. *4 -•- * y â- â- « w The Phantom of the Opera BY GASTON LEROUX NURSES *'« Vrrk f:)|f (ffnt a (%*« yr"'*' CMI't* r «. 'f*« trfmjl.ati. sal tfottsji %l kM^wl*) t«*iiii ' "it'll hitp.t^i ftif MikfM tri« •lt*>* r* $#t-.tf«t. a ntiHiir •Uswinr* hpJ 1r4V«lli> • >»'iart t* mrt tiam M<^w Y*ik. lye fsrttear rUAI'l K \I.- (('ijiit'*.' ) I rep. c . ii. Ari<u:;il .M-j.-.viu: mui, i:i When Carloua had finished think- t-Jr^^ &„"::;, JJ^Wn^^'^h^rth? Inc ovor the thr».;.t contained jn the ,,,,„„ j^os nut KsiKiKy conir iinti; U-.o â- midil'.f of lh»^ first iici." strongj letter, rhe K<>t up- "We sha'.l iu>o," thf paid, addini; a few oaths in her native Spanish with â- very determined oir. ShQ co'.Ucted al'. her supporters, told them that she was thn-atened at that fveiiinR's performance with a plot orffiinizivi l>y ("hristine Paae an<l declared that they must p'.ay a triclc upon "that chit by (illinjf tho house with her, Carlottn's admirers. She had no lack of them, had she? She relied upon them to hold themselves prnared for any eventuality and to siloncf the adversarie:>, if, as she fear- ed, they created a disturbance. ^i Richard's private secretary called to ask after the diva's health and returned with the assurance that The firtt act pasted without inci- dtMt, which di<l not surprise' Carlotla's friends, because Martrnrita does not sin^r in thia net. As fcr the manaKCrs, they looked ut each other when the curtHtn fell. "Thit's one!" s;!iil Moncharmin. "It's not. a bad house," said Mon- charmin, "for 'a houEo with a curse on it.'" The slapc rang with gay song: "Ked or white liquor, Coarse or fine I Whiit can it matter. So wo have wine?" Students, citizens, soldiens, girls and . , ^matrons whirled light-heartedly be- . - , , , , , ; , â- sho was perfectly we. 1 and that, "were ! fore the inn with tha figure of Bac- ' """ panl«d under the weight she dying," she would sing that partlchus for a siRn Sicbel made her en- 1 '""tsstrophc. Richard's stifled of MargariU that evening. The seer©- trance. Christine Daae looked charm- "'"" *â- "-'' --"-" - '"'â€"-"-• tary urged her, in his chief's name, jng in her boy's clothes; and Car- to commit no imprudnnce, to Ktay at i Jotta's partisans expected to hear her home all day and to be careful of ! greeted with an ovation which would draft.s; and Car.otta cou.d not help, ^ have enlightened Ihcm as to the inten This o^trnordinary and inexplicab'e incident iillod them with a dr«;ad which was tin- mote mysterious inas- iirjvh as for .same litt'o while, they had fallen within ths tiirccl iuliueiice of the fc'ho.st. They had felt his breath. Morcharmin's hair ijtood on end. Richard wiped tht? ptriipiraiion from his forehead. What was going to happen? "Co-ack!" Their joint exciamation of horror WHS heard all over the hou.He. They felt that they were smarting under the ghost's attacks. !/eanin>r over the ledge of their box, they stared at Carlotta as though they did not rec- ognize her. Tliat infernal girl must have given the signal for some catas- trophe! The ghost had told them it would come. The hou.se had a curse upon it! Tile two managers gasped the weight of the voice was heard calling to Carlotta "Well, go on!" No, Carlotta did not go on ... . Bravely, heroically, she started afresh on the fatal line at the end of which I "No, rh* did not ask for him; a< wc tru»t her, w« took her word." I Raoul left the building s prey t» the gloomiest th<>ochts. His val«t found him in the morning sitting vu his bed. He had not an- dn-xsed and the cervant feared, at the sil^lit of hii fnc:, that eotae disaster h^d occurred. Raoul si-.atcbed his let- ters from the man's hands. He hnd recognized rhristire's paper and bnnd- writing. She saidi "Dear, â€" Go to tne masked b»Il at the Opera on the night after to-mor- row. At twelve o'clock he in the little ' room behind the chimney-plsrc of the big crush-room. Stand near the door of a private box nnd tunda. Don't men- tion this appolnt:i>erit to any one on earth. Wear a white domino and be carefully masked. As yon love noe, do not let youree'f be recognized. ; /'Christine." (To be continued.) Your Grocer Sells II SAUDA< GREEN TEA n nm% Have Ton tried it? The tinz ticH* flavored leaves and tips are sealed air-tigKt. Finer than anjr Japan or Gunpo^vder. Insist upon SALiADA. But