October 24. 1923 THE KLESHERTON ADVANCE THE Flestierton Advance W. H. THURSTON, - Editor MOSTI.V AH*T WEATHER The weather is always a prolific topic of conversation when their is little else to talk about. We are all very fond of telling our neighbor that it is a beautiful day, of cold, or .warm, r hot or wet, etc. However, these salutations have been limited in their latitude during the past month to the single phrase, "Its a nice day." Among the thousand." who use these inanities of conversation one oc- casionally finds a man who enters the realm of prophet and attempts to tell us what the weather is going to be, not what it is at the moment. And that man is always listened to with attention and his prophecies carefully weighed. Wo may point out and laugh at his inaccuracies and mis- takes, but we (to right on inwardly believing that he has a little more in- sight into the laws which regulate the weather than the ordinary run of mankind and we preserve his state- ment? carefully throughout the year. And when he hits the nail on the head even once during the twelve months we devote half a column of space to a shouting aloud the fact and gape with the wonder of how he did it The eleven failures go "unheralded and unsung-." We never notice them. Isn't it a funny characteristic in hu- manity "! This county has a wathcr prophet of its own and several times it v.nuld appear as though the gentleman was in collusion with the weather-making i instance when he suid a copy of the authorities and had first-hand infor- , Maford Mirror had been gives him mation as to whnt in coming to ua, and j in Orillia containing an excellent again we arc in doubt, but Btill he hits write-up of the Ford exhibit, and it just right a sufficient number of . what it meant. He als^o said that no times to keep us on the qui vivi and j business to-day could be N made a suc- nsk for more. We all hope Mr. cess without advertising, and Henry Bowes will favor us with another ' Ford was showing the way to busin- forecast for next yoac, ;ess men in. this respect. The forecast for October of this | Of course our own ideas corres- year as given out by him last January pond with his. at long range was as follows : "Fore- i _ part quite mild. Very strong winds, ! heavy rains and frost and probably METHODIST CHURCH FINANCES snow about the 17th." _ What about that? The heavy I)uri|lg the , ast confcl . ence year winds were with ua as they always for a ,, purpwiie8 the sum of $2,202.20, are in October, but this district has ; made up accor()ir , K to lhc following not seen a quarter of an inch of rain j summar y fall during the whole month and the [ nui-.Tm.TC! , . i. xi Kl'A I .11 1 S ground is as dry as a toper of the ~ .. .. -,, 00 n , . . . 1 ... Collections ................................ $ ISuG 23 old school. Plowing is at a standstill. I Contributions .......................... 721.15 But let us see what he has to Envelopes ................................ 668 _ 25 say of November, and the hunters will jhankoffring ........................ 156.00 all pick up their ears at this : "Tint CoU Northern Ontario Fire ................ two-thirds of the month quite mild.; Rclief Fuml .................... 120 .15 A heavy storm of wind, snow adl Ajnt. TO hand Itoy 15, 1922 ........ 147.70 heavy frost about the 22nd. DISBURSEMENTS Fortunately he places the date of j Min j stor ' s Salary .................... 81175.00 th storm two days atfer the hunting jc'onnexional Funds ................ 195.00 season is closed which will give the Organist .................................. 200.00 ' ''"" and Heat.. Nimrods ample time to get their game 'c ure out before they uro frozen in. That I n3ur j ln ct> is a great consolation and satisfac Envelopes lion We congratulate the gentleman i n t(. res t on his foresight, but would like to ask ^ ^ co |j jj ec gj >< him if the railways aided him in com- Anniversary expnses ing to this conclusion. 1>ul|)it supp i y Paid on account note North. Ont. Fire Relief Mr. Murdock, manager of the Ford Sundries exhibit here on Monday, while speak- Bal due Treas., May 15, 11)23 ing to The Advance on the question of advertising expressed his surprise $2202.02 at the far reaching advantages of Liabilitis May 15th, 11)22 X'te newspaper publicity. He cited an $250 now reduced to $125. 