W'^dnesclav, Novi'inbcr -1. '25 THE FI.ESHERTON ADVANCE - ( \ â- 'K'f'^' - * "N *^ . i ' -,- y^ A' il :'f 4 . ^ y> v«; <(^, ^: |i |: ijti >4 Friendly Banli HE was a farmer of sound character and ability. So when he asked for a loan to further develop liis farm it was readily granted. With the loan he bought more stock, madiin- cry and seed. His farm prospered and his profits swelled. After selling his crop he paid back the loan anu iud a handsome surplus. This surplus he wisely deposited in the Bank of Toronto. Wiser still, he sought the expert in- N'CKtment counsel of his Bank of Toronto manager. That was years ago. He is now retired, com- fortable .nnd prosperous. Bju he still comes in for advice on banking and investment matters. For he regards the Bank of Toronto as a good friend â€" a friend that gives ser- '.ice and that is unfailing in its welcome. A friend that has earned the trust and cordial good-will of iliotisnnds of fanners like himself. "BANK^TOROMTO BRANCHES^: MARKDALE â€" W. L. Young. Manager FEVERSHA1Mâ€" C. H. Smith, Manager 243 Bill Boys Entertained Miss Agnes Henderson Won J'rize for Best Sportman- sliip on Playing Field An Enjoyable Evening Spbnt FEVERSHAM The file weather of the past few Jays seems to indicate that we may have a louch of Indian suiunier. We a- a glad to report that Miss Quecnie Kaittinf; is getting along nit:- ely aftei her severe illness and serious cperatio:) and also glad to contradict the goss'py report that she was goinsf I think the gossips An extra fine ending was made to the baseball season In Flesherton, when the Girls' Athletic Club of Flesh | into consumption irton, entertained the boys' hardball should be more careful of what re- team to a social evening in the town , ports ^hey set going. This contra- hall, on Wednesday evening of last i diction is over the signature of her , w»;ek, in honor of their winning the; physicir.n, Dr. A. McFaul, of Colling cha.nj/lonsU'Lii of 14)e Centre '(irey League. About forty young; people were in attendance, and the com- pany included all tho.se who had play- ed at least one game on either team, the officers and their wives. Several trames were played, and a ghost story was acted, which caused much ex- citement. Pleasing, events of the wood. Mr. H. Findlay of Collingwood, auctioneer for Grey and Simcoe, was i a caller in our village on Monday last. He was posting sale bills of which he has quite a number in the ner.r future . - Mr. Andrew Fawcatt has completed evening were a couple of present- 'his season's '^ut of lumber and has ation? made by Mr. T. W .Findlay,) two gfangs of men in the woods now and the Girls' Athletic Club. Mr. j cutting and skidding logs for next Findlay made a presentation to Miss ' :,eason's cut, AKne.< Henderson of a serving tray,l for ho be.st sportsmanship on the though the sun is shming brightly Girls, team, and as a «<,ult these days, the snow is disappearing Miss Henderson was completely taken, ^ei7 slowly and the farmers are Mr. Findlay, will next , «^««>usly waiting for it to go, so I that they might harvest their potato I and turnip crops. by suprise, year also donate a prize of $5.00 in the same way, three judges to mako the decision for him. For their work I _____^_^ on behalf of the team^during the sum- 1 nier, Rev. "Clements and Mr. Findlay; The play, "All a Mistake," will were the recipients of fine pencils i be given in the Flesherton high school from the girls' team, Miss Elsie Fer-j^n Tuesday evening, Novemeber 10th. ris, captain of the team, giving thejg^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ address, and Miss D. Thurston mak- 1 ing the presentation. An indooi;^ baseball game was play- ed between the girls' and boys' teams. REAL ESTATE and resulted in the former winning ; 10â€"2. ' LOW PRICE FOR QUICK SALE Residence in Village of Flesherton, THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on Collingwood Street, Flesherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation 1100. Price in Canada $1.50 per year; in U.S. A. 12.00 per year; |2.00 per year when not paid in advance. W. H. THURSTON, F. J. THURSTON Editor Asst. Editor THE POLn I( AL SITUATION As the definite results reach us of the standing of the three political par- ties â€" Conservative, Liberal and Pro- jgressivc â€" it seems that no .narty can form a government with any chance of a lonsr life when Parliament meets next year. While the Conservatives have the largest group they are short of commanding a majority in the House, it is almost certain that the Liberals will not attempt to carry on| as they cannot count on the Progress- ives to uphold them unless legislation is brought forward of which they ap- prove. The action of Rt. Hon. W. L. M. King with respelct to continuing office and securing a majority in Parl- iament, if he so decides, will be looked ] forward to with interest by everyone. ! Concert Tuesday Night An excellent concert will be given in the auditorium of the high school on Tuesday evening, of next week, iindei- the auspices of Carnation Lod- ge r,45, L. O. B. A.. The Dundalk Unite 1 Young People have been en- gaged to give their play, "All a mis- take," that was given in Dundalk, and which was given a fine reception there. Musical numbers will be ren* JvVed between acts and the concert is expected to be one of the best of the season. Be sure to attend, and enjoy a nleasant evening. EDITORIAL NOTES It seems to The Advance that the high school board should try to give value for the amount of nu>ney which they charge for the rent of the audit- orium of the school for concerts. A platform is the only thing that the renters do not have to fix up. as there are no curtains or other conveniences of any kind. We just draw this to the attention of the board with the hope that they make