nothing hap- 1 **>« ^°^<^ ]}^^ appeared ' An awful silence succeeded the up- after he had gone, comparing this un- 1 (Jon of her friend usual and unexpected advice with the ' pened threaus contained in the letter. I Qn the other hand, when Margarita ! i°^'^- Carlotta's voice alone once more 'twas five odcck when the^ postlcrossed the stage and sang the only | ""^f ^^"^ resounding house- brought a second anonymous letter in | two lines allotted her in tliis second the same hand as the first. It was'^ct: short and said simply: "You have a bad cold. If you are wise, you will see that it is madness to try to sing to-night." Carlotta sneered, shrugged her handsome shoulders and sane two or three notes to reassure herself. Her friends were faithful to their promise. They were all at the Opera that night, but looked round in vain for the fierce conspirators whom they were instructed to impress. The only unusual thing was the presence of M. Richard and M. Moncharmin in Box Five. Carlotta's friends thought that, perhaps, the managers had wind, on their side, of the proposed disturbance and that they had determined to be In the house, so as to slop it then and there : but this was unjustifiable sup- position, as the reader knows. M. Rich- ard and M. Moncharmin were think- ing of nothing but their ghost The Fonta, Faust's first appeal to the powers of darkness, when M. Firmin Richard, "No, my lord, not a lady am I, nor yet a /beauty. And do not need an arm to help me on my way," Carlotta was received with enthusi- astic applause. It was so unexpected that everybody IoqJ(ed at one another and asked what was happening. And this act also was finished without inci- dent. "I feel without alarm The audience also felt, but not without alarm. "I feel without alarm . . . "T feel without alarm â€" co-ack! With its melody entwined me â€" co-ack! And all my heart sub â€" co-ack!" The toad also had started afresh! The house broke into a wild tumult. The two managers collapsed in their chairs and dared not even turn »,4fci ffA/ - Then everybody said : "Of course, it] around; they had not the strength; will be during the next act." the ghost was chuckling behind their Some, who seemed to be better in- 1 backs! And, at last, they distinctly formed than the rest, declared that [ heard his voice in their right ears, the "row" would begin with the bal- 1 the impossible voice, the mouthless lad of the King of Thule and rushed voice, saying "Her singing will bring the chande- lier down!" With one accord, they raised their to the subscribers' entrance to warn Carlotta. The first thing the managers saw, on entering the box, was a box of ; eyes to the ceiling and uttered a ter sweets on the shelf of the ledge. Who rible cry. The chandelier, the im- had put it there? They asked the box- j niense mass of the chandelier was famous baritone, Carolus | keepers, but none of them knew. Then 1 slipping down, coming toward them, had hardly finished Doctor they went back to the shelf and, next 'at the call of that fiendish voice. Re- to the box of sweets, found an opera ! leased from its hook, it plunged from glass. They looked at each other, the ceiling and came smashing into who was sitting in the ghost's own j They had no inclination to laugh. All chair, the front chair on the right, that Mme. Giry had told them return- leaned over to his partner and asked him chafflngly: "Well, has the g-host whispered a word in your ear yet?" "Wait, don't be in such a hurry," ed to their memory . . and then and then . . they seemed to feel a curious sort of draft around them . . They sat down in silence. The scene represented Margarita's garden: "Gentle flow'rs in the dew. Be me.^.sag-es from mo . . ." the middle of the stalls, amid a thou- sand shouts of terror. INECTO RAPID The world'* best hair tint Will re- store my hair to its natural color in 16 minutes. email size, $3.30 by mall Double eize, $6.00 by mall The W. T. Pember Stores Limited 120 Yonge St. Toronto CHAPTER VII. THE LETTER. That tragic evening was bad for everybody. Carlotta fell ill. As for Christine Daae, she disappeared after the performance. A fortnight elapsed during which she was seen neither at As .'ihe .'