Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Dec 1925, p. 2

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- • Vol 45 No.29 Flesherton, Ontario December 23 1925 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors CEYLON PORTLAW Mrs. Wm. Weir and tjwo children; of Dinsmore Sask., visited Mrs. Geo. Arrrowsmith last week. ' Mr. Jack Gibson who has been sev- I era! months in California has re- 1 turned to his home here. Mrs. Archie Stewart is spending a couple of weeks with relatives in Tor ^ onto. j Mr. and Mis. Marshall spent a coup i le of days in Toronto last week. ' Ml);. G. W. Snyder (nee Georgina McLauchlan) of Toronto spent the ' â- week end with her father and bro- thers. , Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Griffin of Toronto, visited the former's sister Mrs. White the first of the week. ' The nanual school concert was held (|ii Monday night in the school with ; a lengthy program which was credit- ably given by pupils and others. Mr. [ Jas. L. McMuUen acted as chairman in his most congenial manner. Drills songs, recitation^, dialogues, duets, in- , strumental music by Messrs Donald; McLecfd, Wilson McMulleA, George Cairns and Mrs. Roy Piper, also Mr.' A. E. Haw on violin and A. Knox on' bones and mouth organ, each number! being heartily encored. Mr. Harvey Griffin, a former teacher, was callled; upon for a speech, which he gave in hisi most happy manner being once ', more delighted to be aWe to see j many faces of by gone days. After i the close of the programme Sanja Claus arrived in person of Mr. James Hales, and unloaded the tree, dis- tributing gifts to some child who was good, and also to some of the ^ old ones, after which the ^^ational An- tfiem was sung. The school -was racked to the doors, did we under- ste.i|l over forty dollars was taken in at the door. Much credit is due , Mrs. Seeley and pupils, and all who took part and made it such a success. The Ontario "Hydro-Electric Power Commission have closed their plant fcM five or six months, owing to an oversupply of water at their system Plants. Mr. M. Bowerman and D. Ellis are being transferred to Eugen- ia Falls temporarily. Mr. Wm. Ock ley, who was in charge of the pilant here, will remain and look after the Hydro's interests. â€" Mt. Forest Con-' federate. The public school concert held on Friday afternoon last was a very en- joyable affair, proving that the teach. er, Miss Clinton, had exercised a great deal of trouble and care in the train- ing of her pupils. Mr. Cecil Meldrum made a good chairman and introduced a very interesting and varied pro- gram, consisting of drills, choruses, dialogues, recitations, etc., all by the children. At the close Santa Claus distributed gifts' to all the pupils and also to some who were children some years ago. Mrs. W. G. Jamieson, who had suffered for considerable time with some trouble in her face, underwent a severe operation in Toronto hospit- al some week.s ago. Her friends are glad to know that she is in a fair way to complete recovery. Mr. John McNevin, who has been home from Collingwood hosiptal for some time, continues to improve. .Mrs. McKenzie visited with friends in Owen Sound for a few days re- cently. Mr. John Shiers lost his drivini; fiorse, a kicl< from another horse doing the deed. This is bad luck but John gets there all the same. EUGENIA EAST MOUNTAIN Merry Christmas to the editor and readers of the Advance. Mr. Thomas Mackenzie of Duncan is employed with Mr. E. Thompson at present. Mps. Gerald Smart of Duncan spent a day with his cousins in this com- munity. Some from here attended the shoot- ing match and party at the home of Mr. Clark Teed, also the shooting match on Monday at J. Rawling's on Wednesday. The concert was well attended on Thursday evening and a good pro- gram was provided. A few from here attended the sale of W. J. F. Hutchinson at Vandeleur on Thursday. ROCK MILLS VICTORIA CORNERS Mr. Thos. Bannon, who has been visiting a few days at Owen Sound and Flesherton has returned home. Milton Bannon attended the Fall Assizes at Owen Sound. He was on the jury. School closed on Friday for 1925, Miss Ludlow is leaving and the board of trusttes have engaged a Miss Rich- ardson from near Erin for the next -term. On Friday eve, a large number of iVe friends of Susan Ludlol.' and Frank Nicol met at the home of Mr. 