Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Oct 1923, p. 2

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None Better N SALADff GREEN TEA is the finest uncolored greet* tea procurable in the world. Superior to the best Japans. Try It. Woman's Sphere ened to wear with the different dress- / os, but a more convenient way seems t be to make slip petticoats, leaving them open at the shoulder seams where they are held in place by rib- bons or tape ties. They may then be adjusted to suit exactly the length of each dress with which they are worn. I. preferred they may be finished with a flap that fastens with snaps at the shoulder and several snaps be usej in a row so as to vary the length. G. L. S. A SIMPLE POPULAR MODEL, "OH, MOTHER!" iby a rattler they had had such a time ,I' : MW saving him! And it told how Callista Every mother of a growmg J* ^^ ^^ ^ ^^ ag her niece's step sounded in the hall. daughter knows the tage. Nothing is right a "Ob, mother!' The parlor rug: or father's shabby but beloved slip- "Bertha, Callista says the orange crop is the finest in ten years ! She's been able to pay off everything on pers; mother's coiffure or Bob's en- And the Reeds' little table manners; daughters W ^ ^ ^^ fay ^ her boy, thusiastic clothes or but nothing else ever quite so tragic as this last mentioned. re - ! " ' so why look further? Everyone uffers. What about mother during this par- I Aunt Mandy's eyes shadowed. She did so want to tell some one about that rr.ttler! Maybe at dinner She tured the whole family eagerly listen- But Bertha interrupted her: "I'm Mandy. I have the marketing to do, r of her child mother who must bear the brunt of daughter's discontent on the one hand and of her family's re- sentment of criticism on the other? GREENMANTLE BY JOHN BUCHAN. (Copyrighted Thomas Nelson and Sons, Ltd.) CHAPTER XV. (Cont'd.) up to the job of holding him. The Buz- were shepherded in from north 4471. This is a good style for ging- Mother A , with thin-lipped and positive determination, puta her foot down. "What has always been good enough for your parents " or "When you get too nice for your home " These caustic rebukes are a pity be- cause they lead to disagreements and coldness that are sometimes never bridged in after years. Sandy started. "She's been here!" , ~"'*i , tv,<> TW,, O he cried. "Tell me, Dick, what did and east and south, and now the Mus- ., fki^L. n f i,<>,.? covite is sitting down outside the forts you think of her? of Erzerum *j can tell you the y- r e 'I thought she was about two parts pretty m j sera bl e about the situation in mad, but the third part was uncommon the highest q uar ters Enver is like inspiration." 'sweating blood to get fresh divisions "That's aoout right," he said. "I was to Erzerum from Gally-poly, but it's wrong in comparing her to Messalina. a long road and it looks as if they She's something a dashed sight more WO uld be too late for the fair. . . You | complicated. She runs the prophet and i t Major, start for Mesopotamy just because she shares his belief. Only to-morrow, and that's about the mean- what in him is sane and fine, in her eg t bit of bad luck that ever happer.ed is mad and horrible. You see, Ger- to John S. We're missing the chance many also wants to simplify life." . | f seeing the goriest fight of this "I know," I said. "I told her that' cam p a jg n- an hour ago, when I talked more rot| j picked up the map and pockeled to the second than any mortal man it. Maps were my business, and I ever achieved. It will come between had been looking for one. .' in: aiid my sleep for the rest of myj "We're not going to Mesopotamia," days." 1 1 said. "Our orders have been can- "Germany's simplicity is that of the celled." neurotic, not the primitive. It is me-j. "But I've just seen Enver, and he galomania and egotism and the pride 8a id he had sent round our passports." of the man in the Bible that waxed fat "They're in the fire," I said. "The and kicked. But the results are the j r i?ht ones will come along to-morrow same. She wants to destroy and simp- morning." lify; but it isn't the simplifying of thej Sandy broke in, his eyes bright with ascetic, which is of the spirit, but the excitement. simplicity of the madman that grinds i "The great hills J . . . We're going down all the contrivances of civiliza-;to Erzerum. tion to a featureless monotony. The the Germans _ _ prophet wants to save the souls of his C ard? They're