eV* k^ â- J Sometune! Wky not Ais time? REP ROSE TEA^^is good tea The ORANGE PEKOE is extra good. Try Hi Snniaines and Their Origin * CRANE Variation â€" Craln. Racial Originâ€" English. Source â€" A place, also a nickname. The manner in which such a family nam* as Crane could have originated Is likely to bo puzzling to the casually curious, for certainly the crane was not a eonimou enough bird in England of the middle ages to have occurred to a man's associates in that period when various descriptive phrases came into use to differentiate one in- dilvtdual from others bearing the same giv^n name. Th«re might have been exceptional cases here and there of dealers in rare animals who couldn have gotten the saraaoie from the fact that they sold cranes. But that would not account for the very many families which to- day bear the name. It might also â€" and undoubtedly was, in some in- stancesâ€" be conferred upon a man as a nickname, and from this develop in- to a family name. But the explanation, in the vast ma- jority of cases, lies in a custom quite Why Creâ€" ea Mean KiMes. ' Whawver your sex. at some time or other you have probably wrliien a let- ter and put soBie "crosseB" in it for K!s«p.j. But have you ever wondered:' why a cTosa shouU be UHed as the wrttten symbol of a kiss? . " I This story is iiuereolinir and takes us back to the times when few could read, aivd sUU fewer could write. In that respect the nobility wore no iMit- ler than those of a ir.iver station In life; but deads transferring property, wilJ, aud other docunieuti lia.i to be signed .-oiiiehow. So those who could I not write their naiiies "niado lUfiir mark, " and this, in au age when re- . ligiona symbcllsni was very much in \ evidence, usually took the form of a I cross. Fn;ni molivts of reverence the i shape used was not that of the cross - II of Calvary, but the St. .Andrew cross, MONTAIGNE j which resembles the letter 'X." Variations â€" Montaine, MontanI, Mon-j Having duly made their mark, the' tayne, Mountz, Mountain. signatories of a document kissed itâ€". Racial Origin â€" French, Italian, Ger-j partly as a pledge of good faith and! man, English. | partly as an act of rtverence. And so| Source â€" A locality. j * crci58 marked on paper became as- Canadians Are Small News- print Consunters. i sociated with a kiss. Here is a group of family names | which are the equivaleat of the name j of Hill. They all trace back, of course, ! to the Latin root "moat" Though the name appeared at an early period in Eugland, it had no very wide development there, for in the ! amalgamation of the Nonnan-French > p A REUABLElONlC FOR SPRINGTIME I and the Anglo-Saxon tongues into the : mixture that has become modern Eng- 1 lish, the word "mountain" was used very little in application to gecgrapcl- 1 cal features of Eugland. To-day even the English speak rather of their hilla than of their mountains. The more ancient French form, that is "Montaigne," was introduced into England by the Normans. The more modern form of "Montaine" appears quite widely in France, and more fre- quently than the older spelling, the wid€.sprcad in the middle ages, and I r^^" °' ^'^^ influences; one that the now all but forgotten, except where ! meaning of the name was less quickly the owner of a little inn, restaurant | submerged in England, where the vse or curio shop desires to lend an air °f French rapidly died out, and the of quaintnes and antiquity to his busi- ' other, that family aames^ere of some- ne£3. The custom was that of placing what later formation in France than outside the door a sign bearing the picture of some animal or article. Let- tered signs were little used because in England. Montani, of course, is an ItaJian form of the name, whereas Mountz the bulk of the population could not may be regarded as a Teutonic de- reaid. But the picture was a distin- guic-hing mark to the uneducated as well as the educated eye. It was not uncommon, on busy streets, to see a veritable menagerie on the signs of the shops and inns of a single square. It was much easier to refer to a man simply as "Geoffrey Crane" than as "Geoffrey at the sign of the Crane." Hence the modern form of the name. though at one period it was preceded by"de la" (ot the). velopment of the Latin word in south- ern Germany and Austria, where the cultural influence of Latin wus great- er, and where it was quite "the thing" at one period to Latinize one's name. Originally these names were pre- ceded by some such phrase as "de la" (according tx> the language in which they developed), with a meaning of "of the," indicating that tlie bearer lived in or came from the vicinity of some hill or mountain. Good Advice. He â€" "I haven't gone round with a single girl this winter." She â€" "Better leave other men's wives alone." Art and Architecture. .Architecture iis the art which so dis- poses and adorns the edifices raised by man tliat the sight of them may 'outribute to his mental health, power and pleasure. â€" Ruikin. SPRING WEATHER HARD ON BABY The Canadian Spring weather â€" one day mild and bright; the next raw and blustery, is extremely hard on the baby. Conditions are euch that the mother cannot take the little one out for the fresh air so much to be desired. He is confined to the house which is often over-heated and badly ventilated. He catches cold; his little stomach and bowels become disordered and the Williams' Pink Pills Give, New Health and Vigor. i Not sick â€" but not feeling quite well. ; That is the way most people feel in the spring. Easily tired, appetite fickle, i sometimes headaches and a feeling of depression. Pimples or eruptions may; appear on the skin, or there may be ; twinges of rheumatism or neuralgia. â- I Any of these indicate that the blood is ] i out of orderâ€" that the indoor life of â- I winter has left its mark upon you and . i may easily develop into more serious i trouble. j Do not dose yourself with purgatives, ' as many people do, in the hope that, you can put your blood right. Purga- tives gallop through the system and weaken Instead ot giving strength. ' Any doctor will tell you that this is ' true. What you need in the spring is i a tonic that will enrich the blood and! build up the nerves. Dr. Williams' i Pink Pills do this speedily, safely and; surely. Every dose of this medicine helps to enrich the blood, which clears J the skin, strengthens the appetite and j makes tired, depressed men, women : and children bright, active and strong, i Proof of the value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills when the system is run down is shown by the case ot Mrs. Lil- lian Lewis, South Ohio, N.S., who says: â€" "About a year ago I was badly run down. My appetite was poor, I did not sleep well and my nerves were all unstrung. I could not go upstairs without stopping to rest. As I was a long way from a doctor I decided to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and in the cottrse of a few weeks I felt like a new person. As an all around re-i storative 1 can heartily recommend j this medicine." I You can get I'lese pills through any i dealer in medicine or by mail, at ZO cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockviile, Ont. Plowing With Eighteen Yoke of Oxen. In the nineteenth chapter of Kings, sayS Prof. WilMam Lyon Phelps in Comparison of consumption of news- print in Canada v.ith Uiat of the United Stalps brings cut some inter- esting iuforaiulion, and hat a bearing upon tije use being made ( f Canada's pulpwood fore-^fs, says the Natural Re- sources Intelligence Service of the De- paituient o( the Interior. i-ust year Caua la pr(Kiuced"1.352.!)94 tc-ii-i of new.^priut. of wliich 1,218,384 tous was expor:e>l, principally to the United States. Canada used cnly 132,- 010 tons. The Cniiel States produced 1,471,- fldO tons of newsprint, and imported l,l92.6!)y Kins from Canada anl 156,- 000 ions ti'om European countries. Ex- ports auijunteJ to abcut 17,500 tons, maUiug a total amount available for con,suiiii,(ion of 2,800.000. Canada has, acoording to the latest newsipai.'er directory, 114 daily papers, with a total average daily circulation of 1.646.000 copies. With a population cf 8,T.Tu,8;:!, as shown by the last cen- sus, this gives a daily newspaper for every .'. 1 of iho population. The Unite! Staties haa 2,300 daily paipors, with an e;tima.ted aggregate daily circulation of 33,000,000 copies. On th* basis of the population figures for Dhe 1920 censes, 105,711,000, a daily newspaper is provided for every 3.2 of t'n« population. Per capita consumption of newsprint also shows a much higher ratio in the United StatKs as compared with Cana- da. In 1924. using census figures of population, the Canadian consumption of newsprint was 30.3 pounds, as com- pared with 53 pounds in the United States This greater per capita con- sumption can be accounted for largely by the larger number of pages con- tained in the United Statec5- metropoli- tan daiili?s United States newspapers with circulation ia excess of 100,000 average 28 pages in daily editions and 103 pages in Sunday editions. In Canada the average size of the daily papers would not exceed sixteen pages although in Uie larger cities this is consider? bly exceeded. Thus it will be seen that we have fewer daily papers per capita, our papers are of smalHer size, our con- sumption of newsprint is less, yet last year we caane within 118.000 tons of equalling United States production. In addiUcn to the 1,192.699 tons of newsprint we supplied to take care of their huge consumption, Canada's for- ests provided 1,330,250 cords of pulp- wood, and 691,443 tons of mechanical and chemical pulpwood. RADI3 SPECIALS Northera Electric Peanut Tubes, new type $2.43. Reg. $3.50 Starco Headsets . $2.75. Reg. »4.00 Killark A. F. Transformers, r2.75. .Reg. 14.00 21 PI. Condensers, $1.75. Reg. 12,50 A!l Our Supplies at Cut Rate. DINGLE RADIO SUPPLY 136 King St. West Toronto BEMNANYS. i r> ARGAIN PARCEL, |?; 5 LBS. . -â- -' Patches, $2. HcCreery, ChatluuB. Ontario. FREE CATALOGUE. tiling that requires sweetening; or they may be soaked in water and a sweet liquor prepared. One of the most valuable qualities of this liquid is that it does uot ferment. The poBSible uses of such a plant ara more or less obvious. It will par- ticularly interest sufferers from dia- betes, promising to furnish them with a sweetening that has none of the harmful properties of .sugar. Extensive tests will be required, of course, before it can be said that the new substauce is wholesome and free from ail deleterious effects. The plant has perennial roots, so tliat cutting the stem does not terminate its life. For Sore Throat Use MInard's Liniment « Wonderful Human Eye. Eyes are bold as lions, roving, nm- niug, leaping, hear and there, far and near. They speak all languages; wait for no introduction; ask no feave ot age or rank; respect neither povei^y nor riches, neither learning nor power, nor virtue, nor sex, but intrude, and ccme again, and go through and through you in a moment of time. What inundation of life and thought is discharged from one soul into another through tbcml â€" Emerson. |>A.SPBERRY BUSHES. GLAD. *«' iolas, Iris, Peony, Fanay DahliM and Barred Rock Eggs. The Wrigbt Farm. Brogkvllle, On t. AGENTS W.A.NTED. A GENTS WANTED TO EARN •'*• five to ten dollars daily aelling Hosiery for the family, from mill to consumer. Samples free. Sterling Hosiery Mills, Toronto, Ont. MONEY TO LOAN. PARM LOANS MADE. AGENTS 'â- wanted. Reynolds, 77 'Victoria, Toronto. An Experiment. "Well, Pat," said Bridget, "wliat kind of a bird have you brought home in the cage?" "It's a raven," replied Pat. "A raven? And why did you bring home a bird like that?" "Well, I read in a paper the other day that a raven lias been known to live for three hundred years, I don't believe it, so I am going to put it to tlie test." WjURm iiw NIGHT NIGHTS- 0^ MORNING ir' I KEEP YOUR EYES. CLEAN CLEAR AND HEALTHV tniT* tOR rKU II> CAM MISK' MWUMI CO. CUiC*»a»M - LOOK ! - Ford Fenders, Per Set $10.75 Fisher Automatic Windshield Cleaners $2.95 Ford Retopping Outfits $5.95 Motor Driven Horns $3.95 colds, simple fevers, colic or any other of the many minor ills of childhood. The Tablets are sold by medicine deal- ers or by mail at 25c a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co,, Brockviile, Ont. Write Us for Your Accessory Wants. We havie the Lowest Prices in Canada. Sherboume Motor Equipment and Supplies. 614 Yonge St., Toronto Prompt Attention to Mail Orders. mother soon has a sick baby to look after. To prevent this au occasional Scribner's Magazine, we are informed dose of Baby's Own Tablets should be j that Elijah "found Elisha, the son of given. They regulate the stomach and I Shaphat, who was plowing with twelve bowels, thus preventing or relieving | yoke of oxen before him, and he with the twelfth." I had always supposed that this meant that Blisha and the hired hands were cut plowing with twelve yoke; I did not suppose he was driving twelve yoke of oxen in front of him, though tlie Bib'.e seemed to say so. The Rev. F. Kurtz, missionary in India, writes me a letter that ought to interest all lovers of the Bible, all dirt farmers and many others: "I am living in an Oriental land where oxen do all the plowing, I had frequently seen seven yoke of oxen plowing the some field, but a few days later I was ! traveling through the country on my Strength is natural, but grace isl^*^"^' '"'*' ^^ ^ "^^^ "^®'" =» ""^^ rise! the grovrth of habit. This charming °^ ground what did I see but eighteen quality requires practice if it is to become lasting. â€" Joubert Far Sweeter Than Sugar. In the desert regions of Paraguay is found a plant containing a substance nearly two hundred times as sweet as cane supgar. Scientists are experi- menting to see whether its properties may not be valuable in modern diet. The plant belongs to the family of composites, ot which the sunflower and daisy are familiar representatives. The sweetness it contains it not a sugar, but a glucasid somewhat simi- lar to that found in the root of licorice. The leaves are dried and ground up, and a pinch ot them is added to any- Willie's Choice. "Well, son. how do ycu like the new sister we got tor yon?" ".\w, gee. dad I" exclaimed Willie, who wanted a radio set, "Uiero's a lot o' things I needed worse's a baliy!" Never rub soap on siiks or woollens. It hardens the latter, and causes the former to liecome yeilow. Make a warm soap lather, and squeeze and knead the garments; rub only very dirty stains. Seed Potatoes Nevyf Brunswick Grown and Govern- ment Certified. Green Mountains and Irish Cobblers. $2.00 per bag of 90 lbs. I have a lot ot fine Irish Cobblers and Green Mountains that are purs but not Government Certified, but just as good, which I am selling at ?1.50 per bag. Cash with order. These prices ore f.o.b,. Brampton, No charge for bags. Special price for lots of 5 or more bags. H. W. DAWSON P.O. Box 38 - Brampton, Ont BURNS! Mix MInard's with sweet oil and apply at once. It reinove.3 in- Hammation. stops the pain and ueal,'5 (juii'kiy. atAR^s (GOFRUN* Nervous People That haggard, care-worn, depressed look will disappear and nan'ous, thin people will gain in weight and strengtli when Bitro-Phosphate is taken for a short time. Price $1. per pkge. Arrow Chemical Co,, 25 Front St. East, Toronto. Ont. Ancient Dispensary. About 4600 B.C. a public dispensary was established in Egypt, the medical attendant for which received the equivalent of $500 a year for his ser- vices. This vtras^ at that time about five times the amount received by a skilled laborer. Fast-Easy-Cuttin^ rSIMONDl SAWS SMOmS CANADA SAW Ca LTD. MONTREAU Vamcouver St. John. N 8. i-a4 The Ritz-Carlton H^-f^l Atlantic City nOLei New Jersey America's Smartest Resort Hotel. Famous for its Euro- pean Atmosphere. Perfect Cuisine and Service. Single rooms from $5.00 Double rooms from $8,00 European Plan New Hydi tatric and Electro - Therapeutic Department. nUSTAVE TOTT. Manager Artists who are members of the Royal Academy have to retire on reaching the age of seventy-five. LABELS Uip-8tO(.