'a. a. Stinson to bid farewell to the young couple who are to be married on Wed., Dec. 23rd, and intend, after a short honeymoon to go to Pontiac, where they will reside. During the evening a cabinet of stainless steel was presented to them and an appro- private address was read. Mrs. Anderson of Manitoba is visit- ing her brother Mrs. James Laidlaw. Our young ^peotple, are having very interesting meetings in the league on Wednesday evenings, and would be pleased to welcome even a larger crowd. Your correspondent wishes lib Advance staff and its many readers & very joyous Christmas. Goodly numbers were present at both Sunday school and church on Sunday afternoon. Pastor Preston delivered a good sermon. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bette and son, Norval, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hargrave. The Christmas tree entertainment is to be held this Tuesday night, Dec- ember 22nd, in the Rock Mills Baptist church. Jacky and Iva English and Lulu Russell were among the lucky ones to receive coupons in their bag of cand- ies and nuts given by Santa Claus in Flesherton on Saturday last and re- ceived special prizes. Miss Reta Monaghan is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Monaghan here. Miss Whittaker spent the week end at her home. Mr. Baker of the Bible School, Pro- ton, preached at Salem,church Sunday evening and gave a good message from St. Luke, chapter 2. Prospects look as if we will have plenty of snow for Christmas. We hope we have a better day tha.i last year. You';* correspondent wishes the Advance staff and its many readers a merry Christmas The hall was crowded at the school concert Monday evening. Pi'oceeds amounted to $2.5.75. Much credit is due Miss MacQueen for the way in which she had her pupils trained. The school choruses were good. The bell drill by the girls was very pretty while little Teddy Dixon and Herbie Fawcett rendered a sweet little duet.. Two fin# recitations were delivered by Irene Martin and Glad- ys Fawcett. Other recitations and dialogues completed the program. The dialogues. Mother Goose, and Christma.s Crazy Class, were very humorous. We congratulate the children in giving such a good en- tertainment. Mr. A. F. Pedlar ably filled the chair as chairman. The Chrtistmas tree was loaded down with presents from Santa Claus, who in his usual jovial manner, distribut- ed to the children. After his visit to Flesherton, San- ta Claus found his way north to Eu- genia Sunday evening and presetited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Duckett with an- other fine daughter. Congratulations. This makes girl No. four. The bazaar under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid, held on Saturday last proved a decided success. The amount realized from the affair over $75.00. Mr. Lewis Genoe is an expert guesser, he having guessed nearest the number of beans in a jar. He was just one out. Congratula- tions, Lewis. Mrs. Jos. Porteous, eigjith line, is on the sick list at pr^sent.but we hope to hear of her recovery soon. We are pleased to report Len Lat- imer able to be home from ColMng- wood hospital, and progressing nicely since her recent operation. Miss Viae. Park of Toronto is visiting at her parental home. Mr. John Williaims attended the U. F. 0. convention in Toronto. Councillor Carruthers did some road work on the eighth line last week and made a fine job. Mrs. Thos. McKee has returned home after three weeks visit in Tor- onto. Mr. Henry Tudor and family have moved to their residence in the vill- age. Mr. Thos. McKee spent a few days with his parents at Nottawasaga. PROTON STATION After a long .illness Mrs. Alexan- der Stewart passed awav on Thurs- day evening Deo. 17th. inst. The deceased, whose maiden name was Mary Ludlow was born in I^me U. S. A. seventy-two