sending the Green- people; Germany wants to rule the mantle to the point of danger in the inanimate corpse of the world. But' hope that his, coming will rally the you can get the same language taj Turkish defence. Things are be-in- refreshmcnt Aids dientioB. How Cameras Help Doctors. Photography Is receiving the atten- tion of doctors as a means of early diagnosis of smallpox and other dis- eases Involving a rah. Photographs of children hare shown . Don't you see" that I the symptomatic mewles rash dTt are playing their big oping under the skin dan bfore II was visible to tin eye. "I have been able to tell la advance by means of photography that child- ren were sickening for measles," said ing to her. . ll . ham, printed voile, and other cotton cover both. And so you have the part- ning to move, Dick, old man. No morel r on a n practitioner ! "'H goods now in vogue. The sleeve may, nership of St. Francis and Messalina. kicking the heels for us. "We're going! 8 .,. . mptno d should be valuable la did 1- " 11 'iv-..>- Kao v i,f n tnintr . . L.*. :.. ;* .. K ... tU,, .*!* ...,,i I r^.n*.n. ! . .1 . !' ' gan during the first pause: "I had a letter from Callista Adams to-day. finished in wrist or elbow length.' Dick, did you ever hear of The Pattern is cut in 4 Sizes: 6, called the Superman?" , 10 and 12 years. A 10-year sizej i of 27-inch a thing to be in it up to the neck, and Heaven , , jhelp the best man. ... I must be off , P? cases ' Pe p , ! '" co ta , ct There was a time when the papers now> for i' ve a lot to do. Au revoir. i *Kh known cases could b photo- were full of nothing else," I answered. We meet some time soon in the hills. " graphed before any rash deveJopg on . it was invented by a sports- Blenkiron still looked I punted till I' the outer skin. If the camera reveal- "Maybe," said Sandy. told him the story of that night's do- "Old Nietz- i n gs. As he listened, all the satisfac- Pattern mailed to any address on sc h e has been blamed for a great deal tion went out of his face, and that Ethel they' r - ecei -.- of 15 r ! n .. s . ilver _ r st a m P.. b V of rubbish he would die rather than funny, childish air of bewilderment Mother B .. olm.lly : Mother C allows her feelings to with daughter. She "goes over to the ^ c.m.t... enemy and demands new furnishings nd better clothes. She told about a little boy " Julie's gay voice interrupted her: iHow nice, Aunt Mandy! Ethel, they, the Wi , gon Publishing Co-i 73" "West acknowledge. But it's a craze of the : crepTin: have the most gorgeous i sport silks at Adelai(]a Streeti Toronto. Allow two : new, fatted Germany. It's a fancy j "It's not for me to complain, for it's S;, I m wild to have one. ^ wee ks for receipt of pattern. type which could never really exist, i n the straight line of our dooty, but any more than the Economic Man of j reckon there's going to be big trouble the politicians. Mankind has a sense ahead of this caravan. It's Kismet, of humor which stops short of the final and we've got to bow. But I won't pre- absurdity. There never has been and tend that I'm not considerable scared there never could be a real Superman. a t the prospect" But there might be a Super- j "Oh, so am I," I said. "The woman woman." ' frightens me into fits. We're up "You'll get into trouble, my lad, if against it this time all right All the you talk like that," I said. I same I'm glad we're to be let into the "It's true all the same. Women have real star metropolitan performance, got a perilous logic which we never I didn't relish the idea of touring the . Why, that's fine, Aunt Henry replied heartily. Mandy!" "Bertha, and outgrown petticoats. She'll get, over it!" So daughter is allowed free ^P^", rein with her discontent and her fault- findlng- whom do you suppose f met to-day? !Tom Hall!" Mandy began again whan i done talking about the sport ; Spindle. wood, spindle-wood will you lend me, pray, A little flaming lantern to guide me on my way? The fairies all have vanished from the meadow and the glen, Mother E- listens o interested- letter," she remarked stoutly, "where, she tells about the Reeds' little boy" Ethel nodded pleasantly. "Sometime them once again. I. mill me now a lantern that I bear a light. To find the hidden pathway darkness of the night. ed the disease on them, they could be removed to Isolation before they be- came Infective." Betty'* Spelling. Ptather "How do you spell 'rat'?" Little Betty "R A T." "Yes. Now. can you spell 'mouse'?" "Of course I can. father! 