Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Aug 1925, p. 2

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"*•-*-'- -^â€" -" The Automobile GRINDING CIVKS NKW i.lKK TO OLD CYLINDEB8. AutomobilA o'Tnera often wonder >jbriceUns quality â- om*wh»t Impair- why their niu-ji.i.ea du nol ; an bsiV.'r od. S.iond, on the auction Btroke, en after they liave \.<-en tufd two or excessive quantity of oil may be three year*. Govi core i:at b«>en ipven drawn pa*t the platon into the conv- th^m, but eonif thing (io<; n't work ju»t bastion chamber, where It burns, right. In m~:y luc!-. c:i;'j3 tha cylin- causing smoke and forming carbon dera need to bj reground. ' which cause* knocking of the engine. When the autonwbi'.e engine U built Th'» <--*'-»>on «•*• ""«»♦'• *-^ valves und «» in:.-ide of the cy'Jnder is turned to c*""*^" •»« «' oomprwsion and short- • perfect circle. The plHon which «^«^u'ls »»» •P"'''' ?'"«». which in turn •lidte up and down in the cylinder is «•"•*« ^^ •"»•«'• <» ^\»» ^^- ^ also turned in a perfect circle. The There ha. been much thought put piston Ch.-.not be fitted to furm an aii- upon nvethoda of overoommg these tight joiu because the temperature of troubles and some temporary reief the engine varies in Mcordance with , "^V *>« obUmed through the employ- the auuid. atmoephw* ar.d the anv- "en^ <^ '«>'"« «' »»»• ''•"Ice* developed, ount of heal generated in the engine »"' p.nTnanent recovery can be ob- Jt«»lf. That is to say the temperature *»'"«^ '1"^"^^ restoring the cylinder of the engine varies as the weather ,»« '^ "'•'K'""! '"':'"<''» If^**' «'"•.'• changes and as more or lee* heat »nd fltti.ig new pistons and rings to it U g€«ted in the engine to meet the i ^he most satiefactory way of re- de.-nand for greater or leeeor power. , «t^f*"K t»M> cy.mder is to regrind it. ,, . ,. . . . ,, ... This is done by the u»o of emery or Both the piston and tho cyinder ^^^j^^^„^„^ ^j^^,, ^„ ^ ^^^^^^ ^. expand and contract with the varia- , ^ j eepocially for this work. This tlonj m tompor.ture, but not to the , ^^ ^ ^^^^^ ^^.^^^^ operation and ne- ^me degree. rher*foro a plMon that , ,^^, ^^^ ^^.^^ „, ^ j,,^ j^ ,„^ fitted the cylinder i>erfect ly at a oer- • ^^,^,^ ^^jj,^ .„ ^j,,, ,5^^ ^, ^^^.^ U.n temperature would wpand^j^^^ ^j^^ ^^ ^, ^^^^ ia to stick fast in the cylinder at ^^^ ^y^ ^p^,^, |„ ^^,„ superior to thoso attained in the new car at the factory. WHEN RECRINDINC 19 NECESSARY. If the design of the engine is good and lubrication has been effective, re- grinding becomes necessary probably around 35,000 miles of use. Because of expand outward and form a perfect |th<» '«ct that many users of pleasure contact with the cylinder wall They | cars find their machino of obsolete CROSS-WORD PUZZLE enough to stick fast in the cylind' «r' "her tem]>eratur«. Perhaps at stlH ft: '. her degree It would flt the cylin- der '> loo^e-ly as to permit the gaa to le:.V: by making compreesion of the gu- i.-npossible. 'lo secure a gas-tight contact with the cylindgr wall the piston is provid- ed with several flexible rings whioh have sufflcient elasticity to keep this contact as the cylinder expands and contract* duo to the changes in tem- perature. When the engine is being operated the plsrton slides back and forth in the cylinder and because of the construction of the engine the pist(>n is forced with considerable preeeure against the side of the cyl- inder. RUULT or THRUST ON PISTON. The pressure of the expanding gaa which producer the power for operat- ing the engine tends to forc« the pis- ton straight out of the cylinderr. But the resistance of the crankshaft which is connected to the pdston by means of ifce connecting rod causes the piston to bo forced with considerable pres- sure against the side of the cylinder because, during the power stroke, the cnirik pin Is traveling through an aro at one side of the centre of the piston instead of diroctliy under it. As a result of this side thrust on type during the months or years that pass while 86,000 mile* Is being ac- cumulated, regrlnding has not been as unircrcally done with this type of car as has been the case with the automobile tnack where efficiency and economy rather than style are the im- portant considerations. As the manufacturers of passenger cars continue to develop the one model Idea rather than bringing out yearly models the styles will not change bo rapidly. Then greater economy can be obtained by the owner by restoring his engine t» good mechanical condi- tion instead of purchasing a new car. Many of the cars that are now traded in for new models are repur- chased at a low figure and the new owner does not consider them of suffi- cient vahie to spend much money on putting them in first class mechanical condition. However, although the model may not be of the latest much I. H. S. trouble could ba avoided and greater j clear, poet soul of Galilee, i _ X .