Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Feb 1923, p. 6

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GREENMANTLE BY JOHN BUCHAN. I pose d*x?j not ootne by any conceivable ' I strefrcih within the scope of a soldier's j OUtfaa, I sha'. ; l perfectly understand I if TOO dKHm. You will be acting as: I 1 fchou'M act myself as any sane mail i I wou'd. I would net press yen for ' : wocidk If you wish it, I will not even j make the proposal!, but let you go , I here and now, and wish you good lock | with your battalion. I do not wish j to perplex a good soldier with impos- I Bible decisions." Thi piqued me and put me on my mettJ!. "I am not going to run away before the gums fire. Let mo hear what you propose." Sir Waiter crosijed to a cabinet, un- locked it with a key from h- chain, and took a piece of paper from a drawer. It looked like an ordinary half-sheet of note paper. NURSES The Toronto Hospital for Incur- able*, In affiliation with Uelltvue and Allied Hospital*. New York City, offers a three year*' Cource of Train- Ing to young women, havlr~ the re- quired education, and ilBln...M of b- eomlnc nurse*. This Hospital has adopted the eight-hour system. The pupil* receive uniforms or tho School. monthly allowance and travelling xpenees to and from New York. For further Information apply to the Superintendent. and was speaking very slow and dis- tinct. I could hear the rain dripping j from the eaves of the window, and far off the hoot of the taxis in White- hall "Have you an explanation, Han- nay?" he asked again. ( Copyrighted Thomas Nelson and Sons, Ltd.) CHAPTER I. A Mimion in Proposed. I hail just finish**! breakfast and Ailing my pipe when I got BulK- during the war. It seemed to have lo-st its bearing* and brokvn out into "I take it," he said, "bhwt your 1 "It locks as if Islam had a bigjjer travels hv not extended to the hand in the thing than we thought," I East." | said. "I fancy religion is the only "No," I mid, "barring a shooting thine to knit up such a scattered trip in East Africa." empire." "Hove you by any chance been fol- lowing the present campaign there?" (To be continued.) >"* i in JFI i .TIII, vaiiEjjwrgu LIIVTI c . I ~. /-vl 1 f** I've read the newspapers pretty ! Dye Old Curtains, regularly sine I went to hospital. I've I all manner of badges and uniforms got some pals in the Mesopotamia j which did not fit in with my notion of ( show, and) of course I'm keen to know it. <>r_- felt the war more in its i what is going to happen at Gallipot! vanfs telegram. It was at FurHng, ! streets than in the field, or rather one : and Salonika. I gather that Egypt the big country house in Hampshire fei t tn , e confusion of war without fel-; is pretty safe." where I had come to convalesce after i inflr tne p urpoge . i dare ^y jt wa s all I "If vou will give me your attention T.M. .n4SHv wh, m* ' _,_!.... <--* since August, 1914, I never, for ten minutes I wiH supplement your newspaper muling." Sir Walter lay back in an arm-chair 1 , and Sandy, who was in the same care, was hunting for the marmalade, j t ' ft d jn ^ ^Q^^ com mg I flung hirn the flimsy with the blue _L e .,.,_ ' ^ ^ .... l>fx>ts _ strip pasted down on it, and he "Hullo, Dick, you've got tho bat- talion. You'll tie a Win i-il j. " home depressed to my boots. I took a taxi and drove straight to Sweater or Skirt in Diamond Dyes "Diamond Dyes" add years ot wear to worn, faded skirts, waists, coats, stockings, sweaters, coverings, hang- Ings, draperies, everything. Every package contains directions BO simple Tombe des Anglais. Sloep, in this forest plot, Unknown for over, Though Krance forpotteth uot Your last endeavor, Your own shall find the l>ot Never, ah, never! Sun