tion %hmnct. Vol. 45 No. 47 Flesherton, Onfario, April 29th 1925 W.H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors PRICEVILLE FEVERSHAM . 4 Died â€" On Saturday, April 18th, Mrs T. A. M. Ferguson was suddenly cal- led away. Although she had hem !â€" in poor health for some time, yet the end coming so suddenly, was a great shock to her family and Iriends. She was going around as usual, when without wamin». sba collapsed on the floor and died im- mediately. She was in her 71st year when the end came. Her maiden name xnras Julia Watson, one of the well known family of Watson's and ' an aunt of Mr. W. G. Watson, hai^ess maker and undertaker here. She leaves to mourn her, her husband and one daughter Edna at home, and oma son Stanley of Toronto, also four •brothers, Herbert of Alto, Robert and Alpha of Toronto, and Geo. L. Watson of Owen Sound and one sister, Mrs Squires of Cheboyan, Mich. Rl2V. R. J. McCartin of Mono Road a former pastor, conducted the fun- >«ral sei-vice, assisted by Rev. W. E. Turran of the Methodist Church of ^â- â- which she was a member. The pall beaiiars were; Messrs L. Mc Arthur D. McMillan, C. McLean, J. M. Mc- • Gillivray, P. Muir and H. Watters. • Relatives from a distance who attend- j H^ ed the funeral were, Mr and Mrs. G. j • â- L. Watson and son Melville of Owan 1 Sound, Mr. W. .Johnson, Mr W. Kell- j , estone and Mrs. Swane of Owen Sound | Mr. Govett of Meaford, Mr. and Mrs. • E. Watson of Durham and Mrs. L. « Watson from Beeton. » Miss Delia McPhail of Toronto is • visiting her aunt, Mrs J McMakin. • Mr. and Mrs Thos. Nicbol, Misses , Edna and Rebecca Nichol visited at Mrs .Nichol's parents, Mr. and Mrs. • D. McAllister at Stayner on Simday. • Miss Lizzie Mather spent last week in Toronto. A Mr. Campbell of Stratford oc-^ cupied tb3 pulpit on Sunday at the' Presbyterian Church in the interest of the Lords Day Alliance. We extend our best wishes to Mr. Chas. McKinnon, and Mrs. Jessie Livingstone, who were married in Toronto last Wednesday. Mr D. G. McLian is quite ill at present." Mrs. M. Teeter of the South Line is is on the sick list at present. Mrs. M. Teeter of th? South Line in in the sick list at present. Born â€" On .A.pril 22nd to Dr and Mrs. O; E. arr a son. Bom â€" On April 21st to Mr. and Mrs. Makom McLean, a son. OSPREY U.F.Y.PO. MEETING The Osprey'^U.F.Y.P.O. will hold a meeting at the homeo f Q^o. W. Ross on Thursday evening, .\pril 30th. The program will consist of music, songs, etc. Lunch will be served. â€" A. Morrison, Pres.; M. Ross, Sf>c. HOUSE FOR RENT Beautiful weather row and tbs fanners are rushing the seeding. Master Johnny McLean is the proud possessor of t^wo certificates issued by the JJntario nk2partment of Agricul- ture in connection with the school fairs. These certificates certify that John has taken the highest number of points at the school fair for the years 1923 and 1924 of any of the pupils in school section No. 7, Osprey. Very good for a lad of 12 years of age. M«s. ^rank Curran and babe of Riverview visited *ith the former's mother, Mrs. Henderson, and famiy last week. Mrs. Robert Alexander was home for a couple of days last week. Mrs. .Alexander has been nursing her aunt, Mrs. Geo. Myers, at Flesherton, who has b^en an invalid for three years. Mrs, Geo Sayers haslkeen under the doctor's car* for a couple of wpeks and is not recovering very fast. She has had a bad attack of la grippe and anemia. Miss Harris of Toronto, who is teaching at school section No. 6, Os- prey, spent Sunday with friend^ in this village. Much sympathy is expressed here for tbr? family and friends of the late Wm. Guy Jr. of Maxwell, who passed peacefully away on Sunday morning after a lingering illness. The re- mains were interred in the Hamilton cemetery on Tuesday afternoon. The bereaved family will reside in that city in the futui"e. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnston of Collingivood were callers in this vill- age on Friday last Dr. and Mrs. McKee of Markdalc were here over the week end. Mr. Brooks of Owen Sound is vi>?- iting at R. J. .Alexander's. Messrs. Arthur Browrnridge and F'. J. Hawton of Stayner and Mrs. Robt. Weller of Nobleton attended the fun- eral service of the late Wm. Guy Jr. at Maxwell on Monday evening. A large gathering of friend- an.I neighbors gathered to pay th^'-c last respects to Mr. Guy and a very touch- ing and impresisve sermon was preached by the Rev. A E. Duffield from St. ohn's gospel 19 chapter and the 41st verse. Rev. Mr. Shannon of Mclntyre also assisted. Flesher- ton Masonic Lodge, of which the de- ceased was a nvember, attended and conducted their service at the close of tbo regular one. The funeral cortege left Marwell by motor on Tuesday morning for Hamilton. MAXWELL KIMBERLEY School has again opened after Easter holidays with an increase in scholars. Seven little tots of six years ha\i3 started. Emerson Parker, [who has been home for the past week nursing a hand which was scratched and which developed blood poisoning, has again gone back to work. Mrs. Morrisn Sr. has retuni?d to her cottage here after spending a couple of months with her son near Toronto. Mrs. Down of Flesherton visited with her daughter, Mrs. Wilbert Poole the past week. .Mr and Mrs. James Radley of To- ronto have moved onto their farm a mile and a half west of Maxwell. BORNâ€" To Mr. and Mrs. Chester Long on Monday, April 20th, 1925, a daughter. Mrs. Fenwick Sr. is very low at present. Her daughter, Mrs. Murphy, of Shelburne and Mrs. Dounrlass are nursing her. 3Ir. C. Long's saly on Thursday last was largely attended and everything was high. Mr. Long is moving his family to Maxwell and he will con- tinue his business of blacksmithing in Mr. Gillis' shop on the corner. Mr. and Mrs J. L. Morrison visited over the week end with friends at CoUingwood. TKj annual meeting of the W. I. will meet at the home of Mrs. Geo. Ross on Thursday, May 14th. We would like all members to be present so as to elect officers for tb; ensuing year. GUYâ€" Mr. Wm. J. Guy died at the home of his brother. Dr. Guy, here on Sunday morning. April 28th, aged 48 years. The funeraj services were conducted on Monday evening at 8 o'clock by Rev. A. E. Duffield, and the Masonic Lodge of Flesherton. of which the d;ceased was a member The remains were taken by motor on Tusday moniing for interment in a. Hamilton cemetery Fuller particu- lars will be givsn next week. Bungalow for rent at Eugenia. 6 room bungalow, with bath room, sleep- ing porch, summer kitchen with sink, and good wod shed, basement full size of house; good garden lot and out buildings, hardwood floors in house throughout, furnace, soft water cia tern and pump; and electric lighted. Will rent to right party on reasonable terms. Apply to Mrs. J. E. Large on premises.. EAST MOUNTAIN (Intended for Last Week) I Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harbottle and {children of Duncan, spent Sunday with ; the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. i Harbottle. I Mr. Hugh Smith, attended the O. E. \ .\., in Toronto last week. i Mr. Carl Humberstone nvotored I to Orangeville and spent the week ' end with friends there. ! Bornâ€" On Tuesday, April, 14th 1925 to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rawlings, a son. LET US EQUIP YOU FOR YOUR FISHING We can supply you ^yith all the needed requirements to make your fishing both pleasant and profitable. Come in and let ns outfit you right. W. A. Armstrong & Son JEWELLERS s£ The Staff of life CAN YOU .4FFORD NOT TO TAKE INTEREST IN THIS NECESSFTY OF LIFE. YOUR HEALTH DEMANDS THAT YOU SHOULD GEST THE BEST. TO RE SURE OF THIS, IN FUTURE, INSTEAD OF ASKING FOR A LOAF OF BREAD ASK FOR FINDERS BREAD