â- ang these two first lines, 'the Opera nor outside, with her bunch of roses and lilacs in Raoul, of course, was the first to lier hand, Christine, raising her head s:iw the Vicomtc de Chagny in his box; and, from that moment, her be astonished at the prima donna's absence. He wrote to her at Mme Valerius' flat and received no reply, iitne begms themomttityou boardaSantaFe train for Califimiia •onyourway a suniKv; scenic wonderland- Fred Harvey dining service • another exdusive Santa FeDratuie Enjoy th0 out-of-doort tms wliitrr- take your i^unily a '^ 'W Caliibniialioidfates are reasonable Ala/ / $*ii4 jWN «Hr pktmtfMtnt a O. nKbriliion. Tr«». r»»». AK>nl V. T. Ilfnilry, <l«n«riil Asvnt tlnn'a F« Rjr. i»i Trii<i»|i'>rtnllon Bl<l(. voice s-?emed less sure, less crystal- Hi.s grief increased and he ended by I'lenr than usual. Something seemed ' being seriously alarmed at never see- to deaden and dull her singing. ing her name on the program. Faust Raoul, behind the curtain of his was played without her. bands that veiled his boyish tears. One afternoon he went to the man- thought only of the letter which he ager's office to ask the reason of received on his return to Paris, where i Christine's disappearance. He foiftid Christine, fleeing from Perros like a Uheni both looking extremely worried, tliief in the night, had arrived before! Their own friends did not recognize him: them: they had lost all their gaiety "My Dear little I'lnyfellow: and spirits. They were seen crossing "You must have the courage not to the stage with hanping heads, caro- see me again, not to speak to me' worn brow.s, pale cheeks, as though again. If you love me just a little, do ' Pursued by soinc abominable thought this for me, for me who will never for- or a prey to some persistent sport of get you, my dear Raoul. My life dc- fate. pends upon it. Your life depends upon ! The fall of the chandelier had In- K. jvolved them in no little responsibility; "Your Little Christine" I but It was difficult to make them Thunders of applause. Carlotta i'''^"'' «5f"* '^ '^Jjlj'l^.nlth'^ot^^^ made hjr entrance i in a verdict of accidental death, caused The Value of a Poor Memory. Do you beloos to that clacs of peo- ple who bare great difficulty in recall- ing the thtnge that have happened? With them, erenta and plans aeem to occupy no pewniuient itlace in tbeir minds. Such thine* fade away in tli« mist of the paat. Now, what la the ratue of •adx a memory? If there were a market place where such things were bougbt and sold, how much would one bid for a memory that did not worlcT Nevcrthelese, such a memory hae a value. For inatence, in dririne a car you set in a tight place, this non- functioning memory does not flaah be- fore your eyee al Uhe horrible auto- mobile accldento t ha t you have seen or reed about It kieepe the coast clear, and enables you to act collected- ly. Tlien, too, the embarrassing and unfortunate memoriea of the past are pretty much eliminated from youz, dally experiences. But. notwithstanding theae advant- ages, if there Is anyoa« who has trou- ble with en over-working memory, and could exchange H, you undoubtedly would be glad to make a deal with him. Sentence Scnnom. It la Alwaye Baleâ€" To irait a Uttl* k>ng«r before joa ci^e a stranger your oonlideace. â€"To refuse to repeat a alandcr whose tnithfolnea* yon are not sure of. â€"To be polite no matter how irritat- ing the other party may be. â€" To take the time that extra good work re<piiree. â€" To be the first to offer the apolo- giea. â€" To keep an open mind â€" you may even learn from a fool. â€" To go more than half way In patching up a quarrel. When hoarse use Minard's Lintmant. Always starch the corner of a sheet, tablficioth, or any linen article that you want to mark with indelibie Ink. Then the nib will not catch on the threads. QiQdren's Laughter. No plunging sea-birds swept the bay At evening when I croased the shore; The silver sickle o< the tide Soundlees gaUie^i his crescents wl(ft; About the rocks an austere stlUnesa lay. But In my ears a ligblaome sound Disturbed the peace, for on tiie sands, Wheire children in their games had chased Bsioh other, lUtie feet had tra/ced Their random scampering pattern on the ground. â€" David Cleghom Thomson. Optimism is a fine thing except when it takes the form that Provi- dence will cut the kindling for the wife. song : "Ah, the Joy of past compare The.se jewels