281.65 53.10 C 10 11.48 G.61) 9.80 15.00 125.00 120.15 3 05 32.54 BOG&S for Present Model Ford Closed @rs Will Close November Sst A* *. . . .* ft AL-.omuMIe and Track Man'jfuuur'n - -- * . r Fofd.Ontarlo. Ootobtr JJth. TO rora When thlt cr..iztlcn 'rld4, rop-.mtixr ZOt);, to t-!r~ 9nt th rnr-door C*4aa r.ai rilgn>d Co-jw nodeli, we Iw4 on M.id ::.r; . :i*te:/ 4600 prnl typ c4S -i. to I'v.'t: In Yy* th hiylnc pnMlo would ract on ?ort cr prlci htmntin 'upraoitn'.cl, n rMtiiiA tacli clo>l mo4l 4100. In r .-> th Ccup ts 1575., tl. .::in to $563. loth 7.0.. To!-!, OnUrlo (5otrr.-.'t: TItl ".'.> rcfoztt hr bn rjch t>at m . s Ji on terJ no* only SS6 of th* i-o4al lo dlipsi* of. ?hli 4mtnl li Ur.co that tho jnbHo app- reciate* nl>i*, u4 UM trli opportunity of thulang yjJ, rJ through yrrj, the p-abilg in appro:t*tlon of tbtlr action, In Tiov of our pprtclatlcn. an] In onltr that yoa raj play nttroly flr vltti th Xonl trajrlng public, wo thlnx it alviaabl* to Inform you that at tho fnttrt: rain It la a tnt'.or of >U;i bafor* all !>. JoH will t ccirpiitnly dlp:?ol of to J'wlori. In av ov>nt, v- will not to ablo to r.Mrlaln orJ'.n fr a ctoalors on or af '- i - r lot. On that date wa will elon car took. Wo rttcrr* th right to da thU oirllor. If r.icosoary. If y. i (IY any ordori y.-j frlsh ts dillvjr to tho paUlo after Kubr 1st, It lll to nac;iary for you to placo thoa irtth us tfor MOTW. tor lit. All crdori rhould, thrf:re, to wna Vy you with no obligation tc lill-nr 01:" . aa prior orders ponlt. to ixut prutoct o^inelvei ti h ecne way - wo can ilollTer your crleri placid with u> anly on prior orlr penlt and 01 long ai the abcT* Better of can lait. Vourt ory trjly, FOS3UC70!) CaiPAirf OP C-JUCA. Limited. !. .,-MT. The information in this letter should be known to every prospective Ford buyer. It opens up an opportunity for the family without a closed car to get one at prices which will probably not be as low again. This is an opportunity for the man with a large car to relieve the larger car and decrease its depreciation, especially during the coining winter months. H. DOWN & SONS Flesherton, - Ontario . FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED, FORD, ONTARIO FOUR PEOPLE REAP BENEFIT MK. AiNt) MRS. DAVIS. SON AND 1MKJH.TER REJOICE IN DIS- COVERY OF HERBAL MEDICINE Mrs. W. II. Davis of 1 White Ave.. Toronla, makes the following state- ment on behalf of her family of four, every one of whom is taking Dreco and improving in health "My husband suffered for ten years from stomach and liver trouble. He was chronically constipated, oaus iiiK the constant use of laxatives. His food would not digest properly, it would sour and gas would form in a hard lump in his stomach. He- also had ilk/'.y spells, and severe head- aches troubled him. In bending over, pains would shoot across his back. Nearly evry joint in his body uched with rheumatic pains and it was im- possible for him even to lace his shoes, "We spent hundreds of dollars in 'earch of a good remed*/ that would give good results. I then read of what Dreco was doing for so many people right in our own city and Mr. Davis and I decided to give it a trial. Truly, the results have been very pleasing. "His appetite is good, the pains through his back and joints are much improved. He no longer has that tired, pale, haggard look and doesn't mind his work, as he feels much stronger and has more vitality. "I was so pleased with his growing improvement that I decided that Dreco was just what the chidren and my own system needed As a result, their appetites have greatly improv- ed and they seem to get the proper nourishment from their food, causing vi-ry noticeable benefits in their gen- eral condition^. "My system is in u better condition than it has been for many months. I can tat various foods now that 1 have IWH unable to cat for a long time. In riuiso of indigestion ami gastric spells. 