Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Dec 1922, p. 3

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WHY RHEUMATISM OFTEN COMES BACK The Usual Treatment Does Not Reach the Root of the Trouble. Most, treatments for rheumatism do DO more than aim to kep down the poison in the blood and enable nature to overcome that particular attack. Then when th system becomes run- down from any cause the disease again fete the upper hand and it all haa to bo done over. Sufferers from rheumatism who have found their condition unrelieved i or actually growing worse while using I other remedies, would do well to try Dr. Williams* Pink Pills. The tonic treatment with this medicine haa proved in thousands of cases that it builds up the blood to a point that en- ables It to caet out the rheumatic poisons through the regular channels Of excretion, the bowels, kidneys and the skin. When this Is done rheuma- tism Is banished, and as long at> the blood is kept pure and rtch the pat- lent will be immune from attack, i This is proved by the case of Mrs. J. Hewitt, Beach P.O., Hamilton, Ont, who says: "For a number of years I was troubled with muscular rheuma- tism, which caused me a great deal of suffering, I would get rid of the trouble for a time, but it always came back. A friend recommended Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I have not had an attack of rheumatism since I took t'r.'pm, and that is five years ago. I have since used the pills for anaemia and found them equally good, and I now recommend them to any friends who may be ailing." You can get these pills from any medicine dealer or by mail a/t 50 cents A box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont Surnames and Their Origin EYLER. Racial Origin English. Source A locality. This is a family name which appears as though it might have some optical significance. But though of pure An- glo-Saxon origin it has no connection with our modern word "eye." The word from which It IB derived is spelled somewhat differently to-day, which explains the difficulty. If the family name were spelled "Isler" you'd stand a better chance of guessing the origin, or perhaps if it wr spelled "Islander." Really, however, there was a shade of difference between the meaning of the medieval word "eyler" and the mordern word "islander." The former meant as much "waterman" aa "is- lander." According to geography an island is a section of land entirely sur- rounded by water. According to ety- mology, however, it is "water-land," a distinction, perhaps, without a differ- ence. In earlier days the Anglo-Sax- ons called water "ea," and later the spelling of this root or word developed Into "ey" (not, however, with a pro- nunciation like our word "ee," for in tboes days the "y," like the "i," was pronounced either as we to-day pro- nounce "ee" or the short "I."). Until comparatively modern times, therefore, this family name was not pronounced "Eye-ler," but "Ay-ler," rhyming with "sailor." STAPLES Variation Staple. Racial Origin English. Source A locality. Her* is a family name which has nothing to do with the article of hard- ware of the same name. It is founded rather, upon the same source aa our modern adjective "staple" which we used to denote a common article of commerce. What is the connection? ! It lies in the original meaning of th* word. A staple article is a common or usual article of trade. The phrase has come to have this meaning be- cause it meant originally a "market article," or a marketable article, and in the broad sense only an article in common demand is freely. marketable. In the medieval period in which family names were being formed, the "etaple" was an open market or trad- Ing place. It was quite natural, therefore, that a man who lived at or near such a | place should be referred to aa "John j De La (of the) Staple," or "William j at the Staple." And, as has happened j with virtually all of these descriptive | surnames as they have become family j names through the loss of their origin- 1 al specific meaning, these prefixes ' have been dropped In the course of 1 time. Here again is a case in which the addition of the "s" was but a tendency of tlie tongue, and did not represent a shortened form of the ending "son." The Bank of England was fouijded by a Scotsman who died in poverty. Mlnard' Liniment for Garget In Cow*. ; About 1,100 kinds of insects make their homes in oak trees. PETRIE'S MACHINERY TORONTO Where They Got Their Names. Quite a lot of geography can be learnt in a stroll round a dry goods shop, for many of the fabrics and ma- terials we use to-day get their names from the places where they were orig- inally made. For example, calico owes its name to Calicut, a town In India. In the days before Manchester was a great manufacturing centre most of the best calico came from Calicut, and even af- ter the Industry came to Britain the old name remained. India is also re- sponsible for muslin, which came or- iginally from a place called Mosul. Two textiles owe their names to France. These are cretonne and cam- bric, the first of which cam from the