/lesfyerton Vol. 43 No. 48 Flesherton, Ontario, April 25, 1923 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors KIMBERLEY House cleaning is the order of the day. Intended For Last Week n .h n .; n .. .W The f irmers are beginning to get busy The three saw nulls are showing tbt , u . i,, m v,o, 0:1 the and, nov th.it the fane weather the valley still claims to be a lumber.; ROCK MILLS country ', The W MS held their annual meeting ' at the h jiii of MM Hutchfn;on, The \ following officers were elected : Pies. ' Miss M Stafford ; Yic-Prea, Mrs 8 S ' Burrltt ; Reo Sec, Mrs Hutchinson ; ' Cor-Sec, Lucy Walton ; Treas, Mrs W J .' Ellis ; strangars Sec, Mrs A Ellis ; Supt ' of S G. Ethel Fawcett ; Supt Circle, ' Ethel Fawcstt snd Lucy Walton ; Supt 1 Band. Mrs Burritt and Mrs VeaU ; dele- gate Mrs W J Eilis At the close Mis S S Burritt was preiented with a mem- bership certificate. 1'ne W I are holding a Pioneer social 26, in the to relate evening on Thursday, April ball Everybody welcome pioneer days in the Valley. We are glad to bear Mr and Mrs F A Hutchinson hive left Sift Current and are taking up residence in Toronto. Mrs Hutchinson and babe are at present yisitiBK Mrs Hammond The better Live Stock Club met at tbe home ot S S Burritt on Sv.urdjy night. They decided to apply to the Dept of Agriculture for the free bacon hog. Officers were elected as follow. ; Pres, Wm Haine. ; Sec-Treas, (frank Weber ; cr taker, Fred Wickens ; has set in. E Binnington and wife, Levi Duckett, wife and kabe, visited with Thos Betts, wife and family. We are pleased to know of Ernie Rus- sell being able to U up sfter his recent illness. Tbe service in the Reek Mills bhurch will be changed back to the old time at 7 30 p.m., commencing Sunday April 29. Robt L-ui.'Miu is busy cu'ling wood on the 8 h line this week. Herb belts, wife aod two children, spent Sunday with C. Muwell and wife. Mrs Bert Best visited with relatives in Plesherton last week. Jss Paik of Oen Sound visited with his daughter, Mrs Dick Clark. Sugar making seems to be about over for this year and most people have made i go d supply. Gravel Road East Special Correspondence Robert Akiit and son have installed an electric light plant in house and barn. Alex Eng'i-h has men hewing timber direct n, for a new barn. Eugenia Correspondence O.E.A. D.Ug.U's Jack Hyslop and Gaiald WalUc*. Mrs Saul Fawcett and ahildren have icturned from spending a week with the f "filler's mother. On Fiiday afternoon, Apiil 6, the W M S held a thimble tei t the parson- age. To butts weie rtaJ, ne from Mis B Down of Flosherton was the first man to (jo over this load with an auto thin spring. Our p<pulir mail cirrier, W Heitiiiau, has ins truck on the road agtln for tbe accommodation > f the nubli :. E^lwood Partridge hs gone to New Kurd of Vernon, the other from Mr S D j Lij,|, eat d f or the summer. Par off fields Oaudin of Morway House. Music and lunch followed. Collection amounted to four dollars and thirty cents. Squire Stuart informs his friends that he is only wailiDR for a few warm days ,, ver the , gek eild to be himself sgain. \Ve sincerely hope look gi i en. Ruby Akitt is able to bo out again after hi r rtcent illucts Mrs Fr.nk Seeley visited at hvr home hivhas not long to wait. Mrs Earl Dillon entertained s nurn ber of friends on Thursday evning. Durham is to have a new industry for manufacturing men's wearing apparel if female help etu be secured. On and after July 1st, when an tiieud~ went to tbe Corooet'i Act goes into I effect in Ontario, it will not be neces ! sary for a jury called on an inquest to I view tho body of the person upon wkcm ' the inquest is being he'd, when the j Coroner, with coiutub of the Crown j Attorney, in writing, direcis th*t (he ' viewing of the body shall b.