. /J*0l)*ti0n Vol.44 No. 24 Flesherton, Ontario, November 7, 1923 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors PRICEVILLE A Hallowe'en social Was given by the teachers and pupils of the schoo here on Wednesday evening, when a very enjoyable ime was spent, splendid program was given by the chidren, after which lunch was serv ed. The school house was fillec with an appreciative audience, for al report a good time. On Friday evening about seventy- five friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Aldcorn in honor of Miss Bertie, who is shortly leaving for Moose Jaw. A very enjoyable evening was spent in dancing and social chat. Miss Ella McKinnon from Toronto came up on Friday night and spent the week end at \Vm. Aldcorn's. A social evening was also spent at Peter Muir's on Thursday, when the young people of the six corners, old Durham road and their friends, gath- ered and spent a few hours in games and dancing. Mr. and Mrs Ed. Watson of Dur- ham spent Sunday with his mother, brother and sister here. Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Me Lean and L. McDonald spent Sunday with friends in Durham. The Rev. Peter McLeod very ably filled the pulpit in the Presbyterian church here on Sunday. Priceville's former pastor, Rev. J. A. Mathewson will preach annivers- ary services in Amos church, Dro- more, on Nov. llth, and will also give an address on Monday evening, the 12th, at the fowl supper. A splendid program by Durham talent and others will be given. OSPREY COUNCIL At the above date the municipal council of the township of Osprey met in the Orange hall, Feversham. The members were all present and the Reeve, W. L. Taylor, presided. The minutes of last meeting were 1 read and approved. Communications re- cieved from R. C. McKnight, re pro- gress of bridges and drains in Osprey township; from J. S. Wilson, re supply of fry for available streams in Osprey township; also a communica- tion re county constables. On mo- tion the following accounts were ordered to be paid : Wm. L. Taylor, Thos Beatty, H. W. Kernahan selec- ting jurors each $5.00; R. C. Mc- Knight, engineer, on salary $119.34: Hunt Bros., on bridge contract $316.- 10; Jas Rinn, approaches to Mclntyre bridge $316.58; Burling Steel Co. for bridge 595.72; Eli Robinson stamps $14.00; Bank of Montreal, revenue stamps $13.00; John Lee, winter work on roads $13 50; Frank Duncan, cement, $58.!)0; Melville Douglas, on wire fence $8.00; W. L. Taylor, one day with Provincial engineer $3.00; W. L. Taylor, one day with Township engineer 3.00; John Paul, burial of Mrs. W. Dobson, $50.00; Dr. D H. Guy, M O.K., $17.50; gravel accounts amounting: to $145.21. The follow- ing motions were passed : McKenzie Edwards That the Reeve be instructed to take Andrew Ross to the house of refuge. McKenzie Edwards That the Clerk be instructed to prepare a By- law for the next meeting to appoint a Township solicitor By-law No. 729, to pay school rates school debentures, drainage, also By- law No. 730 to appoint a weed Ins., under the Noxious Weeds Act, was rad the necessary number of times, signed and sealed. Council adjourned to meet at Sing- hampton on the 26th day of Novem- ber at 1 o'clock p.m. -J. A. KERNAHAN, Acting Clerk. EUGENIA SENTENCED TO FIVE YEARS FOR THEFT AT SHELBVRNE Magis. Hugh Falconer of Shel- burne held Police Court in the Court- house in Orangeville on Thursday of last week. Albert Chadwick of Sprucedale was sentenced to five years in Kingston Penitentiary for being mplicated in the theft of $500 worth of furs and clothing from the Noron Fisher Company store at Shel- burne a couple weeks ago. Jacob Pearl, alleged to have been mixed up in the robbery of J. D. There passed away this Monday morning one of the old residents of these parts in th person of Mrs. \Vm. Humberstone, at her home on the 14th concession. Mrs. Humberstone's maid- en name was O'Brien and was well known in these parts. Particulars are not to hand but will appear next week. Much sympathy is extended to the family in their bereavement. Mr A. Scott, foreman at the pipe line, visited his family in Toronto over last week end Mr. S. W. Sloan of Toronto is look- ing after the welfare of the Munshaw House in the absence of Mr. Munshaw, who is taking: his usual hunting trip North. Ern Proctor is also away on the hunt. Miss Jean Graham has returned home after visiting friends in Toronto the past two weeks. Don's forget the fowl supper Thanksgiving night the 12th. A good time is expected, as usual. Mr. Ross Lehman of Toronto spent the week end with Jacob Williams. Kenneth Large has returned home rom Toronto to work on the pipe line. Mrs. Ern Proctor is spending a ew days this week with Kimberley riends. Rolph and Jack Large spent the I'eek end with the Hammond boys at Cimberky. A deer was seen Sunday morning