May 9, 1923 THE FLESHEBTON ADVANCE ' Bonds THIS bank provides special facilities for the sale) and purchase of Government and other bonds. Investors are invited to consult our local manager, who will be pleased to arrange any such transactions. Was Farewell SennonJ W. I. Had Most | Successful Year K-v. F. O. Fowler, who haa been pvt'ir tif Clmlmar's Church, Fl.-sh iinn, fr i h j, ,st three yean, preached hia r 11 L-\V .1 sermon on Sunday las' to a Urge e^r.jjregation. Hia text was found in 5th r of Mttthew verie 6, lut the THE STANDARD BANK Of CANADA. M FLESHERTON BRANCH, - C. T. BATTY, Manager. BnachM .Uo t William iford nd HalUnd Centre. '. . mull revived a numner of the ter- t in nix preached doriog hig pastorate hare, t.ikmii tka prino'pal pi>inia in each. Mr. and Mrs Fowler sod two shildren left OD Tuesday for Cirlyle, lod., with the heat wishes of a host of friends. The pulpit will be deeUred vacant this doming Sun- day by Her. C. S. Jnnes of Prlcevilla CANADIAN PACIF C. P. 8. Time Table. trains tears Flesherton Station aa illova: Going South Oomg North 8 05 a. m. 11.52 . in. 4.80 p.m. 9.80p. m. The mails ace oaea at Flesherton s I follows : For the north at 10.40 > 6 -i.ra. ; and the afternoon mail south at I V lo'oloek. For morning train south' Mkl close at 8 p. m. the previous evg. ' Local Chaff Wes Armstrong was in Toronto l*at week. Mbi.t M. Reynolds waa in Toronto on Mr. and Mrs. Wro. Moore speut Sun* day with friends in Durham. Mr. Frank H 11 of Mukdale intends to leave shortly fur a visit to England and the battlefields of France. Mr. Wi fred Henry of tha Bank of | Commerce, Wlnghair., was a visitor at , k;s home near here over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Fawcett and little eon of Meaford were visitors in town on Saturday. Mrs. Roy and daughter, Miss Jennie returned last week from Mew Jersey where they hivu spent the past four months . Mr. an<i MIC Won. Moore and daugh- ter, May, Miss WiUard and a friend, of Meaford, spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. H. W. Wilson of town. Mr. Joe. Clarke of the Toronto Star was in town on Saturday combining , pUature with tuatnees, and spent a few h'.uri fishicg on the Beaver river. Several hatchings of pheasant eggs were teat out to various points from the B'lgsoU (beasaotry last week. We! understand Owen Sound gut a setting or j two. The Liberal nomination Convention will be held in Durham this Thursday afternoon when it is eipected a candidate will be chosen to contest the riding in the Liberal interests. A three cornered fight is expected. A remarkable feature of the spring weather tliii year is the fact that we have not In ! ningle thunder storm to liven things, Uuc!e Josh in his joshing way sug;c>ts t) at possibly tho radio fana are , using up all the surplus electricity. Owing to indisposition the pastor ofj the Methodist church, Her. Mr. Oke, j wai unable to atteud t > his tuual duties i on SoooUy, and Mr. A. M. Bunt ofj Owen Sound did his work on this circuit, an.! did it n-ry acceptably. Our village fathers are discussing oiling of the street?. The cost would amount to something like $400 It looks like a big expenditure for a small town, but the elimination of (Just would certainly beiomfChing that householders would be grateful for nud willing to pay for. A social evening waa held at the V.I' s ..n the Methodist church on Mon- day evening when the Inistinge League < vigited here and entertained. The pro i gv*m furnished was excellent and at the close the luuch which was served wis delicious. The inspector . i