AND GET THE BEST. iNDER's Perfect i rooucts FleskerUMi Bakery Eighth Line, Artemesia (Intended for Last Week) Spring has arrived. Some of the farmers are already, well on with the seeamg. SeeSay -Parsons ^â€" On Wednesday' -â- Vpril 15, 1925, a very px-etty wedd- ing was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Parsons, \xhen their youngest daughter, Mae, became the bride of Mr. John H. Seeley, 3rd line of Osprey. Rev. J. Harrower per- formed the ceremony in the pi'ssence of about 60 guests. .After thfe signing of the register and con- gratulations, a dainty wedding re- past was served. The young couple received many beautiful and costly presents, showing the ^gh esteem in which they were teld. ~ They will re- side on the groom's farm. We extend our heartiest congratulations. Mr. Alfred Genoe has purchased a driver. Mr." Bert Magee and Mr. Fred Ped- lar, arttended the O. E. A. in Toronto, last week. Mr. Pedlar has secured the office of President in the Prov- incial Riiralit? Section. He is suc- cessor to Rev. T. D. Sinclair. We extend our congratulations and wish him success in his new office. Mr. -•Vlfred Genoe is assisting Mr. Oliver Turner with his spring work. Mr. Edgar Linton has purchased a car. TORONTO LINE. NORTH Mr and Mrs. D. .4^ Vancise of CoU- ingwood visited receitly at J. T. Sleds Mr. Conn of Hoathcote motored over and visited at R. Richardson's last week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wood and child- ren of Wod>ihouse spent Sunday at the home of T. Ljver. Mr. and Mrs. Hogarth, accompanied by Mrs E. Doupe of Proton, spent a day the past week at E Wictoans'. Mrs. W. H. Sled and daughter Vi- ola are sptcnding a time at the home of J. T. Sled. Mrs. A. Stewart and Mrs. E. Perigo returned Monday after spending the past couple of weeks with Toronto friends. GREY COUNTY MEDICAL MEN MET AT MARKDALE FRID.4Y Th« annual meeting of the Grey CountyMedical Association was held in the public library building at Mark- dale on Friday. April 24th, with the President. Dr. W. G. Dow of Owjti Sound in the chair. Tta« meeting was attended by medical men from all Darts of the county, the following being pn^sent: â€" Drs. Martin, Turn bull Sneath, McLellan, Henry. Ego, Care- foot^ McKee, Moore. Evans, Middle- bro, Murray, How»y, Down, Burt, Rutherford, Frizzell and Danard. Valuable and pactical addn.'Sgcs were delivered by Dr. Harold Parsons of Toronto on "Tuberculosis in Children," and by Dr. D. King Smith. of Toronto on "The Commoner Skin Diseases." Useful discussions followed each iwp^r an<f the meeting was thoronjrh- ly ewjoyed by' all those fortunate enouirH to attend. The followiag officers were elect«d: Pt<:».. Dr. Frank Moore. Chatsworth; Vice-Pres.. Dr. H. G Murray. Owen Sound; Sec.-Treas^. Dr. G. S. Bjrt. Owen Soiuid. Seeding is almost done and the early sown grain is up quite green. If you have any doubts about asking the "Important Question" come and hear "Sis" Pipkins tell you on May 8th. ! Th2 young people think they will be ready with their play for Friday night, next week. Mr R. D. Carruthers supplied at th3 church service in his usual ac- ceptable manner. Mr. Fred Stuart and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Stuart of Thombury, Mrs. Vic Ellis and Miss Winnona, CoUingwood, vi.sited friends here on Sunday. Mrs. B. Timmins returned from Toronto to take care of her aunt, Mrs. O. Irwin, who is not making very rapid prgnsss ^o return of health. We are glad to report little Edith Abercronibie's arm getting along well. She had an X-i-ay examination on it at CoUingwood G. and M. hospital last week. She was accompanied by Mr and .Mrs. Absrcrombio and Mrs. S. S. Bun-itt. Mr. J. A. Stuart has his stock of lumber cut and is now cutting shingles. Mr. J. Taylor is working at his old job in the furniture factory at Ovv-en Sound. Mrs. Taylor will go