Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 Oct 1925, p. 8

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mmm MWiW i t i AVt'dnesdav, ( ktubcr 13th, 1025 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE TRUNKS and SUITCASES S Conservatives Hold Rally in Flesherton Monday Sure to bo Uive Fit^ht in S.-lv Cirey Aji^ainst Miss Maci>hail If you are in ne«d of a good Trunk or Suit Case or Club Bag we have them. Suit Cases from $2.75 up. Get Arch Supports for sore feet. Repairing as usual. O ! t •I A Number of Strong Speak- ers Flay King Govt Say X'incent Massey Tried to Cict Conservative Noni. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON. - - ONTARIO 2^ ST. JOHN'S YOUNG l'E<)<*LE INSTALL OFFICERS At the close of t-hc regular meet-j injf of St. Johns Young P copies Lea-; guf, the following officer.s were el- [ elected for the coming year:- , President â€" Mr. Earl Best. ' 1ft Vice-Pres. â€" James Clements 2n<i V'iee-Pres. â€" Elizabeth Ben-: thani. 3rd Vice-Pres President â€" Wes, Armstrong. 4th Vice-Pres â€" Geo. Akin.s. 6th Vice-President â€" Mildred Ca.s- well .Secretary â€" Reta Bellamy Treasurer â€" Agnes Henderson. Pianist â€" Irene Clements. Advertise in The Advance Ir The Staff of Life CAN VOU AFFORD NOT TO TAKE INTERE.ST IN THIS NECESSITY OF LIFE. YOUR HEALTH DEMANDS THAT YOU SHOULD GEST THE BEST. TO BE SURE OF THIS, IN FUTURE. INSTEAD OF ASKING FOR A LOAF OF BREAD ASK FOR FINDERS BREAD AND GET THE BEST. INDERS 1 ERFECT * RODUCTS Flesherton Bakery Before a good size audience of vill- Rgers and members of the farming community including a good percent- age of the fairer sex, Dr. L. G. Camp- |R|' bell, Liberel-Coonservative candidate X I for this riding held his scheduled mee- ^! ting in the High School auditorium. ©] Mr. D. McTavish was nominated ® ! and unanimou.sly elected to occupy the chair. In a short speech he spoke of the need for greater protection in the matter of tarriffs for Canada, only by doing so would the country regain the pro.sperity wliich it just- ly deserves. He urged those present to exrcise their privelege of voting in the coming election, for the candi- date supporting Hon. Arthur Meigh- I en. I W. D. Henry Mr. W. D. Henry of Markdale then spoke and included in his remarks, his condemnation of the platform as laid down in Durham recently by the Pro- gressive candidate Miss McPhail. He claimed she supported radical views and theories of extreme nature. She would abolish the senate, abolish the I public school books and many other ! radical refoims, she advoocated. The speaker said that by her platform she , believed in class legislation, and org- I anization, and if followed out, would* I be bound to create disunity in this ! country, something that must be strictly avoided, if she \YOuld have it ' prosper. Miss McPhail, the speaker stated, was claiming to represent the ! U.F.O. He warned his audience that I this was wrong, as the V. F. O. were no longer in politics, and quoted Mr. ing election. He observed that ter a short basinrss meeting, which g j^^ ^, Co onterati h' h ♦h /as an unsatisfactory state of af- opened with one ver^se of, "The Maple Kho«,«i ,„ ' *^ " ^ "^ ^^ s in this riding in particular, in- Leaf Forever," the minutes were read '„! = „.i ^ Z T'^ ,!"" "'"'."5 would fall in line in due course. Every- one, with the interest of the country at heart, should support Dr. Camp- belt on the 29th, he urged. L. G. Campbell Dr. L. G. Campbell was next on the list ol speakwrs, and on rising was tendered a fine reception by his audience. Other more capable speak- ers were to be heard he stated, and he would not