Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Jan 1924, p. 1

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W^t /le$l)Mj(rn %hnmct Vol.44 No. 35 Flesherton, Ontario, January 30,1924 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors County Council Proceedings Warden's Address Warden McTavish reviewed the conditions in the Ck)unty of Grey in his address which was presented to the County Council on Thursday even- ing last. The address follows in full :â€" list of two or thre<e good men, who of the provincial grants, and the city's j could be appointed as constables. He share is not to be run over $14,000. | pointed out that the municipal coun-, County auditors were appointed \ cils can appoint these same men as with salary at $150 each and the I officers under the Ontario Temper- ten cents per mile, one way for dis- ance .\ct, and that any fines collect- tance travelled, and the county to pay Commerce throughout the province have been memorializing the Govern- ment along that line, and asking for ed through their work would go to j for the typewriting of their reports prompt and definite action. I trust , the municipahty instead of to the The appointees were W. R. Cole of oS'ral" witKn^'aT B^^rd^Tn^th^ j P'--^ "'^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^Derby and Walter Hastie of Holstein. connection. ( o^ice brought up to the mark is to j j^^^ ^^^^y ^f the caretaker of the Financial I As the financial report for the past [ year cannot be presented at this ses cut crime down as low as possible in the County of Grey. I desire to tender you my hearty • »on I would suggest, with^our appro- thanks for the confidence you have â- *â- *'• '''** <"» treasurer be asked to at- reposed in me by electing me by ac- i tend and give us a general survey of clamation as Warden of the County o"' financial condition for the inform- for the current year. ation of our members generally. I r !>r.n..<^;.f<. if „„/ I., u- _ would particularly request the various to mviL^f h ft L?v M^ '^^•^",.^t*'°*'5 commit^s to keep their expenditures FlpXt„; whinh 1^^^^"^°^'*^ °' ^-ithin the amounts appropriated for Flesherton. which I represent. , the several departments, and to be «r ,^*V.^ ^^''"*y yearsago. the late as economical as possible, consistent e'^' V*^®"*""' '^"er whom th? village with efficiency. While there are of Flesherton waa asHMAi'inw^Dne of many e.xpenditures over which we â€" -iâ€". , â€" :., â€" â-  „ have absolutely no control, it behoov- â- ^ - -es us to be careful that our tax levies jj may not be unduly excessive. In conclusion. Gentlemen, let me again thank you for the honor you have done, not only myself, but "the village of Flesherton, whose represen- tative I am. Yours faithfully, D. McT.WISH, Warden. County buildings was increased one hundred dollars per year. There was also a by-law authoriz- Hne County Council at its Friday â- ftamoon sesion was appealed to by Mn^ H. Down of Flesherton, Presi- idoit of the Grey County Children's Ktitate. and Mr. H. H. Burgess, Pres- ; tdant oft he Grey oCunty Children's Aid Society, to make a grant this year toward the work which would obTiate the necessity of having to make appeals for assistance to the public. Mrs. Dov»-Ti was introduced by Mr. Burgess, who spoke of the work of the Society in saving children, who . were neglected, or abused or in y other ways did not have a normal chance in life. The work of the .i- *u_ c I -nr J « ,.v i ^ .i~"i sent of the Sociecv, ,Mr. Trout, he the farst Wardens of this county, foil- t ,^ :, , , owed later in 1881 bv Dr. Christoe. ! ^^^ ®"^^ ^^"^^ "-"^^ kno\TO to the and M. K. Rchardson in 1898. .^11 j members of the council. The So- of these gentlemen, who were repre- j ciety had hopes that the council would Kpr?„n *'L^'"ifJ"?'*- '^*''^*'^ â- '" 1 P"' i' on the same footing as the tlesherton, and did yeoman service 1 f • -^r i j . t^ • j .