1 * You spell It Just the same way, only with little letters." Literary Assistance oratloot. Mid , ishare it with some one! and father has always been s .driven, ^ Aunt M ^ for ready money. I 11 give >o it -| j , back ^ her room There was broiler money to get new furnishings J for the table provided you will prom- 1 " , , ,, u u Ue to take all the care of it while youi only half a letter it you couldn't re at home. "Yes, the house does need fixing up. Fuppose you see what you can do with your own room? If you will help me, three hour* each day during vacation-! ca '"K- *" you may have the rest of your time to! Margie Bran,: uni inanuy en. ., En, money for new furniture. When j a * er *' J ^.' st *> * * m you grt that fmisl cd. we'll see what Calllsta AdamK dow " ln Florida-" We ran do for the parlor, if you wish." throw me, If you Ash-lree, ash-tree, please, Throw me down a slender branch russet-golden keys, I fear the gates of Fairyland may all be shut HO fast _.-_ | have, and some of the best of them provinces." don't see the joke of life like the ordi- 1 "I guess that's correct But I could ^^ UPOB _,,,, ! nary man. They can be far greater wish that the good God woul^ see fttjeumM tnvict. 1 Uie | than men, for they can go straight to to take that lovely lady to Himself, the heart of things. There never was She's too much for a ouiet man at my a man so near the divine as Joan of time of life. When she invites us to Are. But I think too they can be more go in on the ground-floor I feel like entirely damnable than anything that taking the elevator to the roof- of ever was breeched, for they don't stop garden." still now and then and laugh at them- 1 selves There is no Superman. r; i A PTKH v vr The poor old donkeys that fancy them for OTCIT torture*. Uaurlil for mtmorUU. Book, o.t. c., onto*. doorway and a gay voice was No more criticism from daughter he in much too busy over her own enticing plans. My, but mother and the rest of the family enjoy the peaceful interlude. And by the time daughter has earned the money for new furniture and has crawled about on aching knees to "I want to hear every word of it," Margie responded. SPRING CLOTHESPINS. With the cleaning equipment of one capable housewife are invariably to be found a number of spring clothes- _. , ,. selves in the part are either crack- That nothing hut your magic keys will , bramed p ro fes sors w h o couldn't rule m HoT U - k0 m "," n' . . J " Sund ?l Sc - h001 C} T' 2 F br .! 8t ! ln K ! ' ' came to Angora, the first stage in our il tie them -to my glrdlo and as I go d j ers w ;th pint-pot heads who imagine j ourne y. THE BATTERED CARAVANSERAI. Two days later, in the evening, we along My heart will find a comfort In tinkle of their song. the pins, plains, 'These 'when arc so handy," she ex- Holly-buih, holly-bush, help me lu my task, A pocketful of berries la all the the alms I ask; A pocketful of berries to thread In golden strands, I would not go a-vlsltlng with nothing in my hands Holland Bulbs !!. tMutlful Window OtnlM ! lb toth of ' ., -r It iia' 1 rot. ML.' !J ColUctlOB. T 11 -u , tlful *tr-t.J Bulbl. poitntd. SCc. SpKltl Col- Itcllon. 15 a<lcctl Bulbl. POMX14. ft rn* lllu-.rtri Lilt. C. E. BISHOP & SON, Seedsmen Belleville, Ont mooth and putty her rough floor, has a number of window and door drap- PHI:. ifl and varnldhed and ceaselessly cries." laundered things of dainty linen, she She grasped the lower corner* of a li.i learned a great many enlightening drapery, lifted thejn well out of the way alng the outside edge of the cur- ' cleaning a room having. So fine will bo the rosy chains, so gay, that the shooting of a .Due d Enghien The passporU ^ arriv ed next made a Napoleon. But there is a mo rning, as Frau von Einem had Super-woman, and her names Hilda p romised| ^j with th em a p i an of our von Eincm. , 'journey. More, one of the Compan- "I thought our job was nearly over,' \ Qna who gpoke a litt , e English) I groaned, "and now it looks as if it detai i ed to accompany us a wise hadn't well sUrted Bullivant said cauti()nf for no one of U8 had a that all we had to do was to find outj of Turkish. These were the sum of ~ r V,. i v- our instructions. I heard nothing morel "Bulhvant didn't know. No man' of Sandy or Greenmantle or the lady, knows except you and me. I tell you, We were meant to travel in our own the* woman has immense power. The p ar ty. ! Germans have trusted her with their -a/' We had the railway to Angora, a If nh ia the right sort she will fln- lh her undertaking. But before she with the clothespin. "This keeps them Is through she will understand why well out of the way when cleaning and mothtr shortens the tablecloths or dis- it is surprising how fresh and un- penttea with them entirely in favor of] wrinkled the draperies are when drop- th< despised white oilcloth during ped back in place. Anyone accustomed r-i.