FACTS ABOVT TEA SERIFSâ€"S'o^ 8 The Consumption of Tea Tea as a beverage is used in nearly every country in the world. It is estimated over 200 billion cups are consumed annually. Australia leads in tea drinking with an annual per capita consumption of about nine pounds, >vhich means that every Aus- tralian consunies from six to eight cups of tea every day. The consumption per capita in England is 8^ lbs., and in Canada nearly 5 lbs. In the I'nited States, it is less than 1 lb., but this is largely because Americans have not been able to get fiiie teas until comparatively recently. "SAI-ADA" is con- sidered one of the choicest blends on the market, and is the largest selling tea in either United States or Canada. n SALADA II The Backsliding of Barbara It Brought Happiness and Awoke Love in Four Lives. BY COURTENAY SAVAGR. NURSES n* Tara.tg HMfNal loi liMariMM, I* (MMIttlon wltk B.llw«t m* AlHttf Hcwtttli. Hiw Vart CItit .tftri • lArM ytart' Cmru cf Training t» yaunf wanan, tiavlnf Iha n^ultit a<iia«ti«n, and <iilra«a ot Iwcalig Duraat. Thia HoaplUI Itai ada.tcd th. eight. hMir ayitaai. Tlia mNIi riMJva Boilvna af Ih. Mia*!. • lunthlli nllcvaaa. utf tr»allla| axfanaaa la tut (rMi Htm Yark. Far lyrUitr InfofMatlan ap.ly to iha Sufarlnta.tfanl. tbero with such a puzzled happy ex-j pression as if he could not believe his eyes. Barbara knew she had no cuuse to be afraid. | "How do you do?" Barbara could not help but laugh ot the man's amazement. "I hope you won't be angry at my talcing command in this way." She was amazed that she did not feel the least bit i>hy. \ "How-do-you-do," he stammered. "The children said that a lady named Barbara had cooked their lunch and washed the dishes . . . and ..." | "It's a long stpry â€" the hows and the whys I am here. I can't tell you! now for I've got to look after th« finishing touches of dinner. You go' the Ciry°oriigIeM,'onVhe North Afr'l' and get ready while I dish it up." ] ^^ ^^^^ ^^^ „, ^^ ^^^^ ^^^,^,„g ,, the great hordes of old Arabs aitting carelessly around In coffee houses and the pretty parks. When the tourist steps off the steamer and enters the town the flret thing that attracts his attention Is, of course, the strange dresses of the native women and the flowing mantels and headgear ot the men. The second thing that attracts the attention of the curious tourist 1a the fact that the whole Arabian city seems to be filled with old men, none under fifty, and many bo old that the creases in their faces are half anjnch deep. These old men never work, their Where Old Men Rest in Peace. Of the many interesting aigbtii^ In By the time the last dish was on the table the tnan was ready, his tanned face scrubbed, linen trousers and a soft-collared shirt in place of the work clothee he ha.-l worn. | "And now you tell m? all about it?", he demanded as he finished the serv- ing. "I'm not overburdened with curiosity but when' a real live lady walks into a man's house and trans-' forms it from bedlam into a quiet orderly dwelling, well â€" I want to know." I So Barbara to^.d him. She sketch-' cd out incidents that showed the eniptiners of her life and how she' PART 11 had decided that she was going to ^j^yg q{ labor are at an end. Just as run away for a day and do just as g<jon as an Algerian has raised his she wanted. family to the point where that family "But what an odd way to spend a^ can work the old man Is told to take a stolen vacation, working like a slave rest, his children will support h^m. in the house of someone you had never^ gj^. he gets a few packages of cigar- even heard of." | ettes, some money for coffee, and goes "Yes, I thought of that but I've down town to spend the days in gossip, been very happy all day. I guess argument and poetic Imaginings, work isn't hard when you know youj Unlesfl something terrible happens are doing something for others. I've the old man never again takes up the b2en very happy to-day." | burden of hard labor, but sits around "Because you were making others and offers sage advtce and the strange happy. That's the secret of content-' fact Is that tffe children are actually ment." j delighted that they are able to keep Then he toid her of himself. HoW| ihe father in luxury and ease, while he had married when he left college,' inside the house the routine is hand- jday was fast slipping uway and that of his work on big fruit farms for| led by the mother, while the daughters »?one several; -^"^ ^^'' «pent part of it at work. | practice and how he had bought this' either sit in the shade or go out to gos- slof)d the dis _."P'"*.''y''5. ."