•^Wednes'day, April 29, 1925 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE • . r . Why Ford is the .universal quality car Late Rav. John Coburn Was A National Figure WELL KNOWN IN PLESlHERTON LEADERSHIP 6 • S o More Ford Cars are in daily use than' the combined totals of all other makes. Such leadership could only have been established oy outstanding quality in the product itself. Ford lead- ership, year after year, proves that Ford has maintain- ed uncompromising quality throughout Ten million owners have accepted the Ford as the world's most practical standard of motor car quality. % « « ?5 ^ €» \ An interesting fl(rure patwed away at his borne at 88 Glencalrn Avenue, Toronto, last week in the person of Rev. James Cockbum, famous bolh in Great Britain and Canada as a blind evangelist. -In past years he was a welcome visitoF in Fhaherton and in 1873 he was marriied in this village to Miss Annie E. Stewart. When only a year and a half old, the late Mr. Cockbum lost his sight,* but later received an excellent «iu- cation at the School for the Blind in Belfast, Ireland, of which city he was a native. He applied himself with ambition to his studies and early revealed an aptitude for theology, showing particular interest in the work of the Methodist church, al- though he was raised in an Anjriican home. While stil a boy ho com- menced to preach and became noted as an evangelist both in the Old Counti-y and in Caanda, having come to the Dominion in 1871. The late Mr. Cobum never took a ai3ttled pas- torate, but was prominent as a reviv- aalist, his manner of preaohing being trenchant and convincing. \Vhile in Ireland he was an opponent of the Home Rule policies of Gladstone and Parnell. He was also consistently during his lifetime a supporter â- of temperance. He is survived by his wdow, by one son, Rev. John Coburn, field secretary of Evangelism and Social Service in the Methodist church, and by three daughters, Mrs. W. G. Ellis and Misses Milly and Clara Coburn. He was for 40 years a member of L.O.L. 551, and his funoral was under the ausnices of the Orange Order. Small Adverti$emeni LOST Olt STRAYED CAME ASTRAYâ€" Black and -tan hound bitch->-John Flynn, Klesherton R.R. FARMS FOR SALE FOUND â€" Small yellow bitch on April 20th. Owner can have same by paying for this advt. â€" The Ad- vance office. On the Toronto Line ProvinciaX Highway. Three farms, two of IM acres and one of 60 acres all cleared. First class buildings, up to date ia every particular. Will srll any ooe of these. Good brick house on on s %,, the farms. The stabling for annl- LOST â€" Bunrh uf keys lost Satur- mala is perfect One farm has tea day night. Contained Ford key No. ^ acres hardwood bush and another 52. Finder p!easi3 leave with 0. W. , nandred has three ^cres t>f timber Phillips, Flesherton. |and baa buildinngs for everything • â€" â€" needed, including poultry house an* FOUND-In Flesherton, a sum ofjpjg j^^a. No broken land and clear moeny. The owner may have it on|o£ weeds. Any person interetse«- proving property and paying for this advertisement â€" The Advance office. Flesherton W. I. Financial Statement Financial statement of tlfe Flesher- ton branch of the Centre Grey Wo- men's Institute for the yaar ending May 1925. RECEIPTS Cash on hand May 81, 1924 1550.96 Members' fees 8.75 Grants 3.00 Miscellaneous / 73.20 Interest in bank 10.06 STOCK FOR SALE FOR" SALE â€" Cheap work horse, 1 Cow, buggy, s^t of plow harness. â€" Fred Stuart, Flesherton. should investigate. -T. J. STINSONi * Imy Proton SUtien P.a FORD CAR FOR SALE FOR SALE â€" Grade Cow 8 years old, due to freshen May 10. â€" Wilfred Magee, Eugenia. Phope Feversham. FOR SALE â€" S. C. Ancona eggs for hatching from my special strain of year round layers. Try them and be convinced. Eggs $1.00 per 13. â€" J. C. McMullen, Ceylon, P.O. CLEARING SALE OF POULTRY â€" We have 100 W. Leghorn hens and pullets, 40 B. Rock pullets, 6 S.C.R. I. Red pullets and one cockerel, at a Very special price: Leghorn hens $1 each, breeders $2.00, pullets 15 for ?25.00. Barred Rocks ?2 jach, and R. I. P^ds $12 for the bu"nch. One 400-egg Queen hot water incubator, one 150-egg Syphers and ons oil- burning Wishbone, 1000-chick broo 'der, at bargain prices. Bros., Priceville. Ford Coupe 1923 model. Good' mechanical condition and appearance- with five cord tires and other ac- oassories. 