-.ii neawons. Sh will comprehend < to pinning up tho curtain ends or what "refurnishing the house" nieann tucking thorn over the rod or laying In t*-mn of hurd work and crop dis uppointnienU an') \voary bodied. Sho an entirely new slant on will have things. "Oh, mother," ahe Biiyi, "when wo gel kumething new for the dining- room floor, let's get something easy to take care of!" Daughter isn't to blame for this try- Ing period In her development. It Is 11 instinctive reaching out after the bent and most beautiful with no knowl- edge of what goes Into the getting of them. Isn't it a pity when she is driven out of sympathy and under- tutuling with her family before thj lesson i learned? I,et her remedy her own discontent them over the back of nn adjacent chair would never do so agnin if they gave this simple mt-thod a trial. "I keep my bedroom curtains clean and fresh for a long time by fastening With American. King Qeorge IB known far and wide as the most democratic monarch rul- 1 Ing to-day. He Is as equally famous ; as a stamp collector and takes a deep | Interest lu matters philatelic. At the recent International Stamp Exhibition, held In London, which the .i. t i >l V 11. IM l. l : ICtAI VT Ck t L k' . I trump card, and she s going to play it very com f orta bi e German 'schlaf- so glossy bright. for all she is worth. There s no crime wagen> tacked to the end of a troop- They'll set the realms of fairyland a- that will stand in her way. * ** train. There wasn't much to be seen dancing with delight. j "^ ,.\ he . ba ,, . rol " n tf' a " ", '' n( f d v) * of the country, for after we left the Rose Fyleman "he'll cut all her prophets throats and Bosporus we ran into scuds of snow, A run the show herself. * a n J and except that we seemed to be climb- / /" iTc t?i know about your job, for honestly 1 i n ,, nn io R hiir nlatomi 1 hnH nn nnfinn King George "Swaps" Stamps CBn . t quita see what you and Blenk- O f g the Und^faK It was a rnfr^l iron are going to do. But I'm very that we made such good time, for that clear about my own duty She s let i ine wns con(reB ted beyond anything me into the business, and 1 ingoing to j ha ve ever seen. The place was stick to it in. the hope that I II Hnd a craw ii ng ^th the Gallipoli troops, chance of wrecking it We re and every s idi n g was packed with sup- moving eastward to-morrow with a ply trucks . When ^ stopped which new prophet if the old one is dend^ we did on an avera(ce about once Where are you going?" I asked hour you could see vast camps on 1 don't know. But I gather it's a ^ si * dc8 of the nnd oft ^ EDDYS MATCHES Remember to ask for EddyS when you order matches ON I Dl CANADA them when up th in exactly windows the are same way raised at night," she- added. A box of spring clothespins on the closet shelf aro handy for snapping together pairs of rubbers, mittens, and the like, when several persons must make use of a common storage place.- A. M. A. TO RENEW OILED MOPS. The nicely oiled floor mops nrn a great hfllp in keeping polished floors '. she id the right -iort she will e.j frce from dusl) bul onc( , th( , y 1)ecomo I Roiled to tho point of having to lie in hot soapsuds, tho cltist- Klng vlaltod, he pointed to ono stnmp In the collection of Arthur Hind, a prominent American philatelist, and aid: "Too bad you were outbidding mo for that the other day." Mr. Hind said ho had no Idoa he wai bidding against the King, and offered him the stamp ao a gift, lint the King, lidiiK a av>rt, refused to accept and said : "I'll teJl you wliat I'll do. I have a stamp you'd like; let's swap." And they did. . i m i_ TV LTWII diu\.o v* nit llliv, .1 lUI \ \ LT II V\ t* long journey, judging by tho prepnra- struck regirnents on the march alon lions And it must be to a cold coun- l Renlly, it is up to mother! AUNT MANUVS LETTER. Aunt Mandy cunio toiling up tha RtiiirH; the alwuyx answered tho post- mini's ring, though there seldom waa a letter for hei "There's only