lisheries was In town last week looking owr thl catches ot a number of tpoits, but found everything ' in good shape nobody had any under seven inches nor over the limit m rum- ( ber. In fact the cumber In trout caught ; was very limited. R. T. Wood*, of Corbetton was home from Ottawa over the week end and visi- ted friends in tottu on Sunday. Mr. Woods voice has been heard quite j frequently during thin session, the last, one being on the subject of tho pay of ' the rural mtil carriers. A despatch was received here Satui- day announcing the dehth at Neville, 8sk., of Mr. Andrw Dow, brother of: Mr. P. Dow of town. The deceased gentleman was only U> } of aga and went to the wtst twelve yests ago. No j particulars are to hand, but it U suppns .ed that he died from a stroke. The annual meeting of the Methodist ],;uli"s' Aid Scciety waa li. 1 i at the Parsooaije, Wednesday i vening May 22, j when the following officers wore elected: President, Mr. rlawkon ; 1st vice Pies., j Mrs Moore ; 2nd vice Proa., Mrs Arm- ; stio'ig ; Sec., Mrs. Hickling ; Tre*s,, . Mrs. Heard; I':IIM.IH^"' t'jin., Moiclamea ' Wright m.U Mitohell : Amlitrre, Mes- dimes Hollnud aud Mitchell, " Mothers Day" will be observed this coming Sunday. MUs E Johnston of Dundalk Is visit- ing friends in town. Counter chek books for lalft at The Advance office. Order now. Mrs. A. McCauley returned last week, after spending tbn past few months In the West. In a prietica game on Thursday oi|ht of last week the sohool trimmed the town 2-1. Mountain pitched good ball far the students and Leech for gbe town. Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Henry and H. E. Henry, wife and little >on mot- ored to Granton on Saturday returning Sunday evening. Mr. Chas Bunt, who had intended to leave for Hawaii a few weeks ago, hki decided to stay in Canada until fall and is at present visiting his brothers hert. Robt. Down of town and E'mer Ellis of Kimberley were in Tuouto last woek and brought up iwo Ford can, one of them being purchased by the latter. Mr. Win. Bentham of Toronto was a visitor in town last week. Mr-. Bsu- tham returned with him after two weeks' visit with her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Crosaley. Ye editor and family spent Saturday in Meaford, and found the Georgian Bay full of ice as far as the eya oould reach, which explains the cold feeling in the air which we have experienced recently. The ice is broken bat there are vast tidldt of it still remaining. There must be something of a cbaim in the Jamea White farm opposite the station at Saupeen Junction. This farm has changed bands three times within the past three weeks. Jos. Watson was the tii. it purchaser, R. Watson the second and W. Halltday of Riverview the third. The latter haa now moved to the place and will likely hold it down fo r guod. Mr. Irwio Mormon of Owen Sound, formerly Reve of Osprey township at: 4 Warden of Grey County, wss on tbe ballot for the Conservative Nomination in North Grey on Sa'urday, Mr. Wm. Breese of Owen Sound is tbu candidate chosen t<> carry the Conservative colors in the coming provincial election. D. J. Taylor, who has been the I" F. O. member in the House the past, fnur join, has again been chosen tii Farmer can- didate. The Liberal Conservative nunventica for South ilrey will meet iu Durham in Friday afternoon of this week. Of oouixe we canuot tell for t certainty just what will be done but we can wage* a guess* l tut Dr. Jmieson will lie obliged to enter the ring again. We understand that ha has received ktrotig encourage^ meat and an insistent