years ago.. Early in life she came with her parents the late ^fr. and Mrs. Wm. Ludlow, to Proton, where later she maiTied, and settled on a farm. For the past nine years, she and her hus- band have resided in tile village of Proton Station. Mrs. Stewart w«.s of a quiet retiring disposition and a kind friend to all who were priv- eleged to know her. She was a de- voted wife a^jd mother. Besides her sorrowing husband, two daughters are left to mourn her loss. Mrs. Wm. Reddick of Proton, and Mrs. Hugh Copeland of Bethel. One daughter, Mrs. S. Shearsun prede- ceased her about fourteen years ago. There also survives two sisters and one brother, Mrs. John Acheson, Mrs. George Blakely and Wm. H. Ludlow all of Proton. The funeral service on Saturday Was conducted by Rev. Mr. Pogson interment being made, in Dundalk cemetery. The pallbearers were six nephews, Wm, James and Walter .Acheson, Wilfred Gallagher, Ed. Stir- son and James Batchelor. Mr. James Shearson of Manitoba is visiting his mother and brothers here. Our teacher, MSss Froud, and her pupils gave an interesting little Christinas programme last Friday afternoon. Quite a number of the parents and friends in the section wore present to enjoy it. Trustee Blackburn occupied the chai^, and the gifts from a welljaden Christmas tree were impartially distributed am- ong the happy children. The writer had the privilege re- cently of calling on Mrs. George Bin- nie at St. Michaels' hospital Toronto^ who a few v.ceks ago was crushed under an automobile when ti-ansfer- ring from one street car, to another. Mrs. Binnie's many friends will be glad to hear tha: she is recovering. We wish I • Advance, its staff and readers, a Mtrry Christmas and a happy New Year. ROD AND GCN PRICEVILLE FEVERSHAM ) Advertise in The Advante SPRINGHILL U.F.Y.P.O. On Dec. 7th, a meeting was held at Springhill to organize a young peo- ple's association, consisting of Flesherton and Springhill young peo- ple. This club is going to take part in debates, public speaking, contests and domestics, with the other clubs of this district. A very fine and appropriate pro- gram was given by the young people of the club on Wednesday night last, and a large crowd was present and enjoyed the program. We sincerely hope that the com- munity will give their utmost assis- tance to help our club. E. H. BLACKBURN, Sec.-Treas. The Christmas number of Rod and Gun just issued seems to be just the thing for the re.«t periods during the Christmas holidays. X wealth of good reading for the healthy man living the outdoors is to be found in this issue. "^ | The stories and articles this month â-  are not merely seasonable but cover all .sporting activities and seasons. There are good hunting stories that are always good reading, while trout ' fishing in Nova Scotia is Bonnycastle Pale's thence and other fishing of all . kinds is touched on in G. P. SladenN Fishing Notes. A good article in the Guns and -Ammunition Depart- ment this month is Si^hiing the Hunting rifle by Major Townsend Whelen. The series of ai-ticles In the Big Woods of Caanda and freezes from the West, are retaining their ver- fine c'zzll'.y -nd Frise has another winner- in the Jaoiuary cartoon. (Continued from Last Week) The Unionist congregation has re- i decorated the Manse and the pastor, Re\. B. G. McCormack, is movincf in this week and will be settled for Christmas. ! Mrs. A. Carson visited frientls in Dundalk over the week end. Miss Dell Mclntyre of Dundalk visited over the week end with Mrs. , A. Hincks. Ml-. Bobs McKinnon of Toilonto spent the week end at W. A. Aid- corn's. Mrs. Wreford McLean is visiting' her parent.s in Victoria Harbor. BOUGHT KAR.VKULE U.\MS THE NATIVES COMEBACK .\ small trwn plumber in Maine, who had been called out to one of the palatial summer homes in the vicin- ity to repair a leak in the water pipe, entered the place and began to work. "Norah," said the woman of the house imperioiisly to her maid, "see that my jewel case is locked at once!" "George." said the plumber, re- moving his false ♦eeth in a signifi- cant manner and l: .nding them to his helper, "take these back to the shop! It seems this plac ain't safe."' ; Cov.ncillor W. J. Trathen of Cale- don, widely known as a successful btoi). breeder, has purchased two pu'.