' . j WHY BACKS ACHE The Kidneys Seldom to Blame The Trouble Due to Blood Impurities. There Is morj nonsense talked about backache than any oti-er trouble. Some pople have been frightened Into the belief that every backache cleans i deadly kidney trouble. As a matter of j medical fact not one backache In twcn- 1 ty has anything to do with the kidneys. Most backaches come from sheer weakness and kidney drugs can't help] that. You iwed something to Improve' your blood and build you up, and that ; Is exactly what Dr. Williams' Pick j Pills will do. Some backaches are) really muscular rheumatism; some are | the symptoms of such ailments as in-j flueuza, indigestion, constipation and i liver troubles. In women most bsck- achos come froia any weakness or ir- regularity of the blood supply. To get rid of the trouble take a tonic like Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to enrich the blood and briug strength to aching backs and weak nerves. Mr. W. Prince, Levering. Ont., tells wtat these pills did for him. He says: ex. Lo,ng His Part. "Tha papers say there would be ao if people only had confidence in the bank:-!." "Well, I'm not worrying- -confidence is the only fling I ever had in a bank." Curious Camphor Ceremonies One of the most important indus- tries of Borneo i* mphor gathering, and many weird religious rites are con- r.pcterj with it. Camphor is obtained from the wood and leaves of the camphor tree, and ti'.: variety grown In Bornea is par- ticularly valuablp. Thn industry in en- tirely in the hands of native-:, for Eur- opeans confine their activities to rub- ber. The camphor i:< found on certain trees, cither in little crystula like rfiigar, or in inas=e?. These large pieces are not unlike the human fore- arm in phapo and size. Before the natives set out to Rather the camphor their villages are uncan- nily silent. The mi-n whu are to reap the harvest avoid oil of any kind, and PALMER HAS NOW DISCARDED CANE Can Get Around Like a Young Man Since Taking Tanlac, Says Hansel Citizen. "Tou don't often see a man as upry j ax I am at eventy-two," declared ' Thomas Palmer, Sr.. well-known retired far:nr of Hansel, Ont., while on a j visit in- London, Ont. "At the time I got Taolac I could j hardly wall; at al!, and hadn't been ; down town without my walking stick ' since last September. But last Thurs- day I went down town twice without ; it and got about as good as many a | younger man. 1 suffered terribly with j constipation tho last ten years, had no; "Cascarets" lOc j i For Sluggish Liver or Constipated Bowels Just So. When everything goe. crooke-i, And Inclined to rile. Don't kick, nor fuss, nor fidget, Just you smile! j appetite and was bothered a great deal when ti:ey set out take neither pins wjth my ki , lney , sometimes every! nor mirrors with them. joint , my bojy aehed , ^ ba ,, lv j While they are away from home rUQ down ' RI)d seWom a night , s they may eat or.ly certain foods, and | gi^p each man miwt consume a small por- j .. \ had Tanlaf ]ast gpr , ng jt WQu]d i lion of earth to ensure good luck. The | have sav(rf mo u)o!le) . for , Ux)k medl . gatherers speak in certain set phrases, | c ; ne two years w , tho ,, t any rellef to ' which form what is known as the holy | speak of " But T . u , iac anil th(J Tanlac | ccmphor language. J pn!s have put me m flue s .., ape and r i?r A i Tin/ ^iiif nnrw i 6tand ready to pra!;e il to the ;imit -" nLALIHY CnlLDKtN Taniac is for sa e by a11 good drug Clean your bowels! Feel fine! When you feel sick, dizzy, upset, when your head is dull or aohing, or your stomach Is sour or gassy, Just raka one or two Cascarets to reHeve constipation. No griping nicest laxa- tive-cathartic on earth for grown-ups and children. lOc a box. Taste like candy. AUTO SCHOOt ZDUCATIOKAl. ~\f ASTEU ATI mall. THE TYPEWRITER BT The tnui-h typeing; system taug+it In six lessens only 1 16.00. \VTiy pay more? Tyi.vwritlng School. 