'Price $340. Ford touringr late 1921 completely overhauled, cur- tains open with doors cord tires, shock absorbers and other extras $245. These cars are real bargains. Must be sold. Phone 2 r 3 â€" 1. â€"A. C. MUIR. Ceylon. FARM FOR SALE Farm of 100 acres, 96 acres cleared to let on shares. Fair buildings, good soil. Also pressed hay and straw, 1 mile south of Wareham. Robt. H. Little, Proton Sta. R. R. No. 2. PROPERTY FOR SALE GARS H. DOWN & iSONS TRUCKS TRACTORS $645.97 EXPENDITURE Officers' Salaries $ 15.00 Postage and statronai-y 1.18 Printing and advertising 3.85 Lecturer's txpcnse '. " • 5.50 Books and periodicals 4.20 Miscellaneous 393.28 $432.01 O«fi»@<&®@©ig@©^©^9©©^@©®€»^@iS»@0^®(3l®@®®@©@€»@©©@^^@$}@@® . ^^^^ «n '^»"'> May 1,1925 $222.96 Mrs. L. A. Fisher, Sec. O0^$^tt®®€(©€iiSi'@^^00^@^<s^®®@®$©©@@@04^^:<@^@@@^0@@^(^^@^^ SIX HILL STORES We buy together iaoriler that our customers in the six com- munitiet mty materially ben- efit individually. F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. Markdale; Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instinct- ively associates with high quality merchandise at the fairest potsibln prices. © IMPORTANT TO AUTOISTS. FOR SALE FOR SALEâ€" Fresh lime for sale at onc3 Thos. Fenwick, Eugenia. Good brick 9-roomed house on Alice- Karstedt ^^'^^^^ '» Flesherton for sabi also the ; furniture, stoves, etc. 1 'vill le in- Flesherton April 14 to 16. ; â€" W. A. SINCLAIR, Box 309. Whitby, Ont. FARM FOR SALE FOR SALEâ€" Large Seed Peas- Ben. McKjnzie, R. R. No 1, Ceylon East haLf of lot 3 and lot 4, Con. 4, Artemesia, 150 acres, good banrand FOR SALEâ€" Farm for sale or house also good orchard, wellwater- rent.â€" F. G. Karstedt, Flesherton. j*''' '^'^e hardwood bush 15 acres. â€"NEIL CAMERON, Ceylon. FOR SALEâ€" Good seed barley.â€" Jas. S-jrgant, Ceylon. House For Sale In Fleshert on An Unrivalled Assortment of Seasonable Merchandise CURTAIN MATERIALS FOR ALL ALL TYPES OF WINDOWS Our stock of cortan materials is varied Indeed and contains a larKe variety of weaves such as plain Hcrim, fncy colored scrim, nuirquisettcs, both plain and fancy, frilled muHlins, madrases In pla^n and combination colors, muHlins in spots and fiKurcH of unusually fine qualities at prices to suit all, t9r., 23c,, 2!)c., 29c, 3Sc., -IHc, 50c. and up to S1.25. MATERIALS FOR OVERDRAPES At the present time much attention is KhtA to interior window decorations. Wo have therefore placed in stock many pieces of mntcrials suitable for this purpose, such as chintz, madrassos, case- ment rlotha, Knglish Kepps, and various other mat- erial in a price ranxe from 29c. to $1.75. SAMPLE PANELS, 69c. Frinited panels are much in evidence for window decorstionii these days. These are a lot of manu- facturers samples and come in lengths suitable for low windowM. The price asked in many cases does not represent a quarter of the original nrice. If you ran uNe any of these, this is a genuine bargain. While they last, each 69 cents. HOSIERY OF UNUSUAL BEAUTY AND QUALITY Many are the colors of hosiery this season, and to meet the demand for fashionable, beautiful hos- iery, •( moderate, popular prices, we have assembl- ed a number of liaes in the most popular shades, such as sand, skyn, log rabih, grain, beige, thrush, cork, suede, havana, etc., and have special showings at lUc. and SMc, and also a Rood assortment of the higher priced lines at $1.25, 11.50, $1.M and up to $2.25. PRINTED SILK SCARVES. 