Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Aug 1923, p. 6

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You Can Learn More from a teapot test of Than we can tell you in a page of advertisement TRY IT TO-DAY GREENMANTLE BY JOHN BUCHAN. (Copyrighted Thomas Nelson and Sons, Ltd.) CHAPTER XI. (Cont'd.) The leader flung some stuff into the brazier and a great fan of blue lieht flared up. He was weaving circles, and he was singing something shrill and high, whilst his companions made a chorus with their deep monotone. can't tell you what the dance was. I had seen the Russian ballet just be- fore the war, and one of the men in it reminded me of this man. But the dancing was the least part of it It was neither sound nor movement nor scent that wrought the spell, but some- thing far more potent. In an instant I found myself reft away from the present with its dull dangers, and looking at a world all young and fresh and beautiful. The gaudy drop-scene hail vanished. It was a window I was looking from, and I was gazing at the finest landscape on earth, lit by the pure clean light of morning. f T It seemed to he part of the veld, but like no veld I had ever seen. It was wider and wilder and more gracious. Indeed, I was looking at my first youth. I was feeling the kind of im- mortal light-heartedncss which only a boy knows in the dawning of his days. I had no longer any fear of these magic-makers. They were kindly wiz- ards, who had brought me into fairy- land. we stopped. Some one opened the door and we got out, to find ourselves in a courtyard with a huge dark build- ing around. The prison, I guessed, and I wondered if they would give us blankets, for it was perishing cold. We entered a door, and found our- selves in a big stone hall. It was quite warm, which made me more hopeful about our cells. A man in some kind of uniform pointed to the staircase, up which we plodded wear- ily. My mind was too blank to take clear impressions, or in any way to forecast the future. Another warder met us and took us down a passage till we halted at a door. He stood aside and motioned us to enter. | I guessed that this was the gov- ernor's room, and we should be put through our first examination. My head was too stupid to think, and I made up my mind to keep perfectly mum. Yes. even if they tried thumb- screws. I had no kind of a story, but I resolved not to give anything away. As I turned the handle I wondered Idly what kind of sallow Turk or bulg-i i ing-necked German we should find . inside. It was a pleasant room, with a pel-. j ished wood floor and a big fire burn- [ ing on the hearth. Beside the fire a I man lay on a couch, with a little table I drawn up beside him. On thut table jwas a small glass of milk and a num- j ber of Patience cards spread in rows. I stared blankly at the spectacle, till I saw a second figure. It was the man i in the skin-cap, the leader of the ' dancing maniacs. Roth Peter and I backed sharply at the sight and then i stood stock still. j For the dancer crossed the room in two strides and gripped both of my hands. "Dick, old man," he cried, "I'm most awfully glad to see you again!" Woman's Sphere Then slowly from the silence there distilled drops of music. They came like water falling a long way into a cup, each the essential quality of pure Bound. We, with our elaborate har- HV*J11*** V **V| r After ^ Every Meal Have a packet in your pocket for ever-ready refreshment. Aids digestion. Allays thirst. Soothes the throat. For Quality, Flavor and the felled Package, I FLAVOR LASTS slay it with K SAPHO 1^ Rid your !i<-ne of fllth- > \ carrying, disease-breed- \ Ing flies. Be free from buxzing mosquito** that make your sleeping hours miserable. Deal death to ants, roaches and beetles. pho Tuinlct >il-rn.:ri'r, .II thM pU. but i. Nm-MUOMDI uu) iiAHMi.i.Hi to llUttAU. !: ' r.i Radio Bulb Sprayer puffi th< poxln Into ihi ait ktlllai >:i fllpi M,,I Duttquliow la fl*9 to twfotj oilnuua. Tuur drufflif. hardware ator *f di*p*rtmaulal tun nn tuppl) you with t Sapho Bulb Sprayer at $1.00. Sapho Powder in 25 and 00 and $1.26 cans. Try the ready. to-iiKe Sapho Puffer, 15 centi. and bo convinced. Sapho Liquid uprated in closets and on clothes, furniture and draperies killi tnotlia, prevents destruction and even moth* away. KENNEDY MANUFAC- TURING CO. 686 Henri Julien St., Montreal SAPH POWDER CHAPTER XII. FOUR