take up too much of their time, but briefly and logically out- lined his views in regards to the coming election. He observed that it was fairs asmuch that the Liberal Party had not seen fit to nominate a candidate He Ktresse<l the need for higher tar- iff, if the country would prosper, ar.'l that it would benefit the farmer efj- uqlly as well as the manufacturer. The farmer could not prosper without the town, and city people. On the other hand, the farmer, had by his large representation in this country, the affairs within their own hands, and it was up to them if they would re- gain better times, to support the Ccjnser-.ative leader in his platform of greater protection for the Can- adian farmer and manufacturer. Dr. Jamieson M.P.P. . Dr. D. Jamieson, the sitting mem- ber for this riding in the Provincial Parliament was next, and in a brief address pointed out to those present, the circumstances surrounding the Joining of Mr. Vincent Massey to the Liberal party. Why not,? the speaker arked, had not the Massey-Harris Co. been greatly favored in various ways by the King Govt., instancing the fact, that thi.s company was one of the first to get a huge sum, something cver two millions, from the German reparations. The speaker also con fidcd to his audience the fact that Mr Massey had offered his services to the Hon. Arthur Meighen before join- ing the Liberal party, this bit of in- formation would no doubt come out mere publicly in a few days. Major Befford the sessions of the House. During! Misses M. Rom and T. Spofford the evening, the H*w Orchestra en- «„d Mr. D. Mclntyre were ap,.ointed tertained the audience with som^ fine musical numbers, which were appar ently much appreciated by those pres ent. to look after the programme for the next meeting. Everybody then went outside and spent the evening playing games Ospre^ U. F. Y. P. O. Club Hold A around the fireside while the com Successful Corn Roast [cooked, after which everyone had a good supply of com. * Just before The Osprcy U .F.Y. P. O. held a Corn Roast at the home of Mr. Mark Murphy on Thursday Sept. 17th. A large crowd was present, and af- leaving, everyone was treat«4 to Marshmallows. We must conKratulate our neigh- boring club.Maple Grove, for the good . .. £, . 1 , . , . out, and hope they may often be able by the Secretary and adopted. > ^(, come Misses .Maynard, L. Murphy, CouI,| thard, and Messrs E. Morrison and The next meeting will be held at L. Smith were appointed to look after the home of Mr. Dan Cameron, on a play for the Young People Thursday, October 29th. FLESHERTON â€" ROCK MILLS BAPTIST CHURCHES "Homes of the Old Time Religion" Flesherton â€" 11.00 a.m. Rock Mills â€" 3.30 p.m. Owing to the closin-j down of the comunitv church at Ceylon, Divine, service will be conducted on Sundav eveninjr next at the Flesherton church. Do not forget 'he d ate. 18th. The hour of .service: 7â€"S p.m. A hearty welcome awaits you at our services Rev. A. J. Preston, Pastor Small Advertisemenii LOST OR STRAYED FARM FOR SALE LOST â€" Black and white hound FOR SALE about July 20th. Answered to name of Rex. P.O. A good farm of 20fr acres, buildings in good condition. Chas. Hanley, Eugenia, Well watered. 