GENERAL DEBILITY FOLLOWS INFLUENZA The Part of Luck in Musician*' Career. i Musicians wfco wait like Mr. Micaw- ber for gomthlng t-> turn up may have a long time to wait. Luck both good and bad unquestionably plays a part In The After Effects Often More every m&n's career. Many of th Serious Than the Disease Itself. No reasonable precaution to avert an attack of influenza should be spared. The disease itself often prove:) fatal and Its after effects among those who wortd'a (frratftst musicians wre born WINTER WEATHER HARD ON LmiE ONES LONDON COUPLE ARE DELIGHTED His Wife's Two Years of Trouble Is Now Ended, Says Frank Westlake. "Tantac baa made all th difference Our Canadian winters are exceed- ingly hard on the health of little ones. The weather la often so severe that unlucky and suffered in consequence. | t ho mother cannot take the little one ln the worid ln m V wlfe ' 8 health and ; Though he never knew it Schubert | ou t for an airing ~he is we are both delighted." declared Frank waa, as they say in the Wes-t, "plumb ! that baby is confined to overheated. West! afc. valued employee of the Pub- : unlucky." He thought he waa In luck badly ventilated rooms takes cold and " c Worlt8 Department of London, Ont., whenever he got a square deal, and ; becomes cross and peevish. Baby's rest(lm * at 40 Langarth St. was alwnj-s rejoicing whenever he got \ Own Tablets should be given to keep "About two years ago my wife u* CORNS Lift Off with Fingers Classified Advertisement!. TXXAXJB V3B.W EARN J20 WEEKLY. SPARE TIMH, ..t home. addrecclnff, mailing, Munio. circulars. Send lOc for Music. Inform*. r 1 to. Araarican Music Co.. 16BI ; Broadwur. M. Y. enough on to trn.crib. ^ ,h e a mfld derwent an P*"* that left her on'eTat, ^^^'15 2f -H.*>- *' I".** ^: I ^e ^^^^^ ^adly run^own^nd aUes.mply couldn't almost any of those who have been attacked by this trouble what their pre- sent condition of health la. and most of J^* them will answer: "Since I had the; "'' Influenza I have never been fully well." I Th!g trouble leaves behind It a per- " " ".""/ ~\. .. 1,," * , ; really emerged from obscurity until a and bowels and thus prevent The Tablets are sold by medicine He was distinctly out of luck, the world owed tim sornethittg more than music paper on which to write immor- dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Mediciua Co., Wagner had to wait about forty i Brockville, Ont years before his luck broke. He never colds. ' get baclc ' b ' er strength. Hev appetite ' i left her and she could ! -rdly eat latent weakness of the limbs, short- ness of breath, bad digestion, palplta- - t Iunatlc saw Why They Smiled. .__ <> . to see. , stumps was shaving himself, when after even slight exertion. Thla Is due to the thin-blooded condition in which the patient is left after the fever and Influen/a have subsided. This condi- tion will continue until the blood Is built up again, and for building up the blood and" strengthening the nerves nothing can equal and Ludwig of Bavaria, a crazy king, ; ue made a slight cut on the end of his gave him a chance. This was indeed ' noser He called to his wife for sticking luck, but Wagner prepared for it by plasterand was told to look In her sew- Ing basket. At tie office, everyone who entered his sanctum smiled. Considerably annoyed, he asked his Edward J. McGuire, Pembroke, Ont., who says : '-'In th fall of 1918 I was at- tacked with the influenza and not in * mild form either. I wu confined to my room for three weeks, and al- though lh Influenza subsided I did not regain my health. Aa a matter of writing masterpieces. | Mendelssotn waa lucky before he i was bom. He selected the right par- : ents and was born rich. He was un- ^i , ' Iut ' k >"' however, in being born at the , partner if there was anything wrong a fair "treatment ' wrong f lme - He dle(1 to soon ; broken ' w {th his appearance. "I should say there is!" wae the r- ply. "What's en your nose?" "Sticking-plaster." are that hie life would have been with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The e over the death of his sister *aln of this medicine In cases of this ** nny ' from a "rvou disorder. Had kind U shown by the statement of Mr. Ue llved ln Il ' 0llern tinles th chance* saved. But the luckiest of all composers was Liszt, who never suffered want ' and lived to a ripe old age, a fine, uoble, generous man and a sterling musician. Verdi was luo-ky al;o. He "Xo," said the other; "It is the label from a spool of cotton, and It says, Warranted 300 yards'!" MONEY ORDERS. A Dominion. Express