MISSIONARIES SEE LIGHT IN THEIR MISSION. A spasm of incredulity, a vast re- monies have foljjotten the charm of Hef, and that sharp joy which comes single notes. The African natives of reaction chased each other across know it, and I remember a learned my nd. I had come suddenly out man once tellmtT me that the Greeks of very black waters into an unbe- had the same art. Those silver bells Hevable calm. I dropped into the broke out of infinite space, so exquisite nearest chair and tried to grapple and perfect /that no mortal words with something far beyond words, could have been fitted to them. That "Sandy," I said, as soon as I got was the mlisic, 1 expect, that the m V breath, "you're an Incarnate devil, morning stars made when they sang You've given Peter and me the fright together. I of our lives." s*fattttyliiR3fySS*Eei ^ Hithv V, tVm >our heels yesterday, Rasta would glow of t.heir circle. | 8e]ves at home my children .. There was no mistake about % the "Over!" I cried incredulouslj, for meaning now. All the daintiness and my w i ts wt , re wool-gathering. "What youth had (led, and passion was beat- |,]' ; ,,.,. j s this?" Ing in the air terrible, savage pas- y ou may ' ca il |t m y humble home" slon, which belonged neither to day j ._j t waR Ul cn kiron's sleek voice that nor night, life nor death, but to the j8 p O ke. "We've been preparing for half-world between them. I suddenly you, Major, but it was only yesterday felt the dancers as monstrous, inhu- J heard of your friend." man, devilish. The thick scents that) J introduced Peter floated from the brazier .seemed to] "Mr. Pienaar," said Blenkiron, have a tang of new-shed blood. Cries " p l ca sed to meet you. .Well, as I was broke from the hearers cries of an- observing, you're safe enough here, ger and lust and terror. I hrard a b u t you've cut it mighty fine. Offl- woman sob, nnd Peter, who is ns c i, l ]i y> a Dutchman called Brandt was tough as any mortal, took tight hold to be arrested this afternoon and of my arm. handed over to the German author- I now renhzcd thut these Compan- Hies. When Germany begins to trouble ions of the Rosy Hours were the only n bout that Dutchman she will find dif- thlng in the world to fear. Rasta nnd ficulty in getting the body; but such Stumm seemed feeble simpletons by nre the languid ways of an Oriental contrast. The window I had been : despotism. Meantime the Dutchman looking out of was changed to a prison w ji| be no more. He will have ceased wall I could soo the rnortar between ! upon the midnight without pain, as the massive blocks. In a second these 1 your poet sings." DELECTABLE CORN DISHES. Corn and tomatoes always make a tasty combination. This one is dif- ferent: Tomatoes stuffed with corn Grate the corn from six ears and add to it half a green pepper chopped fine, also half a small onion, likewise chopped; melt a tablespoonful of butter in a frying pan and turn these vegetables into it and toss them about until the corn begins to brown slightly. Mean- time scald, peel and scoop the centres from six medium sized tomatoes; fill with the corn mixture-, scatter bread crumbs and bits of butter over the top and bake in a hot oven until the to- matoes are done. Corn Oysters This is a good sup- per dish for cool evenings or when something tasty and substantial is de- sired. It may be made from corn that is a little too old for boiling, and will be very nice. Grate the corn, a~"l to a pint of pulp add two well-beaten eggs, a tablespoonful of melted butter, half a teaspoonful of salt, and enough flour to make a rather stiff batter, sifting one and a half teaspoonfuls of baking powder with the flour. A little milk may be added If desired. Drop from the end of a spoon into boiling fat and fry to a rich, nut brown. Drain well and serve hot. These frit- ters are truly delicious served with maple syrup, or plain sugar syrup, though usually regarded as a meat substitute. Corn and Cheexe Souffle Here is another corn dish which may very acceptably take the place of meat A large cupful of grated green corn is required for its making, also half a green pepper chopped fine and a cup- ful of grated cheese. Cook the pepper for five minutes In a generous table- spoonful of butter, then remove it and add two tablespoonfuls of flour to the butter and cook these to the bubbling point Now pour in a cupful of rich milk and cook till smooth, stir