Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 13 Feb 1924, p. 1

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Vol.44 No. 37 Flesherton, Ontario, February 1 3, 1 924 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors CEYLON PROTON STATION ,, _ ,- „ „ ^ M J MiB8 Muriel Metherall spent the Mr. Ross McMoIlen son of Mr. and . . ... , - . â-  „- - i â- u A V » u II J * _ I week end with her fnend, Mias Emily Mrs. Archie McMollen, underwent an ^ operation for appendicitis in the To- j ronto General Hospital last week. He Mrs. Carl Whitney and children, is reported to be doing as well as can who have been visiting since New be expected. i Y®*"^ ^^^ Mrs. Whitney's parents, m» »» T J 1. i A *^^^ ' Mr. and Mrs. Wyvill, have begun Mrs. McLeod has returned from . , . , , . ^ a i _ . , . r, „^A^^ "»eir homeward journey to Sask. Toronto, where her son, Don, under- j â- " ' went an operaton for apendicitis. He ' A hockey team from Proton. b«- is expected to be home sometime this tween the ages of fifteen and twenty, y,gg]j I played in Dundalk against the Tuxis I team, which resulted in the score of ' 14-6 in favor of Dundalk. ROCK MILLS PRICEVILLE (Intended for last week) Miss B. Jelly spent the week end at her home in Shelbume. Miss Berta Aldcom of Moose Jaw came home to help nurse her aunt, Mrs. G. Smith, who we are sorry to report, is still very weak. Mr. Bobs McKinnon called on in town on Thursday. Donalda Nichol of Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ashdown return- ed home Monday from Port Arthur, where they went to see their grand- son, who had been injurd by an elec- tric pole falling. Mrs. Knox has returned from visit- ing ^ends near Swinton Park. Mrs. Wm. White visited with pro- ton friends the first of the week. Mrs. D. McPhail, who has been vis- iting her daughter at Wiarton, re- turned home Monday. Mr. W. J. Corrigan, who has been in New Ontario for some time, has returnd home. Mr. Jack Neilson, who has been for four months in Toronto General Hos- pital returned home Monday. His many friends are glad to see him and hope that he will continue to improve in health. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith (nee Rachel Hutchinson) are visiting at the home of Mrs. Smith's uncle, R. G. Acheson. Our juvenile hockey team went to Flesherton one night last week eager to play hockey. There was ' some misunderstanding over the tele- The funeral of the late Mrs. Nancy ', phone arrangements and the Proton Ferguson was attended by a host of lads found themselves lined up friends from Toronto, Caledon, Or- against much larger and older boys, angeville and Owen Sound. Many | who were expecting a team that had beautiful floral offerings of sympathy I played against them last year. How- were placed on her casket from the ' ever the spunky Protonites faced the following friends : â€" Peter Muir and | music to the tune of 6-1 in favor of family, spray; Alfred Harrison and | Flesherton, and have doubtless learn- family; Presbyterian Ladies' Aid of | to be more definite in their telephone Chalmer's church, Flesherton; Mr. j messages henceforth. The same boys Alex. Stewart, Owen Sound; Mr. and played a return game with the Dun- Mrs. W. K. Buckley, Toronto; and â-  dalk juveniles last Tuesday which the family, a wreath.^ Those who ^ resulted in a tie 3-3. acted as pallbearers were Peter Muir, I ^^^ j^^^^ jj^^^^^ j^^^ returned to Archie Cairns, Alex. Stewart, Peter j the city, after an extended visit with BORNâ€" To Mr. and Mrs. Em. Russell on Tuesday, February 12th, 1924, a son. Ned Croft lost a valuable horse on Sunday last. The animal got its leg caught in the stall and put it out of joint in two places and consequent- ly had to be shot This means quite a loss to Ned as he had only purch- friends ased the horse a short tme ago to «j_g match another fine black he had. formal visited her parents. Mr. and Mr. Jas. Park of Owen Sound spent Mrs. Thos. Nichol, over the week end. Dick Clark. Miss I^uise Watson, teacher in the week end with his daughter, Mrs. geeton spent the week end at her Miss Irene Smith returned home on home here. Friday after spending two weel^ with jir. James McLeod of Tilbury is her brother Edwin Smith, wife and ^.j^j y^^ ^^^^ jj^ ^ ^ jj^^^^ family at Stratford. „„,„,, „ t,., .