> dispensed ; with. 1 SF SPRING TERM OPKNS April 3rd, at the OWEN SOUND Individual instructions in all busi- ness subjects. CaUlogue free. C. A. FLEMING. F.C A\ Principil since 1881 . G. D. FLEMING, Secretary. Thoa Snell is niprovluu after his recent illneea Walter Akitt has the largest number of treai tapped in this vicinity, 700. He has mi Mpontor of SHO tree capacity. An Honest Arthur* Citizen Tht' other eveniuit while on his wy up from Torou'o, a prominent Arthur eitiz.'n at Oriuwovilie hurriedly picked up what he believed to ba his own grip, preparatory to leaving the Owen Souud train to take the Teeswater. On the sta'iou platform he opened the grip aod, to kis surprise, instead of encountering the contents he was looking for. bis as- tuiiished gz^ fell on two large bottles of whiskey neatly packed side by side. Strange as this nvy aup.iar, whit foll- owed was doubly t Mm je. The Arthur nun closed the ,,'iip, hurried back onto tho Owen Sound train, fouud his own grip und left the precious cargo "f choice tan.;'efoot just as hj had found it a ' minute or two previous. What would ' you have done * Arthur Enterprise. For eleven yours, U. G. Thomson, tax 1 collector for Ooderich township, has re- ! turned a completed mil without sny arrears and he is now entering his IwelMi year. Tho township slso h no debenture dobt. INCONGRUOUS! LUDICROUS! UPROARIOUS! In Common Evryd'y Lioswidgc BLOOMIN' FUNNY - </rfv WELSH PEARSON ME AND or The Romance of Squibs" EARI uJI over Jtaflmd. It il tmatMny ptr or occW*tj*e th to and Alft B*H*n, A. 8&N8ATIOV. TOWN HALL, FLESHERTON THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1923 AdmiMion I 30 and 55 cents SHOW STARTS AT 8 O'CLOCK 810W.OO if conditions were equalized, A meeting was held in the sch. ol bu( . ag matters stand j rea || y t |,j n k house on the evening of Aprii 14ih when ' ^gyy 00 is 3l] fH c ient salary. Mr A. F. Pedlar, delegate to the O E A, ' ^ in ^^ to {he gra[U system: _ gsveavery tnteresimg account of - he ' If thc Board of Eaucat ion is as inter- convention, dealing particuUrlj with the estej jn the rura] people as thcy My resolutions brought up for discussion, t h e y are, why can't they pay that grant and Bivinsj the result of the discuseions. jj rec t to a section and not bind the Our trustees submitted a resolut;on,and. trustees to give it all to the teacher? though defeated, it will be .-f interest to What 1 want to make plain to the those connected with school work, as j e i e g ates is this Those " Liberal we'lasto the ratepayers The reso'j- Grants " are coming out of your own tion read as follow. : pockets. 1 thank you. Mr. Pedlar's Resolution Our delegate had tbe pleasure of ' Retolved, that in tho opinion of this tailing i.. Lady Baden Powell, also to meeting, the supplementary grants of ' Mr. iii-Keuis f, an mepfc'.or fioui New salines based on assessments sh-uld be Xeataud, *lio gave a detailed account of paid to the section ritber than to the tbe .