^ during their tenures of office. I °*'â„¢* '" Markdale. It required about It will be my endeavor to live up to ! ^"""^ thousand dollars per year to their standards. I trust that our re- \ meet the expenses of the work, and lations will be mutuall- satisfactory, i he explained the sources from which and with your lo-operation and help the funds come. It is necessary each I shall try to discharge the duties of this office to the best of my ability.. Agriculture With the very large crop of 1923 and a gradual stabilization of prices, conditions have been materially im- year to raise from $1,500 to $2,000 by collecting in small amounts. With the Voluntary contributions falling off the Society was finding great diffi- _ _ culty in meeting the expenses of the proved, although there is yet much ' work. He felt that the amount ask- to be desired. I am glad to note ' ed, $2,000, w^ould be onlv one fifteenth that there is an increased spirit of co- j part of a miU on the operation between the urban and rural population. During the past year there have been many get togrether meetings among the farming com- munities and the business men of the various sections. These meetings have been and will continue to be pro- ductive of much goodJor it is only by co-operation of all sections that satis factory progress, both financially and socially, can be made. County and Suburban Area Roads The reports presented by the Coun- ty Road Supemtendent and the Sub- urban Area Commission will show that good progress has been made assessment. The money is spent entirely araoi^r the dependent children of the county. Mrs. Down made a strong appeal for the Society, and she explained the aims and objects of the Women's In- stitutes. She stated that there was not a township in the county which had not been benefitted by the work. The donations help but they are not satisfactory. She pointed out that other counties in the province were I maintaining their Children's Shelters during the pas^ year while toUle.x: ,' '".*^'' :*^>"- harden McTavish pro- penditure has not been established. | ""sed Mrs. Down that the appeal which should be an important factor ; w-ould have the consideration of the in the proper maintenance and upkeep ' Council of main roadst already constructed, i -,. 1 „, A large amount of money has been ^^^ ^°""*-^" Treasurer, Mr. Parker, spent by the Highwav Department S*^* * >>"« review of the present during th past three years on the ' financial standing of the county. In roads designated as Provincial High- ; compliance with the rule of the county ways m our county. Twenty per i »». . * ..v .. v n •. cent of this expenditure is chargeaMe ***f. ""f *** **** "'""*>" ^""'^ *" '^^ to the county, and is aik expenditure I collected in advance. The total taxes over which we have no control I would like to call your attention to the proposed Blue Water Highway System, with which has been endors- ed by former councils. It will, if System to completion, be an import- ant factor in increasing the already large tourist travel through this distict. Edncatioa Year by year the provincial grants for our schools are increasing, and as a natual consequence our county ex- penditures along that line are movinf upwards. Yet, 1 think that you will . ,,.,,v agree with me, that we are justified ' OOO. in any expenditures which wUl make for the ultimate betterment of the risins generation. Matkers* Ailawaacca $234,710.28. all of which has been coll~ ected, at the rate of eight mills on the dollar on an assesment of twenty nine million,dollars. The r mount expend- ed on County roads in 1.^23 was $179.- 654.88, on Sub-urban A-ea Roads. ♦43.787.76. and on Provincial High- ways. $26,426.25. Mr. Parker point- ed out the increase in the amount of money spent on education. This year the county apent approximately $46.- 500 on education, while in 1903 only 99,000 was spent and in 1913. $24.- Thase figures do not include Government grants. The total de- benture debt of the county at the present time is $335,000 aaginst â„¢.. ^ . o... ... V - I whieh there is a sinking fund of $70.- This. too. is an expenditure which i* nnn u <>- i. ..v « gradually increasing year by year. 1 ^>^- ^r. Parker gave other flgurea but one which we most willingly pro- ] indicating the county's financial standing. County Crown .Attorney Dyre ad- vide for, Coanty Baildinga During the past year considerable dressed the Council on the matter of !!!1!£I^*v*"*'l!!''''*' 5*'*;'ir"i^'"^ the county Constabulary. Since the needed, have been made at the House »,. .n*vi ».».