H J > HB|H ' W» ' H * c' Wcdiusday. June 24. 102? THE i-I.ESHURTCA' AD\'Ax\CE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on CoUingwood Street, Fleshertoii, Wednesday of each week. Circulation 1100. Price in Canada f 1.50 per year; in U.S. A. <2.00 per yt-ar; $2.00 per year , when not paid in advance. W. H. THURSTON, - Editor EDITORIAL Nt)TES . KE»»T THE LID ON When Mayor E. N. Cooper of Mea- ford made the repre.si-niaatii)ns to the Attorney (Joneral, some weeks ago, that .\iisiis Tuohy, a former Mcaford j hotel keeper had been improperly arrested and tried by Magistrate Creasoi- with Matthew Beckett pros- ecutinR, an interesting chain of events •was set in qiotion. The attorney Ccneral referred the complaint to the two Owen Sounders with the result that Beckett jumped into print with a big splurge on the front page of the Owen Sound Sun. He was goinff to make Mayor Cooper prove his charges or eat '<;m. Full publicity was given by the Owen Sound papers, and whether intentionfilly or not. the impression TR-as given that Mayor Cooper had barked his "hins on a hornets nest, and was decidedly "in wrong." Magistrate Creasor followed with a very i!i.?crtel interview to the pap- er, to the effect that everything be- tween him and the Meaford Mayor had been fixed up Mayor Cooper ignored the paper "campaign" of Beckett and Creasor, beyond the simple statement that he had withdrawn nothing and retracted nothing. Then followed the investigation at Toronto which Cooper had requested. The details of this memorable meet- ing betwcn the Mayor and the License Inspector are only whispered. After the investigation, however the Attorney General's office wired ♦he Owen Sound jail, ordering Tuo- hy's release immediately and that a car be hired t> traiiuMi"'-t him to nis home â€" after ho haH served only one week more than half his sentence, according to 'ou-' informuU'di. The Department appears not to have de- layed long enougn for a letter to re- lease the man whom Mayor Cooper charged had been wrongly arrested. \ mysterious silence fell upon the Owen Sound paper following Tuohy 's release. Where it had given flaring headlines to Beckett's injudicious interviews, it dismissed the final out- come with an ob.scure paragraph, thus ; leaving, bf yovid question, an impres- ' sion that v.halever the outcome, Mea- ord's mayor had come out second best in his encounter with Beckett. The fact tiiat Mayor E. N. Cooper i.s i one of the outstanding Conservatives ] of North Grey may or may not have ', some beurin,"? on the treatment ho has received from the Owen Sound jour- nal. CROP PROSPECTS The open sr^ason is now at hand for crop estimators and prophets to get in their vrork, and there io plenty of evidence, that they are as busy as us- ual at this season of the year. Crop i estimating i.s really bf great value to ! the commercial v/orld, and is a means \ of getting seme much needed infor- | mation to business men whose enter- | prises depend largely upon the pro.s- ! perity of the farmer. There is also much harm done, in the aggregate from careless, and too optimistic es- timates which are broadcasted widely merely because they happen to come ' from some individual whose standine: ! is an im.nortant one, but who does not ] necessarily know much about actual 1 crop conditions. Farmers complain \ annually, that crop estimates do them | a great deal of harm and only benefit | iirban folk; but the best argument in ] The new beer has not been such a success as Premier Ferguson hoped for. e * » In the death recently of Col. Geo. T. Dennisun of Toronto, Toronto loses a distinguished citizen and the Eni- I)ire a devoted pattHot. • • • Each political party in convention !h assured that nothing in the world is better than their party. Optimism is a wonderful thing. • * * We rcRd in the daily