Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Mar 1923, p. 4

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March -2!, 1023 Letter Heads What is there more business- like than to have a real good business Letter Head? We have a fine assortment of paper for you to choose from and these caa be printed upon at comparitively small cost, in black or colors. Well-printed stationery is 'de- sired by everyone. Try us. The Advance Press Fleaherton, Ontario Merchant Tailoring up-to-date in style and workmanship Men'* and Boys' fine ready-to-wear Clothing Work Shirts, Overalls, Smocks, etc. _( 'leaning LYpairin^ Pressing All at lowest possible prices H. ALEXANDER Merchant Tailor % Feversham, - Ontario Suits That are Well-made T h n Kl o feh Tailor Shop is the place t,ogct suits thai. arcwd'll made Every suit guaranjbeed to fit There is a large .sel- ection of new spring and summer .suitings to choose from ; J< I us .show them to y u Trices that can't lie beaten. French Dry Cleaning If your suit or coat is soiled hand it, to us lor dry cleaning. It will look as good as ever. Try it. T.'C. BLAKELEY - Merchant Tailor THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE THE Flesherton Advance W. II.TIIUKSTON \i>noB IS THIS A TRUE PICTURE? In the Dominion House 6n Thurs- day last, speaking on the question of immigration, E. J. Garland. Pio- gressiva member for Bow River, t painted a very dark picture of con- I ditions as they at present exist in the West. Personally we know a , little about it and have no doubt that what Mr. Garland says is stib- |Stantially correct. Life has, as Ke 'says, become intolerable to many ion the prairies. In Alberta much of this hardship i has been caused by the C. I 1 . R., which was supposed to build up the [country. It induuad settlors to I come to take up its sections, then I fanned them to such an extent that they could not pay for tri2 holdings, and in some instances a whole life- 1 tiir.a ot Havings was swept into the | company's coffers to swell their 'dividends. Mr. Garland said that ," under prevailing- conditions it was absol- utely impossible for immigrants to make a living on the prairies. Th new-comer mifjht exist for a tims, but the end was inevitable. In Alberta ulone, he continued, 20,000 [fanners were absolutely insolvent, 'and over $13,000,000 to meet the mortgage charges on its farm pop- ulation. Many families were leav- ing slipping quietly away from friends and homes and all were I faced with the direst situation their lives were known." % i This is the picture* as given by .\lr. Ciarland, and should awaken ; the Government to the necessity of doing something to aid thesituation. Hut .so many vested interests art tagging at the coat tails of the gov- ernment that it is probable those in power will remain impotent' and theebb'of prosperity will continue : until it gets to the bottom, wherever ' that may be . I The Advance wns not brought into being to preach in a pessimistic Strain, but there arc things happen- ing these days that would make 'even a court fool throw up his job. 11. AN INJUSTICE i Judging by the remuneration paid our country mail carriers, the I'ost- I ollico Department is very frugal, even to the point of penuriouMiess ; ' but itgnin, looking at it from a city standpoint, that Department ap- jvaislobc i|uite generous in its expenditure, On one occasion that *re have i;-, . mjnd an oflidiil is said to Kive peddled ihw job of , carry ing a i Iain country toute because Ire not like the man who was doing it, and actually got another man to take it for ONK DOLLAR less than was being paid, giving him the job! In the city of Toronto carriers [fetfrom $1700 to $2000 a year and two suits of clothes. In this district two carriers who have to spend all day on the route and pro- vide team and vehicle, get $650 and $800 respectively. Four routes going out from this centre get an average of $r>3! Qfl. And they don't even get a new pair of sox extra. The Toronto carrier has also free transportation. The civic- railway carries him. He probably earns all he gets. But what is to be said of the country