IJjje fkf^l^ttion %Hmct. Vol 45 No.28 FlesKerton. Ontario DccembsrQ 1925 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors 'ONWARD" NEWS ROCK MILLS b Unity U. F. W. club met at the _ _ home of Mrs. A. F. Pedlar Wednesday The Holdfast ladies met at the Mrs. P. M'uir's 1st Thursday afternoon in Toronto. and also ,,.,._. , , some visitors present. The ineetint? Miss Jessie Ferris spent the week was opened by singing the maple end with Miss Margaret Turner. leaf, followed by repeating the creed A number of local sports attended in union . The roll call was announ- Wm. Dingwall's shooting match at ced and answered by Christmas sug- Proton Station last Thursday. gestions. After the usual routine O.D.R. school concert will be held ot business was over, Miss Edith on December Slst. The teacher and Betts gave an interesting ChriStmas pupils are workinfg hard to practice reading which was well received. An for an entertaining evening. , order was taken at this meeting. The The last harvest train from the "««""« closed with the singing of West conveyed, among it many other *^« "«^ national anthem, after which passengers. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mc- ^'"s- Pe'^^r served dainty refresh- Donald and family of the South Line. Slf"*^ '»"d « ^""al time was spent. Their many friends are glad to see The January meeting will be held them back. ^* *"* home of Mrs. I. Smith. Mr. Jas. Turner made a business ' ^ ^'^- Chas. Newell accompanied by trip to Toronto the first of the week. ^^' , «°"S»,f M«?, Myrtle Stuart of Don't forget the Onward U.F.Y.P. Burks Falls, visited their aunt Mrs. O. meeting on Thursday, the 10th. at ''<''"' Hargrave. the school house. A clever comedy,' Mrs. A. McLean of Priveville vis- "Look out for Louise" will be given ited the past week with her parents by members of th^ club. ; Mr. and Mrs I. Smith. I Miss Thelma Fisher, spent the week end witluher aunt. Miss E. Radley, at ROCK MILLS PUBLIC SCHOOL i the jRfllfe of Mr. Levi. Betts. i Mr. Chas Newell, made a business Jr. 4 â€" Winnona Patton 93. trip to PriceviUe the first of the week. Sr. 3â€" Ruby White 89, Margaret Our sincere sympathy is extend- Fisher 71, James Pedlar 66. , ed to the Best family in their ber- Jr. 3 â€" Ita Pedlar 69. Mervyn eavement. EUGENIA Christmas time is drawing near Just two weeks and it is here. Be merry all, be merry all, < With holly dress and festive hall; )- FEVERSHAM The 'iiild weather ot last week has caught cold and the snow has come â- again. , )t The Hugh Spofford farm was sold Prepare the song, the feast, the ball, by auction on Sturday last to close up To welcome Merry Christmas. ARTEMESIA COUNCIL PRICEVILLE Johnson 64, Robert Dargavel 64, As many as possible try to attend ^follThiSrs'^is^lS^EnS 41.'^-^- m eeting-on Thursda y night. Joe Hawkins 40. Delia English 38, j Lawrence Shiers 36, Richard Hoy 25.1 S. S. NO. 3, Osprey Sr. 2 â€" Murray Fisher 98, Mervyn' B«jBt 96, Julia Croft 95. | Naimes in order of merit Jr. 2 â€" Delbert Smith 97. Laurie; Jr. 4â€" Clarence Winters, Norman Russell 89, Leila Clark 80, Leo Patton ping. 75, Hazel Shiers 66, Lloyd Partridge. Sr. 3 â€" Harold Ring, Edith Mclnnis, 43, George Akitt 34. Kenneth Moore, Harry Moore. 