on the forost wide, Hut not for your seeing, Nor bow down each green ride Red deer go fleeing. Bright youth, a martyr, died, France, in thy freeing. Boyhood's scarce conscious breath Cheerfully given None to record each death, How each had striven Greater love no man hath This side of Heaven. Hagar Paul. (Some unknown warriors lie In one large grave in the forest between Sole- sons and Vlllors-Cotteretfl. This grave, which Is known as "Tombe des An- !ala," (Englishmen's Grave,") Is beautifully tended by a French family of Villens-Cotterets, and Is railed round to keep the deer from trampling it.) I After Every Meal WRKLETC Liniment for Cough* A Colds. HI* Funeral. and spoke to the ceiling. Walter (after guest has rung for Tn* "any travellers on our way. Top off each meal with a bit of sweet in the form of WRIGLEY'S. It satisfies the sweet tooth and aids digestion. Pleasure and benefit combined. FOR THE CHILDREN A Helpful Ministry, we meet and touch each d.xy the Foreign Office. Sir Walter did i best story, the clearest and the fuH- , ,.-.,., not keep me waiting long. But when jest, I had ever got of any bit of tho draperies even If she has never dyed .. vr nny woman can put nnw, rich, fadeless , . D . It was the colorg Jnto her worn garm<snu or ten minutes )-"D!d you rln*. slrT" ! Let every suci brief contact be . * secretary took me to his room I brass-hat, coming , wou ,; d not haro Tt ,. 0?nl >d the man , , wou , no aro Tt ,. 0?n > it heavy over the regv! j ^ known eif , hteen montll8 Y\if.*< ' ii 1 nf Twiii* A r*H 1 1 . t ii M L. . L t I hi * mental officer. And to think of the language you've wasted on brass-hats war. He toldi me just how and why I ails. I before. Just buy Diamond Dyes no His big frame teemed to have drop- seizure of her ironclads, of the mis- ped flesh and there was a gtoop inifhief the coming of the Goeben had the square shoulders. His fac-p had; wrought, of Enver ami his precious and when Turkey had left the rails. I other kind then your material will I hoard about her grievances over our I come out right, because Diamond Dyes are guaranteed not to streak, in your time!" I sat and thought for a bit, for that fcst it^ rO sine3s and was red in patch-' C-orr.mittee and the way thoy had got i" K name "BuJhvant carried me back uke that ((f a man who u too'n cim-h on the okl Turk. When he had eigbteen months to the hot summer! - spot, fade, or run. T^ll your druggist fresh air. His hair was much 'spoken for a bit, he began to oeio.-ci.,e war. i iuvi not seen t rw; greyer an<) ycry lhjn flb(>ut thc ' tion me. man since, though I had read alx>i temples, and there were lines of over- "Vou arc an intelligent fellow, and him in the papers, tor more than a work be!ow lht , eycs But th<v ^j yon will ask how a Polish adventurer, year I had been a busy battalion of fi- were the gajne a j be f ore i^,, un d: meaning Envc-r, and a collection of, ccr, with no ether thought than to whothe.- the material you wish to dye silk, or whether It Is linen, cotton or mixed goods. The Nazareth. took his Lennox Highlanders over the par:ipeU on that glorious and bloody 2f>th <!ay of September. Loos was no The olives girdle Nazareth, And far away the great sea shines, whlspereth pines, i-perfume bloom. 5?L* h < ?* """'r ..'" M .' th (loors i^k,:!^' . sin . c L T ^, rk yJ? Sot the hill town ot Nazareth and turned the keys in them. 1 primarily a religious power, Islam "Well, Major llaniiay," he saM, 'played so small a part in it all. Lies dully sprawling In the sun, if VJtf .'* JVJ i i mil net * . ii v .