^ terrible surprised," , land and built the house. He had sip with the neighbors. "Then she's l)ec-n „_ days," Barbara und-islot-d the dis' I>addy il be terrib.e order of the kitchenâ€" the tragedy of , R'^'^ard told her as tht-y .surveyed the prospered materially but the swift n man who tried to cure for his two <"^^""' orderly room. "He said we'd- messenger of death had robbed him children and his work on the farm,' ^'"'v<' '» w«sh the dishe;; to-night nojof his wife and left him with the "and nobody's been ketping house?"! '"^"er what happened. And he' said, care of the two children. He told' ^vhut lady knows a hat as well as I? "Nobody but Daddy and us. Jim,; we d have to have now sheets. ^ | the story simply but Barbara felt' ^et her come forward with a finer he lives in the barn and he helps, but "Clean sheets. Daddy said. She. la, that there were tears back of her flair' the rest are just fruit men." I corrected. "I like clean sheets, don't eyelids. I u^e them small, sophLnicated Bonnet Sonnet. minute be-! >â- «"•" Barbara debated for n , „ , , ~, fere the asked if Daddy was coming! Barbara nodded. That was an idea, home to lunch. An idea had flashed! She had cleaned up the kitchen_ and to her. "Ob, no, 'cause the strawrberrie.i are in the way off lot. He left us some cold cereal and cookies fronri the store. (To l)e concluded.) Ho said we were to be good and we t>ould each have a banana." Barbara weighed the plan that had suggested itsetf to her mind. There were points against it but they were overruled. "Suppose that instead of eating cold cereal I were to cook you something nice for lunch?" she asked suddenly. "What would you like?" "Omeletl" Richard decided with a shout. "Omelet!" "Can you cook omelet?" the girl asked. "And can we have toast and jam?" "Yeii, we ran have omelet and toast and jam. Come on." She offered a hand to each child and they led the way to the kitchen. It was really a great picnic that followed. Barbara, thinking of it in aâ„¢ demanded, after days, recalled the mad tea party , "You said tha that Alice had attended in 'Wonder- land, tlertainly the March Haie and the Mad Hatter had never given a more remarkable meal Her first duty had been to hastily tidy the kitchen. Then she had beaten up the eggs, browned the toast and found a Jar of strawberry Jam. In the ice box were bowls of milk. The children ate lavenously and Barbara was as hungry as they. It seemed to her that she had never enjoyed a meal more. "What shall we do now?" Richard demanded when the Inst crumb had been disposed of. "I'm going to wash dishes," Bar- bara declared. "I'll dry and Kichard can put .some of the things away. He knows how," â- aid ."^helia. They went to work. The stack of dirty dishes disappeared and then Barbara mopped up the floor. It was three o'clock l>eforc she finished and â- be realized with a pang that her The Next Thing. had not thought of the rest of the He has not learned to live aright house. She asked the children to show I who cannot turn from a dead and her where they slept. | burled. Irrevocable Incident lo face the It was really a wonderful house, next crowded hour In the calendar. There was a big, cneerful dining j It Is not given us to lift the veil and room, a long low living room furnish- 1 look into tlie far future. All we can ed with big comfortable furniture andj do la to brace ourselves and meet with an open fireplace, bedrooms and baths valor what comes next. We are less â€" all new and handsome but lacking | fruitful in service to the race, less care. satisfactory to ourselves, less efficient Barbara found a broom, dust cloths, for the task that engages mind an 1 clean bed linen and towels. Then she hand, if we carry over from what has Or drooping w.th a spry, trustful went to work. She could not be as thorough as she wished but when she finished she saw that the shadows were lengthening across the lawn. "I think I'd better go now." She felt a sudden panic pass over her. "Don't go, don't,' lx)th children cried and there was a droop to the corners of Richard's mouth. "But I've got to ffo back to my home." "Can't you be at home here?" Rich- nt you didn't have any boys and girls. Can't you look after US?" This from SheliR. "And make us omelets?" Richard was a true man, giving thought to his stomach. Barbara dropped to her knees. "I'm sorry but I can't stay. Daddy'll get somebody to care for you soon." "Not like you," Shelia flattered, happened any survival of unavailing | regret Into what we are about to do. The only form of penitence that counts is the renewed attempt of our fixed determination to do better. From the day of Lot's wife or of Orpheus, people have lost precious things by looking back instead of go- ing ou. Ii'ew of us can afford the superb confidence of Nurml, who now and then turn.s his head to see how far behind him a rival is we(arily chugging along. The best rule for the average mortal In life's race Is to face forward and make the best speed he can and not be anxious lest he be overtaken and passed. We