AnlMk They Do a Hundred Calories in About 9| . EAT a box of little raisins when ; J i you feel hungry, lazy, tired or faint. In about 9% seconds a hundred calories or more, of energizing nutri- ment will put you on your toes again. For Little Sun-Maids are 75% fruit sugar in practically predigested form levulose, the scientists call it. And levulose is real body fuel. Needing practically no digestion, it gets to work and revives you quick. Full of energy and iron both good and good for you. Just try a box. Little Sun-Maids "Between-Meal" Raisins 5c Everywhere SEEDLESS RAISINS! Had Your Iron Today? A Four-Mile Laugh. How they laughed, those Names You Know. miners, I if you took through a directory you when poor Mr. Kasuto carried the drill w jn find a most amazing number of for the first time! The story, a Mr. family names which are identical with Burke Burnett teMs it in the Wide those of familiar objects, elements, j World Magazine, ia perhaps as amus- seasons, animals, and Implements, and . irag a one as has ever come from the others which, though the spelling ia| diamond fields of South Africa. While slightly changed, are substantially we are laughing at the drill carrier, like them. however, we should not forget his March and May represent the courage and persistence. | months. Day is quite a common name, A Kimberley diamond mine, writes and one also finds Weeks, though not Mr. Burnett, was being worked in Week. Morrow, too, appears, terraces, so that everyone In the mine Dew, Frost, Snow, Cloud are all had a good view of all the workings, family names, as well as Storm, Gale One of a gang of raw Basutos who! and Rane. had just arrived was g^.ven a twenty-! The cardinal points of the compass foot drill and told to go to the top of ) East, West, North, South are all an incline in the centre of the mine represented; Moon, too, and and wait there until his boss came, i though not 'Sun. The native started off proudly, car- Many of the common colors furnish gfcoulders hurTgo" bad It was al! I could ONTARIO MAN SAYS IT KEPT HIM ON JOB "If I had not got T r-lac When I did I am sure I would have had to give up work," says John Atklneon, of May Avenue, Mount Hamilton, Ont, Che- doke Post Office, In relating his ex- perience with the medicine. "My kidney* bad bothered me for four years and I was seldom free from backache or rheumatic pains in my . right arm and shoulder. I was In such Starr, a bad fix when I started taking Tanlac that I could hardly go. My back and FATBWT ATTOMTBYB. * iiAiiiiiK \. ..i.oo, 0tr*et Toronto Kl*tf] nt Attorney* 8nd for trr ==_===7= AUTO SCHOOL 5 TO 110 PER DAY; MEN WANTED at once; city and prairies demand am.i,moblie mechanics and dri.i;ig. trao- tor operating tire vulcanizing, oxy- acetyleae weldio*. storaffa battery, electrical work. We teach these trade*, practical training, only few weefca r- quired; day-night classes. Write for free catalogue; big wages, at ady em- ployment. Hni>hlll Auto Ga Trmctor pnhoolH, 163 Klnit West. Toronto V1TE REQUIRE PARTIES TO KNIT ? for ua at home, either with ma- china or "by hand"; write for informa- tion: send postage. Th Canadian Whole* nit) Din Co.. Dept. A. OrlllU. Ont. TO* SALE. ORD lots. WOuD. SLAB WOOD. CAR Rld Bros.. Both well. Ontario. rying the drill on his shoulder as if it names. There are Black, White, Green, d o to get ou ,t o f bed !n th mornings were an assagai. Halfway up the in- Brown, Gray. Pink, and Scarlett. ! j would come nome h ' om wark 60 Ure(1 cline the drill came into contact with; A very considerable number of j i dreaded to move after I got settled a live wire some twelve feet from the names arise from the animal world. | down.. ground. Mr. Basuto of course got a! Examples are Bullock, Bull, Lamb.j "Before I go*. Tanlac I was thoroughly shock that sent him flying, and the' Kidd, Colt, Badger, Hogge, Hare discouraged, for I had tried most every drill was knocked out of his hand. I.Wolfe. You notice that in several of j medicine and kept, getting worse. But, | RFI TINO FOR SALE | flHOICB SILVER BLACK FOXBB. ^ pupa, adulu. Rld Bro., Bothwell. Ontario. never in my life saw a more startled i these the old spelling are preserved, native. When he picked himself up! Birds give us Wrenn, Heron, Crane, he stood looking at the drill; then he' Crowe and Lark. Bird itself is also walked all round it and glanced over| a not uncommon name, the side of the incline