--* .11 , i"-,i"-" > ***** * fit i b in it, nil, *. iv ) _j 1 1 , . . . , JHI.U-, and we had hud some ugly bits flin(ring himse.f in:., a <-h:iir U-sidi- . Slu-ikh-ul-Islam is neglectud, an< i . And all its round of mortal breath of icrOTM' before that but tho the firt , .. How do you , ike soldier . though the Raise,- proclaims a Holy' Is meanly said and meanly done, worst bit of the campaign I hail (MB ),.. y; nr alul ^^ himself Hadji Hobam- 1 < oh . never, so the Prophet salth, wai a tea-party to the show I had In. ;i in with Bullivant before tho war "Right enough," 1 said, -"though mt-d (luillianio, nnd says the Hohen- ' Messlas comes from Nazareth!) this isn't just the kind of war I wouUI zoilerns arc 1 <li>siTm!c<l from the Pro-' have picked my.,elf. It's a comfort- phot, that semis to have fallen pn-tty rhe :!(iol ' s quarrel in the street, lew, Woody business. Hut we've >fet flat- The r<rdinary man again will , - thc measure of the old Roc-he now, jind unswi-r lh;it I-;!ani in Turkey is be- oullookonlifc^ I h;u been hoping for |it . 3 ( , (>ir ,,,. llag d()e . ;t i t . ount on get- 'coming a lu-k numbw. an) tint , mmmndof a b won, and iok- ti back t(> the ,, ront in a wock 0) . Krupp Kllllg arc the nt , w N Yol _ SL'SCSlS*,* 1 ^ *"* two/' II don't know. I do not .quit, bcttfve T',.o grani f-.rm of his name on a tc'.c- to change all my flat. The ordinary man again will: Ar "d there Is cruelty and pride. with Brother Uoche. I'.ut this jrrke.l my thoughts on to a new iM;:d. Tlii-n- iiiiKht be other things in the war tluin straightfDnvard lili:ing. Why on earth should the Fofflten Offi < w:int to sec an obscure Major of tho old Boc-hf now. :iml unswi-r thut Islam in Turkey is be- And save for one low cot aiut sweet 'Tis even as the world outside. Uut there, "Thou'rt weary, mother mine; Hr^'moJ'h.'haVe'foiiowJ'l '""-" -'-""" tSsWSftS'LW thou m> feet instead of ti.ine." my doings pretty closely. "I believe I've a Kd chance, not in this show for honor ami K though. I want to do went I'm many "Look at it in another way," he on. "If il were Fnver and Gr-|oid Jo-ph. toiling manfully a:,no O^O| Turkey into a; Al Joincr . s tagks frijlll . t z "* KT * h ;;; >-*- ** -> - -- '>< him in double-quick time? "I'm Koing \ip to town by the ten train," I announced; "I'll In- back in tin for dinner." tiny to day, those .. . t MMIUKUi 1 v>tl]IL Ml UU lilt UCVh 1 VUII, u i r\ UBMVW 'i i 14311 ii.fuwik, L I111KJM, ,,. ^ V ;i A y 'i, a " < l V see lbut I wish to Heaven it was OVet. AH 'expect to find tlie regjlar army obc- 1 >StrOng ' I think of it coming out of it with a'dient, and ConstanUnopte. But in the whole t-kiii." provinces, ulien- Islam is strung, "''>' yoke Is done, thine soon shall bo; Ik- hushed. "You do youi-M'lf sin thert- would be trouble. Many of us .Take thou thy rest and trust to me." injustice. What about th(^ forwanl counte.i on that. But we luivc been' l * r Guest "No, I was tolling; I thought ' A HorJoos. helpful ministry; you were dead." Hat an Advantage Over Boys. Asked by his teacher why a cow needexl two stomachs, a youngster re- plied: "It Is so that when she has an ache la one she can use the other one." The contact of fbe soil and seed. Karh clvlnc to the other's ned, Ka.cb helping on the other's beet, And blessing, e*o!n as well as bleet" ' "Try my tailor," said Sandy. "He*., got i very nice Uste in red tub?. You can u j - my name." An i'ic.-i struck me. "You'rp pretty wc-ll all ritcht now. If 1 wire for you, will ..i. observatitni po?t at the Lone Tree? disappointed. The Syrian army is as : T!:e swarming children strive and cry You forgot about the \vhoK' skin fanatical as the h,:i-,le* of I he Mahdi.,And one falls hurt, a puny thing thi-ii." Tin- Senussi have taken a hand in the Unmarked save by His pitying eye ft ' ;t m - vst ' lf K'' uill f ''"I- "Thiit'gaiiii-. The Persian Moslems are 1 Anil eager hands that rescue bring. 