one, but it's for me!" she exclaimed hap- pily. "It's from Callista Adams down in Florida." Bertha, her niece, wai counting tho Inundry: "Six, seven eight All right, Aunt Mandy. I'm busy Just now." Aunt Mundy turned away and went washed in hot soapsuds, tho gnthering property is lost. Renew tho [ mop and HKVC buying a new one by moistening with the following mix-! ture: Storu in a bottle largo enough to shake it thoroughly before using:! Kerosene, two ounces; paraftn oil.' oi^lit ounces; lime water, two ounces;! oil of lavender, one dram. PBTTTCOATB THAT ALWAYS KIT. Every mother of a growing girl There the! knows tho never-ending" struggle with illenlly to her own room. joy returned to her face. Tho letter the petticoat that is too long or too was no interesting! It told about th' short for the pretty thin wnoh dresses. ReedV littlo boy who have been bitten, The petticoats may he made ever so accurately and carefully and yet prove tho wrong length, because some dress- es shrink more or lens in washing, according to the fabric of which they the railway track. They looked a fine, , 11- i. by ^- * M P r . ovided ;. hardy lot of ruffians, but many were . "Well wheverit is were gomg with dep | orably rag(fed> and j (iidn ^ think you. You haven't heard our end of mllch of ^ ir bootl ,_ j wondered how .i the yarn Blenkiron and I have been j h wou , d do the fiye hundred n moving m the best circles as skilled of road to E rzerum American engineers who aro going to (To be continued ) play Old Harry with the British on j _. - |and' T he g h S as offered P me his" ^r^cS i """^ " "" "* i The lamented Rasta brought our pass-' ports for the journey to Mesopotamia ' Among Lancashire miners there to-morrow, but an hour ago your lady was formerly a curious old belief that, tore them up and put them in the fire, when having a bath, they must not 1 We are going with her, uml she vouch- W1 ,sh the back, as water weakened snfed the information that it was to- wards tho grent hills." Sandy whistled long nnd low. "I wonder what the deuce she wants with It on the Job/ You can bank on a "444" Da> after day.month Alter month S marts H 444 : Axc will stand the $lng where the going Is hardest- Gel yowr hardware man to show you a"444:Note th IwmfanJihe "feel" of tt- A real xe with a flreblued finish that resists 8t CANADA TOUNDWES ^.FORCINGS that part of the body. Insects which live on vegetable This thing is getting dashed foolls nru slow nd inoffensive, while AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL One of the l)et Equipped In Ontario. We linvo Klrfct-C'luiM Instructors to iiuikd you a Heal tixpert. Write or n W. U. I'nt nn, 661 Queen Bt. lv. Toronto. ISSUE No. 41 '23, Do You Know the Animal? Country Magistrate "Well, what linvo you boon arrested for shooting birds?" Sam- --"No, sah, lodge, your honor, 1'se Vested foh on'y^es' ghontln' a llt- tlo crap.i." "When arc you going to pay for .that sewing-uuH-hine I sold you?" are mndu, while others are let-down <.p ay f or i t ? VHiy, you said that in a left-overs from n previous sennon. I nhort time it would pny for itself!" A portion of the child's petticoats j * may, of cnurae, I < permanently short-! Mlnrd'i Llnlmenl to, Dandruff. you complieiitod, Dick. . . . Where, more by token, is Rlenkiron? He's ths> fel- low to know about high politics." Tho missinK Rlerkiron, as Sandy (poke, entered the room with bin slow, quiet step. I couUl iiue bv bia carriage thnt for once he had no dyspepsia, and by his eves that he was excited. "Rixy, boys," he said, "I've pot some- thing pretty considerable u, the way of nooa. There's been big fighting on the Eastern border, and the BuzzuHs have taken a bad knock." j His hands were full of papers, from which he selected a map and spread it on the table. i "They keep mum about tho thinec in this capital, hut 1'vo bi'en piecing the story together these last days, nnd I think I've got it straight. A fortnight ago old mnn Nicholas descended from his mountains and scuppered his en- emies there at Kuprikeui, whore this nmin road eastward crosses the Ar- ' axes. Thnt wns only the, beginning of tho stunt, for he pressed on on a broad front, nnd the gentleman called Klnmil who commands in those parts, was not those which feed on animal substances are very active, pitiless, and ijuarrel- aonie. JAMES SMART PLANT BROCKVIUE ONT. 99 forheallh * , ...i.:ir<\ when t -.* 23S

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