to see if the From plant life we gather such fellow vAto had hit him were hiding' names as Rose, Flower, Berry, Cotton, there. Finally he came slowly back 1 Rice, Gates, Bean, as well as Almond, toward the drill and regarded it sus- ' Oakes, Ashe, and Pine. We also have In about two weeks after I started on sfcape to where I could do a hard day's ' work and then come home and mix concrete and work about the house un- . . til dark. I have not had a sign of my piciously as it lay on the ground. By 'parts of plants, such as Root, Branch! old troubles since I took Tanlac. It that time virtually everyone in the and Twigg'e. gave me a better appetite and made mine was watching him. Haddock, Roach, Bass, and Crabbei me fel better all o-.*r. I don't seem to Gaining courage, the native crept come evidently from the fish creation;! tire any more and cau work Lard all up to the drill and, putting out his 'and Church, Temple, Tower and Ah- day and still feel floe. hand, touched it lightly. Finding that bey are from familiar buildings. it did not bite him or kick him, he Parts of buildings are represented picked it up and, glancing round by Wall, Post, Hall, Lock, Bolt and again, put it on his shoulder. He had several others. taken only one or two steps, however, ''< Many names are the same as those when the drill again touched the elec-iof household implements. We may. Oh, may I join the choir invisible! trie wire. Down went the implement quote Shears, Scales, Bell, Broome, Of those Immortatdead who live again for the second time, and round spun 'Mallet and Sickle*. Mr. Basuto. All work had ceased, and' Natural features of the landscape the whole mine was waiting to see provide Hrll, Pond, Field, Marsh, what he would do next. j Glenn, Dale, Brook, Rivers, Bank*, The native stared at the drill as if Meadows, Moore, Cliffe, Ridge and he expected to see ?t get up and at- others too numerous to mention. tack him; then, crouching low, he Countries provide F.nglarui, English, crept to the side of th incline to make Britain, Ireland, W< Ish (for Welch), sure once again that no one was hid- 1 Norman, French, and many othp<-s. BBLTINU Off \I,i. M-. : ..- .SJCW QB uted. pulleys. saws, cable, ho, ' ttc . shipped (ubjeet to approval at low* It wasn't long until Tanlac had me In *t prices in Canada. York B*iUo Co. I 115 York BC. Toronto. this medlclae I felt better and after the second bottle I picked up rapidly, i Surnames and Their Origin APPLEBY Racial Origin English. Source A locality. Appleby is one of thos family names whch ls< a stralgtit development from the uame of a place, and, of couree, in the first Instance its use as a surname was to Indicate that the person, bearing H had come from that locality, or was In some way connect- Mac- ed wMi it. Appleby ttie name of a Hen.ce, bailing poe*ible on the part of a feudal overlord to denote suzerainty, it was the sort at n&me that was adopted by peroone who had left that town and settled In other parts, for It would have been no CURTIN Variations Curtain, MacCurtin, Curtain, Jordan, Jourdan. Racial Origin Irish. Source A given name. At the outset it should be explained that the forms Jordan and Jourdan, when t'Jaey really are developments of the names m this group, represent merely arbitrary changes on the part ot the bearers from an Irish name to an English name that happened to town in i go un< j a bit Hke It. Such changes were made as a result of Eng- lish laws promulgated in Ireland at mrtaus times prohibiting the use of native nomenclature. There are two Gaelic sipelllngs of name from which group of d "tincUon to speak of a man as John J anglicized forme has developed. They of Appleby when he was surrounded j R re "O'Cuarttain" <nd "O'Cruitin," n also of Appleby. Some etymologists de-rived t',.e place name of Appleby from Anglo-Saxon sources, hohling that it is a sombina- ttoo of the words "apple" and "by," the latter meaning "town/' As a mat- ter of fact, however, the town was in exteteacc before Anglo-Saxon times, and was known to the Romans us "Abailaba," which probably was the Latin version of a British/ name. des.fen.tion of the clau was "Clann Crultin." But the list is practically enUless. ing there. Returning he picked up a good-sized rock as a weapon and ap- proached the drill on tiptoe. He stub- bed it with his foot; he rolled it over two or three times; then he stooped, glanced round and