1 mile east of Mclntyre. i For partieulai-s apply to James Rinn, POTATOES: ..POTATOES! no linger in j: J. J/TWorrison, as authority in saying [ the person of the member for East j this in a letter over his own signa- 1 ture. The great question before the I public of Canada to-day wa.s, he .said STRAYED - From Lot 27-Con. 12, °" Prenuses. Osprey, four head of year olds, among , them are 3 heifers and a steer. Per-t The chief speaker of the evening, in sons having knowledge of whereabouts please communicate with Jos. Frcethy.l We are loading every day at both Rob Roy. i Ceylon and Priceville. For prices tele- Northuniberland, Major Belford, was next, a speaker of pleasant voice able to illustrate his points by simple, ' its fiscal policy. The Liberal leader ] homely facts, held his audience â-  has other politics than this reforming j throughout his speech. It had come, \ the Senate etc., but ho (the speaker,) | he said, to a tinie when citizens of 'â-  was sure that with a new and sound j this Dominion must give greater at- j fiscal policy all other needed reforms phone 2 r .1â€"1. â€" A. C. Muir, Ccy- ; lor>. SIX HILL STORES We buy together in order that our customer* in the lix com- munitie* may materially ben- efit individually. F. T. HILL &€0, Ltd Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store inatinct- â- vely asaoctatc* with high quality merchandise at the fairett pottiblr prices. October is the Most Opportune Time To Make Preparation For The Cold Days That Are Sure To Come Odd! Lines of Ladies' Vests and Drawers Many New Hats of Exceptional Beauty 98c. ular way fro $1.00 to $1.50 per garment. Specially priced for October, selling per garment il8f. what is newirtt and most diirnblo in Ladie.i hoso. Here you will find a largo assortment of colors in cashmere, and silk and wool hose at such, pop- ular V'lici -^ iix 7'k'. litic, •?1.2.">, and IL.'ifl. GOLF HOSE 75c. This, at the .oresenl tiiiie, is i. mi<.U popular slylo of hose, and comes in u hardwaring quality of v.orsled in asorted dak colors. LADIES' FALL and WINTER COATS We are indeed suprised at the increasoil vol- umo of businesK done in our Ladies' lieady-l,ii-we!ir Departiiii'iit, 'and to keep pace with this we inc shiiwiriK a much birgci' aysop-tmeMt of ladies' coats than i nforr.'er vors. Here are to l)c round a large varicly of the most popular cloths, rni'iiy of which, aic fur triintnid, tailored by the bci;t Can- adian nuimifai-tur<'rs un niodi'ls cupicd fron\ <-oji|k iici-ivcd from tile gnat fashion centres al prices that will DJeasi' you lieiaiine of their reasi'nabblo prieil. Sl:i.7.'t, «Jfi..-.(l. S I7.."i0, siM.7.-,. «2n.OO, .S22..'>0 and up l» >;;|K..*i(l. WOMEN'S FLEECE BLOOMERS 85c. This is a splendid garment made from a heavy Miiality of creani rolorerl innlerial. Will give ex- iilhiit wear. Sprciiil Ortolur Prire S.-,c. per pair. LADIES' SILK SCARVES Silk scarvea are going l.. be us popular as ever thin season, imtl we have Hi>m,. oxcrnlionHl vhIuc^ in colors thai are laiich in vo)ru<>. A wide range of priced from which t" make a «ilecti(m. !tr>c SI .JO $I.Wi, $1.7r), and up to S.l.vri. Girl's School Hats 79c. This i na M'MiHtkable hat for ^â- lleh n l-nv price, •ry flultablr' fo rthe seh(«>| irirl. Hprrially prioeti .''r. < lirh. Just Arrived Our millinery Department becomes more and more popular as tlie weeks go bby. Doubtless this is du(! to the laru'e asortnient on display ;uul theiip- to-dateness of the styles, as each wci',; the new- est hals are ro'eiver direcL from the manufacturer, and our ninrgi nof proof its at which thev are priced nmkes them doubly attractive. The radius rroni wliich luslonu-rs come to palroni/.e this -lepartment is t'.er irrowiiig withr and wider. Kven if vou reside seme divtaike from M.irl;(biie vou will be well rr- I'aid by coming a few extni niilos. (;et the habit inany are doing it. Miuiy |,„1, at the p<nmlar prices ol SUi*.'-,, S.l.!):-). SI.!).-., and .<!.-,.7.