Normandy town of Creton, while the second is still manufactured at Cam- bral. How many people know that serge takes its name from China, whence it was Introduced Into England in 1660? The Latin name for China is Selicum. which gradually ho* changed into the modern word serge. GUARD THE CHILDREN FROM AUTUMN COLDS The> Pall Is th mos* severe season of the year for colds one day warm, the next cold and wet, and unless the mother is on her guard, the little ones are seized with colds that may hang on all winter. Baby's Own Tablets are mother's best friend in preventing or banishing colds. They act aa a gentle laxative, keeping the bowels and stomach free and sweet. An occasion- al dose of th Tablets will prevent colds, or If it does come on suddenly their prompt use will relieve thie baby. The Tablets are sold by medicine deal- ers or by mail at 25 cento a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. . e Three hundred years ago the popu- lation of London was only 150,000. A fraction of a grain of musk will cent a room for years, and the cur- ious thing about it is tht at the end of that time its weight is not dimin- ished by the smallest fraction. GETS HIM IN FINE SHAPE FOR WINTER "Tanlac built me up in flue shape last Spring, and now I am getting an- other bottle as a-tdnlc to keep me fit for the cold weather," declared Henry Duefenbacbi, 450 York St. Hamilton, Ont, recently. Mr. Duefenbach has been identified with the grocery busi- ness in Hamilton several years, and la very well known. "My stomach was troubling me for a long time and I got into a badly run- down condition," he said. "Almost everything I ate upset me terribly, and gas would form on my stomach and ; keep me miserable. My nerves were unstrung, too, and many a night I never got a bit of rest. "I was feeling simply all played out when I got my first bottle of Tanlac. but before I had finished it. the pains in my stomach went away entirely, my food began to agree witto me and I have never had indigestion since. With my nerves calm, my strength back and my appetite In fine shape, I expect to enjoy Christmas dinner and all the good things of the holidays aa I have not done for a long time. They can count on me to always give a good word for Tajulac." Tanlac is sold by all good druggists. MOTHER! Move Child's Bowels with "California Fig Syrup" Classified Advertisement* AOCVTS WAHTED. GENTS 160% I'HUJ-UT. SELL THU JT3. Alrnicter! The *lr control for Forda. I MaKM starting eauy; c>u running conts: I Increases efficiency. Quickly Installed without removing carouretor. Moderate price. Write for particulars now! Air- meter Manufacturing Company. Dept. H, 219 York St., Ottawa, Ont PATENT ATTOBXTEYS. RIDOUT & MAY BEE. KHNT IILDCK Yonge Street, Toronto, Reglxterad latent Attorneyi Send for frou booklet XT78HBOOMB. WASTE SPAt.'E IN CELLARS. ETC.. can be made yield $25 per wnek all winter, growing muehroomH for us. | Booklet for Btamp. Toronto Supply Co., Queen and .Spadlna. Toronto. FOB Sine. $ 1 2,000 IN PRIZES $ 1 2,000 Hcra'i TOUT opportunity to participate In thMe three biff cash prizes. We wish to pat THE ATHLETIC GUIDE, our new Sportinc Paper on the map aad it once. It would take us months and months to reach our circulation objective by ordinary eanTiuinc methods so we have decided to spend our money in a way whereby our own subscribers will isin an opportunity to participate in our expenditure which really makes our proposition a mutual one all the way round. To participate In this subscription campaicn yon simply Indicate on the coupon below whether in your estimstion the HOME TEAM will score MORE. LESS or THE SAME NUMBER of (oils than they scored In the corresponding game of last rear, by piscina 1 an "X" in the column provided in the coupon. Prizes will be awarded to subacriben as follows: The first prize to the subscriber who submits the highest correct entimate. The second prise to the subscriber who submits the second highest correct retitnate and the third priie to the subscriber who submits the third highest. Prim will be equally divided among subscribers whose estimated rank equally correct. 1st Prize $6500 2nd Prize $3500 3rd Prize $2000 RULES (1) All antries most be made on coupons provided for that purpose. (2) Any coupon which has been altered or mutilated will be disqualified. (3) In event of a tie, or ties, prizes will be divided equally between those tieinic, but should the necessity arise, the Auditor reserves the right to rearrange prize money so that the first prize winners will receive more than the second, and the aecund prize winners receive more than the third. (4) Matches on coupons incorrectly scheduled, or not com- menced, same will be struck off the coupon. In the event of a game being started, and then discontinued for any reason whatsoever, the score as registered at the time the game is terminated, will be accepted as being the same as a full game. (5) The Auditor reserves the right to disqualify any coupon for what, in his opinion, is a good and sufficient reason, and it is a distinct condition of entry that the Auditor 'a