1st Class â€" Ruby Akitt, Velma Jr. 3 â€" Lornie McQuay. Fisher, Marguerite Croft. Sr. 1 â€" Elmer McQuay, Margaret Pr. â€" Mabel Shiers, Elsinore Shiers, Mclnnis, Isobel Mclntyre, Reta Lulu Russell, Iva English, Bob Clark. Grummett. Gordon Moore. Numbers denote per centage. The Pr. â€" Duncan Mclnnis and Robbie names are in order of merit. No. on McQuay equal, AUie Ring, Mary roll 33; av. att. 31. Grummett. â€" M. Whittaker, Teacher W. k. Ariiistrong& Son FLESHERTON, ONT. Still time to join our Christmas Radio Club -I. M. Hincks, Teacher. EAST MOUNTAIN SCHOOL R 39 «^. CASH and I $3.00 per week secures CHRISTMAS Delivery on this little wonder 2 tube Victor mrfhem ElectiiC I Sr 4 â€" Lilian Smart, Mable Thomp- son, Reta Fawcett, Monica Rae, Janie Semple. Jr. 4 â€" Dorothy Ottewell, Lome Fawcett. Jr. 3â€" Earl Ottewell. Sr. 2 â€" Harry Hovonen, Fred Faw- cett, Dorothy Genoe. Jr. 2 â€" Ernie Semple. ; No. on roll 12; av. att. 10. â€" A. M. Feighen, Teacher. ! NOTICE TO CREDITORS ^ RADIO L-_ IN THE MATTER of the Estate of JOHN CHISLETT. late of the Township of Artemesia, gentleman. Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, pursu- ant to Section 56 of the Trustees' Act, .S.O., 1914. Chapter 121, that all creditors and others having claims or demands against the Estate of the said John Chislett, who died in the . Tfiwnjhip of Artemesia, County of Grej". are requested, on or before jhe ^ ' lith day Zi D&emOer, 192^, lo' send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to the Solicitor for the Executors of the last Will and Testament of said deceased, their Christian names. Surnames, ad- dresses, descriptions, and full partic- ulars, in writing, of their claims, a "^statement of accounts and the nature of their security, if any, held by them. AND take notice that after such last mentioned date, the Executors i will proceed to distribute the assets J of the said deceased among the par- ties entitled thereto, havine regard '. only to the claims of which tney shall then have notice, and the said Execu- tors will not be liable for the said : assets then unpaid to any person or i persons, of whose claim notice has not then been received by them at the time of distribution. I C. C. MIDDLEBRO. Durham, Ont. Solicitor for the Executors. Dated at Durham this Twenty-first dav'of November, 1926. The Ladies' Aid of the United Church here advertised their bazaar in last week's issue to be held in the Orange Hall on December 17th. They have since decided to change th^ date to Saturday, December 19, after- noon and evening. Hot dogs and tea will be served. The dance given by the L.O.L. in their hall here last Friday evening was a sucecss. All present had an enjoyable time. The U.F.W.O. met at the home of Mrs. A. F. Pedlar on Wednesday, December 2nd. There was a good attendance and orders were taken for .Mrs. Ed. Croft, at Rock daughter Mills. â- â- M.^. Howard Smith has moved his family into the village and has a bar- ber shop over the bank. While Mr. M. Parker was on his J ir T> J. "• â- " •;" • - i way home from here one day last goods. Mrs. Pedlar IS the ordering | week his oar stalled on Coulthard's lady of the club. Mr. A. F. Pedlar I hill and skidded down again, until it was appomted delegate to the U.F O. wa.s hanginsr over « six foot bank convention in Toronto this week and The back end of the car ran under an estate. Mr. George Lawlor was the purchaser at two thousand two hundred dollars. Mr. John i-'enwick has rented Mr. Wm. Winters' larm on the fourth line. :%3 Mr. Winters is moving to Florida. ' Mr. Han-y Thornbury is home from the West, where he has resided for t*e past two years. i places for holdfng elections, Orange I Mrs. ^eo. Sayers is visiting her valley, Orange H«l!, Proton, To^^ i Mrs. Alex. Cameron is the delegate from the U.F.W.O. The school concert will be held on Moilday evening, December 21st. The teacher and children, assisted by Mrs. W. E. Morgan, are preparing a good program. We wish thenK every success. Mr. Douglas. Wilson