•Ehje /lesljjettixtt %hmnte. Vol.44 No.40 Flesherton, Ontario, March 5, 1 924 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors w» EUGENIA Died On Saturday, Feb. 23, at the home of Mr. Geo. Bejison, Mr. Herbert Uttley in his 55th year. Mr. Uttley leaves a wife and two small children to mourn his loss and for whom much sympathy is felt. Mr. Uttley was in the employ of the Hydro at the time of his death and although a stranger here was well respected among the men with whom he worked. Born â€" On Feb. 2, to Mr. and Mrs. Frizzel of Bognor (nee Clara Lati- mer). Twin boys. Died â€" On Feb. 2, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Frizzel. Hazel Hammond and Misses Fern and Hazel Stuart of Kimberley snow- shoed up on Saturday last and spent the weelc end with their grandma.Mrs McMullen. The boya of the power house gave a very nice little dance on Friday last the hall being prettily decorated for the occasion. Quite a numcer from Eugenia attended. The Large Bros, orchestra supplied the music. Mrs. Leonard Latimer attended the W. L meeting at Kimberley on Mon- day of last week, when a couple of good speakers were present. Mrs. Latimer remained until Thursday, the guest of Mrs. Geo. Proctor. A box social is being held in tlie Orange Hall Tuesday evening of this week as a benefit to Mrs. Uttley. Rev. Robert Paton of Flesherton occupied the pulpit here on Sunday in the absence of the pastor, who was unable tlu'ough sickness to be present Mr. Paton's address"^ xyas very much appreciated as usual. Mrs. Em. Proctor is visiting this week with Mrs. Geo. Proctor of Kim- berley. Mrs. Stuart and daughter visited over the week end with the former's mother, Mrs. McMullen. Little Lucy Sherwood entertained all the school children on the 29th of Feb., it being her birthday. Lucy has only one real birthday every four years, so makes it count when it does come around. The children aU en- joyed a very jolly afternoon. We are also pleased to report that with the treatment which Lucy has been taking since coming home from the Sick Children's Hospital she is able to see a little again. We hope it will not be long ere her eyesight is com- pletely restored. Messrs. Ken Large and Dong Roe visited at Jas. Myles' Thornbury, the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fenwick of the 8th line, and former residents of Eu- genia, are celebrating the 20th anni- versary of their wedding this Monday evening, when about 150 guests are expected to be present. We join their many friends in wishing them a long and happy life. Mr. George Park has returned to his home in Dominion City, Man. Quite a number of the young peo- ple attended the hockey match in Flesherton on Tuesday of last week. Mrs. Ern. Proctor entertained a number of friends on Wednesday last Miss Mary Halbert has taken a school at Orangeville, while Miss Mc- Queen of Owen Sound fills the va- cancy here. A number of young people drove out to the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. McMullen on Friday evening and re- port a good time. Large Bros.' orchestra go to Dun- dalk this Wednesday to play at the Masonic At Home which is being held there that evening. We are sorry to report Mr. Henry Tudor again laid up with pleurisy. A number froni here attended the box social held at Rock Mills on Fri- day of last week, given by the U.F. W.O. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Genoe visited the past week with their son, Thos., at Ceylon. Mr. Charles Turner, Sr., a highly respected citizen, has passed away after a lengthy illness of asthma and other complications. The particulars are given elsewhere. The sympathy of the community goes out to the fa- mily in hetir hour of sorrow and be- reavement. ARTEMESIA COUNCIL Artemeaia Council met on Satur- day, March Ist. The members were all present, the ReeVe in the chair. Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. The auditors' re- port for 1923 W88 presented. By-law 6, to appoint Overseers, Poundkeepers, and Fenceviewers was introduced and filled up, and No. 7, to provide for expenditure on roads, was passed. Hogarth â€" Carruthers â€" That the Standard Bank of Canada be and is hereby appointed banker of the town- ship of Artemesia, and is hereby au thorized to pay and <honor all checks, drafts, promissory notes, bills of ex- change and. orders signed, drawn, ac- cepted or endorsed in the name of the Township by the Treasurer there- of â€" Carried. Williamson â€" Mercer â€" That J. A. Hogarth be paid $5 for bobsleigh for snow plow â€" Carried. Hogarth â€" Carruthers â€" That the account of the Municipal World for six subscriptions be paid. â€" Carried. Mercer â€" Williamson â€" That the auditors' report be adopted and the Clerk publish the abstract statement. â€" Carried. Overseers Of Highways. Following are the overseers of | highways, Fenceviewers and Pound- keepers appointed for 1924 : Overseers â€" J. Brown, W. M. Tay- lor, W. J. Beatty, W. G. Cockburn, R. Richardson, Jas. Pei-ris, Chas. Best, Wm. Johnston, G. Ludlow, W. G. Nichols, Russel Foster, H. Shaw, Jos. Buchanan, W J. Cargoe, G. Clark, L. Talbott, A .McMullen, J. J. Brown, J. H. Watson, E. Cornfield, Elmo Stev- ens, W. J. Reid, H. Kenny, W. Mc- NichoU, Jos. E. McKee, G. Cairns, R. Piper, T. Genoe, C. Hindle, J-. Badge- .row, W. J. Blackburn, John McNulty, G. White, Hugh Waiters, J. William- son, Jos. Oliver, W. Taylor, Ed. Ding- wall, A. D. Irwin, James Oliver, A. Hinks, B. McKenzie, W. Gibson, A. Thompson, W. A. Beaton, R. Whitta- ker, J. Shier, C. Meldrum, Wallace Fislier, Pat Sweeney, I. Smith, W. Akitt, G. Buchanan, W. H. Duckett, E. Linton, Bert Magee, W. Radcliff, S. Gilbert, F. Genoe, D. Williams, j W. Semple, R. Sewell, John Welch, D. Genoe, R. Pui-vis, J. L Grcham, Sam Bowles, A. McFadyen, S. Hemphill, J. J. Magee, J. Carson, C. Htnley, W. J. McMullen, E. Lyons, J. Harbottle, L. Meggot, W. A. Weber, Ed. Fisher. Poundkeepers A. McVicar, D. D. McLachlan, W. J. Beatty, J. A. Thompson, J. Lockhart, T. Gilliland, R. Buchanan, G. T. Wright. Fenceviewers â€" R. Parslow, R. Whit- taker, D. McMullen, B. White, E. Baker, W. J. Beatty, G. Warling, J. Lockhart, R. Best, J. L. IVT^ r.'ullcn, J. Campbell, J. Parson, J. Lyons, R. Swanton. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the nfatter of the estate of Jos- eph H. Clinton, late of the Village of Flesherton in the County of Gr^y, Farmer, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act and amendments thereto, that all creditors and others having claims against' the estate of the said Joseph H. Clinton, who died on or about the thirteenth day of January, A.D. 1924, are required, on or before the sixth day of April, 1924 to send by post prepaid or d-iliver to Messrs. Telford & Biraie, of ti;e city of Owen Sound, Solicitors for the ex- ecutors, their christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the state- ment of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. AND further take notice that aftei such last mentioned date the said Ex- ecutors will proceed to distribute th* assets of the deceased among the par- ties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which tliey shall then have notice and that the said Executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated at Owen Sound this third day of March, A.D. 1924. TELFORD & BIRNIE, Solicitors for the Executors. cessful sale on Wednesday of last ' week. A dance was given at their ' home the same evening, which was \ enjoyed by all present. R. J. Laughlin and son, Billie, vis- ited over Sunday with relatives near Feversham. C. Newell and wife and Edith Betts visited over Sunday with W. J. New- ell and wife. Albert Hoy, who has spent the past month with his parents here, left last week for his home in the West. It was fifteen years since Albert was around these parts, and his many friends were glad to see him. VICTORIA CORNERS ROCK MILLS VANDELEUR Mrs. M. Wilson, Misses Irene and Evada, of Flesherton, spent a day re- cently with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bu- chanan. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Glassford of the West are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boland and other friends. Miss C. Wiley of Owen Sound vis- ited with her sister, Mrs. Will John- ston for a few days last weelc Mr. and Mrs. Will Alcox spent a couple of days recently with Mr. and Mrs. Will Hutchinson. Mr. Bowes of Markdale occupied the pulpit of the chui-ch here on Sun- day afternoon, owing to Mr. Bowes being laid up with a severe cold. The Ladies Aid held their Febru- ary meeting at the home of Mrs. J Buchanan on Thursday afternoon. The Women's Institute held their Feb. meeting at the home of Mrs. W. Elliott, Markdale, on Thursday after- noon of last week. Considerable bus- iness was carried on. A Splendid pa- per was given on "Friendship" by Miss Myrtle Freeman, and a number of letters were read from those who received gifts on account of sickness. A dainty lunrh was served by the hostess. The box social which was given by the U.P.W.O. Unity Club in the scliool on Friday was a most success- ful affair in every respect. There was a large crowi,' present, the school room being filled. A goo-.i program was given, which was opened by all singing "O Canada," after which the President of the Club, Mrs. Fred Ped- lar, who occupied the chair, gave a splendid address. The remainder of the program consisted of songs, read- ings, recitations, duets and somo well rendered violin selections by Mr. D. McDonald, accompanied on the organ by Mrs. Court Smith. Messrs. Fred Pedlar and A. Cameron each gave a fine speecli. The program over, the boys had to .secure