#> . uj of Re/ttge. and an addition to the I "«*> Conatable of the County had North Grey Registery office has been ( ceased to operate, the Sheriff had made to house a heating system.which { become the High Constable. It is has been Iwjtalled. and which, it is „ot ^^ ^^ „, y^ sheriff to do claimed, will make a large yearly , _ ^. ' . „. . , .^ MTtag in the fuel account. Full de- ™«f« t**" supervise the work of the tails of these expenditures will ap- i County ConsUbles. There are a- pear in the auditors' report. Reforestation bout one hundred of them in var- ious parts «f the County, and he 1 would especially call your atten- i regretted to say that many of them tion to the matter of reforestation had ceased to be as efficient as they Which has become a vital issue. \ ou j _-^ ^ x, ,„__.,*_j »k,» -..w wiU have noticed that the various *^'^,T 'tl «» *»W««*0 "»' *»«»» Boards of Trade and Chambers of , «n«ni«ip«hty send in to the Sheriff, a Sheriff Wilson stated that present list of constables was of very little ling a temporary loan of not more use since many of them had moved , than $250,000 from chartered banks away, died, or had grown past the ac- to the corporation of the county for tive years of life. He mentioned the expenditure in connection with Coanty instructions book, which was compil- Roads and other purposes, ed by Crown Attorney D>Te. and he; The amount granted each of the suggested that a gathering or gather- urban municipaUties for their con- ings be held at which the newly ap- nection link roads, was reduced this pointed men could gather and re- year from the usual fifty per cent. ceive instructions, so that they would [g twenty-five per cent., the members know their duties. ^ of the rural municipaUties, being to Speaking on the matter of trout ^ certain e.xtent responsible for the fry for streams. Sheriff Wilson stat- reduction. The amounts to be paid ed that application forms for trout ^^^ various municipaities are : â€" fry could be filled in between now ! Meaford, $1,165; Durham, $750; Han- and March or .\priL The County ! o^'er. $l.i6o: Thornbury. S500; Flosh- Historj- was making some progress j erton. §225: Markdale S-t5S: Xeustadt also, and the committee in charge 1 5325; Shallow Lake, S20S. had decided to make it into one good I Trustees of the various high schools sized volume. .A. canvass of the j in the county were appointed as foil- county is to be made for subscribers I ows : â€" Charles Ramage. Durham; to the book. (W. J. Horseley. Meaford; Rev. Geo. The report of the Roads and * K^'^^"' D^^dalk: W. J. Hamilton. Bridges Committee, dealing entirelv j â- ^^"'^'^=^^'^' ^°^ Hemstock, Chats- with accounts was pres.ited bv Reeve r'''"^^ *^*^°^-« -Mitchell, .\rtemesia; Miller o- Euphrasia and adopted. -â- ^- Ztu^ach,' Hanover. The printing ccmniittee reports, presented by Deputy Reeve Hogarth also deait with accounts, and re- cor:<.niended that the clerk advertise for tenders for the printing of the ROCK MILLS .A mistake occurred in the printing minutes, and of the promotion exam- j jast week, which sho>iId have read ination papers. The report ga">'e the clerk and the chairman power to award th contract. The report was adopted. There was some discussion on the matter of the .\dvisory Board of .Ag- riculture, but the report was finally passed without being amended. The Warden's Committee report was prsented by Reeve BothwU. This was used as a reply to the Warden's address. The report complimented the Warden on his elevation to the high office, and the municipality from which he came. The committee were satisfied that the heartiest spirit of co-operation would be manifested. It was noted with pleasure the remark in the report regarding the spirit of co-operation which was springing up between rural and urban centres, and the increasuig interest which is being taken in matters of agriculture, which the report stated, would hasten the day when all Canadians would be co- operators in the highest sense of the word. The report advised caution in the maintenance and construction on the plan of inability to pay, in the county roads system. Other clauses in the Warden's comprehensive add- ress were commented upon favorably. The report was adopted without dis- cussion. Reeve S. H. Breese of Chatsworth was re-appointed a member of the Judicial Board of -Audit for 1924. with his remuneration