papers of I'rowning by canues upsetting.; A canoe is no plaything for a person the- b'jilding of ^ho Phillips bridjfo et Lot 40, Con 4 and 5. Carried. Hogarthâ€" Cnrruihers;,- Thai this council accept the Globe Indemnity Insurance policy dating from 5. June l'.)25, for 12 months, at a premium ot lUo.OO. Lost. C.arruthers â€" Williamson:- That Mr. Hogarth report on work in Div.,3 for grading, operating snow plough, and work at McLcod's hill on base lino be received, and he be paid $30 for 10 days work. â€" Carried. Hogarthâ€" Corbett:- That J. WilK iams'on be paid $21.25 for overseeing work, and $3.;i0 commission. Carried. The council adjourned. who is,n'->t familiar with its way. -+ BORN Flesherton's Memorial park is being advertised by the Ontario Motor Lea- (Tue as a camping ground for tour- ists. Eajjenia Hydro Park i.s also an excellent place for camping, both for conveniences and scenic beauty. BKMROSE-fTo Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Bemrose, on June litth, a daughter, Patricia Matilda. KIMBERLEY ARTEMESIA COUNCIL The first sitting of the Court of re- vision of the assement of 1925 was held at the town hall on Saturday, June fith, li>2.'). The Council wgre all present, and made the required oath as mcmbei-s of the Court, when the following ap- l.'fals were heard and disposed of: Ed. Littlejohns, assessment reduced, was sustained; W. G. Lee, assess- :nent on lot 127, 2 N.E. was re<luced $50; James Cargo, assessment lots 128 and 129, Con. 3, N. E., reduced; $!)0; J. L. Irving, assessment on lots 130 and 131, Con. 3, N.E., Ipft same as last year. i Corbett â€" Hogarth: That the as-' sessment roll of the Township of Artemesia, 1925, as revised by this Court be the assessment roll for all' •)urpose8 for 1925. â€" Carried. â€" The Court adjourned. ♦ • • After the Court of Revsion the Council met for general business, the Reeve in the chair. i The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. I Mr. Erskine, Deputy Reeve of Eu- phrasia was a visitor at the meet-' ing. ! Several rate.nayers of the South' Line waited upon the Council in ref-! erence to deviating 40 sideroad to| south line. Mr. Mahaffy was pres-i ent representing indemnity insurance,' with a sample policy. i Assessor A. D. McLeod was presont at the meeting. i Mr. William.son and Mr. Hogarlli re portcd-<«3 to the worl; in tho;.- 'li- visions. Messr.>i .McKenzic Hog- arth and Carruther.) rC-ported as:- Corbett â€" Wiliam.son:- That J. W. i':a),'l« be refunded $2.00, he having' leen taxed for dog in 1024 and name] nppearin": in assement notice. â€" Car- ried. I Williamsonâ€" Corbett :- That .'\ss-' o*?or A. D. McLood be paid $15.00 j fees for equalizing the Union School! section. I DUNCANâ€" In Flesh^.rton on Wed- nesday, June 17th, 1925, to Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Duncan, a daughter,v Jean Klizabeth. CARD OF THANKS We rerrret very much to report the parsing ( f one of our oldest pioneers, Mr. Eliji. 1 Gilbert, on Tuesday, June 16:h at the home of his daughter, Mrs. A. Neely of Toronto, where he and Mrs. Gibcrt had gone for a visit. M:-. Gili.ert had taken ill with pleurisy and was only sick a few days. i.'e was taken to Glenco, his former home, and laid to rest. Mr. - Gilbert vas of a very kindly disposi- tion and a good neighbor and, hav- ing lived at Kimberley for about 50 years, will be greatly missed. He leaves to mourn his loss four sons and five daughters, along with his age! partner. His sons are: Melvin of fJrand Forks, Vincent and Jasper of British Columbia and Willard on the homestead; the daughters: Mrs. Will Hutchinson, Vandeleur; Mrs. Whitfield of Glenco; Mrs. â€" (Jessie) of Grand Forks; Mrs. Neely and Miss Olive of Toronto. Our iNormal students, Miss Tena I utchinson, Mjss Bessie StaflFord and ' ."liss Lillian Abercrombie, are