1 1 rs from I travelie 1 up to 1."?, -m in a rpgu- abaut Wimlili'dun In watery nun- stand fur tnulile." Sir V "I'm not i|iii'>tii your caution. RHEUMATISM have gat Ill-red \"ti in at our lust It ' KEEP WARM Small Square Oil Burner m my mind in the trenches." (.- ,"!; I | Hheumntism Treatment al' kitxV cf Kheumatimn, and rt w* fatl to etin.inate the pain it will not " ?, **< VV ar M ,1 itywnytWn.TVy.(lbtn. "'":-. ' il ^ 1 "' ' hiir " 1 - v - vinoed. No medicines. No . ' i w u!.i Mii.sti,,,, it ;;;,;;-,. 6 uml 7-rnomi"! ln>m9 he go darkly evermore? Father, let me give back his sight! Xot yet? Kven so then let It b. Hut sjieed tin- iluy for liim and me." Thus t ass HIP slow years one by one I IIT-I itli that lovely thatch of brown, u win i .1,1 \n\iif. simple to Till all the tender ;.i.-l.- are done as Hfth as yuur r-uraKe. 'What >x- rr;, 1 , 1 ,. 1 ; ^^^Si^K^Af 9 ^ Tliat Ut " le 6 " ualor " f e town, ind is whether il is IIM-I on UM-I!. KM-< n.-nt f'o- (he Summer lininr. \\IU-M- n quirk tcniporury fire Is \\ i, Hurner. .! o*-Hr-i ii ;i o.i i>r i,o< urner. : ,t ,<fi, I shl,,,,*rt ,-,,,,,pl. t . wlin mil Instruo- . "Th?y are |rofouiii!!y Udi,V IVpartment. 99 Kin, Sr W*t. ^ \^^ _ phone Adelaide 4043. Ofti.'.->. Tor..nt, ;..., r ,. ., , truy |, ll ii ( , t> - . (li.ns. xvilh Tiink. I'lpliiK and Hurner. -l. "iivn-tiPi In f'annrta or t.'.S.A.. on recslpt Vancouver. MOTHER! MOVE CHILD'S BOWELS "California Fig Syrup" is Child's Best Laxative you aontmand of 'i-c-i-nlly, if you- you will no doubt l:e a Briftailier. Ii is a wni|er-| fill war for youth anil I. rains. Bu't 1 take it you are in this. OU. BUKKM, P.O. Bos 615, Station F, Toronto, Can. Incarnate love more stronK timn death, The Christ fared forth from Nazart:li. (God help ue all In Nazareth). K'oaiior Duncan Wood In Youtbs' Companion. Mlnard's Liniment for Burnt A Staldt IM ^. to serve your country, llamny ?'" "1 reckon I am," I naiil. "I am certainly not in it for my health." He looked at my leR, where the i doctor.-) had ilun out tlu- slir.ipni'l fraunifiit"!, an:) sniilnl iiiii/./ii-ally. "J'ritty lit ji^iiin?" lie askvl. "Touffh ;is a iiJHinlxik. I thrive on ' tin- racket and fat and sleep like n schoolboy." Hi- not up ami .stood with his Iw.-k to tin- lire, his eyes .-hiring abstraet- e>i'ly < .tit of the win-low at the wintry |i::i k. "It if a great jraine. an 1 yun are the man for it, n iloiilit. Hut there ' re olli:-) who eiin play it, for sol- ( dit-riiur to-day --l;> for (lie iivi-ui^i rut hi r than the i-.xi-t-ption in human nature. It is like a lii miu-hinc whfe the pints are rttmilai'ili/.i >l. >'nu HIT AyhtinKi not liei-auni; yo;i are slier! of ,-i j--!i, l>nl liei-ausi 1 jiiu wnnl Id li<-lp KiiKliind. Mow if you could lu-l|i lier lictttr lli-\ii liy roiiiir.iindinx a bat- talion or n l>ri|iai!f or, if it come* Hint that, H division? How if there ! i a tliinx which ynu :iloiif c-an <lo? Not Collie tmbuK]iM bmjnen in an < Hi (-. ln:( ii thinjj i-ompured to which ; your t\gh( nt I.nos wax a SiinJ-.iy En n a >n-k .-iiil'l IIIVBS ihe "fnilty" <1ii'Kei'? Well, in tni? joli you wouli.l taste nf Callfuniltt Kig Hyruu." If Hie i n " 1 '"' 1htlng with an army aixiuii:) llltlfl tituiiiacli Is mi-it. loiiKim eon led ' y u - l>ut alone You re fon.l of or If your ehil.l n. ,.,**, feverish, full . taekln, l,e ? Well, 1 can K .ve of rold, or has .-olle, te.-iHpoonful w!l! y " ' ta ?- k whrh W1 " lry "" yol - lr utjvpr full to open :he howolii. In few [ hoiim you CHII ep for yonrgelf how llioniiiKhly It rk- Mil iln- i-i.ii ii|,.i (Ion (.-.-... your lillp ami wamo from and K!VHK you the lander, little H wnll. playful dill I Million.* of iiiiitlitM-.i 1. .-.