Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Jul 1923, p. 3

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START RESTORATION WORK ON NELSON'S "VICTORY" Tte famous old flagship, "The Victory," ts being restored and preserved by a fund subscribed by British subjects all over the Empire. The work was started when descendants of some of Nelson's officers pulled tae ropes that lifted the gilded figures on the bow from their places. The picture shows the scene of the ceremony, Just under the Victory's bow. me Tobacco cf Quali Surnames and Their Origin MACKINNON. Variations MacKinney, Mjckinning, MacKlnven. Love. Racial Origin Scottish. Source A given name. The Gaelic form of name* of the Highland clan from which these family names are derived Is "Clann Mhic i Ftlonghain." It is apparently one of the oldest of i Highland clans, belonging as it does j to that group of clans which had their origin in the ancient Clan Alpine, no longer existent as such, and tracing back to Keoneth MacAlpin. whose pro- genitors came over from Ireland with the Dal r ladle Scots, and who became the first king of a united Scotland. The i chieftain from whom the clan takes its name was Flagon, : grandson of Gre- KIT, who was a son of this king. The clan name appears in various ancient : documents wiftten tn other tongues than Gaelic 11* "MacFingon." MacFIn- ' non" ami "Macklnnon," the last named spelling having become the dominant one in morf modern times. In the uprising of 1715 the clan was out for the Stuarts. The forms MacKinney and MacKin- nlng are variations developed in the | lowland nmong members of the clan who settjled there. In KlMtyre the name became Mac- Kinven.. whence developed a fanciful rendering in Gaelic, owing to the simi- larity At sound, of Madonmhulnn (pro- nounced "Mac-Invin"), wbleh In turn has /been Anglicized by its fanciful meaiiing into Loveson or Love. | LESLIE. Racial Origin Scottish. Source A locality. The family name of Leslie is a clan name of the Scottish Highlands, but it originated far from the Highlands, In Hungary. The story of the wanderings of the original Leslie, in the eleventh cen- tury, from his own barony beyond the^ Hungarian frontier, through the num- erous small and violent political units into which Europe was divided In those days, to the coast of Flanders, followed by his embarkation for Scot- land and final establishment In the favor of the Scottish king, must have made a striking romance. Unfortune- ( ately only these meagre facts have been pr?-?rved. Bartholomew de Leslyn came to f Scotland from Flanders, using as his , surname ths name of the fortress In Hungary over which he had been over- lord. It was Malsolm de "Leslie." a des- cendant, who founded tie Highland clan bearing that name. This Mal- colm had retained the honors won by his fatter at the court of tte Scottish kings, and bad added to them. Many of the Highland clans were thus found- ed by "foreigners," who gathered about them followers of Gaelic blood, and who usually ended, as was the case in Ireland, by becoming more Gaelic than ' the Gaels themselves. The clan lands in Rothes. Ballen- ! breic-h and Fife were acquired in the thirteenth century by marriage. Orchids. To-day. In an Old Folks' Home, I saw a little, old lady. Rare a a wtoter violet. FraM as a bubble blown; Bent with ber ninety years, Her mtad was clar aa spring water. In black eyes bright aa a robin's An ageless burner shone. I gave her a bunot of orchids Tied with a purple ribbon. Fragile, exquisite Mor-some Her eyes brimmed up with tears; "Oh," she seJd with a sigh. I wish my mother could see tie in" From the lips of ninety yean! Her mother! How sweet, bow far away! Is There a Man in the Moon? Until recently It was thought thai the moon was a cold worn-ant world with no sign of life upon its surface. ' But astronomers of today are inclined to believe that 11ft of some kind ma/ exist on oar suteiite. A short time ago an observer who was studying one of th moon's vol- canoes through: a buge telescope was amazed to see clouds of smoke and steam coming from it. He was actual- ly witnessing an eruption in a crater ; which scientists believed to have been ! cold and dead for countise thousands of years. So Interested was h that he kept a I very careful watch on other parts of i the moon's surface. Was any change taking place? He began to suspect i Bcmethicg; then as night followed ' night he became convinced that there was a gradual slight alteration in the coior of certain parts, which could be due to only one cause the growth of vegetation. Three things are necessary for life to be possible: air, water, and warmth. Volcanic activity Is a proof of the existence of heat. The moon has no atmosphere as dense as ours, but it Is believed that she may have a narrow surrounding envelope of very thin air, which would be sufficient to maintain simple forms of vegetable life. Water we have never seen on her Classified Advert* M W lloultt 014 a*M H FOItC OWXEB. XCVIU2KM C IS four territory. LMUtt KtaetaMU flm tux* ttfr. i onrf.