home. ',Ve v.ish them success in their exams. I Miss Villa Ward of Markdale high i school is also home. { I Miss Jean Graham is the guest of. j Mrs. Geo. Proctor. ! Kimberley young people are putt-; ing on their play, "Aunt Jerushy On I the Warpath," at Vandeleur on Fri- jday, June 26th. Admission 25 & 15. i Miss Alma Camack is home for . some holidays. j The district W. i. meets in the! ; community hall on Thursday of this week ,also the Board of Agriculture. We understand -that both of our â- teachers have been re-engaged for another year. Misses Jean and Marion Stuart visited with Mrs. Irwin Monday. Mr. D. L. Weber is building a cem- ent bridge over the river branch on the centre street. Mr. S. S. Burritt is putting up a garage for Mr. T. Cornfield this week. Valcartier military camp has been leased by the Dominion Government for a period of OOyears. It came into prominence the first year of the war.. Mrs. \Vm. Ilislop and daughters, Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. Magee de- sire to thank tlie many friends and neighbors for their acts of helpful- ness aod sympathy during the illness and at the time of the death of the late George Hislop. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. J. Patton and Mrs. J. Sewell wish to thank their neighbors and friends for sympathy and assistance during the illness and passing of the late Wm. Reid. AUCTION SALE OF VALl ABLE FLARM PROPERTY IN THE TOWNSHIP OF OSPREY. There will be offered for sale by Public Auction on Tuesday, the 30th day of June, 1925, at the hour of One o'clock in the afternoon at the Mun- shaw-Welton House, Flesherton. By virtue of the power of a certain mortgage, which will be produced at the sale, the following property :- Lots Twelve and Thirteen in the Tenth Coftcession of the Township of Osprey, in the County of Grey, containing two hundred acres more or less:- Thu following improvememts are said to be on the property: Abiut 100 acres under cultivation, about 25 acres pasture land, about 50 acre.s timbered, balance swamp; well fenced and well watered, small or- chard. The buildines are: a frame dwelling, frame woodshed, barn and stable. TKKM.S â€" 1^'A :ier tent, of the pur- chase money to be paid down at the time of sale, for balance terms will be .made known at the sale. For further particulars apply to â€"JONES & LEONARD. The People's Grocery KENNEDY'S FOR GROCERIES A full line of Fresh Groceries alw^ays on hand. Headquarters for Willard's bars, boxes and Bulk Chocolates. Everybody likes a Sweet Marie choco- late bar. Try one. Ask for City Dairy ice cream. W. G. KENNEDY Phone 37 Carruther.sâ€" Hogarth:- That the j 18 Toronto St.. Reeve and the Mover proceed with' Toronto. Solicitors. ^^«»#0@®is»00@^C'Cj§^^^$^}c.@^©@@®®^{a®@® favour of Icgimate crop estimating i.s I the fgact that if it had not become an i i|^ ecomomic necessity it would not be i conductui upon such a large scale . by governments and reliable comm- j ercial concttrns. I At the same time it should be re- ] membercd that forecasts of crops at ] this time of year are very apt to be ] found misleading later in the season. The poorest farmer knows that much may happen 1>etween seeding and har- vest, and we are barely past the Tseed- ing season now. Our experienee is j that crop conditions are usually pretty much the same year after year at this time in the growing season, unless it , is a year when the season is much later than usual. June is usaully a ' good growing month, and everything looks at its best. Even the most pess- imistic person looks his brightest in June. Grass is as abundant as it ever will be, the cows are contented on good pasture, the hens have not ! •topped laying ai,>d the niarkct cattle | are coming off the g(ra«s, fat and ' ready for t' s butcher. Many of us for- j get that 'â- is July and Ausrw.