[ '(iillfornla FlK Syrup" handy Tlu-y know a toH- l)0"tifiil inrtiiy HBVH a Hick clillil to- morrow. Ask your ilrugKlHl for genuine "Ccillforiiln Ki(5 Syrup" whli-h ha dl- r-i-!:iin.i for ImliU-R ; i-htlilren of all Ken priii fil mi liriiU'. Mollinr! Vou nint sity "Ctilif ii H" or you may get mi in,'! .; i n tig HUM My lio'arl was lififmniiiK to thuin|i uin'onifortalily. Sir Walter WHS not I the innii to pit ch H uui- tn.i liivh. "I HIII a soldier," I did, "n,'| iituler order*." "Tnu ; hut what I win about to pro- HAIBDRESSINC lo gel- thi Just mail M/s read " Iiwrstmcnt ms" regvihirly is to kctp in touch with every happening that affcrts the pricr of Government Municipal anil Corpora- tion Bcmla as well as Central br.^ine-ss condi- tions, commodity prices ami Stock mtckrt values. IK you are an iuvfstor you certainly o|A( to read it. Send us your name and addretis on this coupon now and we w-l'l send yovi the latent It-rue. No churge. i,rfel limil>ll*r <i|i|ilil-Hllllllot |,, f - \V|M)I|HK to Ifflrn Nil ln'itni h-s .- Mnii Oi'Ai*liiK alul I'-., i Cnlliivt*. i \tr.i|tlc-i or l'rt I'miiup!-. Ki|.eii Ii , I, ,,, - i ',11111111 Hi-luinl. ICuny li-rins. t\>lt HOAB TOB01TTO Royal Securities Corporation, Limited S8 King Street Weit, Toronto l'lenr He-id me "Inveslmont Iifms" anil other Utoraturc 104 Marriage Token. When B woman In Slam marries she blackens her teeth to denot her marriage state. A Marry Early In Sicily. j In Sicily a young woman is usually : married at the age of fifteen, that be- ' ir.g tlie legal age of marriage. Electric Fixtures AltK YOU IN THE MARKET FOR Electric Fixtures? If o. wo can save you mony. Write for our Special Sale CHtaiogue. Every Fl*tuj- a Rar- galn. Ajrent* wanted to handle our line*. EARLE ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. 1284 St. Ctalr Ave. Toronto, Ont HAIR TONICS Will poitivty prwrent Bald- Send stamped u>i-:r-. -,v ,t envelope. Wellson Specialty Company 17 CHICORA AVE. . TORONTO INVENTIONS " M<1 ttad forllitnf .r ..oll.-n. w.nt.l b r MBullC- tur*r&. I'orlunei ki>< bxn m>d< from >lmpl Ue>4. "riiMit Prodcllao" booklitoa rqiKii. HAROLD C. 8HIPMAN ft CO. PATENT rAIUll smitr OTTAWA. CANAD* Prevents chapped hands, cracked lips, chilblains. Makes your skta Oft, white ; clear and smooth. Try these Bakers' Raisin Pies save baking at home THERE are luscious rais- in pies just around thc corner, at your grocer's or a bake simp. Raknl to a turn a flaky crust filled \vitli tender, tPinptinK raisin:;, the rich juice forming a delicious sauce. Once try tlicsc pics master baken bake fresh daily in your city and \ou'll ncvei take the trouble aftrrward-s to make raisin pics at borne. C!et a pie now and let jimr ineii folks taste it. Made with tendfr. thin- A limed, niratv, seeded Sun-Maid Kaisins. Rai*ins furn!*-li 1560 of energi/inc nutiiinrnt per pound in practically predige^ed i'orm. Also a fine content of fond- iron good food fur the b!nod. I'se raiiius frequently, tiifre- fore, which are hold K >>.! n.-ij good for you, in pudding* rake*, cookies, etc. You may he offtieil other hranils ihiii \i>u know lr well tlian Su a- Mi, id*, hut the lii:,| you want is the kind ymi know i gol. Insist, tfitrrfore, n.-i t!un-Mn:d biantl. They co^t ti'i more than ordinary raisins. Mail coupon fur free Ivin't of tested Si: n -Maid rrripo. Learn hat you can iin *iih luscious raisin*. SUN-MAID RAISINS The Supreme Pie Raisin Sun-Maid Raisin Growers Mi.nb*-*!. t< J),OOO FRESNO, CALIFORNIA Blue Patlia.te r '' A\I)_SE\ i>j_ I Sun-Maid Raisin Crowcri, IUcpt. N531-7, Ftmio, C'alifornis. Pleae send me ropy of your t"rr Hi.,'<. I "Recipe with Kaisins." I NAME _ I STSEET j Cm- PRovixc* ... .

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