiography 5', .Art 69, .-Arithme- tic 50, Ge'onietry, 62, Latin 60, French 56, English 79.. Per cent 63. FOR.M 1 -MARY KEITHâ€" Zoology 74, Geog- raphy 79, Canadian History 72, .Art 66, Algebra 95, Latin 83, French 79^ English 91, Per Cent 80. JEAN HEITMANâ€" Zoology 66, Geography 79, Canadian History, 85, .Art (59, -Algebra 59 Latin 76 French 77, English 90, per cent 75. VERNA HUDSONâ€" Zoology 64, Geography 79, Canadaian History 82, -Art, 53, .Algebra 96 Latin 74, French 81, English 61. Per cent. 74. MERVIN KENDALLâ€" ZooIogy,63, Geography 84, Canadian History 63, Art 71 _ -Algebra 53, Latin 56, French 57, English 75, per cent 65. EARL HEITMANâ€" Zoology 73, Geo graphy 78, Canadian Histoi->' 61, .Art 74, .Algebra 51, Latin 50, French 50^ English 63', Per cent 63. ROY THOMPSONâ€" Zoologj' 66 Geo graphy 72, Canadian History 74, Art 52 -Algebra 61, French 65, *English 50[ Per cent 60. .Attendance for December â€" 100 per cent. C. M. Rutledge. teacher BATES BURIAL CO. FUNERAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNERAL PARLORS 122-124 Avenue Road, TORONTO J. W. Bates. R, Maddocks. Radio and Supplies It's Radio Time Before you decide on a set be sure you hear Deforest & Crosley a well-known name on a superior article Many models to choose from. Come in and let us give you a demonstration. W. A. HAWKEN FLESHERTON HOUSiE OF QUALITY MAKE YOUR HENS I AY AV iWe have a good supply of laying mash. Beef Scrap, Oyster Shell. Green Field's Chanpion Tonic, always on hand. ^ Don't forget to come in and get some Oil Cake or Feeding Molasses for your stodc for this winter. Our prices are right. Stpre open every night until New Years. I W. J. STEWART 81 SONS Flour, Feed, Sj«v1», Crocei'fi and Confectionery Flesherton \