reqaest from all parts of tbe riding that he should again bevir the Conservative banner. Milk Diet Bst Ohealey, May 5. This spring in '.Is lowei forma in tha Chesley Public School eaca pupil waa given a pink of | milk in the morning. The following figures on the result were supplied by J. C. Heiherington, teacher of the Brat and junior aeeond cluses. | The average age of the papils is 8 years. , The milk supplied is paiteurizad, and If ' not paid for by the pupil* ihs Woman's Institute payj the bill. Ten pupils wers weighed oa Maroli 1, and again after ; having been di inking tha milk fur five weeks The average gain per boy during , that urn j waa two pounds, and p*r girl ! one and one-fifth pounds. Tern other i pupila who did not drink the milk in the mornings were weighed, and in the five , weeks the average giin per boy wag one i and two-fifths pounds, and per girl . o.< . and one-fifth pounds. School Report FLESHERTON HIGH SCHOOL FORM I i Algebra L Lever 96, F McFadden 94, , M Stinson 84, R Smith 78, K Findlay 77, I Lockhart 74, V Thiatlethwaite 72, W Whits 72, G Pindar 6'J, H Gibson 67, B Blackburn 67, M Watson tS3. S M:- i Donald 61, B Camoroc t>0, V McDonald 63, H Allen 52, L Boyd 50, M Duokett 43, H Richardson 34, T McDonald 30, , F Large 15, M McDonald 14, T Wilson ' absent. Latin G Pinder 100. F McPadden 100, ; S McDonald 95, B Gibson 5)8, T Wilsuu 90, L Boyd 88, M Watson 8d. L Laver , 89, H Blackburn 81!, I Lockhart 83, V | Mo Don..ld 83, M Stinson 83, H Allen 1 78, W White 78, B Cameron 75, V ; Thisllethwaite 75, R Smith 70, K Find- i lay 63, r- Large 55, M Duckett 53 H ' Richardson 48. T McD jnald 43, M Mo- Donald absent. FORM 3 Art R Muir 81, H Inkster 67, K Ferris 67, H llutton 62, E Beutham J7, P Dow 56, G Akins 54, E Thompson d, S Blackburn 32. M Scott 25. Physics W Martin 69, P McMiis'er 74, Ruby Muir 69, B D'erris 68, F Math- ewgon t>6, 1! Hutton 53, E Beutham 51, P Dow 16, S Blaekburu; 44. M Scott 39, Fisher 37, E Thompson 35. FORM 3 Fiench M Parslow 5)7, V Sprott Ttf, M Muir 7T, J White 74. E Oliver 73, M Whit taker 03, H Mountain 62 R B.'jd 43. Alijebra-P Lvim-r 100. I Hincks 90. M Muir 68, S Findlay *><>, E McLean 113, E Watteis 61, D Nichol 57, E Oliver 55, V Roberts 51, E Ferria 50, E Sprott 45, G Lever 28, M Whittaker 26, J McLeod 20, H DcLaod 25, L Cargne 17, R Whit- taker 13. P McMaster 8. A Dow 0. BUY NOW AND MAKE CERTAIN YOU GET A CAR AT THESE PRICES Runabout $405 Touring S445 Coupe $695 Sedan S785 Chassis S345 TnifkOtassis$495 Build A Garage wiMi the difference between the price of a Ford and that ^ of any other car. H. DOWN~& SONS FLESHERTON, - ONT. FORD MOTOK COMPANY or CANADA '* tTmii ONTAH 10 DUTCHESS GUARANTEED DRESS TROUSERS The best separate Trousers on the market. The seams will not rip or tear The buttons will not come off. The price will suit you the quality will suit you. Prices from $3.25 to $5 We are the solo agents in this district. ^ A. E. HAW General Store - CEYLON Raised $967.00 And Expend* d $786.77 Mainly For The Memorial Park Election Of Officers The Flesherton branch of the Wom- en's Institute held their annual election , of officers on Wednesday of last week at the home of Mrs. W. I. Henry. wh* i the following officers were appointed for { the coming year: Pre. Mrs. R. Best . 