-r* And KcoBomy. G* your iapl SHEB. Wriu ;mimUir Auta OntArta. A.NTKD. A.UB1TIOCS U> un<lert*kr * H>und Hue b* slnttnt co nit* tar !-M,.. M tAlklu Tliam mut bt <airtwn<4 Hlmnmn nd hir * lalnHTKHI It boroe To rh mArrlni coovta wt caa off a ainiMT mkia prneoaiioB. ApHr. ftiin* fall paC- '-: M-., .: T-- Hcntnal. Johnny's Definition. "Jctmay, wCjat te a cube?" "A oub* to a cciid. surrounded b f.i equal squares." "Right" Willie, what ia a cone?" "A cone? Why a cooe 1 er funnel stuffed with ice cream." Among the servants of the Brittill Royal household Queen Mary had tha reputation of being a kind and sympa- thetic employer, but at th same time, a strict disciplinarian. If We Had the Time. If I had the time to find a place And sit me down full face to face With my better self, that stands no surface, but it mar be present in small stow quantities in some of the gigantic ex- In my dairy life that rushes so. tinct craters with which her wtole It might be i : e:i I would see my soul surface is studded. Was Mumbling still toward the shin- 1 Lif on the moon would b very Sit- ing goal ferent from life on earth. We have a I might be nerved by the thought dense blanket of air flfty miles or more In depth which shields us from the Cleanses aaiH Beautifies MURINE CO., CHICAGO ft for Free Dock on Eire Can sublime-. If I had time! Attractive Proposition for man with all round weekly newspaper exparienc* and 1 100 or $500 Apply Boi 24. WUaoa Pubilshinz Co.. Ltd, 73 Adelald* Street W>st If I bad the time to let my heart Spe&k oat and take in my life a part. To look about and stretch a hand *un's heat in the daytime and keeps us from being excessively cold at night. The moon's day lasts a whole fort- night, during whici time the heat must To a comrade quartered in no-luck be terrific. Then comes the two weeks night, when the cold must be Intense lunar thermometer would, In fact. land. Ah. God! If I m!jrht but Jus-t sit still MOSQUITOEC Minard's takes the ^J itch and sting oat of insect bites. THIN, IMPURE BLOOD wish Mary Coles Carringto.n. And hear the notes of the whip-poor- register more than 300 degrees of frost at the coldest part of the long dark- God's ness. The answer to cur question, then, is clear. There is no man in the mcon. Life is confined to plants which grow at an enormous pace during the four- How much for comfort my wwd could teen days of sun. and wither at once will I think t: at my would rhyme Lf I had time! Means a General Weakness and " l lutA the . tfm to . learn from KflP CHILDREN WELL I DURIXG HOT WEATHER ) {Every mother knows how fata; the h'ot summer month* are to small chlld- : an. Cholera tnfautum, diarrhoea. 'flysentry, colic and stomach troubles are rite at this time and often a pre- clous little life ts lost after only a few hours Illness. The mother who keeps Baby's Own Tablets in th house feels safe. The occasional use of the Tab- lets prevent stomach and bowel trou- bles, or If the trouble comes suddenly as It generally does the Tablets will bring the baby safely through. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25c a box from Th Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont A Trick of the Telegraph. An Inspector of railway property \\tiiwf duties had taken him to Bridge- port, Connecticut, discovered that the foundation under the local freight house needed repaire. Without delay he filed ih!