carrier ? On the same basis of remuneration he shouUl get about $2500 to $3000. The secret lies in these two facts : '1 he Toronto postman is a political appointee and is thoroughly orga- nized ; he can demand a lair re- muneration or disrupt the service. In th* country there is no such or- ganization and as A consequence the price is squeezed down telow a living rate. A government or De- partmeHt that respects its own dig- nity should not be guilty of such peiHiiiousness. The country is paying enough in postage rates now to assure a better wage for the rural mail carrier. PORTLAW [MORTGAGE SALE Ihereust.ll con.iderable sickness m, this community, although those previouilyi \, t produced at the time >.f sale, there 1'ude.r arid by virtue of powers con- ft cer(ain morr . 9 ^ whieh reported sericua'y ill proving. Mrs Kobt Hill is in a very pior state of health 'it present. Mi$ Wm Taylor has been quite ill l.ut 1 1 now somewhat Improved. Thog Taylor hai been down with a heavy siege of the tin Mrs Kobt Hanimh was in Toronto last week presumably on businete. George Fisher held a nuccessful auction sale of fm in effects on Thursday last. II. h'. , leaned his farm to Mr Jft Smith 1- ' IIB |ML/uktw\ ," fcl.fc. >IU*D >! ntllD, lUt.rt) will be offered for aale by Public Auction On Friday, April 6th, ,nd purpoies moving ' Toronto to en. iu another calling. Mr Elijah Black of Credit Forks ia visaing hn brother here. M (Jjuron of Toronto called on triendi herr, while attending the iv. bed of hia fattier and mother at Maxwell. Word was lateiy rceeived here I y Mrs-; A brain Blakey that her father, Mr. Chas Nipler, who had been living iu Mon- Unrw, hnd died. Mr Napier resided here for a good many years. Mr. Lei!ch, our school teach.-r, put upi u very nioe entertainment iu thj echooj lust Wednesday evening. Tke progrtin consisted of a number ,f recita-iom and | y onge ftrt j Cuartes Streets, Toronto at the hour ol 1.30 in (he afternoon, at Muns haw's Hotel In the Village of Flesherton By B. H. Waldeu, Auctioneer, Flu following proporty, namely : All and singular that portion of land ar.d premises situate, lying MI I being ih the Towuthip of Osprey, in the County of Grey, and being camp-'sed of the East half of lot number 15 iu the 12th con- ceision of tha sid Township of Osprey, containing by admeasurement hfty aores, uioit or left. On the property are said to be a good barn tod good house. Terms 30 per cent, of i4 * pnrakaia money to be paid down at tli.i time of ale, b*lant nmy be arranged on date of sale. For further particular* and condi- tions of tale apply to -LUCAS A- HENRY, Dundalk, Oct., Solicitors fur Mortgagee. Ditai at Dundalk this l.V.h day of March, 1923. A HMiH GRADB SCHOOL ELLIOTT^ f EDITORIAL NOTES When the robins are here Spring he far behind. can o o o o A number of Quebec pollutions were in Torontp over the week end the guests of Ciovernment House. Is it a sign of more-peaceful relations between tjuebec and pntario ? i o o o Member* of the Dominion Ciov- ernment are not desirous of cutting their own salaries, but they insist on cutting the salaries of everybody tlse. If they can't take it out of the income they catch 'em on taxes. oooo There was a prize fight in Ireland on St. Patricks Day and as usual the Irishman won. We shudder, to think of what might have happened lad the Senegalese triumphed. Another fight, likely! oooo At <>4 the King of Sweden is Maying in championship tennis matches. If there is any lesson in this it is the possibility of men keep- ing in condition to play tennis at i>4, but most of them make no at- tempt.