fixed at four dollars per day and ten cents per mile, for distance travelled. R. G. Chisholm was appointed a member of the Entrance Board of Ex- aminers for East Grey. A by-law was passed providing for an appropriation of $28,000 plus the Provincial grant, to be applied by the County for construction, main- tenance and repairs to the suburban area roads, which sum represents the amount required by the commission to be expended during the year. The by-law provides that the city of Owen Sound shall pay half the cost outside Walter Russell gave a wood bee and dance v.hich was much enjoyed, in- stead of John Porteous as was pub- lished last week. The monthly meeting of the U.F.W. 0. will be held at the home of Mrs. Levi Betts on Wed.. February 6th. Mrs. Sam Osbornt spent a couple of days the past week with Mr. and Mrs. E. Riley at the Club House, near Eugenia. Mr. .A. Hoy f:crn the West is spend- ing a couple of weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hoy. It is IT years since .Albert has been here. Miss Irene Smith is visiting with her brother. Edwin, at Stratford. W. Robertson, J. McQuarry, Robt. and -Alex. Laughlin attended E. Riley's wood bee ou Friday last. Shovelling snow and breakng roads is the order of the day after the bad storms which we have had. We extend our sympathy to the Meldrum family in their sore ber- eavement. Lulu Russell has been confined to her bed the past week with pneu- monia. We hope to hear of her re- covery soon. CEYLON Mr. Fred Sproat of .\kron. Ohio, was a visitor at Mr. Richard Whitta- ker's last week and called on old friends. Mr. Joe Suell spent a few days in Toronto the past week. Miss Jean CoUinson is visiting friends in Toronto and Port Dalhousie. Mr. and Mrs. Haw visited friends at Swintcn Park the first of the week. Mrs. Knox is spending a few days with friends in Proton. Mr. and Mr.-. Jas. Sporat. who for the past fortr.ight have been calling on all their old friends, left the first of the week to visit their daughter near Shelburnc. Methodist Church, Sunday eve. 7 P.M. SO.METHING DIFFERENT IN THE ORDER OF SERVICE SUBJECTâ€" The SINS tliat CRUCIFIED Je«u« MM a-ai.â€" "GROWING IN GRACE." CMBManien of The Lord's Sapper $.3* pja.â€" SUNDAY SCHOOL Thursday, January 31st 7.3« ifcai.â€" ISRAEL .AT MT. SINAI 11.30 P.M JOINT OFFICIAL BOARD Monday, February 4th at 8 Y.P. LEAG IEâ€" Christian Fehdwskiik. Chap. 4 -WHAT AND WHERE IS GOD." LOSING THE SENSE OF IMMORALRY Taken by the Sinister A CHURCH WITH A PURPOSE WINTER EVENINGS Are long and there is nothing nicer than a little music to pass the time. We can supply you with a Victrola and Records. Come in and look over our selection. 0â€" â€" ~â€" <| W. A. Armstrong & Son JEWELERS Flesherton, Ont- Bates Burial Co. DIRECTORS OF Funeral Service Modem Funeral Parlor 124 AVENUE ROAD Toronto, OnL Phone HiUerest 02«8 J.W.Bates R. Maddocks Renew your Daily Paper subscriptions through The Advance MOUSE OF QUALITY GROCERIES â€" A fiill line of fresh groceries always on hand. Fruit, Ora;^es, Lemons. Grape Fruit, Prunes, Fisrs and Dates. CO.NFEC'nONERVâ€" Bulk chocolates, bars and Fancv Boxes. FLOUR and FEED Five Roses Flour, Bean Shorts, Oatchop, Barley chop. Wheat chop. Ground Screen- ings. While at the rink be sure and visit our booth. Lunch and hot drinks served every night. We aim to please. W. J. STEWART & SONS , Flour, Fe«d, S««<ls, Groceriea and Confectionery Flesherton, Ontario FLESHERTON BAKE RY IN THE FIELDS, natiure has enriched a nation. Not in money value alone is wheat rich but in \kt thing money can't buy. Wheat is one great source of nutrition. ^ The choice flour we use is ground from the finest wheat It contains easily digested starches and proteins â€" necessary substances for energy and body repair. ^ Add to your assets of health by eating twenty of our bread and other baked goods. F. PINDER, Flesherton Ont. ® 2 9 « » • • Stock Taking We have some lines of shoes to clear 9 out at bargain prices in oxfords and H strap shoes. Shoes worth $3.75 reduced to $2.85 Shoes worth $ 5.00 reduced to $3.99 Shoes worth $6.00 reduced to $4.75 REPAIRING AS USUAL 9 I 99999«9999$9d$d99<»«9999$9d«M»<il99 THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON. - ONTARIO

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