of Toronto is a visitor at Mr.,W. E. Morgan's and the Eugenia House. Mr. and Mrs. C. Boyce and Mr. Russell McMuUen spent Sunday in Owen Sound. Master Lorenzo Martin is assisting his {ather in the swamp on the 14th. Lorenzo, you should take advantage of your school days while you are young. ^ Mr. Harry Foester had the tele- phone installed in his home last week. tne railing at the foot of the hill and .was held hanging there when the top caught the top rail. If the railing had ffiven way the car would have u^end^ and been wrecked. IM, Coulthard's team rescued it from its perilous position and towed it K> the ton of the hi!]. The owner went on his way rejoicing. It is alright when your flying but â€" when you light. Mr. J. W. Winters of Toronto and ladv friend were the gniests of Mr. and Msr. Colquette on Sunday last. The. continuing Presbyterian con- gregation had service in their church here on Sunday morning last. The preacher was from the city we under- stand. S. S. NO. 3, ARTEMESLA Sr. 4 â€" 'Howard Ferris and Audrey Brown equal. Bessie Beant Lola Blackburn, Florence Best," Willie White. Sr. 3â€" Earl Johnson (H). Clifford Allen and Annie Akins equal, George Allen, Ellen Parker, Isabelle Ferris, Jean Beard. Sr. ,3 â€" Cecil Thistlethwaite". Jr. 2 â€" Billie Parker, Wilfred Best Doris Waller. Sr. Pr.â€" Merle Allen. Harold Johns- ton. Marjorie Wyatt, Ivan Waller. Patsy Beard. â€" G. E. Miller, Teacher. S. S. NO. 6, ARTEMESIA 4th â€" Isaac Snell, Neilbert Mac- kenzie. Dora Hazard. Sr. 3 â€" Macil Snell, Raymond Mc- Donald. Jr. 3 â€" Dorothy Snell, Jeanette Mc- Leod. Sr. 2 â€" Bessie Cairns. Jr. 2 â€" Jessie McDonald. Sr. 1 â€" Clare Douglass. Arthur Douglass. Jr. 1 â€" Billie Cairns. Sr. Pr. â€" Irene Fisher. Jr. Pr â€" Elsie Fisher, Bessie Mc- Donald, Bruce Douglas. â€" E. M. Nichol, Teacher. S. S. NO. 5, OSPREY 2 Women's Lace Boots Clearing at $2.49 Sr. 4 â€" Ruby Kerton, Gertrude Wright*, Jean Wright**. Jr. 4 â€" Willie Somers. Sr. 3 â€" Kilboume Hawkins, Harold Benson**. Jr. 3 â€" Albert Wright, Nerval Betts**. Sr. 2 â€" Tressa Leppard, P. J. Som- ers, James Giblin, Arthur Lawler. Jr. 2 â€" James Kerton. Sr. 1â€" ^Myrtle Wright. Pr. â€" Marjorie Leppard, Ina Sayers. * an examination missed. ^-J. Bradley, Teacher. EAST MOUNTAIN Mrs. Robt McMullen spent a few days last week in Collingwood We are sorry to report Mr. Wm. KL'J-nberston not improving in health as fast as we would like to see. He went (too Toronto B&^ week to consult a specialist. Miss Alma accompanied her father. The young people are practicing for a Christmas tree to be held in the school house on Thursday. Dee. 17th. Miss Annie Hall is visiting with friends in Collingwood. A number from here atended the dance last Friday evening in the Or- ange Hall, Eugenia, and reported a fftwW time. â- Mr. Chas Fawcett, and son Delbert motored to Collingwood on Sunday to vist Mrs. Fawcett in the hospital. We are glad to Iciri that she is improv- ing. Mr. Hugh .Smi:h Jr visited at Lady Bank the first of the week. How- are the roads out that \vay Hugh- ie? Mr. James Fawcett and little dau- chter Mable, visited with Mrs. I Fawcett. Carl Humberstone and Eddie Orr attended the shooting match at Mr. M. Simon's in oUingwood-on Friday. The Council of Artemesia town- Mr. and Mrs. Alex B. McDonald ship met at the town hall Flesher- '«''t on Saturday for Ottawa, where ton the 5th day of December 1925. they will s.oend the winter with their The member* were all present, the *"" Mr. John L. McDonald, reeve presiding. Mrs.' Kate McDonald, left for New Minutes read and adopted â€" By-law York on Friday, to spend the winter 