^t that t«ll the r&al story of the season'* ra- j turns, and that it is never ?«fo t') in- dalge in expensive luxuries on the ativnfth of J\.UM crop prospects. Spring is Here | And the season for Good Work | Boots is at hand. | We have them that will give good ^ wear and at reasonable prices. Also ft some good nifty lines in Men's Black ^ and Tan Oxfords. 4BI ft ft ft ft ft S ft THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON. - - ONTARIO ft ft f 'ft Tricolette Blouses Just six of these blouses left, made with the new cascade on front, in sand and ^rown. tanguine and^white, rose and grey, salmon and white and black and white. One of the newest Blouses made for S3.50. Ladies' Cbambray Dresses in grey and mauve suitable for after- noons, made both in Jarge and extra large sizes. Good quality $2.25. Ladies' Gingham Dresses in all colors of checks, in all sizes $125. L:ulies' White Dimity Night Gowns, short sleeve, trimmed with blue and nink $1.25. 32 inch Duck Gingham The good guaranteed fast color Ginghams in plain and check colors. These are the wide 32 inch width and good weight 3Sc. Ladies' Pure Silk Hose Rl.lady will require several of these good silk hose in all the best shades, namely, Topaz. Nude, Airdale, Light Tan, Black, Light and Dark Grey, Black and White, to wear with the new ensemble suit or Coat. These hose range in price from $1.00 to $1.95. SPECIAL in Ladies' Colored Cotton Hose in Sunburn. Black and Stove shades. Special price 35c. per pair. Special in Ladies' Hair Nets We have iust received a quantity of Ladies' Hair Nets. Real val'ie for the special price of 4 for 15c. We still have a large assortment of Summer Materials such as Vo les. Ratines and Creces of erery color, ranging in prices from 58c. to $2-00 per yard. July 9 KEEP THIS DATE OPEN Flesh 3 ertn BIG DAY OF SPORTS East Grey Ag'l. Society BASEBALL DUNDALK vs FLESHERTON SOFTBALL KIMBERLEY FLESHERTON HORSE RACIN Purse of SI i*-. .^K*" The local race hbrsti owners' assoc will Provide This Feature HORSESHOE PITCHING , CONTEST \ Ruiming Races For Children Excellent Prizes Will be Awarded for of the Above Events. Concert in the Evening At High School Auditorium REMEMBER THE DATE ;-:\ f -> >' ' » >^ F. G. KARSTEDT FLESHERTON Orangeville proposes to cut the town treasurer's salary from $2,000 to $1,200 as a matter of eeonomy. t i i i. .1 â- The Purebred Jersey Breedera Club of Grey County met in ^'"°" i^'i*"* last week. ~' The ser\ice station Method, at Owen Sound, wins the praise of the motorists there. ^& ft ft ft fi= I Sherwin-Williams Paints & Varnishes WIT" APPROACH OF SPRING YOU JUST NATURALLY THINK OF PAINTING Perhaps it fi:rniturc, a floor or your automol)i!c. l>iit whatever it is vou insure vourseh' aj;;^ainst mistakes hv referring to the HOUSEHOLD GUIDE. 1/ you haven't one ask us or write tor one. We have a paint of v.'irnish for every surface. Boilers, Pails, Washing Machines, Brushes, zenoleu*", etc., etc., for Spring Housecleani"g. FRANK W. DUNCAN HARDWARE ft ft ft ft ft ft S ft ft ft ft ft ft ft t YOUR EYES ftftftftftftftftOftftft An oportunity i i ^extended to those who have defective eyesight or who need changes in gla.-^ es 'to visit our store on July 1, 2. 3 and 4. Dr. J. G. Russell, R.O., the well known eyesigjit specialist of Hamilton will be in attendance to make exatiiinations and. if necessary, supply correct lens- es or complete glasses This is Ml excellent ofuwrtunity for the people in Flesherton and surround- ing count rv to get just what you require for defective \ision and we would sug- ft ft ft ft ft z ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft gest that )U telephone for an appointment on any of the above dates. VV. A. ARMSTRONG & SON Jewellers & QpTioiANs oft€ftftft®ci&fti*'e'^ft@©©es5©ftft€Ci:$'©s-2«-so®C'ftft0@e::fOftftft