718 Baltimore Hldg.. I'hicago. HELP WANT1II> PEMAiB. HELP WANTED. WH REQUIRE! parties to knit men' 3 wool sucks for us at Immc, elthar with machine or by .hand. . Send stamp and addressed envplope for Infnrmntion. The Canadian Whnietate Distributing <., Dent, t. Orlllla, Ont BELTING FOR SALE BKI:TIX<1 Ob" M.I. KINDS. NKW Oil used, pulleys, saws, cable, hose, ftc., shipped subject to approval at low- est prices In Canada. York Beltlns Co., 116 York St., Toronto. Pig-s that arc washed put on a fifth more flesh than those that are left | dirty. Minard's Liniment for Neuralgia. In the end, the things that co-ant are the things you can't c-junt. "Periodically I suffered for about five ! It>s har(1 r learn the lesson - years with backache. If I caught cold | But learn il lf vou>d wm; it seemed to settle in my back, which ! whe l )e ,P le tease and P ester - pained me so badly that I could hardly turn over in bed. These attacks would last for a week or ten days. I tried many remedies but they did not drive away the trouble. About two years ago, while suffering from one of these attacks, a friend advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I followed Just You grin. i When someone tries to d- yon By taking more than half, Be patient, firm and pleasant; Just you laugh! ALWAYS SLEEP WELL : gists. Over 35 million bottles sold. But if you find you're stuffy, (Sometimes, of course, you will) his advice with the best of results, as | And cannot smile nor grin nor laugli, I have had no attack of the trouble since, and I feel sure that I am per- manently relieved." You can get these pills through any Just keep still ! Balfour's Modest Caddie. Lord Balfour was once playing golf dealer in medicine or by mail postpaid | on a strange course and had with him at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 ' a diminutive caddie who was very free from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., BrockviHe, Ont. with his advice as to distances, what clubs to use, and so forth. The states- man played the rounj with much suc- Silk furnishes the longest continu-; cess, and when he had holed his last ous fibre known. One cocoon has been shot the little man turned to him ad- known to yield nearly three-fo-urths miringly and, gazing at his tall frame, of a mile. Minard's Liniment for Rheumatism. said, "Eh, mon, if I had your legs, and ye had ma intellect, what a pair we'd make!" Surnames and Their Origin ELPHINSTONE * Racial Origin Scott! h. Source A locality. A great many Scottish family names are of Gaelic origin, particularly those . which have come out of the Highlands, where the blood is virtually all Gaelic. All Scots, however, are not Gaels. . The majority of Lowlandera and the populations of the southern and east- ern sections of Scotland are prlncipal- ly Teutonic in blood and show to-day as great a proportion of true Anglo . Saxon blcod as to be found in any part of England except the Yorkshire sec- tion (in the North). What we know to-day as the Scottish dialect Is not English spoken with a Gaelic accent. cated originally that the bearers of It had come from that place. HATCH Variations Hatcher. Hatchman. Racial Origin English. Source A locality. The noun "hatch," when it does not refer to the number of, birds hatched at a setting, U described to-day as a narrow line in engraving, or drawing, a door with an opening over It, a half- door, a door or opening by which de- scent is made from one deck of a ship to another. A weier is often referred to as a hatch. If the word had had these exact meanings in the medieval ages it is not likely that there would be so many but a tongue directly descended from > people to-day bearing the family name the Anglo-Saxon speech of the medic- 1 of Hatch; at least, the name would not val Lowlanders and Yorkshiremen, j have developed exactly along the lines and less influenced by the French of I it has. the Normans than is modern Knglish. Refer .to two of the present-day defl- Thr Highlander, except as he may pick ; nitions, a line in a drawing, or a half- ! up this dialect from the Low lander. | door. These meanings are closest to! will speak English with an accent of- ' and logical developments from the me- J ten indistinguishable to the ordinary dieval meaning, which was nothing The healthy child sleeps well and during its waking hours i never cross but always happy and laughing. It is only the sickly child that is cross and peevish. Mothers, if your children do i not sleep well; If they are cro=s and j cry a great deal, give them Baby's j Own Tablets and they will soon be i well and happy again. The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels, sweeten the stom- ach, banish constipation, colic and in- ! digestion and promote healthful sleep. They are absolutely guaranteed free from opiates and may be given to the new-born babe with perfect safety. ! They are sold by medicine dealers, or by mail at 25 cents a box