13, appointing Deputy returning offl- with her daughter Mrs .W. Parslow. eers for 1926, as follows. Deputies ' A quiet wedding took place on Fri- John Halton. E. Wickens, M. Banonn, day evening December 4th, at 'ttie Jas .McMullen Jr., Ray McLean, W. Manse, when Rev. A. Sutherland, un- Ratcliffe, J. Campbell, J. McKee. ited in marriage Mr. Wreaford Jfc- Poll Clerks, W. J. Beatty, R. Chard. Lean, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs I C. Moore, G. Banks, J. Dow, E. War- Archie McLeaij of this place, to ling, W. Gordon, C. Meldrum, and Miss Blanch Belfry of Victoria Har- bor. They.jvill take up housekeep- ng on the groom's farm on the gravel Hall, Orange Hall, Ceylon, road west. We tender them our best Watson's Hall, PriceviUe, Forester's wishes for a happy and prosperoTls hall. Orange Hall, Eugenia, School ! future. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Nichol House, Portlaw, Bylaw 14,^ appoint- \ were in rollinsfwood on Monday at- ing A. B. MacDonald school atten- ' tending the funeral of the tatter's dance officer for 1926 was passed. ' aunt. The following were ordered to be! Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Karstedt and paid. Sheep valuers T Wright |1.00, Mr. J. N. McGillvary motored to Tor- J. Campbell $2.00, S Pedlar $1 25, The ; onto on Sunday. Treasurer, excise stamps 1924, 1925, i A very pleasant evening was spent $47.10, lighting hall $9.00. -Advance i at the home of Mr and Mrs. John printing $11.50, J. Williamson, tele- 1 McEachem on Friday evening of last phone iiietsages 90c.. C. Boyce. refimd \ week when the friends a»id nei^fa- $4.00, F. Duncan, cement $5.75, Kars- bors of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McKinn- ted. cover for table, $4.50, McKillop, on presented them with a beautiful nails $2.52. Karstedt Bros, nails 90c.. | mantle clock as a token of their T. Gilchrist, repairing grader 50e., J. 1 esteem. The evening was spent in -A.. Kennedy, refund 3.35, S. J. Boyce. 'music and dancing, refund $3.35: G. Pritchard. repairing I Rev. Mr. Reede of HiUsburg oc- grader $6.75 ; J. Williams, wood for ! cupied the Presbyterian pulpit here BuUivans $5.00; S. Campbell, sheep! on Sunday morning and preached an- kiiled $7.00: 0. Turner, sheep kiHed ! niversary services at Swinton Park $12.00; W. Magee. sheep killed $12; I afternoon and evening. H. Doug4a.s. sheep killed $25.00. j Rev. Suthehrland preached at Dun- Corbettâ€" Hogarthâ€" That a by-law I dalk on Sunday. Ne.xt Sunday, Dec. be submitted to the electors to vote.lOth, Rev. Mr. Conkle of Toronto will on bonusing wire fences. â€" Lost. I preaeh here, and at the morning ser- Williamsonâ€" Carruthersâ€" That the y*'^?, ^'â- i" officially open -McKiimon check from the treasurer of Euph-iJ«" as a place of worship. On Mon- rasia $83.00 for equivalent to expend- '^j; ^^"'"5 foUo'^n^- a social even- iture on town lin ^ by Artemesia be '^*" "^ "^""^ paid over to the Treasurer. â€" Carried. , '_ \ The Council adjourned. Advertise in The Ad\-ance S. li. NO. 8. ARTEMESIA Sr. 4 â€" Lewis Fisher*. Sr. 3 â€" M. Fisher*, G. Hopps^ B. Boyce. G. Badgerow. E. Fisher, M. Boyce, H. Blakey. Jv. 3 â€" M. Boyce, R. Sheardown, M. Black*. Jr. 2--G. PhUlips*. W. Fisher*, D. Badgerow, M. Lougheed, B. Hopps*, E. Black*. Istâ€" M. Sheardown*, C. Taylor. H. Blakey, C. Boyce, S. Black*, V. Mc- Mullen, J. Blakey. Pr.â€" B. Meldrum*. * those who attended regularly. â€" E. Clinton, Teacher. FEVERSHAM PIBLIC SCHOOL Sr. * â€" Blanche Henderson. Jlella Long', Margaret Hawton. .