98c This is a line of Isdien' scarvsa bought much be- low hie original price, manufactured to sell at 12.00; very special 9H cents each. MAROCAIN,'a new DRESS MATERIAL Marorain is a new drens material of unuauai beaut* and harmoniuas blending of colors most suit- abte ir drenaes. This is a nopulai; material and these drrsM lengths are b«ing picked up quite rapid- ly. Specially priced $1.75 per yard. TRIMMED MILLINER DIRECT FROM NEW YORK This week we will place in stock a large shipment of most attractive and moderately priced trimmed millinery,* recei^d direct from th«f largest fashion centre on this continent, namely the city of New York. We can promise you some real surprises at the popular prices of $2.50, $3.95, 4.50 and $4.95. MENS PELT HATS A shipment of Men's New Felt Hats in the cele- brated BUDD and other popular makes in black and l:,'a-"'r!."£' fashionable shades. Specially priced »2.»;i, $3.50 and $5.00, MEN'S SOCKS IN A WIDE RANGE OF COLORjS, SPECIALLY PRICED This is surely a season when colored Hosiery is much in evidence and is demanded, not only by the lair sex but by boys and men as well ;to meet this demand we have placed in stock a wide range of colors in Lisle, Silk and Wool. Silk and Lisle, Cash- mere, etc., both in black and other colors much In demand. Specially priced 25c.. 35c.. 40c., 50c.. 75c 95c. and $1.25. GROCERY SPECIALS Oergian Bay Tomatoes. 2 tins for ^ S5t. Sliced I'Ineapples 18c.. 2 tins for Hit', I'ork and Beans, .1 tins for „ ...'.Kt. A splendid broom, each igf (ilycerine Hand Soap, large siie cake. 3 for 25c! Herald brand Salmon 18c.. 2 tins for .....35c. Raspberry Jam. 4 pound palls 65«! FEED Bra.i per hundredweight „ i\M Shorts per hundredweight , fi.JO Large quantities at lower prices. Two important 1925 amendments to motor vehicles act aTe: first, that every person who drives a car in this province aft.'r January 1st, 1926, must curry a porniit, and second, that all motor vehicles entering upon or cross- ing a through highway must come to A I a stop before so tioing. Proba'hly 1924's big motor car change was in balloon tires. In 1925 the big* move will be toward enclosed cars at moderate prices. By taking out the inner tubes once in two months and reversing their ptMiition in the tire, th3 danger of hav-, ing the tubes rubbed through by the c'lges of the flan or by any other slight projection is removed. Never jam on th^ brakos if a tire suddenly blows out while the car is in motion. * Cut off the power and let the car coast to a stop. Jamming 01 the brakes might cause a bad skid and will be fatal to the blown-out litis if the wheel on which it is placed is locked. FOR SALEâ€" A few bushels of I ^ Mammoth clover seed for sale at! ,^"'^ ^^ story shingle roofed $20 per bush. G. J. Clarke.Ph. 31r .2-2 ^^eUmg with nice la-rge lot and » stable. Apply toâ€" • ^_, C. Ancona i â€" W. A. ARMSTRONG. Flesh^t^ EGGS FOR SALEâ€" S strain of Norman H. Gampp and Cecil Sheppard of Berea, Ohio. 13 for $1.00. John J. Meads, Pricevile. FARM FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS. F.T.HIU& Co., Limited, Markdale FOR SALE â€" Washing machine, 1900 | N. E. 50 acres of 171, and N. E. 60 good wringer and tub stand, all in **^*^^ 2.' ^'^^' »" the 2nd con. N.E.T good order. For sale cheap. â€" G. B. , *,"㣥?•'â- A"^*^â„¢*.***; About 40 acr» ^Velton,^Iesh^^ | tef^fS^t'-S ^^^ti S^^.^uS FOR SALE- A number of ^oose i ^"t^fp^^a J--/-f «» Jvmcta^^^^ eggs for sale at a reasonable pnc>. encumbered farm in as collateral w- Mrs. Archie Stewart, Proton, Ont. ; curity, he can. buy ou easy terms et^ Phone 32 R 5 ' P^y^'^"'- ^^„ „, , I -GEO. RUTHERFORD. Phone No. 7 Box 67, Shelbum.- FOR SALEâ€" Bred to lay Barred; Rock eggs for hatching, 75c. for 15 i or two settings for $1.25; also pure bred Pekin duck ^eggs $1.00 per doz. â€" Peter Muir, Ceylon, Ont. ) Seeds For Sale â€" Common Red BOAR FOR SERVICE. Mr. Chas. Turner Gets Findlay Baby Special April was almost past before there was anyone to claim the special prize given by Mr. W. T Findlay of town for the Arst baby born since the first of April in this district and who deal 'at any of the stores in Flasher- ton. Tuesday afternoon Mr. Chas. Turner of Eugenia put in his claim with a baby girl which arrived Mon- day, April 20th. hav^; been (omplaining that there .'