Money Order for five dollars costs three cents. fot I seemed to b growing w <ker. Uve< i over four score years in a grand I had no appetite, waa subject to crescendo of achievement fainting spells and my feet and ankles i However, lucky or not, these mas- 1 were badly swollen. Tlie doctor told ter s all worked with remarkable j sue that my condition had developed energy regardles of the element of a Into a serious case of anaemia, and al- chance, though I was under his care for over two months I waa not improving In any way. At thto stage one of my friends advised me to try Dr Williams' Pink Pilis. I wa* loath to do so. as I began to think my case hopeless. How- ever, I was finally persuaded to try (hem, and hr th time I had used two boie there waa no doubt they were helping me. I continued taking the pills until I had used a dozen boxes. whea I found that every (symptom of the troublr- had left me and I was again enjoying the be&t of health. I returned to my work and fcave ever ince been la good health and feel that I owe It entirely to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I think that anyone who i* suffering from the after effects of Influeuz.i. .T any form of anaemia, h on Id givf' this medicine a fair trial." You caii get Dr. Williams' I'lnk Pills through any dealer Iu medicine, or by mail at 50 isnts a box or six boxes for $2.50 frcm The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co.. Hrwkville. Ont. Liniment for Rheurm.t;*m Curious Fact. It is a curious fact that the higher the civilization of a race the lower the ses. Actual experi- ments have shown that, whereas the ear of the white man responds to a sound in 147-thousandths of a second that of u negro responds in 130-thous- andUis, and that of a Red Indian in 116- thousandths. enough to keep going. The least ex- ertion would tire her out completely, and her housework was an awful bur- den. She would lie awake hours at night, too, and morning found her Just as tired as when she went to bed. She suffered terrible splitting hendaches, her nerves were on edge and she got very little pleasure out of life. "But three bottles of Tanlae simply put her on her feet again. She can do aches have gone, she sleeps soundly and her appetite is a Joy to behold. I can't find words to express my grati- tude." Tanlae Is for sale by all good drug- gists. Over 35 million bottles sold. Doesn't -.urt a bit! Drop a little her housework easily now, the head- ; "Freezone" on an aching corn. Instant- ^ U 13 ' corn stopa hurting, then short- ly you lift it right off with anger*. Truly! Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of "Freezcne" for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between tht tjoa. and tha cal- luses, without so.-enesa or irritation. TTUU.AM CLOVER. THB ORBAV 11 annual. Write for Interesting In- j formation. O. Frnser. R.R. t. Ilderton, I Ontario. JCBX.P WAKTED, KTI3CTIVES EARN BIO MONEY. Great demand. Travel. Experience unnccesaary. Write. Dept. W. American DetectHe System, U86 Broadway, N.Y. AGESTB WAJfTED. T AST W12F3C OUR WINDSOR AGENT 1.4 niudo $61 clear proflts, selling tuba flavors house to house. Write quick. Craig Brothers. Niagara Falls. Canada. "Cascarets" lOc Best Bowel Laxative When Bilious, Constipated Rheumatic Pains Are relieved in a few days by taking 30 drops of Mother Seigel's Syrup after meals and on retiring. It dissolves the lime and acid accumulation in the muscles and joints so these deposits can be expelled, thus relieving pain and orenes*. Seigel' Syrup, also known as "Extract of Roots," contains no dope nor other strong druqs to kill or mask the pain of rheumatism or lumbago ; it re- moves ilicaue. SOc. and $1.00 bottle* at druggists. 1 1 Ringbone? Morning Star. T!:l muni ! .*;ito]ied a lonely shining star. And 1 r-i'n'!ui>ered once. long, long Moiiier "Jack, why aiv ynu such a bad boy?" Jack "fan.-' 1 I inheritwl no'liin' good. I suppost- ." Mlnard't Liniment for Neuralgia. Expresses of the Sky. The purpose for which the ratine aeroplane is intended U not gent-rally understood; in fact, there are a great number of people who regard the pilot- Ing of it as u rather unpleasant means of committing suicide. In the first place, It gives tr design- er some idea of the amount of strain , which may comfortably be Imposed up- jon the machine during it flight j instantly! Stomt-ch corrected: You! j through the air at speed* often exceed- , never feel the slightest distress from , ; j :iig a 00 miles an Lour. ! indigestion or a sour, acid, gassy atom- ; Whila on a pructi< night on the ; act, after you eat a tablet of "Pape's ' jLnnilHrede Monde monoplane, with Diapepsin." The moment it reaches! whii-u ho intended to compete in the ( the stomach all sourness, flatulence. Coupe Deutsche race of 1921. Captain 'heartburn, gaset. palpitation .tnd pithi ' PUT STOMACH IN ORDER AT ONCE 'Rape's Di.ipepsin" for Gas, Indigestion or Sour Stomach .. you ar.'l r one dawning, early Sugar Made by Light. It Is anuouured by Professor R. Rathboue. of Liverpool University. trt considerable iiiiatuitie* uf sugar j Bernard de Komanet. one of France's ', disappear, most brilliant pilots, was killed by the ' packagt; to correct fabric covering the wing of his ma- 1 End your stomach chine pulling off while Hying at about 190 ini!i?< un hour. The modern single-seater lighter is Druggists guarantee etich digestion at mice, trouble for a few cents And o'er l:'.f waking meadows wan- derfil fr, L'uiil w> rvacbed that fir tipped hill you kuow \\ wati-lifil our star's white, radiating glow At length li fading beauty puled and i a:ue riot i UK from out the another type of aerial express. The Ofooceftenliira Aircraft Company's have been matte from carbouic acid by i Batnel, whlc-h is probably th> fu.ite.--t ! the agency of llghi. , aeroplane in the world, has been tried i This wonderful feat ha." heeu made , at. Maliesham Heath, the British Air 'possible by the reiislts cf remarkable Minis try's <?xiwimental aerodrome, experiments carried out by Professor I with a view to modifying it for this daw.ii sea E. C'. I'. Ualy. a prominent, investigat- or of the mysteries of" light. Professor Haly, with his colleagues, Professors Heilbron and Barker, dls- j jcction* likely to ret*!*! tlie machine's covered tbat ultra violet light would : progress through the air; iu fact, the t-onvwl water containing carbonic acid j Bume! i covered with a special dope purpose. In desisning a racing aeroplane It is 10 do away with any pro- toman Doa B*mdlM Cooli on DOG DISEASES and How to Fn4 Mailed Fru Co any \* :r-na by th Author. H. Clay Olovcr Co., XBO. 129 Wwt S4th flirett Nw York. U.S.A. I'util this moru. I fear I did forget Vht woinler hour with you at my bide. hull I i nini! I tie too. you have forgot- ten uie? o tin it . . . but our me. m ing star hiutf yet: Agnes fhaote Woiison. A sprinkling machine is now used Ir. ninny mines coal duM. to lay down uatiKerous gas into foruiiililehyrie, a suhstance now used on a large scale In many branches of industry : but they found, too, that the light rays continued in their wonderful process, eventually turning the formaldehyde into *ugar. Water i* availahl' 1 in immeasurable quant iiifs and carbonic acid is merely a waste product equally abuml.u.t. ;tud the magic of light rays of a ,-ertaln wave length will cause them u> com- bine and give s which gives a very smooth aiili-frlctloii surface to the machine. The wing surface of a racing aero- 1 plane is cut down much lower than ; that of a machine designed for ordin- 1 ai-y purpose*. The man who does what he pleases i. seldom p',ea#c<i with \\liat he Joes. We attribute all our successes to ourselves and all our failures to our PETRIE'S MACHINERY TORONTO No kick-back in this mealtime cup When you find that tea or coffee makes you ner- vous, keeps you awake at night, or causes frequent headache, it's time to change to Instant Postum. This wholesome, healthful table beverage gives you all the comfort and satisfaction of your usual morning cup. It has charm without harm to nerves or digestion cheer without fear of a dangerous "kick-back." Made instantly in the cup at the table no boiling, no waiting, no waste. At your grocer's in seaJcd, air-tight tins Instant PoStum FOR HEALTH "There's a Reason* Canadian Potum Cereal Co., Limited, 45 Front St.. K., Toronto. Factory: Windsor, Onuut.) A gentrous sample tin of Instant Hostum sent, postpaid, for 4c. in stamps. Writ*: Why is a Foxglove? \Ve me tl.e names of our common ' flowers and plants so frequently unil so heedlessly thai few uf us ever >top to ! think of the dt. rival ions of tht> Ham*-*. Yet thre I no other rlaas of wnnls in iho English language wli:<-i: we hav uoliccteii more haphazardly from evfi-j- oilier liwcii:vgt> in (lie world. Take Hie flHtideiiou. that rouituun hu; wonderful flower wliich blotnim all the ycHf rnuuil: its name is pur? Kreiu-h. Mn'liiw is (!rek. Articlioke I* from n Arabic word msaii ing "earth thorn " Ulinbarl) ; l/tiii. and beau Atigio-SHxun. wiril*' potato i< really a Spanish word. S<i!)i8 flower tmnip.s have their origin plainly slumped on t!:eni. "CoUsfoot." for instaticb. Is also callfHl "Foalfoot." Its hoof-shapnd leaf quitp evidently favi? it its coiiinion name. Harhelor'* Btition. agiu. S)IOM the origin of its name in the shape of itx htittoti-lika flower. Similarly "knap wi-r-d." hU-h Is relly "knoh" weed. Soin* flower namw. on the otbr hand, aro very iiiyst(>rii)ii>. \Vliy Is a foxglove so called? This bloom of the lat summer has flowers shapod like the flngei-B of a glove, hut what lias it to do with a fox? Probably nobody knows, yet the name is a very ancient one. ami appears us csrly n~ Norman times. Th- 1 cowslip which (ho chil.lron pluck In spring is equally puzzling' ||s old name was "cuslep," but that <l.< ; noi l;e!p us out. Haivhc'I may potBlbly be "hair bpll,' 1 having refi"-e!)co to <\: oxtreme thin- ness ami (l'!ic';i('y of the stalk. Sugar can he produced by action of sunlight on aqueous oarbon dioxide con.monly c.-il.'ed soja water accord - in(T to reeont researches. ISSUE No. 8 '23. 'I bought a horse with rinK- Imne for $30. t.'aed $1 worth of Mlimv.l'i Liniment on him and sold Mm fur IS5. Profit on Liniment. $54. Dorosca. Hotel Kteiiir. St. Plillllpe, Que." Minard's Liniment The Stable Stand-by. To clean out your bowels without cramping or overacting, take Cascar- ets. Sick headache, biliousness, gases, indigestion, sour, upset stomach, and all such distress gone by morning. Nicest physics on earth tor grown-ups and children. lOc a box. Taste iike candy. HETTFOR YOUNG WOMEN Mrs. Holmberg Telia How Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Helped Her 3NFAC 1AHEA :s Hard, Large and Red Pim- ples, Itch ing Was Terrible. "Had been troubled all my Ufa with acne on my face. My forehead waa a mass of piroplet. They were hard, large and red, and the itching was moat terrible. My face waa disfigured. I sent for a free sample of Cuticura Soap and Ointment and after using them got instant relief. I bought more, and after using two cakes of Cuticura Soap tnd three boxes of Cuticura Oint- ment I waa healed." (Signed) Mrs. G. S. Miller. Box 14, Marshall, Waeh., Jan. 9, 1922. Use Cuticura for every-day toilet purposes. Bathe with Soap, soothe with Ointment, dust with Talcum. 94*pU Cftch rr by Mill. A.l Jr*u: "Lvmuu. TJm- tt S<i flt. full 81. W. Ibmtnd." Hold r,.r%- r : ; oao"5.' Olnunent ^iandfiOc 'lalt-nm^c. F~l.'iiiii um Soap ihave* without ;...., Alta. "From the Hmelwas 16 years old I would get such sick feel- ings in the lower part of my abdomen, followed by cramps and vomiting. This liept me from my work (I help my par- ents on the farm) as I usually had to go to bed for the rest of the day. Or at times I would have to walk the floor. 1 sv.ifered in this way until a friend in- duced me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, i have had vury satisfactory results so far and am rec- ommending the Vegetable Compound to iny friends. I surely am glad I tried it for 1 feel like a different person now that I don 't have those trouMes. " ODKLIA HOLMBEIJC;,BO.X 93.Viking, Alta. Letters like this establish the merit* of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound. They tell of the relief from such pains and ailments after taking it Lydia E. Pinkham ' Vegetable Com- pound, made from native rootsandjherbs, contains no narcotic or harmful drugs, and today holds the record of being the rnost successful remedy for female ill* in this country, and thousands of vol- untary testimonials prove this fact. If you doubt that Lydia E.Pinkham't Vegetable Compound will help you, write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medi- cine Co., Cobourg, Ontario, for Mrs. Pinkham 'a private text-book and learn mure about iu o Rheumatic twinges-ended! The basic cause of most rheumatic pain is congestion. Apply Sloan's. It stimu- lates circulation. breaks up congestion -pain is relieved! Sloan's Liniment UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all A,vep( only ;tn "u;^::.kjn p:icknRe" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin,'' \vhich co;i[:tir..> Ji:\v;ions ;ind dose v.-t irked mii bv physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headadit 1 Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain. Pain Hniuly Buyer" I.UV.M ,.f }> tnlilt>i4 - \]*.. l.Ulpri ,,i _>4 uiul lW-Hnijj ; .iM.a. A|)|MII III ih IroO,: ... , r . ,1 In ,,f Ha .; ,. , , ; .. ' J( , no . .,(-'.!. ld*lr ..! Knll , ... . ., ..,.,; " AyfT '"ill"!" 1 ' """ ' ' SM! " 1 "' ; ' ^ I'. lt:itli.n.. (h ,,/ will i iuuipva nu i hull .!ii-.-: trmlo mirk, th "Ui,j,-r Ci-jiia, 1 -'