-__ _. _ What truth could dim Thy radiancy? 1 _i ^ H â-  â-  ^ r- r rr 1 â-  10 9 â- â-  II ^ â-  I) â-  IH mrmj n 1^ â-  P - P 19 10 J Z5 1x a â-  â-  U â€" Lâ€" PI â-  TT 27 â-  iT i 1 â-  34 r 31 U fT â-  ^ pi â-  3fe â-  57 â-  i& ST J h6 iP 41 B 42, T C)THt INTCRMATIONAl SVNOIMn. SUGGESTIONS FOR SOLVING CROSS-WOKD PUZZLES Start out by filling in the words of which you feel reasonably sure. These will give you a du* to other words crossing them, and they In turn to still others. A letter belong* in each white apace, words starting at the numbered squares and running either horizontally or vertically or both. HORIZONTAL 1â€" A rock that splits Into slab* Bâ€" Shaped 9 â€" Particular account 10 â€" Stringed Instrument 11 â€" Future men 18 â€" Small face or surface 15 â€" Strong flavor 18 â€" Viscous substance from pin* 19 â€" Excreacence 21â€" Put an end ts 23 â€" Source of mineral 24â€" Filled with bullet wounds 25â€" To admlnliter nauteous sub- stance 27â€" Existed 29â€" Nothing but 80 â€" Pronoun 32â€" Files 34 â€" One who forfeit* 3ftâ€" Split 38â€" Oltoh 40 â€" Stoutness 41â€" Agonies 42â€" Prlflht VERTICAL 1â€" Brisk 2 â€" Clinging vine 3 â€" Medlsval slovs A â€" To discuss 5â€" Thread-like substanes 6 â€" Source 7 â€" Indefinite quantity 8 â€" Railway station 10 â€" Granted for temporary ust 12 â€" To examine closely 14 â€" Confections 18 â€" Apart 17 â€" The common furze 19 â€" More broad 20 â€" Restore 22 â€" Pastry 23 â€" Immun* 26 â€" Sphere* 28 â€" Defeat 29 â€" Deserve 30 â€" Desire* 31 â€" To send payment 33 â€" Unmitigated 34 â€" Part of t;ie e*r 35â€" Meohanlcal repetition 87 â€" Game of card* 39 â€" A city of Scotland SECRETS OF THE HUMAN SKIN I Most ptx-soot bathe from bablt or for the comfort or pleawire lliey got I It, and comparatively few know th* : relationship that exist* between bath jing uud penional health, said Or. Mat- thias NIcoU In a recent addrees. The sklu, la relation to bulr.g a pro- tective covering, is the great heat-re- gu'.atlag organ of the body. When in : liealtU the teinperatTire of the human i body remains practically the samo In heat Gf cold. In summer or In winler, Whether a person v.-eari no clothe.s or sews himself into many garmentj. The I skin through Its pores and the many â-  Uttle vesAeU and nerves wllh wblc'.i It Is supplied uutoznatlcaHy takes care { of the body temperature. A Network of Nerve*. A person runs, or Is out In the hot suu. Heoit of the body foUowv. The network of little nerval reports the fact to the skin. Its mash of capillary blood vessels dilates-, water oozes out; evaporation of the water cools the Wood at the surface, and It relurr,i to the interior to stabilize the general body tempomture. At another time the same person sits etui In e cold room. His body radi- ates some of Its heat Into the flurround- 4ng atmosphere, and were It not for the faeat-regulatlng power of the skin his temperature would drop. But the nerves report the fact to the skin, and tlie small hlood-vesselfi there begin to contract so that less blood Is at tho surface to bo cooled. The nerves also report to the rauscle.'i, and they begin to treiuble and slilver. Thl.^ caiu^es the production of more heat "* If the pores of the skin are complete- ly stopped up (as they were In a his- torical! of a child whose body was covered with gilt paint), the peraon will die within a short time, due to In- terference with the he^at-regulatlon mechanism. Perspiration goe« on con- tinually, generally insensibly. One notes It particukrly If he wears a rub- ber coat, or when heavy shoes or gol- osboi are worn, for he flnda his -cloth- ing or his stockings, wet or damp. Keeping Clean and Fit So we bathe (1) to remove the re- sidue of tills Insensible perspiration; (2) to keep the pares open; and (8) Route of Lord Byng The governor-general's trip north- ward from Peace River Crossing cul- minated with his arrival at Aklavik in the delta of the Mackenzie river neai Beanfort Sea, a subdivision of the Arc- tic Ocean. In all, Lord Byng will have traveled about 2,000 miles over west- ern Canada's great inland waterways. The above map shows his route along the Peace, Slave and Mackenzie rivers. Natural Resources Bulletin. The Natural Resources Intelligence Service of the Dept. of the Interior,, at Ottawa says: â€" One wonders as he travels along the railway, what becomes of all the old railway ties that the section gangs are constantly taking oufe.nd replac- ing with