(hould have been notice given or the fact of the special several months afro ' No Baseball Here? Tamworth Loar for service, 6 moa. old, reg. bacon type, on lot 31, Con. 1 and Mammoth Clover, No. 1 home f„^S Jn'J^^?• ^"^ ^'^ ""^ '^ erown Varieeated Alfalfa Grimm's '••. ® ''*'"***^ â- •""«« tho8«- Sa, anTTtfothy Seed, aU 7- -"--"''• -^"^*'"' ^^''^^ »» '-- ^ emmcnt standard seeds, also a quan- , tity of Empire State Potatoes. Phone or write for prices â€" Earl H. Best, | Pricevilk, Ont., Phone 32-1-5. I sow will le charged 25c per day ex- tra-JOHN MEADS, Priceville P. 0.» R. R. 3. ^^ =^\ BUSINESS CARDS MISCELLANEOUS â- I Dr. E. C. Murray. L.DS dental. NOTICE - Chopping done Tues- surgeon, honor graduate of Toronto days, Thursdays and Saturdays.- and Royal College of Deutal SuTMon* Graham Bros., Eugenia. of Ontario. Gas administwed f«r â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ^â€"â€"^-'â€"â€"â€" teeth extraction. Office at ~.tj NOTICE-WiU the person who bor- Toronto Stret, Flesherton rowed my wire fence stretchers last ; . Other competitors ( fall please return them. â€" Frank W, Baseball seems to he a dead issue in Flesherton so far, as there was nobobdy |in attendance for the base- ball meeting which was called for Thursd^ evening of last week. If Pksherfoh is to put a team in the l\eldthore will have to be more inter- est shown than there is at present. . Dr. W. J. Bell has been appointed Deputy Minister of Health for Ont. At n congi\!gationaI meeting of Rnox Presbyterian Church, Walkerton Rev. R. G. McKay, of Dresden, was ex- t^ded an unanimous call. EAST GREY Agricultural Meeting A meeting of the Directors of the above will be held on Satur- day next. May SMh, in the Town Hall at 8.00 p.m. sharp. IMPORTANT Bl'SINESS Members are also invited to attend. Robt. Richardson, President 8. E. DeCudmor*. Sec.-Treaa. Dr. A. Tumbnll, ftA., M Jl nU- - Bird's Mackinaws, Tweeds and | uate from the Faculty of MtftnJML Yarns, and Stocking Legs, new stock. University of Toronto. Ofllce fft lh just arrivedâ€" ^.'Alexander. Merchant ardson Block. Flesherton. Thtut Sl» Tailor, Feversham. / • J I Prince Artfcor Ledge. SS3. AJT. * of pasture for rent, good grass and | , '";' "S!^" Sll^^"'* '''^ *^ lots of water, on lot 6 ami 7, 2nd ! "^~'* "'*iJL^*«^r ' '^^ "^ Con. N. D. R.. Artemesi-LArchiel^'."'.l'.^«*"^»«»^U»Oon. CL Conkey, CeykNic PASTURE FOR RENTâ€" 80 acres R., Artemesi..â€" Archie tn:'v7iir"^%"r*"" °"~"- Banks, W.U^ f;. J, Thurston. Sec WANTED-Tenders for switch; L oca. • B««y. Barrister.. SrtMl. board operator at Feversham on the â- ,„, ete..â€" I. B. Liieu. KC.* wX Osprey Telephone system. Tenders ^ Hewy, RA. Oflkee. Mnkdale LmI will be received up to May 1st. 1926, Ble*. Pkeae t. Branch efflcenT by Geo. D. Shortt, Feversham. ! ftHMhUs mi Dnrkan. ^^ PROPERTY FOR SALE | ~~~ ~~~ IN FLESHERTON . ^*"'** * Mnh, l^timnn, mth- : cltors, etc, Ofltee e O rey tad 1 Handsome \bungalow residence on ^'ock, Owen Scond; StnodnH Toronto Street, Flesherton, brick and Block, FIcsherten, (SntatdUm) W shingle construction, conUining .living p. TeUord Jk. X F P Ali<«W room, dining room and kitchen with ; _*___*' ^^^ stationary cupboard on the ground' ~â€" â€" floor; upstairs, three bedrooms with Wm. KaMiBg^ Ucenaa4 AactleMw large doseU attached, also bathroom; for the ruiiiiltn «l Ore» and ^ ^ oak "floors throughout, all b:;autifullv r-__ ._ j ^..^m. w . ^^ finished; 8 ft. verandah, pip«less fur- ;*"" •««! itock ealet nace, wi^ for electric light; cellar »«""' modemt*, MtiaftMtim size of house, containing cistern and anteed. Arrengeaimts for hard water pump. New house n.^er may be made at the Advaaee been occupied and sits on a double Central ulmWrni^ lot, including â- "•«wvi ira»i.n A„.,i„ '-â- •"*'~ leiepnoB* t« ''^* fi,'"*'?^.KSI^lli .App'y BinvTrFWehertim , " »»» -Airmta. >• at / . C 4^ V ~^: