Jt^ J'- i , "StJjje /kfilj^ttxrn %hmxice. Vol.44 No.43 Flesherton, Ontario, March 26, 1 924 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors VANDELEUR ,Mr. and Mrs. Will BurreU of Sligo spent a day recently with the latter s mother, Mrs. R. Genoe. Mr. Leckie has returned to his home in the West after spending a week with friends h«re. Mrs. S. Qilbert and Mrs. F R. Bo- land spent the week end with the for- mer's sister, ftfrs. Hare, and other friends at Markdale. Miss Edna Burritt, of Kimberley, visited with her sister, Mrs. D. Gra- ham recently. Mrs. Will Hutchinson is spending a week in Toronto. Mrs. J. I. Graham is spending a couple of weeks with her son, Wilf ord, in Slarkdale. Mrs. Otto Baker tnd children spent a few days with the former's mother in Kimberley. Bornâ€" To Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Gra- 1km of Markdale, Monday, March 17, a son. - *< *Wl The local baseball club held a meet- ing on Monday evenin<'. March 10th, and organized for the coming season. The officers elected were as follows : Pres., Frank Davis; Vice Pres., Otto Baker; Sec.-Treas., Howard Graham; Manager, Harry Baker; Captain, Ab. Buchanan; Com., E. Warling, N. Genoe and F. Davis; scorer, Norman Genoe; mascot, Norman Summers. Mr. Will Johnston attended the fun- eral of his brother-in-law, Mr. Herbert Wiley of Owen Sound on Wednesday afternoon of last week. The de- ceased spent most of his life in Euph- rasia and was well known by the •Iieople of this place. Mr. D. McDonald of Eugenia has •completed the work of tearinp- down and drawing home the barn which was bought from Mr. S. Bowles of the Valley. A large number were present at the March meeting of the Women's Insti- tute, which was held at the home of Mrs. F. Davis on Tuesday afternoon of last week. Papers and readings were given that were enjoyed by all. Lunch was served by Mrs. P. R. Bol- and and Mrs. O. Baker. A very enjoyable afternoon and evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Weber Thursday, March 20tfa, when a large number of friends and relatives gathered to celebrate the Fiftieth Anniversary of their marri- age. The house was suitably decor- ated for the occasion. At 0.30 about 40 guests sat down to a sumptuous wedding dinner. During the evening Mr. and Mrs. Weber were presented 'With a large arm chair from the family, Mr. John Boland makng the presentation. He also read a neatly worded address from the friends and relatives. Mr. Weber replied in a few well chosen words and thanked the people for their kindness. Their many friends wish them many more years of happy wedded life. Miss Hawken, returned missionary from Alberta, will supply the pulpli: here on Sunday afternoon next, and give a report of her work in the West. Mr. Ed. Baker attended the funeral of Mr. E. Thompson of Heathcote one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Buchanan en- tertained a large number of friends on Wednesday afternoon of last week in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Krieger and family of South America ana Mr. and Mrs. Douglas and daughter, and Mrs. Douglas Sr. of Alberta. A debate was held in the church here on Wednesday evening of last fr week between the Young People's â- "Leagues of Flesherton and Kimberley •n'the subject resolved "that consoli- dated schools should replace our pres- ent rural school system." Flesherton team, who had the affirmative side, were declared the winners. Address- es were afterwards given by Mr. and Mrs. Krieger, who have been home on furlough and will leave in the near future for their work in South Amer- ica. At the end of the meeting a collection was taken which was pres- ented to Mr. and Mrs. Krieger for their missionary work. A number of the members of the W. 1. here went to Kimberley on "Thursday of last week to visit the ladies of the W. L there. A verv in- teresting program was given by the visitors, after which a dalniy lunch was served by the Kimberley ladies. PROTON STATION PRICEVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Bert Meddaugh of | Dundalk visited recently with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. \ Meddaugh. j Mrs. McFadden of Kitchener is visiting her mother, Mrs. Moody. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Talbot and children visited at the home of R. G. Acheson. Mrs. Amott, who has been nursing Mrs. Vause, has returned to her home in Osprey. Mrs. Turner is at pres- ent staying with her sister, Mrs. Vause. The Proton Tilers went to Shel- burne last Friday to play the return game of hockey against the young Shelburneites, which resulted in the score 7-3 in favor of Proton. On Monday night this week they met the Flesherton high school team on the Flesherton rink and won again in a score of 4-3. We congratulate the Phroton lads on their successful season, though they have not had the ad- vantage of any kind of a rink at home. ROCK MILLS Mr. Nelson Osborne of Owen So«md Mrs. Farquhar McKinnon is visiting is spending a couple of weeks with at Mono Road over the week end. his sister, Mrs. Walter RusselL Miss Minnie McTaggart visited J The U.F.W.O. Unity Club will hold with friends in Durham a couple of their monthly meeting at the home of days recently. . Mrs. Jas. Dargavel on Wed.. Aoril 2. Misses Edith Grant, Frank David- j Robt. Laughlin has been busy buzz- son and Alice Ramage of Durham • ing wood and cutting straw for some were visitors one day last week wiUi I of the farmers around here, the former's sister, Mrs. A. S. Muir, j jjj. ^„^ jj^g gam Osborne moved near Ceylon. \ jq (heir farm here, last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Jones and two | jj,.g j^hn Hargrave gave a quilt» children, who have been visiting | jjjg recently and a pleasant afternoon friends here for the past three months I ^y^g spent by all present, have returned to their home in the ! j ^ jj ^ Glasrford left last West. They wre accompanied by ^^^«- ^^^ ^^^.^ ^„^^,^ j„ ^,3 ^est. Mrs. Jones' brother, Malcolm McKin- non, and cousin, Mr. Alex. McLachlan. Mr. Richard Watters of Thombury was a visitor at his brother's, on the O.D.R.. and Sister, Mrs. John McKech- t'tt't'^^^L tl .^^^'IZ^ '*'' after spending the winter with their daughter, Mrs. B. Field. Mrs. Charles Howard has been sipk We nie, recently. Mr. Ferguson and sister of Ben- tinck visited on Sunday at their aunt's, Mrs. Murchison, who is ill. Miss Ferguson stayed to wait on her aunt. Mrs. A. Salter, who has been visit- hope to see her out soon. Misses Irene Walker, Lome and Eunice Gordon spent a '-v kst week with Walter Russell, wife and family. We are glad to report Mrs. Ern. Russell improving nicely. Miss Maergie NVhite left on Thurs- Held over Last week. Mr. Ed. Stinson had a successful wood bee last week, notwithstanding that a slight explosion of gasoline at the start caused some excitement among the workmen. The ice is being harvested these days. The U.F.O. club unloaded a carload of salt here last Friday. When Jack Neilson returned to the General Hospital some weeks ago the doctors there had very little hope for his recovery. As a last resort he was again placed on the operating table and the right kidney was remov- ed. It is gratifying to learn that Jack is impro\'ing as well as could be expeoted, after such a serious opera- tion, in his weakened condition. Mrs. Ramsay has moved in to the house she purchased last fall from Mr. Charlie Davey. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Badgerow have moved to their new home near Rock MiUs. Miss Edith Gonsley, teacher at Red- dickville, visited her parents here over the week end and Miss Jean McCan- nell, teacher at Badgero"'. spent last week end under the parental roof. •Mr. Alex. Hergott is visiting his uncle at Beaverton. Mrs. Stewart has returned to her home here after spending some weeks with her son at Swinton Park. Mr. Edward Rutherford attended the funeral recently of his sister-in- law, Mrs. John Rutherforu, at Mans- field. The hockey spirit in the Proton youngsters seems to be unquenchable. On Monday night of last week they went to Flesherton and played a game against the high school te%m and re- sulted in a 7-4 score in favor of Pro- ton. Thursday night tTiey playen a Dundalk team and won the largest end of a 4-2 score. On Friday they met a Shelburne team x,a the Dundalk rink and suffered defeat, the score being 7-4. Still undaurtted they again visited Flesherton and return;/, with the score 8-3 in their favor. ing with her sister, Mrs. Mortimer, of ; day to assist Mrs. Dane McGee of Shelburne, came home last week. Vandeleur for a tune. Mr. Hector H. McDonald of Edge ; Mr. and Mrs. Levi Betts visited over HUl was a caller in town on Saturday. \ the week end with relatives m Toronto Mr. I. B. Whyte visited his parents, I Mr and Mrs. Geo. Lawlor visited Mr. and Mrs. Dan Whyte, in Toronto ', over Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. last week. ; Les. Chard. Mrs. J. McRae of Toronto and sister 'â- , Mrs. Sam Osborne is spending a Mrs. B. McKinnon visited friends here ' few days wnth her fnend. Mrs. Gem the first of last week. KIMBERLEY ROD AND GUN School Report CEYLON PUBUr SCHOOL / 4th Clas»â€"J. C. McMullen 83, Eldon McLMhlan 73, Oban McLachlan 70, Delia White 61, Marguerite McMullen 46, Earl« White 22. Margaret Sinclair 41, Bemice McDonald 31 Vernon Stewart, absent . Sr. 3 â€" Isaac Snell 73, Dora Stewart 67, John McMillan 66. Jr. 3â€" Blanch Genoe 77, Macll Snell 67, Helda Genoe 47, Jackson Stewart and Kendal Stewart absent. Jr. 2 â€" George Jaynes 73, Jimmy Sinclair 70, Dorothy Snell 57, Laveme Piper 66, Jeanette McLeod 46 Earle Brown 30, Donelda McDonald, absent. Jr. 1â€" Eddie «enoe 82, Milford Pip- «r 77, Carnren Brown 76. Bessie Cairns and Dick Stewart, absent. Sr. Pftâ€" Katie Stawart, J. P. Stew- art Jr. Pr.â€" Stontey Hunt, Lloyd Archi- bald. No on roll 36. av«rage attendance 26 lite numbers are p»T centajres. â€"MRS. F. J. SEELEY, Teacher. A good description of a canoe trip taken in the Kiamika lake district, Quebec, with a map showing the route and full details concerning the trip, is written by J. Jenkins in the April Rod and Gun in Canada. This num- ber also contains a good bear hunting story by T. C. Young who describes his bear hunt on the Goat River, B. C, and a big game hunt in Alberta by E. Hang, both of which are unusually good stories. Sportsmen will be in- terested in the fishing stor'" by Mark McElhinney of Ottawa, and in the contributions of F. V. Williams, Bon- nycastle DaJe and Martin Hunter. H. W. Fry continues his series on shooting from the siK point rest, while J. H. Mattem has another article, "What is in the High Velocity 30-30." Joseph Martin completes an interest- ing gun department with his account of the .22 Long Rifle at all Ranges. The other regular departments con- tain much of interest, and the April issue will be enjoyed by all those in- terested in Canadian sport. mell, at the Power House, 'f he latter is intending to leave soon on a trip to England. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fisher are spend- , ing a fortnight with relatives in To- I ronto. Vandeleur Women's Institute visit- We are sory to report Mrs. A. Part- ed the Kimberley ladies on Thursday ^ ridge ill, but hope for a speedy re- and supplied a very interesting pro- ' covery. gram. "There were over fifty present. ' The upper mill has started the 1 spring cut of lumber. This is earlier than last year, but an extra large cut ' is in the yard and the snow is going ' fast. Eighth Line, Artemesia Owing to the present impassable > Spring! Spring! The great heaps of snow here and condition of the roads the plav "Bash- ! t'jere are disappearing quickly during ful Mr. Bobbs" will not be put on this ^hese warm days, week, but wiU be given as soon as ; Mr. Thos. Wise has been bedfast