began slowly to pick it up. Finally he got it on his Good Health Maintained Through THE WAY TO BE WELL Rich, Red Blood. shoulder and, still looking suspiciously about him, started upward again. Everyone was now holding his! There are many men and women breath. There was not a sound in who, every few weeks, have spells of the whole mine. The native took on* weakness, during which time they are step forward and then, presumably to little better than Invalids; yet at other catch the fellow who had been hitting times they feel very well. Why does the drill, jumped suddenly round. As their health, fluctua.. so? he turned the drill touched the wire in the case of men worry and over- again! Mr. B^suto must have got an. strained nerves are usually respons- extra dose of current that time, for | ible for this state of unfitness and in- the drill flew over the side of the in- ability to face the aniieties of dally dine and the unfortunate native wa life. knocked flat on his back. Until then he had not spoken a As for women, her bock aches, she Is dizzy with sick headaches, and often word, but the howls and yells that he has stabbing pains in the side. The uttered as he sprang to his feet and only real health Is aU-the-y ear-round rushed headlong down the incline health; and the secret of It i~ ood, would have done credit to an imp. And red blood and plenty of it. One way the roar of laughter that went up to keep the blood In good condition Is from the mine a second or two later; to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. There was heard In the centre of the townj ' s scarcely a nook or corner In Canada four miles away! where someone will not be found wiio will tell you the benefit they have had through the us-- of these pills. And the reason is that through the im- proved condition f the blood they The Power of Love. Some time ago, a treveler in Cn- r __ , tral America became interested in a! strengthen and tone up the nerves of young negro and brought him North, j worried, enfeebled men and women, After transplanting him, the negro's, and at the same time have given new photograph was taken. It showed a vigor to pale, dallcat girla and thin very crude, rough individual, but ap- weedy boys. The va!ue of these pllla parently of great physical strength. ' in all run down condluons Is shown by Every thirty days, for six months 'the statement of Mrs. Lawrence . thereafter, the man had his negro pro- Brown, Walton. N.S.. who says: ^nl^'Th 7S21?2 theite * e Photographed, and at the end of "When I began taking Dr. Williams' given name- of he chieftain who found- that time placed the photographs side' Pink P"l I * in a weak, bloodless An if i n*x I MI i f Tn fi*i,l ct *- /,-,,:,., . > . Tonlac la cer- tainly great." Tanlac is sold by all good druggists , ^ The Choir Invisible. In minds made better by their pres- ence live In pulses stirred to generosity. In deeds of daring rectitude, to scorn Of miserable aims that end with self. In thoughts sublime that pierce the night like stars, And with their mild persistence urge man's search To vaster issues. So to live la heaven: To make umlying music in the world, Breathing as beauteous order that con- trols With growing sway the growing Hf of man. So we inherit that sweer parity For which we struggled, failed and agonized V.'lth widening retrospect ttat bred despair. Rebellious flesh that would not be sub- dued. A vicious parent shaming etill Its child. Poor, anxious penitence is quick dis- solved ; Its discords, quenched by meeting har- monies, Die in the large and charitable air : And all our rarer, better, truer self, That sobbed religiously in yearning song. That watched to ease Ui burden of tie world. Laboriously tracing what muet be And what may yet within be better saw edit, one- "Cruiiin FUe" or Cruitin the Poet." As neary as can be judged from available records, which are cer- by side to note the change which a a &d nervous condition, suffering from new, encouraging, stimulating en- a ^ Ule depressing symptoms that ac- vironment was working in him. company this run down state of health. .. 'M&V44414V.11V n l ,- V*WLI\lill I|l I HH I, "WwaMJ "^ ~ (VW W U VJ* fcU. tain as to genealogy but a bit vague The improvement was, indeed mar-! I had taken much medicine but it did ^^^^^^^.