also in a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Foy Marshall of To- ronto are spending a few days wiih Mr. and Mrs. D. L Weber. We are sorry to report Mrs. Elison Sr. still ouitc i!L On Tuesday of last week a chui-cii rally was held of all the dcpartme.itr. of the church, also the election of officers for tho Sunday school. Many of the riports wei-e encouraging. Iiut there is a vast room for improve- ment in the matter of school atten<l- ance, especially in the Bible clas.s. In finances tli: school and Ladies' .A.id aii all right The church year is not ended yet and we hope to come up to the -expectations of the offic.r:; and pastor. The Sunday school offic- ers are: Snpt., J. Abercrombie; Mr. G. Hutchinson, associate and teacher ol: Bible class, the othsr oificers elect- ing their own cflicers; ilrs. Hammond is Cradle KoU Sunt.; Miss M Stafford Home JDept. Supt. The officers of the Ladies' .\id are: Pres.. Mrs. W. T. EUisiSec., Mrs. . A. E. Myles. A c8infflH*2e was appointed to buy -a rug for the parsonage and gas lights for the ehuioh. VANDELEUR 4TH LINE AND VICINITY CEYLON Master Earl McLean of New Ont- ario is visiting his sister, Mrs. Clias. Chislett. Master Earle's many friends are pleased to see him Mr. W:.i. Whife is still very iil and Nurse McLean of Owen Sound is in attend.-ince. Miss Kaathleen McDonald of Tor- onto is visiting her parents. Mr and Mrs. John McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sargent drove yp to Owen Sound a w*ek ago. Their son James I'jceived a message a few days ago billing him to Owen Sound. his moth::- having talcen sudde:!lv ill. Mr. S. Liemphill and family visit- ed at Va.uieieur the first of the week. iMrs. Wm. Hyslop, who has been visiting her sist;r Miss Jessie Mc- Kenzie i as relumed to her home in Eugenia. Mr. a::u Mrs. Stewart and babe Bolton, n;otored up and spent the week end with the latter's parents b.ie, Mr. and Mrs. T. MarshaU. LADY BANK Lovely Junj weather, after the big snow flurry of a week ago. Mr. Ed. Harbottle is the fix-st man in thi.s vicinity to be finished seeding. Mis-- Winifred McMuUen has return- ed to hjr position in CoUingwood. Mrs. David McMuUon is with her sister, Mrs. Robert Mc.Mullen of East Mountain, wHo is ill. .Mr. Fred Seinple and Mi-s. Steve Sutton of Flesherton, visited their parental home Sunday, accompanied, by Miss Rose Dawson and Miss Mc- Gee of Vandeleur. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sewell visited FleiUerton frien<iB oh Sunday last. Mrs. Wm. Guy of .Maxwell has the sympathy of the community in tho .sad death of her husband, who passed away to the home of rest, on Sunday morning last. .Mr. and Mrs. jlark Stewart of Flesherton spent a day last week with their daughter, Mrs. Elmer Warling. Mr. and M-s. Gordon McGee and family of Toronto are visiting with rhe former's mother, Mrs. R. G.'noe. ?>h-s. Davidson left on Saturday to visit her sister, Mrs Ready, of St. Mary's, before going back to her home at Chcsley. Miss Lillian Buchanan is spending a week with friends at St. Thomas. , We are sorry to report Mrs Bow- les Sr. had the misfortune to faU and break her thigh bone, one day last, week. It will be a very trying time : owing to hor age. Messrs. George and Norman Sum- mcrs have purchased a Ford touring car and Mr. Ran. Hutchinson, a Ford Coupe this season. Mrs. Reed of St. Thomas, was a vis- itor with Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Buchanan recently. The Fl,.sherton Ladjies' Aid are p-!vi-;:; the play, ".411 on account of Pftlly", on Fridaay evening of this week, under the auspices of the V'an- deleur Ladies' Aid. Qnite a number from here attended the play at Flesh- erton and roport that it is a program v.orth hearing. The Wor-.en's Institute held their .A.!:)iil met-ting at the home of Mrs. Ei-ner Warling. on Thursday after- noon of last week