decision, shall be accepted as final and legally binding In all matters concerning this competition. No cor- respondence will be entered into or interviews granted. (6) In marking coupon, place cross in column provided; denote whether you think the HOME team will score MORE OOALS. LESS GOALS, or the SAME NUMBER OF GOALS as in the corresponding game of last year. (7) Should the score shown for last year's games lie incor- rect it will not affect any estimate us the figures will be taken as printed. (8) Entrants must enclose 25c with each coupon, which will entitle them to five weeks' subscripton to THE ATH- LETIC GUIDE, or $1, which entitles them to one extra entry coupon and twenty-five weeks' subscription. (9) No two prizes will be paid out in any one week to any one subscriber. (10) Employees of THE ATHLETIC GUIDE cannot compel.'. ill) Prizes are awarded on the results received by cablu on or before 9 a.m. Monday following date of matches. (12) No responsibility will be accepted by THE ATHLETIC GUIDE for the loss or non-delivery of any coupon. Proof of posting will not bo accepted as proof of de- livery or receipt. (13) Coupons received without name or address will be dis- qualified. (14) In coses of capital prize winners when the address is given aa "General Delivery" only, proof of identification will be required before mailing of capital prize. FOOTBALL COMPETITION ATHLETIC GUIDE PUBLISHING CO., 508 Dominion Bank Bldg., Vancouver, B.C. I enter this Football Competition with the understanding that I agree to abide by the published mlei governing same and to accept the Auditor's decision aa final and leg-ally binding. Twenty-flye cents enclosed for five weeks' subscription entitles me to one estimate: 50c. ten weeks and two estimates; Tie. fifteen weeks and three estimates; Sl.OO. twenty weeks and five estimates. NOTE Mark with an X in column provided whether you think the HOME team will score MORE, LESS or the SAME number of goals as In the corresponding game Nisi season. NAME.. ADDRESS - Mark with X in column provided. "M" is more : "L" is less : "S" is same. NO. 1 Games to be Played Dec. 23 Competition closes Midnight Dec. 22 HOME TEAM test Year's Score ewcastle TT2 Everton 2 I 1 Manchester C. 1 1 1 WJBromwich A.|2 I 1 West Ham. U. 2 Rotherham Go. 1 1 1 Hull City 2 I Southern! U. 1 1 Luton Town 1 Nelson 1 I 1 Hartlepools 17. St. Mirren TTT Purtrick T. Hibernians 2 I 1 Falkirk 1 ! Away Team Aston Villa Birmingham Cardiff C. Sunderland Wolverham'n Bury Blackpool Charlton Ath. Portsmouth Darlington Lincoln City Motherwell Raith Rovers Morton Dundee Coupon No. 1 M 1 8 Coupon Ho. 2 1 S Coupon NO. 3 LS Coupon Ho. 4 E i S Coupon Wo. S K X. 8 Testing Coal for a Queen, In olden days the Lord Mayor of London was onof the Sovereign's most trusted henchmen, and at times many strange duties have fallen to his lot. One of the quaintest was devised by Queen Elizabeth. Until her reign coal was almost un- known In the South of England, though sea coal was gathered regular- ly from the shore and used In th North. One day a Northumbrian subject sent her a consignment of coal Tte Queen saw it burn on the hearth and enjoyed it pleasant glow. "Can it be used for cooking?" she asked. She was assured that it could. But she was a cautious person. She sent a quantity to toer Lord Mayor, ordering him to us it for cooking hia own dinner and to report to her whether food treated in this way waa fit for human consumption. Not until the Lord Mayor had re- ported ttiat he had eaten and survived would she have coal u -,'<! In the royal kitchen. Even a cross, feverish, bilious, or j constipated chiild loves the "fruity" taste of "California Fig Syrup." A tea- : spoonful never fails to cleanse the ' liver and bowels. In a few hours you can se for yourself how thoroughly it works all the sour bile, and undigested food out of the bowels and you have a well, playful chiild again. Millions of mothers keep "California Fig Syrup" handy. They know a tea- spoonful to-day saves a sick child to- morrow. Ask your druggist for genu- ine "California Fig Syrup" which has directions for babies and children of | all ages printed on bott'.e. Mother! You must say "California" or you may get an imitaticn fig syrup. \ r AilX WONDERFUL VALUES AND colors, samples free Georgetown Woollen Mills. Ont. BELTIMS FORlALT BEI.TINO Of AJ-L KINDS, NEW oft used, pulleys, saws, cable, hono, etc., shipped subject to approval at low est prices In Canada. York BiUtlng Co.. 115 York St.. Toronto. Radium is 170,000 times more valu- able t'han gold. SALESMEN We pay weekly and offer steady employment selling our complete and exclusive lines of whole-root, frosh- duf-to-order treea and plant*. Best took and service. W ttach and quip you free. A money-making opportunity. XiOka BrotlMCD* Hnraeries, Montreal MONEY ORDERS. Send a Dominion Express Money Order. They are payable everywhere. The Gentle Hint. An American editor hit upon the fol- ! lowing Ingenious method of jogging the memories of delinquent subscribers to his paper: "There i$ a little matter tfcat $ome of our $iib$criber$ have $emingly for- gotten entirely. $ome of them have made u$ many promi$e$, but have not kept them. To u$ it i$ a very Import- ant matter lt'$ nece$$ary In OUT bu$ine$$. We are very mode$t and don't like to )peaK about Juch rum !.