the weather permits. | during the past week owing to his Several sleigh loads of the young impaired health. Mr. Wise is a man people went to Vandeleur on Thurs- about fiO years of age and we wish day evening to attend the debate be- him a speedy recovery, tween the local League and Flesher- 1 jj^. Donald McDonald purchased ton. Two of the judges gave the, a ^arn from Mr. Sam Bowles, which decision m favor of Flesherton^ Miss ^^ had torn down, and with the assist- Tena Hutchinson and Mr. Goff were j an^g ^f friends and neighbors he has our speakers and are to be congratu- : jt aU drawn home, and will erect a lated on the manner in which they ^ew barn to rep'ace the one destroyed conducted themselves and handled , bv tire last fft'l. We wish him sue- their subject. ^ ^^^ .^Ve u::,:jrstand that Mr. J. Mr. Wm. Ellis is moving into the ! McDonald, Ceylon, has the contract south half of Mrs. Hammond's house, ; of building. while Mr. J. Taylor is moving into 1 ^ ,, . • -,, 1. o j xi half of Mrs. Lawience's house 1 9",?'°",5.'*^' evening March 3rd, Mr. ,,. r, ij oi .. f T^. . ' and Mrs. Thos. Fenwick entertained a Miss Denelda Stuart of fiesnerton : number of their friends and neighbors f ^f^ u5° ^"^ Miss Besste Stafford The occasion was the celebration of of Markdale spent the week end at: the 20th annivevsary of tkcir wedd- their parental homes. , j^^ -fhere were about seventy-five Born â€" On Thursday, March 20tii, â- guests present. The evening was 1924, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Harvey, ! spent in games, music and dancing, a djiughter. i Splendid recitations v,ere given by Mrs Otto Baker and children of their eldest daughter. Miss Martha, Vandeleur spent a few days with Mrs. and also a reading by Mr. W. Mc- Ferguson. ' Kenzie of Ceylon. At midnight all Mr. and Mrs. J. Taylor and children Partook of the suniptuou^ wedding re- visited Mr. B. Taylor of Vandeleur. P^^t. The bnde and groom of 20 Mr. H. Ward and daughters. Misses ^^fP ?*?« received :r.any pretty ehma Villa and Sadie, spent Sundav with ^'f'^s- .'^of^'^'i^i" ^y"'\"'3ny hearty eon- Mrs. Clifford Risk of Sligo, ! gptulations. In tha wee sma hours „. _. . 1 .^1 J. ,, . o the morin tho crowd dispersed to â- if =^f, ^""""^ \° 'eP"^ the follo^v^ng their homes after spending a very sick with la grippe : Mrs. P. Harris, j^Uy time. So here's well-Wishes Miss Murdina Hams. Mr. J. Haines, f^^ many more happy vears of wedd- Mr. and Mrs. John Weber celebrat- ed life, ed their golden wedding on Thurs- day,. March 2tOh. PORTLVvV CHESLEY BJ>\^' CONFERENCE On Thursday, March 7th, Mr. C. F. Plewman,Boy8' Work Secretary of the Province, came to Chesley to start the ball rolling for the best Boys' conference ever held in Bruce and Grey County. About 50 Tuxis boys mentors.teachers. superintendants and pastors met to set up the machinery to put across a successful and profit- able get-to-gether of Tuxis boys and leaders in Chesley on May 9th to 11th. »Let every Grey and Bruce boy over 15 years keep his eyes pealed for further announcements. Begin boostin*' the conference in your town, church, Tuxis Square and S. S. class now and watch the other fellow catch your spirit just like the measles. Chesley Boy's Work Board. Mr. Jas. Cornfield received the sad news of the death of his sister, Mrs. J. Rutherford, of Mulmur, and attend- ed the funeral. Mrs. R. Hannah was in Toronto last week on business and also visited with her friend. Miss Nesbitt, of the Forks of Credit Mr. W. R. Simmons, who has been seriously ill, is reported to be a good deal better. ' Miss Violet McNally of Toronto is home visiting. Mr. H. McClure, who was snot re- cently in Toronto, lived for many years on the South Line and was well and favorably known in thjs com- „ . , , , munity. We wish to express our thanks to . I all who were so kind and helpful to BriUin rules the seas but it looks i "^ >"<>"'â- ""i'' °^ tf^^ble. as if Chicago has a mortgage on