- , . ., . ^,. ^ ^- Earle Wilkms spent the week E Riley. w^e and family of the e„d ^i^^ friends in Toronto. Club House, Eugenia, spent a day ., last week with Sam Osborne and wife. , "'^- ^^^^^''' "^^^ ^^ ^^«" visiting her daughter in Chicago for several months, has returned to her home here. ,. ,„ a, n ji • J- I ^^'s. Marshall, who has been visit- Mrs, w. 1. Pedlar is spending BORN â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fisher on Monday, February 11th, 1924, a son. Ferguson, F. Mullen. Baxter. and J. L. Mc- THE AMUSEMENT TAX From The Toronto Star. ^1 8{nfa>tii"T fti being carried on in "Several weekly papers throughout the province â€" the AUiston Harald, Flesherton Advance, Burks Falls .A.rrow, among others â€" against the provincial Amusement Tax as it op- erates in villages. It seems that collectors of this tax travel about the province, find out her parents here. Mrs. J. C. Wright paid a short visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Binnie. The post office has been moved to the building purchased by Mr. Neil McCannell from Mr. Jos. Trelford. FUNERAL WAS HELD LATE MRS. WHEWELL Old Resident Of Osprey Was Buried At Areola On February Stb fortnight with her daughter, Mrs. i John Wickens of Kimberley. j Mrs. R. Meidrum and Mrs. Cecil j Meldrum and son spent a day last week with Mrs. Dick Clark We extend our sympathy to the Johnston family in their recent sore bereavement. Miss Ella Genoe left last week to spend a couple of months in Toronto. We are sorry to report little Murray Fisher ill with pneumonia. We hope to hear of his recovery soon. Mrs. Sam Fisher is with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lyons, of Port Law for a few days. Mrs. Elwood Partridge has been on the sick Ust. We hope she may be restored to her usual good health soon. ing at Mr. Malcolm McLean's the past month, returned to her home in Toronto. Rev. Mr. Lockhart of occu- pied the pulpits here and in Swinton Park on Sunday tsla Next Sunday we expect Mr. Shannon of Mclntyre and the following Sabbath Rev. Mr. Thomley of Shelbume. VANDELEUR 4th Line and Vicinity what has been going on locally. Died at her home south of Areola and collect a tax. In one village a ] on February 1st, Mrs. George Whe- collector picked up six dollarsâ€" three | vrell, nee Rachel Catharine Brown, from the Agricultural Society on ac- ] The late Mrs. Whewell was bom on count of baseball matches played on j February 5th, 1867, at Feversham, its grounds last sumaler, and three Grey county, Ont, and was married from the local skating rink. It is j to George Whewell on February 8th, doubtful if the six dollars paid the ! 1888 at Feversham where they lived collector's expenses. j until 1913, then going to Areola, In another village it is complained , Sask. that, because of the tax, which am- | She is survived by her husband, ounted to less than f 5, the local base- i two daughters, Lillian and Madge and ball club committee had to get an ex- | three sons, Wilfreii, George and Har- tra set of tickets printed, at a cost of $3 â€" and this ^ destroyed the ball club's chances of paying its way. It seems to us that the Amusement Tax needs looking into, ^ispecially as old, all of Areola, and also an aged father, Robert Brown of Forest, Ont. Five sisters, Mrs. A. Heron, Shackle- ton, Sask., Mrs. Jos. Barber and Mrs. Fred Brackenbury of Feversham, it is thus applied to local amusements j Ont., Mrs. Jos. Irwin, Milton, Ont , in small villages. The big . amuse- ments of large centres of population where large sums of money are in- volved and where profit is the incent- ive back of each enterprise, are fair- ly taxable; Nobody pays taxes more Mrs. Thos. Davidson, Toronto, and three brothers, John Brown of St. Marys, Robert of B.C. and Fred Brown of Forest, Ont, are also sur- vivors. The funeral took place from the cheerfully than when he is paying for ^ fai^ily residence on Sunday, February amusement. 