in the corn, cheese and fried pepper and add a mere grating of onion. Cook for a few moments, then whip in two well- beaten egg yolks and season to suit the taste. Finally fold In the whites of the eggs beaten to a stiff dry froth, pour into a buttered baking dish and cook in a moderate oven for half an hour, or until the souffle is firm in the centre. Serve immediately, for a dish of this sort will not bear waiting. A SIMPLE FROCK FOR A YOUNG MISS. 4117. Smart belt extensions on this dress, effected by slashes at the sides, are an outstanding style feature. The sleeve may be in wrist or elbow length. The Pattern is cut in 4 Sizes: 6, 8, 10 and 12 years. A 10-year size re- quires 3'/4 yards of 32-inch material. Serge, crepe knit and jersey weaves, also taffeta are attractive materials for this style. Pattern mailed to any address on receipt of 15c in silver or stamps, by the Wilson Publishing Co., 73 West Adelaide st., Toronto. Allow two weeks for receipt of pattern. devils would be smelling out their enemies like some foul witch-doctors. "Hut I don't understand," I stam- mered. "Who arrested us?" 1 felt the burning eyes of their leader, "My men," said Sandy. "We have looking for me in the gloom. Peter a bit of a graft here, and It wasn't WHS praying audibly beside me, and I difficult to manage it Old Moellen- could have choked him. His infernal dorff will be nosing after the business! chatter would reveal us, for it seemed to-morrow, but he will find the mys- i to me that there was no one in the tcry too deep lor him. That is the' place except us and the magic- advantage of a Government run by workers. LOLLYPOP DOLLIES. Some thing that will please the children without much expenditure of either time or money is what many mothers are considering for that ap- proaching birthday or any other party, an occasion of thrilling importance to the youngsters. Buy a quantity of lollypops and some gayly colored crepe paper, or use the odds and ends of suc-h paper you may already have in the house. Cut circles of white or pink tinted paper the size of the candy and fasten it over the waxed paper in which each lollypop is wrapped with two or three touches of glue. Next mark on these circles all sorts of funny faces. From the gay paper fashion bonnets and dresses held in place by bits of nar- row ribbon and touches of glue. Thrust the end of the stick through an empty spool and you have a charm- ing doll that can stand alone. En- dearing colored babies may be made by using black paper for the faces. These lollypop dollies may be used as place cards or to decorate indi- vidual servings of ice cream. They may be marching in file round the table or as cake decorations. And in the end they posses the useful quality of being edible. a pack of adventurers. But, by Jove, ' : Then suddenly the spell was broken, j pick, we hadn't any time to spare. If t Tho door was flung open and a great R as ta had got you, or the Germans gust of icy wind swirled through the had had the job of lifting you, your, hall, driving clouds of ashes from the goose would have been jolly well cook- I braziers. 1 heard loud voices without, e d. I had some unquiet hours this and a hubbub begnn Inside. For a morning." moment it was quite dark, and then The thing was too deep for me. I 'some one lit one of the flare lamps , looked at Blenkiron, shuffling his Pa- by the stage. It revealed nothing but , tience cards with his old sleepy smile, the common squalor of a low saloon , nnd Sandy, dressed like some bandit white faces, sleepy i-yes, and frowsy : j n melodrama, his lean face as brown I heads. The drop-scene was there in aa a nut, his bare arms nil tattooed j with crimson rings, and the fox pelt] all its tawdriness. The Companions of the Rosy Hours drawn tight over brow and ears. It I had gone. But. at the door stood men > was still a nightmare world, but the In uniform. I heard a German a long dream was getting pleasanter. Peter way off murmur, "Knver's body- guards," and I heard him distinctly; for, though I could not see clearly, my 'ho.