1 also suffered from sick head- aches, nervousness and dizzy spells, which have mai'.y times kept me in bed for two or three days and made it impossible for me to do my house- work. These troubles have been en- tirely relieved by Dreco. "I am vry happy over the benefit my family ha:< derived from Dreco, and gladly do we recommend it. Its merits arc surprising." Dreeo is a reliable household rem- edy endorsed by thousands who have discovered its genuine merit. Com- pounded from the juices of medicinal herbs, roots, bark and leaves, it tones and regulates the whole system und quickly relieves indigestion, gastritis, sick headache, backache, pains in the limbs, constipation, biliousness and many other ailments. Build up your system with Dreco, the pi-oven lemedy that contains no mercury, potash or habit forming drugs. Dreco is being specially introduced in Flesherton by C. N. Itichnrdson and is sold by a good druggist every- where. ROCK MILLS SERVICES Anniversany services will be held in Rock Mills Baptist church on Sun- day, Nov. 4th. Rev. Mr. McDonald of Owe Sound will preach at 11 a. m. and 7 p.m. A good program will be given the following Tuesday even- ing, Nov. Gth, by Rev. Mr. Piercy, elocutionist of Collingwood, and others Admission : adults 35c., children 15c. For Sale or Rent Favm in Artemesia Townshir* This farm is described as lots 134 and 135 on the Toronto and Sydenham road, and contains 150 acres, of which 125 acres are cleared. The soil is good clay loam, slightly rolling. The buildings consist of two bank barns, implement house, and a nine room dwelling. For further particulars, apply to theToronto General Trusts Corporation, Toronto. Pheasant At His Window Mr. frank Duncan of town wns wak' '(1 on.' night last week by somct.:..ig striking against the win- dow. Thinking of burglars ' y flashed on t' o eleftricity and dis> -vered :i visit- r calmly sitting on tl ; window cill ( itside. It was a phc: -ant from | 1'he. -ant Island Eugenia. Kvidcntly j these birds go as cra/.y in lie fall as their cousins, the rultVd gr mse. No, I''ia,.'i didn't try to capture the bird. INMEMORI/:M le ULLEN In memory t f our dear w'i'c and mother, who d.sd October 2i. 1922. We lovpd her, yes we loved her, Bui .Jesus loved he" more; And he hus sweetly called her To yonder shiiiinj; shore. Father and dauff liter, Allie. TWO SOCIAL KVKN'INGS Mrs. H. Carrinifton and two child- ren, Lillian nnd Wosle" are lonvinp this Thursday to spend the winter with her (laughter at Ingersull. Last Friday evening the public school children of the senior room gathered and presented Miss Lillian with a part> box, as n token of esteem 'ftie ladies of the Baptist church also gath- ered atfer prayer meeting on Wednes- day at the home of MTU. D. Dow and spent a xocial avening in honor of Mrs. Carrinfron. THE COP GOT THE BOYS Some Chestey high school boys were returning home to Elmweod by motor one afternoon recently and hit up such a clip that they left a little Ford driven by Prov, Constable Blood away in the rear. The Cons- table, wh was driving from Wiarton kept his eye skinned while passing through Elmwood and located the bus that, had out distanced him. As n result Harold Henderson was sum- moned to appear before fcmntv Mafrstrate McNab and assessed $10 and co<t*. n total of |16.90 for fast driving WANTED Chickens, Ducks, Geese & Turkeys Birds must be properly bled, dry plucked and in good condition. Ship not later than Wednesday of each week. Price according to quality and weight. W. BUSKIN Parkdale Meat Market 1596 Queen St., W. TORONTO & Seasonable Hardware Paints, varnishes etc. Ammunition and rifles, ranges and heat- @ ers, shovels, forks. :: Stable Fittings Barn door track, hangers, hinges, bolts, latches, lanterns, pails. ENAMEL AND TINWARE Mitts and gloves, blankets, callar pads, saws, axes, handles. I i -.: FLESHERTON HARDWARE Frank W. Duncan- i PHONE-! 34-11 Full Line of Hardware For All Purposes .'.V AV.V Nails, Glass and Other Materials Now is the time to buy .v.w.w PUMPS, STOVES, PAINTS, OILS. WASHING MACHINES, PAILS and GRANITE WARE. D. McKILLOP FLESHERTON, . . ONTARIO Sound Development k Incorporated For the purpose of providing 1855 ' .Twelve years before .Confederation Opened for Business July 8 - - 1856 To-Day Capital ; $5,000,000 Reserves : $7.000,000 sound banking for the growing business of the farmer, miller and trader of those early days. By men of foresight and vision who laid its foundations -on con- servative lines and started the building of its ample reserves. We offer to business men and fanners and to all who carry a deposit account or who need bank- ing accommodation, the facilities and experience gathered in our 67 years of banking operations, to- gether with a courteous, efficient service by a capable staff. "BANMORONTO FEVERSMAM BRANCHES: MARKDALE