1 3rd at 2 o'clock and was conducted But rural Ontario lacks amusemests | •>y t*»e Methodist minister. Rev. S. T. and those in which it indulges are | Robson. The body was laid to rest more in need of encouragement than ! '" Areola cemetery. of being fined by itinerant tax collec- tors, whose travelling expenses must pretty well eat up all they take in. Baseball, lacrosse, skating, the ama- Those coming from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. A. Heron, Shackleton, Sask., Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Whewell of Griffin, Sask., and Mr. and Mrs. O. teur theatricals of debating societies, i Workman and Mr. and Mrs. Russell all the local athletic and amuse- j Haddow of WiUmar, Sask. ments of the people in rural commun- 1 iUes sho^d surely not be pestered by ARE THE HENS LAYING? petty finm or taxes. j New Power Has Been Secured At Hanover Miss Hazel Young, teacher at Irish f Lake,attended the "At Home" at the Stratford Normal on Friday evening and also visited her home at Durham over the week end. BORN â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Neil Cam- eron on Wednesday, February 6th, 1924, a daughter. Congratulations. The funeral of the late Lizzie Kerley, .who died in Owen Sound hospital on Saturday, February 2nd, took place to Glenelg Centre cemetery on Thursday morning of last week. The Sunday storm completely filled the roads again, which were in fine condition. We are sorry to report Mrs. Geo. Boyce, who has been on the sick list for some time, is not improving. Mr. Peter Steele of Superior visiting his wife at Mr. D. McDonald's. Miss Edna Nichol, teacher (Intended for last week) School was closed for a couple of days last week while Miss Peters attended the funeral of her uncle at Weston. Mr. Frank Davis is spending a few days with-'feis sister, Mrs. H. Ready, of St. Marys. BORNâ€" To Mr. and Mrs. Dane Mc- Gee on Tuesday, January 29th, a daughter. Congratulations. Quite a number from here spent a social evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Large of Eugenia last week. On Thursday evening of last week Mrs. R. Sewell <.: this place was sud- denly stricken with appendicitis. It was found that an operation was necessary at once and on Saturday afternoon Dr. Danard of Owen Sound Sound, assisted by Drs. Ego and Brown of Markdale, performed the operation at her hr.-ne. Under the care of Nurse Edv.aids we are pleas- ed to report t'.:ac she is improving nicely. IS H. KLVlBtRLEY. at Quite a number oi the young people went to Flesherton \o skate on Sat- urday night All re-iort a - ood time. The Wodehouse young people held a dance in the Community Hall here Stone's Line school, spent the week j °" Friday night Owing to several end at her home near Priceville. i o^^Jers not far distr.nt the crowd was Mr. Thomas Gilchrist of Ceylon vis- | ited friends in this vicinity Sunday of I last week. We are sorry to learn that David Harrow of Owen Sound been ill, but is improving again. ! not as large as usv.;:!. Mrs. Veales was in Collingrwood Mr. j has I NOTICE The rural school trustees of Arte- having an operation on the baby's head this week. We are glad to re- port Dimples much better. Mrs. J. A. Stuart accompanied Mrs. Veales. Don't forget to hear the Institute speakers afternoon and evening of February 25th. ., BORNâ€" To Mr. and Mrs. John mesia Township are requested to at- j f'!,*J""^ ''" ^°''^^' February Uth, tend a meeting in the Town Hall, .' * ^*'"" Flesherton, on Saturday, February 16 ^^^ at 1.30 p.m., to discuss the advisabil- ity of organizing the school boards of the said township. Ratepayers welcome. T. R. McKENZIE A. F. PEDLAR H. Dr. are sorry to report Mr. Ward suffering with his face. Turnbull is attending him. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Rick visited this week with Mr. and Mrs. H. Ward. Miss Lottie Ward relumed home with them. Can you tell which hens are laying without the use of trap nests This is easy to determine if one will go to the trouble of handling each bird ^ 'suspected of being a loafer. When The Hydro Commiuion has comple- ! a hen commences to lay conditions in ted arrangements with the Hanover ! the organs concerned in reproduction Cement A Stone Limited for obUin- | are quite different from conditions ing 600 h-p. from the two hydraulic observed during the period of idle- plants of that company to supfrfenient ! nesa. When the o'ary is dormant j the power supply of the Eugenia sys- '. and no eggs are being produced the tern. For approximately nine mos. i distance between the pelvic bones is I this company is a customer o£ smalL The vent is dry, small, puck- j Hanover to the extent of about 600 j ered and, in yellow Beshed chickens, i • h.p. the t>alance of its power require- i has % band of yellow pigment around ments being obtained from two hyd- '. the inside. When laying commences nnlic generating plants. As the com- | the pelvic bones become pliable and i pany does not operate during the spread apart to permit the passage of j whiter months and as tow water per- the egg. The vent becomes large ' iod occurs on the Beaver river water and moist and the ring of yellow pig- i shed during that portion of the year, ment disappears A visit to the ' this arrangement enables the Com- ' poulty house on an early winter even- I mission to conserve the storage at ing and a half hour spent in going HoCVBi* t« • better advantage. , over the bens will be profitable. FAILURE IN ADVERSITYâ€"ITS CAUSE Methodist Church, Sunday eve. SONG SERVICE AT 6.45 P..M. 11.00 a.m.â€" "THE TEMPLE OF GOD. ' 2.30 i».m.â€" THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. We aim at 100. We have had 83. Will you be one of the 17. VALENTINE SOCIALâ€" Y.P. LEAGUE Monday, February 18th at 8 p.m. I am needed there to help. Thursday, February 14lh 7.30 |>.m. â€" "Joshua and the Conquest of Canaan." ^m.â€" Study Class â€" The Will. 8.30 THE CHURCH NEEDS ME.â€" I NEED THE CHURCH Jewelery Repair s During the quiet seas- on is a good time to have your Rings,Brooche8 and other pieces of jewelery repaired or remodelled. Our prices are moder- ate and we guarantee a good job. W. A. Armstrong & Son JEWELERS Flesherton, Ont Bates Burial Co. DIRECTORS OF Funeral Service Modem Funeral Parlor 124 .4 VENUE RO.A.D Toronto, Ont. 'Phone Hillcrest 0268 J.W.Bates R. Maddocks Renew your Daily Paper subscriptions through The Advance HOUSE OFQ.UALITY GROCERIES-A full line of fresh grcceii'es always on hand. Fruit, Oranges, Lemons, Grape Fruit, Prunes, Figs and Dates. CONFECTIONER Y-Bulk chocolates, bars and Fancy Boxes. FLOUR and FEED Five Roses Flour, Bean Shorts, Oatchop, Barley chop, Wheat chop. Ground Screen- ings. While at the rink be sure and visit our booth. Lunch and hot drinks served every night. We aim to please. W. J. STEWART 81 SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton FLESHERTON BAKE RY IN THE FIELDS, nature has enriched a nation. Not in money value alone is wheat rich but in the thins money can't buy. Wheat is one great source of nutrition. 11 The choice flour we use is ground from the finest wheat. It contains easily digested starches and proteins â€" ^necessary substances for energy and Ixxly repair. ^ Add to your assets of health by eating plenty of our bread and other baked goods. F. PINDER. Flesherton Ont. 9 ® $ i$ i Stock Taking O"â€" â€" â€" â€" .- ^.e We have some lines of shoes to clear out at bargain prices in oxfords and strap shoes. Shoes worth $3.75 reduced to $2.85 Shoes worth $ 5.00 reduced to $3.99 Shoes worth $6.00 reduced to $4.75 REPAIRING AS USUAL THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTAR lO «i»'90««»$$^«l«««90«$«»d««»^««»«^»«i»0«l€!9 I

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