from The | Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockvilie, Ont. Poison-Gas for Pests. Poifion-gas, the greatest horro- of modern warfare, has been put to many excellent uses in time of peace. It has been employed with the great- est success to get rid of both rats and mice. A heavy gas Is used which trickles down tie holes like water through a pipe. A lighter form of ga.s is turned on to flies when they seek their winter quar- ters in the cracks of ceilings and walls of warm rooms. The majority of flies die when winter comes in, but num- bers of dbem manage to exist through the cold weather, anxt It is they who produce the following siunmer's myri- ads of winged pests. If we could des- troy all the winter sleepers by means of gas, there would soon be very few Hies in the whole country. A third use for gas was found dur- ing the summer, when, whole tracts of fruit trees were being devou.-ed by swarms of caterpillars. Aeroplanes flying low above the tree-tops sprayed heavy gus upon them and the caterpillars dropped Jead in thousands. Earache ? Hot Minarrt's Liniment on cotton wcol brings quick re- lief for MLnard'a is King of Pain. Minard's Liniment The Family Medicine Crest. m m For the Kidneys Kidney troubles are frequently caused by badly digested food which overtaxes these organs to eliminate the irritantacidsformed. Help your stomach to properly digest the food by taking 15 to 30 drops of Extract of Roots, sold a* Mother Seigel's Curative Syrup, and your kidney disorder will promptly disappear. Get the genuine. 50c. and $ 1 .00 bottles. COARSE SALT LAND SALT Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS C. J. CLIFF TORONTO person from an Irish 'brognp." more or less than a. single bar across Elphlnstone is a place name of Scot- a woodland pathway as a sort of gate, tish Anglo-Saxon origin, being com- 1 under or over which a man might pass, pounded of "elfenne" or "falfanne" ihut the larger animals could not. It (ellln or fairy) and "stan" (stone). It was, in fact, a half-door or half-gate. IB the name of a barony, so called Natu rally such hatches were local from the nature of the peculiar flinty landmarks and a psrawn whose house stones there, supposed in Anglo-Saxon was near one of them might most na- mythology to havo been arrow tips *hot by the fairy folk. As a family name, of course, it indi- turally be referred to In many cases as "John atle Hatch," "John Hatcher" or "Jothn Hatchman." Supplied with every conceiv- able means of gratification, a human being aoou exhausts the pleasure of having things, but given right avenues to employ his energies, he never exhausts the pleasure of doing things. . . We fondly imagine that it is bet- ter to have things than do them an error carried to its natural height when acting under this mistake we seek to avoid work and look down upon the worker. Charlotte Perkins Oilman. Caprice. She U sitting in a corner With a book. Quaint as elder blossoms bending To the brook; So petite and so alluring In her nook Could I pierce that veil cf *ilenco With a look? Probably, but if she feH it And forsook P!ea.sn:i: p<>aee for love's udvi't'.rjn--- Con siiu cook? - Helen Fraz>-Bowor. A wholesome drink for cold weather Sold by Grocer's Everywhere in Sealed, Air-tight tins. A PIPING hot cup of Instant Postum meets the cold weather need for a comforting hot drink with no disagreeable after-effects. Both tea and coffee contain Caffeine, a drug, which often causes headache, nervousness and loss of sleep. Instant Postum is a pure and wholesome beverage made from roasted wheat. It contains no Caffeine, nor any other harmful ingredient whatsoever. TFoung and old alike can safely enjoy the delicious, full-bodied flavor and the healthful comfort of Instant Postum, at any time during the day or night. Just try it for awhile this winter, instead of tea or coffee, and notice the improvement in your health. ge:i, have also been discovered in metpors. Meteors, or shotting s-tars, are gen- erally believed to be parts of planets that have become detached, and science believes that life in some form exists on other heavenly bodies. There- fore, there seems to be no reason why serins cajiuot be transferred from one Vianet to another if they can survive the cold and the action of the light rays found in space. Instant Postum FOR HEALTH "There's a Reason -* Jvneroua ump/c tin of Jfttcnt PoHum will b Mn/, portM/d, for 4 In lamp*. Write; Canadian Postum Cereal Company, Limited 43 Front St., E., Toronto Factory: Windsor, Ontario No Slums In Nature. It has been found that the millions of strange fish and other live things which inhabit th bed of the Ofean live an existence of great orderliness. There is no confusion and no undue overcrowding. In fact, there are no slums in, Nature, aUhough in the deep- ,>st parts of the oo >;ui it is a world of eternal night, the darkness not. even relieve*! by the tltful gleams of phos- phorescent light. MONEY ORDERS. Pay your out-of-tmvn accounts by ' I Dominion Kxpre.