rossing Mr. Munshaw's field and ver to the Prespyterian church inhere it stood for some time at the hurch door, but being just a little arly for church it took itself off up tirough the village. Possibly on s way to the Island to find a mate, tut alas! The lone occupant of the sland was removed early Monday norning to private ownershin and o the poor deer would no doubt be issapointed if was heading toward ie Island. The Pheasants will no oubt be transported in like mannr irough time and so relieve the community at large of a bone of contention. Miss Eva Teeter of Markdale is visiting her Aunt Mrs. Munshaw at present. Mr. Thos Howard of Owen Sound visited his daughter, Mrs. Albert Williams the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hillock of Max- well visited the latter's father and sister here over the week end. Chas. Park of Oshawa is visiting his parents here at the present time. Anniversary services will be held in the church here Sunday morning at the regular hour 11 A. M. owing to there being no stationed minister it was impossible to arrati"-.. 1 for the two services for that day. Special music is being prepared by he choir. A good programe will be given on Monday evening after the fowl supper and talent from Flesherton and Kim- berly is expected to assist Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Madill of the Sault who are visiting their daughter Mrs. Carruthers here went last week to visit the latters sister Mrs. Jerry Thompson of Collingwood for a few days. Mr. Sandy Ellis of Alliston was a visitor at Mr. Leonard Latimer's recently. PORTLAW ARTEMESIA COUNCIL (Intended for Last Week) Mount Zion church will hold their anniversary services on Sunday, Nov. llth. Rev. Mr. Duffield gave a very int- eresting and instructive lecture on "China, its needs and possibilities" and exhibited quite a collection of Chinese costumes and curios, in the church one night last week. Mr> and Mrs Alex. Madill of Sault Ste. Marie have been vjsiting with a number of their relatives of this part. Miss Pearl Watson is up from To- ronto visiting at home. Mr. Robert Hill has leased his farre to Mr. Abram Blaker. Mr. Harry Thompson left for De- troit last week and secured a posi- tion with the Packard Motor Works, Mr. James Smith disposed of his farm stock and implements last Fri- day by auction Mr. W. G. Coburn, wife and son, G. W. Littlejohns, wife and two child- ren, and Mr. and Mrs. James Beatty of Orange Valley spent some time with friends here lately. Mr. Roy Lyons has gone to Toronto to take a position. CEYLON PROTON STATION Mr. S. Batchelor, accompanied by Mr. W. Blackburn and Mr. Cade, motored to Toronto last Wednesday morning. On their return trip dur- ing he nightt they were obliged to detour through Inglewood, and at the bottom of a small hill, which was on a curve, ran into a stalled truck standing in the middle of the road without lights on. Aa Mr. Batchelor had the car well in hand on account of slow driving he avoided what might have been a very serious acci- dent. As it was his new car suffered probably fifty dollars damages, but no one was injured As the truck was wholly responsible it is hoped that he will be able ot recover dam- ages. Mr. and Mrs. Coon of Torono are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Roome. Miss Louie Roome of Toronto is also a guest under the parental roof. Miss Ervine of Mimico Beach is he guest of Mrs. Batchelor. Mr. John McNally was in Toronto over the week end. Mr. Richard Hodgin has .purchased a new Chevrolet car. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ashdown spent a day at Owen Sound last week. Mr. and Mrs. Haw entertained the young people to a Hallowe'en party Wednesday evening, when a very en- joyable time was spent by those present. Mrs. N. Archibald received a mess- age on Thursday that her brother, Gordon, of Maple Hill was very ill with pneumonia Mr. and Mrs. Archibald left at once, but he had passed away before their arrival. Much sympathy is exprssed for Mrs. Archibald in the loss of her only brother. Mr. Ed. Servant spent the week end with his wife in Owen Sound. Mrs. Jarvis Hazard of Priceville is spending a week with Mrs. Corrigan. We are pleased to report Mrs. Corrigan improving Miss E. Ed- wards, nurse, who has been in atten- dance for two weeks, returned to her home in Murkdale the first of the week Mrs. D. D. McLachlan has return- ed from visiting fnu.*nds at Toronto and Alliston. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Cairns returned the first of the week from a very en- joyable motor trip to Toronto, Ham- Iton and Port Dalhousie. Mr. Heatherington of Toronto took charge of the noon service on Sunday and gave a very pleasing discourse. KIMBERLEY Mr. S. Batchclor's chopping mill began operations to-day (Monday) and will continue during the winter. Derisions Respecting Newspapers Any person who takes a paper reg- 1 ularly from the post office, whether Liddressed in his name or another's or whether he has subscribed or not, s responsible for payment. If a person orders his paper dis- continued, he must pay all arrears, or the publisher may continue to send t until payment is made, and then collect the whole amount whetiie- the paper is taken out or not. The courts have dcided that rcf'is- ng to take newspapers or periodicals 'rom t!ic post office, or removing and Hunters have gone north on the leer hunt. Among them are J. A. Stuart, \V. T. Ellis, E. Ellis. W. Flood, R. McMullen. Mrs. Ern Protor of Eugenia is spending a few days with Mrs. Geo. p rotor. The fowl supper onTuesday of last week was not as well patronized by utsiders as usual, owing to the j break in the weather The proceeds amounted to over eighty dollars and those attending w-jre not disappoint- ed in either the ; upper or program. Mr. and Mrs. Len Knott of near Clarksburg visiu-d on Sunday with Mrs. A. F. Hammond. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hoggard of Clarks- burg spnt Sunday with Mrs. T. Aber- crombie. Miss Mabel McClelland has return- ed honie after spending a couple of weeks with Miss Edith Harris Mrs. Saul Fawcett and children are in Toronto with Mr ;. Robert Fawcett. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis of Van- dek-ur spent a day with Mrs. Plewes. Mr .and Mrs. Mans. Cook of Walt- ers Falls spent Si-rviay with Mrs. Ferguson, who ret :rned home with them for a couple win !.s. Messrs. Allen Firguson and Ross Ellis are homo f r^ :i the West. Mr Geo. McCo inell and Basil Torries* clothing store at Orangeville few weeks ago, was remanded for a p e dlar who has resigned, was passed. The- Council met at the town hall, Flesherton on Nov. 3rd, 192:5. the members being all present, the Reeve in he chair. Minutes read. Re- ports from J. Williamson, Div 1, T. Mercer, Div. 2, A. Carruthers, Div. 4. Payment as follows for gravel were ordered : A. Cameron $5.60; Geo. Waller $4.70; D. McLean $9.80; G. Binnie $7 20; A. D. MeLeod refund $2.56- C. T. Phillips for sheep killed $14.00; W. Aleox overseeing gravel pit^R. Turner shovelling $4.00; J. A. Hogarth overseeing putting in cul- verts town-line A.&M., east back line, $8.00 and $4 00 re snow fence Mea- i ford road; A. Carruthers com. $10.00 | and four and a half days' overseeing j work $18.00; R. Bentham for kindling I wood $2.50; T. L. Mercer com. re ex- | penditure $10.53; J. Stewart lumber for snow fence Maford road $17.55; Burt Taylor lumber for snow fence | $6 95. A grant of $50 was made for j town line A. & E. at Douglass' hill and Saugeen hill. By-law 16 appointing A. B. Chard collector in Div. 4 instead of W. T. having them unpaitl. is prima evidence of intention of fraud. facie spent a couple <! :ys in M-.-afon! with the former's mother, who is very ill. Mrs. Gilford K'.*k and Miss Edna Cherry of Wodelnuis spent a day with Mrs. Ward. week by the Magistrate. The Council adjourned. What is Paris WearingThis Fall and Winter? Come and see us and we will show you. Greatest Millinery A wonderful collection of mag- nificent new designs in trimmed hats that the salons of Paris have put up. Just arrived for Thanks- giving Day. If you wish to ap- pear at your best, and save money this is the store you should pat- ronize. J. SURACE PHONE 89 Dundalk, P. O. BOX 275 Ontario Victrola Records All Red Seal Records are now double sided and are obtainable at a reduced price. Come in and hear favorite. We know will be pleased. your you Headquarters for Music in Flesherton. W.A. Armstrong & Son Bates Burial BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Embalmer'J Phone Hillcrest 1 24 Avenue Road TORONTO, ONT. )' MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Madd&cks, President. .Manager. Now is the time to renew your subscription to i The Advance HOUSE OF QUALITY A good supply of Fresh Groceries always on hand. Fruit oranges, lemons, bananas, chocolates bars, Fancy boxes and bulk. We carry a full line of Tobacco, cig- arettes and pipes. FLOUR and FEED Bran, shorts, Low Grade oat chop and barley chop, Five Roses Flour always on hand. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flcshcrton, - Ontario F. FINDER FLESHERTON BAKERY Our quality of Bread is the best to be found anywhere. BREAD DELIVERED Bread and Buns delivered anywhere in the town. Phone us your order. PHONE 8 Patronize your home industry. I i i School Boots I We have them for Girls in both Lace Boots and Strap Shoes; for Boys, good serviceable Boots, both Black and Tan. * MEN'S BOOTS FOR FALL WEAR In Men's Heavy Boots for Fall wear \M have very good ones at $4 and better ones at $5.90. * * i THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO -W ^.^ .