^"Mvelou, V could ,e'e ho? f not do 0,3 any good, and as I had 1100 or 1200 A.D. ed is au Corcomroe, A Labrador Pet Of my Labrador pets none, writes Capt. George Cartwrfght In the entry In his Labrador Journal for August 14, 1779, was so attractive as a deer that <>0 A.D. The clan he found- -, m . onth to mont h, kindness was regis- 1 famil >' of sma11 children, I was much offwhoot of the O'Conors of tering its softening, refining, spirit- 1 discouraged. Then reading about Dr. ualizing effects in the facial' expres- ' williams> pink pills ' dei;ide J to try sion of the rough, coarse neero. \t them> and l enn honestlv 8a y that I so little. It would start up When I the end of the "six months^one who feel these plllfi have saved me __ ____ ..... . ..,, have lain down on the bed, at a time j did not see the"'whoh?" ser'ies'"would Drolon 8 ci l misery. My health is now when It was lying on the floor, it would i scarcely recognize the face in the last gpodf and we DOW keep tne pillc ln tne start up every flve or sdx minutes and j photograph as one and the same as nouse for us * M a fanril >' medicine." _ ...... _____________ ........... <r ome to 6e * that ! wa s n ot one; and | that in the first. As a matter of fact You can get Dr ' Williams> Pfnl < Pi"s h*d ben captured when very young, i navln * lichwl my face or sucked my j it was not the same Love and kind' tbrough any dealer in m Iicine or by I took a walk round the Island, but \ neck ^*tawM* Httle, it would ness, the opening up of the mind bv mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for education and tri.inine had develop $2 ' 50 trom The Dr Wiuiams> -Medicine ^ eaw nothing. I was attended by my young deer, which is now perfectly tame, ami I s-hall now make some re- marks on those animals. Notwith- standing reindeer are naturally very wild and timorous, yet no creature is o soon so effectually tamed if taken young; but what they may be when caught afterwards I cannot tell. They oot only grow very bold, but also Rhow lle down a ain - at any a hog> and never til W Uld rUC man's soul and transformed Ws; Co " face into a new one. That i9 alwa >- s love>s Nothing , o . ng up to me in full speed. Sometimes I else has such power to lift the Kfc have diverted myself with stooping and beautify the personalty as love nnH nim.nfno' hm*>i nftoi. j *. t* \ r *t.j. and running both after and from it, whlcJi pleased it much; and It would do the same nnd frisk about fn the same manner as t have seen the wild Ont. *- great affection for suci men and dogs calves one arac>n K another; and I havn as they take a liking to and hare a ! likewis observed that when it is great spite against those wto affront fri 8'btened it erects its single, which at all other tlui&s hangs down. This deer of mine has had Its full liberty ever since the fourth day after tt was caught (except a few nights oouflnement U> th crib, lest the dogs should kill It when we were all asleep) but since that it has constantly lain out. It is not iu the least alarmed at ny noise, not even at th report of a 0un flred ek>s to It; but it is much terrified If any do run* after, or even vinity. Accordingly, our near It, and any running of the people saints are pictured with lu.--tiuitlT affrights It; but the moment All Is quiet, it is so too. It will oftin go Dp to H dx> and smell to him; It IA well fbcquaiiitod with all of mine and will B down by the. flre amonget them. I bellev* they scarcw ever tteep, for as much a* I have watched this I nver SAVED B,\BfS LIFE Mrs. Alfred Tranchemontagno, St. Michel des Saints, Que., writes: "Baby's Own Tablets are an excellent Where Women Mustn't Whistle. Numbers of things are taboo among Cornish fisher folk. No woman is al- lowc^l to whistle or bad luck will sure- ly follow. Taking a pasty to sea Is another in- vitation to disaster, white bread must be carried on board either iu slices or medicine. They saved my baby's life ** a whole Icaf ' A hal( - Ioa( ot brea<1 and I can highly recommend thorn to ln a flsllin K boat ste"'"^ that only A worthier image for the sanctuary And shaped It forth before th multi- tude. Divinely human raisin* worehp so To higher reverence mor* fixed with love That better eelf shall live till human Time Shall fold its eyelids, and tie human sky Be gathered like a ncroii within the tomb T'n read forever. This Is life to come Which martyred mi have glorious For us who strive to follow. reach That purest heaven, be to other souls The cup of strength In some great agony, Enkindle generous ardor, feed pur* love Be the sweet presence of a goo<I dif- fused. And in diffusion ever more Intense! So sihall I Join the choir Invisible. Whose music is the gladness of the world. George Elliott. Girl Who Smells Colors. Remarkable gifta are possessed by an English blind and deaf girl who, in spite of her afflictions, can detect sounds and distinguish colors. She can listen to a conversation by retting her fingers on the speaker's 1 throat, head, or chest. She can even "hear' 1 by holding a billiard cue one end of which is placed against the per- son talking. These feat.