their partners for the lunch by numbers. There weye 35 boxes to be distributed, and a so- cial half hour was spent over the lun- cheon. Then all sang the National Anthem and departed to their many homes feeling they had spent a plea- sant evening. The March meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. W. T. Pedlar this Wednesday afternoon, March 5th. Mrs. Sam Osborne is visiting with herfriend, Mrs. Riley, at the Club House, Eugenia. Sammie Fisher held a very sue- All who .ittended the box social at Proton on Friday repoi-t a good time. Miss Ottillie Lockhart is home from Toronto' for a couple of weeks. Mumps are in the neighborhood, but in very mild form. Milton Bannon, who was progres- sing very favorably, took a bad turns last Tuesday night, suffering from cramps. On Wednesday morning he and Mrs. Bannon went to Fergus hos- pital. After tliree X-ray examina- tions they found things quite satis- factoiy. The pain was gone, so they returned home Friday noon. That night he took a worse spell than be- fore and returned to Fergus on Sat- urday morning. His father accom- panied him tliis time. He will re- main there for a few days at least. Mr. Austin Acheson of Toronto vis- ited his sister, Mrs. Newton Bannon, a couple of days last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Laidlaw re- turned on Tuesday after attending the funeral of Mrs. Laidlaw's Ijrother We extend our sympathy to Mrs. Laidlaw in her bereavement. "Have you ever noticed," says an- observant hardware merchant in The Ilariiware Ago, "how prosperous, as a general rule, chui-ch-going people are ? You may think that such peo- ple are dull. They may not be en- tertaining but it is surprising liow tlie general .nveruge of religious people, no matter what denomination prosper in life. Thex'e are reasons for this. Ch'.uvh-going people have formed habii;: of living that make them very efficient workmen and they do not waste \yhat they accumu- late. Jewelery Repairs During the quiet seas- on is a good time to have your RingSyBrooches and other pieces of jewelery repaired or remodelled. Our prices are moder- ate and we guarantee a good job. W. A. Armstrong & Son JT^WELERS Flesherton, Ont. Bates Burial Co. DIRECTORS OF Funeral Service Modern Funeral Parlor 124 AVENUE ROAD Toronto, Ont. 'Phone Hlllcrest 0268 J. W. Bates R. Maddocks Renew your Daily Paper subscriptions through The Advance HOUSE OFGlUALITY There are two mighty bad habits to get into. One is not paying your debts when you can. The other is running into dcbc. The latter caus- es more worry, suffering, headaches, and insanity a'.-id premature death than any cause. If you would carry on happily and successfully avoid debt and not have your creditors chasing you up. We know of homes that have been broken up because of running into debt. Get your 3IG SIXTY meat and bone Scrap and Hog Digester Tankage at W. J. Stewart & Sons. These are Big Money Sivers. We have a large quantity of Bran, Shorts, Ground Screenings and Purity flour coming this week. Special price off car. It will pay you to give us a ring. W. J. STEWART 81 SONS Flourj Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton New U. F. O. Club At Ceylon Ceylon Farmers' Club has, reorgan- ized for the purpose of shipping live stock and general business. George Snell, Pres.; Jos. Oliver, Vice; T. A. Gilchrist, Sec.-Trcas.; John Oliver, John Brown, Fred Brown, J. H. Snell, Dan Muir and Edgar Patterson, Dir- ectors; R. K. Gibson, shipper. Shipper's sheets and books at all times accessible to those interested therein. Meetings will be held the second Friday in each month. Statements will be itemized. SMALL ACCOUNTS "WILLINGLY HANDLED r^flkjif. "9^^ TT is the aim of the Baiik of Montreal to "â- • serve willingly in Kttle things as well as large â€" to be generally helpful to its cus- tomers regardless of the she and eoctent of their dealings with tlic Bank. For years the Bank of Montreal has co-operated with its customers, assisting in various ways in matters of finance and business. If you require infortnatiort or any other banking service, you have merely to 'write or calL Flesherton Branch W. B. A. CR0S5, Manager BANK OF MONTREAL Established 1817 FLESHERTON BAKERY IN THE FIELDS, nature has enriched a nation. Not in money value alone is wheat rich but in the thing money can't buy. Wheat is one great source of nutrition. ^ The choice flour we use is ground from the finest wheat. It contains easily digested starches and proteins â€" necessary substances for energy and body repair. ^ Add to your assets of health by eating plenty of our bread and other baked goods. F. PINDER, Flesherton Ont. |: Clearing Sale of First Quality Rubbiers | f Black 3 eyelets reg $3.75 for $3.15 g I All red 4 eyelets reg. $4.50 for $3.45 f ^ size 8 only • I FLESHERTON, • ONTARIO S THOS. CLAYTON