the -Samuel B-ownridgc and ijamuy. Great Lakes. I Feversham. Miss Claribel Fenwick has return- ed to her duties i 1 Kimberley. Co!ds are prevalent in the neigh- borhood. Thanks to Miss Lucy McDonald for her generous treat of birthdav cake. It was good, Lucy. It tasted like more! May you live to see many more happy birthflays. Miss Mabel Walters, Berkley, and Miss Kathleen Squire, Markdale, spent the week end with their friend. Miss Bertie Hawkins, at "The Gables" 8th Line, Osprey. Miss Mabel Gibhn, who has been visiting with her parents the past few months, left for Toronto to-day, Monday. CARD OF THANKS FEVERSHAM The farmers have tapped the trees and syrup making is the order of the day. The robins and black birds have arrived and old winter is on the decline. Messrs. Hood and Sanfster Hemp- hill of Flesherton visited iwth friends here on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith spent Sun- day with the latter's mother. Mrs. Crawford, in this village. Mrs. J. Henderson is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. FVank Curran, at Riverview. Mrs. Walter Poole visited with her mother, Mrs. eGo. Lawlor, at Maxwell the first of the week. Mr. John Hudson and wife spent Sunday with the latter's mother here. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sayers spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thomson ont he 6th Line. Mrs. W. J. Conn visited vrith her sister, Mrs. Jas. Moore, over the week end. Bates Burial Co. DIRECTORS OF Funeral Service Modern Funeral Parlor 124 AVENUE ROAD Toronto, Ont 'Phone Hillcrest 0268 J. W. Bates R. Maddocks Joseph Gamble, a well known far- mer and drover of Kinloss township, I ^as convicted of forgery b- a Grand I Jury at the Bruce Spring Assizes at I Walkerton and sentenced to four years in Kingston penitentiary. I Medontc township council will in , future, when sheep are killed bv dogs. â- pay not mare than $12 for a prebrued sheep, nor more than $7 for a grade sheep, and not more than $5 for a lamb. Methodist Church, Flesherton TRUE SPORTSMANSHIP 7 P.M. Sunday, March 30th. 11.00 a.m. â€" Family Religion. 2.30 p.m. â€" Sunday School. A Church With a Purpose To make our church a place where the real spirit of brotherhood prevail**, and to spread that spirit in the communitv. Something For Nothing THERE IS -A. TENDENCY OF CERT.\IN MERCHANTS TO HOLD THE "SOMETHING FOR NOTHING" SCHEME IN FRONT OF THE BUYING PUBLIC. TIME H.\S PROVED THAT THIS MANNER OF INDUC- ING MORE BUSINESS, DENOTES THE FACT THAT THERE IS A "NIGGER IN THE WOODPILE" SOME- V/HERE AND CONSEQUENTLY THE WELL MEANING CUSTOMER MUST BE THE LOSER. THIS IS ALL IN A FRIENDLY WARNING TO OUR CUS- TOMERS AND FRIENDS. IF YOUR WATCH OR CLOCK OR ANT OTHER ARTICLE OF JEWELLERY NEED ATTENTION WE SHAL BE GLAD TO DO IT FOR YOU. FURTHERMORE WE GUAR- .A.NTEE A GOOD JOB, FOR WHICH WE ALWAYS ASK A STANDARD PRICE. WITH AI L OUR YEARS OF EXPERIENCE. IT WOULD BE ABSOi^UTE FOLLY FOR US TO ADVERTISE TH.\T WE WILI DO A CERTAIN JOB .\T A PRICE, UTTERLY INCCNSI::TENT with the work done â€" IT SIMPLY CANNOT BE DONE. REMEMBIR, THIS BUSINESS WAS FOUNDED OVER 40 YEARS .A.GO â€" TO MAINT.AIN THIS GOOD RECORD WE ALM TO TREAT OUR CUSTOMERS SQUARE, AND Wrm A FAIRNESS THAT IS DUE THEM. Flesherton W. A. ARMSTRONG & SON JEWELERS and OPTICIANS Ontario â- i HOUSE OF GIUALITV GROCERIES â€" A full stock of fresh groceries alv^ays on hand. CHOCOLATESâ€" Neilson's bulk,- bars and Fancy boxes. NEILSON'S ICE CREAM BRICKS FLOUR and FEED Purity and Five Roses Flour. Bran, Shorts, Screenings, Whole Corn, Cracked Corn, Mid- dlings, Oil Cake, Oats, Barley and wheat Chop. Big Sixty Beef Scrap W. J. STEWART Si SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Fleshertoiv »®i^^€^@@0@@i^@O^©j^}®®®$@$$4$«$$«««««' Clearing Sale of First Quality Rubbers Black 3 eyelets reg $3.75 for $3.15 All red 4 eyelets reg. $4.50 for $3.45 size 8 only 9 9 I 9 { THOS. CLAYTON S FLESHERTON, • 9 ONT AR lO *>%â-