some permanent improvements to the stage. • • • Our respects to Lieut-Col. Ernest Armstrong, the newly elected M.P. for South Temiskaming. Dr. Arm- strong has for some time been May- or of Cobalt town, in which he was an early settler, and his excellent ad- ministrative record, had no douht muct to do with his success as a Conservative Parliamentary candi- date. We are proud of the achieve- ment of this able son of Flesherton. • • • Vincent Massey will now be able to resume the presidency of the Massey- Harris Company since the electors of of Durham dashed his cabinet hopes. • * * Another election in six months? I The Sporting Side With the present cold snap on, the thought of hockey arises. The local lads are in favor of entering a team n an organized league and are of the opinion that a strong team could be j put on the ice. An intermediate 1 grouping could be arranged with j Orangeville, Sheburne, and possibly ; Dundalk, and some good hockey could (be served up. Markdale, our old op- I ponents, are without a rink this year :<.ad would like to cast in their lot with us. With our own neucleus of a good team and a little building up in a few weak spots, the locals need fear no one and would go far in the search of further laurels for Flesher- ton sporting circles. What can be done? Lunch was served at the close by practically new, on nice sized lot in the ladies, and was Justly attended j a splendid location. Price includes to by evaryone present. The thanks | adjoining lot. Possession almost im- of the boys were extended to the ! mediately. young ladies for their thoughtf ulness ' BUSINESS BLOCK FOR SALE in giving them a good time. ' 1 g^gt location in Flesherton, earning good interest. Can be made to pay 1."; or 20 per cent on investment. TO RENTâ€" Fine brick residence in Village of Flesherton, to good tenants, apply by tetter to S. E. deCudmore. I FOR SALE â€" First class dwelling ville, is holding Anniversary services _„ ^^j^^ gj^^^t ^^^ ,^^1^^ f^^g^. on Nov. 8th and 9th. On Sunday 'tt^^^j.^^ j^^ f„„|^,j g,,^ Priceviile Anniversary Services s St. Columba United Church, Price- FOR SALE â€" Village of Ceylon, nice impact dwelling in good location. liyuer mu.st assume small mortgage. Nov. 8th, Rev. F. N. Bowes of Mark- dak, will preach morning and even . .,. . . , XI, J r, on r> « „ 1 „ compact dwellmg m good location ing at 11 and 7..jO. On Monday^, "^ , ,, ^ night a Thanksgiving Fowl supper .will be served at the church from 6-- '"i»"*^* »" «»^y **'"'"«• to 8 o'clock, and afterwards a pro- APPLY TO gramme of music and short addresses; « â- p DaT^I inMORF Insurance Broker - Real Estate Phone 24-4. FLESHERTON will be given, tho musical number to be given by the choir of Knox United , church, Durham. Admission to sup- per and program 50c., children 25c. ) LADY BANK The Ladies' Aid of Providence church will hold thoir November meet- ing at the home of Mrs. Prank ShoH* on Wednesday, November 11th. Mrs. Steve Sutton of Fleshertom visited a few days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mr3. Wm. Semple. Mr. iJavid Roberts returned homci. on Saturday of last week after spand- ii!g throe months in the West with his brother, Richard, and family. We are sorry to hear that the littl« R-randson of Mrs. John Dobson, son fi .Mrs. Robt. Tyson of Kola pore, fktt through a scaffold in a neighbor's barn and broke his leg. He was removed to the Collingwood hospital. The Dobson brothers have nearly completed a good fall's threshing with goo<l luck but a lot of bud weather. Attend the concert in the high school, Flesherton, Tuesday night of next week. f "A Bagful o! Folks" A Study of Human Nature ORATORY HUMOUR PHILOSOPHY I WINTER NECESSITIES jWe have on hand a fine vanety of Underwear for Men* Womem and Children, inducRng ' Stan- field's Guaranteed Underwtear. Our lines cannot be beaten. Let us su|lply your needs; you wiU be satisfied. A. £. HAW CEYLON Slore rioited Tues. and Thum. eveninrs. He Will Make Yo'j Think Thomas McGillicudy (THE MAN OF A THOUSAND STORIES) He entertained more men in the Can- adian and United States Camps than any other lecturer. Rock Mills* Baptist Church TUESDAY NOVEMBER 10 I Admission - AT 8 p.m. Adults 35 Children iO cents To the Electors of-South-East Grey: â€" I take this ofiportunity of expressing, to the host of good friends throughout the riding, my appreciation and n!y sincere thaidis for their assistance in making' the campaign in South- East Grey a real contesL We lost out locally, but the fact timt our opponents have- succeeded in electing only a total of two represenfafiv- ' es in the five provinces east of the Manitoba boundary, ' shows Uiat we were fighting in « cause wfadh has beerl amply justified. The class consciousness propagand-' ists and the free trade theorists have beien ^scrcNfited! throughout the Dominion. We may have been just a triAe «iow to realize this in South-East Grey. All signs point to a short life for the new parliament Gird yours^es for a new election. When if comes,, South-East Grey will awaken, and the sound, sane na- tional policy of Canaditfor Canadians will prevail. Again f thank you. Yours truly, L. G. CampbelL Markdale, November 2nd, 1925. v Bxfy ancL eat Ontario Apples Delicious, healthful. This year they are better than ever. Lay in a supply of fall and winter varieties now, both for cooking and eating. Buy from a grower or dealer. • The Hon. John S. Martin, B.A., Minister Ontario Department of Agriculture , KING IN RADIO WE HAVE JUST BEEN AP- POINTED DISTRIBUTERS FOR THE. FAMOUS "KING IN RADIO" PRODUCTS. • We will be pleased to give you a demonstration in your nomeat any time with any one of the King machines. Before buying be sure you hear theâ€" King 5-Tabe N^brodyne â€" and â€" S-Tube Frequency Machines H. Down & Sons Ford VMHT Dealers