-iring was desperately acute. That. Is often the wny when you suddenly come out of a swoon. Tho plnre emptied like magic. Turk and Gorman tumbled over ench other, getting pleasanter. snid not a word, but I could see his eyes heavy with his own thoughts. (To bo continued.) Santiago, Chili, has a radio broad- casting station. .. A mysterious "army" of white ants ttSKJffttJ&fi IT r r,' M ' r T , damnKe f '; n the K nw iho ri-nsnn Thn-u. D-,,nr,U fenH South of ! ranee, and colonies of these EDDYS MATCHES *altrays satisfy the housewife EVBKYWHZm IN CANADA ASK FOB THEM BY IfAMB insects have now been discovered in Paris. Children up to 12 years of age have saw the reason. Those guards had come for us. This must be Stumm at last. Tho authorities hnd trirked us down, nnd it was all up with Peter jnnd me. A sudden revulsion louveH n man | with low vitalitv. T didn't seem to ; care grently. We were done, and tho Victoria Regiii watur-lily plants | there wns im end of it. It was Kismet, j j n Kew Gardens, London. ithe net of God. nnd th"i-c wns nothing, -- for it but to submit I hndn't a flicker Telegraphs in Uganda are not nl- been photographed standing on thci giant leaves, six to eight feet wide, of | of a thought of cscnne or resistance. ways reliable, as the natives covet and The game was utterly and absolutely , often cnt down the copper wire for ovt>r - I making into bracelets, necklaces, and A man who seemed to be a servant , , .. pointed to us and snid something to, .'' ' ' Kuprasso, who noddod. We trot heav- ily to our ffct and stumbled towards thorn. With one on eneh side of ua we crossed the yard, walked through the dark nassniro nnd tho emnty shop, nnd out into the snowy street.. There WHS a closed rnrriapre waiting which they motioned us to rpt into. It. look- ed nxnctlv likfi the Rlnrk Maria. Roth of us snt ntill, like truant Fchoolbovs, vith our hands on our knees. I didn't, know whre I was going nnd T didn't care. We snemed to be rumbling up tho hill, nnd then I rnnirht the glare of lighted street*. "This is thf cnrt of it. Peter," T snid. "Ja. Cornells." he replied, and that was all our talk. By and by hours later it seemed Mlnrd' Liniment Hesli Cuts. nave you shinedyour ISSUE No. 32 Delicious Desserts easily made with QUICK PUDDINGS AND CUSTARDS Save time, trouble ami money, Just add milk to contents of package. Boil for a min- ute and serve. Equally delicious, hot or cold. Puddinfs Chocolate, Ctcoumt. Tapioca Custards Lento*. Vanilla, Arrowroot, Ntttmtf, Almond, Plain At all Grocers. Specify McLAREN'S INVINCJBl.K Mmio by MCLARENS LIMITED. Hamilton and Winnipeg. II On Chart Room. The topmast radiator on a great ocean liner Is generally fixed In th chart room, some 80 fe*t above the boilers. Such a radiator receives more heat than those on the lower decks, as It Is necessary for the officers and men to be kept well warm. Blind and without hands, William MePherson, of Kansas, "reads" his Bible by means of his tongue, which Is sufficiently sensitive to feel the Braille type. Mr. Man Yon/w/ Lifebuoy's hc-ilfMne n'iji;i down lato the pares. After Lifebuoy you feel cleuaer tbun you have ever felt before. The delight and comfort of d=ln| Llf-bnojr ro fsmoui round the world. 1 ke ojoitr rn/A>f *f*r CM. LIFEBUOY HEALTH SOAP One of Britain's most famous fish- ing grounds, the Dogger Bank, in tha North Sea, is said to be falling off a* a source of supply. Minard'a Liniment for Dandruff. A new invention Is a powerful dee-) trie light attached to the lif e-boata oij a steamship, which is automatically switched on as the boat touches th, water. The use of his free hours makes ott mars a man. KELSEY Healthy HEAT 18 ^^^BB^^^ KelseyHeatind '-.Right Seating The Kelsy warm air gen- erator will heat every room In your house. Itls, easy to operate and costs less for fuel than any other heating method. Heats both small and large) nouses with equal satisfaction WRITE FOR PARTICULARS CANADA FOUNDRItS&FOROINOS IIMITID ( JAMES SMART PIANT BHOOWILU ONT. Fresh air and BOVRIL or, ma the Report of the Ministry of Health of Great Britain eaid: "a sanitary environment and sound nutrition" are the great safeguards of Health. You can be sure of it When you're hot and thirsty This beverage Ice-cold a blend of pure sugar, fruit flavors and other choicest product* from nature is ready In a bottle which ii the most sanitary pacitage that can be made. It come* from our absolutely sanitary plant, where every bottle 1.1 sterilized. Ready at hundreds of places. Buy It by the case and keep a few bottles on Ice at home. Delicious and Refreshing THE COCA-COLA COMPANY Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver ,

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