-.chooi system of that' country . As teacher's silary," result of the public ownership of ihe Speaking to the resolution Mr Pedlar railways their children are allowed to 8a id : travel tree iiuy dlstai.e 10 and frcm Mr. Chairman and Fellow Ratcpay- ch-'ui, no nwtur wen, i any !, No ers:-The,dea of thm resolution has wonder some .t , he delegate. wer ani- been brought about by financial circum- iuus tu te " u tllB P rlco of * tlcket i t( stances. There does not seem to beany Zeatani. It is quite evident that our rule or code to guide the rural trustees "'hoo! >?' <"'1<1 be ureatly inipruvi in regard to salaries. It seems to me by a careful atudy of the New Xoilaud that t*ey are trying to see who can pay method. The .luesiiun of consolidated the moat. scbtols was discussed. Dr. Kiruy, from The teachers, last year at their con- the West, s'.owed the advantages of that federation, said they must have SlOOU 00 system, h wa, decided, however, to per annum. As yet I don't know of any hear bah sides m-xt ye. The ite- proviso as to whether thcy were to be pyers gave Mr. Pedlar a hearty vut of experienced or inexperienced. Now is thanks fcr hm address, wh ch wa highly it fair that a teacher with probably appreciated. It \e ref rettablu that the 81000.00 invested, and no experience, | a die of tbe community do not show should make more money than a farmer t |, elr j ntere ,t m educational activities by with ten times that investment and a atl(m j, u ^ the ratepayers' meetings, but greater experience? we hope for a better attendance at the To soothe the rural people's feelings. nal , the Legislature promises a grant of forty per cent, based on assessment. Now what I want to know is,-who pays the grant ? 1 say, we do. Your inspector will tell you that it is just as cheap to pay the teacher 1000.00 as it isStiOO.OO orSTOO.OO. Bssides this $1- 000.00 they arc allowed four weeks for sickness, and time to attend their own conventions, also many other privileges, with $5 00 per day going on. Out of this $1000.00 per year, they arc able to lay past a guoeranuation fund of 24%. Now, concerning the teacher who teach- es three years, what becomes of hc r portion ? I think that surely the inspect- ors must recp some benefit out of this, late us thcy seem very anxious for high- salaried men. Now 1 want to ask you rural delegates, Arc you willing for the teachers to have a superanuation fund when ninety percent of you are not in a position to have one of your own ? Thcy will tell us that they pay this them selves. What I will ask in th''s-Did their salaries raise when the superanu- ation fund went en ? In our case, itdid W E Morgan is in tbe city ihi week. I' Munshaw attended the luneral of his cjusiu, Frank Ucrow, at brouirham 31 week. The syuipa'hy of the community goes out to tbe Siigeon finnly of Coilingwood I'M.- iho brother aud sisle tb His \Vm Saigeon, in the lo..> jf a a uiolhe<- and nisur., Mrs Adam Sm.th went to the city m i''wJ iy of last week to see her sister, Mrs Dyor, c,tf on her trip tu rUic friends in tbe NVtst iht-n lo California and the western Sia'es, where the intends lo remain with her sou indefinitely. In the itenij 1 >: week thtt pMrtafoa^ to Miss Wright ntteudmg the National EJucitiousl CVuucil shou'd bavo read Miss Wrtiiht had th.- pleasure of iUicimig to Sir Baden Powell and L.dy elio Sir Michael Saddler, England's greatest educationalist, anil Mi.-- Wright herself is a director of the Jr Hid Crow and is djiug some Hue woik in t' > M-IH i APRIL THE DIAMOND MONTH Those contemplating the purchase of a dia- mond will do -well to take a look at the large selection which would be our pleasure to show you. Our prices compare with any of the large dia- mond houses of the city. W. A. Armstrong JEWELER and OPTICIAN Flesherton, Ont. Bates Burial Co. BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Direct* and imbalmer CEYLON VANDELEUR C. E. WALDEN, Manager Mr It Cook h*d the misfortune to fall i of last vreik ni.ii friieturo . .. , ! Born To Mr and Mrs Gco Bu : Mis Uuge B.iiiey of 'Shriiiley visited | _ .; , .. . Ai*il lo, a sou Charles Melvin. her parents, Mr and .Mrs D McPbju', last . Mr aud Mrs Fiank Davis attended /the fuuerul of the latier's siter, Mrs James Ci s, iu Collingwood, on Ti;ursdy of last week, couple of ribd. j Ihc Womeu's Institute held (heir Messis TU-U.H-, G -.. Snell ..id R"y, mon ,h]y , net-ting aU.he home of Mis H Pipcf have each hd uccesi>ful wood D j e i j0n({ll ,y ou T!ni,s.ly afternoon bees the past w.