must press on to that which la befgre. Many n man of btisl- ness seems aggrieved because so much confronts him that he does not know what he shall turn to next. But, privily, he may ba gratified that there Is such abundant preoccupation. It is "Stay and make Daddy an omelet,"! ^ 8'8" 'hat he is of value. The reason Richard suggested. so much Is Intrusted to him Is that he Barbara pondered on the subject.] •'^s shown a rare ability to get things Why not stay? She did not knowl'lone. Affairs of moment are intrust- anything of the father of these chil- ed to the exceedingly busy people, not gravely air; I like them lined with white and rather pure ; • Or dangerous, and dark as any crx)w; I like them reckless, mocking, never sure ; I like a sailorâ€" ^strlctly yes or no. A pirate turban's priceless for a talk; A rose-wreathed leghorn when one's feeling vain; I fancy tricornes for the morning ,walk. And a little leather London slouch for rain; Wide, wistful tulles for tea; for windy weather, A tarn o' shanter with a wicked feath- er. â€" Jacqueline Embry. For Sore Feet â€" Mlnard't Llnlm«nt> « dren; she had not even noticed his picture about the hou.se, but she felt the drones, though prone Those who «lt idle, to offer the plea that that he was young and lonely and 'hey are too busy, are not asked to do perplexed. Also she knew that he' 'hings because whatever is assigned to would welcome a good meal. I 'hem Is fairly certain to be left undone "I'll tell you what I'll do," she made! '"â- '^^ fardily accomplished as to be "BettoDad^y-dont up her mind. "You run outside and play and I'll g»t supper for Daddy." They agreed eagerly. Barbara put on a big apron and .<(tarted on a search of the ice box and pantry. Barbara had cooked all her life it seemed, but this meai was different. i In the storeroom she found a^ ham j from which she cut two thick slices. ! In the garden was a bed of asparagus. futile The strong man is not held back by a detaining- hand of yesteryear or of twenty minutes ago. Sufficient unto Itself Is the past happening. Radiant with promise Is the future, into which the current moment is for him an open door. But he will not fli his eyes on a far horizon and stumble on the threshold under his feet. He will go Sheâ€" "Tom says I'm the light of his life." He â€" "And then probably asked you to keep it dark." nns*. Slip at pmek»<e in yonr pockel when you bo home lo- Oivt Ihc youn^ttcM )hl« wholccame.lnif- lailin< swMt-for She would have mashed potatoes, hot|'*'«" ''V'*"' '° "'•'""«'"^' ""afaid, to biscuits and an old-fashioned ntraw-'""*^' *'>f'«^«.':."»y <="'«« »*^'"- «»<» as j he goes he will help another to be of iierry shoitcake Left Behind. The children were amusing Ihem- •«lve8 by turning over the pages of an old Illustrated religious paper. They came across a picture of the Deluge, and the youngest child was puzzled because an elephant was shown drown- ing In the foreground. Then ensued the following mono- logue; "Wonder why that elephant didn't get In the Ark?" There was a pause. Then he remarked: '"Spose he mufit have been packing his trunk when the Ark went out I" qi?^^ .'â- 'iMmieJ^iilam\ 4f itf-AAy- chap hands At last â€" a way ti> wash dishes that won't chap hands. Just use Ltlx in your dishpan instead of harsh, drying kitchen soap. Lux contains oo free alkali, nothing to roughen or redden your hands. It is as easy on them as fine toilet soap. Keep the big new package on your kitchen shelf. Use it for the dislies always. Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto. 1,521 OUR LITTLE BOY'S SUIT. These days of spring and summer sewing always bring the mother a problem, that of dressing the little boy. If she desires a goodlooking, as well as a practical outfit, her quest will begnn with very attractive boy's suit No. 1100. The waist has the de- sired fulness for the little fellow, in- troduced by the slashes at the arm- holes. The round collar is comfortable and well fitting. For warm weather the boy will find the short sleeves de- lightful, while for more practical wear tie long sleeve is used. The trousers which worry many mothers are simple to construct, having few seams. They are straight and fasten to the waist by buttons and buttonholes on the in- side of the waistband. This suit may be made in lightweight rep for the entire suit and give ease and wear during the play hours, or, for after- noons, rep or coarse linen for the trousers and dimity or fine linen for the waist will be found suitable. Cut in sizes 2, 4 and 6 year;;. Size 4 years requires 2 yards of 36-inch material. Pattern 20 cents. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address plain- ly, giving number and size of such pat- terns as you want. Enclose 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number, and address your order to Pattern Dept, Wilson Publishing Co., 73 West Ade- laide St., Toronto. Orders filled by return mail. « No Attraction. "Look here, now, Harold." said fath- er to Ills little son who was naughty, "If you don't say your prayers, you won't go to heaven." "I ilon't want to go to heaven," sob- bed the boy. "I want to go with you and mother." A Queen's Investment. Through the good ad\ice of Disraeli, her chief adviser, Queen 'Victoria ot England Invested In Suez Canal stock and was thus enabled eventually to leave additional millions to her child- ren. She also was one of the original owners of a share in the New River Water Company, which provided the water supply for London. The water shares, originally worth a pound, enhanced in value to wher</ they were worth millions, and even the I richest of others like the RothchUds were forced to be content later with a eixteenth or a thirty-second of a share. Mlnard't Liniment Fine for the Hair. The Word Botulism. Botulism, the technical term for a food poUoning. cases of which have been reported from eating .preserved olives and spinach, is derived froDo. the Latin word "botula," a !ra.i|^ttgft,-..aii(J was originally called "sausij^e jp&tson4^ Ing." %» Short Women Barred. Women under 4 feet 11 inchefl"Tn height are not admitted to Australia as emigrants. IIMECTO RAPID The world's best hair tint Will re- store gray hair to its natural color in 15 minutes. Small size, $3.30 by mall Double size, )5.S0 by mall The W. T. Petnber Stores Limited 129 Yonge St. Toronto As the meal' cooked she set the «"°'! '•""'•age, discard the impedimenta iUMiiywuMirafta- 'jMokln^ ov WiMh .wnftdrato. IHa No, 22- ] table with the fine I'/ien cloths and j the silver she found. On the centre <ij Vhe table she placed a huge bowl of flower?. j A little b^i'nre six xhe heard the I c-hildrsii call as a heavy truck lumber- [ ed by, and looking out, saw that it I -w-no M niarkot "-z-:,., luutted with ! cr-.ici of berries. She guessed that this meant the end of the day's work and that Daddy would be home soon. She called the children in, washed and dressed them in fresh clothing, o'lie did her hair over, powdered her face, and put on a frilled white apron which she found. She was growing rather nervous. A shout from the children told her that their father wbi approaching. A panic seized her bit', her fear vlan- tsb^d in a moment a.s .<>he turned to f»ce the man who stoo.l in the kitchen doorway, a child hanging to eftch hand. Daddy was probably thitty- two or three, a broad---houidered ilhan with dark hair and big brown eyes such as the children hnd. He stood of the bygone and march on. To Mothers. Never, never has one forgotten hls| pure, right-educating mother! On the blue mountains of our dim childhood,' to*; .ds which we ever turn and look, stand the mothers who marked out to Ufl from thence our life; the most, blessed age must be forgotten ere we can forget the warmest heart. You wifih, O woman, to be aniantly lovad,' and forever, even till death. Be, then, the mothers of your children. Richter. "DIAMOND DYE" IT A BEAUTIFUL COLOR Our troubles come often from this: we do not live according to the light of reason, but after the fashion of our neighbors. RADIO Guaranteed 2(VTA Tubas C1.»B. Special 1 Tuba Set. 1200 miles range, com- plete, $22.50. E«preM Prepaid. Wrlta for Price Ltet. DANFORTH RADIO CO. 2093 DANFORTH AVE. TORONTO I'erfect homB dye- ing and tinting U guaranteed with Dia- mond Dyes. Just dip In cold water to tlat toft, Cellcate shades, or boll to dy« rich, permanent colora. ICach 16-cent pack- age contains direo- tloQs so simple any woman can dye or tint lingerie, allks, ribbons, akirta, waists, dresses, coats, stocktDgs, sweaters, dra^ierles, oeverlng:, bang- lags, everything new. BiJy "Diamond Dyes"â€" no other klnl -^ni tell roiir dnigsHt whether the material you wish to ~);olor is wool at ellk, or whether It Is linen, ootton, or â- lUed goods. Deiiciomf Put the spicy delicious- ness of Mustard into your salads and sandwiches â€" sauces and savories. Serve it freshly made â€" mixed with cold water with your meats at breakfast, lunch and dinner â€" use it in your cooking. It makes everything more tasty and aids digestion. Our new Cook Baok teOs you how to tti« MuAtord In now and appo- litins ways. Writo for o copy, h't FREE. COLUAN-KEEN (Canada) LIMITED; Dept. 1F, 102 Amherst Street CQsnts j^fnstoid aMtdUgtsttan Oiily$l Here is great value in Dairy Pails. We know- there exists a big de- mand for a well-finished, good-wearing sanitary dairy pail selling at u popular price. Here it is--theSMP Dairy Pail, new etyle. See them in the stores. Take a look at the big ear, note the absenee of all cracks and crevices- and mark the low price- only one dollar. Equip your dairy throughout with SlwP DAIRY PAILS ^