-k Labvb For rtttlc. Khecp and hoits. Scales. Tattooes. ^ rblcken Dacds. Bull NoM ntiuifi. Write for ' MtnplPA and prion, ManufMturln9 Co.. LM.. Box 90 1 W. Ottawa, OnL ONTARIO Improvement ii». STOCK LIVESTOCK Committee Steers in Middlesex County Only one {arm in five where grade bulls were used did steers return a profit over the value of the feed consumed. The steers on over 80% of the farms where good Pure Bred Bulls were used returned large profits over value of feed consumed. USE PURE BRED BULLS lot yoke of oxen plowing a field, one fo! lowing another just as in Elisha's time. We missionaries who are ac- ^ customed to use the Bible in these \ Oriental lands are continuaHy getting new lights on old truths. The West has got so fair away from the Orient â- that many tilings in tJie Bible seem to I be out ot place until you can see the Bib'.e incidents in real life. No Indian Christian would have doubted the story of the twelve yoke of oxen." Anotlier New Forest. The l)rilis,h Forestry C'ommittss Is planning afforestation development In a huge area of Ea=t Aiiglia, with the idea of creating ihe largest forest in Great Britain. Tree piantiiig has ai- reaidy begun. The area under de- velopment is a vast saivdy wasteland. The plan inc:.;,!*,; the ore i \'ii of w-orkETs' dwelling.^ for one hundre.i families. It is expected that the die- velopnient wl'.l he prt'liiable t;o! < ii]y in the production of lumber, but in the increased fertility of the mrrotinding land. Amethyst's Powera. Amethyst is traditionally supposed to have the virtue ot wardlug oflf or ctiring drunhen!io=-.>. Tiw word it^self. which comos from the Ureek. Jiteraily niear.5 "not intoxicating." The anie- thys-i e'so has been heU (i> have the pxiwer to make men -^lir^n i i-i l>-.i3i- nfs,"? dPsl!". BOT LAR GE Burned and Made Face Sore. Cutea Healed. '* For four years I was bothered with hard, large, red pimples in blotches on my face and neck. The pimples came to a head and festered and looked terribly, and at times burned and made my face very sore. My face looked so tsadly that I used to feel embanrassed when I went in public. " I began using Cuticura Soap and Ointment and they helped me, and after using three or four cakes of Cuticura Soap and a few boxes of Cuticura Ointment I was com- pletely healed in three months." (Signed) Miss Vera Sweny, 1 Gib- son Ave., Toronto, Ont. Use Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum for daily toilet purposes. S&mpl. C&cll rn. bT MaU. .\ddresa Canadian Depot: ^StenliOQM, Ltd. MootrMj," Price, Soap ge. Ointment » and 50c. Talcum J»c. V* Cuticura Shavins Stick 25e. FULL OF ACHES AND PAINS Toronto Mother Found Relief by Taking Lydia ELPinkham's Vegetable Compound Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Tonsilitis Headache Colds Pain Neuritis Neuralgia BayerTab/et Lumba.eo Rheumatism So^ Minard's Liniment for Cotds. Acct;^! ^"'^ "Bayer" package which Ci'ittyiiis proven directions. Handy "Bayer" hoxei of 12 tablets. Also boltUii of 24 and 100 â€" Druggists, Asidrik U fbt fT»i)« OMfK (reelsterrt Ir. Oanac^vi •* B»T»r Maniif i.-'nnc of Mmonoetlc- •rldwrw -.f S«1lr.»itc«r!<» (.»«â- ».»! S«l!rrtle A'lrt "A S A 'M. tViiilc •» tr. â- tr^ll Vnnwn that A^t^Irtn meann Pa.Ter manufart-o*^, to aMtat iljc ;mMt<! acalrst tmlfatlmia, the Tili'eta •( Barer Conpanr will be stasipcd wlUi tlwit general trade mam, Uie "BaTV Or<-ifc" Toronto, Ontario. â€" " I have found Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound a splendid medicine to take before and after continement. A small boolt was put in mv door one day advertieing Lydia E. Pkkham's niedicme?, and as I did not feel at. all well at the time I went .ind got a bott^le of Vegetable Compound rig^ht away. I soon began U> notice a dilferenco in my general health. I waa fuU of aches and pains at the time and thought I had every complaint goings, but 1 can truthfully say your medicine certainly did me good. I can and will speak highly of it, and I know it will do ether women ^ood who arc sick and nilinu if they will only give it a fair trial. Lydia E. Pinkhani's Liver Pills are splendid for constipation. Yoti are welcome to use my letter if you think It will help any one. "-Mrs. Harry \V KSTWOOD, Mi Quebec Street, Toronto, Ontario. The expectant mother is wise if sh« considers carefully this . Btatement of Mrs. Westwood. It. i.s hut one of i great mjiny. all telling the same storyâ€" bene- fiiiai results. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound i."5 esppi'iallv adapted for tise dur- ingthis period. T^.eexperionce of other women who have found this medicine a blessing i.' proof c.f :t8 great merit. Why not try it now you/f «lf? »S?UE N7. :4 -'28.