-s Money Order. Five : Dollars costs three cents. :- Meteors That Gave Us Life? Were Uie first germs cf life brought to the earth by meteors? This interesting theory has been suggested by two French scientists. It was believed that no life could survive In the intense cold of space, which is probably nearly five fcundred degree* below zero. But it is thought now that under those conditions certain low forms of life might exist. Tht^y would not be killed but merely suspended. j Experiments have shown that some seeds survive in a temperature of four I hundred and twenty degrees below i zero. | Germs of life have, it is clalmpJ, ! been found in a number of meteorites which have at various limes fallen to the earth. These germs have been re- stored to life In the laboratory of MM. Gallppo and Souft'kind, the two sclents mentioned above. Certain forms of animal and vegetable life, to- geteer with traces of water and oxy- N33UE No. 3 '23, Flonvar Dor BemsdlM Book on DOG DISEASES and How to Fed Mailed Free to any is- Irers by the Author. St. Oly aiovar Co., tao. 129 Went 24th Street New York. U.S.A. STOMACH MISERY, GAS, INDIGESTION 'Tape's Diapepsin" Corrects Sour, Upset Stomachs at Once "i'ape's DLapepsm" l;i i;;e 4UiCKe.it, surest relief for indigestion, guees. flatulence. Heartburn, sourness, fer- mentation or stomach distress caused by acidity. A few tablets give almost immediate stcmacli relief. Correct your stcmacli and digestion now for a few cents. Druggists sell millions of packages. MRS, so vie HARDLY Let Cuticura Keep Your Skin Fresh and Young Daily use of the Scap keeps the skin smooth and clear, while touches of the Ointment now and then pre- vent little skin troubles becoming serious. Cuticura Talcum is ideal for powdering. $M2Sc. OUtBl25uJ50e. TtknZSc. Sold thronghouTthe Dominion. Canadian Depot: tja.ni. LiBilnl. 344 St. Pul Si.. W.. Mo>trl. licura Soap ihave* without mug. Teils How Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Restored Her Health River Desert, Que.' ' I used to have a severe pain in my side. I would be un- able to walk fast and could not stand for any length of time to do my ironing or washing, but I would have to lie down to get relief from the pain. I had this for about two years, then a friend told me to try Lydia E. Pink- ham 'a Vegetable Compound as she bad had good results. I certainly g- * good results from it, too, as the last time I had a sore side was last May and 1 have not had it since. I am also glad of having good nursing for my baby, and I think it is your medicine that helped me in this way. "Mrs. L. V". BUDGE, River Desert, Quebec. If you arc suffering from the tortures of a displacement, irregularities, back- ache, headaches, nervousness, or a pain in the side, you should lose no time in trying Lydia E. Pir.kham's Vegetable Compound. Lydia E. Pinkham's Private lext- Book upon " Ailments Peculiar to Wo- men ' 'will be sent you free upon reouest. Write for it to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Cobourg, Ontario. Thii book contains valuable information that every woman should know. Bruised 1-ease the pain! Apply Sloan's to sore spot. It increas- es circulation scatters congestion This ; reduces swelling and inflammation -the pain disappears! Sloan's Liniment "kills fain! in CJHMU Fuf rheumatism, bruises, strams. r :Chest colds ASPIRIN UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," \vhich contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain Handy <; Baycr" boxes of 12 tablets Also IjoHles of 24 and 100- -Drujigisu. Aspirin 10 th trade mark (rogtstored In fl ;inn In* nf PIIJ cr Mimifa. rtiro of Mono- cnllcociJcsltr of Sallcyllcaolcl. While It 1* wi-ll known t'rnt Vspm-i mean* Bayer manufacture, to asslHt tho public against Imiiatlnnp. thfl Tabk-ts >? Uaycr will b tainftJ with tliulr gvn^rul t-a-'.': raark. thi "J J n: er '