bright to wear! . . . ." Thenceforth, certain of herself. and t< have remeded it in time. And I feel bound to say that MM. Richard and Moncharmin at this time appear- ed so changed, so absent-minded. certain of her friends in the house, mysterious, so incomprehensible that certain of her voice and her success, ' many of the subscribers thought that fearing nothing, Carlotta flung her- i some event even more horrible than self into her part without restraint of tbo all of the chandelier must have modesty. . . . She was no longer Mar- ] nflected their state of mind, garita, she was Carmen. She was I In their daily intercourse, they applauded all the more; and her debut I showed themselves very impatient, with Faust seemed about to bring her ; except with Mme. Giry, who had been a new success, when suddenly terrible thing happened. Carlotta croak<Kf like a toad : "Co-ack I" There was consternation on Car- lotta's face and consternation on the faces of all the audience. The two managers in their box could not sup a reinstated in her functions. And their reception of the Vicomte de Chagny, when he came to ask about Christine, was anything but cordial. They mere- ly to'.d him that she was taking a holiday, lie asked how lonif the holi- day was for, and they replied curtly that it wa.-? for an unlimited period. CAPES ARE OF OUTSTANDING IMPORTANCE. The cape theme is the dominant note in the collections of many of the smRrteat Paris designers. The slim lines of the frock pictured here add impetus to this vogue for capes. Bor- dered kasha fashions the straight frock with centre front closinjf be- neath a straight row of buttons. The sleeves are long and tight fitting. The waist-length cape is eflfectively lined with the bordered material, and fin- ished separately, being held to the dress with snap fasteners beneath the shaped collar. No, 1041 is in sizes 16, 18 and 20 years (34, 36 and 38 inches bust only). Size 18 years (36 bust) requires S% yards 36-inch, or 3Vi yards •' 0-inch for dress of plain ma- terial with 1 % yards additional for cape; or 3% yards 54-inch bordered material for dress as illustrated. Price 20 cent.s. Many styles of smart apparel may be found in our new Fashion Book. Our designers oViginate their patterns in the heart of the style centre.s, and ' their creations are those of tested popularity, brought within the means of the average woman. Price of the; book 10 cents the copy. I^OW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address plain- ly, giving number and size of such patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in â- tamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each -number, and address your order to Pattern Dept., Wilson Publishing Co., 78 West Ade- laide St., Toronto. Patterns sent by return mail. Wonderful Opportunity for Canadians! CANADIANS have now for tha first time a wonderful opportunity of becoming experts In one of the highest paid and rapidly growing occupations in Canada to-day, Mechanical Dentistry, tinder tho care- ful personal Instruction of Prof. J. P. Krltzer, CAnatla's most ingenious and original Mechanical Dentls't, you can IN A SHORT TIME BECOME AN EXPERT IN MECHANICAL DENTISTRY WE POSITIVELY GUARANTEE to make you competent in every branoli of the trade if you have only the desire and eagerness to learn. No age limit â€" no preliminary educational requirements are necessary. As iositrtiction ts entirely Individual you need not leave your present work, but can get the trainins^ our night courses. Write for further iDformation. and about our plan to EARN WHILE YOU LEARN. The Ontario College of Mechanical Dentistry 208 KING ST. W., COR. SIMCOE ST. TORONTO I p roes an exclamation of horror. Every! as Mile. Daae had reque8te<l leave of ' absence for reasons of health. "Then she is ill!" he cried. "What is the matter with her?" "Wo don't know." "Didn't you send the doctor of the Opeia t« SOI' her?" »•-» D'trl!. MIrli.. PHon* Mala «I«T ISSUE No BOâ€" 'SB. ; one felt that the thing was not na- tural, that there was witchcraft bc- I hind it. That toad smelt- of brini- . stone. Poor, wretched, ilespalring, I crushed Carlotta! I The uproar in the house w«» Inde- scribable. If the thing had happened: I to any one but Carlotta, she would ! have been hooted. But everybody! , knew