- dispatch to the New York office: "Foundation under freight house at Bridgeport unsafe rust men at once." hi sending the message the operator on the New York wire apparently did not spuce the letters- properly In the word "foundation" and also pressed too long to form the letter "t" ; for this) was the message received in New York: "Found a lion under freight bouse at Bridgeport unsafe rush men at once." The Insveotor was- astoatahed a tew hours later to se a special work train oome Into the yard with a flat oar con- taining a large anlniaJ oag and also ten men who expected to have an x- cttlng time catering a 1km that they upposed had escaped from some pasa Ing circus. Linen from Lilies. It Is surprising how many of tt) manner* and products of the Stone : Age have, after centuries of disuse, sprung into prominence again. Linen, made previously from flax, has for many years been growing dear- ' er and scarcer, in proportion as the J flax plant has become rarer and more j difficult to cultivate. This material was used for wrapping purposes before i the days of the Pbaraohs. i Flax is the oldest of all cultivated i fibre plants and until the growth of | the cotton industry In the United I States superseded It, It was by far the ! most Important of the world's fibre crops. Before the war. th raw material cost about $160 a ton, whereas to-day It to priced at anything from $500 to $750. The enormous demand for linen j made It imperative that a substitute' for flax should bfe found, and a vigor- 1 ous search resulted In the adoption of the flax lily, found in great abundance in New Zealand. This plant was Introduced Into Kng , land as a garden flower more than half a century ago. It was fomul eaay to propagate by reason of Its bulbous ; roots, which are easily divisible. Then the leaves were found to be fibrous. ' and experiments yielded string and cord. Later, the plant was found use- ful for textile purposes. After years of experiments by bot- anists of the Royal Horticultural Society and of Kew Gardens, the fibre I obtained from th leaf Is now a rival | to the very best flax. Tb plant will g-row admirably In ruch climates as those of Qrat Britain. New Zealand. j Tasmania, France, and Belgium, and itj I Is no more difficult to cultivate than ordinary gardn lllle*. The Illy Is far easier to cultivate than flax Itself, and H has a yield of 2.240lh. to an acre. Loss of Health. If people would realize the Import- ance of keeping the b'.ood rich and pure there would be les sickness. The blood is the means through which the nourishment gained from food reaches the different parts of the body. If the blood i impure, t nourishment that reaches the nervee. and organs of the body le tainted with poison and dis- ease follows. The blood is also the medium by which the body fights off disease. If the blood Is thin and watery the power of resistance to dis- ease is weakened. If you are weak and run down, if your nerveo are fray- ed, If you lack ambition, have no ap- petite, and are short of breath after slight exertion, the trouble la almost always due to poor blood. In cases of this kind you should take Dr. Williams' Ptok Pills to build up the blood. They help to enrich and purify the blood from first to last dose, and In tnia way bring new health and strength to weak, run-down people. Mrs. John Tlmmons. Elmvale, Ont., tells of th benefit Dr. Williams' Pfnk Pills were to her. ae follows-: "1 became very weak and was hardly able to walk and had to be helped upstairs. I had no appetite and slept poorly at night I finally went to a doctor who told me the trouble was lack of blood and that my condition was serious. He gave me medicine, which I took faithfully, but did not improve. I was ad+ised to ; try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and did so, and after I had taken two or three boxes felt that they were telpi-.g me. I could eat better, and I slept better. I continued using the pills for some Uuie longer and quite recovered my old-time strength and feel that I have to thank Dr. Williams' Pink Pills that I am not an invalid to-day." You can get these pills through any dealer In medicine, or by mall, post- paid, at BO cents a box, from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville Ont do, And I told ycu then of my sudden will To kiss your feet when I did you ill ; If the tears aback of tie coldness feigned Could flow, and the wrong b quite ex- plained Brothers-, the soul* of us all would chime, If we had the tlmj-. Richard Barton. when tk night come*. DOG DISEASES nd How to F*rl Mlia Frus to any Al dre by (hi Author H Clay O'OTer Co., XB& 12s 24ta Strut \w Tork V S A. But His Advantage*. Reggie "One cawn't get very far without brains." Cholly "But It has Its advantages. deah boy. I nevah have the slightest trouble finding you, >' know." Not What He Expected. A local cJebrity, visiting one of the schools m a certain town, thought It proper to aek the youngsters a few questions. "Can any little boy or girl tell me," t said. Impressively, "what is the greatest of all the virtues?" There was no reply. Food