new ones. Occasionally a fire is seen, when these old ties are being burned, but the greater portion of them are used by the railway men for firewood. It is the enormous quan- ec: not wor. BU jt . Fir t pre: ed passes by the piston, thus re- duc'. r{ the power generated by the 6ngii:o, and as the gas condenses in the c rank case the oil is diluted and its How reach Thee on a satisfaction obtained in the use of a tho piston there is a tendency to wear car of this type by attacking thie| •way one side of the cylinder wall, source of practically ail of the petty j why must we hedge and screen and The rapidity with which wear takes annoyances, namely, the worn cylln- j bind place is affected by a number of fac- der. This means regrinding. | To separate Thee from Mankind? tor.s. pertiaps the most important be- 1 The whole matter of regrlnding is t Inr -he perfection of the lubrication sometliing that every owner of an Thou, whom .sad sinners made their of . hit parts. I automobile should make somewhat of \vear takes places the cylinder a study for there is a time in the life its true circular shape and be- of piactically all motor vehicles when oval. As the piston rinjrs are* regrlnding can be done to advantage, ifficiently flexible to fill in the This is especially true if a person is •paoe, loaking is the natural re- ! a careful driver and uses his machine 'This leaking causes several ills, j well and wishes to got the maximum tho gas which is being com- : number of years service out of it. There are places where a specialty is made of regrlnding cylinders and where expert advice can be secured concerning this problem. own, could they throne? A La Silhouette. The oldest silhouettes that have been preserved date from Corinth In 700, but waK known to be of much ear- lier origin. Tho namo, however, wa3 not applied to them until 1759, when one Etienne do Silhouette was French Minister of Finance. War had Just left France in a state of great financial exhaustion and Silhouotto insisted that tho people remedy some of the finan- cial evils of war by rigid economy. During this period all Parisian fas- hions took tho form of parsimony. Lace and rihhors were under tho ban and coats without folds became the rage. In place of begemmed golden snuff boxes high and low used boxes made from the plainest of woods. In- stead of having great artiste paint On Calvary Thy tortured brow No halo wore, nor ncede one now. O simple-hearted, weary-eyed. We love Thee more undelfled! â€"Mildred W. Stlllman. Conscientious. The plumber worked and the helper stood looking ca. This was his first day. "Say, he Inquired, "do you charge for my time?" "Certainly, you Idiot," came the re- ply- "But I haven't done nnytiilng." The plumber, to fill in tho hour, had been looking long at the flni';hod Job with a lighted candle. Handing the two Inches of It that were Htil! uuhun;- ed to tho helper, he said wltherlngly: "Here. If you've got to be so dared conscientious, blow that out!" tity of these ties, however, that are to produce a definite environment tern- required to keep the railway lines in poratuTo for our comfortâ€" a hot bath proper condition, because, with the to add warmth to the body or a cold heavy trains and the high speed ^vith bath to !e?.-,en the bodily heat. A which they travel, it is essential that Frnm »Ka «?•« Rntfnm i '''°''â„¢ °'' ^°' '"^'^ "^'^ °"''" soothe a the roadbed be kept up to maximum rrom me oca oouom. ' person weary with effort. A cold bath efficiency Some surprising things come ou-t of or cold sponge often brings eleep to a The provision of the neceesary sup- feverish, nervous person. ply of ti€S is one of the problems with The smaller the body the greater rs- wrhich the railways have to deal, and latlvely i.^ Its radiating Burfaco. So we jt is a very serious one. Rigid specl- protect the tiny Infant from contact flcatlons are provided, and a careful with u too low temperature ov from inspection is necessary. When the draughts, which very readily evaporate jnillions of ties used annually is con- tl.o Insensible perspiraUon; tuthor- sidered, and that each tie has its pro- more, we do not bathe him at a tem- portion of the load to carry, the nec- lierature much below that of his body, essity for this inspection is apparent. ^ Delicate persona who make little ex- In 1923, th- last year for which sea- ^ , „ I ^"'""^ °"®'' """^ '^^^^ ''*"'« "P»9"lng figures are available, there v/ere 14,- , Experts say It is a charming figure 1 unlcra they get a rood muscular reao- i 764,830 railway ties cut in Canada, of a 1-oy and belongs .o the be^t period ^ tion by vigorous shlverln« or extra These, converted into their equivalent of Greek art A3U0 ye«rs ago. It re- ^ clothing Immediately. Tho healthy of standing: timber, represent 177,177,- serables the work of the school of the athlete, however, takes his cold show- ^60 cubic f^t wHh a value of 313 groat Prarltelee, and Is practically per- ^r, hastens the needed cooling of his 228 547. ' ' fe.;t. Probably it is- a relic of a ship- wreck, or v.