1st vice Prea. Mrs. O. W. Phillips ; 2nd vie* Pro.. Mrs. W. I. H.nry ; Sec- Ttern*., Mrs. Ftther ; District Director. I Mrs. Henrr ; Delegate to Dist. meeting, j Mrs. W. Moore ; Pianist, Mr, Miller ; I Auditors, Mr*. Hioklingind Mrs. W, H. j Thisrton, In the year just closed nearly $104)0, was taken in for the u* of the Institute, ' the expenditure wa* 1786.77 ind tke balance on hand is 1130,23. Of the imt. xpended'.most was used improving the Memorial Park which was promoted by the W. I. from the cdmraoacemcnt, supported by the towa. There is sook house and tables for picnic parties and it i* free to anybody who wishes to make use of the equipment, the travel* J ling frtternky being specially welcome. The opening of tha Park took place in . June of last yarandr the leadership of the Prcs., Mrs. O. W. Phillips, and the j Sec.. Mrs. W.JI.JHenry, and can be said ; to have been u decided success. It was a big undertaking for the ladies to take into their own hands, but they have peraevered and now the grounds are in good condition. This year they expeet to have a pavilion erected and the grounds further improved. FLOUR & FEED A CAR OF FLOUR AND FEED JUST ARRIVED Purity Flour, cotton bags, per cwt. $4.10 Purity Flour; jute bags, per cwt. $4.00 Purity Flour, in quantity of 5 jute bags, cwt. $3 90 Bran per cwt. $1.65 Bran per 5 bags $1.60 Shorts per cwt. $1.75 Shorts quty. 5 bags $1.70 Low grade Flour per cwt. $2.50 A CARLOAD OF CEMENT TO ARRIVE IN A FEW DAVS. Toronto Bread kept in stock all the time, PRODUCE Egtfg 25 and 26c., Butter 28 and 30c. F. G. KARSTEDT FLESHERTON, . ONTARIO BORN HYLAND OaSutuUy, May 8vh, HI j the General Hospital, Toronto, (Private Pavillioo,) to Mr. aud Mrs H. H ii>- laad, u daughter. J. A. Clarke Licensed Auctioneer for County of Grey WILLOUGHBY FARM & REAL ESTATE representative Markdale Terms reasonable Try me for your next auction sale. Know farm conditions thoroughly, and can guaran- tee satisfaction. Orders left at The Advance office will receive prompt attention. UNEXCELLED IN THE DOMINION LLIOTT HENDERSON'S STORE Cream -:- BRING ALONG YOUR CREAM WE ARE PAYING THE Cans supplied PRICE Mrs. R. H. Henderson FEVERSHAM, - ONT. Youge and Charles Streets, Toronto Is noted for h'gh grade prtpar- ntion for choice business posi- tions and for pnimplnfas in iii-l; : . liiadu.vis to not cm- nlnyment. Op'ii all yeir. Enter now. W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL Full Line of Hardware For All Purposes AV.V.V.V Nails, Glass and Other Materials Now is the time to buy V.VAV.V PUMPS, STOVES, PAINTS, OILS. WASHING MACHINES, PAILS and GRANITE WARE. l D. McKILLOP Flesherton, - Ontario Cash cream station. Store close* Tues. and Fri. evening bic ulmlm.) InnliuiHItm.i for Dress Goods and Wash Fabrics Many ladies prefer to make their own dresses or to employ a dressmaker, and so secure some particular style or effect not usually featured in ready-to-wear garments. For the resulting piece goods demand, our Dress Goods Dept. is at your service. Wool Dress Serges 69c. to $3.50 Botany Tricotines $3.00 to $3.75 Wool Broadcloths $3.75 to $5.50 Homespuns, 54 inch $1.25 to $2.25 Silk Crepes $3.00 to $4.50 Silks in Taffetas, Paillettes, Duchesse, Hab- utai, Charmeuse, Shantungs, $1 to $3.75 The "Delineator." Leave your order to 12 consec. utive number for $ 1 .20. SILK SPECIAL Black Duchesse, yd. wide, rich, lust- rous finish, fully guaranteed,. Made specially for this store with our name on every yard of selvage. Sterling value $3 yd. Big Range Wash Goods, Right Prices Prints, Katines, Repps, Piques, Middy Twills, Fancy Voiles, Galateas, Lawns, Organdies, Muslins, Ginghams, Linger- ,ie Cettons.Longcloths, Cambrics, Mulls, Kiddy Cloth, Chambrays. Nurse Cloth. See our $.5.00 Special Work Boot for Men, "Black and P>rowu, all sixes. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON - ONTARIO