for Thought. Th-e young lover had at last screwed np his courage and was resolved to in- terview his sweetheart's father with- out delay. "Darling." he said to her. "I am go- Ing to ask him this very minute!" "My brave boy!" s*w murmured in reply, as he went off. The girl waited in suspense and at last be returned looking very thought- ful. "Is tt good news?" ah* a&toed eager- ly. "I don't know," was the reply. "John, what do you mean?" "I dont know whether he said Take her, my boy," or 'Take care, my boy!' " Cuticura Quickly Relieves Irritated Skins Bathe with Cuticura Sc*p and hot water to free the ports of Impuhtitw, dry lightly, and apply Cuticura Oint- ment to soothe and beal. Cuticura Talcum is ideal for powdering and perfuming. SZS<. OtahwntZSodSlc. TtkaaZSe. Sc!d throughout the Dominion. CnnaiiianlVix>t: lrM. I-;.(.J. 544 St. ,! St.. .. IM aV~Cuticura So*p thmvci without YOUNG DAUGHTER MADE WELL Mother Tells How Her Daughter Suffered and Was Made Well by lydU ^rKfiLJum't Yejetable Compound Vancouver, B.C. " My daughter is a young girl who has been having severe pains and weak and dizzy feelings for some time and had lost her appo'.ite. Through an older daughter who hud heard of a woman who was tal>in^ a for the same trouble, we were told of Lydia E. Pinliham's Vegetable Com- pound. My daughter has been taWing it for several months and is quite all right now. It has done all it was represented to do and we have told a number of friends about it I am never without a bottle of it in the house, for I myself take it for that weak, tired, worn-out feeling which sometimes comes to us all. I find it i> building me up and 1 str-.-ngly recommend it to women who aresuifer ing aa I and my daughter have." Mrs. J. MCDONALD, 2M. 20th Ave. East, Vancouver, B. C. From the age of twelve a girl need? ill the oare a thoughtful mother can j.ive. Many a woman has suffered yeari- of pain 'and misery the victirnpt thought- fcssness or ignorance of the mother who should have guided ber during this time. If she complains of headaches, pains in the back and lower limbs, or if you notice a slowness of thought, nervous- ness or irritability on the part of your daughter, make life easier for her. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound is especially adapted fur sucb conditions. C MONEY ORDERS. When ordering goods by mall send a Dominion Express Money Order. Did for the Family. Grocen "Did that watermelon I "We widl try it again," said the visit- \ w>ld yon do for tn-e- wtoote family?" or. "What am I doing wh-em I give up I Customer "Very ae*Tly. The doc- my time rod pleasure to come and talk tor is s'till calling." to you iu your school?" Look Out, Here Comes Eddiel "1 know now, mister!" exdaJmed "Eddie," said the fath-er to a young Johnny Smith, raising Ms tend. i son found coasting in the street, "do "Well, what am I doiug littte man?" , you l-co* out for tfe automobiles?" "Duttin" in!" was the startling re- 1 "No." replied Eddte chwfully, "th-oy Joinder. j have to took out tor thnsJ6L'vea. When a seventh son is born in Ml.nrd'i Linimni for sala ovrywhw Argentina the President of the Re- public becomes his godfather. Dozens of feminine students In the An automatic aeroplane directed by wireless was recently tested in France. The machine left the ground. UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all three great universities of Chile are flew in various directions, and landed preparing for careers as dentists. | uccessfully. Three hundred film actors and act- resies were treated in fiMpital in Los Angeles lai year for ye trouble caused by the powerful arc lights used in cinematograph itudioa. , JUlMNft Liniment Mpri by Phyatelaa*. What think you the earth will be like when the majority of men and women in it learn that to be simple! and honest and true is the part of wisdem, and that to work for Love and Beauty is the highest grod? 88UE N. 87 '2X Always keep BOVRIL In the House Foil eon never tell when you may want it Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism I Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tbkt Also bottles of 24 and 100 Druggist* Aipi-li- ' '" trad* mark ritlsfr.1 In Cnntdai of Bay*r Matv.ifaatur* ( Mono- cetloacldmer of Smllcyllcacld. While It la well known that Aarlilo mo: 13ayr manufacture, to tsafat th public agatnat tailtatlona. the Tabtt> ftfHay** QMfcp&&y i.: lit atatujxid wUb ihah- faa*r*l trada mark, tba "Ba?*r Cros*" .Mftfe.

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