how perfect nn instrument her I â- voire was; and there was no display, I of anger, but only of horror and dis- j I niny, the :ort of dismay which mon ! ' would have felt if they had wttne.'sed 1 j the catastrophe that broke the arms' I of the Venus de Milo . . . And oven ' j tnen they w.iuld have seen . . . and I una<'rgtood ... I But here that toad was incompre- j hensibie! So much so that, after some' I iMTOiids spent in asking herself If she j ' had really heard that note, that sound, that infernal nolle Issue from her! j throat., »h»' tried to persuade herself I that it was not so, that she was the I victim of an illusion of tho oar, and ! not of an act of treachery on the part of her voice. . . . MeanwbUe, In Box Five, Monchar- min find Richard had turned pal*. Architecture. There Is my castle, atrong and white and proud, Buch as the knights of old were wont to seek, 'â- Block upon block of white wlnd-ham- I mered cloud, I Piled In » row upon that far blue peak. There do I hoisc my host of volceleffs songp, I J. Holding with them a grand and knight- ! 'v court, I Heariiii:; their pleas, and righting all their wrongs. , Btllllng their pinlnts. presiding at their sport. ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE 192t SHORT COURSES IN AGRICULTURE. STOCK AND aSCU JUIKIINOâ€" Two Wraka JuiuirT ItUiâ€" JawuiT nr4. POri.TKT HAIBIKO- Four Waska - Jtmiinr lllk FibnuiT Ith. MKKKKlsnSOâ€" (•I Two Wnkt-Juutrj Ilth-J>nuu7 SSi4. (b) Ou WMk Mu 17U1- Maf tliL PBAi:<lQK ANO DaAl.NAllE SUaVETCWâ€" Tira*WM>k>- Juuirr 13Ui- ItMsin l!nL HOBTICt'LTVlUL COlMiaF* - It) Fktrlcultun tul LaadstAi^ Oftrdatng - JftBuarr iSih-rebniuT Ctk. (Ill Fnilt and Vtgtlabl* Urawlai- Frbruarr Sth- fabniair SOth. PAIRY COI'RSICS- lai rmira* tor raclfir Cbaaaa ud Ruiminaliact -Januarr 4lh Marck Wk. (b) Cow-TmIIdi January llUi-Januarr tZnd. (cl Tmrm l>alrr~ Jaauary ISUi-rafaraanr 6tb. Idl rartoiT MUk and Craam Tabtinf, Including rarUn l-aaaaanaat and Ac- couDta Kabruary tth rabmanr lOtb. (tl CoBdMuad and â- â- owdi-nd UUk rabniarr ttnd-Marrb SUi. (() UatkM klllk. lD<ludlD( Ucabanlc*! Rtfrlgrralloo - Mareb Ith ManA IMh. Ill lea <'raalii. Inrludlug kleekaukal Rrfrltmllon Marrh tind-A|vHt tad. tb) Craamvrr and ('r«am Oradmi ivturie. toflvther with ila^aaiaiblai aad Ma* rauloal RaTrliwatloD Marrk tint klarrh Htk. rARU roWKIt. Ini'liidlng trartora. gaaotiDf poglnaa. •!«.â€" Two Wrvka -Jaauarr Icth-Fabniary <th. THE COLLEGE CAN SERVE YOU WELL. Btilfan larga btilldlnga ara ttiad tot lactura aad labcralorT nractloa. l.«rga rarro« and hainiL Pull far^ aqalpiMAI. FIna hafda and Oocka. lArg» oTi'hard*. gartlrtu and rantfuA Larl* aad waU aiiuli>rad doniiUoilaa. dtalag ball and grmnaalunt. A Rtaff of atxty-flTa vntf^aot*. lacturara and daBaooatratc^n, It tntrraalad a«k fur Ciillfie Calandar. ). B nKT.NOU>S. UA. A. M. rOBTKR. BSA. l*n(id«aL KaalMrar. ^Mother's Couglu and lold* Go Quickly She cannot afford (o ht skk «nd ntgiect hrr hotiithokl durits. At the first symp« toms ih« prrparfs the way for quick rf rovery by the Immedltlc use of Oriy's 01 Syrup â€" â- houithold ^prrparetion of tijcty years standing. MaHiaf alarava b«va ' ak.apia*laa GRAYS SYRUP RED SPRUCE GUM ri >v M s 1 1 N FREE GOVERISIMENT INFORMATION t Over tlie moat of placid waveless air All day they ride, on plumed palfreys «et. Till In the nighl my dreams foregather there- All the dear dreams that I may not forget. Ca«tlp of dresni", my wayward fancy's prlin, Mist In the mM. snd alrlent of air,- - ! T>eep In my heart your isplendid towers risfrâ€" • I I know, for it wiii I who built them (hero! â€" W. A. nrt^wer. Jr., In Youth's Com- paalon. i MInard'a Liniment for atift muaelea How YOU Can Have Success with Turkeys GET the FREE Government Bulletin on Turkey Farming. Shows how simple it is to raise turkeys successfully when you know how. Gives complete expert information on housing, feeding, breeding, dressing, conquering dieeaae, etc. NOW is the right season for rtarting your flock for next year'.i market. Ix>se no time in sending for this bulletin, together with the lint giving the names of five hundred other free government publications on farm problems. Fill in and mail this advertisement post free to The rublications Branch. Dept. of Agricultare, Ottawa. Ont. Name R.R.No Po»t Offiet Pravine*.. ..£17