-,. f Men's Overcoats The .Seasons Latest in Colors, material.; and Models Mo.'e are Men's Overcoats that are models of fine worl(inanshi|, newest ni:iteria's an<l the season's latest colors, eoals that anyone who is nnxious to M well (lres.»e<l would be pleasd to war. Price* raiiL'- lag from SI7..1() and up to S2S..-.(I. 54-inch FlannenI $1.85 a yd This isii very si.eeial .^.|-in^h fla nnelof a soft hne_textiir.v Kxi-eptional value, mv colors. p<.>r yd. Grocery Specials â-  1 tin; Ki|iper Sniuks .ir,„ Corn Klakes Shredded Wheat Tomatoes I'eaa ',_[[ Salmon. 1 |)ot»nd si*' ." Thompson .Setvdiess Kaisina .Mixed Tea. very spe«'in| (ilyeerine .Soap, larjre cake Pork & Beans. 2«..Jb. tin. resr, 36c. for ^ 2r)c. tin /.';',';'„• ; •»•"-• 3 Pkgs. for 2f.c. .Special Broom .'.."C'.'.'.".'.'.".'.*.'.".".""'.'"" Pickles, quart n\tc ""."".".","!."." I'ickles, JO oz. size, reg. .'1(>C. for" "'.'.'.'.'."".""'." .Sweet Pickles. Ut «â- /.. size, reg. ;tr>c for <«mf..rf. Sunlk'ht. While .Naphtha' and cioVd .Soaps, -t cakes for ., .Sw,,»rt (Jherkins, 10 ox. size rec. 40c. for. .10c. per package 2 for 25c. ... 2 tins for .lac, ir>c. per tin 2 for ;ir>c. 2 lbs. for 2.'>c. 2lbs. for $1.25 » for 2r.c. 40c. 50c. 2.V. .10c. T.c. .Sligared Untos. regular i'V. 2 pkgs for 3f. cu F.T. HILL & Co.. Limited. Markdale FARMS FOR SALE F O R S A L E i Cement For Sale â€" Cement $2.20; per bbl. â€" F. G. Karstedt, Flesherton.; FOR SALE â€" Canaries for sale.' ^ On the Toronto Line Provincial Young singers. â€" F. G. Karstedt,' ^lighway. Three fa Priceville. for sale cheap. Flesherton tention to the affairs of their coun- try. If we wish to continue the great work begun by our army in the Great Wai, we must not neglect the inter- est of Canada in the ensuing election. The Kin-; govemiment favored annex- ation to the United States. Was this, he asked, what our boys died for in France and Flanders. He told the audience that the farmers, he himself v.-as one, »houM rid themseivs of the i(iea that tliey were not rooo:vi>ii; fair play, they alrsolutely held the reins ill their own hands. Ho would like**''"'**'^- to ask hi.s listeners to state just ""*' " .j.^^ kXCH.AxI7k - Registered 0.x- ihing that the party, rep- 1 ,.^,,,^, „^,^^.,, jj^,,,_ .^ j.^,^^,._^ „,^,^ ^^^. „„ Imy resented in this riding by Miss .Macl'hail. IktiI done for the country. They were faddists, and irreat theor- ists, but a."? far as aceomplisbins- any- thing worth while were absolute fail- ures. Thi.s wa:'. he claimed, the most icrioiis 'election since 1S78. .-X stab- ilized tariff was what was neoiled. so that manufacturers tind producers of this country can make their plans for biisiiu'ss. and feel thai the taiiff will not he tanipereil wit|i every little while as is. or was tbo liabit of the Liberal ilovt. lie scoreil the King regime for their great extravagance in many instances, citing particularly the Na- tional Railways, be said that Mr. King pr.)niised to keep piditics apait from the r.iilways. hut ha>l not done so. and in addition had apuointed to the ad- ministration board, men who were not i;\uilifie»l to fill these imiiortant offices. The speaker remarked he was ai'(|uatnted with one of the office liokK'is. prior to his appointment to the hoard he was a trivellei. and all be knew about railways was that a iiajn Iiad a ;;moking car at the rear •nd, and a locomotive in frtmt. The other board members, he elainul. Knew alibout as much as this man vrfetre<l to. lie s.noke of the spend- ing of vast snm.s on golf links. iWiiio sets, and a<lvevtising. all this money being spet\t when the road was not even puyinjr its way. The «iH"ak- • r also spoki' <>f the Peterson con- tract, and characterized it as one of the many pieces of insan<> higi'ila- lion practloed by thi- Kim* govern- ment. The ladies, the speaker litated, have more influence for the < onscr- \ative caiulidate at this imtiortnnt election. lie warnevl his atalicnco fill there was nothing whatever h' be e.'iineil in supporting Miss Mnc- l.