Considerable business was carried on and it was decided to try and li;ive a sewing course licre the first two weeks in July. Papers were given by Mrs. McLoug-bry on ."Planting and care of Home Grounds." and by Mrs. Wy- viUe,"A;i Ides' Motlier." "which were ihoroughly en.'i'cd by all present. The next meeting -.vill h^ at the home of -Mrs. Frank Ti. lor. A numbei- of farmers are partly through aetding. iha winter weatli- ' er Saturday night and Sunday prol- onging working on the land for a fe'^ days. \ " Miss Gladys Patterson of Markdale spent Easter Sunday at her home hn-re. Kendall Stewart spent taster week with his cousin Mrs. E. Patterson. Miss Mabel Gilchrist, of Flesherton spent the past three weeks with ha: sisters, Mrs. E. Patterson and Mrs. J. A. N'ichoL Hazel Young, teacher at Irish Lake holidayed at her home in Durham. Miss Lily Campbell of Toronto is spending a couple of w;jeks at her home here. The Holdfast Club held their month- ly meeting at the home of ilrs. W. A. Beaton on April 9th. A most enjoy- able time was spent, one of the mam features being a 'Citizenship Contest' with the result being a tie. Xo more word or news of the bear and he has probably gone to other parts, where they will not use him as a target to .shoot at. M.r and Mi-s. G. .-Vrrowsmith of Ceylon, spent Easter Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. E. Patterson's. LEG BADLY TLI.NTERED BY ENRAGED RA.H William He' i, a young farmer, ; had ills righ'i; i s badly injured when i he was dri\nng the sheep from a field | on his ierro near Tiverton on- Tues- day. The young man was knocked , dovrTi and trampled by the enraged j ani:nal and h«? was in a semi-conscious ; co>:dition bv the time assistance ar- j rived. i Bates Burial Co. Funeral Service New Modem Funerial Parlors ^^.m^nue TORONTO 'Phone HiUcrest 0268 J. W. Bates R. Maddocks Formerly of Flesherton. i w I! I! f HOUSE OF OUALITY We have a fidl line of Field and Garden seeds consisting of: TIMOTHY NO .1 SPECIAL TIMOTHY NO. 2- No. 1 purity RED CLOVER NO. 1 SPECIAL RED CLOVER NO. 2 No. 1 purity MAMMOTH CLOVER NO. 1 SPECIAL MAMMOTH CLOVER NO. 2, No. 1 purity ALSIKE NO. 1 SPECIAL ALFALFA ONT., VARIEGATED SWEET CLOVER W. B. We have a fine sample of seed and our prices are right. Be svire and see our seed before you buy. I RENNIE, STEELE BRIGGS, DUNKIRK W. J. STEWART 81 SONS Flour, Feed, Seada, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton BLOOD POISONING ENDS LIFE CH-" FORMER PROTON LADY Fiv« \v(:«k8 ago Mrs. .\lfred W. Guest of Neville Boulevard. Toronto, pricked h«r finger with a needle. On Friday she died in Wellesley hospital after long suffering from blood pois- oning. Her husband and two little sons, seven and five years old. sur- vive. Mrs. Guest was bom in Grey county and was married in Proton, Ont. At the time the accident occurred Mrs. Guest was pressing a dress on an ironing board in her home. .\s she ran the iron along the board, a projecting reedle pierced her finger and when she attemcfc.'d to extract the needle the point broke. Blood poisoning set in and she was sent to the hosiptal where her condition was critical from 'he first. BABY SPECIAL Prize for First Baby Bom in the G^nnnunity On or After April 1st The prize will be one High Chair Value U.M- er if chair ia not needed a Baby Swing or anything to that valtte f«K tk« Only tiualiiications are that parenfs must be custont- ers of some one of the stdVes in Flesherton. Parents to notify me (he date of birth. We aia* hav» far aU kinds of push carts. Baby Carriageii. Baby W«]fcen» Cars. Doll Carriages. Wagons of all sizes for all sun af hmfm. Child's Rockers and Commtide Chairs. So when ncadtaf ai^ wt the above wouht be glad to have yoa come in and lat â- â- show you our stock. Thos. W. Findlay FIRNITURE D£ALBR FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1 Flesherton