\nnie Rob- ertson. Eunice Simpson. Russell Hud- son, Mervin Moore. Marjorie Hatfield, Ross Davidson. Jr. 4 â€" John McLean. Rus.iell Haw- ton. RozzeU Conn, Earl Alexander, Donald Davidson, Lloyd Moore, Dick Hallam. Presentation at Holdfast U.F.W.O. Club to the -'t-Uj^j^ Retiring Officers The regular montlily meeting of the U.F.W.O Holdfast club. Grey County, was held at the home of Mrs. Peter Wuir with ^ large attendfende of members and visitors. The meeting was called to order by the president. After the usual openimj exercises ilxs. J. A. Hogarth was unanimously chosen second Vice-President. Miss Mae Stewart was clsosen delegate to the annual convention in Toronto. A duet was given by Mrs. D. Campbell and Miss Ruby Muir. "Beautiful Beth- lehem," after which Mrs. Archie Stewart, the retiring president, and Mrs. J. K. McLeod, secretary, were call(\-l upon to take a chair in the Centre of the room. Mrs. W. Beaton on behalf of the olub read an address of apreciation and Mrs. E. Wickens and Mrs. J. Hoearth presented each with a gold Wahl fountain pen. Both ladies made a suitable reply and the meeting closed with a social time and dainty refreshments were served. The next meeting will be held at the horn of Mrs. Geo. Campbell. BATES BURIAL CO- FUNERAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNERAL PARLORS 122-124 Avenue Road, TORONTTO J. W. Bates. R. Maddocks. Radio and Supplies It's Radio Time Before you decide on a set be sure you hear Deforest & Crosley a well-known name on a superior article Many models to choose from. C©me in and let us give you a demonstration. W. A. HAWKEN FLESHERTON CEYLON News is rather scarce this week. Miss Grace Radley of Toronto vis- ited her aunt Mrs. Bolton here the past week. Mia« Vera Marshall, who has been visiting her sister at Bolton for a fortnight has returned home. Mrs. Anna McMillan spent the past week end with her sister in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stewrt and dau- ghter Miss Ella were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Sinclair over 1 the week end. Mrs. Seeley and pupils are pre- , for their , I THOS I FLESHERTON. Sr. .3-Frank Liirht, Minerva Conn. ! P-''^ « Kood Program Jr. 3-,Edith Heitman. Albert Dav. i »«»«> entertainment which they In- idaon. Marwel Conn. i **"<» »f'^'"K °" Decemb^.er th e 2Ut. St. 2â€" Givie Henderson. Marsraret â- . .„„ . , . ... Foster. Burton Conron. Mervin Moore. ; EYE SPECIALIST COMING AGAIN Paul Simpson. Jim Heitman. lone Thornbury. Emily Moore. Jim Connj, Merryle Davidson. Xessie Kerton. CLAYTON - - ONTARIO Ed. Katr. known a: Prof. Kati. one ; of the most known cp'-icians 'n West- [ iVtâ€" "Marion Hawton!^ tlo'vd Hudson ! em Ontario, eraduate .«f the Canadian ; Jean Alexander. Dora Short. i Ir»>t.itute of Montreal, will reli<< e ; Pi-. â€" Irene Hudson, Annie Heath- 1 eyesight trouble at the Park House in cote. Jean Short. I Flesherton on Thursdav. December IP Names arranged in order of merit. Head ajrhe. pain in the back «f the E. M. Ferris, Teacher, ncik, twitching of eye lids, dizjuncr-s. .^_____^ __ ' inflamed *ye». defective vi.iion. re- Phone the names of youtyisitors to Heved through properly fitted glasses. The Advance for chronicling. Y«ur we can help you even though othars as.«istance in this will be appreciated. failed. Remember the date. MOUSE OF QUALITY MAKE YOUR HEN.S LAY jWe have a good supply of laying mash. Beef Scrap, Oyster SheU, Green Field's Champion Tonic, always on hand. Don't forget to come in and get some Oil Cake or Feeding Molasses for your stodc for this winter. Our prkes are right Store open every n'ght, until New Years. W. J. STEWART 8L SONS Flour, F««d, S»»d«, Groc*H«« and Confkctionory Flesherton