*hail. a^ s^je represents no recog- nized |Ml*ty. and their vote would he prndirally wastd for .<»i<othrr four yciirs, Pr. Canil^ll, he stated, arms, two of IW p';^: """^ °"« »f 50 acre, all clM,«i Urst class bnildinps n., ».. j . . FOR S.ALE - Good range stove every particular WiU f.ii "* Mrs. J. O. Patton,^of these. Good bride hol^ o^LT l^e farms. The stabling for aarf FOR S.ALE â€" Purebred Oxford â„¢^'' '* Perfect. One fnrir has tea Down Ram, aged. â€" W .J. Stewart & nnnH^" u '^^^ ^"*'' ''^^ anotliw .Sons. Flesherton. J^f"^ has three acres of tim^ ;â- '"' ''»8 buildiiings for everytW FOR S.\LE â€" Purebred Shorthorn' "^*^^- ''-"'ludingr poultry hcuseiSd bull for sale. â€" W. E. Loucks, Flesh- '^'f P^""; ^-'o broken land and da-, -^- J. STINSON. I'rcton Station P.a Oxford Oown Kani e(iually bred. .leseph 'lliomp.son, Feversham, Ont. SEED WANTED FCU SALE â€" .\ quantity of good iuality winter apples, either on the . ^'^^^^vt clover hulled or unrulled ai- res, or ready picked, at reasonable ^''"^'^ Jed clover and alfalfa ' 'fer, please s* Muir, Ceylon, phone 2 prices. â€" Kobt. E. Gorley.Eugenia. 1^ ''.^'"'^'j P'^^^se send sa'r^iple*^". ~ \^c FOR SALE â€" '^vo thorouKhbre<l Oxford Downi raniS, one and three' [.\ears. .\pply to S. R. liawkens. lot ."> Con 8. Osprey. Phone Feversham,' Kuiirenia P. O. ^ | r. 3 â€" 1. BUSINESS CARDS . Is ^'â- - ^ ^- MuTMj" LPS dental FOR SALE - Ram lambs bre<l anX';:,,'''^ ^^"'t"^'* oV'Toronte from Registered ewes, purchased ^f 0„tar o r "" '*' Surgeona from Henry Arkell. of Hamilton, the teeth extraction**' "^"'inistered for past winter. Bred from imported Toronto Stret vi x. ** residence iJani. Also Purebred ewe lambs,' *^«''. flesherton. R from Show ram, bred by Fairbairns of llolstein. â€" Claude C. Akins,' lO\one 41--1-2. ' M I S C E L L ANEO U S NOTICE â€" Get your deer, moose. Dr. A. Turnbnll. B.A M R »~j "ate from the Faotd'y' f mL^**" l^niversUy of Toront'o.' oLt^SS! ardson Block, Flesherton. pt^^. caribou, and trappers license from Prince Arthur Lodee ^M* i . -. Geo. intchell. Flesherton. , A.M.. meets in the 21:2 L^'f' * ri. B-ks.w.M.,F.a:Th;;;;or^. ^^ '" *^* Masonic hall, Arm- N(>TICE Chopping done "Tuesdav.' ', 7"*^ ^'"?''' f"'^sherton, every Fri- Tliursday and Saturday. â€" tlrahJim r.„J1" ,"^,''^1'"^.^^/ f"il moon. Brvis.. Eugenia NtvriCE - Hunting ami trespass- *^' ^' MMdIebro. Barrister solicitor ing on lot^ ITti. 177. 17S and 17!>. lst.|*'"'- "' I'urham. W-Tl be in Flcsher*' Range \V.»T. O. S. R, Artemesia. will *"" *^^<^'"y Friday hov be strictly prohibt^d at all times.â€" '^ .'*â- "'• T. .L Stin.ion .PrototJ., N(^FlCE i m 4.S0 p.m. ta ly iirohibitetl. PiMlon Station. Trespa^mg. hunting. .r^'^^.li^T'^.!;::';;'?; wIt • Loeaa ofltcM at irt<d trapping, on lota 158. I.V.), n;o. Henry B\ nm^^. Vf .! V ,* and ir... 2nd range T. & S. R. strict- bS' pL.'^f ''n' ".l^'^^i Wock. Phone 2. Branch -Norman .Archihald. Dundalh and Purhara lOT FOR SAl.i; Telford & 'Birnie. Barrister^ soU. citors. etc.. Ofllces-Grey and Broca Kxtr.i fiiH- binding lot beside my J^'O'". Owen Scund: Standard Bank residence rn Peter stroet. (His. M. ^^<^^' Fleshcrtor. (.Saturdays). W. .lames.. 1. Flesherton. ', f- Telford .Ir., J. F. P. Bimie. .«<H(»OTIN(; MA-rt II Wm. Kaitting. I icensied Aortlanear for the eouMiien of Grey and Sjmco* X .„,i..i

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