- are made possible by the fact that she has learr.ed to translate th/e vibrations caused by speech into words and sentences. By placing her fingers in the receiv- er she can conduct a telephone con- versation without difficulty. Her sense of smell has been de- veloped to an extraordinary degree. She tells the colors of objects by ameiiinp thm, and in the same man- ner she can describe the dresses her fellow-students are wearing. She can "read" books in big type and distinguish the value of note* by running her fingers over them. PETRIE'S MACHINERY TORONTO May I In Blisters. Itched and Burned. Cuticura Heals, " My nephew's face and hands were badly disfigured with eczema. He was only three weeks old when it broke out In blisters, and the skin wms tore and red. It caused itching, burning and loss of sleep, and the t hi ld was so worrisome. He could rest neither day nor 'I V7as advised to use Cuticnn Soap and 0: cut and after using three cakes of Soap and three boxes of Ointment he was entirely healed." (Signed) Miss Mary Worr, Young* Cove, New Brunswick. Make Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum your daily toilet preparations. . 1UJ. 14 at. Pun It., w . Mratra&L" wlierr. S.iim-X UnitmentSuid SOc. TaJmtn 2S. IPV** Cuticunt Soap ftb*T*s without mug. For Sore Throat, Cold in the Chest, Etc. no winter this winter I'Ulfl V "" II half the usual catch of flsh taken. will be rrn, u 1 I. J -A i_ ,"'^ * *--vimiiciiU LUL'lll IL> Tho halo had rts origin about twp!u mothers." Mrs. Tranchemon- thourand years airo. To guard against tagne's experience is that of thousands , the possibinty of rain staining the O f ot her mothers who have tested the! Aniraals are regarded with partlcu- marble faces vf their gods the Greeks, i worth of Uaby's Own Tablets' The lar Disfavor, and dogs and ca-fe must usd to protect thm with a large 1 Tablets are a sure and safe niedicine llot be meuti "nd when the uets arc metal plate placed o\vr the top of the, f or little ones and never fall to regu- i out head These were mistaken by paint- i a te the bowels and stomach, thus re- ens in later years for emblems of di-jn ev ing all the minor ills from which YARMOUTH, N. S. roiiM obwrvo, that it was Mtoep, gr kept Its eyes- clo*d more tban two comls nt a tin.n, and If I moved ever which we call a halo. MONEY ORDERS. When urdertug goods by mail send a Dominion Express Money Order. Christian! children suffer. They are sold by the ring medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Hrockville. Out. Five chapels in Ijondon are now used factories.* Mlnird's Liniment for Ocrget In Cow*. Wealth brings power, but what most people need i more control. For mining coal or quarrying rock without Wasting an Englishman has invented hydlraulkally operated tele- scoping rams to be inserted into the material to be removed, Ptldharde have been scarce in St. Ives By since the railway was built along Its shores, and fishermen believe that the engine whistle frightens the fish away. St. Ives people declare that HsUi are very "knowing." Wlien dog-fish we re- doing damage to the nets some fisher- men caught one. flogged it, and Tet tt go again to tell Its fellows what would happen 4f they did not clear out of the neighborhood. Minard's Liniment far Dlstompor, Asier'> :i- Pioneer Do? Semodloa Hook on DOG DISEASES .i'-.l Haw to Feed Mailed Frea to any Ad- ilreus by the Author. R. Olay Olover Co., Inc. 129 West !4th Street New York. U.S.A. COARSE SALT LAND SALT C. Bulk Carlota SALT WORKS J CLIFF - TORONTO V 4 dally trains via Ihe Sunta Fe. Pullmans via Griuid CtLnyon Park, aton to Southern Arliona. Fred Hurvfy ineaJs "all the way.** May I send you our picture Folders? r. T. Hondxy, O*n. Af*nt Santa Fe Hallway 4U4 Fra* Pr Bldg , Detroit, Mich. Flume Main 6847 Grand Canyon Line I ISSUE No. 52-~'22.