-frbred Karahule (Persian Lamb) I ramp from M'\ L. Chase of .Toronto. Cne of the pa;r is Teddy Iion;anofF, a six year olds ^aâ-  led at 52.000, and the other is Nicholaf. a three year old who was sold to Mr. Chaso for $300 as a year old. The two rams were bred by the Ea^t^n: Karakule Sheep Company of Nov;i Scotia, and are fromâ€" Mock in'Kuted from Bokhara in Russian Turkestan. Mr. Trathen las been bre-'lV.g Kara'ru'? sheep for three year^. He has several firebred ewe-; that he pw.ased in New Brunswick. These ava sired ':y tht import d lam. Pe*-er the Great. At the present tiine Mr. Tratli.?a has" a flock of 92 head of puiebredb and ci. s'ibrtds. â€" Oiv.itr '-ille Banner. BATES BURIAL CO. FUNERAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNERAL PARLORS 122-124 .\venue Road, TORONTO J. W. Bates. R. Maddocks. Over fifty new phones have been put into the Dundalk ceptral the past year. s Christmas Gifts BEAUTIFUL ALUMINUM TEAPOTS ROASTERS, CEREAL COOKERS Tuesday afterncon was a gala day in our schools. The kiddies and older pupils, one and all, enjoyed the hospi- tality of their teachers, Mr. Rutledge and Miss Ferris. S-.uita came and dis- tributed the candic?5 and other good things which decorated a fine Christ- mas tree. These kind of times are bright memories of our school days years ago and will be remembered by them all their lives. Mr. Morris Douglas of Weyburn, Sask., is visiting with his mother and brother. Mehnlle, here. Some years ago Morris left here to visit his sis- ter, Elsie, in the States, but two years ago w-ent back to Western Canada. Miss Elsie Ferris of Flesherton is visiting with her sister, Edna, our teacher here and other friends in this village. Miss May Whiteoak of Toronto is spending the holiday with her par- ents here. The young people of this locality held a dance in Conron's new house on Monday night and tripped the light fantastic toe until the wee .sma' hours and thoroughly enjoyed them- selves. School closed on Tuesday for the Christmas holidays and the teachers have gone to their homes, Flesherton and Shelburne respectively, for the holiday. Wishing ye editor and staff of The Advance a merry Christmas ^nd a happy and prosperous new year. Radio and Supplies It's Radio Time Before you decide on a set be sure you hear Deforest & Crosley a well-known name on a superior article Many models to choose from. Come in and let us give you a demonstration. W. A. HAWKEN FLESHERTON China and Art Pottery, service and beauty cbmbined; Vases. Jardinieres, Fruit Sets, Berr>- Bowls, Cups and Saucers, Jugs, cream and sugar sets, Sulb bowls, teapots, etc. Enamehvare. Electric Irons, C. C. M. Skates, Pucks, Hockey^ Sticks, and other useful and practical presents. Gifts of Utility. Cutlery, Knives, Razors, Scissors, etc. F. W. DUNCAN '- Hardware TORONTO LfNE, NORTH Mr. Wesley Ball of Detroit is vis- iting his wife and children at tke home of J. A. Lever. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Campbell of Ceylon, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burnett. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Woods and child, ren of Wodehouse v^.Mted at J. A. Lever's recently. Quite a number from this line attended the meeting of the U. F. Y. P. O. held at the Red School on Wed. last. All report an enjoyable time. What about you boys and girls who walked home through the storm ? It is best not to depend on the cars this wintry weather. MOUSE OF QUALITY MAKE YOUR HENS I AY jWe have^ good supply of laying mash. Beef Scrap, Oyster ShcU, Green Field's Champion Tcmic, always on hand. Don't forget to come in and get some Oil Cake or Feeding Molasses for your stock for this winter. _ : Jl Our prices arc right . ^ Store open every night until New Years. W. J. STEWART 81 SONS Flour, F««d, Scads, Creccrie* and ConfccUonary Flesherton

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