-ek. , ,,, An iutgtu g, ing pa[ er wa> , e ,a by JasAshdowu nod wife woie at Owen Miss L Duuh-uian ou " Keepiiiki dovni Sound Insi week. li.usthuM expenses," Lunch wn.s strved ,Mr Wyville of e:r Murkdale is assist- j by iMis P Thomson *nd Mrs Ldvis- ini! J'uiies McMulK'U ou the farm for a' Miss A Juhnst.m of Miirkil.l-* i>ent, few w^eks. the wi-ek md with her friend, Mis L D D McLauijhHr. pe:it n c^up'o of Buchanan, days last week at Owen Sound. T ne Ladies' Aid will h,-ld th^ir April Will Spioer visited his nran>lfat!)er, H iniceting ttiio home of Mrs. Jost-ph Stone, who is contined in iho Owen lUui'luinim i'ii Thursday uf thisweck, Sound hospital and who, we are pleased lu report, is progressinu favorably. Mrs Archie McPh.itter, who has been rlsitin her sister, Mrs Geo Boyce, who is very ill, Ins rcturued to lier home in Owen S uii'i Dehorning Your Calves Depr.. of Agriculture Note Dehorned aattle are required for the I'.i ..-;: matker. Tho greater part of _ _ _ Ontario's surplus will be tapped t t Eunland and Scotland. Therefore every Durham Hydro Commission has re- farmer should ece that all horn* on their coived'notice that they have surplus of feeding stock are reod. over 16000 to their credit. The ensiost way Is to prevent the de- .Within, period of one hour on Sun J velopm W ,l of tbe horn by applyi B g <*u,- d, afternoon, ys the Shelburne Free |' P*>> "> ." ho but on. or uub- 1 , Jt ,..;. bius Press, thin section was treated to vauous , K i !,,,_:,, kinds of weather riu at nest, changing TWknpnn to hair and then to snow. Uaikneas , . n A iioht wr treia led throughout and iignts were TU 4. n A lioht brought into use. Thunder and lignt- ,,in R accompanied the bvy snowstorm. Down i,, Amaranth oonsiderable damage was done ty lining. on. barn being burned and seter.l tre.s being reported ;' ...truck, ' I . The hair shouM be clipped aronnd th* part mid vwehne or urewe applied to the 8kl lo prevent ny ol the caustic a- t fk S"tt>"R down to the e y e - "et the horn o button and rub the oaustic on. le a p.* ol e oih or p.p* to bold them*- '^ - " *" * "" ***,. Tb 8e who have tmd -his me hod wo.ld never stock to develop horns. Phone Hillcrest 261 1 24 Avenue Road Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. . . Manager. Now is the time to renew your subscription to The Advance i Seeds Seeds Seeds Our Seeds have just arrived. Now is the time to buy. Don't wait until you need them. We have the very best No. 1 seed all government tested consisting of : Rennie's Timothy, Mammoth Clover, Red Clover, Alsike and Alfalfa. We also handle Rennie's Garden and field seeds. All at the lowest prices. Be sure and see our seeds before you buy. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed. Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario F. PINDER FLESHERTON BAKERY Our quality of Bread is the best to be found anvwhere. BREAD DELIVERED Bread and Buns delivered anywhere in the to\vn. Phone us your order. PHONE 8 Patronize your home industry. ::* REPAIRING :u !i i:H ;:U ::: as usual :: :::: THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTAR IO :!!!!!* *%