-ns :torm. the fiea, for It Is rich not only In flshea, but In works of art. J Remarkiible tixsisures have been dredged from tlio bed of the Bay of Naples, and only a few mouths ago a diver sighted a <l:owned city off the North Afilcan coiLst. Now some poor Greek fishermen at Marathon have j raised a beautiful bronze statue which ' waa lying twenty fathoms under the ! flung overboard In a h- Old He Need a Sea Voyage? A doctor was examining a man who had come to him for the llrst time. Satisfied at laflt, the doctor looked at 'You aro In bad Bhaps," ho said. A Heavy Cold. Smith (on the scales) -"Can't tell why I should weigh more to-day than yesterday. " .- „ = , Jones -"Haven't you Just caught : their portraits they -portrayed the fea- 1 ''"^ sravely that heavy cold?" I tures by drawing only the outlines In' ;"" ^^° -* I India Ink. In that day all fashions 1 "^^''^^ you need Is a sea voyage. Can were spoken of as "a la Silhouette," 1 ^'"" â- "*""*'?," ' .. , . . but the picture Is the only thing that I "O"' y"'' ^"""f ''" ""'f"'; 7 " hP.-, Bince retained the name. ' ««^"'^ '""'^ °" '»»« '^•"'* ^'=""'«' J"" in from Hong-kong. More Grapefruit wanted. | Fl^'and^itTF^d. demand for American grape- A Hope. It Is to b« hoped that all those who throw rubbish by the wnyslde oontlnue their vandalism by carrying homo great bunches of polscn-lvy. Sea-GuU. Bird of no ether lite than sklets and sea. As I now watch you soaring overhead, I know tiiat of wild waters you were bred. And yet I, too, am kindred of all these; I mark your wings that are so lightly fpi-eed Upwaru and onward in a fluent ease â€" Are you the sport of winda that tret and teuse. And aro you by their veering Impulse 1*<1? Or else upon uns«'«rving purpose bent, Beating the winds bark -even as you fly, Llko one on some aerial mission eent Pli-st east and weet. then north and south on hi fell, Unheeding voices blown about the sky, Losing uncertainty In divine content? â€" Sally Bruce KInsolvlng. 228,547. body, and thus .nrlves to be clean and | Railway ties varv in length from *"• j 8 to 9 feet, with a thickness of from There is no general rule fcr bathing. I 6 to 7 Inches and a width on top of Society, however, demands that It* from 7 to 10 inches, whiie they vary sense of smell shall not be offended by - in grade according to the purpo*e for the dried residue of perspiration, other which they are to be used. Some of wise the person dripping with perspira- ' lion might merely rub himsalf dry. A Lns iwer to last w =;e k' 1 puzzl e: sl u u FtiKias TjBPiA iF ^h R E la sip ib 9 Ri; r o R fS Mr '^ J TiR A V £^ A R t 1 5 Lll Si^ £ ii B e: L Y 1^ G R t iL s H L-l E w n e: r â- BMfi'A E hH AiN £ 1 T k ib^HR II IL A n 1 FT A IrB AJCII H O A ftllTiE N H rs A N cP â- hjo WcMsB yWpBr T u T Hd£- BbIB H & W "â- LDn^m To Detect Trsud In Oxide. Artificial, oxide on imitation an- tiques is now detected by moans of an olectro-chomlcal incces.'? developed at Photographing the Stars. The faintest stars visible to th* I the tics are sewed or hewed on top, bottom and sides, while others are sawed or hewed on top and bottom only. During recent years the Canadian railways have undertaken preserva- tive treatment of their ties, creosote being largely used. There ere a num- ber of plants situated throughout Canada for this purpose, many mil- ! lions being thus treated annually. It ' is claimed that the life of the ties is doubled by this preservative treat- ment. This is a big factor in the cost of upkeep of the railway lines, as' the prices now being paid for ties are a heavy charge against operation. The lengthening of the life of the ties, furthermore, reduces the cost of changing them in the roadbed, and win also reduce the supply o1 old ties available for firewood. Kcw Gardens, Ix)ndon's famous hor- ticultural park, covers 280 acres. fruit Is on the Increase. In Northern Florida there are some naked eye are of tho fifth magnitude, places where water, travelling under- whllo with the largest tolescoDe photo- ground from higher levels, spouts out A young flea can go without food for ! '''^o Columbia University school of ' graphs may bo made of stars as faint with sufficient energy to drive turbo- ' ' mlnc.i. - !»« the twenty-first magnitude. I generators.

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