*.>- ue$$." There are more than 300 railway stations within twelve milts of St. Paul's Cathedral, London. At the age of fifteen years a dog is mere decrepit ti-an a man of eighty. "Cascarets" lOc i For Sluggish Liver or Constipated Bowels Clv;au your -owuis. Feel nuu: When, you feel sick, dizzy, upset, when your head i8 duil or aching, or your stomach Is sour or gassy, just j take one or two Cascarets to rj!:eve j constipation. No griping nicest laxa- j tive-cathartfc on eartt for growr-ups | and children. lOc a 'jox. Taste like candy. FOR RHEUMATISM 'Lumbago. Neuralski, rr any other ;mln, ' i'l'Ply iliiiard'H Ltnliiu-nl in the aching . ;' t'liiul get <iulek rcll-.'f. .Mlnnrd's Is the ipmedy your grandmother used. There ''' FO H s'.'\ i k KV Kit v \v in-::- K. COARSE SALT LAND SALT Bulk Carlots TOFVJNTO GALT 'WORKS C. J. CLIFT - TORONTO Human* education is the training that leads people, young and old, to ; increased consideration for all ani- i mafe and kindness to them as weil as ' to human beings. Minard's Liniment for Distemper. Lions and tigers are too weak in '.ung power to run more than half a mile. STOMACH MISERY, GAS, INDIGESTION "Rape's Diapepsin" Corrects Sour, Upset Stomachs at Once Book on DOG DISEASES and How to &IaU*d Fret to any Art- ircrn by tho Author. X. Clap (KOTO**. 129 Went 84th Strcit Nw Tort. U.S.A. ISSUE No. S3 '22. How to Purify the Blood "Fifteen to thirty drops of Extract of Root, communly called Mather Scigcl's Curative Syrup, may be taken in water with meals and at bedtime, for indigestion, consti- pation and bad blood. Persist- ence in this treatment will give permanent relief in nearly every case." Get the genuine at druggists, 50c.and $ 1 .00 bottles. 4 i. ... .. - , "Pape's IJmpepsin" is the quickest, surest relief for indigestion, gasea, flatulence, heartburn, sourness, fer- mentation or stomach distress caused by acidity. A few tablets give almcst immediate stomach relief. Correct your stomach and digestion now for a few cervts. Druggists sell millions at packages. NURSE THINKS NOTHING BETTER Lyciia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound Advised for all Women in Poor Health Itched and Burned. Face Disfigured. CaticuraHeak "Large, red pimples were scattered all over my face. They festered and itched and burned so that I scratched them. The pimples were so large that I was ashamed to go among .- v friends. I would lie awake half ils* night, and my face was awfully dis- figured. "A friend advised me to try Cuti- cura Soap and Ointment. After using them for some tim; the pimples be- gan to disappear, and when I had used three cakes of Soap and two boxes of Ointment I wa healed." (Signed) Harry Feinstein, 36Pequot St., Hartford, Ccnn., May 12, 1921. Use Cuticura for all toilet purposes. SMipl.Bchri>.iiyM.n. AddrtM: "lyni,Llm. tut. J St. fiml It, W , Montr4l." Sold I-.TV. wbarc. Sop2Sc. Ointment'^ and We. Tajeumle. iticura Soap shave* without muv. Toronto, Ontario. "I took Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for years and It is the only patent medicine I ever recommend. I am a nurse and if I find a woman is in poor health 1 always tell her to taka It Although you know that doctors and nurses do not use patent med& cines I must say that I think thera is nothing better than your Vegetabla Compound. When I first took 10 many years ago, I was so tired when I got up in the morning that I could not eat, and when I went to oed L was too tired to Hleep. My mother- in-law told me that Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound was jusl what I wanted so I tried it and only took two bottles when I felt better: Since then I have found that thera is nothing that makes m- feel sa well, for it seems to build my system right up. I don't know any other medicine that has done so much for women." Mits. W. H. PAIIKEB, 19 Wellesley Ave., Toronto, Ontario. Women testify again and again that they have been helped by Lydia> E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound "after other medicines have failed." It has been tried for nearly fifty years and not found wanting. If you are suffering from any of the various ailments which accom- pany female weakness try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all - Accept o:>.ly .-.;i "iinfoiokon package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" whieb conli'.ir.s d : ro:'Jons rn.i dose worked out by pl-.yslciar.s during 22 y>:ars and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago I'.un, Pain Handv "Davor" boxes of 12 tal)bts Also bottles of 21 and 10)- -Druggists. mnrU stTiMl In Oann<l.i> <'T Pn - While It Is wnll kn.iwn M-mifm tur-> ->f nm l-.jy ATl-ln 13 th t iiiaiiiif>'luro to aa* 'Ci tli" puh!!r tic-lint Imltailfti .. Hi TiiM. '.3 of k'nyor Company will be ilainpuU with Uielr BfD'.-ral tradu mark, tlio "Biiyor CIUM." *

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