- 1'ilobe o o o o 'I he Viu-gory Commission repoi ted that the "_;'i ~ uiveri by the (lupilj, :<. number' of violin selections by Mr B aek aud an { intereesiiig dubate, the subject beincr, * "Iltsolved that a tidy illnatured wife It inure desirable than a good oaiured j untiJy wife." The debater* were Fred Taylor and Mrs. Cecil Meldrurn for tho ' ' ntiirruative, while ibe negative was uu- [ held by Elbert Cornfield and Mils Viua j Watson. Eich of the speakers made I in.' strong puinti and a pood deal of I debating ability wai displayed. The judges vtere Meiers Leitoh, H Tuompiun and \\- .1, Mcivei.zie a:id .their decision was given in favor of the ue^a'.ive by a few pjinis. Open all fear. Demand (or our graduates during the la&t six- teen nkityhs mwe tint double our suppty. Baler now, write fur full particular*. W. J. ELLIOTT. SPRING TERM OPENS April 3rd, at thn BORN Turner In Euphrasia, on Thursday, March 15, 1923, to Mr. aud Mrs. W. Turner, a diu jhWr. B-t' In ArUuieeiii, March 15, to Mr. and Mr-. Herb. Belts, a son. IM'amy Iu Fleiherton on March 14, Durham it not likely to hare an inter- to Mr. and Mrs. C. J . Bellamy, a ion. ftnediale laraue team this year. I OWEN SOUND Individual instruction! in all nesi iubjtct8. C^tiloguj free. 0. A. FLEMtNG, J-.C.A., Principal 8ioce 1881. ' G. D. FLE-V1ING, Secretary. has Hydro C'ommis- The 1923 Chevrolet is Even Better Than Before IN 1922 CHEVROLET astonished the world by producing a car of remarkable quality at an extremely low price. The 1923 Chevrolet is even a better car because 67 distinct inaprovements have been made in it. Thf sumo sliinly ronslrnclion that eharaclerixed tlie 1022 Chevrolet has been ix'laincd llc strong spiral gear rear axle, the sturdy cb. ISM'S, the improved front axle nssem!>ly, the world's most uconumical motor, etc. And U> Ihestf hkve IHH-U added new features that make the l'L\> C'hevrolcl u truly astonishiu!,' value. Tire prices of the new StTKRlOR Chevrolet are sur- prising pleasantly UK- motor-biviiif; public of all classes. Tliero aro live atlnu lite models to i-hoose froin. C>ne of them will Miil you. Thy are : J-p.'.sseiu'vi Kcadstor ; S-passen^cr Toininjf ; 2-passCM^cr Utility C'oupo : 5-passonL;ci Touring Coupe ; 5 p.T.sen^L-r Sedan. D. McTavish Chevrolet and McLau^Witv Motor Cars sicn of Ottawa has been selling its "juice" to*.' cheaply. Now that it has set lie. I that important point we hope, it will take the To- ronlo Commission in hand ;md squelch it in the ;ame manner. Entire Change of Ministers ? 4 Extra Specials until Saturday night, March 24 6 1 -pound tins red Cohoe Salmon for $1.25. 3 Ibs Hallowi dates in bulk for 25 cts No. 1 Currants at per Ib 25c. Cocoa, 2 pounds for 25c. A, E. HAW General Store * . \ CEYLON Cash cream station. - Store closes Tues. and Fri. evening WE SELL 1 is likely tll:>! nil riitiii: <:lu<ii;u of 111 iiistfiii will tik. ell'i/cl in tlm cluirclivg OftblvilUgh th .- year. Itjv. ,1. H. <>.>.-, i> ,>-t ! i.t iln- AK'tl.oJisi church, Ins nut hron in llu tnst of uollh Utely mid it'.ibtin^h he .< IK'IM inviU'd iu mum), il i" likely tit it. ho tti 1 lie suporarmuiloci t the niiil df his p;isiurul > i i Card of Thanks Mi-. J Jin Hi i on -uul family wish lo tii'uik nil tl'i-ir kuul f>ioid ivnd neigh- burn lor thuir many nuts uf kinchieiii in Uieir i cut nt and t!ert*avi'iuoi>t. Card (Thank;. Mr:i. Ilio3. Atkinson and family \\iah In thank thfir friends tor their many kindnesses shown, during their recent berea vcmcnfi FARM IMPLEMENTS CUT PRICES on MANURE SPREADER, WAGON 4 WALKING PLOWS, MOWER JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT. FLESHERTON. Outstanding Values Whan In i- In i::; ehicka iu u incul n'cr n Uutsrio woman noticed on >u^ fruir which the chiuk wits uuublo tu peck IIR nay. '1'lin hhull wiia lirokeii and the .In. , i hat i-uii.i uut hud four feet, 4 niug& and 2 (ails. Two nifii in NohfouiiiiUnd shot at a tl-ick ' ilucl, s DII tho n in/. One of the liii.!.-, li,'it>g wounded full iu llio nattr ii'ino dittunoo Rwy. An uw 1 , ntio of the Un;o \vhite -. ui-thevu f>icioi-, tiieil lo i-i(i'ii.i< the ni.unJi tl Ouuk, hut ou niuk^ \\\f t; o.l i'a tiip i'miiiJ l hti tho duck \vf. ; ty lu"i''y inn.' u ' V-Y '(i rvsis'. stoutly, | Tim ittl Imil il oU-TISO fliui'y fti.lnklo.1 j in Uio <iilk that it iv.-.i uunUie to let go ' 'I'd t n on iowi i i '.'i .!<. up HI d ci| tund bolh i in SKATES and Skating Supplies HOCKEY STICKS and PUCKS Stable, Shovels and Forks Ranges and Headers Simmon's Cross-cut Saws "Gold Medal" Axes Axe Handles, Files, etc. FRANK W. DUNCAN Fleaherlon . Thone 24 r 1 1 4 - - t "

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